Nave's Topical Bible, Miracles

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,389
  • Pages: 6

3387 MIRACLES -CATALOGUE OF .Creation of the world GE 1 .The great flood GE 7; 8 .The confusion of languages GE 11:1-9 .The fire on Abraham's sacrifice GE 15:17 .The conception of Isaac GE 17:17; 18:12; 21:2 .The destruction of Sodom GE 19 .Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt GE 19:26 .The closing of the wombs of Abimelech's household GE 20:17,18 .The opening of Hagar's eyes GE 21:19 .The conception of Jacob and Esau GE 25:21 .The opening of Rachel's womb GE 30:22 .The flaming bush EX 3:2 .The transformation of Moses' rod into a serpent EX 4:3,4,30; 7:10,12 .Moses' leprosy EX 4:6,7,30 .The plagues in Egypt NU 16:46-50 .See PLAGUES ‾ 3892 .The pillar of cloud and fire EX 13:21,22; 14:19,20 .Passage through the Red Sea EX 14:22 .The destruction of Pharaoh and his army EX 14:23-30 .Sweetening the waters of Marah EX 15:25 .Manna EX 16:4-31 .Quails EX 16:13 .The defeat of Amalek EX 17:9-13 .The transfiguration of the face of Moses EX 34:29-35 .Water from the rock EX 17:5,7 Page 1

Nave's Topical Bible, MIRACLES .Thundering and lightning on Mount Sinai EX 19:16-20; 24:10,15-17; DE 4:33 .Miriam's leprosy NU 12:10-15 .Judgment by fire NU 11:1-3 .The destruction of Korah NU 16:31-35; DE 11:6,7 .The plague NU 16:46-50 .Aaron's rod buds NU 17:1-9 .Water from the rock in Kadesh NU 20:8-11 .The scourge of serpents NU 21:6-9 .The destruction of Nadab and Abihu LE 10:1,2 .Balaam's donkey speaks NU 22:23-30 .The preservation of Moses DE 34:7 .The Jordan River divided JOS 3:14-17; 4:16-18 .The fall of Jericho JOS 6:20 .The Midianites destroyed JUD 7:16-22 .Hailstones on the confederated kings JOS 10:11 .The sun and the moon stand still JOS 10:12-14 .Dew on Gideon's fleece JUD 6:37-40 .Samson's strength JUD 14:6; 16:3,29,30 .Samson supplied with water JUD 15:19 .The falling of the god Dagon 1SA 5:1-4 .Even nursing cows return the ark of the covenant (walking away from their calves) 1SA 6:7-14 .The plague of hemorrhoids on the Philistines 1SA 5:9-12; 6:1-18 .The destruction of the people of Beth-shemesh 1SA 6:19,20 .Thunder 1SA 12:16-18 .The death of Uzzah 2SA 6:1-8 .The plague in Israel 1CH 21:14-26 .Fire on the sacrifices .Of Aaron LE 9:24 .Of Gideon JUD 6:21 .Of Manoah JUD 13:19,20 .Of Solomon 2CH 7:1 .Of Elijah Page 2

Nave's Topical Bible, MIRACLES 1KI 18:38 .Jeroboam's hand withered 1KI 13:3-6 .The appearance of blood 2KI 3:20-22 .The panic of the Syrians 2KI 7:6,7 .Elijah .Is fed by ravens 1KI 17:6 .Is fed by an angel 1KI 19:1-8 .Increases the widow's meal and oil 1KI 17:9-16; LU 4:26 .Raises the widow's son 1KI 17:17-24 .Rain in answer to Elijah's prayer 1KI 18:41-45 .Brings fire down upon Ahaziah's army 2KI 1:10-12 .Divides the Jordan River 2KI 2:8 .Is transported to the heavens 2KI 2:11 .Elisha .Divides the Jordan River 2KI 2:14 .Sweetens the waters of Jericho 2KI 2:19-22 .Increases a widow's supply of oil 2KI 4:1-7 .Raises the Shunammite woman's child 2KI 4:18-37 .Renders the poisoned stew harmless 2KI 4:38-41 .Feeds one-hundred men 2KI 4:42-44 .Cures Naaman 2KI 5:1-19 .Strikes down Gehazi with leprosy 2KI 5:26,27 .Causes the ax to float 2KI 6:6 .Reveals the counsel of the king of Syria 2KI 6:12 .Causes the eyes of his servant to be opened 2KI 6:17 .Strikes the army of the king of Syria with blindness 2KI 6:18 .The dead man was restored to life 2KI 13:21 .The destruction of Sennacherib's army 2KI 19:35; ISA 37:36 .Return of the shadow on the sun dial 2KI 20:9-11 .Hezekiah's cure ISA 38:21 .The deliverance .Of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego DA 3:23-27 .Of Daniel DA 6:22 .The sea was calmed when Jonah was thrown into it Page 3

