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Australia must help SE Asia counter terrorist threat

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DIỄN ĐÀN NGƯỜI VIỆT QUỐC GIA Ngừoi Quốc Gia là những người đặt tổ quốc lên bản vị tối cao Tối cao có nghĩa là trên tất cả mọi sự vật, kể cả tôn giáo, đảng phái, và cá chính bản thân mình v.v.. Trích VN Tự Điển của Đào Duy Anh

Nationalist Vietnamese Forum

Home Australia must help SE Asia counter terrorist threat, opposition warns SYDNEY, (AFP) - A Labor government would switch Australia's counter-terrorist focus from the Middle East, where the US has many allies, to Southeast Asia, where Islamic militancy is an "extremely serious threat", the opposition has vowed. Labor's newly-appointed defence spokesman Kim Beazley also said the party would not leave the United States "in the lurch in Iraq ( news - web its pledge to recall Australian troops by Christmas if it won the election now tipped for October or November.

sites)", despite

Beazley told Channel Nine's Sunday progam that a Labor government would fully support America in the event of another major terrorist attack similar to September ll, 2001, in the United States. However, it would tell the US administration: "You've got plenty of friends in Iraq, but where are your friends in Southeast Asia? "Now it is absolutely critical that Australia stands alongside those Southeast Asian countries and helps them out with what is now an extremely serious threat," he warned. He said Southeast Asia was now a field of Islamic militancy in which very few external countries, including Australia, were actively engaged. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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Labor had promised to help in a nation-building program in Iraq, by sending customs officers, health workers and administrative staff to help the new administration secure its borders and improve its health system. It would also leave diplomatic security personnel in Iraq and leave its naval and air forces in the Gulf to protect Iraqi interests. But he said its major focus would be on Southeast Asia, citing as an example maritime security in the main waterways, which he said were used by terrorists and were now under threat of attack. "They use trading bases in one part of the archipelago to supply personnel for others, and they're now getting into piracy," he said. "At least, the Abu Sayaf group is, and others will do so shortly." He said it was a clear case for a strong allied maritime effort, but that local countries would not accept the US and did not have the equipment to deal with the problem themselves. "We have," he added. "We have the equipment, we have the experience and we have the heart." Australian ships were already operating in the region, but Canberra should now be talking to Southeast Asian states about how it could best assist them. He said Australia had agreements with many Southeast Asian nations, but under previous Labor governments it had substantial influence over what he termed the umbrella structure of economic collaboration, regional collaboration, security collaboration. He said Prime Minister John Howard's conservative government had "dropped the ball" in Southeast Asia and the withdrawal of Philippines troops a month early had highlighted the lack of influence Australia had in the region. But he said a Labor government would not negotiate with hostage takers and would not change its plans to bring Australian troops back from Iraq by Christmas. It would explain its timetable to the United States and Iraq and would not be swayed by any terrorist threats. "You don't negotiate with hostage takers and you have to make that absolutely clear," he said. -------- China to conduct military exercises this month in warning to Taiwan BEIJING (AFP) - China is to carry out its largest military exercises of the year this month aimed at sending a "substantial warning" to Taiwan separatists, state media reported. The military drills will take place on Dongshan Island in southeastern China's Fujian province, just 150 nautical miles west of Taiwan's Penghu Island, the Beijing PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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News said. "The Dongshan Island exercises are different from other exercises... It is a joint exercise of the three militaries (army, air force and navy). It's the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) largest-scale exercise this year," the Beijing News said. The report did not say when the drills would start or how long they would last but similar drills in 2001 lasted for four months. Nor did it reveal how many soldiers would take part in the amphibious mock Taiwan-landing backed by guided missiles, but a pro-Beijing Hong Kong newspaper had said 18,000 troops would be involved. Tension between Beijing and Taipei has been heightened since Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian was re-elected this year, with China fearful his proindependence moves are aimed at gaining formal independence. Beijing has vowed to go to war with Taiwan in the event of it moving towards independence. Western diplomats in Beijing had played down the anticipated drills, saying the number of troops