My Luck

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 9
MY LUCK CHAPTER 1-INTRODUCTION Hi my name is jim but my relatives and friends call me jimmy. I live in a small town in oakey.Satay avenue is where my family owns our own fish 'n' chip shop.Im usually eating chips not so much fish.But one day everything went teriblly wrong and terribly right.This is my story: It all started on a Wednesday afternoon at school.My teacher Mr treo had just came back from his lunch break with his bright yellow mug,taking slow sips he opened the classroom door and gave me a very nasty look ''princapal's office now!''shouted Mr treo. I paused looking at him like id seen a ghost ''i saw the note,so get out''assured Mr treo so i forwarded out puzzled i went to the princapal's office and there was a pink note and it read:I hate you,You are the worst principle ever!!! signed Jimmy! ''Do you know anying jim at all that would explain this note left on Mr treo's chair yesterday?''asked the princapal''no,i don't Know a thing about that note and i find that offensive!''said jim puzzled. Okay you sound like your telling the absouloute truth so how about and extra 2 months of detention on top of one week so now you may go''tricked the princapal. CHAPTER 2-RESEARCH Later on that day jim walked home feeling that who tricked him into it got away with it.Now that he got the blame he was going to risk it all to find the person who wrote the note. So the next morning he woke up early and got ready for school.Tieing his shoe laces packing his small red backpack and finally some toast.He walked to school ten minutes early to get some extra time for investigation. He walked arounnd the shiny sand pit and saw a footprint it had army grooves with studs and nearby there were some pieces of football stitches. CHAPTER 3-RESEARCH-CONTINUE He walked towards the jocks room and then suddenly the hard hearing bell rang,i was still destined to find the culprit. I ran to class before the jocks came out to practice and there was the culprit a dark long shadow across the field."STOP RIGHT THERE"i shouted in disbelieve.I took a long jump and took him to the ground.Help he screamed some-ones got my back.It was coach sandler i must of seen his shadow.Detention, today nine-thirty,but first go to the masters office. CHAPTER 4-CENTRE OF TROUBLE

I went to the door and saw a note on the glass i've gone on vacation.I stood there puzzled Soon later i walked off when all the staff room went passed and read the note.They all were very puzzled and all formed a meeting up in the libary. I ran up stairs to find out whats happening.I climbed the janitor's ladder up aganist the building and climbed to the third window.I went through the window and soon i hid under the table in the centre of the room. Screech went the croaky door of the library and in came the teachers: Mr treo,Mrs cathry,Ms stewart,Mr sandler,Misses trendle and Mr page. They all sat on the side tables and were talking so they didn't want to wake up the year ones in there classroom next to the library. All of the staff forwarded out ten minutes later with a teacher timetable they printed off to stick to there normal routine because usually the principal made one. "Detention jimmy,now"Mrs cathry said checking her detention room list. "yes,Mrs Cathry''anwsered jimmy politley."Thanks but that aint going to do it" Mrs cathry looking annoyed. He went to go and sit down in the back row seeing that i was one of the four there."up the front,Now"looking very furious at me. "Now class today we are going to read the egypt pharoes that ruled the land in parts of Africa"Said Mrs cathry. ( BEEP! BEEP! ) "Well thats the bell ill see you all tommorow"escused Mrs Cathry looking at her time table. When i was leaving the detention room Mr Sandler ran to the door to scream "FIRE FIRE""Where?"shouted Mrs cathry."In the cafeteria,some arsonist threw a bottled fire and placed it in the centre of the room" explained Mr Sandler. "Lets get a move on before the gates fill with fire"Mr Sandler panicking "I'll grab the fire estinquisher"Mrs Cathry said with scared feelings up her spine. Mrs Cathry ran up the hall and followed Mr Sandler he said to hand over the fire estinquisher so he could stop the flames from spreading all over the cafeteria lunch room. Without argueing she handed the fire estinquisher over to Mr Sandler with slight shakes in her arm."Don't worry i'll be extra cautious"reassured Mr Sandler,"Kids do what ever you can to hold back those doors because the wind may get strong and jam the hinges"with a slight doubt. He ran in leaving a locket the shape of a heart,Mrs Cathry picked it up gently and opened it up there was two pictures with one a baby daughter and a baby brother and written I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU."Go get those flames, and get them hard"shouted Mrs Cathry...... CHAPTER 5-FIRE VS HUMAN While with bravery he reaches the doors and with in slow seconds the doors bang