Nave's Topical Bible, MIRACLES JON 1:15 .Jonah in the belly of the great fish JON 1:17; 2:10 .Jonah's gourd JON 4:6,7 .The conception by Elizabeth LU 1:18,24,25 .The incarnation of Jesus MT 1:18-25; LU 1:26-80 .The appearance of the star over Bethlehem MT 2:1-9 .The deliverance of Jesus MT 2:13-23 -OF JESUS, IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER .Water converted into wine JOH 2:1-11 .Heals the nobleman's son JOH 4:46-54 .The catch of fish LU 5:1-11 .Heals the demoniac MR 1:23-26; LU 4:33-36 .Heals Peter's mother-in-law MT 8:14-17; MR 1:29-31; LU 4:38,39 .Cleanses the leper MT 8:1-4; MR 1:40-45; LU 5:12-16 .Heals the paralyzed man MT 9:1-8; MR 2:1-12; LU 5:17-26 .Healing of the immobile man JOH 5:1-16 .Restoring the withered hand MT 12:9-13; MR 3:1-5; LU 6:6-11 .Restores the centurion's servant MT 8:5-13; LU 7:1-10 .Raises the widow's son to life at the village of Nain LU 7:11-16 .Heals a demoniac MT 12:22-37; MR 3:11; LU 11:14,15 .Stills the storm MT 8:23-27; 14:32; MR 4:35-41; LU 8:22-25 .Throws demons out of two men of Gadara (Gerasa) MT 8:28-34; MR 5:1-20; LU 8:26-39 .Raises the daughter of Jairus from the dead MT 9:18,19,23-26; MR 5:22-24,35-43; LU 8:41,42,49-56 .Cures the woman with the issue of blood MT 9:20-22; MR 5:25-34; LU 8:43-48 .Restores two blind men to sight MT 9:27-31 .Heals a demoniac MT 9:32,33 .Walks upon Lake Galilee MT 14:22-33; MR 6:45-52; JOH 6:16-21 .Heals the daughter of the non-Jewish, Syro-Phoenician woman MT 15:21-28; MR 7:24-30 .Feeds more than four-thousand people MT 15:32-39; MR 8:1-9 .Restores the deaf-mute man MR 7:31-37 .Restores a blind man MR 8:22-26 .Heals the epileptic boy MT 17:14-21; MR 9:14-29; LU 9:37-43 Page 4

Nave's Topical Bible, MIRACLES .The temple tax money obtained from a fish's mouth MT 17:24-27 .Restores ten lepers to wholeness, only one of them returns to thank Jesus LU 17:11-19 .Opens the eyes of a man born blind JOH 9 .Raises Lazarus from the dead JOH 11:1-46 .Heals the woman with the spirit of infirmity LU 13:10-17 .Cures a man with dropsy LU 14:1-6 .Restores sight to two blind men near Jericho MT 20:29-34; MR 10:46-52; LU 18:35-43 .Condemns a fig tree MT 21:17-22; MR 11:12-14,20-24 .Heals the ear of Malchus LU 22:49-51 .The second catch of fish JOH 21:6 -OF THE DISCIPLES OF JESUS .By the seventy (the best mss. have "seventy-two") LU 10:17-20 .By other disciples MR 9:39; JOH 14:12 .By the apostles AC 3:6,12,13,16; 4:10,30; 9:34,35; 16:18 .Peter .Cures the sick AC 5:15,16 .Heals Aeneas AC 9:34 .Raises Dorcas from the dead AC 9:40 .Causes the death of Ananias and Sapphira AC 5:5,10 .Peter and John cure a lame man AC 3:2-11 .Peter and other apostles were delivered from prison AC 5:19-23; 12:6-11; 16:26 .Philip carried away by the Spirit AC 8:39 .Paul .Strikes Elymas (Bar-Jesus) with blindness AC 13:11 .Heals a cripple AC 14:10 .Throws out evil spirits, and cures sick people AC 16:18; 19:11,12; 28:8,9 .Raises Eutychus to life AC 20:9-12 .Shakes a viper off his hand and is unharmed AC 28:5 .Paul cured of blindness AC 9:3-6,17,18 -CONVINCING EFFECT OF EX 4:28-31; 10:7,16,17; 12:31-33; 14:25,31; JUD 17 6:17-22,36-40; 7:1; DA 3:28,29; 4:2,3; LU 5:4-11; JOH 11 2:11,22,23; 4:48-53; 7:31; 11:43-45; 12:10; 20:30,31; AC 6 8:6; 9:32-42; 13:8-12; 19:13-18; RO 15:18,19 Page 5

Nave's Topical Bible, MIRACLES .See MIRACLES, DESIGN OF, below -DESIGN OF EX 3:19,29; 4:2-9; 7:5,17; 8:8-10,22; 9:14-16,29; 10:1,2,16,17; 11:1,7-9; 12:29-33; 14:4,18,24,25,31; 16:4-6; 19:4,5,9; NU 14:11; 16:28-35; 17:1-13; DE 4:33-35; 11:1-8; 29:5,6; JOS 2:9-11; 3:10,11; 4:23,24; 5:1; JUD 2:7; 1SA 6 6:6-18; 12:17,18; 1KI 18:24,37-39; 2KI 5:14,15; 2CH 7:1-3; PS 10 78:10-32; 106:9-12; JER 32:20; DA 2:47; 3:28,29; 6:20-27; JON 14 1:14-16; Z9 EC 2:9; MT 4:3; 11:3-5; MR 2:9-12; 18:42,43; JOH 11 2:11; 4:48; 5:36; 9:3; 11:4,40-42; AC 2:22; 3:1-10; 4:21,22; 1CO 1:22 -MIRACULOUS GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT .Foretold ISA 35:4-6; JOE 2:28,29 .Of different kinds 1CO 12:4-6 .Enumerated 1CO 12:8-10,28 .Christ was endued with MT 12:28 .Poured out on the day of Pentecost in thirty A. D AC 2:1-4 .Communicated on preaching the gospel AC 10:44-46 .By laying on of the apostles' hands AC 8:17,18; 19:6 .For the confirmation of the gospel MR 16:20; AC 14:3; RO 15:19; HEB 2:4 .For the edification of the assembly 1CO 12:7; 14:12,13 .To be sought after 1CO 12:31; 14:1 .Temporary nature of 1CO 13:8 .Not to be neglected 1TI 4:14; 2TI 1:6 .Or despised 1TH 5:20 .Or purchased AC 8:20


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