involved was not that large and that the exercises appeared to be routine. "They are sending a signal by holding the exercises in Fujian, but it is not a provocation due to the size of the exercises," one diplomat told AFP, referring to the location of Fujian, which faces Taiwan. The exercises would be smaller than the 2001 drills, when some 100,000 soldiers engaged in amphibious exercises and mock warfare at sea aimed at sinking an aircraft carrier. But unlike previous exercises, this one would aim at "achieving control of the air", the report said. "This change doesn't just show that the PLA's military theory has had an enormous change, but also indicates our military has acknowledged that control of the air is the top priority in modern warfare," the Beijing report said. Practically all the advanced weaponry China possesses will be put in use in the military exercises, including the Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets purchased from Russia, it said. "This exercise will be aimed at sending a substantial warning to 'Taiwan separatists'." Nuclear-powered submarines, warships, the latest model missile destroyers and a guided missile brigade would also be involved in the exercises. "It's not a preventive military manoeuvre against Taiwan indepedence as they were in the past," the report said. China considers Taiwan part of its territory awaiting reunification. The island has been separated since the end of a civil war in 1949. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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----------China launches invasion war games BEIJING CHINA has kicked off war games simulating an invasion of Taiwan as military chief Jiang Zemin vowed to recover the island 'before or after 2020'. In what is believed to be the first ultimatum to reclaim sovereignty over Taiwan, Mr Jiang, the former Chinese president who is the Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), recently discussed a timetable for using force to achieve Taiwan's reunification in a speech at a military conference here. Mr Jiang told an expanded CMC meeting that the period 'before or after 2020 is the time to resolve the Taiwan issue', according to a front-page report carried by Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po newspaper on Friday. The meeting also approved military, political, logistics and armament development plans over an unspecified period for the 2.5-million-strong People's Liberation Army, the pro-Beijing newspaper said. The report said that China's biggest national security threat in the next 20 years came from Taiwan, but gave no other details. The CMC is the decision-making body of the PLA. China believes that Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian, who won a second four-year term in March, will push for formal statehood. It is preparing for a possible showdown with the island which it has claimed as its own since their split at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. The week-long land, sea and air exercises started on Dongshan island off China's south-eastern coast in the first half of July after months of preparation, Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao newspaper said. About 18,000 troops were taking part in the exercises, which would aim for the first time to demonstrate air superiority in the Taiwan Strait, the Chinese-language newspaper said. According to the Global Times, an affiliate of the official People's Daily, the United States military is closely watching the exercises and has deployed its reconnaissance facilities to monitor them. The monitoring would help the US military gauge the accuracy of its own reviews of PLA capabilities because the exercises are believed to involve PLA's latest weaponry and the terrain of Dongshan island is similar to the west coast of Taiwan. Dongshan, in China's Fujian province, is less than 280km west of Taiwan's Penghu Island. It has been the site of eight drills since 1996 when Taiwan held its firstever presidential elections. But it was business as usual for Dongshan residents. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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'I can see ships and soldiers, but it's far away...I have no time to watch the exercises,' a resident who would only give his surname, Chi, said by telephone from Dongshan. A hotel employee said: 'It's a secret. We're not allowed to watch or ask questions lest we're mistaken for spies.' In Taipei, Mr Chiu Tai-shan, a vice-chairman of the policy-making Mainland Affairs Office, called for negotiations and peace. 'We need to sit down and discuss any problems concerning both sides. We must try to resolve our problems on the basis of peace and stability,' Mr Chiu said. 'The United States, Japan and the European Union have all said cross-strait issues should be resolved through peaceful means,' he said, reacting to Mr Jiang's comments. 'China has pledged to focus on economic development. The report clearly violates its policy of developing the economy.' In response, Taiwan is holding annual exercises next month to test its combat readiness in the face of what Defence Minister Lee Jye has said was a significantly higher likelihood that China would use force to recover the island. -- Reuters

