Narayana Revelations

  • May 2020
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Narayana Revelations Narayana an icon of this universe is depicted as a human being indicating everyone has a purpose of their birth. He holds a conch, indicating the universe is built in vacuum. Life is beautiful need to be without any attachment like a Lotus flower. The whole universe is full of energy like a weapon on his hand. The universe is not stationary, it is whirling around Narayana. Narayana is both – Good & Bad, This & that, Up and down, Top and bottom, Left and right, Right and wrong, Nectar and poison; hence a serpent behind him; where one cannot see within him / her the good or bad, this or that, up or down, top or bottom, left or right, right or wrong, nectar or poison. Narayana reveals as Krishna and explains life is like a battle – One had to fight with his / her co-born; keeping in the front the purpose of one’s birth. Narayana reveals as Ram and explains life again is a battle – One had to fight their own emotions with the life one had taken birth and with the life to whom one is the resource of that birth. Narayana reveals to this universe with the resources that are dependent on each other; whether they are between animate or inanimate. Narayana reveals that the resources are given to support the purpose of birth. The birth of a person whether he or she; has a purpose. Invariably, the gender as male is the cause and the female is the supporter of the cause; so all resources are depicted as a feminine gender to Narayana, being a male. Narayana holds the Lakshmi, the resource in his heart – indicating one need to love all the resources available to enable to meet the purpose of his / her birth. For instance the purpose of birth of a tree is to give fruits, shade etc; for the species on earth. For it to continue doing this, it needs to be multiplied, so some one had to help this tree. The resource for multiplication of this tree seeks help from the birds. The birds act

as a carrier of seed. After it consumes the fruit, the seed is dropped else where. Other resource helps like sunlight, soil minerals, water, air, etc helps in germination and the process continues. This indicates one is not dependent on any single resource. Narayana reveals to us that one need to love resource keeping it in one’s heart to help the resources, that are there going to help in fulfilling the purpose of life. One need not have to ask for, why the resources are there and why or how they are going to help. They are nothing but Lakshmi, and she is going to help, by this the purpose given by Narayana would get fulfilled. How Narayana knows all these. He is the father and Lakshmi the mother of Universe. This need to be accepted because irrespective of what type of father or mother to whom we are born, we always trust them and do not question them, and they are our resource who had shown the path but not the purpose. Hence there is always a conflict in us and question them asking why they gave birth to us. In fact they do know, that they had to fulfill in the activity of a carrier like the bird for continuation of the lineage so that, the purpose could be fulfilled. One of the purposes being that one need to be the resource for others, hence birth takes place like a tree. Apart from one had to be a resource for others, there is something that was fulfilled by Narayana. For to understand that, one need to surrender to him for this understanding for the very purpose of a birth. We may question, does all the species do surrender to Narayana and get to know what they are supposed to carryout apart being a resource to others. Now Narayana knows about this problem and hence his creations are differentiated into four categories: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Advisor Executor Support the execution activities with out question Commander

The message: 1. Understand the purpose of ones birth – it may be hard like a conch shell but, there is life inside 2. Be tender in detachment like Lotus 3. Understand the strength of self – like the gadayudha

4. Everyone experiences and is experienced by all the lineages like whirling disc, so life is full of attractive and repulsive energies – Allow this to take place – do not try to stop the whirling disc. 5. Ensure all that are available to us resources are to be kept in our heart. Narayana reveals himself in the form of so many things. On earth he reveals himself as air, light, water, land, sky and combination with all in the form life species, etc. As we say in science, state of matter, energy, etc; air as wind provides energy, light from sun gives heat and luminosity, water as river, ocean flows with energy, and Earth is revolving with respect sun due to the forces between them. Narayana reveals as matter and energy. With respect to a relative time, every matter loses its energy and vanishes and reborn. This applies to living species on earth or the any solar system, or a star, or a galaxy, etc. It may be observed Narayana reveals time related matter. So Narayana is decider of time of every matter on universe. Narayana determines the function of each matter related to others. So recalling the words from revelation as Krishna, says, what was there yesterday, is there today and what is there today will be there tomorrow. What happened yesterday was good and what is happening today is good and what will happen tomorrow also be good; because all are he the Narayana. Then why this variation between life species, matter, or galaxy, etc, one thing to be remembered, Narayana reveals not to self but it is related to others. What as humans are finding difference is that humans are able to differentiate from others because of humans can think, act, have emotions etc. Basically one need to understand all matter has a stored energy, rather pre programmed to meet its purpose. On humans the pre program is temporarily stored and changes with respect to time. Since these stored data is temporary, hence the realization and function also is temporary. During the life period of humans, one undergoes changes. Since there are plenty of transition periods, the humans are not in a position to complete the purpose of their birth. Seers discovered and were propagating for doing yoga and make the body to work for the birth purpose rather than looking into what happened and happening and will happen. Narayana reveals in spite of this commotional behavior of human to humans to carry out their birth purpose. The built in energy in humans needs efficient usage for commitment of birth purpose. It should be understood every humans do fulfill the birth purpose, then

