Nclex Diseases

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  • Words: 1,967
  • Pages: 6
Disorders: musculoskeletal, digestive, cardiovascular, neurolotical Term

Esophageal atresia Congenital pyloric stenosis

Chronic gastritis

Oral candidiasis

Alzheimer's disease

Huntinton's disease

Amyotrphic laterl sclerosis

Parkinsons' disease

Peptic Ulcer Disease

Ulcerative colitis

Meaning (congenital) a developmental factor which the upper & lower esophageal segments (LES) are separated; the upper section ends in a blind pouch; usually a connecting fistual from one segment to trachea may be developmental in infants, or acquired later in life, usually b/c of fibrous scar tissue; the pyloric muscle is hypertrophied & can be palpated as a hard mass in the abd. "inflammation in the stomach"; atrophy of the mucosa of stomach, w/loss of secretory glands; seen in indviduals w/PUD, alcohol abuse, and aging; Also Autoimmune disorders are associated; loss of parietal cells leads to achlorhydria & lack of Vit B-12 a common fungal infection that occurs in people who have taken broad spectrum atibiotics, cancer chemotherapy, or glucocorticoids & in those who have diabetes or are immunosuppressed; may appear as red, swollen and white curdlike material on mucosa common form of demetia' changes in progressive cortical atrophy, which leads to dilated ventricles * widening of sulci, particularily in parietal & frontal lobes; deficit of ACh occurs an inherited disorder that does not manifest until midlife: maternal inheritance delays onset longer than inheritance from fathers. Progressive atrophy of the brain occurs. w/degeneration of neurons: depletion of GABA, ACh "Lou Gehrig's disease" amyotrophic=muscle wasying,; sclerosis=degenerative hardening of lateral corticospinal tracts; affects upper motor neurons in cerebral cortex & lower motor neurons in brainstem & spinal cord. s/s spastic paralysis, hyperreflexia, dysfuntion of extrapyramidal motor system occurs b/c or pregressive degenerative changes in basla nuclei; decreased # of neurons secrete dopamine leading to an imbalance b/t excitation & inhibition of basal nuclei: s/s tremors, facial/ocular "PUD" occurs primarily proximal deodenum, also stomach antrum and lower esophagus; usually appears as cavity penetrating sub-mucosa. Ulcers can penetrate and perforate mucosal wall. inflammation commences in the rectum & progresses thru colon.; Inflammed Mucosa becomes edematous/friable and ulcerations develops. Vascular granulation tissue forms and easily bleeds; large

coalesce areas become denuded.

Cirrhosis of the liver

Thrombus formation


Acute pancreatitis

Esophageal varices

Crohn's disease

Multiple sclerosis

Duchenne's muscular dystrophy

Ankylosing spondylitis

Rheumatoid arthritis


a condition demonstrating extensive diffuse fibrosis loss of lobular organization; regenerated hepatocyte nodules may be present; progressive disorder leading to liver failure; Pathophysiologic effects evolve loss of liver cell functions may form spontaneously usually b/c of stasis of blood or increased coagulabitlity of blood, or clot may from over an inflamed vein; Common in legs or pelvis. Piece of thrombus may break aways, an embolus to the heart of lungs (PE). Infection from a group of viruses that target the hepatocytes: these include: hepatitis A (HAV ), HBV, HCV, HDV, & HEV. Liver cells are damaged by direct action of the virus or by cell-mediated immune responses to the virus. Liver necrosis results Inflammation of pancreas resulting from autodigestion of tissues; acute or chronic; autodigestion follow premature activiation of pancreatic proenzymes w/in the pancreas; (trypsin, proteases amylase & lipase); Massive Inflammation process caused from being connected w/gastric veins & cirrhosis of the liver increasing the pressure of blood that extends into the esophageal veins, creating large distended & distorted veins near the mucosal surface of the esophagus; Complication hemorrhage affects digestive tract, frequently small intestines. inflammation occurs (skip lesions) with affected segments clearly separated by normal tissue. Mucosal inflammation leads to ulcers that tend to coalesce to form fissures; Obstucts intrinsic factor progressive neuron demyelination (brain, spinal cord, & cranial nerves) affects all types of nerves throughout NS; MS is marged by remission/exacerbation until neural degeneration is irreversible `X-linked recessive (only males); a metabolic defect, a deficit of dystrophin, a muscle cell membrane protein, leads to degeneration/necrosis of cell; skeletal muscle fiberas are replaced by fat/fibrous connective tissue; muscle funtions is lost vertebral joints first become inflamed; fibrosis, calcificatin or fusion of joints follow; the result is ankylosis or fixation of the joints. Inflammtion begins in the lower back (sacrial joint) progresses up the spince, causing a "poker back" autoimmune disorder causing chronic systemic inflammaroty disease; remissions/exacerbations lead to progressive joint damage. Rheumatoid factor (RF) is an antibody against I-Gh that is present in blood. Mobility is impaired common in men (> 40 yo) joint disease; results from deposits of uric acid (waste) & urate crystals in the joint developing acute inflammatory response. Gout affects a single joint; articular cartilage

