Nanotech & Mechatronics

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 510
  • Pages: 32

Star trek

Die Another Day

Terminato r

Artificial intelligen ce

As engineers it makes us think do they have any truth? Is there any way in which we can make this Science Fiction a science reality? Is there any means that can help us achieve our dream?

Anti-Lock Braking System Four main components in ABS Speed sensor Pumps Valves Controller

So lets know about this technology.



Space Transportation  A new space transportation system

 

being developed could make travel to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). A space elevator made of carbon Nanotubes. Composite ribbon anchored to an offshore sea platform would stretch to a small counterweight approximately 62,000 miles into space. Mechanical lifters would climb the ribbon, carrying cargo and humans into space, at a price of only about $100 to $400 per pound. This will require us advancement in Mechatronics to control the various aspects of these elevators like balancing as it moves up and down. Nano-robots are required to take care of the Maintenance of these elevators without putting the human life in jeopardy.

Assemblers and Replicators  Construct complex product

automatically.  Replace traditional labors.  Eventually replicate diamonds, water and food.  But it is possible only with the help of Mechatronics.

Automobil es  The Automobiles of the

future may not run on roads or might not even require a driver.  With the help of Mechatronical systems we might just need to say the destination and we would be flown to it.  The vehicles of future might even be perpetual machines which might use various methods like electron tunneling or other methods coupled with Super computers to drive them.

Nano-robots Repairing of ozone

layers. Cleaning up of seas in case of oil spills. Repair cancerous cells. To control Nano robots Mechatronics system is important.

Artificial Intelligence  The Research and

development in these fields could result in Super Computers being very affordable and smaller.  This could even result in Humanoids that are very intelligent and active as shown in the movie Artificial intelligence.  This could also result in creation of artificial organs that could replace ours to give humans a very long life.

Military Battle Suits •Latest army technology

uses a fluid called Shear thickening fluid in their body armors. • This fluid thickens when sudden load is applied to it. •This fluid helps the body armor to absorb more impact and does not allow the fabric to stretch more thus stopping bullet from penetrating. •The common example of such a fluid is our CORNFLOUR Paste, it also shows shear thickening property to some extent.

Physics at Nano-Scale is different Quantum

mechanics Electron tunneling Conductivity of material Melting point

Lack of Advanced Technology Overwhelming

amount of data

Health Hazard’s. •Nano-Materials

could be toxic •Being very small they can pass the blood brain barrier. •Many Nonmaterial's could cause ailments like Lung fibroses.

Less Awareness Less awareness among the young

generation. Need to inculcate these subjects in regular curriculum.

Ethical Issues Unemployment

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