why bother; because time is not determined by the way humans are exposed, hence needs an understanding the time is Narayana time and not their one. Narayana revelation to humans is apart from their birth routine, additionally to complete the birth purpose is to propagate Narayana revelations. Narayana revelation is to create and new things out of the existing resources made available at the place of his / her birth. Humans need this understanding and create as what Narayana did and reveal to this universe. It is not ones birth purpose is to attain Narayana abode, because all are in the Narayana abode. Narayana wants one to make things what he would do with the available resources. Why anyone had to do this, It is what is been programmed by Narayana to all matter in this universe. There is no question that why it has to be done. It need to done to move to a higher level of Narayana abode. Narayana abode scientifically speaking is beyond dimensions of space and time. The question is the understanding of at what level one is born in his abode and how to rise to level where Narayana resides in his abode. Since space and time is given to anyone relatively is short, the purpose of the birth of that need to be full filled to attain the higher level of Narayana abode. Does this mean that others are not doing or what? All are carrying out. During execution of the purpose of one birth, understanding is required for not to disturb others in carrying out their part of the purpose of birth. Does this mean are we disturbing others? Yes in fact humans influence others in the execution of purpose by others. This is due to the fact that human memory was made short. Why this deficiency, may be because Narayana expectations are things could be done very short period and many purpose had been allocated to the birth of humans compare to other species or matter in this universe. By this understanding, birth as human is already at a different level of Narayana abode compared to other species or matter in this universe. Having given a higher level to humans at the time of birth, humans need to understand what Narayana wants from humans. Narayana has and had reveled and revealing many things. It is the confusion status of humans not able to go in tandem with the time period allocated, humans see that as misery. Narayana reveals once again to make humans to understand and ignore the so called misery and move forward. Narayana revelation helps every human to raise their level. By this Narayana wants humans to make others too to raise their level. Making things easy for others is one of the routine human birth purposes.

Here is where humans are entangled and due to lack of understanding of Narayana Revelation, all humans are not able to raise their level in Narayana abode. Narayana wants humans to elevate themselves and ensure they elevate others – it may species, humans, matters, etc. Narayana reveals to humans the various resources available and energy and the power given to humans to fulfill one of the birth purpose in elevating others by making them better than they were earlier, for instance there may a herb poisons for human consumption, but may be used as a medicine. One of the example we all know the cobra poison is extracted and converted into a medicine. Who ever had discovered – it may not be single person, but a team of people who would have worked out from data collection to taming of cobra, to identifying the methodology of preparation of medicine from it. All those worked on this had contributed and got elevated from their existing Narayana abode level to a higher one. Presently we may not know who he/she is but what we see things available were different anyway from the one that was available few hundred years back. Just think about people who had contributed in whatever percentage may be but their contribution is what we see today. We are not to look into why others had not contributed; we are to see what others had contributed and take the path forward in extending in elevating things around us. Narayana reveals as Krishna giving a message that do not bother for the fruit of your duty, instead complete your duty of the birth purpose. The fruit is known that you are going to a higher level in the Narayana abode. Taking anybody to a higher level is Narayana revelation; but getting a bonus depends on individual contribution. Narayana reveals energy with or with out carrier. The intensity of energy transformed from one object to another depends on the object itself and who is helping to transfer them. Humans receive energy from where he / she take birth; in this case, we humans are on earth. The energy per science is called the gravitational pull on earth. Earth always imparts energy at various levels depending on the altitude where one lives. Now earth itself is under gravitational force influence from the sun and from other planets on our solar system. As a whole the solar system is under exposure of the energy from the Milky Way galaxy, this is where our solar system lies. Between galaxies, there is again force due to which the galaxy itself is under whirling motion.