together with a gale of wind."Jimmy go and fetch me the garden hose"demanded Mrs Cathry. I run with up the stairs and i find a small rope being tugged under gravle and small pieces of ash,I search through the rumbel and scrape the fabric away. There is a hat on a burnt keyboard with acid spiling from beneath.With moments to spare there is a awkward sound like a trapped fly there is a pager on a little lump of ash.I grab it with no understanding that it could be nothing but when i press replay the message shows:Help im trapped under the music room floor! I stedly walk over towards the metal beems,I step with stress to fall when the beam makes a crackling noise..."THERE'S FIRE UNDERNEATH THE BEAMS"i shout in stress. CHAPTER 8-METAL FRICTION "It's getting hot help"I shout."Don't worry im coming to help"!frys Mrs Cathry (EXPLOSION) Arggh!, Silence starts i try to look up and concentrate,I grab the hose and jump the beams.I run towards the staircase not knowing that the staircase has gone up in flames.I hear Mrs Cathry saying"HELP,IM BURNT. I hear a car outside and ran towards the windo, its the principal,he came to save us. Hang on whats that his got,and why is there a van with......."T.N.T ON THE SIDE" The principal sets up a little breifcase up near the garden.He digs into the dirt with gloves on,he takes out a knife and cuts the line he adds petrol cans and grabs the gun powder. CHAPTER 9-MASSIVE EXPLOSION He puts the knife away and calls a number....He says there has been a massive explosion at green-dale school at richmond,he says to bring in backup. I struggle to help so i find a window and look down i see a 3-4 metre bin i try to stay focused on being a hero and jump,i sky dive for a matter of seconds when i smell a distgusting smell but im not in the bin,don't tell me im,im,im......I look down there is the principal unconsious laying on the ground. I struggle to take the detonnator when i hear a noise from the cafeteria,its Mr Sndler he is alright he helps Mrs Cathry up from under the ruble.He carrys her out to the front of the school with the other kids helping to hold her above the hot air vents. They hear a alarm being manualy set its coming from the basement the count is starting from 10,9,8 come,7 on we ,6 to get,5 her out,4,3,2,I quickly slid down the hill and hear an (EXPLOSION). The school door smashes to the bricks clutterd on the ground and the school clock blows to smitherines in mid air,the front of the school takes a massive blow and children start to run before the trees fall from the top of our school building.

I see a white vans driving towards the schools gate the teachers and children run and run until suddenly gun shots shoot in the air the driver gets his shot gun out and aims for Mr Sandler's fore head the gun fires at free will and gets him with in moments he falls to the ground holding mrs Cathry waking her up when the van drives fast into the bushland. CHAPTER 10-AMBULANCE TO THE RESCUE Mrs Cathry feels to see if there is a pulsebut there is a slow feeling that feels like blood is being pumped.She immediatly gets her cell and calls 911,she puts it onto the loud speaker and says "one ambulance please and hurry and fast.She starts to spread tears the children start to get escorted to the teachers cars and the school buses.Mrs Cathry hears a small breathing sound he says "did the,kids behave?""yes,yes they did"with a tear river of happiness. The ambulance turns up with bells chiming and police escorts onto the school grounds.The back of the ambulance opens with a gush of flamming wind,The driver calls out to his fellow partner to release the stretcher.The stretcher than is pulled from the metal clips,"hello,what can i help you with"kindly the driver asks,"well i got shot i probaly,will need a few stitches"answers Mr Sandler. They then carry the stretcher to the ambulance,they lift it up and give it a slow push."Any passangers"he asks every one looks at Mrs Cathry,"well i guess i could,ah what the hek im coming!" Mrs Cathry jumps with joy. CHAPTER 11-MISSING PERSON Soon after the kids parents are called to take there children home,Mr Treo looked at me with rage in his greenish redish eyes.To come to think about it why would he have been so angry?,that's my big concern.I look around at the school it looks like a terrible disarster that more than one person could do. I stop to think where is the principal?I search around where he had been but he has not been seen since when the school was blown up.I look around like i am as guilty as a criminal. I take a moment to stay focused when i hear a person being dragged i hide behind some of the large piles of smashed bricks i see Mr treo talking to him self scraping the principal's head across the cracked path.He is saying"you idiot you could of got us caught,with your stupid idea of trying to set up bastard jimmy". CHAPTER 12-LAND LORD CONFUSION Since the schools in a mess we are staying home.Well it is quite boring i have to confess,While mum is at work dad stays home to finish his house projects in the large shed out back. Suddenly i thought if we build the school using dads equipment the community may help out.I ran upstairs and grabbed a few pens and a clipboard and rushed down to the study.I drew a few floor plans to exstend onto the school. I drew a few trees we could plant and a few colours to finish it off.When i was ready to show dad i didn't quite think he'd be very little of certain straight away so i hid it under my heavy mattress while mum did the cleaning around the

