My Friend

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 825
  • Pages: 2
MY FRIEND ‘BLACKJACK’ Last week I spent some time in the garden. When I returned to the house, I found that I was covered in “Blackjacks.” Most of us have already experienced this dread of all Gardeners, yet I had never really given Blackjacks much thought. As I pulled them off my clothing, I took one and looked at it critically. I found myself thinking of those who insist that the entire cosmos, simply appeared out of nowhere and we with all the animals and vegetation, simply evolved from some Primordial Soup. Yes! I am talking about evolutionists who refuse to give God the time of day and “pooh-pooh” the Christian faith.. So! Here I had this “Blackjack” who I must now address as “Him or It” because evolutionist who reject God as the creator of everything must out of necessity assume or credit “Blackjack” a mere seed, with a brain. How else could he accomplish what he already has without a brain, unless there is a God who pre designed and pre determined old Blackjack’s existence? Is it not strange that those who propound the theory of evolution are considered by worldly standards to be well educated? Therefore I have chosen a simple object, namely old “Blackjack” to show the wisdom of Scripture when it says: “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.” (1Cor 1:27) With this in mind, where then could old “Blackjack” get a brain except from evolutionists? In keeping with their evolutionary theory, when Blackjack came up out of the Primordial Soup, he said to himself: “I need to get away from all this and spread myself around the earth a bit”. Imagine that, Blackjack could even reason and talk to himself? Therefore because of his desire to expand and populate the earth he wondered: “How am I going to do this? Let me see now. There are animals walking around with hair so I will grow little claws that will stick to their hair as they brush past me. Then as they walk away and eventually rub against something else, I will be rubbed off and fall down onto the ground, where I can grow into a bush and by this means eventually populate the earth.” Imagine that! Old Blackjack could work that all out for himself. Or perhaps he came out of the Primordial Soup created that way? If that is the case, then we have to give the Primordial Soup a brain. Primordial soup said to herself: “I have within me something I have created and when I give birth to him I will give him little claws to enable him to populate the earth.” Why not? Things don’t just happen. If the brain of almighty God did not create old Blackjack, what brain did? Do they really believe that all these intricacies of the universe, nature and mankind had no brain behind it at all? That it all just happened? Some Evolutionists realise that they cannot answer these questions, so they speak of a “Higher power” and reject the God of the Bible. "A servant cannot serve two masters. he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. (Luke 16:13) After these thoughts had gone through my primitive brain, I started to think about Monkeys

Evolutionists insist we come from the Planet of the Apes. My conclusion after this intriguing chat with myself was: “I don’t believe I came from an ape, but I certainly know who is going to the dogs”. Incidentally, many learned men tell us that if Darwin was alive today and presented his theory, it would be rejected outright. Yet we continue teaching this outdated theory in our schools and present them to our children as though they were absolute and proven facts. Another remarkable fact about this non-factual theory is, read a book that expounds evolution and a simple observation on your part will reveal how many words like “ May be” - “Possibly” - “Could be” - “Perhaps”, continually turn up when presenting what they think or hope is factual.. The only reason I can give for these learned men being blind to their own words are possibly threefold. 1.God hardens the hearts of those who reject him. Jhn 12:40 2.God says: “I will send them strong delusions that they may believe a lie.” 2Thess 2:11 3.To recant means that their higher education with bones will only qualify them as “Isangomos” Should they believe in some form of Intelligence but not the God of the Bible, then the question must be asked: “Surely if there is a God or Intelligence, then God or that Intelligence would want to communicate with His creation? Inform us as to what He expects of us? What His future plans for us are? Tell us anything, but not dead silence. Otherwise what would be the sense of creating unintelligent beings who are capable of reason and communication?

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