Mysore Intelligent Transport System For Ksrtc

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  • Pages: 113
Intelligent Transport System for KSRTC, Mysore – Detailed Project Report



Team Leader


Team Members -

N. Ramasaamy Faculty & Head - ITS

G. Subhashini Associate Faculty M.M. Pathak Scientist

Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune

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CONTENT INDEX Content index ............................................................................................................................................. 3 EEXXXEEEC C U U M M A CU UTTTIIV IV VEEE SSU UM MM MA ARRRYYY ....................................................................................................................................... 7 A. Overview of the project .................................................................................................................... 13 A-1. Why Mysore City for the ITS project............................................................................................ 15 B. Issues...................................................................................................................................................... 17 B-1.


A backdrop of Mysore.................................................................................................................. 17 B-1-a.

General / Historical background ............................................................................. 17


Location, Climate, physical setting, regional linkages ........................................ 18


Demographic and socio economic profile:.......................................................... 18


Growth, economy, spatial structure and trends................................................... 19

Summary of CIRT Findings ............................................................................................................ 20 B-2-a.

Operational Characteristics of KSRTC in Mysore City .......................................... 20


Bus Network Density.................................................................................................... 20


Activities involved and role of agencies in Bus Transport in Mysore ................. 20


Ward-wise Population Details ................................................................................... 20


Modal Split.................................................................................................................... 21


Average Trip Length ................................................................................................... 21


Modal Shift.................................................................................................................... 22


Stated Preference Survey.......................................................................................... 22

CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF ROAD TRANSPORT............................................................................................ 23 B-3.


Stakeholder analysis...................................................................................................................... 24 B-3-a.

Travelers at the bus stops / stations ......................................................................... 25


In-vehicle services for Passengers ............................................................................ 25


Vehicle Drivers ............................................................................................................. 25


Operational Managers .............................................................................................. 25


KSTRC Management .................................................................................................. 26


Eco-system partners.................................................................................................... 26

Vision of KSRTC ............................................................................................................................... 26 B-4-a.


Core Objectives of ITS ................................................................................................ 26

Existing urban transportation scenario and facilities available in the use of urban transport – issues & challenges ................................................................................................... 27

C. Options, challenges & recommended Solution ........................................................................... 31 C-1. Integrated urban land use and transport planning ............................................................... 31 C-1-a.

Mysore City Urban Land Use ..................................................................................... 31


Transport Planning integrating land use ................................................................. 34


Objectives of Transport Policy .................................................................................. 36

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Modal Shift to more efficient and less polluting forms of Public Transport ...... 39


Provision and encouragement of non-motorized transport............................... 40

C-2. Analysis of current technology solutions ................................................................................... 41 C-2-a.

Worldwide experience of Real Time Passenger Information Systems .............. 41


Surveys and Experience............................................................................................. 42

C-3. Analysis and Recommendation of the Solution framework ................................................. 47 C-4. Solution framework architecture & design............................................................................... 48 C-4-a.

About Intelligent Transport System .......................................................................... 48


Overall Scope of Service ........................................................................................... 49


Benefits of ITS................................................................................................................ 50

C-5. New scenario with the induction of technology..................................................................... 51 C-6. User demand forecast.................................................................................................................. 52 C-7. Project Impact analysis ................................................................................................................ 56 C-7-a.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS........................................................................................ 56


SOCIAL IMPACTS ......................................................................................................... 57

C-7-c. Measures by KSRTC for providing more efficient and less polluting Public Transport: ................................................................................................................................... 59 C-8. Expected outcomes of the project ........................................................................................... 60 C-8-a.

Service Outcomes- Socio economic benefits....................................................... 60


Increase in productivity ............................................................................................. 60


Reduction in travel time............................................................................................. 60


Patronage of Public Transport System .................................................................... 60


Reduction in Congestion........................................................................................... 60


Reduction in accidents.............................................................................................. 61


Reduction in emission levels...................................................................................... 61


Increase in tourist satisfaction................................................................................... 61

C-9. Measurable Outcomes for Project Evaluation ........................................................................ 61 D. Technical specifications and mapping of currently available technical solutions ............... 64 D-1. Mapping product availability and their technical features with the functional requirements................................................................................................................................... 64 D-2. Vehicle Tracking System............................................................................................................... 64 D-3. Features of Proposed Solution (CCS)......................................................................................... 69 D-4. Communication Sub-System....................................................................................................... 73 D-5. Integration of ITS Components ................................................................................................... 76 D-6. Bill of Quantities.............................................................................................................................. 79 D-7. Sample Reports .............................................................................................................................. 82 D-8. Scaling plans .................................................................................................................................. 83 E. Financials .............................................................................................................................................. 84 E-1.

Budget Estimates - Capital Cost, operational cost & RoI ...................................................... 84


Summary of Budgetary Cost Estimates ..................................................................................... 88


Funding plans ................................................................................................................................. 88

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Financial Analysis of Project viability.......................................................................................... 90

F. Project implementation plan............................................................................................................ 94 F-1.

Project Monitoring Committee ................................................................................................... 94


Project Management Agency ................................................................................................... 94 F-2-a.

Program Management Process ............................................................................... 99


Project monitoring & control process...................................................................... 99


Project deliverables Management.......................................................................................... 101


Project progress measurement and control .......................................................................... 102


Project implementation vendor (PIV)...................................................................................... 103


Procurement Process Management.................................................................. 103


Project Plan - Schedule, Milestone & Work Breakdown....................................................... 103


Deliverables .................................................................................................................................. 105


Roles & Responsibilities of key stakeholders ........................................................................... 105 F-8-a.

KSRTC ........................................................................................................................... 105


Project Management Agency ..................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Project Implementation Vendor........................................................................... 106

G. ITS Operational Plans........................................................................................................................ 107 G-1. Service Metrics ............................................................................................................................. 107 G-2. Maintenance Plan....................................................................................................................... 108 G-2-a.

Hardware Maintenance Plan................................................................................. 108


Software Maintenance Plan ..................................................................................... 99

H. Conclusions & Summary .................................................................................................................. 110 I. About CIRT, the consultants to KSRTC on the ITS Project .......................................................... 111 I-1.

Brief Profile..................................................................................................................................... 111


Areas of specialization ............................................................................................................... 111







ITS – Detailed Project Report

Ramasaamy N, Subhashini G

Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune


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Metadata Title

Detailed Project Report for implementing Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) – KSRTC, Mysore for Urban commuters

Subject & Keywords

DPR - Intelligent Transport System (ITS), Issues, options, challenges & recommendations, project implementation Technical specifications and solution mapping, Vehicle Mounted Unit, Passenger Information System, GPS, Central Command Station, KSRTC, In-vehicle services, display units, Technology roadmap and scaling plans, financial analysis, project viability, budgets, capital and operational costs, Project implementation plan, operational plans




This document is a detailed Project Report for developing and implementing Intelligent Transport System at Mysore.




Detailed Project Report


RFP documents








Private until published by CIRT




MS word 2007





Central Institute of Road Transport, Pune

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EEXXEEC CUUTTIIV VEE SSUUM MM MA ARRYY Intelligent Transport System Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems is a pioneering effort by KSRTC to contribute to the first step in providing dynamic information of bus routes. On completion of this project, it is bound to encourage use of public transport by reducing the use of personal vehicles significantly, contribute to saving the environment from heavy vehicle pollution and ease congestion on city roads. This is achievable because ITS brings in benefits, which include improving the accessibility of the system, safety of users, traffic efficiency, environmental quality, energy efficiency and economic productivity. Also, it reduces waiting time, travel uncertainty, fuel consumption, emissions, operational costs and traffic congestion. The Intelligent Transport System Project to be implemented at Mysore addresses the critical issue of road congestion by offering state-of-art technologies and attractive, convenient, comfortable, value added services to encourage the usage of bus services against individual personal vehicles. Mysore has been chosen since it is a potent place given its historical background, tourist activities, high growth rate in traffic density in the recent past, medium city size making the project affordable, trip profile and a projected 70% increase in the land use profile. Also, Mysore city, with all the modern infrastructural amenities, offers several opportunities to the people to earn their livelihood thus attracting several people from other states for employment thus increasing the population of the city manifold in the near future. KSRTC currently operates about 4217 trips in Mysore through 282 schedules from 2 depots on 185 routes with a fleet strength of 258 resulting in 1.79 lakh passenger trips per day with a load factor of 72.8% and 555,475 effective kilometres per day. The modal split figures for Mysore city indicate that the share of trips performed by public transport is only 13%, which can still be increased, as the proportion of walk and twowheeler trips is high. Significant modal shift is needed to deliver national and international sustainable development aims for a strong economy, an inclusive society and a clean environment. A significant trend amongst many urban road users is a willingness to use the public transport in the face of increasing traffic congestion and increasing ‘road-rage’ behaviour on the roads. With the spiralling crude prices in the international market and the rising cost of fuel, many would shift to the public transport on cost considerations. For some, time is of the essence and a modal shift will occur only if the new mode offers time improvements, while for others it is mostly a matter of costs. KSRTC aims to bring about this modal shift in the city of Mysore by improving the perceived image of KSRTC services. The current project aims to improve the reliability of KSRTC city services through effective Travel Demand Management measures, Emergency Management System and reduction in the waiting time of its passengers. Therefore given the critical

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success factors of availability, reliability, accessibility, security, low costs and comfort (acceptance), the increase in the use of public transport is definite to occur. It is very interesting to note that from results of the stated preference survey conducted by the consultants, it has been found that almost 89% of the sample population is willing to shift to public transport provided KSRTC operates reliable services through the introduction of ITS. This further translates to 17.66% of the users of two-wheeler mode transport shifting to the use of buses. An Intelligent Transport System must meet the essential criteria such as Availability, Accessibility, Assessment and Acceptance to assure KSRTC the acceptance of ITS system by different stakeholders to increase patronage towards the public transport system. The requirements of various stakeholders have been factored into the study driving the recommendations contained in this report. The core objectives of deploying Intelligent Transport System in the city of Mysore include: 1. Providing effective, safe, environmental and commuter friendly solutions to the travelling public who use KSRTC buses. 2. Track and monitor the movement of buses on real time basis to enable communication of the arrival timings of buses at the bus stops through state of the art GPS/GPRS technologies 3. Inform commuters about the bus routes and arrival timings of buses at the bus stops/terminals through LED Display systems. 4. Effective management through a Decision Support system by collecting, collating and storing information on real time basis about the transport system and its effectiveness using communication technology. 5. Instant access to information related to bus schedules, ETA, ETD, annunciating bus stop names, fare details, etc at bus stops, bus terminals and within the buses and through SMS, Internet and IVRS. 6. Issuing of Passes Daily, Weekly, Monthly for commuters and e-purse facilities through Smart Cards. 7. Facilitate timely management of Incidents/Accidents 8. Establish meaningful instant two-way interaction facility between Driver and Central Control Station. 9. Obtaining on-line real time information on bus operations and management. 10. Effective monitoring of breakdowns and the related information. 11. Effective diversion of traffic in case of emergency. 12. Monitoring accidents and the related aspects. The overall scope of the implementation will consist of design, development, testing, installation, commissioning, training, operations, and management of facilities for a period of three years by the winning bidder. This project is planned to cover 500 Buses, 80 Bus Stops and 2 Bus Terminals having the components of Vehicle Tracking System, Central Control Station, Passenger Information Management System, Communication Sub System, Travel Demand Management, Incident and Emergency Management System, Operational and Maintenance Specification and Fleet Management System.

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ITS will cover core systems such as Vehicle Tracking System, Real Time Passenger Information System and Central Control Station. Core technologies include Geographical Positioning System (GPS), Electronic Display Systems, and Information & Communication Technologies. 42” LCD Display unit can be installed for displaying details of Arrival and Departure information of the buses in Kannada and English. Vehicle Mounted Unit(VMU) will update the location information like Latitude and Longitude to the central server through GPRS. The next arrival bus stop information and the current bus stop information will be displayed inside the bus for the passengers based on the location information collected by VMU. The next arrival bus stop information and other necessary information can also be announced inside the bus. Driver will be given a keypad interface for the voice communication. Expected time of arrival of the bus will be displayed at the bus stops. Communication Headset will be provided to the driver to interact with Central Control Center. The GPS (VMU unit), Display units and Central Control Station will be integrated with appropriate interfaces to work in sync with each other seamlessly. Daily Reports on Bus stops skipped, Speed violation, Driver duty performance, Daily out shedding deviation report, Driver wise improper stopping and Details of Missed trips can be generated through this system. ITS Project proposed by KSRTC at Mysore does not include any activity which contribute to negative environmental impacts such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, visual intrusion, community severance and vegetation / land degradation. On the other hand, it has several social benefits such as improvement in safety, reliability and punctuality, delay reduction, capacity improvements, commuter satisfaction, reduction in the use of private vehicles, travel uncertainty and traffic congestion. The projected cost estimate for the deployment of ITS in KSRTC city services in Mysore is around Rs. 19.13 crores. A survey conducted revealed that 89% of the sample population is willing to shift to public transport of KSRTC IT buses. It is thus estimated that the total revenue increase due to the introduction of ITS in KSRTC services in Mysore is estimated at Rs. 6.87 crores per year. Hence, it is expected to recover the total project cost within a span of three years. Additional revenue sources such as Advertising on the Bus body, inside the buses, Online Advertising, Subscriptions and Google Ad-sense have also been identified. The reduction in fuel consumption due to the projected modal shift is to the tune of around 44000 litres of petrol per year. This will result in a net savings of Rs. 24.17 crores per year going by the current fuel prices. The life span of the project is expected to be around six years, which constitutes the three-year implementation period and an additional period of three years considering the life expectancy of the components installed. It is necessary that KSRTC set up an apex level Project Management Committee (PMC) to ensure the overall progress of the project. Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, KSRTC should nominate the Chairman of the Committee. This committee needs to have Finance, Stores, Engineering, Civil & Electrical and IT department representatives to ensure that decisions are taken in consultation with the key departments, which would in turn be influenced by the new system in the work processes.

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To ensure professional management of the project it is recommended that the Project implementation be outsourced to a professional agency identified by KSRTC in order to manage integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communications, risk and procurement covering the key project phases of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing applying a 6-Q framework. This is highly essential to ensure that the tasks are carried out for a definite purpose using the best of techniques and methodologies covering all the stakeholders’ interest in a timely manner and at appropriate places. It is further recommended that the project progress be monitored based on fortnightly reports covering accountability, skills, collaboration, reporting, alerting, quality control and escalation procedures.


In addition to the Project Management Agency (PMA) being set up, the Project Implementation Vendor also needs to set up their own project monitoring mechanisms and report to the Project Monitoring Agency for which the PMA should provide the necessary templates. KSRTC will float tenders for global participation on a two-bid system that consists of Technical bid and Commercial bid. The bid process including the Functional, Technical, general instructions & commercial details and the legal contracts have been detailed in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The tender procurement norms furnished in the RFP are to be adopted for the selection of vendor for implementation, Operations & Maintenance of the project. An overview of the roles and responsibilities of the key stakeholders (KSRTC, Project Implementation Vendor and the Program Management Agency) have also been outlined in the Detailed Project Report to ensure a smooth execution of the project. A Project Plan has been chalked out with specific details on schedule, milestones and work breakup for the project implementation within the given time framework. The contractor who implements the project will also be responsible for the maintenance & operations during the post implementation period. ITS must be effectively maintained and managed to ensure that all services are delivered without any break. It is in this end that the basic procedures for the Maintenance & Support and administration of computing resources of ITS Project have been furnished. This is expected to develop a perfect synergy between the user and the machine to define, identify, analyze, maintain, and communicate on-line data between the end users and the decision makers. This document is a Detailed Project Report that will facilitate KSRTC Management to take the next steps in finalizing the Request for Proposal specifications covering the functional, technical, operational specifications including detailed definition of various service level metrics. This Detailed Project Report also covers the estimated cost of implementing the system with scope for expansion as the number of buses, routes and commuters increases.

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Innovative Environment Project Promoting clean environment with the usage of low emission buses for Public transport and reducing the use of fossil fuels to achieve energy savings have gained utmost importance in the recent years. The introduction of Karnataka SRTC buses operating on Diesel blended with ethanol fuel and fitted diesel particulate filter for Mysore (Innovative environmental project for Mysore City) would certainly be a vital step towards this endeavour. Green House Gas (GHG) emissions across the globe are increasing most rapidly in the transportation sector. A major issue of global concern at present is the increasing contribution of the transport sector to carbon dioxide (CO2)—the main greenhouse gas (GHG) produced from the use of fossil fuels—and its consequences on global warming and climate change. The use of Diesel blended with ethanol fuel would not only reduce GHG (CO2) emissions but would also significantly reduce levels of other harmful pollutants emitted by Diesel Buses.


The technical troubles observed during the initial years with regard to ethanol-diesel blends can now be overcome by using a solubiliser for blends and flame arrestors in diesel tanks of buses. The blending of Ethanol and Diesel by an electronic on-site blending equipment and innovative additive technology is now possible. This creates a stable clear solution of ethanol and diesel ready for use in diesel engines. The necessary infrastructure changes such as installation of Ethanol storage tanks & Computerized Blending Equipments at Depots at Mysore and fitment of Flame Arrestors for Diesel Tanks, fitment of diesel particulate filters in the bus are to be carried out. For reasons of fuel efficiency, emissions performance, and economics, a 7.7 vol% fuel ethanol blend can be utilized for maximum benefits. The advantages of usage of Ethanol diesel blends with solubiliser also include Enhanced lubricity, Added Cetane, Improved corrosion resistance, Excellent response and power, Increased life of engine and other components and Increased life of engine oil. The development of bio fuels (Ethanol) is also likely to have significant social impacts, including job creation (quality and permanence), social responsibility and social equity, including issues such as wealth distribution to rural communities. The rural poor in India who are mainly farmers involved with agricultural production are likely to gain from the development of Ethanol fuel. The Economic gains associated with the introduction of Ethanol-Diesel blends for buses would also be significant. The total savings across fleet of Mysore / annum would be to the tune Rs 1.15 crores, thus with 9 % increase in consumption levels, net savings would amount to Rs. 3.80 crores over a project span of 3 years. This compares favorably with the total project cost of Rs. 3.57 lakhs.

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Project Cost Summary KSRTC plans to source funds from the MoUD, GoI under the GEF SUTP to implement ITS and E-Diesel projects, in consistent with the GEF SUTP objectives. The total cost of the project for the introduction of real time passenger information system, fitment of diesel particulate filters and the use of e-diesel (Ethanol-diesel blend) for Karnataka SRTC buses plying in Mysore is around Rs. 22.70 crores. Of the total project cost, Rs. 8 crores (35%) is to be borne by GEF Funding and Rs. 11.7 crores (52%) is to be bear by the Government of India. The State Government of Karnataka and Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation are to bear the balance amount of Rs. 2.94 crores (13%) to the tune of Rs. 1.47crores each.


