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Introduction/Rationale The practice teaching program is one of the most important parts of training undertaken by any student taking up Education. It is the time where the learning are put to test by making them apply the knowledge they gathered to authentic, real – life teaching in an actual school scenario. Practice teachers serve as volunteer for months. In the schools, they experience the actual process of teaching, which includes the visual aid instructions of the students and for the students, the paper works connected to teaching and the lessons and the relationships between different people they encounter on a daily basis inside the school setting. This is a great opportunity given to practice teachers since this program assures them their first taste of the profession that they become when they leave their school. This is the time where they can concretize what they learned from their professors and applied inside the actual classroom. An opportunity for them to formulate ideas about the profession, create motivational activities to entice the students attention and interest, and cement their views when it comes to teaching. The practice teaching program serves as the training ground for future educators. The quality of education the Philippines will have in the future can be determined by this very program.


Conceptual Framework The Practice teaching program is important and it is needed to produced qualified and competitive teachers. This program is expected to produce graduates that meets the standard set by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in CMO No. 30 Series of 2004- Article IV Competency Standards) which defines that the graduates of Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEEd) and Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSEd) 

Have the basic and higher and higher level of literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking and learning skills needed for higher learning

Have a deep and principled understanding of the learning process and the role of the teacher in facilitating these process in their students.

Have a meaning and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter hey will teach.

Apply a whole range of teaching process, skills ( including curriculum development, lesson planning material development, educational assessment and teaching approaches.)

Have a direct experience in the field of classroom (classroom observation teaching assistance, practice teaching.)

Demonstrate and practice the ethical requirements of the practice teaching profession

Facilitate learning of diverse types of learners in diverse types of learning environment using wide ranger of teaching process skills.

Reflect on the relationships among teaching process skills, the learning processing in the students, the nature of the contents/ subject matter and broader social and


educational process in order to constantly improve their teaching knowledge, skills and practices. 

Be creative and innovative thinking of alternative approaches and evaluate the effectiveness o such approaches in improving student learning.

Willing and capable to continue learning in order to better fulfill their missions as teachers

The Situationnaire Northeastern College for me is not just private institution, I can call it my second home because this is where I enhance my skills and knowledge and this is where I finish my college degree as a nurse, this is the reason why I choose NC to gain my units for education to pursue my dream and goal as a teacher. I was motivated to earn my units in NC because I observe that they produced more competitive teachers and most of their graduates passed the LET in their first take. I heard good feedbacks from people who graduated here in NC, one of that people is my mother who graduated here in NC. She also took education and she told me that I can learn a lot in Northeastern College. I can’t imagine myself studying at other school. Like I said I consider this as my second home and I can tell that there is big difference if I was enrolled in other school not just in gaining knowledge but also the camaraderie that I established. Justification Northeasthern College did exactly what I expected. It give me the necessary knowledge and skills I need to pursue my goal as a future teacher. The classrooms are


very conducive for learning, their library can give anything you need in doing assignments, projects and reports. They also observed cleanliness in their environment. I can say that YES! I am satisfied and I don’t have any regrets that I enrolled here in Northeaster College. Statement of the Purpose The main purpose of practice teaching is to have the actual training and to apply the concept that we learn inside the four corners of the classroom. Learning the concept without applying in real situation is just nothing. I choose to take up practice teaching so I can apply and I can adapt to real life situation inside the classroom. I believe that I need this program so I can enhance my skills based on the knowledge I gain in the lecture that I already finished like assessment of learning and principles of teaching. Significance of the Activity In practice teaching we have the opportunity to used the skills, technique, strategies that we learned academically. This program is a big helped specially for earning units students like me. This program helped me explore my capabilities in teaching and influencing students and younger generations. This experience will help me achieved my goal as a teacher. This will help me more independent and this will help me enhance my skills as a leader to my students. This will also inspire me more to teach and mold a future leader. Because of this program I also realized the burden and hardship of teachers because the responsibility of a teacher in not just inside the classroom but also outside the classroom. A teacher is not just a teacher, it can also be a doctor who can heal the ignorance of students, a teacher can be a soldier who protects its students like his own child, a teacher