This is indicated as the revolving disc in Narayana hand. The eternal force rather energy for this universe is given by Narayana and that is what is revealed by him in various forms. We see here all are time related. Narayana reveals time relating to other object. On earth we relate time with reference to movement of earth by itself and movement of earth around the sun. Combining these two, we get one revolution of earth as 24 hrs and one revolution of earth around sun as one year. The fractions are derived from these. It may be understood, the unit of hour or year is not absolute, and rather it is relative. All things we see are not absolute, they are relative. Either it is happenings in life, or emotions, or achievement, etc. All are related Narayana beings or Narayana objects. What ever is happening is by Narayana and of Narayana and now the question arises is it then necessary to look into Narayana. No one can dictate or request or ask somebody to follow Narayana, which is what, is done by Narayana, then why this question, it is irrelevant. The question is at what level one is given this opportunity and what is one’s duty is to see that one rises to a higher level. Narayana has given an opportunity to carryout by self. And it cannot be same for everybody. Every bit is different from others. Narayana reveals opportunity to understand self. How one go about in understanding self. Is there any standard methodology? The answer is no. Everyone is given an opportunity, whether it is equal or not cannot be compared because everyone is at different levels and they are given opportunity to rise to a higher one. So generalization does not exist. Narayana reveals various methods and the choices are indicated for the individual cases. Now the question is what is that choice? Narayana as Krishna reveals the possible choices of the path that need to understand. It is like how one would choose a color of garments or color or taste of food, after given the choices. When there are no choices, one is bound to take the same what ever is given. Similarly, knowing about various methods or choices would not lead one anywhere; instead one need to take what had been given. Narayana reveals how one would take up with whole heartedly what is given. What is given need to be understood first. At the human level, all would accept that the self is not independent and commencing to accept this and get acquainted with this is a primary aspect.

Narayana reveals what is given to one is the best for that self and starting from there, path forward to a higher level is required, for this one need to surrender to Narayana for the answer. No parents, guru, can answer this, except by Narayana. So begin to accept Narayana; by uttering, thinking, speaking, feeling, sniffing, etc as Narayana. One needs to breathe keeping in mind Narayana and feel the breadth as Narayana. One needs to eat keeping in mind the taste as Narayana. One need to talk keeping in mind the speech is Narayana One need to drink keeping in mind the thirst is Narayana One need to hear keeping in mind the sound is Narayana Generalizing this ones need to act keeping in mind the reaction is Narayana. If one keeps on thinking about the raising oneself to a higher level, then when one can work for helping others in raising, meaning when one need to routine work. When one needs to keep in mind Narayana, it does not mean here the icon of Narayana, an understanding is required that all things are Narayana, so, there should be love for other things and beings. For instance one goes to school, further proceeds to complete a degree, what one aim is that the education got from the school is sufficient enough to make a living and putting mind in enhancing the money aspects. While or after getting that money what was the contribution for that money that helped others to rise to a higher level. One may argue, for instance you construct a house; you spend that money by which others are getting monetarily benefit. So what, it does not mean that had helped in raising up. Can anyone confirm on this. It would be difficult of course. Earning for a living and earning for better comfort, etc all fine. After that did anyone stop and did they really proceed in ensuring or attempted to see others are been helped. This is where contribution by materialistic things alone won’t help. Let this be looked at a different angle of view. Let an assumption be made that one has fulfilled what he wants and is available for ones comfort living, good food, etc. All these one had taken rather earned by using Narayana time. What time was spared for up lifting of other things or beings? One may be proud of their achievement in getting their comforts in their life, but that is not going to help self uplifting from the given level of Narayana abode. For rising up to a higher level than what was given and the time, did one carry out? Probably one would say, “I did my best’. One need to understand that there is nothing like best and better. It is all relative to what is the assumed value.

The word Siddha means one who has accomplished. Put that question to oneself, Am I a siddha. One need to answer to self for this. If one feels he / she is a siddha, meaning he / she had accomplished in rising to a level higher than what it was at the time of birth. Narayana reveals the thoughts in humans and other species. Does anyone can understand those revelations? Probably the answer could be “yes” and “no”. Is it difficult to understand? The answer would be no. It is like this, we see many things around us. The eye is the sensor. It captures all things around. Anyone would say, I was there but did not see. The things were there but did not see. It was not that it wasn’t there. Due to the importance given to a a particular activity, one wants the data from the eye what is related to that; otherwise, those data is been erased, even though it was observed and stored temporarily. So what is the importance one would give on such things, when anyone is occupied. When one says he / she is occupied meaning a particular factor was taken into assumed importance. Seers would say, one is ignorant of things and remove that ignorance. One way it may look alright. It is not one is ignorant, because Narayana had revealed the resources and one has the sensory devices to utilize to capture it. For instance Arjuna answered the question right when the guru asked what you see. This question was asked during their training period. For every thing one need to put forward a question and that is what everybody are doing. Are those questions raised by all the individuals are they same. One could raise a question to all like the guru. Here the question is same and the answers given by all was different. Narayana reveals there is no one question and there is no one answers. This confirms that everyone are at different level of Narayana abode. Understanding this level is important. Understanding comes with questions and answers. It looks one is in a vicious circle. This is what Narayana reveals. Narayana as Krishna conveys the message do not get entangled at the environment at the place and time of birth. Let your questions be for the understanding of the Narayana revelations. Making one’s sensory organs or devices tune to Narayana revelations? Not necessarily, all the sensory devices one has needed to be used. Even with one of the sensors, Narayana revelations could be understood. Here where it is driven to understand that one need to understand what each ones sensors are in good condition rather fine tunes for taking up to raise their level of Narayana abode.