The fund flow statement prepared accordingly stipulates that around 73% of the total project cost is to be released during the first year, 9% in the second year and 18% in third year. The summarised project cost for ITS and Innovative Environment Project for KSRTC, Mysore is tabulated below : Project Cost Sl. No.

Project Contribution Source


Amount (Rs. Lakhs)



GEF + GOI Funding



Government of Karnataka

Grant towards its share




Grant towards its share




* GOI Contribution is Rs. 11.76 crores (i.e., 80% of Rs. 14.7crores) and GEF Contribution is Rs. 8 crores @

State Government = Rs. 1.47 crores ( i.e., 10% of Rs. 14.7 crores)



= Rs. 1.47 crores ( i.e., 10% of Rs. 14.7 crores)

Acknowledgement CIRT thanks KSRTC officials who have furnished invaluable data and extended valuable suggestion from time to time for this report and to a number of persons within CIRT and outside who have helped in developing this Detailed Project Report.

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Overview of the project Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), the implementing agency, was established in August 1961 under the provisions of the Road Transport Corporation Act 1950 with the objective of providing “adequate, efficient, economic and properly coordinated road transport services”. Three Corporations viz., BMTC, Bangalore from 15-08-1997, NWKRTC, Hubli from 01-11-1997 and NEKRTC, Gulbarga from 01-10-2000 were formed out, on a regional basis, with KSRTC doing operations covering Southern Karnataka and interstate areas. KSRTC operates its services to all villages in the State, which have motorable roads. 92% of the villages in monopoly area (6743 out of 7298) and 44% in non-monopoly area (5158 out of 11789) have been provided with transport facility by KSRTC. At present it has one corporate office, 11 divisional offices, 57 depots, 110 bus stations, 2 bus bodybuilding workshops,1 printing press, 3 training Institutes and 1 hospital. It operates 5100 schedules with 5400 vehicles (including 164 hired private vehicles) covering 19.50 lakh Kms. and carries on an average 22 lakh passengers daily. About 25000 employees are working in the Corporation.


Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems is a pioneering effort by KSRTC to contribute to the first step to provide dynamic information of the bus routes, ETA/ETD, improve efficiency in transport management, and lower the pollution levels. On completion of this project, it will encourage use of public transport and reduce the use of personal vehicles. This significantly contributes to saving the environment from heavy vehicle pollution and reducing congestion on city roads. The ITS Project is proposed to be implemented at Mysore; the city located in the southern part of Deccan Plateau is a potent place, given its historical background and a salubrious climate for tourism. KSRTC services in Mysore cater to the population of the city which is over 2.2 million. The total area of Mysore city as per MUDA is expected to increase from 9221 hectares (2001) to 15,669 hectares by 2011, representing a significant increase of around 70%. It is observed that the number of vehicles increased almost 25 times to 145,000 in 1996 from around 6,000 in 1970. The network of roads and streets in Mysore follows a hub and spoke mechanism with arterial roads originating from the centre of the city. Arterial roads start from the Palace area and run radially leading to towns and cities outside. This arrangement also means that all commercial activities converge to the centre of the city causing congestion. It is estimated that about 5.7 lakh passenger trips are generated each day within the urban limits, with home-based trips (to & fro) constituting nearly 50%, followed by hometo-work which is 23.2% and home to educational institutions factoring 19.5%.

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The number of sub-systems covers vehicle-to-vehicle communications, collision avoidance and crash detection system, monitoring traffic and controlling signal lights, electronic and speed limit signs, reversible lanes and other road safety components. ITS technology framework includes wireless communication, sensing technologies, inductive loop detection, video vehicle detection and electronic toll collection. KSRTC plans to source funds from the MoUD, GoI under the GEF SUTP to implement ITS project, in consistent with the GFE SUTP objectives. As a first step, preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on ITS for KSRTC Mysore limits its scope primarily to Passenger Information System and including certain core components has been assigned to CIRT, Pune, who will act as consultant to the project. The proposed ITS project implementation will include core components such as : Vehicle Tracking System, Real Time Passenger Information System and Central Control Station. Core technologies include Geographical Positioning System (GPS), Electronic Display Systems, and Information & Communication Technologies.


Benefits of introducing ITS include: Reduce waiting time and uncertainty Increase the accessibility of the system Increase the safety of users Reduce the fuel consumption and emissions Reduce the operational costs Improve traffic efficiency Reduce traffic congestion Improve environmental quality and energy efficiency Improve economic productivity A Detailed Project Report will facilitate KSRTC Management to take the next steps of developing the Request for Proposal specifications covering the functional, technical, operational specifications including detailed definition of various service level metrics. This DPR also covers the estimated cost of implementing the system with scope for expansion as the number of buses, routes and commuters increases. The KSRTC plans to source funds from the MoUD, GoI under the GEF SUTP to implement ITS project, in consistent with the GFE SUTP objectives. KSRTC proposes to implement the system through established bid process for identification and deployment through a system integrator. As a first step, preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on ITS for KSRTC Mysore limits its scope primarily to Passenger Information system and including certain core components has been assigned to CIRT, Pune, who will act as consultant to the project.

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A-1. Why Mysore City for the ITS project ITS Solutions worldwide has been prominent in the development of efficient, transparent and environmental friendly public Transport solutions resulting in growth of economies and transport. Sustainable transport is not just a case of increasing the infrastructure available; it is also a question of maximizing the use of existing infrastructure and of maximizing the efficiency and interoperability of all transport assets.


Implementing an ITS solutions gets more and more complex based on the size of the transport network to be addressed and the size of the city and intricacies of traffic conditions. The cost of implementing an ITS solution is related to the size of the city and the Various other parameters that is addressed in the solution. Hence a smaller city with a smaller fleet of public transport is ideal for a pilot project. In India we are just beginning to understand the need for an ITS solution and we do not have a working model which can be used for case study. KSRTC initiative will be one of the first in the country. Hence this project has been undertaken as a pilot project to become a model / case study for other projects. Changing the traditional ground transportation scheme to a fully automated and intelligent transportation network is a substantial upgrade of the scheme. Apparently the main problems that are hampering this upgrading to materialize are not just technological limits, but cultural, conceptual, social, emotional, political and economical hurdles. The bigger the city the more complex this becomes. The inhibitions and barriers that are hampering innovative ground transportation systems are complex, diversified and interlaced one into another. Many different interests are entangled in the transportation world, and one factor may ruin a whole scheme or vision. Transportation scheme can be compared to huge clockwork, in which the component are co-dependent and integrated. Interference in this scheme should be done delicately, incrementally, intelligently, and morally. In an unperfected trial to epitomize the problems it may be said that upgrading ground transportation system is a process of mediation between the anticipation of the past and the fears and prospects of the future. Hence it is in the best interest of all stakeholders to: Be a modest step to impel the complicated evolutionary process of transportation metamorphosis. Concretize an abstract vision to a basic platform plan. Provoke awareness, negotiations or debates.

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Implement a project that is world class in its concept, design, implementation and management of automatic intelligent ground transportation system. Bring in superior standards in passenger information, and transparent reporting and MIS systems Considering various factors highlighted above, Mysore city offers us the best option for the following reasons: Mysore is a tourist centre and needs to be a model city to provide international standard facilities for local public transport. This will improve the inflow of tourist and also give a good image of our state. The city is a medium sized city thereby making the investments to be made for pilot project affordable. The city is experiencing a high rate of growth in traffic density.


The city located in the southern part of Deccan Plateau is potent place, given its historical background and a salubrious climate. KSRTC services in Mysore cater to the population of the city which is over 2.2 million. It is estimated that about 5.7 Lakhs passenger trips are generated each day within the urban limits, with home-based trips (to & fro) constituting nearly 50% , followed by Home-to-work which is 23.2% and home to educational institutions factoring in 19.5%. It is observed that the number of vehicles increased almost 25 times to 145,000 in 1996 from around 6,000 in 1970. The total area for Mysore city as per MUDA is expected to increase from 9221 hectares (2001) to 15,669 hectares by 2011, representing a significant increase of around 70 %. It is easier to evaluate a project of smaller size city due to lesser complexities in the project parameters. Other cities like Bangalore are very large in size with a lot of limitations and will require networking with many agencies which will render the project unviable for the time being. The cost of implementing ITS project in Bangalore will be substantially higher. It is assumed to be wiser to implement a project at Mysore and learn lessons coming out of the project successfully implemented. There is a lot of other concurrent projects being undertaken /proposed for Mysore city in terms of road up-gradation, new road networks, ring roads etc which will necessitate new Public Transport Support thereby increasing the Transport network and schedules. The funds available for the project will match the project cost for implementation in a city of the size and infrastructure availability such as Mysore.

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Issues B-1.

A backdrop of Mysore


General / Historical background

Cultural capital of Karnataka, Mysore is a majestic, mysterious and mesmerising city. It has inherited all Indian traditions with modernity. Mysore has a number of historical and heritage buildings.


The earliest mention of Mysore can be traced back to the days of King Ashok, back in time around 245 B.C. However, it is only from the 10th Century that a proper and consistent line of history of Mysore can be traced. History of Mysore points out that it was in 1399 A.D that the Yadu dynasty came to power in Mysore. From the year 1761 to 1799 Mysore was ruled by Hyder Ali and his son Tippu Sultan. Mysore remained the second most important city till the death of Tippu Sultan. As Mysore went under the control of the Britishers, they placed a Prince Krishnaraja Wodeyar on the throne of Mysore and Mysore was once again made the capital in the year 1881. The city started to grow from time to time. Chamarajendra Wodeyar was the next king who ruled for 13 long years. The civic administration of the city is managed by the Mysore City Corporation, which was established as a municipality in 1888 and later converted into a corporation in 1977. The corporation oversees the engineering works, health, sanitation, water supply, administration and taxation in the city. It is headed by a mayor who is assisted by commissioners and council members. The city is divided into 65 wards and the council members (Corporations) are elected by the citizens of Mysore every five years. The council members in turn elect the mayor. The growth and expansion of the city is managed by the Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA), which is headed by a commissioner. Its activities include developing new layouts and roads, town planning and land acquisition. One of the major projects recently undertaken by MUDA is the creation of an Outer Ring Road in Mysore, which is expected to ease traffic congestion.

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Location, Climate, physical setting, regional linkages

Mysore city is geographically located between 12° 18'' 26 North Latitude and 76° 38' 59'' East Longitude. It is located at an altitude of 2,427 feet. It encompasses an area of 6,268 sq. km. It enjoys a pleasant climate, the temperature varying between 19º C and 30º C. The weather of Mysore is pleasant throughout the year. As Mysore city is located in the tropics, it enjoys a moderate climate. Mysore city is located in the southern part of the Deccan Plateau. It is a beautiful land bordered by luxuriant forests. It is located 140 Kms from the city of gardens, Bangalore. Mysore is an important railway junction for the district. It is connected to Bangalore, which lies to its northeast via Mandya, the rail junction at Hassan is situated to the northwest, and Chamarajanagar via Nanjangud to the southeast. Infrastructure of Mysore comprises of a wide gamut of civic amenities such as sanitation, solid waste management, water supply as well as transport network. The governing authorities of Mysore are taking major initiatives to further develop the state of infrastructural facilities in the city.


Bangalore is the nearest airport of Mysore. Mandakalli is the proposed place where the airport with two runways is to be built in Mysore. As per the government declaration, the airport of Mysore will start functioning by the year 2009. The road infrastructure of Mysore is quite developed and links the place with Bangalore. Since Bangalore is one of the popular and easily reachable cities of India one can conveniently reach Mysore. The frequency of buses that ply from Bangalore to Mysore is quite good and tourists can also enjoy the scenic pleasures of the surroundings while taking a bus ride. The railway infrastructure of Mysore provides regular train services from Bangalore to the place and vice versa. The closest airport to Mysore is in Bangalore which is at a distance of around 140 km. In recent times Mysore has been transformed into a pioneer of wireless communication technology through the Wi-Fi system. Today, not only tourists but also IT professionals visit Mysore in large numbers. The advent of Wi-Fi in Mysore has literally transformed the city into one of the advanced IT zones of the world. As a result of the Wi-Fi revolution in Mysore, the city gained a complete infrastructure of wireless communication system. A company called WiFi Net installed three towers in Mysore city with a total investment of 60 Lakhs. This in turn led to the activation of the wireless process in Mysore. Ever since the Wi-Fi technology came into Mysore various corporate organizations and individuals are opting for its facilities. There is no denying the fact that Wi-Fi in Mysore has provided a major boost to the complete IT industry of Karnataka as a whole.


Demographic and socio economic profile:

The total population of Mysore is about 2.28 million. There are people from various cultural backgrounds gathering in the city due to the recent development of flourishing IT industry. Thus the population of Mysore is a combination of traditional locals and modern tech savvy youth gathering here for work from different corners of India. Most commonly, the people of Mysore speak both Kannada and English. Tamil and Hindi are the other two popular languages in Mysore.

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The Population of Mysore city comprises of 7.8 lakh urbanites. One of the prominent cities of Karnataka, Mysore is a burgeoning industrial center and tourism hub of South India. Mysore has a total male population of 399,904 and female population of 385,896 as per the census data of 2001. The gender ratio of Mysore is 965 females per 1000 males. The urban population of Mysore comprises of mostly literates who are engaged in important government and private commercial establishments and administrative offices. The population density of Mysore is 6223.55 persons per square kilometre. The literacy rate of the city is 82.8%, which is much higher than the state's average of 67%. Nineteen percent of the population in Mysore live below the poverty line and 8.95% of the population live in slums. Though 35.7% of the population living in urban areas of Karnataka are workers, only 33.3% of the population in Mysore city belong to the working class. People belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled tribes contribute to 15.1% of the population.


Mysore city is with all the modern infrastructural amenities, and it offers several opportunities to the people to earn their livelihood. The city of Mysore is sub divided into Mysore South and Mysore North for the convenience of administration. Being an important industrial centre of the state of Karnataka, Mysore attracts several people from other states for employment thus increasing the population of the city.


Growth, economy, spatial structure and trends

Traditionally, Mysore has been home to industries such as weaving, sandalwood carving, bronze work and production of lime and salt. The planned industrial growth of the city was first envisaged in the Mysore economic conference, held in 1911. This led to the establishment of industries such as the Mysore Sandalwood Oil Factory in 1917 and the Sri Krishnarajendra Mills in 1920. In a survey conducted by Business Today in 2001, the business arm of India Today, Mysore was ranked as the 5th best city in India for business. Mysore has emerged as the hub of tourism industry in Karnataka, attracting about 2.5 million tourists in 2006. For the industrial development of the city, the Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) has established four industrial areas in and around Mysore, located in Belagola, Belawadi, Hebbal (Electronic City) and Hootagalli areas. The major industries in Mysore include BEML, J. K. Tyres, Wipro, Falcon Tyres, L & T and Infosys. Since 2003, information technology companies have been creating bases in Mysore, with the city contributing Rs. 760 crores (US$190 million) to Karnataka's Rs. 48,700 crores ($12.175 billion) IT exports in the financial year 2006–2007. Infosys has established one of the largest technical training centres in the world and Wipro has established its Global Service Management Center (GSMC) at Mysore. Non-IT related services have been outsourced from other countries to companies in Mysore.

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Summary of CIRT Findings


Operational Characteristics of KSRTC in Mysore City

As on 31st March 2008, KSRTC operated 237 schedules under the city services with a fleet strength of 258. The city services were running with a load factor of 72.8% and 555,475 effective kilometres per day.


Bus Network Density


KSRTC operates about 4217 trips through 282 schedules from 2 depots on 185 routes making around 1.79 lakh passenger trips per day. The total number of bus stops in the city is about 484. The average revenue per passenger is about Rs. 8.20 through a fare of 34.76 paise per kilometre and an average distance of 8.38 kilometres per passenger. The average waiting at the bus stops is found to be around 15 minutes.

B-2-c. Mysore

Activities involved and role of agencies in Bus Transport in

The main activities involved in transport management and the role of various agencies is presented in the table below: Roles




Transport Planning

Road Construction

Road Maintenance



Traffic Enforcement Traffic Devices – Signs, Signals, etc.


Road Safety

Bus Operations, including route planning




Mysore Police

Ward-wise Population Details

The entire city of Mysore has been sub-divided into 65 Municipal Wards for the purpose of municipal functions. According to the 2001 Census, a population of 757,379 resides in the 65 wards of Mysore city under the Municipal Corporation limits. The DPR for BRTS in Mysore City prepared by RITES in 2008 identifies four important corridors for public transport services. Two corridors cut across the city in the North-South direction and two in the East-West direction. These four corridors pass through 38 wards of the 65 wards in

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the city catering to around 57.56% of the total population. A list of the wards that the individual corridors cater to is given below.

Ward Numbers





56, 57, 58, 63, 62, 64, 65, 1, 2, 36, 19, 20, 23, 24



12, 11, 5, 4, 1, 36, 37, 41, 42, 44, 45, 35



22, 24, 23, 20, 19, 36, 2, 1, 64, 37, 41, 51, 61, 52, 54, 53



45, 46, 44, 42, 41, 37, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


Modal Split

The distribution of passenger trips by mode is presented in the following figure. It may be observed that 22% of trips are performed by two-wheelers followed by 33% by walk. IPT and Cycles too have considerable share as nearly 14% and 17% of the trips are performed by these modes respectively. The share of trips performed by public transport is 13%, which can still be increased, as the portion of walk and two-wheeler trips is high.

Modal Split

2 Wheeler 22% Walk 33% Car 1% Bus 13%

Cycle & Other 17%


Auto-rickshaw 14%

Average Trip Length

Trip pattern of the urban area residents reveals a considerable proportion 33% of the overall trips made within study area to be walk trips. Average trip length works out to

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be 3.36 km. per capita trip rate. The average trip length of individual modes of transport is given in the following table.


Average Trip Length(km)

2 Wheeler







Cycle & Other





Modal Shift

Significant modal shift is needed to deliver national and international sustainable development aims for a strong economy, an inclusive society and a clean environment. A modal shift occurs when one mode has a comparative advantage in a similar market over the other. Comparative advantages can take various forms, such as costs, capacity, time, flexibility and reliability. A significant trend amongst many urban road users is a willingness to use the public transport in the face of increasing traffic congestion and increasing ‘road-rage’ behaviour on the roads. With the spiralling crude prices in the international market and the rising cost of fuel, many would shift to the public transport on cost considerations. For some, time is of the essence and a modal shift will occur only if the new mode offers time improvements, while for others it is mostly a matter of costs. KSRTC aims to bring about this modal shift in the city of Mysore by improving the perceived image of KSRTC services. The current project aims to improve the reliability of KSRTC city services through effective Travel Demand Management measures and Emergency Management System and reduction in the waiting time of its passengers. Therefore given the critical success factors of availability, reliability, accessibility, security, low costs and comfort (acceptance), the increase in the use of public transport is definite to occur. ITS with its state-of-art technology and convergence of different technologies such as the network, GPS, display systems and Information systems will contribute to meeting the critical success factors in the Intelligent Transport system.