China's war game warning to Taiwan Friday, July 16, 2004 Posted: 12:28 AM EDT (0428 GMT)

HONG KONG, China (Reuters) -- China has kicked off war games simulating an invasion of Taiwan as military chief Jiang Zemin vows to recover the democratic island by 2020. The week-long land, sea and air exercises started on Dongshan island off China's southeastern coast in the first half of July after months of preparation, Hong Kong's Ta Kung Pao newspaper said. About 18,000 troops are taking part in the exercises, which will aim for the first time to demonstrate air superiority in the Taiwan Strait, the newspaper said. China believes Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian will push for formal statehood after winning a second four-year term in March and is preparing for a possible showdown with the island, which Beijing has claimed since their split at the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. The period "before or after 2020 is the time to resolve the Taiwan issue," military chief and ex-Communist Party chief Jiang told a recent expanded meeting of the Central Military Commission, the decision-making body of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the Wen Wei Po newspaper said. The meeting also approved military, political, logistics and armament development plans over an unspecified period for the 2.5-million-strong PLA, the newspaper PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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said. It gave no details. Western military analysts have said booming China wants to avoid conflict with Taiwan if possible, but tension has been simmering and the PLA is preparing for worst-case scenarios. Taiwan's Chen appears determined to adopt a new constitution in 2008, a move Beijing sees as a formal declaration of independence and which it has warned could lead to war. Taiwan's leaders are betting China will not attack and jeopardize surging economic growth, seen as necessary to create jobs, avert social unrest and perpetuate Communist Party rule. The island's leaders believe the United States would rush to its rescue, especially after President George W. Bush's pledged early in his term to do whatever it takes to help the island defend itself. Western analysts said Taipei may be miscalculating Beijing's resolve and that Washington has no desire to be dragged into a conflict with China over Taiwan. In Washington, Pentagon officials said a crisis-simulation drill based on a growing Chinese military threat to Taiwan was played out this week by U.S. decision makers. The exercise, called Dragon's Thunder, was held on Monday at the Pentagon's National Defense University. Taiwan, seen by many security analysts as the most dangerous flashpoint in the Asia-Pacific region, topped the agenda when U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice met Chinese leaders in Beijing last week. -----------In response to the belligerent noises lately eminating from China regarding a forceful reunification with Taiwan, the US is now sending a

message of its own:

In an exercise code named Operation Summer Pulse 04, it is expected to arrange for an unprecedented seven aircraft carrier strike groups (CSGs) to rendezvous in waters a safe distance away from the Chinese coastline - but still within striking distance - after mid-July. This will be the first time in US naval history that it sends seven of its 12 CSGs to just one region. According to a Department of Defence statement, Summer Pulse is to test out a new Fleet Response Plan (FRP) aimed at enhancing the American Navy's combat power and readiness in a time of crisis. As the Straits Times notes: ONE aircraft carrier is sent to a trouble spot as a reminder of US presence. This was done several times in the past, when tension was high in the PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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Taiwan Strait. TWO carriers show serious concern, as was the case when China test-fired missiles over the strait in 1996. THREE OR FOUR are sent in combat situations - as in the Gulf War in the early 1990s and the recent Iraqi war. Sending SEVEN carriers in peace time to the same region is unprecedented -----------------US plays cross-strait war games WASHINGTON - A crisis-simulation drill based on a growing Chinese military threat to Taiwan was played out this week by United States decision makers, Pentagon officials said. The exercise, called Dragon's Thunder, was held on Monday at the Pentagon's National Defence University (NDU) even as China prepared to stage a mock invasion of the island. Pentagon officials cautioned against reading anything into the timing of the strategy drill or into the deployment of seven US aircraft carrier strike groups worldwide simultaneously. 'Neither the deployment of carrier strike groups worldwide nor this NDU table-top exercise should be seen as sending a signal to any specific country,' said Pentagon spokesman Flex Plexico. The US Defence Department announced on June 5 that it would deploy seven carriers to demonstrate a new navy plan for 'surging' its operations to project force. The NDU said the scenario in the US exercises, ninth in a series prompted by Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, 'specifically examined responses to an increasing possibility of military action by China against Taiwan'. Details of the scenario and 'lessons learned' were classified, but such crisis-simulation was meant to be as realistic as possible, said NDU spokesman David Thomas. 'Participants examined the complexity and difficulty inherent in responding to a sequence of escalating tensions between China and Taiwan.' The NDU said: 'The exercise sought to understand the full range of policy options and associated consequences available to the US to restore stability to the Taiwan Straits and surrounding region, while avoiding nuclear confrontation with China.' Participants included Mr Rumsfeld's staff, the Pentagon's Joint Staff, the US Pacific Command, the White House National Security Council, the National PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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Intelligence Council and the departments of State and Commerce as well as 14 members of Congress. -- Reuters --------Taiwan. It's a little different from Thailand, and a hell of a lot more important in world affairs. Taiwan is Israel in Southeast Asia, as far as foreign policy goes. Will it come to war? Probably not. China's not that stupid. What they say is for domestic consumption- it raises the morale of their own soldiers and generally satisfies the people, showing them they have a strong government. Do they mean it? Of course not. North Korea, on the other hand, is just ****ing insane, and hates South Korea more than anything in the world. But a conflict with China would do nothing for N. Korea- Kim Jong Il could care less about China. If they cared, they wouldn't have cut them off from all negotiations immediately after the Korean War, when China sent them eight divisions. Anyway, off of N. Korea, back to China. What Reclaimer is saying is dead-on accurate, but I don't think you guys grasp the power of a Carrier fleet. Carrier fleets are the reason no other country has a military these days, or tries to develop a navy- why would you, when in your wildest dreams you could never catch up to America, and you couldn't use it on your neighbors because America will intervene. That's Monroe Doctrine, established I believe in 1821, and that's the Naval act of 1890 in it's modern form- the ultimate doctrine of preventative power. I wrote this up for you guys... A Carrier fleet, most notable, has a U.S. Supercarrier at it's center. It acts as a small floating city, with a population of up to 5,800 and room for refugees. It is quite literally immune to any modern weaponry- in tests over the last 50 years, it has been determined that a nuclear warhead has less than a 15% chance of crippling a carrier, and no less than 2 warheads are necessary to have a chance of sinking the carrier. But no warhead will get that close- the carrier itself has advanced anti-missile systems around the entire deck. From the carrier, coordination and satellite control and direct hundreds of our most advanced assault fighters deep into hostile areas (Iraqi communications were destroyed by the directed assaults of Aircraft carriers- the Air Force didn't get in there for over 48 hours and the Army for almost a week). But the Supercarrier is not all a Carrier Fleet has to offer. Missile Cruisers- small, agile, and capable of launching cruise missiles in intervals of only minutes. AEGIS Cruisers- agile high-tech anti-missile systems, containing the most comprehensive and powerful detection system ever built. When China moved several missile trucks over a course of 20 miles, over 100 miles away from the coastline, AEGIS cruisers sent an alert to the Clinton administration prompting a quick warning from the U.S. Currently, AEGIS systems are deployed around Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. Cruiser/Destroyers- gunships designed to protect the perimeter of any Carrier fleet. Their speed and maneuverability makes them far more damaging in actual combat than the bulky Battleships of our history. These cruisers are also used for precise artillery bombardment of up to 26 miles inland, as used in Iraq. Frigates- Supply ships which allow Fleets to stay at sea for years at a time without resupply. BOOMER Submarines- Heavyweight submarines, just as essential as a Supercarrier, and just as expensive, weighing in at over $2.2 billion a piece. Many of these are equipped with multi-head nuclear ICBMs, but new coastal advances have allowed these submarines to carry a complement of 144 cruise missiles which can be launched from underwater. BOOMER Submarines are literally undetectable. Nuclear Attack Submarines- Used extensively in trade and shipping lanes, these have a full complement of anti-ship torpedoes and room for SEAL attachments to allow covert coastal deployment. Like BOOMER Submarines, these are also undetectable. Marine Expeditionary Units- Often attached to any Carrier Group will be at least one MEU amphibious assault force. As will always be the pride and joy of any strike force, Marines have assault-carriers which launch three types of vehicles- Vertical Envelopment Assault Craft (attack helicopters), Vertical PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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Assault Jets (Harriers and JSF-MCs) and LCAC Hovercraft (containing humvees, Abram tanks, and other assault vehicles meant to be inserted on a beachhead). Future technologies: Leviathans- Railgun cruisers capable of launching artillery more than 150 miles inland, these are intended to replace Destroyer/Cruisers and push the Navy to a new class of perimeter defense cruiser. ----------------