Ones eyes may be good for to look deep into the universe and contribute what one got from Narayana revelations. Make others see what one has seen. One may have good voice, could imitate and understand the melody of the universe where Narayana had revealed. Reproduce them and make others hear. One may receive the energy by radiation from the Narayana revelations. Let that be transmuted to others. Coming back understanding self means getting into what sensors are fine tuned for each one. Probably each ones may not have been fine tuned to a level of the same order. Indeed it is true because all are at different levels of Narayana abode. Identifying who are closer is easy to uplift, hence get that activity done by giving importance it. Narayana reveals such aspects for ones raising their level of their existing Narayana abode to a higher level of Narayana abode. Narayana reveals how to accomplish the purpose. Narayana indicate one can accomplish either by Rajasic or by Sativk approach. Narayana reveals that all posses Rajasik – Tamo guna or Satvik – Tamo guna. Meaning most of them are ignorant and this ignorance gets exposed because of the Rajasik approach or by the Satvik approach. Whatever may be the approach, initially one had to remove their ignorance. After removal of ignorance, people in East followed the Satvik approach and people in West adopts Rajasik approach. Irrespective people from East or West, all whoever had accomplished were respectively called as Siddha or a Scientist. Siddha’s felt the things were revealed and belong to Narayana, hence they adopted Satvik approach meaning understanding were perceived through radiating energies. The scientists needed physical proof and hence Rajasik approach was followed. In order to understand the Narayana revelations, Seers & scientists used statistical data and probability methods. For instance in Medicine, East adopted Ayurvedic methods for curing and making people to elevate in Narayana abode and on the contrary West adopted Allopathic medicine to treat diseases and were elevating people to higher level of Narayana abode. So one would find that Siddha’s or Scientists did accomplish what was required in the purpose of their lives. Narayana reveals as Krsihna and Rama where theses two approaches were adopted. Krishna adopted Rajasik approach and Ram demonstrated the Satvik approach in making people to understand the very purpose of their life birth. Narayana reveals that whatever may be the guna type, whether it is Rajasik or Satvik, for an action to take place more of rajasik approach is required. First one need to understand the universe took birth because of the rajasik approach of Narayana. The resource being

available in front of us is because of the rajasik approach of Narayana. Narayana reveals things with rajasik approach, but with detachment to it. Narayana revelation shows there is no one answers to the question of nature, universe, species on earth, etc. When there is energy between two objects, obviously there need to be rajasik approach. The difference between Rajasik and Satvik could be like saying: An eye for an eye rule for Rajasik and Forgive is divine for the Satvik. Narayana reveals one need to look into the approach, because it all belongs to Narayana abode. The Satvik and Rajasik both has the same levels but in different plane. It is like saying the dimensions of space and time, the three gunas Tamo, Rajo and Satvik are time related. Narayana reveals one is at a point, where the coordinates has values in tamo, Rajo & Satvik planes and rising from that level to a higher one is time related. Mathematically speaking the point where one is can take the point to zero, meaning with time remove these tamo, Rajo & Satvo guns or move away from these towards infinity. It may be asked these two paths are opposite, then how one would rise to Narayana abode level. The very question itself has the answer, that Narayana abode is not stationary. It moves from zero level to infinity. As Narayana moves from zero to infinity and from infinity to zero, Narayana reveals to those who are close to the line of movement of Narayana. So Narayana revelation could be experienced irrespective wherever you are. One need to remember that for every birth there is a death. So in anyone’s relative life period the question arises what would be the probability, one would get into the Narayana abode. By keeping doing nothing and if one is in a point closer to the line of Narayana movement, there is a probability of realization of Narayana revelation. What is this probability, in fact it is very low because there are too many unknowns. Narayana revelation gives more probable way is by raising each one’s level in Narayana abode to a higher level. Here one can see it is not the level alone, but to the level of the line of movement of Narayana. Ignoring Narayana revelation is indeed has less probability. Narayana as krishna reveals wake up and fight the life battle and win the purpose of the birth with in the time period of life. Narayana reveals things what one is supposed to fight for. Humans find it more difficult to understand compared to other species. One may say humans have six senses, proud that humans are more intelligent than others and among humans themselves one feels more intelligent than other human, etc. Why this perception for humans. Basic reasoning