Stated Preference Survey

The consultants conducted a survey on the 04th July 2008 to assess the impact and predict the modal shift to public transport system after the introduction of Real Time Passenger Information Systems through Intelligent Transportation Systems. The survey format is given in the figure below.

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1. Mode of transport currently being used: Please tick wherever applicable Walk


2 Wheeler

3 Wheeler

Car / Jeep

23 2. Would you be shifting to Public Transport if reliable services are provided through Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Yes


3. Would you like to have Arrival / Departure information displayed Yes


4. Number of trips made in a day:


5. Average distance traveled in a day: __________________ 6. Expenditure on petrol / diesel: Rs.

___________ per day / week / month

Date of survey:


It is very interesting to note that from the stated preference survey conducted by the consultants, it has been found that almost 89% of the sample population is willing to shift to public transport provided KSRTC operates reliable services through the introduction of ITS. Mode of Transport

Sample size

Willingness to shift

% Share





3 Wheeler




2 Wheeler












% of Total Sample




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Though this is the perceived opinion of the general public, the proportion of people actually shifting to public transport could be much lesser in reality. On having focus group discussion with the experts in the public transport domain it was concluded that the modal shift would be to the tune of 30% for cars, 50% for 3 wheelers, 10% for cycles and 70% for 2 wheelers. This actually translates to 24.4% of the users of other modes of transport shifting to the use of buses. At a conservative year on year growth of 10%, this could reach 35% in the next five years.



Stakeholder analysis

An Intelligent Transport System must meet the different needs of stakeholders to increase their patronage towards the public transport system. The system must meet the essential criteria such as: (a) Availability; (b) Accessibility; (c) Assessment; and (d) Acceptance to assure KSRTC the acceptance of ITS system by different stakeholders. The key stakeholders are the travelling public, the operative staff of KSRTC involved in efficiently running the buses as per schedule with well maintained buses and meeting the quality of international standards, the management of KSRTC and various ecosystem partners such as suppliers of various resources and components required for efficient running of the KSRTC services, insurance companies, environmentalists and other transport users in the city as two-wheeler / four wheeler users etc. Amongst the citizens, special provisions must be made for the physically challenged, senior persons, women and children who may have difficulties in accessing the services of KSRTC easily. The range of interventions to meet the stakeholders’ expectations could cover: Redesigning bus stops on-line display of bus arrivals Creation of suitable infrastructure at bus stops and bus stations for on-line real-time passenger information system. Fitment of onward electronic devices in the bus to support GPS and GPRS/GSM systems. Special seat allocation for old-aged, physically challenged, women and children and prioritizing their entry into and Exit from the buses before others. Instant access to real time update of the status of the bus schedules. Electronic ticket sale machine and fare collection system. Analytical data (both video and text based) for the top management to support effective management of the services of KSRTC. Real time communication with the drivers for incident / emergency management. Schedule and bus stop announcements through visual displays and voice based.

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Travelers at the bus stops / stations

Information availability on Bus routes (Bus Numbers: Starting – Destination Point – enroute stops), Schedule of the buses – ETA / ETD, Seat availability, approximate travel time in at least two languages – English and Kannada , point to point bus fares, types of buses – AC / Non-AC / Non-stop routes etc; accessibility to such information should be both visual and audio enabled. Redesigning bus stops for easy boarding at the bus stops (such as elevated bus stops, where the floor of the bus stand is at the same level as the entrance to the bus).



In-vehicle services for Passengers

In-vehicle announcements through visual displays and audio system regarding next bus stop arrival and other related information. Special seat allocation for old-aged, physically challenged, women and children and prioritizing their entry into and exit from the buses before others.


Vehicle Drivers

Two-way communication system between the driver and central control station for emergency /incident management. Passenger announcement system inside the bus. Vehicle Information System to keep the drivers informed of the quality of various components and timely servicing / repairs of the vehicle components.


Operational Managers

Facilitate operation managers to manage the entire fleet operations more efficiently through on-line remote access to vehicle positions, speed, breakdown, accident/ incident, etc Preparation of standard reports and charts to support all level of management in decision making. Two-way communication facility for instant contact with drivers in case of emergency incident /accident management/ diversions / traffic jams and warning of any traffic violations in real-time. Instant access to information such as: missed trips, late trips on different routes, break downs and its duration, vehicles offline, accidents – types, impact, losses etc, route-wise stop times for different trips at bus stops, average speed point to point, travel time analysis, improper stops at bus stops, driver behavior, deviation in routes, speed violations, at different locations and at different points of time

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KSTRC Management

Analytical data (video, text and numerical data) for the top management to support effective management of the services of KSRTC Cater to requirements of dynamic and context based specific reports graphs and charts and other standard Management Information System reports to give a snapshot view to the KSRTC management on daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and yearly performance.


Eco-system partners


Recorded / immediate access to information on various incidents and accidents to process insurance claims on buses / passengers; keeping track of the extent of pollution caused by KSRTC buses and initiate action on progressively bringing in less polluting fuel into the system; encouragement of two wheelers and car users to start using the public transport system to bring down traffic congestion and to keep the environment green and healthy


Vision of KSRTC


Core Objectives of ITS

KSRTC proposes to improve its capability in managing the entire public transport system in Mysore more efficiently, safely and be more Commuter and environmental friendly. This can be achieved by introducing real time communication interlinked with buses, passengers (in-vehicle, bus stations and bus-stands) and KSRTC Management by implementing intelligent transport system. The core objectives of deploying Intelligent Transport System in the city of Mysore include: 1.

Providing effective, safe, environmental and commuter friendly solutions to the travelling public who use KSRTC buses.


Track and monitor the movement of buses on real time basis to enable communication of the arrival timings of buses at the bus stops through state of the art GPS/GPRS technologies.


Inform commuters about the bus routes and arrival timings of buses at the bus stops/terminals through LED Display systems.


Effective management through a Decision Support system by collecting, collating and storing information on real time basis about the transport system and its effectiveness using communication technology.


Instant access to information related to bus schedules, ETA, ETD, annunciating bust stop names, fare details, etc at bus stops, bus terminals and within the buses and through SMS, Internet and IVRS.

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Issuing of Passes Daily, Weekly, Monthly for commuters and e-purse facilities through Smart Cards.


Facilitate timely management of Incidents/Accidents


Establish meaningful instant two-way interaction facility between Driver – and central control station.


Obtaining on-line real time information on bus operations and management.


Effective monitoring of break downs and the related information.


Effective diversion of traffic in case of emergency.


Monitoring accidents and the related aspects.


B-5. Existing urban transportation scenario and facilities available in the use of urban transport – issues & challenges EXISTING SCENARIO The road pattern in Mysore is a combination of radial and grid pattern with arterial roads originating from the city centre. The Palace is the focal point from where the roads run radially leading to outer areas of the city. State Highways 17, 33, 86 & 88 pass through the city. SH-17 connects Mysore to Bangalore SH-33 to Manantavady SH-86 to Bangalore via Kanakapura SH-88 to Bantwal. In addition to these, the city has a number of arterial roads (within the jurisdiction of Mysore City Corporation (MCC), Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) and Public Works Department (PWD)). The main radial roads, which originate from the Palace are Hunsur Road, KRS Road, Bangalore Road, Mahadevapura Road, Bannur Road, Ooty Road, H.D. Kote Road and Bogadi Road. The other major roads in Mysore include:

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M.G. Road

Dhanvantari Road

Mirza Road

Vani Vilas Road

Ramanuja Road

Radhakrishna Avenue

Sayyaji Rao Road

Seshadri Iyer Road

Chamaraja Double Road

Ashoka Road

Ramavilas Road

Devaraja Urs Road

New Sayyaji Rao Road

Adichunchanagiri Road

Kantharaja Urs Road

Irwin Road

Sawday Road

Lokaranjan Mahal Road

Karanki Tank Bund Road

Lalith Mahal Road

Maharana Pratap Simhaji Road

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Road

Chamundi Hill Road

T. Narasipura Road

Race Course Road

Madhavachari Road

Vinoba Road

A.V. Road

Jhansi Rani Road (JLB)




In addition to the above roads, Outer Ring Road (ORR) on the periphery of the city has been constructed by MUDA. At present, 42 kms of the ORR has been completed and the balance length of road connecting Bannur Road to H.D.Kote Road is yet to be taken up. Details about the existing features of some of the important roads are highlighted in the subsequent paragraphs:

HUNSUR ROAD This is one of the major radial roads located on the North-West side of the city. The road is mainly undivided carriageway. The carriageway width varies from 7m at intersection of ORR to 9m at CFTRI. The land use is mainly commercial with some stretches being residential. The terrain is mostly flat and at some location, it is rolling. There are no service roads along this stretch. Footpaths are not available. Hunsur road intersects ORR near Vijayanagar area, which is at present four lane divided carriageway. The road from intersection of ORR extends upto CFTRI campus near Jaladarshini. Along this entire stretch, there are two major junctions’ viz., Paduvarahalli Junction and Hunsur Road – Temple Road Junction. Near Paduvarahalli Junction, Manasagangotri campus is located Kukkarahalli Tank.

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BANNUR ROAD Bannur Road is one of the main arterial roads of Mysore city which is an undivided carriageway. The carriageway width varies from 4.5 m to 9.3 m. The land use is mainly commercial. Bannur Road intersects ORR near Alanahalli layout. Beyond ORR towards Bannur side, Vidya Vikas Engineering College is located. Towards the city from intersection of ORR and Bannur Road, Teresian College is located near Siddartha Layout. Beyond Siddartha Layout, T. Narasipura Road extends upto Nazarbad Circle and reaches Hardinge Circle via Nazarbad Road. The carriageway width between T. Narasipura Road and Nazarbad Road varies between 5.5m and 9m. Karanji Tank is located near Siddartha Layout adjacent to T. Narasipura Road. Foothpath is unpaved. From the intersection with ORR, there is one major junction viz., Nazarbad Circle, Nazarbad to Hardinge Circle, the road is one way.


K R S ROAD This is an arterial cum radial road of Mysore city which connects the city to KRS dam. The road is two lane undivided carriageway, with varying carriageway width. The land use is a combination of residential and government offices/buildings. The road is not characterized with the presence of footpath. KRS Road intersects ORR near Metagalli. The existing road width is proposed to be widened to 30m. The road intersects the railway line (going towards Arasikere at grade.

BANGALORE ROAD This is an important radial road of Mysore city attracting heavy traffic, both personalized, buses a well as HTVs. The road is two lane undivided carriageway. Footpath is partly paved and partly unpaved. The land use is semi commercial and partly residential. The New Bangalore – Mysore Road insects the old Bangalore – Mysore road near old check post junction, from where there is the deviation of Bangalore road. Beyond old check post junction, the road towards the city is characterized by the presence of two junctions, viz., Millennium circle and Tippu circle.

MAHADEVAPURA ROAD The road is a main arterial road, which is four lane-divided carriageways. Footpath is about 1m and is unpaved. The land use along the road is either residential or commercial on one side while on other side, it is open space / Agricultural land. The road intersects ORR near Sathgally II stage. Along this road, near K.N. Pura, Udayagiri Circle exists. The road is proposed to be widened to 30m. This road connects Mysore city to the famous pilgrimage Town centre of Nanjangud. The road is a two lane undivided carriageway. The land use is residential upto city limits and beyond that, it is open and agricultural land.

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Foothpath is unpaved and width of foothpath is only 0.9m. On one side of the road, beyond JSS College, Sri Ganapathi Sachidananda Ashram is located, which attracts tourist population. The road is two lane undivided. The land use around this road is either residential or commercial. The road runs almost parallel to the Mysore – Chamarajanagar meter gauge railway line upto certain distance and near Nachanahalli Palya the railway line passes over the road. CSTRI campus is located near Srirampuram village on the outskirts of the city and close to ORR.

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Options, challenges & recommended Solution C-1.

Integrated urban land use and transport planning


Mysore City Urban Land Use

The total area for Mysore city as per MUDA has shown an increase to 9221 hectares in 2001 from 7569 hectares in 1995, representing a growth of 22%. As per MUDA, the total area is further expected to increase to 15669 hectares by 2011, representing a significant increase of around 70 % over the total area in 2001. The city’s growth in the recent years has been skewed towards southern Mysore i.e the industrial areas located in Nanjangud. MUDA/ private developers have developed new layouts in the areas of Vijayanagar and J.P. Nagar. Besides, the residential layouts, private developers also have lined up an array of proposals to develop malls, convention centres and golf course. MUDA has also proposed to develop few residential layouts in the north east part of Mysore towards Bannur / T.Narsipura like Shastri Nagar. The following table illustrates the land use pattern of Mysore city from 1995 to 2011:

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1995 Area in Hectares



% Area


Area in Hectares

% Area

Area in Hectares

% Area



















Parks & Open Spaces







Public & Semi-public













Public Utility







Water Sheet


















Commercial Industrial

Traffic & Transportation

Nehru Loka Total

2,078.14 7,568.77





The total area demarcated for parks, open spaces and Nehru Loka (green spaces) is expected to decrease marginally to 2690 hectares (2011) as per the proposed land use pattern for the year 2011. Currently, this is around 3060 hectares (2001). The area allocated to Nehru Loka is expected to help preserve the green spaces around the Chamundi Hills area. The total area demarcated for residential purpose is expected to increase as new residential layouts are coming up. The residential area is estimated to be 6098 hectares in the proposed land use pattern for 2011. This would represent an increase of almost 114% over the area of 2850 hectares in the land use pattern for 2001.

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The percentage of land for agricultural purpose is also expected to increase from 2.27% (162 hectares) in 2001 to 6.41% (899 hectares) in 2011. However, the percentage of area for commercial, industrial and traffic/transportation purpose has not varied over the three periods, as illustrated in the land use table above.



Transport Planning integrating land use

INTRODUCTION There is a need to clearly define transportation policy for a city, especially one which has been showing tremendous increase in its population as well as vehicle growth. The conventional way of dealing with transportation problems will have to be dispensed and a comprehensive policy is required to frame a vision. The catastrophic failures of transport policies on many fronts have led the cities to revolutionalise their current positions and adopt radically new policies. This re-orientation in thinking has not gained momentum in India while the same is being duly advocated abroad by traffic and transportation planners, with spectacular results. Hence, there is a need to formulate “TRANSPORTATION POLICY” for Mysore to ensure an effective and efficient transportation system in the city.

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NEED Over the next few years, Mysore city which has been a centre of tourist attraction is likely to develop into a major IT hub of the State. With such growth and development of the city, Mysoreans should be able to enjoy a good quality of life. Towards this end, the city should be planned and the challenges and problems faces the city should be met with utmost care. Although, some measures have been initiated by MUDA with the construction of Outer Ring Road (ORR) in the city, there is a need to provide more road infrastructure facilities. The time is now ripe for planners to become visionaries. The ideas or proposals should not be brushed aside as invalid or impractical. There will be many obstacles and difficulties - fiscal, political and practical but instead of excuses, the planners need to face reality and become more solution centred. This may lead to making decisions which may not be acceptable initially.


Planners and decision makers of the city must ensure that the public do not spend hours in traffic snarls. It is necessary to preserve the heritage, culture, history and landmarks of the city. The science of traffic and transportation underlies social, economic and environmental issues concerning every citizen. The vision for the city is directly related to the issue of mobility and the manner in which it is addressed.

PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION The most visible problems Mysore faces are: Congestion, with ever increasing commuting times and delay Degraded air quality which threatens the health of citizens Lack of proper parking facilities Lack of proper pedestrian facilities to ensure safety of pedestrians. It is also observed that the vehicles in the city have grown from 6000 in 1970 to 3.55 lakhs during 2006. This has happened due to the lack of efficient public transport system in the city. The increase in vehicle population has also given rise to high accident rate in the city. It is thus clearly evident that the ever increasing number of vehicles not only accelerates pollution but also leads to increased frustration and traffic violations by the road users.

FRAMEWORK FOR SOLUTION For urban areas to be able to support the required level of economic activity, facilities must be provided for easy and sustainable flow of goods and people. Unfortunately, such a flow of goods and people has been facing several problems, most prominent among them being: Billions of man hours lost with people struck in traffic. The primary reason for this being the explosive growth of vehicular traffic coupled with limitation on road space availability.

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Cost of travel has increased considerably. This is largely because of the use of nonmotorized vehicles like cycles and walking has become extremely risky as these modes have to share the same ROW with motorized vehicles. Travel in city has become risky with more accidents. Rapid motor vehicle growth has led to severe air pollution, adversely affecting the health of people and quality of life. Unless the above problems are tackled in the right earnest, poor mobility can become a major dampener to the economic growth and deteriorate the quality of life. Thus, a policy is needed to deal with this rapidly growing problem and also offer a clear direction and framework for future action.


Thus, the vision of the Transportation Policy should be able to make the city liveable and enable them to become the “ENGINES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH” allowing our cities to evolve into an urban form that is best suited for the unique geography and support the main social and economic activities that take place in the city.


Objectives of Transport Policy

The objective of transport policy is to ensure safe, affordable, quick, comfortable, reliable and sustainable access for the growing number of city residents to jobs, education, recreation and other needs within the city. This is to be achieved by: Incorporating urban transportation as an important parameter at the planning stage Encouraging integrated land use and transport planning so that travel distances are minimized. Bringing about an equitable allocation of road space with people and vehicles, as its main focus Investing in transport systems that encourage greater use of public transport and non-motorized vehicles rather than personalized motor vehicles Establishing regulatory mechanism to allow a level playing field for all operators of transport services Introducing Intelligent Transport System for traffic management and increasing effectiveness of regulatory and enforcement mechanisms Addressing concern for road safety and reducing pollution levels through changes in travelling practices, better enforcement, stricter norms, technological improvements etc. Promoting use of cleaner technologies Associating private sector in activities where their strengths can be tapped beneficially Thus, the responsibility for management of urban areas and urban transport rests with the State Government. The transport policies to be formulated being compliant with the National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP).

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REALIZING POLICY OBJECTIVES The objectives of the transport policy should be achieved through multi-pronged approach. This can be achieved by: Integrating land use and transport planning Equitable allocation of road space Priority to use of public transport Priority to non-motorized transport Discouraging use of personalized motor vehicles


Providing parking facilities Providing facilities for freight traffic Coordinating planning and management of city transport Using cleaner technologies Innovative financing mechanism using land as a resource Association of private sector Creating public awareness and co-operation

INTEGRATING LAND USE AND TRANSPORT PLANNING The transport system of the city depends on population, area, urban form, topography, economic activities, income levels, growth constraints etc. Transport planning is intrinsically linked to land use planning and both need to be developed together to serve the entire population and minimize travel needs. Due attention need to be paid to channel the future growth of the city around pre-planned network rather than developing a transport system after uncontrolled growth. Hence, transport plans should enable the city to take an urban form that best suits the geographical constraints of its location. It is therefore imperative to promote development of integrated land use transport plans. Thus, MUDA in association with MCC and other transport authorities should set up a “TRANSPORT AUTHORITY”, which would exclusively look after the transport requirements of the city. The authority shall develop the land use and transport planning parameters. To this effect, assistance up to 50% would be provided by the central government. Hence, the city should be encouraged to identify potential corridors for future development and then establish a transport system that would encourage growth around itself. Radial corridors emerging from the city and extending up to 20 – 30 Km count be reserved for future development. To this effect, MUDA has initiated action by constructing Outer Ring Road (ORR) on the periphery of Mysore city, which is about 6 Km (avg.) from the city centre. In the next few years, the areas around ORR would develop and transport authorities can plan to provide services to these areas. It is however very essential for MUDA to ensure that these areas are protected from encroachment by putting up physical barriers.