is damaged; Cholelithiasis Osteocytes Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Stem cells

the formation of gallstones (solid masses/calculi bile formation); Larger stones obstruct bile flow causing pain; inflammation /infection in the biliary may provide exaccerbate stone formation. mature bone cells (osteoblasts) tha lie b/t rings of matrix in spaces called lacunae. new bone forming cells reabsorbs & removes old & damaged bone cells a basic cell that may divide to give rise to a variety of specialized cells.

Hepatits A (infectious)

affects kids & young adults through fecal-oral & sexual contact (contamiated water & homosexual partners). Incubation pd of 2-6 wks.

Hepatitis B (serum)

insidious onsetl thr blood & sexual contact that worsens w/age: double-stranded DNA virus; has 3 antigens; incubation pd or 2 months

insidious onset in adults thru blood & parenteral routes; most common Hepatits C (non-A, nonfrom blood transfusions; single stranded RNA virus; incuation pd of 2 B) wks-6 mths (usually 9 wks) acute fecal-oral route: may be sever; single stranded RNA virus; Heptitis E similar to type A; common in Africa & Asia w/high mortality rate in pregnat women; incubation pd is 2-9 wks. direct exposure; incubation days to months; can be acute or chronic; Toxic Hepatits caused by hepatotoxins Hepatitis Chronic nonautoimmune; idiopathic; chronic; unknown incubation pd. infectious pressure-sensitive nerve endings tha detect changes in blood pressure Baroreceptors & alerts cardiac system. Located inwalls or aortic arch, atria of hearts, and carotid sinuses. the stretch of ventricular muscle fiber @ the end of diastole; Cardiac Cardia preload output increases; reflected by ventricular pressure & volume @ the part of the cardiace cycle. Glycogenosis the synthesis of glycogen from glucose abnormal condiditon characterized by inability of a muscle to relax. Achalasia particularly the LES developmental defect of CNS in which hernial sac containing a porton of spinal cord, its meninges, & cerebrospinal fluid protures thru a Myelomeningocele congenital cleft in the vertebral column; caused by failure of neural tube to close during embryonic development Steatorrhea fatty, bulky stool resulting from malabsorption secretes gastrin when food enters the stomach & stimulates parietal & Gastrin cells cheif cells

Mucous cells Parietal cells Cheif cells Pancreatic exocrine secretions Pancreatic endocrine secretions Lab values- Uric acid Lab values - Bilirubin Lab values - AST Lab values- ALT Peptic Ulcer Disese (Predisposing factors) Chron;s disease (Predisposing factors) Cholelithiasis Predisposing factors Acute gastritis - signs and symptoms Chronic gastritis - signs and symptioms Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) - signs and symptoms

secretes gastrin in pyloric antrum; secretes mucous secrestes hydrochloric acid (Hcl) and produces intrinsic factor; located in fundus secrete pesinogen; located in fundus secrete digestive enzymes, electrolytes & water into tiny ducts & secrest hormones secretin & cholecystokinin. secrete glucagon & indulin 2-6 mg/dl direst = max 0.3 mg/dl; indirect = 0.1 - 1.0 mg/dl 8 - 20 U/L (males); 81 - 40 U/L (females) 98 - 251 U/L (males); 81 - 312 U/L in females Male; live in western countrym familial incidence of duodenal ulcers, stress & anxiety, trauma, aging & blood group O. prevalent in adults 20-4-; runs in family; immune disorders; infections; allergies; obstructions Female. obesity, high calories & high cholesterol diet, increased infections; allergies; obstructions anorexia, N/V, hematemesis, epigastic pain, cramps, fever, HA, diarrhea milds epigastric discomfort, anorexia or inolerance for certain foods; increase risk for peptic ulcers & gastric carcinoma epigastric vurning or aching pain; heartburn, N/V, weight loss or gain