Subject: 7 US Aircraft carrier battle groups location posted on 1-7-2004 at 12:05 PM Post Number: 635158 (post id: 655852)

7 US Aircraft carrier battle groups location US plans huge show of force in Pacific! John!! Seven aircraft carriers to move within striking distance of China; Taiwan forces slated to join in drill. ONE aircraft carrier is sent to a trouble spot as a reminder of US presence. This was done several times in the past, when tension was high in the Taiwan Strait. In an exercise codenamed Operation Summer Pulse 04, it is expected to arrange for an unprecedented seven aircraft carrier strike groups (CSGs) to rendezvous in waters a safe distance away from the Chinese coastline - but still within striking distance - after mid-July.,4386,259015,00.html China war games seen as 'message' PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version


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By Bill Gertz THE WASHINGTON TIMES China's military is preparing to hold large-scale war games intended as a "political message" to Taiwan, amid heightened tensions between the island and mainland, according to U.S. intelligence officials. The military exercises are part of China's annual maneuvers involving large numbers of troops, ships, aircraft and missiles, and will take place on Dongshan Island. The island is located off the coast of Fujian province along the southern Chinese coast near Taiwan. A U.S. intelligence official said the exercises will begin later this month. "It isn't just a training exercise. It's also intended to send a political message [to Taiwan]," the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. The official said the political message in the exercises is one of "military readiness," intended to signal to Taiwan that China is ready to use force if necessary to reunite the island with the mainland. Past war games on Dongshan, which is used for amphibious assault exercises, have involved 30,000 to 100,000 troops and large numbers of warships, submarines and combat aircraft. The maneuvers are set to begin as the governments of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan) last week traded accusations that rival patrolling warplanes crossed the line dividing the Taiwan Strait into Chinese- and Taiwanese-controlled waters. The government-owned Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao, which first disclosed the exercises in a report published Monday, said that about 18,000 troops would participate and that the war games are practice for "seizing control of the air over the Taiwan Strait." The exercises are expected to continue through July, the newspaper said. China's communist government has expressed anger through press statements in recent weeks. China views plans by Taiwanese leader Chen Shuibian for a referendum on updating the island's constitution in 2006 as a move toward formal independence, which Beijing opposes. The Pentagon on Friday released an annual report on Chinese military power, which said Beijing is making strides at boosting its space defense capabilities. The report provided information that the Chinese military is working on methods of space warfare against U.S. intelligence. It was the first public warning by the Pentagon that the Chinese are considering ways of "blinding" U.S. eyes in space before launching any attack on Taiwan. The space-warfare elements of the report bolster the findings of a 1999 congressional commission led by Rep. Christopher Cox, California Republican, that said China is developing space weapons.

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