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Central Government provides partial financial support for traffic and transport studies in such cities. Mysore can utilize the facilities under this scheme of central government so that broad based studies could be undertaken to integrate transport planning with land use planning, keeping projected populations in mind.

COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS The city has been witnessing a spate of commercial developments. This has resulted in generation of high volume of traffic, especially during peak hours. Access from and to these commercial establishments is creating traffic snarls with impact on other traffic. It is important that the local administration viz., MCC & MUDA take an active role while sanctioning construction of commercial establishments.


TRAFFIC DEMAND MANAGEMENT MEASURES It is a known fact that with the growth in economy people tend to become more affluent resulting in an increase in ownership of personalized vehicles. To cope with the increase in personalized vehicle, efforts should be made by the concerned local administration to improve the road infrastructure facility. This is the general tendency witnessed in almost all cities in India and Mysore is no exception to this rule. The growth in the vehicular population outstrips the advantage from the improved infrastructure. Hence, it is very essential and critical to limit the number of vehicles on roads. The only prerogative to achieve this is to improve the public transport system thereby attracting more people to use the services.

PARKING Land is a valuable asset in urban areas. Parking lots occupy large portion of such land. Hence, such land should be recognized in determining the principles for allocation of parking space. As the number of vehicles in the city explode, the demand for parking lots increases resulting in utilisation of available spaces meant for other road users as well as creating a demand for all available open spaces to be turned into parking lots. This trend has already begun in most of the cities in our country. There is an urgent need to formulate policy for parking. Rather than having a reactive parking policy which constantly changes with ever increasing number of vehicles, the policy should aim at reduction in the need for parking.

FORMULATION OF PARKING POLICY The following guidelines are recommended for creating a comprehensive parking policy for Mysore City. Limit availability of parking space and levy high parking fee in order to curb the use of personalized vehicles. Preference in allocation of parking space for public transport vehicles

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Introduction of graded scale of parking fee that covers the economic cost of land used in such parking lots. This would help in persuading people to use public transport to reach city centres and restrict the use of personalized vehicles to city centres. Multi-level parking complexes should be made mandatory in city centres that have high-rise commercial complexes. Parking complexes should come up with PPP so as to limit the impact on public budget. Parking complexes should also go in for electronic metering so that there is better realization of parking fee. Provisions should be made by appropriate legislation to prevent use of ROW on road systems for parking purposes.


When large share of trips are met by public transport system, the IPT modes become important to fill the gaps left by public transport. No space is earmarked for parking of these modes resulting in parking of these vehicles on roads creating major obstruction to traffic. Hence, necessary measures should be taken to ensure that sufficient space is allocated to the IPT mode, especially at railway stations and bus terminals.

FREIGHT TRAFFIC With the city’s expansion and population growth, substantial amount of freight traffic would be generated. The timely and smooth movement of freight is crucial for the economic activities undertaken by the residents of the city. With limited road capacity available, it is essential that passenger and freight traffic are so staggered to make optimum use of transport infrastructure. Thus the off-peak passenger travel time can be used for freight movement. The entry of HTV should be banned during daytime. Already a truck terminal has been constructed on Ooty Road near RMC yard. On completion of the ORR, arrangements should be made to construct more terminals along the ORR so that the entry of freight traffic to the city can be minimised.

C-1-d. Modal Shift to more efficient and less polluting forms of Public Transport PRIORITY TO PUBLIC TRANSPORT SERVICES Public transport generally occupies less road space and causes less pollution per passenger-km than personalized vehicles. Public transport is a more sustainable form of transport. Hence, local authorities should promote investments in public transport and make its use more attractive than personalized vehicles. Towards this end, the central government also encourages each city with a population of more than 4 million to plan for Mass Transit System that would best suit the city requirements in the next 20 to 30 years.


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There is a wide spectrum of public transport technologies. High capacity, high cost technologies like metro systems and low capacity bus systems running on shared ROW are the two extreme options available as of now. Within these two extremes, there is a range of intermediate possibilities like buses on dedicated ROW, elevated sky bus, monorail, Electrical Trolley buses etc. Improvement to existing bus system in the city is achieved by: Improving / enhancing the current fleet. This means more buses and bettermaintained buses, well-maintained bus terminals. Providing better training and management to staff so as to improve their ability and morale


Introducing hierarchical system, which consists of buses with different levels like express buses, peak hour service buses (akin to the system prevailing in Bangalore), limited stops buses. The improvement to bus fleet will improve commute time, comfort and reliability for current users. This will reduce the pollution risk to commuters and non-commuters. Hence, these measures must be undertaken immediately.

USE OF CLEANER TECHNOLOGY Petroleum based fuels are the most commonly used products for vehicular traffic. New Delhi has adopted CNG while some other cities have also switched over to CNG. However, the pollution level at Mysore has still not reached alarming proportion. “Prevention is better than cure” is the famous adage and the same principle can be applied to Mysore in the current scenario. Rather than taking action after sufficient damage is done to the environment, it is always better to take preventive measures before the situation goes out of control. Towards this effect, cleaner technologies need to be encouraged so that the problem of vehicular pollution can be more effectively tackled. Thus, the public transport system in Mysore should be augmented in the right earnest so that the usage of personalized vehicles can be minimized.


Provision and encouragement of non-motorized transport

PRIORITY TO NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORT Non-motorized transport has lost its importance due to the increasing sprawl and rising income levels. It is seen that the share of bicycles on an average in Mysore is about 11% (average) of the total volume of traffic. Longer trip lengths and sharing of a common ROW with motorized vehicles have made the usage of bicycles more risky and difficult. However, the non-motorized vehicles are environment friendly and have to be given their due share in the transport system of Mysore city


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The measures to be taken to discourage use of personalized vehicles should go hand in hand with the measures that seek to encourage use of public transport. Towards this end, the State Government / MCC / MUDA should encourage people to use public transport or non-motorized transport (for shorter trip lengths) and limit the use of personalized vehicles. This could be achieved by: Providing efficient and effective public transport services covering all the areas and localities of the city. Improving road infrastructure like widening roads, strengthening the pavements Providing facilities at bus terminals and bus stops which would encourage more usage of public transport system


Reducing the waiting time for public transport

C-2. C-2-a. Systems

Analysis of current technology solutions Worldwide experience of Real Time Passenger Information

Real time at-stop information is probably the one, which best meets user expectations. At-stop displays usually display waiting times. Also, the location of the arriving vehicle can be shown. The knowledge of waiting time greatly improves the conditions of the trip in two main ways: (i) by removing uncertainty (When will the bus arrive & Has the bus already passed) (ii) by minimising waiting time (passenger is enabled to do shopping, etc).

REVIEW OF INFORMATION SERVICES Most of the at-stop displays surveyed here were bus stop displays. In addition, there were some metro platform and train station display systems surveyed, but the conclusions mostly concentrate on bus stop displays. Existing at-stop displays provide real-time information on the arrival of the next vehicles. The content of the given information is usually the same: route number, destination of the arriving vehicle and waiting time. Some displays show the location of the arriving vehicle on a linear map. About half the systems give information on service disruptions. The Metro platform displays in Helsinki give information about the vehicle: they use a symbol to display the length of the train. The most common additional information is current time, some displays can give free text messages.

REVIEW OF ERGONOMIC ASPECTS Almost all the bus stop displays are situated in the direction of the arriving vehicle. In those cases the vertical position of displays varies between 170 and 250 cm above ground. The vertical position is limited by the height of the bus shelter.

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The way to give the same information (on waiting time) varies among systems. Most bus stop displays show the next 1 - 5 lines / vehicles at a time one below the other. The number of lines shown can be varied: the bottom row can scroll or all text can scroll on the display. On some displays the route number is static information and so all the lines passing a certain stop are displayed continuously. VIDEOBUS in Le Havre, France, has a diagrammatic representation: the waiting time can be seen in the same screen as the progress of the arriving bus. The use of LED and LCD displays is about the same. The height of text in the different systems varies from 2.9 to 7.5 cm. Font type is usually undefined (though in some systems it is arial.) The needs of elderly and disabled people have been taken into account in about 25% of the systems surveyed. The most common way of catering for the needs of elderly people is to transform the text information into audio information. This can be done, for example, with key fobs that have been issued to blind persons. With a key fob, audio messages giving the same information as the sign, can be activated. At some stops there is also a button that a blind person can push to request information from the Control Centre by radio. Other features used are larger letters and contrasting colours for the signs.


Two portable information devices for blind or partially-sighted people are currently under test in the UK, which offer the potential for improving the specificity of information provision in-trip for disabled or elderly people. One is the REACT wayfinder system, currently under test at Golders Green Undergound station, London. The user carries a small device that triggers speech from a beacon when the user comes into range, and the system is automatic and does not need to be activated by the user: it uses radio technology. The second experimental system is Pathfinder, using infra-red technology. This requires the user to point the device at the receiving beacon, and it then triggers a message to the user through an earpiece. A trial of the Pathfinder system is currently being undertaken at Hammersmith Underground and Bus Interchange, in London. All the displays have been protected against vandalism somehow: with strong metal cases, poly-carbonate fronts and anti-graffiti coatings.

DATA TECHNOLOGY Data communication between the vehicles and the control centre is handled by radio in all the systems on which the information was available, except in STOPWATCH (UK) where a radio paging system is used. Data communication between the control centre and the signs mostly uses radio, although pager, wire and telephone are also used. Vehicle positioning uses beacons, GPS, DGPS, dead-reckoning, track circuits, odometer and different combinations of these technologies.


Surveys and Experience

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Surveys have been carried out, among other places, in Brussels, Glasgow, Birmingham, London, Bologna and Paris. Feedback has also been received in other cities, and the overall customer response has been very positive. Surveys in Brussels show user satisfaction on PHOEBUS to be 90 %; the systems are regarded as being very user-friendly, and display readability is felt to be excellent. The Brussels experience is that the use of public transport on the lines equipped with these displays has increased by 6 %. In Glasgow (BUSTIME) user feedback in surveys has been extremely positive. There is 98% acceptance, and 46% of users say that they would be encouraged to use the bus service more often because of the system.


In Birmingham (CENTRO) household surveys asked what measures were required to get people on to buses and out of cars. Real-time information on PT was considered the best, more important than, say, improved bus shelters or low floor vehicles. Passenger numbers have gone up 30 % after the introduction of combination of measures on a demonstration route (including CENTRO displays). In London a pilot survey has been carried out on one COUNTDOWN route, and gave very positive results. The main findings were that: Waiting itself is more acceptable (89% of passengers) Passengers found that time seemed to pass more quickly when they knew how long their wait would be (83% of passengers) Passengers perceive a shorter waiting time (65% felt this was so) The service is perceived as more reliable Of those passengers travelling, waiting at night is perceived as safer General feelings improve towards bus travel (68%), the particular operator (54%) and London Transport (45%) 96% of passengers say that Countdown information is clear and easy to see, and have no problem of any kind with the system About 70% of passengers refer to the display when they arrive at the stop, and about 90% look at the sign while they wait. About 60% say they look at the sign at least once a minute. Passengers approve of the 3 essential pieces of information provided (route number, destination and waiting time). However, some base-line messages sent out by Countdown controllers were not so well understood. There is strong overall customer support for the system Countdown has been found to generate a minimum of 1.5% new revenue. A survey was also carried out on the Time-checker system in Liverpool (where the system itself has been funded under the European THERMIE and DRIVE II projects). The results, which were very positive, are as follows:

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The Time-checker system has led to a 5% increase in patronage on routes where Time-checker had been installed. 68% of passengers use Time-checker consistently The system claims a 90% accuracy 85% of users believe that the use of Time-checker makes waiting more acceptable 87% feel that Time-checker gives a feeling of reassurance 92% of respondents perceived real-time information to be either 'very accurate' or 'accurate' 89% of respondents wanted to see an expansion in the provision of real-time information, with electronic displays provided at all bus stops —


73% of respondents found that the availability of real-time information enhanced their feeling of personal security when waiting for a bus after dark. 71.5% of users believed that, in general, the SMART services improved when the electronic displays were installed. 57% of respondents thought that the installation of real-time displays resulted in decreased waiting times at bus stops. In Espoo (Finland) a passenger survey has been carried out before and just after the installation of the displays. Passengers' views on the system are mainly positive and the system is more widely accepted after than before the implementation. The main findings from the survey made soon after the implementation are: 78 % of the passengers interviewed consider the system good or very good, just 5 % are of opposite opinion. A total of 78 % support the expansion of the system, 22 % object to it. The displays are already now used more than paper schedules. Fewer people find out the departure time of the bus beforehand (compared with the study made before implementation). Critical feedback on the system was mainly focused on unreliable waiting times shown on the displays. The result was expected at this stage, because 90 % of the waiting times shown on displays are based on driving times from 1995. 91 % of the passengers interviewed understood correctly the times shown in display. The bus symbol was understood by 62 % of the passengers. The square symbol was understood by 38 % of passengers. (There are posters at the stops to explain the display characters.).

OTHER EXPERIENCE The general experience of the systems is that they work very well and are very useful and successful. However the implementation stages of some systems have had difficulties. There have been problems with installations and deliveries have been delayed. Installation of COUNTDOWN (London) has been dependent on installation of AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location), which has been delayed due to, e.g.

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Longer-than-anticipated integration of the various AVL system elements Bus fleet 'churn' (moving buses between depots) The change in scale required from project to programme working.

The one major operational problem with the AVL system is bus drivers not registering their vehicle onto the system properly. This is a major challenge to the perceived accuracy of COUNTDOWN, with up to 15% of vehicles not showing on the signs. Several developments are being considered to enhance Countdown: e.g. Linking the buses' radio to the Electronic Ticket Machine, to assist driver logging-in


Evaluating ISDN for landline communication to and from the stops Initiatives to allow third-party dissemination of Countdown information. In Southampton (STOPWATCH) there have been operational problems with waiting time predictions, while in London (COUNTDOWN) the accuracy of predictions is high: forecast errors in 1997 surveys were within + or - 30 seconds for 40% of the time. On average, over all predictions, 75% of the time forecast errors are within + or - 2 minutes. On average 65% of 'clear downs' from the stop display are within + or - 30 seconds of the bus being at the stop, and 83% are within + or - 1 minute. Mersey travel (the co-ordinating agency in Liverpool) found that with high demand for radio channels from other users, obtaining suitable radio channels to operate the system was one of the biggest barriers to implementation of the Time checker system. Whilst it is relatively easy to make changes to the database of timetables and running boards, a major problem has been that with the system Time checker uses, each morning the bus operator must enter the fleet number and running board for each bus into the system, otherwise the system does not know what buses are on the route. It has not always been possible to obtain the manpower to do this, so that at times this has had a detrimental effect on the reliability of the system. In Hong Kong (PIDS) the stop display system (in use on the Metro network) is considered to enhance the safety of the underground environment by providing information efficiently and to be an effective tool in assisting crowd control. In Gothenburg there is a lot of experience on at stop displays. The GoTiC project has produced research reports on requirements and recommendations for real-time displays and design of information about disturbances in public transport. Some findings concerning the display type (GoTiC News 2/97, Research report of GoTiC project: Recommendations for real-time information on monitors and displays, 1995): LED technology is especially well suited for locations where shelter roofs shield the displays from excessive sunlight. LCD technology provides good legibility, even in sunlight. Binotype, a special binary typeface, has been developed to make message texts on binary interfaces (LED; LCD, bi-stable) as legible as possible. In the study the

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majority were of the opinion that the sign with red text on a black background was easiest to read. In order for a LED display in a shelter to function properly as a carrier of real time information, it must be able to display at least four lines of 35 characters per line.

An advantage of the monitor is that it has space to provide a good overview of available alternatives of the various lines passing the stop. The disadvantage is that the monitors are very light-sensitive. Outdoor monitors for real time information should be avoided. Users of monitors may have problems related to readability and outdoor positioning. Finnish Railways and display supplier have found a new solution to replace monitors with displays with a developed LCD technique. They are easy to place (the depth of the device is only 10-20 cm) and the readability is much better than with monitors in a daylight. They are also cheaper than outdoors monitors. Experience on use is however not yet available.


SIMILAR PROJECT EXECUTED IN ROME. The ITS Project in Mysore is modelled on many similar projects in operation world wide. Mysore project can be linked to its similarity to the ITS Solution for public transport in Rome. The latest system for Public Transport management implemented in the city of Rome is called the ‘Automatic vehicle monitoring’. This system serves the fundamental tool for managing all the processes in Public Transport Service, planning, control, passenger information and production control. The components of the System Architecture are the on board system, the depot system, electronic display system, communication system and central control system. All the data & information collected by the system can be used to support the different stages of the Service supply chain: Planning Estimated route journey time Vs real route journey time. Monitoring Real time mapping of buses on routes and information on the status of the vehicle. Real time information on vehicle’s Service details, location, speed etc Real time information on bus stop details such as missed bus stops. Passenger Information System Real time location of the buses with respect to bus stops and delays estimated on the arrival time at bus stops. Control room functions

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Linear representation of bus routes and bus stop details. Visualization at the control center of the information delivered on the electronic displays. Automatic record and reporting of data for operation and management personnel.


Analysis and Recommendation of the Solution framework

Mysore as location for ITS implementation “Enhancing the glory of Mysore, and enabling it to forge ahead as the cultural, tourism, educational, and wellness hub” is the vision of Mysore. The Principal Secretary, Department of Industries and Commerce, has said that Mysore is all set to witness rapid industrialization with the Government sanctioning 55 medium- and large-scale industries, which will create 60,000 jobs over the next few years.