corners. I ran down stairs and collected a few grabbed my old school bag and stuffed ball.I hanged onto my bag swinging it stairs smiling and said"honey,can you mail?."Yeah,sure",i walked to my room and quick.

folders,pens,catalouges,glue and scissors.I my stationary amongst my old flat soccer over my shoulder,mum walked past me up the just make your bed for me while i grab the and slammed it from behind locking it fastly

CHAPTER 13-START TO RELISE I sat down on the floor leaning on my cupboard i opened the catalouge and cut out a few power tools and pasted them onto the paper. Mean while finally i was done to go down stairs back into the study to photo copy my poster,I was in for about 10 minutes when i punched in 100 pages black and white. "Jimmy come down stairs and help me with the lawn."yelled Dad,"I'll be down in a bit"shouted jimmy. Jimmy ran down the stairs and grabbed the lawn mower that we purchased 4 years ago.While jimmy ran towards the back door Mum haulted me with a letter,with excitment he ripped it open with joy,he lifted it carefuly and unfolded the note. He looked at the note slowly reading........ it said: To jimmy, I thought i'd write to you seeing it will be my last days in oakey.I hope you enjoy your time left in oakey.Mum thinks that i'll need a better education if the school is never rebuilt.P.S I left a small box with a gift inside burried under the third bush from the left.Bye and enjoy your years to come. CHAPTER 14-LUCK AT LAST What could it be i thought to myself?maybe it's a key to our old safe that we kept on the tall table next to our desks that we built from fresh tree wood. I grabbed my bike and sneeked out pass the garage like a undercover cop that i saw in a action movie.I went over the bridge and striked the brakes at the corner of michal's house i looked up the street and saw house 77. I put my stand on the bike and left it by the bus stop and scattered over to the 3rd bush from the left,i grabbed my shovel out of my bag and dug for a few minutes.A horrific sharp pain tingled up my spine and i knew that id reached it.I noticed a silver bright shiny suit case from the disposals shop,i reached for the tight lock and twisted the lock downwards opening the top.There in the centre holded my spare key to the club house that we hid under the large bookcase his dad built. I walked over to my bike and took out the map out of my bag.There resting in the centre was a computer disc that he gave to me to create designes in our little club house.It must have atleast enough memory to bring the world down above my shoulders.I removed it from the centre and ran my finger along Mc greggory road where our club house is located.When i arrived there was a few kids out front with sticks and rocks protecting the door,i looked frightened to go to the front seeing there was a few other kids tied up on the poles.

