National Maori Flag Brochure

  • May 2020
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Recognition of a National Mäori Flag For some time, Mäori have called for the recognition and use of a Mäori flag on Waitangi Day, to acknowledge and celebrate the unique partnership fostered through the Treaty of Waitangi. That call gained official support when in January 2009, the Minister of Mäori Affairs publicly called for a Mäori Flag to be flown on the Auckland Harbour Bridge on Waitangi Day. The Prime Minister took up that call, charging the Minister of Mäori Affairs with responsibility for securing the agreement of Mäori on which flag should be flown. The Minister of Mäori Affairs now wishes to engage with Mäori to identify a national Mäori flag as a means of acknowledging Mäori history and promoting Mäori aspirations.

Purpose of the National Mäori Flag Consultation Feedback is being sought to identify a preferred flag which represents Mäori history, and will carry us forward with our hopes and aspirations for our future. Twenty one hui are being held throughout the country to ensure feedback is received from Maori individuals and communities. Participants at each hui will be asked: 1. Of the four flags outlined in this brochure, which would you choose as a national Mäori flag to represent Mäori?

a) the National Flag of New Zealand (the Flag of the Independent Tribes of New Zealand) b) the New Zealand Flag c) the New Zealand Red Ensign d) the Maori Flag (the Tino Rangatiratanga flag)

2. On what occasions should a national Mäori flag be flown?

a) only on Waitangi Day b) on Waitangi Day and other special national occasions, such as ANZAC Day, Queen’s Birthday

You can find background information on the flags, and the schedule for the Flag consultation hui, by going to

If I can’t get to the Hui can I still have my say? YES. You can send a written submission to the Minister of Mäori Affairs with your preferences, to the address at the bottom of the page. Alternatively you can make an online submission at The final date for all submissions is 5pm on Friday 28 August 2009. The final report to the Minster of Mäori Affairs will include an analysis of all submissions received.

What is the Purpose of a Flag? To represent a place, organisation, or person, generally on a rectangular piece of cloth. Flags today are used to symbolise nationhood and identity.

Flag History Flags have been used in one form or another for more than 4,000 years. They were used as a means of communication, initially for military purposes and then for identifying signals at sea. They evolved to represent royal houses, then countries and other levels of government, businesses, military ranks and units, sports teams, and political parties.

New Zealand Flag History The need to select an official New Zealand flag arose in 1830 when a trading ship was seized in Sydney by Customs officials for sailing without a flag or register. At that time Australia was under British navigation laws which said that every ship must carry an official certificate detailing nationality of the ship. Without a flag, New Zealand’s trading ships continued the risk of being seized. It is believed that during the Sydney seizure and detainment, Patuone and Taonui from Te Taitokerau were on-board. It was reported at the time that Mäori were ‘exceedingly indignant’ upon hearing the news of the ship’s fate.

What happens to your Feedback? All comments received at these hui will be recorded, collated and compiled for the Minister of Mäori Affairs to consider. National Mäori Flag Consultation Te Puni Kökiri, Te Puni Kökiri House 143 Lambton Quay, Wellington 6011, PO Box 3943, Wellington 6140, New Zealand [email protected]

Kia Whakamana He Haki Mäori Recognising a National Mäori Flag

National Flag of New Zealand (Flag of the Independent Tribes)1

The New Zealand Flag

The New Zealand Flag is the symbol of the realm, government and people of New Zealand. When James Busby arrived as British Resident in 1833, he suggested that a New Zealand flag be adopted. Aside from solving the problems with trans-Tasman trade, Busby also saw the flag as a way of encouraging Mäori chiefs to work together, paving the way for some form of collective government. On 20 March 1834, 25 chiefs from the Far North and their followers gathered at Waitangi to choose a flag from three designed by Rev Henry Williams, a senior missionary of the Church Missionary Society and former lieutenant of the Royal Navy. Busby sent the following account of the selection of the flag to Governor Bourke in New South Wales on 22 March 1834:

Its royal blue background symbolises the sea and sky around us. The stars of the Southern Cross emphasise this country’s location in the South Pacific Ocean. The Union Jack Flag gives recognition to our historical foundations and the fact that New Zealand was once a British colony and dominion. The New Zealand Flag may be flown on any day of the year. It is particularly appropriate to fly it on days of national significance, such as Anzac Day, and on other important occasions.

The New Zealand Red Ensign

“They were then asked in regular succession upon which of the three Flags their choice fell, and their votes were taken down by a son of one of their number who has been educated by the Missionaries, and who with several others appeared on this occasion respectably dressed in European clothing.

The flag was also adopted as the Flag of the Independent Tribes of New Zealand, and served as the official flag of New Zealand until the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in February 1840 when it was replaced with the British flag, the Union Jack.

2 Busby to Governor, 22 March 1834, C O 209/1, Australian Joint Copying Project, Public Record Office, London. Archives New Zealand/Te Whare Tohu Tuhituhinga O Aotearoa Head Office, Wellington. 3 Ministry of Culture and Heritage.

In 1989 a competition was run by a group named Te Kawariki to design a national Mäori flag. Most of the entries however, were considered inappropriate because they were designed around a bi-racial rather than a specific Mäori theme. The only flag that met the criteria of recognising Mäori history, expressing a Mäori purpose and using a Mäori design, was one designed by Kawariki members - Hiraina Marsden, Jan Smith and Linda Munn. Another member of Te Kawariki, Walter Erstich, gave the explanation to the design (below). After some revision by other members of Te Kawariki, the final version was eventually approved as the winner of the competition and unveiled as the national Mäori flag, at Waitangi, on Waitangi Day 1990. It has also become known as the ‘Tino Rangatiratanga’ flag. Black represents Te Korekore, the realm of potential, the heavens, the long darkness from which the world emerged. Black also represents the male element - formless, floating and passive.

The New Zealand Red Ensign has served two purposes in history. Firstly, it is one of the flags authorised to be flown by New Zealand ships. Secondly, it was a common gift to Mäori from Queen Victoria or the government. When the Red Ensign was used to reward or thank Mäori, a hapu or ancestors name was worked into the design. Red was often preferred by Mäori for its properties of ‘mana’ or rank. The customary use of the Red Ensign by Mäori on significant occasions is still provided for today.

1 McLintock, A H editor (1966) An Encyclopedia of New Zealand.

This is perhaps the most recognised Mäori flag in New Zealand.

Explanation of design:

I was glad to observe that they gave their votes freely, and appeared to have a good understanding of the nature of the proceeding. The votes given for the respective Flags were 3, 10 & 12, and the greatest number having proved in favour of the Flag previously adopted by the Missionaries it was declared to be the National Flag of New Zealand, and having been immediately hoisted on the Flag staff was saluted with 21 guns by the Ship of war.” 22

The Mäori Flag (the Tino Rangatiratanga Flag)

A specific provision in the Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act 1981 permits Mäori to adapt the flag (by adding words or emblems). The red ensign can only be flown in this manner on occasions that are of significance to Mäori. 3

White represents Te Ao Märama the realm of being, the world of light, the physical world. White also symbolises purity, harmony enlightenment, and balance. Red represents Te Whei Ao, the realm of coming into being. Red also represents active, flashing, southern, falling, emergence, forest, land, and gestation. Red is the female element, Papatuanuku, the earth mother, the sustainer of all living things. Red is also the colour of earth from which the first human was made. The Koru (the curling frond shape) represents the unfolding of new life, rebirth, continuity, renewal and hope for the future.

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