The Government of Karnataka is promoting Mysore as an alternative destination for the Information Technology (IT) industry and developing it as a counter magnet city to Bangalore. As a result the city has become a new haven for the IT and Information Technology Enabled Services (ITeS) industry and is poised to play bigger role in the economy of the city. This is apparent from the fact that the software exports from the city grew at 26.8% to reach Rs.392 crores, in the year 2005-06. As the divisional headquarters of Mysore Division and as the Railway Junction, railways are the other major employer in Mysore. The Government has cleared 55 industries under the single-window agency scheme for Mysore. This envisages an investment of Rs. 9,462 crores. With the State Government marketing Mysore as a potential destination for investment in the manufacturing and services sector, the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) is in the process of acquiring 3,872 acres of land to open 1,000 industrial units in and around Mysore. Besides, the 154 acres of land being acquired for the airport at Mandakalli near here, KIADB is also acquiring 257 acres of land for a textile park at Kadakola, 658 acres of land at Hootagalli, 500 acres of land at Anchya, besides 1,500 acres of land at Thandya in Nanjangud. Improvements in infrastructure, like doubling of Railway tracks, completion of the four lane State-highway, the Bangalore - Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (BMIC) between Mysore and Bangalore, up gradation and expansion of the Mysore Airport will bring significant growth to the economy of Mysore. The congestion in Bangalore, as well as its proximity, is having a ‘push effect’ on IT/ITeS industry to Mysore. The city’s share in the State GDP at 7.09% (1996-97), has exhibited a marginal increase over the figure of 6.63 % (1980- 81). However, with the IT companies establishing their bases in Mysore in the recent years, the city’s share in the state GDP is expected to improve. The population of Mysore, which was around 8 Lakhs in 2000, is projected to touch 25 Lakh by 2030. Learning from the examples of other cities where traffic congestion has been a major factor, Mysore proposes to build on these learning, while the economy is poised to

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grow significantly, through proactive planning and providing state of the art infrastructure that would attract citizens to adopt the public transport system as the first choice of travel, helping to reduce the use of personal vehicles commuting to work, pleasure, social visit, or for commerce.

One of the most daunting problems faced by the cities in the country is that urban transport failed to provide facilities thus increasing travel time and cost both for passenger and goods traffic.


It is now well accepted that lack of adequate public transport offering comfort and convenience, has resulted in steep increase in the ownership of private vehicles particularly two wheelers with subsequent effects on pollution, both noise and air. In most cities two wheelers comprise more than 70% of total motor vehicles.


Solution framework architecture & design


About Intelligent Transport System

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is an umbrella term for advanced automation in moving vehicles. It includes internal and vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems as well as collision avoidance and crash detection systems. ITS also covers systems that monitor traffic in order to control signal lights, electronic speed limit signs, reversible lanes and other highway safety components. One of the ultimate and futuristic manifestations of ITS is automatic vehicular guidance, which steers a car by sensors in the road.

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Overall Scope of Service

The overall scope of the implementation will consist of design, development, testing, installation, commissioning, training, operations, and management of facilities for a period of three years by the winning bidder. This project is planned to cover 500 Buses, 80 Bus Stops and 2 Bus Terminals. ITS is divided into the following eight components: 1. Vehicle Tracking System 2. Central Control Station 3. Passenger Information Management System 4. Communication Sub System 5. Travel Demand Management 6. Incident and Emergency Management System 7. Operational and Maintenance Specification Fleet Management System 8. Demolition and Construction of Bus Stops

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Benefits of ITS

1. Increase the accessibility of the system 2. Reduce travel time 3. Improve traffic efficiency 4. Reduce traffic congestion 5. Reduce the fuel consumption and emissions 6. Reduce the operation cost 7. Improve environmental quality and energy efficiency 8. Increase the safety of users 9. Improve economic productivity

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New scenario with the induction of technology Bus Stop after introduction of ITS


Central Bus Terminal after introduction of ITS

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Regulated Traffic after implementation of ITS



User demand forecast

A survey by Transport Operation Planning and Informatics Centre, Bangalore has the following findings on Mysore city travel characteristics : The vehicular and passenger traffic volumes are very heavy on the following roads during peak hours: o

Visweswaraya circle in Sayyaji Road


Corporation Circle in Sayyaji Road


Srinivasa Circle in Mananthody Road

About 25% of households have no vehicles, 28% cycles, 48% have two wheelers and cars are limited to 4%. The mobility of household members increased with the ownership of motorized vehicles. The household trip rates increased to 9.4 per day among the households which have all the three modes of transport. The per capita trip per day Age group (yrs) Males Females

Up to 15 1.53 1.48

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15-24 1.66 0.81

24-58 1.87 0.36

Above 58 0.87 0.09

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It is estimated that about 5.7 Lakh passenger trips are generated each day within urban limits. Nature of trips: Home to work


Home to Educational institutions


Home to Shopping


Home based trips – to & fro


Non-home based trips



Survey indicates that 21.72% of intercity trips are conducted by motorized two wheelers followed by 16.42% by cycle and other slow vehicle owners and 12.72% by bus. Intercity passenger trips indicate nearly two thirds of travellers on a work trip, while tourist and recreation trips constitute 12%. Nearly 36, 000 tourists travel in and out of the city each day.

KSRTC has conducted various kinds of study and surveys to determine the demand for existing facilities and forecast the likely demand in future. The table below illustrates the operational performance of KSRTC during 2004-08.

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No 1






Upto Jun-08















Fleet held



Effective Kilometers/Day




Load Factor(%)




Traffic Revenue (In lakhs)







Total Cost (In lakhs)







Margin on Gross Revenue (In lakhs)







EPKM on Traffic Revenue (In Ps)







EPKM on Gross Revenue (In Ps)







1625.6 1878.3


53974 70.4



CPKM (In Ps)


Average Carrying Capacity







Average Seating Capacity







The table below illustrates the data as on 2008 and the likely demand in 2011: User Demand Particulars



Land Use(in Hectares)



Total Land Area Current Population of Mysore city (In Lakhs)

128.42 km² 9.13 lakhs

9.63 lakhs

City Depot / Terminals Bus Schedules

2 237

3 267

Distance Operated per Day (In Km) Total Trips Per Day





No. of passengers carried per day



Average Load Factor (%)



Number of Bus Stops



Based on trend observed during 2004-08 data Assuming similar vehicle utilization observed in 2007-08 Trip per day is 17.71 times the Bus schedules in 2008 data. Same is applied to 2011 Based on estimated passenger kilometers in 2011 and passenger lead at par with 2007-08 i.e. 8.38 kms Based on annual growth rate observed during 2004-08 i.e. 1.78% Growth rate 2001-2008 2.5 per annum

Number of Bus Depots



Around 100 buses/depot

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Assumptions/ Comments

Based on growth rate of 20.5% observed during 1991 to 2001

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Statistics on vehicular growth The time series data from 1986 to 2006 for Mysore city on various categories of vehicle is given below in the Table : Type of vehicles





Composi tion of Vehicles - 2006

% of Increase in Vehicle Population between 1996-2006

Average growth per year

Expected population of vehicles in 2011















































Table : Projection of Vehicle Population as on 2011 An approximate estimate of the likely number of vehicles in 2011 has been calculated in the above table on the basis of the incremental average growth for different categories of vehicles between 1996 & 2006. Based on this calculation, the total vehicles plying on the roads of Mysore is around sixty lakhs. However this figure may be controlled by improving public transport system and attracting private vehicle users to embrace public transport. Future plans for Roads Road and related infrastructure (including storm water drainage) include the following components: Artery Roads, Rings Roads and other important roads, Foot-paths, Street lighting, Traffic management, including signaling. A feasibility study would be conducted on MRTS, Metro, and extension of chord surface rail for commuters travelling within the city. The study would also include feasibility of providing MRTS/Metro along the alignment of Peripheral road, outer ring road and radial roads. MCC/ MUDA have identified corridors for road improvement along with related infrastructure. These corridors and the remaining roads would be improved in coordination with other utility operators to provide comfortable pedestrian and vehicular movement. The proposed activities include the following:

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Completion and expansion of ring road in phases: Completing the two lanes, expansion to four lanes, and more As the City grows in the Vision horizon, more outer rings may need to be developed Strengthening/ improvement of the roads including resurfacing Maintaining the roads and related infrastructure to prescribed standards Construction and/or widening of road bridges/ culverts etc


Construction and maintenance of radial roads & inner ring road Construction and maintenance of footpaths Construction and maintenance of storm water drains Maintenance (erection of streetlights as required) of street lights to prescribed specifications Junction improvements and installation of road markings and signage Provision of vehicle parking facilities at bus stand and railway station and provision for auto stands etc. MCC/ MUDA would endeavor to: Select the road stretches for prioritization on a clear basis, and focus on a life-cycle maintenance, rather than mere expansion/ repair; Cause minimum delay or inconvenience to users of the road facility; Ensure that all roads are maintained to the prescribed standards; Ensure that drains, lane marking, street lighting, and signage are maintained at prescribed standards; While most of the financing of the capital and recurring expenses are proposed to be met out of city or government agency budgets and grants, the activities would be implemented, where feasible, with private sector participation. The modes of implementation could be in various formats, but would focus on asset maintenance over the life-cycle.

C-7. Project Impact analysis C-7-a. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The ITS Project proposed by KSRTC at Mysore does not include any major construction work, widening of roads, felling of trees or other activities which contribute negative environmental impacts such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, visual intrusion, community severance and impacts on vegetation / land degradation by the implementation of the ITS Project.

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In most cases, environmental benefits from a given project can only be estimated by analysis and simulation. The problems related to regional measurement include the small impact of individual projects and large numbers of exogenous variables including weather, contributions from non-mobile sources and the time evolving nature of ozone pollution. Small-scale studies, so far, generally show positive impacts for ITS on the environment. ITS will result smoother and more efficient flows in the traffic system. However, the environmental impact of travelers in the long term is not a cause for concern. With the implementation of ITS projects there will be only improvement in various environmental parameters. In view of the above, there will be no need to undertake mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts. Consequently detailed EIA/EMP, SIA and RAP have not be carried out as they are not applicable for this project.


C-7-b. SOCIAL IMPACTS The implementation of the ITS Project has several social benefits as described below: –

Safety improvements

Delay reduction,

Effective capacity improvements,

Greater commuter satisfaction

Energy and Environment-Positive and Negative Impacts:

Use of public transport by people instead of using own private vehicles.

Reducing Travel Uncertainty

Reliability and Punctuality

Reduction in Traffic Congestion

SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS The objective of the transportation system is to improve seamless trip with safety of travel. Crashes and fatalities are undesirable occurrence of the transportation system. But ITS helps to minimize the risk of accident occurrence. Monitoring vehicle speed and its location will reduce the number of crashes and the probability of controlling number of fatality.

DELAY REDUCTION Delay reduction and travel time savings is a major goal of the ITS project. Benefits of this measure also include reducing the variability of time in transit and increasing the reliability of vehicle arrival time.

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EFFECTIVE CAPACITY IMPROVEMENTS Many ITS services seek to optimize use of existing facilities and reducing the need for new investments. This is accomplished by increasing the effective capacity of the transportation system. Effective capacity is the maximum potential rate at which vehicles may traverse a network under a representative composite of roadway conditions. Increases in throughput are sometimes realizations of increases in effective capacity. Throughput is typically measured in terms of vehicles per unit time traversing a segment of roadway.


GREATER COMMUTER SATISFACTION Commuter satisfaction indicates the degree to which transportation consumers are accommodated by ITS service offerings. Although satisfaction is difficult to measure directly, measures related to satisfaction can be observed including the amount of travel in various modes, mode options, and the quality of service as well as the number of complaints and/or compliments. Customer satisfaction is often measured by using surveys, questionnaires, or focus group interviews.

ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT-POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE IMPACTS The majority of available references demonstrate positive benefits for ITS. This is true both for actual deployments and for analytical studies predicting future benefits. The number of cases reporting negative results has been very small. However, most of the systems that produce negative impacts are carried out primarily to obtain broader societal benefits, or contain other benefits or intangible effects that may not be measurable. It is also recognized that negative impacts of ITS project may be underreported in the literature. Since ITS project enables to reduce vehicle congestion on roads, the per capita energy consumption for travel will be reduced and thereby reduction of vehicular pollution on city roads.

USE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT VS PRIVATE VEHICLES With the introduction of ITS Technology it has been made possible to provide real-time passenger information to the traveling public inside buses, at bus stops and at bus terminals. The information displayed informs the passengers about the details of the next arriving bus stop, route no, destination expected time of arrival/departure, which brings in lot of comfort to the traveling public. The ITS also helps in reducing travel time and reduction of congestion of roads. This increases the confidence of public to reach their destination on-time and also reduce travel uncertainty. Hence ITS will contribute for shifting people from using private vehicles to public transport.

REDUCING TRAVEL UNCERTAINTY One of the interesting insights realized by transportation planners in recent years is to provide greater reliability and predictability in transport, and not just to move people to their destinations faster. An unfortunate aspect of most current transportation systems is

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that the travel time varies widely from day to day. This can be due to weather, congestion, traffic incidents, or a large number of other external factors. This uncertainty means that travelers must allow extra time for their travel. ITS can help to reduce travel uncertainty by smoothing traffic and informing exact arrival of vehicles. ITS can also provide improved real-time and predictive information that allows travelers to plan their trips better. Public transport agencies can stay on schedule better and provide information about travel times and connections. In-vehicle navigation systems can incorporate real-time traffic information to dynamically adjust driving routes to optimize trips based on current information

RELIABILITY AND PUNCTUALITY ITS generates real time data about vehicle performance, exceptional reports of MIS. These data are useful for the management to make informed decisions which will in turn lead to better management of the existing fleet, transport schedules and the number of trips and passengers carried. These management capabilities will result in better reliability and punctuality of vehicle operation.


REDUCTION IN TRAFFIC CONGESTION Traffic congestion is a serious problem in all urban areas. The problem is growing faster in developing countries where urbanization and the use of motorized vehicles are increasing rapidly. Congestion causes delays and uncertainty, wastes fuel, results in greater air pollution, and produces a larger number of crashes. ITS can help to mitigate congestion by helping people plan travel better, by suggesting alternate routes and keeping travelers well informed. Reduction in traffic congestion enhances mobility at lesser per capita fuel.

C-7-c. Measures by KSRTC for providing more efficient and less polluting Public Transport: The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) has 6,250 buses, of which 700 are old vehicles. The old buses will be scrapped in a phased manner. The KSRTC will add 1,639 new buses to its fleet during the fiscal year 2007-08. Fifty of these buses will be Volvo B7R vehicles. The age of buses in the KSRTC fleet by the end of 2007-08 will be between one and five years. The KSRTC has taken up a drive to improve passenger facilities in its bus stands. Tenders have been floated in respect of 80 bus stops with provision for Passenger Information Display Systems. KSRTC has initiated stringent measures to control air pollution. Every bus is periodically subjected to emission check. KSRTC would pay Rs. 1,000 to anybody who spots one of its buses emitting smoke from its exhaust pipe. The KSRTC was the first State transport undertaking in the country to successfully experiment with the blending of ethanol and other forms of bio-fuels with diesel. Further advance emission control system and pollution measurement equipment will be installed at the terminals to constantly monitor emission levels and take remedial steps to meet Norms for clean air.

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By upgrading bus stops and implementing ITS, the efficiency of KSRTC will improve substantially and more number of buses can be operated with better punctuality of arrivals and departures of buses at terminals and bus stops. It will encourage more personalized transport users to embrace public transport resulting in lesser number of vehicles on the road and thereby lesser emissions.


Expected outcomes of the project


Service Outcomes- Socio economic benefits


With the introduction of Intelligent Transport System in Mysore City, the following clear factors would get established:


Increase in productivity

With intelligent display units inside the vehicle and at bus-stations / stands providing information on bus schedules and estimated time of arrival, citizens enhance their productive time without having to waste their time at bus stops / stands not knowing when the next bus would be arriving.


Reduction in travel time

With well established communication lines between the vehicle, central command control centre (64) and the bus stations, the C4 will be able to redirect the vehicles in the event of any emergencies Enroute saving the property of KSRTC (in such events riots Enroute) and help to reach the destination in pre-determined time. When Traffic Management System gets implemented across the city, these vehicles would get to have information on the traffic density and probable courses of action to reach the destination in time.


Patronage of Public Transport System

The introduction of ITS will result in more efficient and cleaner transport management, real-time dissemination of information to passengers regarding bus services at bus stops, bus terminals and inside Buses. This will enhance reliability of public transport services and encourage people using personal transport to use public transport system. This will result in minimizing traffic congestion and pollution levels. A modal shift of up to 5% to public transport is expected.


Reduction in Congestion

With state of the art and real time information dissemination of information possible for all stakeholders immediate corrective steps can be taken to avoid areas of accidents, high density of traffic and help ease congestion. Also, with increased modal shift from other personnel modes, the system is expected to ease traffic congestion on roads.

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Reduction in accidents

With ITS improving the efficiency and management of transport across city, improved training and two way communication capability between driver and operations staff it is expected to reduce accidents with the use of incident management facility in ITS, it will be possible to ensure quick relief in case of accidents, hold ups, breakdowns etc. This will also minimize fatalities with immediate help coming from the right quarters.


Reduction in emission levels

While the transport network becomes highly efficient, punctual, passenger friendly it is bound to translate to citizens using own vehicles patronizing public transport. This will result in reduction of emission levels, as less number of vehicles will be using the roads.



Increase in tourist satisfaction

With various systems installed in the vehicle, bus-stations / stands, command and Control Centers, integration and coordination becomes a key factor for providing different experience to the citizens of Mysore. This is expected to increase the tourism flow into the city and their patronage.


Measurable Outcomes for Project Evaluation

The outcome of ITS implementation could be translated into measurable parameters such as: S. No

Particulars of Outcomes

Evaluation plan


Increase in average passenger occupancy in buses as a result of access to on-line information through display systems, improved transport management.

Obtain data on Occupancy Ratio from CCS.


Reduction of personal vehicles use by commuters.

Data from RTO on new vehicles registration.


Reduction in emission from personal vehicles due to greater usage of public transport.

Data based on number of vehicles plying on the Road multiplied by average emissions per vehicles of different categories.


Enhanced Air quality due to reduction in pollution levels.

By installing Air quality monitoring stations at appropriate locations


Increase in Commuter/Passenger Satisfaction level.

Conducting surveys with different segment of population


Real-time punctuality monitoring of bus arrivals and departures.

Reports generated at data center in CCS.


Effective Fleet Management and deployment of Buses.

Reports generated at data center in CCS.


Increase in revenue for KSRTC.

Balance sheet.

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The thresholds on these parameters will have to be determined by KSRTC and the targets set with the participation of different stakeholders of KSRTC. The parameters need to be monitored on a regular basis. The results will have to be made public that would provide scope for continuous improvement of the services of KSRTC. Specific Evaluation Reports are designed to assess, define goals described above and document how the goals were (or were not) achieved. The reports would be generated at the data center in CCS. Each of ITS goal areas can be associated with outcomes of deployment that lend themselves to measurement. These outcomes resulting from project deployment are identified as measures. The association of goal areas and measures is depicted as follows:


Measures of Effectiveness within Each Goal Area Goal Area

Measure • Reduction in the overall Rate of Crashes


• Reduction in the Rate of Crashes Resulting in Fatalities • Reduction in the Rate of Crashes Resulting in Injuries • Reduction in uncertainity of waiting passengers


• Reduction in Delay • Reduction in Transit Time Variability • Improvement in Customer Satisfaction



Energy and Environment

• Increases in Highway and Arterial Throughput or Effective Capacity • Travel Time Savings • Increase in Economic Productivity • Decrease in Emissions Levels • Decrease in Energy Consumption

The "few good measures" in the preceding table constitute the framework of benefits expected to result from deploying and integrating ITS technologies. Other projects may have goals that fall outside the traditional "few good measures", and may include the following: Deployment of infrastructure required to support ITS Creation of a regional architecture Creation of a system to archive data

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Goals need to be identified for each individual project based on the type of project being deployed. In cases where the traditional "few good measures" are not applicable, the evaluation should document how well the project met the goals. Potential areas for evaluation include the following: Implications of achieving consistency with the National ITS Architecture Standards implementation Consumer acceptance Others as appropriate to local considerations


Institutional issues An area of special emphasis should be the non-technical factors influencing project performance. ITS projects have been profoundly influenced by considerations such as procurement practices, contracting policy, organizational structure, and relationships among major participants such as prime contractors and their subcontractors. The transportation community stands to reap significant benefit from understanding how the varied range of non-technical factors impacts directly on traditional project performance parameters, such as, cost, schedule, and final functionality.

