Nationalist Economics

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 536
  • Pages: 2
Nationalist Economics by Alejandro Lichauco Review by Carl Cesar H. Bibat IV – Einstein Nationalist economics is a remarkable book made by Alejandro Lichauco. After reading the assigned first four chapters of the book, I learned a lot of new knowledge about the world of economics from the beginning when every country started to have trades with the other countries. We are now experiencing economic problems that have been causing serious cases in every family in our country. We can’t escape the fact that there is a problem with our system, our policies, and to our law-makers. In lined with this, Lichauco made this book to enlighten our minds with the fact that policies have ignored our country’s vital requirements as a nation-state and even collides with those requirements. He wants us to know the truth that the Philippine crisis represents a fatal disorientation of policies, not so much of the moral order. He aims to have true freedom by opening our minds with the events and facts happened many years ago, merely a reflection on what is happening with our country right now. Nationalist Economics is a book that simply demonstrates, explains, and tells about the rise of nationalist economics. It also explained in the first four chapters of the book all about the gradual and dynamic changes with the economic principles of the countries who wished to be the powerful one in trade and commerce. It explained there a brief background of the past events and what the country had done to be wealthy. He also defined “Nationalism” differently. He defined it as a power and a principle of power and not a love of a country because it stated there that even a fool can love his own country. This nationalism can be the root of success if we used it correctly. He discussed in brief also all about mercantilism, nationalist economics, physiocracy, LaissezFaire economics, free trade, free market, and many more. This book is not a novel and not a kind of a fictitious story. it has factual ideas and timeline of events and could be a good choice as a reference book. The book explains everything about the rise and fall of a certain principle. He

also included there some facts that came from the different renowned references in the world and also the statements said by the different economists, politicians, and even historians. All of the details were well-explained. I can say that Lichauco’s purpose of making this kind of book is a great success. It can influence people and even change their viewpoints. I even changed my views about economics and the crisis that we are experiencing. It is packed of facts, explanations, and details about economics and the subtopics about it. I like the book very much for the facts in it. Therefore, I proudly recommend this book to all those persons who wanted to enlighten their minds about the crisis that we are experiencing and relate it with the past events. It is advisable for youth and above but young people may have difficulty understanding it. An influential and a story packed with facts… Nationalist Economics by Alejandro Lichauco… Read it and see what beauty lies inside.

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