CHAPTER 15-MISS-UNDER-STOOD I left my bike around the corner for a quick and safe getaway.I walked to the back and saw our passage way through to the sewers.I lifted the door silently and made my way by crawling on the sewer floor.I looked for the release lever and found it with cob webs hanging off.I took my top off and used it for a glove,i slowly reached for it when i heard the door slam shut with a few whispers,i got scared so i ran towards the sewers corners leaving my white shirt behind. Suddenley a tall 13 year old called down his mates telling them about the passage way.I saw a ladder leading upto the roads surface.I grabbed my back pack and put it on my back in case i fell during my trip up the ladder.I climbed fastly,before i knew it the road hatch wouldn't budge.I grappled onto a hanging vine and twisted slowly at the top noticing that it was breaking through the roots.The boy came past with a large stick with a banner and a screw driver at the point.Agressivley he shouted. "HEY-YOU,YEAH-YOU,WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWN HERE!!!" With out looking at the small banner i charged at him like a candle on a millimeter of wax.He held his banner in front of him leaving the point near by stomach i stopped running when i noticed the banner.I thought to myself what could this be.Suddenly he asked if i was a club member?I awnsered yes hoping for the most best thing,no punches!He said come this way,i was getting terribley confused after he said that to me a 5th grader! He walked me up into the hatch when....... Hey helicopter came along and took about 20-30 photos but this 1 was the only one to hi the ground. It was my school it was a map to target flying jets. This school wasnt any ordinary school.I wondered why they like it that much and thought why over and over until i found this on the ground too. I was despertae to find out who why when and what they were doing... i saw this and i noticed a red car i looked over my shoulder,there was the red car.I walked over to it weirdly it appered empty when gunfire....lots of it.......came shooting my way i ran so fast my face started to peel back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 16-Chased. A man in a hilux came driving my way.He was going quite fast too.I saw a alley way so i ran down until i got to this long ladder.Looking up thinking of a quick way to get up without falling i gripped the bars and kept climbing eventually i was on a balcony.I took a look below and i saw the Hilux driver climbing the ladder really fast with his swiss army knife.I recognized it seeing my dad worked in the army.I was thinking of an escape i rattled at the windows but nothing gave way so i figured its only up from here.I kept climbing furiously and i would turn my back every so often to check how the man was with climbing the ladder.He seemed quite tired so i used this time to get to the 3rd balcony.When i got to the 3rd i couldnt see him.Suprised i thought he had left but the ute was still there so i thought whats the worst thing that could happen?I climbed back down planning to stop at balcony 2 when i heard this movement.The man was on balcony 2.I was scared,Very scared so i gripped tighly to the ladder.I heard the man talking on a mobile cell.He was talking about not being able to keep up.Suddenly a jet black

suv pulled out behind the Black highlux,not as black as the suv.I decided to await on balcony 3. I hid behind some chairs on the balcony peaking down at the suv.4 men got out with what looked like machine guns.As they got closer i saw they had Uzis i recognized them from my favourite game Grand Theft Auto 3.They were looking up talking to one another.I ignored them and forced at the balcony door.This time it opened,no people were to be found.There were many jewls and necklaces and many other riches.I looked at the door knob i noticed there was a Dual lock on with even a code.I was doomed.I looked in the room for any sign of a code,a 4 digit one that is.I scrambled into draws and into bags.I went to the bed side table and on top i saw a piece of paper with a special combination,this one had 8 digits.I remember owning a safe and i remember the 8 digit code.I looked around the lamp and felt this short hard object i snached it from behind and got a....a....GUN!!!! I heard someone at the door that said a word starting with p or something then started couting down to 1 from 3.3....2.....1.... coming in!! before i had time to put the gun back there were swat officers everywhere.They asked me questions and cuffed me.Scared i dropped the gun and the man caught it before it hit the ground he said with a sense of humour "Watch out that wasn't in saftey mode". I wasn't sure to laugh or be quiet so i just sat there.He said "Non talker ay?" i nodded.Distracted on thinking on an excuse i heard this loud roar of a car.The Police S.W.A.T officer looked down and said to his walkie-talkie "We have a hilux on the run,corner of west and french road". I said to the S.W.A.T officer "they chased me".He replied "Why didn't you say?" "I was scared to death,sorry" i said in remorse. "Why are they after you?"asked the man. "Well my prinicple framed me with the note and..." "What note?"Questioned the man. "The note outside the Masters office,he blamed me for it"said Jim. "Ok well we will find your prinicple,is he a part of all these Oakey crimes?"asked with a worried face "Im not sure,can i go now?"looking desperate "Um yeh i guess i'll give you a lift" said the man "Errrm,no thanks i will be ok" "Ok then"said the officer. I walked out the door and down the hall.On the way i found foot prints of a red liquid.As soon as i saw it i ran as fast as i could.The elevator was out of order which made it harder to run.I quickly thought of a plan.I thought what gets you out in a rush?The fire exit! I ran down as quick as i could incase any of those guys with uzis found me.I decided it's time to pull the fire alarm,that'll get them moving fast.I punched the glass and pressed the button the alarm went of istantly.I made a run up and i saw the exit i walked casualy into the streets and followed a man in a dark black