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Technical specifications and mapping of currently available technical solutions

D-1. Mapping product availability and their technical features with the functional requirements This project is planned to cover 500 Buses, 80 Bus Stops and 2 Bus Terminals. ITS is divided into the following eight components: 1. Vehicle Tracking System


2. Central Control Station 3. Passenger Information Management System 4. Communication Sub System 5. Travel Demand Management 6. Incident and Emergency Management System 7. Operational and Maintenance Specification Fleet Management System 8. Demolition and Construction of Bus Stops


Vehicle Tracking System

GSM / GPRS Specifications 1


Normal MS-SMS data



900/1800/1900 (dual band) Class 4 (2W) at 900 MHz (EGSM) Class 1 (1W) at 1800 MHz



Type B class 10






Built in Antenna

GPS Specifications 1


L1 (1575.42 MHz) frequency


C/A code

Standard Positioning Service



Minimum 16-Channels



Minimum –158 dBm Acquisition without external assistance



Horizontal: <6 meters (50%) Altitude: <11 meters (50%) Velocity: 0.06 m/sec



Built In active antenna

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Environmental Specifications 1


Operating -20°C to +70°C



5% to 95% RH non-condensing at +40°C



UL fire retardant enclosure



to meet SAE standards



to meet SAE standards

65 Physical Specifications 1.



Injection molded plastic with integrated battery pack

Electrical Characteristics 1.

Primary Power :

Vehicle Battery 12/24 volts


Battery Life

8 Hours normal operation


Firmware: 1.

Over the Air Download of firmware as well as configuration parameters


Store and Forward features for network dark zone

The high-level logical architecture of the solution is described below. Some of the key services that have been included are: 1. Application Services 2. GPS/GSM Services 3. GIS Services 4. Reporting services 5. Database Services 6. Archival Services 7. Streaming Services 8. Integration Services The following diagram denotes various logical components, which synthesized together will perform the task of servicing the requirements of ITS.

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The proposed architecture comprises of following broad technology components: Client Layer- The Client layer contains the devices that would interact with application layer. Browser – This is a traditional Internet browser that initiates requests to the Web Server and displays the results of requests. Users will be accessing the applications using Internet browsers. DMZ Zone Layer - This is the layer hosting the Load balancer, front-end Web Servers & Presentation Services. Load Balancer – This is the hardware/software load balancer that ensures that load is distributed evenly across all of the web server instances. Web Server - This is a traditional web server that serves the content or forwards requests to the Application Server. Web Server takes the request and recognizes that the requested resource is on the application server and, using the Web server plug-in, redirects the request to the Application Server Serve let and EJB container. Directory Services – The Directory services will be provided through Directory Server. Directory Server will hold the user credentials for all users including the internal authors & content publishers.

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Content Management - Content Manager manages all types of digitized content including HTML and XML Web content, document images, electronic office documents, printed output, audio and video. It supports replication to store and manage objects in multiple locations. It supports Linux and other Operating Systems. This will be used to store the audio/video content for streaming advertisements in buses/bus terminals/bus depots for KSRTC Mysore. A simple level sequential workflow can be set up for approval of the data to be streamed. Streaming Services – These would be the streaming servers, which will help stream the data stored in the content repository. Integration Services - The application integration services will provide a composite platform optimized for building service-oriented applications that extend and integrate the various applications like GPS, GIS, and PIS.


Backup & Restore of Data: The infrastructure will use structured backup & restore solution to provide resilience to the entire infrastructure. It is a Web-based management, intelligent data move-and-store techniques and comprehensive policybased automation working together to help increase data protection and potentially decrease time and administration costs. It operates on a progressive incremental methodology that backs up only new or changed versions of files, thereby greatly reducing data redundancy, network bandwidth and storage pool consumption as compared to traditional methodologies based on periodic full backups.

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Schematic Model


The above diagram illustrates possible component population.

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Features of Proposed Solution (CCS)

Standards based solution Can be installed on multiple operating systems Support latest J2EE Standards Unified Portal Framework The proposed architecture provides access to different functional components and different applications via single unified portal framework. Provides componentized solutions that are designed for scalability and future growth


Secure and reliable Using LDAP, the security is provided at the infrastructure layer, application layer and at the user authentication layer It also provides controlled access to portal based on privileges stored in LDAP. Web and Application servers can run on Linux which is an open-source and offers security features same as standard Linux platform

Server Room

A/c Plant



Communication I/F


12 Feet

Distribution Bay

Work Stations

Access Control





28 Feet

Power Sup

Floor Plan for Central Control Station I.T.S Mysore (Typical)

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Servers and Accessories in CTCS

Edge Server

2 nos

Web Server

2 nos

Database Servers

2 nos

Application Server

2 nos

Directory Server

1 no


1 no

Reporting Server

1 no

Integration Server

1 no

Streaming Server

1 no

GIS Server

1 no

SAN Array – 2 Tb

1 no

Storage Manager Server

2 nos

Total no of Boxes

17 Nos


Power Supply for Data Centre o o


UPS Configuration 2 x 10 KVA Parallel redundant based advanced digital technology UPS system with 0.9 leading power factor loads with 15 Minutes backup.

LCD Display Units Brief details of LCD Display unit is furnished below (LCD Display Panel42” Typical) A 42” LCD Display unit can be installed for displaying details of Arrival and Departure information of the buses in Kannada and English. The information of the buses Such as Route Number, Bus Number, Terminal, Platform, Bay, Origin, Destination and Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) & Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) will be displayed in both Kannada and English. The LCD unit operates in windows environment. The LCD units should be network capable with capability to configure the system remotely. LED based GPS enabled destination board can be fitted in the bus to inform the destination of the bus to the enroute waiting passengers. The size of the destination board can be 160 x 19 mm.

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Specifications for LED Display Units 1.

Display Type

: LED, 5mm; diffused





View Distance

: 30 Meters



: English & Local Language

Functional Specifications 1.




Wireless Interface



Data Format

: Bit Map or Unicode



: Non Volatile to store 200 Display Frames


Display Format

: Fixed and Scrolling


GPRS Interface 1.


: GSM & GPRS Class 10


Air Interface

: Dual Band; 900 MHz & 1800 MHz


Max. Output Power

: 2W @900 MHz & 1W @1800 MHz



: Passive with 5M cable length

Environmental Specifications 1.

Power Requirement

: 90-240VAC; 50VA


Operating Temperature

: 0-55 DEG C



: 95 % RH non-Condensing



: GI



: Wall or Ceiling



: provided inside

Online Updates available on Internet List of bus stops in city and urban areas Number. of schedules Vehicle positions of city services Route maps of Buses Bus timetable Details of city and sub urban routes Passenger Information regarding arrival times at bus stops Destination in Multilingual format

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Communication Sub-System

Communication sub-System consists of the following: 1. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) 2. Communication and Data Exchange 3. Two-way Communication system


General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) GPRS is a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and IS-136 mobile phones. It provides data rates from 56 up to 114 Kbit/s. GPRS can be used for services such as Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) access, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access. GPRS is a besteffort packet switched service, as opposed to circuit switching, where a certain Quality of Service (QoS) is guaranteed during the connection for non-mobile users The information captured by the VMU is transmitted to the control station server through GPRS/GSM network creating a communication network between Bus drivers, Bus stops along the road route, and passengers through passenger information system. The communication network is connected to the internet for accessing information regarding bus arrival, routes etc. The requirements of the communication system are: a) The data communication channel requires exchanging data between the KSRTC Control Room and the bus fleet. b) Communication of data will be reliable without any loss of data. c) Each Base Transceiver Station (BTS) of offered service provider should have configuration to ensure required 10 Sec. update time for the vehicle position at all times in all BTS area. d) Identify specific areas of existing GPRS/GSM blackout zones and Police critical locations in Mysore and enhance number of BTS towers and their capacities, if required. e) The GPRS/GSM data connectivity would be seamless while moving from one BTS site to other BTS site in Mysore.

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Redundancy provided in VMU to ensure if GPRS fails due to unforeseen reason and then SMS facility is activated as a fall back mode.

g) 24*7*365 system operation would require proactive monitoring, fault detection and management for reduced downtime and regular fine tuning of the communication links for best response time

Communication and Data Exchange


G SM G SMVoice Voice

CCentra entrall CCoontrol ntrolroom room SS rve rverr

G PRS G PRS TT rackin rackinggdata data


SS eri erialal Port Port


GSM GSMaud audioio

Dri Driver verVoice Voice CCommunication ommunication

Ke Keypa ypaddfor for driver driver

Seri Seriaall Po Portrt

In InBus BusVoice Voice SS yste ystem m

Bu top BussSS topLLED ED DDispla isplayy

InInBus BusDDispl isplaayy System System SS peaker peaker

Bus BusStop StopLC LCDD streami streaminnggvivide deoo


Bus Destinatio n Board

VMU: VMU will update the location information like Latitude and Longitude to the central server through GPRS.

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In Bus Display System The next arrival bus stop information and the current bus stop information will be displayed inside the bus for the passengers based on the location information collected by VMU. This information is sent via serial port to display system. The proposed approximate dimension of the In-Vehicle Display Unit is 220mm X 820mm X 150mm. Driver Voice Communication

75 Driver will be given a keypad interface for the voice communication. In Bus Voice System The next arrival bus stop information and other necessary information can be announced inside the bus. The data for the announcement will be sent from VMU to Voice system through serial port. This in bus voice system will be in turn connected to a speaker. Bus Stop LED display Expected time of arrival of the bus will be displayed in the bus stops. This information will be updated by central server through GPRS. Two-way Communication system Communication Headset will be provided to the driver to interact with Central Control Center. The driver will use the two-way communication facility made available to communicate with the central control center. The central control center can also contact any of bus drivers instantly to communicate messages. The driver can also use the audio system for announcing information regarding arrival of bus stations and incident management. Display System Standards Requirements Each of the Bus Stops will be fitted with electronic display systems measuring approximately 20 x 100 cms (minimum size) Fitment provision will have to be provided in the Bus Stops along with necessary power supply made available. The Display Unit will source power from here for its operation. Display will be located at a convenient height to have a clear view of the message of next arrival bus.

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Integration of ITS Components

The following components of the ITS system will be integrated with appropriate interfaces to work in sync with each other seamlessly.


GPS (VMU unit) The tracking system /VMU (Vehicle mounted unit) fitted in the buses will calculate the positions from the GPS receiver and transfer the data to the Control Centre Server through GPRS interface for processing /prediction of arrival time of buses at different bus stops. The GPRS tracking unit fitted in the bus will also transfer the current LON/LAT data to the bus mounted display unit through RS 232 I/F for display /audio announcement of Bus Stops. Display units The Tracking system fitted in the buses will acquire the positional information (LON/LAT) from the GPS receiver and transfer the same to the Central Server (CS) through the GPRS interface. The BUS STOP DISPLAYS will periodically query the CS through HTTP request. The CS, which receives the current position of all the buses from the Tracking Unit, will disseminate the data received and transfer the relevant information like the Route No, Destination of the bus and the Expected Time of Arrival at that bus stop, to the bus stop display, which has requested for the data.

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The BUS STOP DISPLAY, which receives all such information, will display continuously until the next set of data is received. The Destination will be displayed in different languages at least in three languages i.e. English, Hindi and Kannada. The tracking units fitted in the bus will also transfer the current LON& LAT information to the BUS MOUNTED DISPLAY through the serial RS 232 C interface. Each BUS Mounted Display will have a database of 100 bus routes and 200 bus stops. This information would be acquired earlier and stored in the database. When this unit receives the current positional information from the tracking unit, it will then check with the nearest bus stop and displays the name of the bus stop, which is likely to arrive. This displayed information will be in English and Kannada.


This unit will also have an inbuilt audio port with amplifier and connected to two powerful speakers mounted in the front and rear of the bus. Along with the visual display, the next bus stop will also be announced in English and Kannada. The BUS TERMINAL DISPLAYS, unlike the BUS STOP Displays will be connected through wired cable with the CS. The communication will use TCP/IP and HTTP protocol. This display will receive the details of the buses, which are about to leave the Bus terminal and display the Route Number, Destination and the Expected Time of Arrival and Departure. There will be at least four lines to indicate the status of different buses leaving the terminal. The destination will be displayed in English and Kannada one after the other. Central Control Station The Central Control station will be equipped with a cluster of servers. Servers process the data received from buses and compares the actual location of the bus at a given time with its scheduled location from the data received from the buses. Also the server calculates the time for the bus to reach all subsequent stops along the route taking into consideration bus speed & any deviations from the schedule. On processing, the Central Control Server transmits the data to the relevant bus stops for displaying predicted arrival time of the bus. 1. The users (Passengers, Drivers, Depot Officials, and KSRTC Mysore Employees) visit the site from the internet and land on the front-end web server running HTTP Server which takes the request and recognizes that the requested resource is on the application server, and using the Web server plug-in, redirects the request to the Application Server.

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The Directory services running Directory Server holds the user credentials for all users. The authentication and authorization is done using the LDAP server for all services, like Website access, content publishing, content management access, database access etc.


The Application Server will host all the applications to be developed for KSRTC Mysore like Passenger Information System, Reporting applications etc.


The GPS and GIS system will be integrated so as to pass the inputs from the GPS system into the GIS application which will be accessed via website by the passengers to see the bus route maps etc.


The VMU will fetch the bus position data from the GPS satellite and sends it to the central server. The application software will process and integrate with GIS data to display it on the map on a real time basis


There will be third-party streaming servers used to stream advertisements onto the buses/bus stops etc. The ad files will be stored in the content management system.


There will be local databases at the bus stops/terminals, which will be synchronized.


The Backup & Restore service will be provided using Storage Manager.


Service Metrics The Quality of service metrics in respect of various sub-systems are indicated below: ITS Applications ITS Application Availability Functional requirements upgrade

99.00% < 60 days

Computing accuracy


Customer Satisfaction level


DIT user satisfaction level


Hosting Centre Minimum concurrent connects to the Command Centre Availability of systems at Data Centre Resumption of online ITS services

500 99.00% 1 hr

Data availability


Data accuracy


Capacity of the database server

Handle 6000 service transactions /hr

Capacity of the Application Server

Handle 6000 service transactions /hr

Availability of agreed services over the internet

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Local Area Network at the Command centre Network availability


Network Latency

Average of > 75 milliseconds per month

Uptime of Back Office Servers

> 99%

Time to restore back office servers from failure

< 1 hr

Client Access Grievance and Complaints settlement Customer Satisfaction measure

< 7 days > 75%

support response

< 10 Sec

Average time for service at the customer premises


<12 hrs

Business Development Percentage of increase in the transactions every quarter



Bill of Quantities

Central Control Station Sl. No.



Servers 17 boxes, Software License and Network costs described below: 1

Edge Server



Web Server



Database Server



Application Sever



Directory Server






Reporting Server



Integration Server



GIS Server



SAN Array 2 Tb


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Sl. No.




Storage Manager



Access control facilities at server rooms



Application Software for ITS






Dot-matrix Printer



Ink jet Printer/Scanner






UPS (servers and computers)-20KVA with 15 minutes backup



System software for Computers






Window A/C -capacity 4 tons



Power supply distribution (on actual )



Cost of Project Management, Installation, Integration and testing



GPS Vehicle Mounted Unit Sl. No.




Supply and of Vehicle Mounted Unit



Installation of Vehicle Mounted Unit



Supply, Installation and commissioning of Vehicle Tracking Software Application (License for a fleet size of 500 units)



Integration with Application software of GIS road network dataset



GPRS enabled Activated SIM cards for a GSM Service Provider

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Display System

Sl. No.




Bus Destination Board



Bus Mounted Display Panel



Bus Stop Display Unit



Bus Terminal Display Unit



Communication & Connectivity

Sl. No.



4 Mbps dedicated bandwidth (License Cost per year) 4 Mbps Redundant Line



GIS Software

Sl. No. 1

Description Integration of application software with GIS road network dataset of Mysore MapXtreme Java Version 4.7.0

2 3

Geo fencing of routes by physical survey and integration with the Geo Fencing module.

Licenses 1

At Actuals

Central Control Station Facility Management (Operations)

Sl. No. 1



Manpower (i)

Computer/ Data entry Operator



Database Administrator



Software Programmer



System Administrator



Project Manager



Provision of Spares for all above equipments

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Sample Reports

Daily Reports 1

Bus stops skipped


Speed violation


Driver duty performance daily/weekly/monthly


Daily out shedding deviation report


Driver wise improper stopping


Details of Missed trips


I) Daily Bus Stops Skipped Report Date

Bus Stop Type :

Sr. No.


Bus No

Route No.

Bus Stop No.

Stage Name

Depot Code

Driver ID.

Conductor ID

Total No. of stops skipped

II) Daily Speed Violation Report Date :

Duration mare than …… seconds

Duty No: Sr. No


Bus registration No Route No

Location Driver No

Duration (Sec)

Speed (kmh)

1 2

III) Daily Driver Duty Performance Date: Sr. No 1 2

Driver Name:

Driver ID:


Outshedded (Y/N)


IV) Daily Out shedding deviation report

Daily Out shedding deviation report

Date: Sr. No.

Shift: Duty No.

Bus Reg. No.

Scheduled Outshed Time

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Actual Outshed Time

Deviation time(min)


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V) Daily Improper Stopping Report

Date: Sr. No.


Route No

Driver No

Driver Name

Bus Reg. No

Conductor No

Stage Name

1 2


Daily Missed Trips Report Date :

Misse d Trips

Break Down

Bus No

Staff No

Late Out Shedding

Late Running

Route Deviation

Total Missed Trips


Terminal Terminal Total Grand Total


Scaling plans

Technology Road map with Mysore as a pilot across other cities for KSRTC “Universal currency” – Smart Cards – ticketing – expanding to interact with its ecosystem – smart card usage for services in commercial stalls inside KSRTC bus stations / bus stops

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Financials E-1.

Budget Estimates - Capital Cost, operational cost & RoI Central Control Station Cost Description


Unit Cost


Total (Rs.)

