My Significant Experience Lawreek Heyward

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 525
  • Pages: 1
Personal Statement My significant experience is living life having a crazy identical twin brother. We look almost exactly alike so people be thinking we the same person. They think there is only one of me. They would see two if people use their eyes a little more. I grew dreads just because we look that much alike and i cant be getting confused with him all the time. He like to scare of my friends. Steal my things and everyone else's. He has no respect for anyone's property. I can't explore charlotte north carolina like i want because im scared to get shot or jumped by one of his enemies thinking is me. And he has lots of them. And i don't even know what their faces look like. Iv still then always tried to help my twin brother as best as i could. Because he is still my brother and i love him. But nothing seems to fix anything he does. But now i see he is just going to keep taking from me till i have nothing left. It's really sad for me because i want a good or even reliable twin brother. Someone who i can talk and vibe about thing with like when we were babies. We really could do big thing. But instead he just want to fight and argue with me. Since i was a little kid people always used to say, “yall need to stop arguing”. Little did they know he was arguing with himself after me saying one thing. He gets mad whenever i say something he doesn't agree with or like. So then he just gets in one of his little moods. He will do it anywhere too. Hes has been this way since we were able to speak. People always be like go get him some help. Well we did plenty of times. But nothing seems to work. He just seems to reject anyone who comes his way. By acting bad . Cursing screaming all that bad stuff. We could have been rich and famous like other twin are. Im am not making my new life for myself. For my family. Now i just stay in the house and text my friends and play video games. It's fun having a brother around sometimes. But not when he is actually ruining your life. I love my brother and he is someone who makes me happy. But we cant be together all the time. So i just have to find my own friends . Life is what you make it. So if i would of chose to stay around my twin 24/7 then i would still have a lot of stress and problems. And i don't like stress. Stress is not good for the human body. It creates a chemical that makes your body feel bad and it's not anything you can live through your whole entire life. So live stress free. I believe that one day maybe my twin will be a good person. But right now he is the worst person i ever met. And i'm not just saying that because he is my brother.

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