My Center

  • Uploaded by: William Matters Jr.
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 838
  • Pages: 2
My Center: The root of myself never really existed as it exist in others. Most behavior for me is or was rooted in habit, wisdom and my gifts. Experimentation on myself disturbed the flow between my creator and myself. Wisdom was replaced by a mental illness &/or reaction(s), gifts were lost due to lack of practice and direction and habit was impossible to changing conditions or addictions. At a certain level where sin is not deliberately practiced gifts can enter or be maintained. When I wanted to see what I could do without God or family, it was because those concepts were warped. However now church and God are solidified in a holy yet practical state for me now. I am no longer lost and self consumed as others. At this place my existentialism can combine with God’s determinism synthesizing a “call”. The Matters or their family concept of God or the Tao or nature or magic do not interfere. Occult, mysticism, philosophy, comparative religion are now futile. Sociology and psychology I call into question as sciences as well as science itself as pride is replaced by self respect. All the world’s systems and methods thereof are not my concern as no worthy science will unite it all or as I may be the author of how to repent or perform penance as opposed to how to sin more effectively pretending there is no God or truth to make a difference. I can never fully unite with such a world. Some I tried to love were created for this world, but I am not. At this point salvation of sanity is found in Jesus Christ, not Jung or Nietzche or Darwin or Marx or Frued/Skinner. There is no synthesis or lowest common denominator of religion unless Christendom failed to exist then it would be expiation of negative or misdirected energy as karma by human works. In their world magic and religion began as one and are no different with the premise my will be done. Beginning with the political or Wiccan law of harm not. So far this has been a great waste of time, except to have the ability to redirect sinners. In martial arts Hinduism gave birth to Yoga and Ishinryu which travelled to China for the birth of Kung Fu with Buddhism and Taoism which travelled to Japan with karate and Zen Buddhism. Likewise Hinduism came from Zoroastrianism also with Jainism and Sihkism all of which are karmatic or human work oriented forms of mysticism to impress a diety, deities, henotheism or family oriented shrine polytheism based. From Judaism came Christianity then Islam claimed origins in both later, but with karmatics from the East therefore Sharia laws were cruel as deterrents and to expiate negative acts aka karma. From Christianity came the Roman Catholic Church which later schisms created the ethnic Orthodox churches and later schisms the Protestant Revolt/Reformation starting with Lutheran, Presbyterian/Calvinist, (Ana)Baptist, Anglican/Episcopal, Methodist and different groups from the last three in subcultures. Later movements from Baptist or Methodist produced Seventh Day Adventist, Jehovah’s Witness, Christian Scientist and Mormons which some term “cults” or cultic. The Protestant Movement focused on grace which through later movements again became more action oriented as karmatics of Eastern mysticism, Islam or Hinduism in difficulty, especially in Holiness movements towards sinless states. Out of Holiness or Methodist came some of the KKK and ironically AME. Now is the time to trust God for guidance through Jesus Christ mediation or try balancing all of this. The sociological principle of dialectics can be seen at work as well as a lot of human denial as a psychological mechanism of defense in the Fruedian terms, but at a certain point human reason must surrender to faith even without clear definition for its survival. Modern Wiccan leaders or the Church of Satan by LaVey or Crowley all destroy their followers in that no level of magic can be maintained to coordinate your and human affairs to a desireable result with sanity still being a result. Therefore throw away the occult even to the Goetia or Kabbala. The root of all magic started with divination as some used the I Ching or Horoscopes yet it started from the same root as gambling by throwing and reading bones before there were dice. At the other end politically Socialist(s) or Communist plan every detail based on resources as Democrats. The deeper we go into freedom without God or trust in him then the greater the bondage or oppression or addiction.- William F. Matters Jr.

Schizo Yet Effective: If we do not flaunt our strength in front of the weak there is no shame. We can’t carry everybody else’s burden or make sacrifices for their faith or for their absence of faith since everybody is a little different especially in a sin cursed world. Structure is great if it leads to freedom and not chaos. Life is purely mathematical in effect for us. Pills that make you drowsy, coffee to counter and a cigarette for continuity.

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