Servers 17 boxes, Software License and Network costs :


Edge Server





Web Server





Database Server





Application Sever





Directory Server










Reporting Server





Integration Server





GIS Server





SAN Array 2 Tb





Storage Manager





VAT 4% on the above


Packaging & delivery charges


Software licenses


Network components


Network Installation

(xvii) (xviii) (xix)

2 3

Application Software for ITS


(xx) (xxi)

352000 10000 20000000 1650000 67000

Cost of design, sizing, system architecture installation, commissioning, testing GPRS/GSM communication cost Data communication between GSM VMU & Central control station for 500 buses at Rs.200/- per month per bus for 3 years Two way voice communication between 500 buses and CCS at Rs.150/- month per bus for 3 years GPRS data communication for 584 display units at RS.200/- per unit per month for 3 yrs Access control facilities at server rooms



2700000 4205000 100000











Dot-matrix Printer





Ink jet Printer/Scanner









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Description 8

Unit Cost


Total (Rs.)


UPS (servers and computers)-20KVA with 15 minutes backup System software for Computers













Window A/C -capacity 4 tons





Power supply distribution (on actual )





Cost of Project Management, Installation, Integration and testing




Total Central Control Station Cost ( B )

GPS Vehicle Mounted Unit Description Unit Cost(Rs.)



Total (Rs.)


Supply and of Vehicle Mounted Unit





Installation of Vehicle Mounted Unit





Supply, Installation and commissioning of Vehicle Tracking Software Application (License for a fleet size of 500 units) Integration with Application software of GIS road network dataset GPRS enabled Activated SIM cards for a GSM Service Provider Total GPS System Cost ( A)









4 5

Sl. No.



Display System Description Unit Cost (Rs.)


Bus Mounted Display Panel

2 3

1 2


Total (Rs.)




Bus Stop Display Unit




Bus Terminal Display Unit




Total Display System Cost ( C )

Sl. No.



Communication and Connectivity Cost Description Unit Licenses Total (Rs.) Price 4 Mbps dedicated bandwidth (License Cost) 4 Mbps Redundant Line Total Communication Cost ( E )

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1,500,000 3,000,000

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GIS Software Sl. No. 1 2 3


Unit Price

Integration of application software with GIS road network dataset of Mysore MapXtreme Java Version 4.7.0



Total (Rs.)

Built into GPS System


Geo fencing of routes by physical survey and integration with the Geo Fencing module.


1000,000 At actuals

Total GIS Software Cost ( D )



86 Central Control Station - Facility Management (Operations) Sl. No.


Unit Cost (Rs.) p.a.



Manpower Cost


Computer/ Data entry Operator





Database Administrator





Software Programmer





System Administrator





Project Manager




Total Manpower Cost

Total (Rs.)



Consumables Cost


Computer Stationary





Printer Cartridges (assuming two cartridge per month) Total Consumable Cost



38400 86400


Maintenance Cost (AMC)


Maintenance cost of CCS H/w, S/w and N/w Components Maintenance cost of computers including service and spares (per year charges assuming AMC) Maintenance cost of VMU including spares per year














Maintenance cost of generators including Diesel, per year Maintenance cost of AC Units





Maintenance cost of UPS





Provision of Spares for all above equipments

(ii) (iii) (iv)


Total Maintenance Cost



Sub Total (1 + 2 + 3)



Operational Overheads Total CCS Facility Management Cost (F) Per Year

Total Cost of facility management for 3 yrs (F x 3)

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9815813 29447439

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Depot Infrastructure (Two Locations) (KSRTC Scope & Expenses) Sl. No.



Computers/ Workstation with 17 inches monitor















A/C- capacity





Application Software for Computers





Man Power for a period of 3 years (2 Operators - 2 Shift) Maintenance Cost





Unit Cost (Rs.)




25000 2955000

Total cost for 2 depots ( G )

Preliminary & Preoperative costs at 2% of following costs 1 2

Cost of setting up IT Infrastructure, Data Centre, networking and components Supply and Installation of Vehicle Tracking GPS devices with application software and associated hardware. (GPRS Enabled Active SIM Cards)


Display System


Communication and Connectivity Cost


GIS Software Cost


Facility Management Charges( 3 Years)


Depot Infrastructure (KSRTC Scope) Sub Total Preliminary & Preoperative costs at 2% of sub-total Cost of vendor development, tendering costs, cost of related surveys, cost of testing, etc.


7050000 44500000 3000000 1500000 29447438 2955000 157222438 3144448.8

Project Management Consultancy Charges @ 6% 1

Central Control Station Cost


GPS Vehicle Mounted Unit


Display System


Communication and Connectivity Cost


GIS Software Cost


Facility Management Charges (3 Years)


Depot Infrastructure (KSRTC Scope) Sub Total

Project Management Consultancy Charges @ 6% (CIRT) of above costs

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68770000 7050000 102223750 3000000 1500000 29447438 2955000 157222438 9433346.28

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S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Summary of Budgetary Cost Estimates

Description Central Control Station Cost GPS Vehicle Mounted Unit Display System Communication and Connectivity Cost GIS Software Cost Facility Management Charges( 3 Years)

687.70 70.50 445.00 15.00 294.47 29.55

Project Preliminary and Pre operative Charges 2%


Project Management Consultancy Charges @ 6%


Consultancy Charges for DPR, RFI and Tender Evaluation Project Evaluation Study



Depot Infrastructure (KSRTC Scope)

Total Cost of Project


Total Price (in Lakhs)

15.00 200.00 1913.00

Funding Plan

Fund Flow Pattern The overall project cost can be broadly divided into two categories. These categories include the material costs (procurement of material including software procurement) and service costs (deployment, installation and integration). The fund flow pattern identifies the necessary funds required at every stage of the project with respect to the activities identified in the Gantt chart. All the material costs have to be incurred against the purchase order raised. The service costs will be met according to the flow of activities identified in every quarter of the Gantt chart. Incase the procurement and installation of an item occur simultaneously, the expenditure procedure will be similar to material costs. The cost of project monitoring and evaluation study will be met during the 3rd year of the project. The Project Management consulting charges will be paid at 80% during the first year, 10% during the second year and the balance 10% during the third year.

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Capital Flow for the Project

Sl. No.


Project Contribution Source

Amount (Rs. Lakhs)

% Share by Specific Source





GEF + GOI Funding


Government of Karnataka

Grant towards its share





Grant towards its share





89 Total

Statement of Fund Flow Schedule for Financial Contribution and Sources (in Rs. Lakhs)

Sl. No .


Year 1 Q1




Year 2

Year 3



1 2 3






267.7 5

1665.2 3

Government of Karnataka




















107.5 9

307.5 9

1913.0 0


Schedule for Financial Contribution and Sources (in percentage basis)

Sl. No.


Year 1 Q1




Year 2

Year 3


















Government of Karnataka
























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Financial Analysis of Project viability

General Assumptions Transportation needs of the city will depend on the city’s population and population growth; population growth of the city is assumed to be 2.5% p.a. In case the proposed ITS system is not implemented, existing (and prospective) users will gradually shift to personal transportation. There is no fare increase in the immediate term soon after the ITS is introduced. Fare increase over the longer term is taken as aggregated figure of about 10%.


Two wheeler riders traveling beyond 10 kms distance per day are potential customers for KSRTC ITS buses. At least 25% of these potential customers will definitely switch over to KSRTC buses after implementation of the ITS project. The present two wheeler riders will use the ITS bus at lest for 200 days in a year. The rate of trips per day is estimated as 2.01.

Revenue Increase 1. Rise in customers using ITS bus The CIRT survey conducted on 4th July 2008 revealed that 89% of the sample population is willing to shift to public transport of KSRTC IT buses. However, on having focus group discussion with the experts in the public transport domain, it is assumed that out of 89% of the preferred two wheeler riders, only 25% of them will actually shift towards the public transport system. There are 2.8 lakh two Distance(km) % Share wheeler owners in Mysore city. The following is the trip 0-5 17.43 pattern and travel distance pattern of the two wheeler 6 - 10 11.93 riders in Mysore city: 11 - 15 15.60 Generally, the two wheeler riders prefer to use their two 16 - 20 19.27 wheelers for short distance travel. Considering this, it is 21 - 25 7.34 assumed that in Mysore city, the two wheeler riders prefer to use two wheelers up to a No. of Trips % Share 26 - 30 9.17 travel distance of 10 kms 1 6.42 31 - 35 0.92 per day. Based on these 2 58.72 36 - 40 4.59 assumptions, it is estimated 3 5.50 that 70.64% of the two 41 - 45 0.92 wheeler riders are the >4 29.36 46 - 50 3.67 prospective customers > 50 9.17 shifting towards ITS bus transport. As already indicated, 25% of 70.64% of the two wheeler riders are pessimistically considered as the probable customers shifting towards the ITS bus. It is further assumed that they will travel in the bus for at least 200 days in a year. It is worked out that 1977.9 lakh kilometers of two wheeler travel will be reduced per year after the potential two wheeler riders shift to the ITS buses. It is estimated that the above mode shift will

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increase 49448 passengers to KSRTC. This will increase the revenue of KSRTC to Rs. 3,43,762 per day. The total revenue increase due to the introduction of ITS in KSRTC services in Mysore is estimated at Rs. 6.87 crores per year. Thus the total project cost will be recovered within a span of 3 years even without a fare hike in KSRTC’s city services. From the above analysis, it is found that the revenue increase due to ITS implementation will be sufficient to sustain the ITS project in Mysore. Cost Assumptions Risk of cost inflation during the time of ITS implementation is already built into the estimates of the capital costs. There is a significant cost advantage arising out of purchase of high quality material for ITS project. In essence it is expected to decelerate the growth of cost of maintenance and operations.


Project O & M IRR The project operations and maintenance (O&M) IRR considers the returns on the O&M part of the project. That is, it does not consider the capital costs incurred in getting the project up and running. Assuming that the capital costs are funded by grant/aid, the project O&M IRR reveals the overall sustainability of the project. 2. Revenue from different sources In addition to the primary source of income, there are always possibilities to utilize other sources of income in any business model. Many models can easily add one or two additional revenue streams without the need for extensive development, but merely by exploring existing possibilities from a fresh perspective. A large number of innovative and successful Businesses can be explored for the possibility of additional income from advertising or from merchandising. KSRTC, Mysore has multiple revenue sources, which comprises of not just regular tickets and passes, but also other sources such as advertisements. A few possibilities of additional revenue streams for KSRTC, Mysore have been explained below: Advertising on the Bus body KSRTC can earn additional revenue through advertising on the bus body. City buses generate advertising revenue by carrying advertisement banners or hoardings. A company hires a particular bus for displaying an advertisement for a specific period of time. Advertising rates are based upon the advertisement banner, time period of advertising, brand of bus being chosen and route quality. It is seen that BMTC generates an additional income of Rs. 62,000 per month per bus through this scheme on its VOLVO services. Advertising inside the buses Another source of revenue for KSRTC is through advertisements by carrying small sized banners behind the seats. Also the in-vehicle display units inside the buses can be used to scroll advertisements for a pre-determined time period in between the bus-stops. The audio announcement system can also be used to announce products along a specific route and can be charges accordingly.

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Revenue from Online Advertising Advertising online offers impressive value compared to traditional media, and the possibilities for accurately tracking and measuring the response to a campaign is superb. Online advertising is certain to continue to provide an important source of income, and a potent revenue stream for all sorts of eCommerce ventures. Advertising Networks are an excellent source of website revenue generation, allowing the webmaster display and earn revenue from many different ads. Another service can be providing links to paid sites. Revenue from Subscriptions Subscription-based revenue stream is very vital to any eCommerce. Companies with all business models often seek to add a subscription based element to their offerings since subscriptions can be the most lucrative of all forms of revenue. People will only subscribe to something where they see the value and can find no suitable free alternative. This software typically comes with subscription-style licensing, information sites seek to offer subscription-only content, and Search Engine Optimisation companies asking clients to subscribe. Since KSRTC will be catering to the needs a wide range of end-users, subscription-based income sources can prove to be lucrative.


Google Ad-sense This is the largest and most popular online advertising network, which allows us to display ads relevant to our site's content. Text and graphics ads of various sizes and shapes are available. Ad-sense for Search also allows the website holders to generate revenue from Google searches conducted on their site. KSRTC can earn money from its site every time a visitor completes a Search through a Google search box placed on the site. 3. Reduction in Fuel Consumption In the earlier section, it has been estimated that around 1977.9 lakh kilometers of two wheeler travel will be reduced as a result of the modal shift due to the introduction of ITS in Mysore City. Assuming an average mileage of 45kmpl for two wheeler vehicles, the estimated reduction in fuel consumption is to the tune of 43977.8 litres of petrol per year. This will result in a net savings of Rs. 241,745,777 per year going by the current fuel prices. Economic IRR The economic IRR (EIRR) takes a much broader perspective of the fallouts of the proposed project. It considers several indirect benefits which are not readily quantifiable or reducible to financial measures. These fallouts which are measured in this category are classified as “economic returns”. A societal perspective is taken when calculating costs and benefits: that is, all the costs and benefits are considered without considering that who is the payer or the beneficiary. A bus system with ITS can provide a number of benefits to a diverse set of local and global stakeholders, from reduced greenhouse gas (CHG) emissions to increasing social cohesion to providing more sustainable urban transport alternative.

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Social Benefits •

Reduced uncertainty while waiting for bus

Reduced travel times / waiting time

Enhanced reliability of bus system

Increased economic productivity

Increased mobility at reduced travel cost

Improved traveling conditions

Overall reduction in adverse selection

More equitable access throughout the city

Reduced accidents and injuries

Increased civic pride and sense of community

Reduced emissions of air pollutants

Reduced noise

More sustainable urban form, including densification along major corridors

Reduced cost of urban travel


Social Acceptance •

Needless to say that the project should be accepted by the citizens of the city as they are the intended users and patrons of ITS. Their acceptance of the ITS is critical.

Citizens should be educated about what they expect from the project and what are the end benefits of ITS. This should be done in earnest line educating public and quashing rumors is a time consuming task.

Life Span of the Project The life span of the project is expected to be around 6 years. This period constitutes the 3 year implementation period and an additional period of 3 years considering the life expectancy of LED display boards, vehicle mounted units (GPS) and computer hardware. According to Written Down Value (WDV) method, 16.25% of the goods procured for the project is the depreciation amount per year for replacing the assets. This will be achieved by the additional revenue (traffic and non-traffic) generated through the implementation of this project.

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Project implementation plan F-1.

Project Monitoring Committee(PMC)

The ITS project is planned to cover 500 Buses, 80 Bus Stops and 2 Bus Terminals. The overall program would contain the following eight components: 1. Vehicle Tracking System 2. Central Control Station 3. Passenger Information Management System


4. Communication Sub System 5. Travel Demand Management 6. Incident and Emergency Management System 7. Operational and Maintenance Specification Fleet Management System 8. Demolition and Construction of Bus Stops KSRTC needs to set up immediately an apex level Project management Committee (PMC) to ensure the overall progress of the project and to consider and approve funding and from various resources such as JNNURM, GEF, State Government, . The committee needs to represent the key stakeholders within KSRTC to ensure that decisions are taken in consultation with the key departments which would be influenced by the new Intelligent Transportation system in the work processes. The Chairman of the Committee will be nominated by the MD of KSRTC. This committee will have Finance, Stores, Engineering, Civil & Electrical and IT department representatives. The Project Management Committee will be delegated the necessary authority to take final decisions on any of the issues referred to the committee. The RFP of this DPR will be scrutinized by the PMC and approved before being released to the public. The committee’s decision will be on majority-based and in the event of a tie, the decision of the Chairman of the Committee will be final. The committee will be established to last the tenure of project execution and monitoring of operations for a minimum period of three years. The Chairman of PMC, a senior officer of KSRTC be the one-point contact for KSRTC on all matters relating to the successful execution of the project. The Chairman, being the nodal officer will liaison with various funding agencies - JNNURM, GEF, and State Government to follow up compliance and flow of funds as required during the execution of the project and operation of the system.


Project Management Agency (PMA)

To ensure professional management of the project it is recommended that the Project implementation be outsourced to a professional agency identified by KSRTC. KSRTC entrusted Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT) the task of preparing detailed project report of this project since CIRT being the expert professional transport consulting arm of the Association of State Road Transport Undertakings, and Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, Government of India. It is recommended to

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engage CIRT for identifying and selecting a suitable Project Management Agency. As per the procedure prescribed at ‘Phase-I PMA appointment’, the expenditure in this regard will be booked under the budget head ‘Project Management Consultancy Charges’ (Ref : E-2 Summary of Budgetary Cost Estimates). The Project management agency needs to address the following key functional dimensions: Integration Management Scope Management Time Management Cost Management


Quality Management HRM Communications Management Risk Management Procurement Management The project management needs to cover the key project phases – (a) initiating, (b) planning, (c) executing, (d) controlling, and (e) closing as represented in the following figure:

In each of the project phases covering – initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing, application of the 6-Q framework will ensure that the tasks under each of the phases are carried out for a definite purpose using the best of techniques and methodologies covering all the stakeholders’ interest in a timely manner and at appropriate places. This is detailed in the following table:

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6-Q Framework Why

Executing Controlling





Who / Which


Define Project outcomes

Identify steps / activities for Project approval

Committing the organization

Identify timelines for project completion

Identify locations for project completion

Resources – (4M) Men, machines, materials & money required

Identify decision authorities whose approval is internally required

Establish goals

Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope limitations (boundaries )

Organization Planning Tools & techniques Cost estimating & budgeting Resource Planning Quality Planning Communicati on Planning Risk Planning – Identification, Quantification Legal implications

Activity duration estimating Schedule Development Milestones definition

Identify locations where action is to happen

Identify the broad areas of responsibility and roles Identify resource requirements Procurement Planning

Identify stakeholders who are affected by the project

Identify optimal activities

Activity Definition Activity Sequencing

Risk Response Development Dependency relationships

Schedule Management

Manage events at identified locations

Source selection Resource acquisition

Feedback from identified stakeholders

Verify with quality benchmarks , parameters

Scope verification

Risk Response Control system Cost Control system Performance Reporting system Contract Change Control System Procurement audit

Schedule Control

Site inspections

Who are authorized to inspect / test intermediate outputs? Authorized Decision points

Feedback questionnaire



Project Phases

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Contract Administrati on Contract Work Results Change Requests Seller invoices

Manage interfaces amongst various providers Contract change control system Performance Reporting Payment System

Quality audit

Where would the payment be made, the bankers and the form of payment

Establish authorized signatories of the Contract Admin Contract close-out

Identify authorized signatories to the contract closing – formal acceptance and closure

The selection of the Project Management Agency (Consultant) and the key roles to be played by the PMA are indicated in the following diagrams which are illustrative of the overall scope and responsibility of the consultant appointed by CIRT on behalf of KSRTC.