severe waves of pain on RUQ or epigastric area sometimes radiating to Cholecystitis - signs and back & right shoulder, N/V, jaundice, belching, & bloating, clay symptoms colored stoolds, chills, fever, light-headedness severe epigastric or abd. pain radiating to the back, signs of shcok-low Acute pancreatitis - signs BP, pallor & sweating, rapid, weak pulse-hemorrhage, low-grade and symptoms fever; abd distention, & decreased bowel sounds periumbilical pain, N/V, pain in RLQ of abdomen * tenderness, after Appendicitis - signs and rupture pain is relieved, then pain recurs as steady & sever, low-grade symptoms fever, leukocytosis (rigid board-like abd, tachycardia & hypotnesion=peritonitis) Digestion - Mouth mastication of food; adds saliva for digestion Digestion - Esophagus swallowing ood; carries bolus to stomach mixes food & dilutes chime; gastric secretions; digests protein, adds Digestion - Stomach intrinsic factor & acids; holds food bile emulsifies fat; pancreatic secretions; intestinal secretions, which Digestion - Small digest fat, protein & carbs; absorbs nutrients; most digetion t akes Intestine place.

Digestion - Colon Digestion - Rectum

absorbes water & electrolyes storage until defecation carb metabolism; filter/detoxifies blood; removes amonia= urea, Accessory Glands/organs produces plasms protein, nonessential amino acids & VIt. A; stores - Liver nutrients; produces bile; convert glucose-glycogen (muscle fuel storage); stores fat & converts excess sugar to fat Accessory Glands/organs store & concentrate bile produced liver - Gallbladder secretes 1000 mL of digestive enzymes daily; releases 2 hormones Accessory (secretin & cholecystokinin); secretes glucagon & insulin. Contain Glands/Organs both endocrine and exocrine glands involves skin breakage; bone frgments may be angles & protude thru Open( Compound) skin; more damage to soft tissue, including blood vessels & nerves; fracture higher risk for infection Closed fracture skin is not broken Complete fracture bone is broken to form tow or more seperate pieces Incomplete fracture bone is only partially broken common in softer bones in kids; shaft of bone is bent, teraing the Greenstick fracture cortical (outer layer) bone on one side but not extending all the way through. Simple fracture single break in bone & bone ends maintain alignment & position Comminuted fracture bone is crushed or collapsed into tiny pieces; common in certebraie Impacted fracture one end of bone is forced into another bone results from weakness in bone structure d/t condition; spontaneous Pathololgic fracture fracture w/very little sress to the bone. Stress (fatigue) fractures results from repeated excessive stress; common n tivia, femur & 2nd or 3rd metatarslas. Depressed fracture broken section of skull forced inward of brain Transverse fracture a fraction across the bone Linear fracture break along axis of bone Oblique fracture one at the angle to the diaphysis of the bone Spiral fracture break that angles around the bone; twisting injury Colles' fracture a break in distal radius at wrist, sometimes ulnar is damaged. fracture of lower fibula d/t excessive stress on ankle; tibia may be Pott's fracture damaged.

Diseases of Respitory Question


pneumothorax pleurisy pleural effusion mesothelioma tuberculosis sarcoidosis pulmonary fibrosis pulmonary embolism pulmonary edema pulmonary abscess pneumonia pneumoconiosis emphysema atelectasis cystic fibrosis chronic bronchitis bronchogenic carcinoma bronchiectasis asthma pertussis epistaxis diptheria croup wheezes stridor sputum rales pleural rub percussion asculation

collection of air in the pleural space inflammation of pleura abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pleural space rare malignant tumor arising in the pleura infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis chronic inflammatory disease in which small nodules develop in lung formation of scar tissue clot or other material lodges in vessels in lung swelling and fluid in air sacs large collection of pus in lungs acute inflammation of alveoli caused by dust in lungs hyperinfection of air sacs incomplete expansion of alveoli inherited disorder of exocrine glands inflammation of bronchi cancerous tumors arising from bronchus chronic dilation of bronchus chronic inflammatory disorder bacterial infection of the pharynx nosebleed acute infection of the throat acute viral infection in infants and children whistling sound high pitched noisy sound made on inspiration material expelled when coughing abnormal crackling sounds scratchy sound tapping on a surface listening to sounds

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