My Dissenting Opinion

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 706
  • Pages: 2
MGA KABABAYAN, First and foremost, I would like to thank Mr. Dondave Jabay for sharing his time, talent and resources to serve our fellow OFWs here in South Korea. FEWA and SULYAPINOY have recognized his sacrifices and contributions . We are grateful to him ! On the other hand, let me explain to you mga kababayan on how FEWA board came up with the decision based on the FEWA constitution and by-laws with my dissenting opinion regarding his allegations. FEWA Constitution and By-laws states:

Article III – MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Only OFW who entered under the Human Resources Development Service program the Republic of South Korea (HRDS-ROK) known as Employment Permit System (EPS) through Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) shall be qualified to be a FEWA member.

Comments: Mr. Dondave Jabay was not an EPS worker , he was adopted by FEWA and became FEWA member.

Section 7. Termination of Membership 7.1 Technical Termination 7.1.2. Expiration of EPS Working Visa shall likewise mean termination of FEWA membership.( Note: His VISA was expired, he finished his contract and his adoption papers were also expired , needless to say that his membership is automatically terminated)……………………….FEWA Officers whose EPS Working Visa has expired shall be deemed retired from the date of the expiration of the visa and their position shall be declared vacant. Comment: He was no longer FEWA member, In fact, he is now in the Philippines for more than a month . Therefore, he has no LEGAL RIGHT to remain SULYAPINOY WEBADMIN, He resigned from SULYAPINOY newsletter already. Supposedly, before his VISA expired , he must turnover the website password. 8. Ethical Grounds

Any FEWA volunteer member found to be reasonably accused or charged of the following shall be subjected to Membership Termination proceedings:

8.7 deliberate non-compliance of FEWA rules, laws and directives FEWA BOARD HAS DECICED TO REMOVE MR. DONDAVE JABAY AS SULYAPINOY WEBSITE ADMIN BASED ON THE FEWA CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS AS OUR LEGAL BASES. The following grounds are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

He violated the FEWA Constitution and By-laws . He did not turnover the SULYAPINOY website password to the owner FEWA; He wanted that SULYAPINOY newsletter be CLOSED. And among others…

On the other side of a coin: FEWA is recognized and respected by the Philippine Embassy, Churches, Filipino communities and some Korean institutions here in South Korea. FEWA upholds , protects and defends the rights of OFWs in Korea. We have fought against SSS-NPS, MC 04, MOU, ( food & accommodations) and among others. There’s no reason that FEWA will allow Mr. Dondave Jabay to administer our website without legal bases. It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL . He should respect FEWA’s Constitution and by-laws because it is unethical and unprofessional to keep the website password that is own by the organization. From that stand-point, “ FEWA BOARD HAS REMOVED HIM AS WEBADMIN with legal bases”.His allegations have no legal bases, it is INSUFFICIENT IN FORM AND LACK OF SUBSTANCE.” It is very clear that FEWA board’s decision and it is not my initiative. As FEWA administrative adviser, it is my duty and responsibility to give advise, based on the merits of the case and to ensure that FEWA’s constitution and by-laws will be RESPECTED and IMPLEMENTED religiously. And I hasten to add, that I was resigned as FEWA administrative adviser last July 2, 2009 for “delicadeza” and not to influence FEWA board decision. Besides, FEWA board has respected their agreement between FEWA President Mr.Sofonias Paragsa and Mr. Jabay to give one (1) month for him to turnover the website password, but still he kept the passwords for more than a month.( Note: Their agreement was illegal because it was not agreed by the FEWA board). I hope Mr. Jabay will be enlightened with my dissenting opinion based on the FEWA constitution and by-laws. Let us respect and observe the rule of law. I have nothing against him, I am only against with his ideas and opinion because it is baseless, unfounded, unreasonable and illogical. Finally, Let us continue to serve God and to our fellow OFWs no matter what happen along the way. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. God bless us all!

Sincerely, Rebenson”Reeve” Recana Founding Chairman, SULYAPINOY

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