Native American Research Project Standards Covered:
Standards Covered: OV.1.8.1-Use vocabulary from content area texts and
reading/literature, OV.1.8.2-Use standard English in classroom discussion and presentations, OV.1.8.3-Speak for and to various purposes and audiences, OV.1.8.4-Demonstrate appropriate eye contact, posture, volume, and physical gestures,OV.1.8.5-Use correct pronunciation and inflection/modulation to communicate ideas and information,OV.1.8.6-Contribute appropriately to class discussion, OV.1.8.8-Report results of interviews, research, etc.,OV.1.8.9-Participate in a variety of speaking activities taken from literature or research, W.4.8.4-Use available technology to access information and to document interviews, R.9.8.16-Use the text features to locate and recall information, with emphasis on text organizers, R.9.8.14-Classify and organize information from more than one text, based on purpose and/or level of importance, R.9.8.22-Evaluate personal, social, and political issues as presented in text, R.11.8.9-Identify how words from other cultures have been incorporated into English vocabulary usage, IR.12.8.1-Formulate original questions to explain and select a topic for research, IR.12.8.2-Use appropriate reference features and text features to access information effectively , IR.12.8.3-Use print and electronic sources independently to locate information, IR.12.8.4-Gather information from more than one type of source (e.g., interviews, Internet, lab notes, etc.), IR.12.8.5-Self-select credible sources appropriate to purpose and topic, IR.12.8.6-Create visual graphics to interpret information, IR.12.8.7-Use notes to narrow a topic to develop a thesis statement, IR.12.8.8-Create a formal topic outline of thesis, main topics, sub-topics, and details, IR.12.8.9Use research to create one or more oral, written, or visual presentations /products
You will be given a Native American Tribe to research. In your research, you will look for the following pieces of information about the tribe: 1. Habitat-Where in the Americas did the tribe live 2. Homes-What type of home the tribe lived in 3. Dress-What type of dress did the tribe wear 4. Food-What types of food did the tribe eat 5. Customs-What is a typical custom of the tribe 6. Tools/Weapons-What kinds of tools and/or weapons did the tribe develop or use 7. Art-Which types of art was the tribe famous for 8. Famous People-Who is a famous Native American from this tribe 9. What is a common negative stereotype about Native Americans
10.What is a common “stereotype” about Native Americans 11.
What is an interesting fact that you learned during this research about Native Americans
12.Draw or print and paste a Native American image, i.e. flag, picture of a famous Native American, tribal symbol, festival photos, etc. Your final product must be presented on a ½ sheet poster board. DO NOT USE A WHOLE POSTER BOARD!!!! You may arrange the answers to the questions in any way you want, as long as they are labeled and neat. You can type or hand write the information you paste on your board. Neatness is key! Example: Habitat
Art Famous
Interesting Fact American Images