ZONAL LEVEL Organize personal growth programme
1. Personal responsibility for our own growth & development
One personal growth programme once a year
Qualify brothers
Bro. Paul will Find the different courses available in India and will inform the other delegates of the provinces by end of June. At the end of July the delegates should consult the brothers and give the names to the Chairperson.
2. Create awareness for greater appreciation of the vocation
Under take Faith formation activities for the young
Vocation team has a brother
Bro. Anandraj will collect articles from the delegates to facilitate in publishing them in different National magazines. [Salesian Bulletin, Fraternity, etc]
3. More conscious of the social evils
Move beyond the structured life to involve in the neighbourhood collaborate with GOs &NGOs
Involve in the contextual issues
Bro. James will monitor that the Delegates of each province will ensure that the Brothers participate in SCC meetings for greater visibility and to bring vocations.
4. Utilize responsibly media & information technology
Become media savvy
With the help of the Provincial delegates Bro. Edwin will gather information about Brothers of South Asia to form a part of Salesian website in India.