would be the ignorance o humans. Humans fail to understand that one of the purpose of birth as human is to help in elevating others to a higher level of Narayana abode. Looking at what one species does, for instance a coconut tree, it is fixed at one place, the environment where it is located might give a different taste, but the coconut purpose is to produce the glucose when in tender form, so useful for the thirsty and the needy of energy for physical body. As it ages, the coconut changes its purpose and gets ready for giving out oil. All these qualities cannot be found until unless some one removes the protective fiber and the shell. Here is where the difference would be seen between a coconut and a human. The human can remove this protection and give it others. Otherwise what difference human make between a coconut tree and the human. Human as age passes by the ideas varies and provides what human can provide to others. Narayana reveals as Krishna, what a human are capable of and what human is supposed to do it. Krishna from his birth wonders happened. It should not be called wonders, instead it is the revelation of Narayana as Krishna. Narayana demonstrated what as human can do compared to other species. Was it then Krishna failed to make humans understand, no. Narayana does not look for the fruits of his creations in his abode. It is one Narayana duty after creation, Narayana need to move to all the objects in the universe and provides help in elevating them to a higher level in Narayana abode so that the object’s birth purpose is accomplished. In short Narayana movement between zeros to infinity in his abode is carrying out his housekeeping activity. If one wants be in the shelf of Narayana abode, one need to full fill their birth purpose. There is no compulsion, but if one’s birth purpose is not full filled, one would be in the trash bin. This is what people say, one can go to heaven or hell depends on what one does. The hell or heaven is in the Narayana abode, but at what location the Narayana abode is the question. It may be understood, when one looks at their own living place, one need to ask question to them that are they carrying out house keeping. If so, one may understand things around are kept at different locations; some may be on the floor, some may be above the floor, etc. Now one would have understood in Narayana revelations, one takes birth at a level different from others in Narayana abode. One might carryout on a routine house keeping work. Similarly Narayana moves around in Narayana abode and meets the objects he had created.

Narayana revelations shows humans had been provided with the advantage compared to other objects in the aspect that humans could help others in uplifting the levels in Narayana abode. Humans need to understand that one of the prime purpose of human birth is this. Narayana reveals humans provided with the biological system and an environment around humans to discover and invent for the uplifting of the levels of different objects in Narayana abode. Narayana reveals ones accomplishment in their purpose in Narayana aboard, Narayana is attracted by that and moves towards them during the movement of Narayana from zero to infinity in the Narayana abode of space and time. Narayana gets the information on who had accomplished their purpose of birth, whether they are animate or inanimate objects, obviously keeps them in close circle with Narayana in Narayana abode. From the above one might ask “All are in Narayana abode, so why then one had to be closer to Narayana?” The answer is simple, even though all are in Narayana bode, by being closer, the activities are reduced because by being in close circle of Narayana, one becomes servant of Narayana. All actions under this close circle of Narayana is for Narayana alone. Narayana reveals to all objects different worlds. For instance to human, the child grows in a mother’s womb. It takes the energy from the mother and understand the world in the womb and from out side it. Biologically, looking from the beginning, the cell from male, here the cell comes from a different world and passed on to the female, to another world, where the cell grows to a human form and comes out from mother’s womb to earth. Narayana reveals to an object in the process of birth to death, three different worlds. Does anyone could realize what these three worlds are? It may be difficult to answer; hence all objects in Narayana abode would reach the world near to Narayana close circle, where one would feel comfortable. This is similar to what one cell would feel from its initial level to a level where the cell had taken the form of a human. After the birth of human, activities are related to the environment where the human live. From this one need to understand that a cell from an object sees three worlds; hence each object responsible for the cell to move to three worlds need to take care in order the cell going to accomplish some thing and one such accomplishment is to raise their level in the Narayana abode. Since humans had been given more responsibility to ensure the cell of an object either from them or from other objects; care to be taken after the final accomplishment of their birth purpose is full filled and attains closer circle in Narayana abode. Narayana revelations to humans had been demonstrated by Narayana as Rama and Krishna.

Conclusive inference of Narayana revelations is how humans need to act from every step prior to birth on earth till the accomplishment. Either by Rajasik or Satvik approach, one’s intensions need to be conveyed and tune themselves to attain the closer circle of Narayana abode. OM NAMO NARAYANA.

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