can also be an engineer who can design a students future by inspiring them and nurture their mind. Teacher is not just a noble profession but it is also a responsibility. Scope and Delimitation This narrative report will mainly focus on how I evolve and adapt as a teacher. I will discuss my experiences the up’s and downs of being a practice teacher, I will also discuss my cooperating teacher, my cooperating school, my own vision and mission. And you will see some of my works activities, lesson plans and weekly plans for practice teaching. Once you finished reading this narrative you will appreciate everything that a teacher is doing to nurture his students. You will read my experience with my cooperating teachers and to my students. I hope that you will learn from my experience and stay in Northeastern College (Basic Education Center) Definition of terms College Supervisor - are in charge of the daily operations of schools. They are responsible for managing teachers, students, and all other school faculty members in a school Cooperating School - It is a public elementary or high school institution where student teachers will have their off-campus practice teaching Cooperating Teacher - is defined as a teacher with a minimum of three years teaching experience and a Master's degree who is mentoring a teacher candidate in the area in which the candidate is earning his/her certification. Educational Institution - is a place where people of different ages gain an education. Examples of some institutions are preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, and


further and higher education. They provide a large variety of learning environments and learning spaces. Lesson Plan – is awritten guide used by the teacher provided by the specific objectives with a procedure to accomplish the aims with in a session Practice Teacher - a person studying to be a teacher who does closely supervised teaching in an elementary or secondary school. Also called intern, student teacher.


CHAPTER II LOCALE OF THE INTERNSHIP The Cooperating School Every student needs a peaceful and safe environment for learning. School is not just a place for learning. This is our second home where we can find new friends. It design not just for learning but also to nurture our skills and talent. Students should have fun while learning for them to easily understand and easily acquire new skills and knowledge. My cooperating school is Northeastern College High School. It is founded in 1941and it is the first to offer Secondary Education in the province. I expect a lot from this school because it is one of the famous Private High School Institution in Santiago City. It is old enough that I knew they have the experience that I can use to be a good teacher.The High School building is merging with the elementary and nursing department. It has science building that has floors and the other building is for Elementary and some classes of high school. When you enter the gate, you will passed the hallway with full of trees before u can get into the main area. It has wide ground area for students activities. It has also library which is found in the first floor of the old building. It has also canteen that cater nutritious food. I can say that this Institution is well equipped of what a students and teachers need to teach and learn in everyday classes.


CHAPTER III PRACTICE TEACHING PROCESS My Expectation of Practice Teaching As an earning units student, I don’t know what to expect, I am little nervous but I am also excited because this is a big step towards my future career. I am not aware about my capability in handling students although already finish my assessment of learning and principles of teaching last semester, my experience in handling student is zero. Thank god because we will have the opportunity to observe first he class before we take over but it still uncomfortable when you will start the teaching proper. I expect not only to teach but also to learn with my fellow practice teachers, students and cooperative teachers .I heard lots of concerns about students this days, I really don’t know what to expect to this new generations. Would they respect me? Would they listen to me? Would they learn from me? Although I have lots of questions I am still determined and I wanna make the most out of my experience. I will embrace every opportunity that they will give me. I hope that after my practice teaching experience, I will feel that satisfaction that I performed the best. I expect that this experience will help me achieved my future goals in my profession. Deportment December 03, 2018 is the day we were deployed in Northeastern College Basic Education Center. We are assigned with our cooperating teacher and that day we already given our schedules and our grade and section. I was assigned to Mr. Limer G. Viernes,


He is the Science Coordinator. We began observing the students at the same day we are deported, I was assigned in Grade 10 Pyrro and Grade 10 Socrates. My cooperating teacher gave me a short description of the students in both section and give me insight on what to expect. As I enter the classroom the student immediately ask my coperating teacher if I was their practice teacher. I tried to be confident and I hide all the nervousness that I feel, I was introduced properly by my cooperating teacher and the class greeted me. That time I knew that this will be hard for me because I never spoke in front of a crowd before but I thought for a moment and said to myself that it’s now or never. I need to show this student and authority figure and give them the first impression so that they will respect me throughout my stay in their room. My cooperating teacher gave us topic for us to make lesson plan and gave us schedule on when we will start teaching. We will just observing for 2 weeks before we are allowed to teach, My cooperating school and cooperating teacher is a big helped in enhance my skills and knowledge in teaching and it gave me confident to speak in front of a crowd. I never expect myself to be this confident to speak in front of people. There are lots of unforgettable experience happened in our deportation. Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers (PPST) As an earning units student I am considered as a beginning teacher. As I read the PPST there are skill of beginning teacher that I already have and some that I need to achieve.