Phase – 1 PMA appointment Clearance received from funding agency on the DPR & RFP

Preparation of EOI Notices

Approval of EOI Notices

Approval of bids by PMC

Preparation of evaluation reports

Bid opening & short-listing

Release of Advertisement in national newspapers

Last Date for bid submission / profiles by interested agencies

Phase – 2 Project preparation

Mobilization by the Consultant

Kick-off meetings - PMC

Review by the PMC

Submission of inception report

Approval of the Consultant’s reports

State-1: n – Review by the PMC

PMC workshop

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Core Processes

Activity Sequencing

Scope Planning

Activity Definition

Schedule Development

Activity Duration Estimating

Scope Definition

Cost Budgeting


Resource Planning Cost Estimating

Project Plan Development

Facilitating Processes

Quality Planning

Communication Planning

Organizational Planning

Risk Identification

Risk Quantification

Procurement planning

Staff acquisition

Risk Development

Solicitation Planning

Project Plan Execution

Facilitating Processes Information Distribution

Team Development

Quality Assurance

Scope verification


Source Selection

Contract Administration

In brief there will be three key processes in the overall implementation of the ITS Project:

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F-2-a. Program Management Process The processes related artifacts identified under this category include: Communication Matrix: The communication matrix defines the information requirements, distribution patterns, ownership of transmission, frequency of the event and format and media through which the information needs to be communicated. The matrix is comprehensive and encompasses all the project contacts to take care of inter project dependencies which are vital in this program. The template for Communication Matrix is enclosed as Appendix ‘A’.


Issue Management: Every project and the program as a whole shall have issues propping up that directly affect schedule and indirectly cost. The issues are categorized depending on their likely impact and the resolution path is pre defined rather than evolve a path during the manifestation of an issue. An issue tracker is provisioned on the PMT website. Issues can be posted by any of the project stakeholders and the same would be tracked until resolution. Risk Management: The program as a whole and the projects there in would have associated with them a set of elements that would be perceived as a risk towards program/project failure. The idea here is to capture these risks and find mitigation avenues. This section does not yet provide a framework (where there are quite a few well known ones and one could be chosen or customized at a later stage) for risk mitigation but provides a template for capturing risks, a sort of a risk list. Project Dependency Matrix: All the projects under the current eGovernance initiative ambit have many dependencies, on external agencies as well as on each other. This matrix is targeted towards capturing these dependencies and documenting them, such that a uniform execution of the projects can be ensured and risk related to integration is mitigated.

F-2-b. Project monitoring & control process The processes related artifacts identified under this category include: Change Management Plan: A typical project always encounters a need for change. This change could be in terms of scope, cost, quality and schedule. A Change Management Plan shall ensure that all changes to the project are reviewed and approved in advance; coordinated across the entire project and all stakeholders are notified of approved changes to the project. The Change Management Plan and the Change Request Format need to be furnished by the PMA to CIRT before commencing the project management activities. Project Fortnightly Status Reports: The projects have extensive interdependencies on each other in the form of application and data standards, deployment environment, and interlinked schedules. This situation demands the projects be reviewed as frequently as possible. A period of fifteen days has been decided with an assumption that an incremental change which would need appraisal as well as intervention at this

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periodicity. Once again to maintain consistency across the projects, the Fortnightly status report template need to be furnished by the PMA to CIRT before commencing the project management activities. Minutes of Meeting: Minutes of meetings are an important part of any project as well as the program as a whole. Major decisions and future directions are evolved from this. They are revisited often to compare and cross check. The MOMs are recorded in their simplest form highlighting the discussion points and decision and ownership for actionables (for individual project and program level). Procurement Forecast Plan: However, under this category, one process assumes significance. The development and deployment environment needs of each of the projects. Considering the fact that the procurement cycles are time consuming and also the delivery timelines for vendors, a process is defined to help accelerate decision making and support project schedules.


Project Plan: By the time a project team arrives at the first milestone of delivering the Inception report, it is expected that the high level project plan has been evolved and included in the report. The project plan should conform to the following: It is mandatory that the project plan be in MS Project The project phases planned out should conform to the deliverables (high and medium level) committed to in the description of services to contract and the inception report submitted The project plan should be revised every fortnight in line with the status report submitted and reviewed. The conformance of milestones and activities should not be at variance for a period of more than one fortnightly review. Revision history should be strictly maintained The project plan should be uploaded onto the PMT website for access to all those authorized stakeholders. The responsibility to do so shall rest with the concerned project manager. Project Phase Plan in Detail: At the exit of each phase, the plan for next phase should be available in detail. It may be noted here that the project plan submitted as part of the inception report is a high level plan. Progressive elaboration of various factors is expected as the project moves into different phases. The phase plan should conform to the following requirements: Should be in MS Project Should be detailed, with clear breakdown of activities Activity notes should contain the resource assignment details The plan should be revised every fortnight similar to the master project plan Project manager shall ensure the availability of the plan on the PMT Website.

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Project Deliverables Management

The high level deliverables common across projects have generally been identified as follows: Project Inception Report Software Requirements Specifications Architecture Document (Conceptual and Physical Architecture)


High Level Design Detailed Design Document Application Development Plan, Pilot, Scope, Test Data required, Security, deployment and other infrastructure services for the project) Integration with existing Systems document User Acceptance Test Plan User Acceptance Test Report Pilot Implementation Plan Pilot Feedback Report Implementation Readiness Report Training Plan Training report Deployment Plan Deployment Readiness Report While the list is indicative, each of the deliverable comprises of components that include physical and electronic artifacts. Each of these deliverables will be submitted by the vendors. Program management involves a large variety of activities across different projects and varied stakeholders. The aim of putting in place a well defined process framework ensures conformity across the project and stakeholders. While the framework takes care of regular processes, clarity of approach and expectations, the project managers can dedicate their time better to ensuring the realization of the objectives and vision of KSRTC. As part of the overall program management, the Project management agency will also undertake validation tests of the implementation, quality audit on the system and coordinate with the implementing vendor to ensure that the system operating procedures are established, documented, tested, manpower trained, processes modified if necessary, obtaining acceptance for a period of six months from the date of the successful launch of the pilot.

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Project progress measurement and control

Project Performance will be measured regularly to identify variances from the plan. A control mechanism will be set in place that would include taking preventive action in anticipation of possible problems. The controlling process will include the following elements:

Project Controlling Performance Reporting

Overall Change Control

Facilitating Processes Scope Change Control

Schedule Control

Cost Control

In addition, the project management process would set up the following management mechanism:


Interdependency Management: Identification and management of interdependent items and variables across the different components of the project – communication, power, civil infrastructure, ITS components inside buses, bus stations and at bus stops

Issue Management: Interactive and collaborative identification, management and disposition of issues (delays, failures, change in plan, change in specifications, etc) across the different project elements, including definitive issue resolution closeout, documenting issue history etc Quality Control

Risk Response control

Resource Control

Plan version control: documenting history files reflecting prior state and baseline plan Document Management: Full document storage and management including collaboration and document version control accessible to Project management team members Cascading: automated flow-through of project and task changes through inter-related and interdependent projects to determine the potential effect of delays and failures; effects of schedule changes and resource allocations in one component on other components of the project helping trace the original causes Metrics: Full array of management, financial and resources allocation / utilization indices. The project progress will be monitored based on fortnightly reports covering the following parameters: Accountability, skills, collaboration, reporting, alerting, quality control, escalation procedures

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Project Implementation Vendor (PIV)

In addition to the Project management unit being set up, the implementation vendor will have to set up their own project monitoring mechanisms and will report to the Project Monitoring Agency for which the PMA will provide the necessary templates. The implementation of the project will be undertaken by the winning bidder which can be individual bidder or a consortium. KSRTC will award the contract which will include implementation of the project meeting the requirements of the RFP. The contract awarded to winning bidder will also include the “Operation & Management of the ITS facilities setup for the project for a period of three years. Hence the same contractor who implement the project will also be responsible for the maintenance & operations of post implementation.


Procurement Process Management KSRTC will float tenders for global participation on a two-bid system that consists of Technical bid and Commercial bid. The cost of bid document will be announced along with the last date of purchase of tender document/RFP and date and time of opening of bids. The bid process including the Functional, Technical, general instructions & commercial details and the legal contracts are detailed in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The tender procurement norms furnished in the RFP will be adopted for the selection of vendor for implementation of the project and as well as Operations & Maintenance of the project.

F-6. No.

Project Plan - Schedule, Milestone & Work Breakdown

Delivery Areas


Date of Award of Contract


Procurement of hardware, Software licenses

3. 4.

Start Date

End Date

(T0 +

(T0 +







Development of Application Software



System Integration




Procurement & Integration of GPS System


T0 + 16


Development & Testing of Display System Prototype

T0 + 4

T0 + 16


Procurement & Installation of Display Systems for 300 Buses

T0 + 16

T0 + 24


Procurement & Installation of Display Systems for Bus Terminals

T0 + 5

T0 + 23


GPS/GPRS integration with all modules of ITS and Data Centre.

T0 + 16

T0 + 26


Integration of all modules

T0 + 26

T0 + 30


Acceptance Testing

T0 + 30

T0 + 34


Pilot run on 10 Buses and Performance testing, Acceptance

T0 + 34

T0 + 38


Deployment on 100 Buses

T0 + 38

T0 + 46


Deployment on another 190 Buses

T0 + 46

T0 + 56


Deployment in another 100 buses

T0 + 56

T0 + 108


Deployment on Remaining 100 buses

T0 + 108

T0 + 160

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Gantt Chart (For first year)

Sl No

Track Name

Durati on

Quarter 1 Month 1


Date of award of contract


Delivery of hardware to Data Centre

15 wks


Application Development

20 wks


System integration

4 wks


Procurement and integration of GPS/

6 wks






Development and testing of prototype display systems of bus and stops Procurement and installation of display systems for 300 buses initially Procurement and installation of display systems in bus terminals GPRG/GPG integration with all modules and Data Centre Integration of all modules

Month 2

Quarter 2 Month 3

Month 4

Quarter 3 Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Quarter 4 Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

1 wk


12 wks

8 wks

18 wks

10 wks

4 wks


Aceptance Testing

4 wks


Pilot run on 10 buses

4 wks


Deployment on 190 buses

8 wks


Deployment onremaining 100 buses

10 wks



2 wks

Important Note: This project schedule does not account for delays that are not controllable directly. The above Schedule is subject to change depending upon the complexities of the project and variations in the requirements during the development and implementation phase.

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Software Requirement Specification Project Plan User Acceptance Test Plan Test Plan System Architecture Information Architecture


Visual Design System Design Test Case Coding standards Source code Test cases Test reports Release note User manual and Training Plan Support plan.


Roles & Responsibilities of key stakeholders

An overview of the roles and responsibilities of the four key stakeholders – KSRTC, CIRT, Implementation vendor and the Program Management Agency (Consultant) are outlined below. However during the finalization of the contract with the external agencies, the roles and responsibilities will be detailed out with corresponding liability clauses.

F-8-a. KSRTC Provide timely approvals at various stages of the progress of the project and release the funds in a phased manner based on the progress of the project and in terms of the commercial contract with the implementation vendor based on clearances and certifications by the Project Management Agency (Consultant) appointed by KSRTC. Arrange for necessary permissions for entry and exit of authorized personnel of the implementation vendor and their consortium partners if any, the Project management agency (Consultants) Provide an independent office suite to the PMA for the period of project execution at Mysore with communication facilities and other basic essentials Arrange for meetings with key officials of KSRTC as needed and to have the internal IT team of KSRTC for any integration of ITS with existing applications

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Provide necessary assistance as and when required for the implementation vendors and the Project Management Agency during the project execution phases Undertake effective strategies for brand building of the new Intelligent Transport system to encourage use of the KSRTC services in Mysore. Arrange for transfer of knowledge to a team of training instructors from the three training institutes of KSRTC to help ongoing training in the use of new ITS for Drivers, Conductors and other users within KSRTC

F-8-b. Project management agency Provide adequate support and assistance to KSRTC in the vendor selection process including bid process management, vendor evaluation, providing clarifications on various terms of reference


Closely coordinate with the Project monitoring committee during various stages of the Project management phases as detailed below: o

Ensure that the scope, time, cost, quality, people, communication, procurement, integration and risks are effectively managed to deliver the project as per the terms and conditions


Effectively liaison with the implementation vendor, various key stakeholders within KSRTC officials


Provide for adequate manpower to cater to various activities of the project management


Monitoring the project progress as per the project schedule and submit periodical reports to KSRTC.


Raise timely averts to critical events and slippages and coordinate with KSRTC for timely course corrections and approvals.


Develop appropriate templates for project monitoring and obtain clearance of the same from Project monitoring committee.

F-8-c. Project Implementation Vendor Responsible for complete implementation of the ITS project as stipulated under the terms and conditions on awarding the contract including meeting the project milestones, delivering the assured quality in the supply of products and services and effective integration of various components for a seamless interface. Ensure provisioning adequate staff during the operations phase to deliver quality services as per the contract and terms of reference Ensure that the service level metrics are adhered to and in the event of unforeseen events provide quick and necessary alerts to the nominated official of KSRTC. Offer training to selected set of users in KSRTC in the use of various devices and information in the Intelligent Transport System of KSRTC.

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ITS Operational Plans Maintenance, upgrade, replenishments, Operations & financial monitoring mechanisms, roles and responsibilities, managing warranties and claims, review of business models. ITS must be effectively maintained and managed to ensure that all services are delivered without any break. The system needs to be covered with Service Level Guarantees as part of the Service Level Agreements (SLA) to be signed with the System implementation and integration vendor.



Service Metrics

The Quality of service metrics in respect of various sub-systems are indicated below: ITS Applications ITS Application Availability Functional requirements upgrade

Bench marks 99.00% < 60 days

Computing accuracy


Customer Satisfaction level


DIT user satisfaction level


Hosting Centre Minimum concurrent connects to the Command Centre Availability of systems at Data Centre Resumption of online ITS services

500 99.00% 1 hr

Data availability


Data accuracy


Capacity of the database server

Handle 6000 service transactions /hr

Capacity of the Application Server

Handle 6000 service transactions /hr

Availability of agreed services over the internet


Local Area Network at the Command centre Network availability Network Latency

Uptime of Back Office Servers

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99% Average of > 75 milliseconds per month > 99%

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Time to restore back office servers from failure

< 1 hr

Client Access Grievance and Complaints settlement Customer Satisfaction measure support response Average time for service at the customer premises

< 7 days > 75% < 10 Sec <12 hrs

Business Development Percentage of increase in the transactions every quarter



The basic procedures for the Maintenance & Support and administration of computing resources of ITS Project are furnished below. It is expected to develop a perfect synergy between the user and the machine to Define, Identify, Analyze, Maintain, and communicate on-line data between the end users and the decision makers. The Project Organization hierarchy provides delegation of responsibility at all levels and end-to-end Role-Definition of the personnel.


Maintenance Plan

The maintenance team will work for providing a robust system without any down time by applying a comprehensive maintenance policy incorporating both Hardware and Software maintenance.

G-2-a. Hardware Maintenance Plan All the necessary hardware required for the project like Servers and Network Components, Computers, peripherals and other associated components would be sourced from reputed and pre-approved Vendors. The implementing agency will have agreements with such vendors. VMUs shall be maintained in good condition and defective units shall be replaced at any of the designated locations. Maintenance is broadly classified as Preventive and Reactive.

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE The user shall be responsible for doing routine maintenance like virus scan and update, UPS / Generator/ A/C maintenance as per the User Manual supplied. The maintenance activities are followed to prevent any breakdown. Standard/genuine spares would be maintained for any urgent replacement.

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REACTIVE MAINTENANCE: If a breakdown occurs, the user shall report the nature of breakdown to the administrator. The administrator will generate the complaint number and dispatch the maintenance team immediately to the concerned location. The maintenance team will attend and sort out the problem. They will generate a service report and submit to the administrator. The administrator closes the complaint number and files it in the breakdown register.


G-2-b. Software Maintenance Plan The vendor shall provide Software Updates, patches/fixes, new versions/releases of all the Application software and System software as and when it takes place. The Vendor on its own will also install and set these updates on all the components of the System. Troubleshooting and Customization of all the Application software will be part of this activity. The Vendor will provide a comprehensive maintenance support to the user for all the Hardware, Software and material taken by operator.

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Conclusions & Summary Information Services remain fundamental to passenger satisfaction, which will encourage use of public transport and reduce the use of personal vehicles. This significantly contributes to saving the environment from heavy vehicle pollution and reducing congestion on city roads. Intelligent Transport Systems is a pioneering effort by KSRTC Mysore to contribute to the first step of providing dynamic information of the bus routes, ETA/ETD at Bus Stops & terminals. The number of sub-systems in an ITS is an umbrella term for advance automation in mobile vehicles. Its wide range covers vehicle-to-vehicle communications, collision avoidance and crash detection system, monitoring traffic and controlling signal lights, electronic and speed limit signs, reversible lanes and other road safety components. ITS technology framework includes wireless communication, sensing technologies, inductive loop detection, video vehicle detection, and electronic toll collection.


However, this Detailed Project Report on ITS for KSRTC Mysore limits its scope primarily to Passenger Information system and examines certain core components required to meet the objectives of KSRTC. These components cover: Vehicle Tracking System, common data centre, in-vehicle service, enroute bus stop services, and central bus terminal services. Core technologies include Geographical Positioning system (SPS), electronic Display systems, Information and Communication Technologies. Benefits of introducing ITS include: Reduce the time of travel Increase the accessibility of the system Increase the safety of users Reduce the fuel consumption and emissions Reduce the operation cost Improved traffic efficiency Reduced traffic congestion Improved environmental quality and energy efficiency Improved economic productivity This Detailed Project Report will facilitate the KSRTC Management to take the next steps of developing the Request for Proposal specifications covering the functional, technical, operational specifications including detailed definition of various service level metrics. This DPR also covers the estimated cost of implementing the system with scope for expansion as the number of buses, routes and commuters increases. KSRTC proposes to implement the system through established bid process for identification and deployment through a system integrator.

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About CIRT, the consultants to KSRTC on the ITS Project Having obtained the grant, KSRTC zeroed on Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT) for preparing a detailed project report and appointed them as consultants for the project with the responsibility to prepare: Detailed Project Report Tender documents, Prequalification documents


Bill of Materials/System requirement specifications Floating of tenders and tender evaluation, selection of the contractor and award of contract will be under taken by the technical staff of KSRTC.


Brief Profile

CIRT was established in the year 1967 as a joint initiative of the then Ministry of Shipping and Transport, Government of India and Association of State Road Transport Undertakings, (ASRTU). CIRT campus occupies 84 acres of land and around 216 employees work here. The Faculty is composed of Doctorates, pursuing Doctorates and Post Graduate Engineers.


Areas of specialization

Traffic & Transportation Engineering Transportation Planning & Management Public Transportation Road Safety Transport Policy Intelligent Transportation Systems Mechanical Engineering Freight Transportation Futuristic Technologies Environmental Pollution Alternative Fuels International and National project assignments Petroleum India International, India for Al Mansoor Enterprises, Abu Dhabi Transport Research Laboratories (TRL), UK National Transport Corporation, Mauritius Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, South Africa

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Traffic Police (Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, etc.) Ministry of Road Transport & Highways Motor Vehicle Department of various States State Transport Undertakings Urban Development Authorities, Municipal Corporations


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113 Creating globally competitive technologies and managerial solutions to serve public road transport industry

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