suit with a pale white tie to be hidden behind.I followed him until i was a few blocks from home.I made a turn and in the corner of my eye i saw a hilux ute.Same colour and...and... gunners in the back!!!! I still walked casual trying to keep a straight face.I saw a few boxes in a lane way so i hid behind them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The gunners were demanding to the driver to hurry up pointing the gun at focus.I heard one of the gun men shoot into the air everyone was screaming and running. Time to make a break i thought to myself.I grabbed an old push bike all rusted and cobwebbes all over.I took the rusted stand and threw it onto the ground the tyres were flat but who cares as long as i get as far as another block i'll be ok.Silently i grabbed the bike and it made a deep screech.The gun men were looking my way but didn't notice who i was.I rided away and they just laughed.I was confused,I looked ahead and there were double deck busses i had a great idea. Chapter 17-Riding the busses. I peddled realf fast to catch up to one.The light turned orange then red.I grabbed onto the side of the bus and when i was just about to climb on the bus.....started to move.I quickly threw the bike to the side with cobwebbs hanging from the tips of my fingers.I was hanging onto the pole with my back pack falling from my hand.The bus got faster and faster.The traffic was bad so i had time to get on board.I went upstairs and sat along the top.We stopped in a station west from Oakey and i got off.I went to check the bus time tables and i saw Harlington which is a few km's out from West Oakey.The bus was 275.I waited and waited in my seat.I saw bus 179 then bus 144 and on and on.45 minutes later i heard my cell ring with a message.I picked up the mobile and it had Missed calls:7 From Dad.I was getting worried the cops were after me.If they got me i would have to slow down and giving time for the hilux driver and gunners to find me. So i messaged dad back in a txt:I won't be long im over at the shops buying lunch bbs (Be back soon.) I looked outside the window the lady called out 275 is now departing.I ran quickly outside with my bad and mobile.The bus stopped at the side.I ran onto the platform and into the left side seats.I saw a sign 15 minutes later Welcome To Harlington with a bright sunflower on the front. I called out "STOP THE BUS!" The woman called out "Just a minute kid" I sat back down and waited 5 minutes she finally stopped and i had a longer walk. I said in an angry voice "THANKYOU,BACK THERE WAS FINE!" She just laughed and i got off i picked up my bag from the road side and went to my pocket for my phone.She drove off quicker than an aeroplane taking off. I was very angry that i had lost my phone.I kept walking back to Oakey and i saw a bustop i waited underneath and pulled out a warm water. I said to myself "My favourite" Being sarcastic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I took a sip and gaggled it then spat it onto the hot concrete,you could practicly

cook and egg on it. I saw cars pass and a few trucks.I felt hungry so i got up and started to walk towards Oakey. On the way i was looking on the ground being really bored.I saw this quite large rock sticking up i was bored so i tried to dig it out.The more i dug the more it looked silver and shaped like a rectengle.When i got it out i looked at it and thought...Its a briefcase?...... Why would a briefcase be burried on a public street?Garbage Night?The locks were tightly locked up.With passwords,figer scans,eye scans everything you could need for something to keep protected.I picked it up and took it with me.I looked underneath the breifcase i saw a large stamp some japan symbols and It had in another 4 languages Top Seceret.I smiled and thought of what i could do with it.Thinking i thought it could be:Money,computer stick or anything that could fit into it.I was a few km's from home sedan pulled out following me.The looked like them guys off meninblack.They went further ahead and pulled to the side of the road.I thought nothing little of them they looked like they owned the suitcase.I made a rule to myself if anyone asks for the case i give them it.If not i keep it.I was a few streets away and i looked down for no reason.I saw this hudge shadow on the ground which was oval but nothing in the sky.I couldn't think of anything that could not be above with the shadow from below. I didn't think anymore of it so i kept walking eventually i got home.I went inside and the house was a big mess.Plates and dishes the lounges tipped over and a weird slime inside the house.Looking puzzled i looked everywhere for my family.In the shower,bathrooms,bedrooms,toilets even in the backyard.They were no where to be found.I put down my bag and went for a sleep. Chapter 18- From Beyond?

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