Myths and Reality!! The effort of setting up National SHG Federation is good, but the reality is that the most SHGs and their members do not know the news. The Nodal Agency and other Institutions who are responsible to convey this massage to the grassroots people are not working properly and actively: e.g. RTI Act. It is the effort to put old wine in new bottle by introducing new terminology. There are so many scholars who are efficient in the field of academic research and giving their best but government is not taking those recommendations. Unfortunately the academicians, researchers, academic institutions and bureaucrats are not interested in EXTENSION WORK (Action Research), so participation from the all level of the society is not assured and ensured, gap between these two classes (may be called as known and unknown or aware and unaware or educated and uneducated or intellectual and illiterate intellectual) have been increasing rapidly and this group is being excluded from the mainstream of the society. So before introducing any new method or programme, please make perfect to the concerned functionaries and administrations, otherwise agitation and disappointment will come out and every programme will be failed and disastrous like the marketing problem of the SHGs.