In domain 1 which is knowledge and pedagogy I can say that most of the strand in this domain can be achieved in studying Assessment of learning and Principles of teaching and I can say that I already have basic knowledge regarding that domain. Domain 2 is all about learning environment and I can’t tell how much classrooms evolved since I was highschool but in terms of classroom management, I have the basic knowledge because I studied it in Teaching Profession subject last semester. Domain 3 is Diversity of learners, as I read into it, I can honestly say that I don’t have that much skills and knowledge about it unlike domain 4 which is Curriculum planning which we tackle in Assessment of learning and principles of teaching that’s why I have little knowledge about it but sadly I didn’t apply it yet in classroom set up. In domain 5,4 and 7, I can say that I don’t have skills on that part but I have little/basic knowledge regarding assessment and reporting personal growth and professional development. I am looking forward in filling those gaps to be more efficient and qualified member of Education as educator. Orientation With Cooperating Teacher Having cooperating teacher is a blessing for practice teachers because they will be our guide in everything in handling classroom. I was assigned to Mr. Limer Viernes, he is the science coordinator. At first I was nervous because I was thinking that his standard is very high because he is the coordinator of science department.


As he start to orient me regarding what to expect in practice teaching, I was shock because he is very kind and humble. He made me pick what section I will handle and gave me good schedule. He also gave me sample lesson plan to guide me in doing my lesson plan. He also gave me a curriculum guide and book as reference in my topics and lesson plan. He introduced me to the section I was assigned and it is the Grade 10 Pyrro and Grade 10 Socrates. He told me that this sections are full with noisy and absentee students, I was challenge on how can I change the attitude and perception of students on how important education is. Because once I change their perception in education I can change their attitude towards is. I can say that I am thankful because he is my cooperating teacher, I learned a lot from him and I hope that he also learn a little from me. Time Table of Practice Teaching


CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, DESCRIPTION, IMPRESSIONS OF MY EXPERIENCES Teaching Skills, Knowledge and Values Teacher should have all the remarkable skills, enough knowledge and possess with the good values to be effective educator of students. Lets starts with skills, a teacher should have remarkable skills that will help him to nurture his students, a teacher must have lots of techniques, methods and different approached. We should always consider that every student is unique individual and we must treat them individually. Some students can learned faster than others and we should cater all of the needs of these students and we must not leave anyone behind. A teacher doesn’t need to master everything but a teacher must have enough knowledge on everything. We need to study not just our major but also in other subjects, we must have enough knowledge in every subject, and every category and we must think thousand steps ahead of our students. There are student that will ask question anything under the sun. As a teacher we need to cater this kind of questions properly. Good values are the foundation of good relationship between students and teachers, and even the relationship of between teachers. A teacher must maintain the good attitude and teacher must know how to control his emotions and anger. 21 st century students are lot more different than the students 20 years ago. They have more knowledge about their rights and sometimes they use this in their advantage. Teacher must know how to scold student in the right way that their rights is not in jeopardy. Teacher must leave a good mark in the mind of his students and teacher must be a good leader for his students.


My Orientation Stage in the Classroom They said that there is a first time for everything and you can’t easily forget that first time. They also said that the hardest part of all is how you will start. That is my main concerned when I enter the classroom of my students the first time. There are lots of questions that are popping in my mind. I wonder what kind of students are in the classroom. I wonder how can I teach 50 persons at the same time, but I’m already here and there is no turning back now. The first impression will always last so I gave impression of authority so that I don’t have any problem in handling them, I show authority but yet not intimidating. Teaching is not just a profession it is a big responsibility to educate the younger minds and feed them with enough knowledge that they need in the future.


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