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JULY 2009 Volume 5 • Number 7

becoming a citizen CBMU 303 DET Fallon Public Affairs Officer, EA2(SCW) David Miller

Fallon, Nevada --The United States has always been known as the melting pot of cultures since its inception in 1776. Last year, over 1 million immigrants made a commitment to become an American citizen. However, over the years, millions have crossed our shores to come to America to follow a dream; whether it is to own a business, to reunite family or to live in a free society. EACN Arlene Lacambra is one who is living proof that the dream still exists. Originally a native of the Philippines, she renounced her allegiance to her home country and became a naturalized citizen

on 29 May, 2009. In a small ceremony in Reno, NV, she along with 40 others from 24 countries raised their right hands and took the oath of citizenship to become permanent members of American society. With her oath, she now has the same inalienable rights as any natural born citizen of the United States. Thanks to her choice to enlist in the Navy, some of the requirements needed to become a citizen were lessened to allow a smooth transition. Normally, the minimum requirement of time residing in an area of the United States is 5 years. However, because of her military service, 4 years of the requirement were commuted. EACN Lacambra still had to

take a proficiency test of civic knowledge and the English language as well as prove good moral character to an immigration agent at an interview. Upon her successful completion, she was granted a position to swear her allegiance at the ceremony. Several Seabees at CBMU 303 Det Fallon attended the service to see her take the oath of citizenship and officially become an American. EOCN Samantha Shirk was one of the Seabees who attended the service said “The ceremony was really well done and that it showed a lot of respect to those serving in the military.” BU1 Mark Sun, another attendee, commented that “It was cool to see the way they (the

INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE… Skipper Says Chaplain’s Corner MWR News MWR Activities Travel

2 3 4 5 6

Desert Moon Theater SFWPD Fitness and Events NSAWC FFSC

7 8 9 12 13

immigration service) welcomed them as (new) citizens.” EACN Lacambra was very happy and proud that a few of the Seabees from CBMU 303 were able to attend the service. EACN Lacambra felt “…special, honored and proud.” The Seabees at CBMU 303 commend and support her for her willingness to take this giant step forward in becoming an American.

EACN LACAMBRA EACN Arlene Lacambra taking the oath of citizenship with other fellow citizenship candidates. Official Navy Photo --- EA2(SCW) David Miller

On June 10th 2009 Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Detachment Fallon had their Frocking ceremony. The ceremony was held at Hanger 2 conference Room at 1300. The individuals that were frocked to their next pay grade are SK1(SW) Camilla N. Dreier, AM1(AW) Bennie Macon, AE2 Zeth Martin, and AO3 Daniel Roache. SK2 Sean Acord, who is TAD out of VFA-2 was also frocked. Congratulations go out to these outstanding members of the Desert Outlaw team! On 9 June NAS Fallon held a frocking ceremony at the base theater to advance 12 sailors to new pay grades. Pictured in front from left to fight are LN2 Amanda Tweedy, MA3 Douglas A. Fisher, AC3 Courtney M. Gillard, AC3 Timothy F. Martin, AC3 Jason R. Stoddard; back row from left are MA1 Benjamin A. Newton, AC2 Tanner J. Zintgraff, AC3 Anthony M. Beyer, AC3 Cholam M. Jazzar, MA3 Jerrod A. Riggs, MA3 Silvio Rudelli, and ABH1 William T. Gillespie. Photo by Zip Upham, NAS Fallon PAO.


SKIPPER SAYS Let me begin by thanking all hands for their efforts and support at the end of May as the base and the local community dealt with the tragic death of our NAS Fallon Executive Officer, CDR Luther H. Hook III. Your efforts in putting together a fitting memorial service for CDR Hook while at the same time dealing with your own grief is just another testament to the high level of

professionalism present throughout the base. I would also like to thank those who contributed to the memorial services for AW2 Sean Ward in Lovelock and Fernley. Petty Officer Ward’s parents made it clear to me that they greatly appreciated how the Navy takes care of their own. July will see an increase in operations around the base as we welcome CVW-3 back


as they begin their Fallon CVW detachment. Please go out of your way to make them feel at home. This detachment will carry over into August and as of now it looks like it will be our last large group to visit the base until we get into the fall months. Our air show is only two months away and our plans are fairly far along at this point. We will be kicking off the day at 1000 with

the city of Fallon’s annual September 11th memorial ceremony with the air show following. The day will wrap up with the Blue Angels flight demonstration and we expect that to conclude around 1600. Many of you will be assisting with the putting on the Air Show but we hope that all of your families will have the chance to enjoy what should prove to be a memorable day.

Finally, I would like to bid fair winds and following seas to RADM Mark Emerson as he turns over command at the Navy Strike and Air Warfare Center and retires from the Navy after a distinguished career and welcome RADM Mark Fox and his wife, Priscilla, as they both join us here at NAS Fallon.

crush, don’t flush


Dispose of old medicines correctly - both prescription and over-the-counter For years we were told to “Crush & Flush” old drugs - but not anymore! The “Crush” part is still good, but the “Flush” part flushes the drugs into our water sources. To help keep medications out of our rivers and streams, follow these simple rules: “CRUSH” and dispose of old prescription

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drugs, aspirin and vitamins by following these steps:

the cat litter, seal the baggie and toss all of it into the trash.

• Take drugs out of the original container;

Common questions:

• Place old drugs on a piece of wax paper and fold the paper over the drugs; • Use household items to crush the materials, like a rolling pin, bell jar or heavy water glass or a meat tenderizer; • Place some dry cat litter or wood shavings in a plastic baggie, pour the crushed drugs into

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Why not just throw the drugs away in the bottle they came in, or just dump them whole into the trash? Sometimes children or pets may be attracted to drugs, and being curious, may take them with the possibility of becoming very ill. What about liquid drugs, capsules and powdered mixes? Cat litter makes a perfect absorbent for liquid drugs. Open the capsules and pour the mixtures into the litter as well. Open the outdated packages of mix powder and pour them into the litter or wood shavings. Gel capsules can be placed whole into the cat litter.

Have questions? For more information, please call Environmental Health Services at 775-3282434.




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chaplain’s corner Chaplain Michael A. Bigelow

promises of tomorrow As I write this in midJune, I realize that the last several weeks have been rough on everyone. The sense of loss in several communities has been horrible. We have had death and grief invade our lives. It is an invasion that we resist, but we are powerless to resist. It is an intrusion we resent, but have no option or say over the matter. Life, or more to the point, death simply happens. It affected all us in Fallon as well as the town of Lovelock. Both CDR Hook and AW2 Ward were members not just of the Naval Service, but

were deeply involved in their communities. Their presence reminds us that when a person is absent, there is an awfully big hole to fill. The hole is the ache in our hearts and spirits. It has seemed that the weather the last few weeks have matched our spirits. I usually expect by this point of the year to be facing temperatures in the high 80’s and clear skies. The fact that we had been having rain for the first two weeks, seemed to be mirroring our moods. The storm clouds of life and the storm clouds of reality intersected. And

WIVES BIBLE STUDY Come learn about a summer Bible study focused on loving your military spouse. Being a military wife can be challenging. Gain encouragement from other wives and insights from a book to help you love your military husband, based on the attributes of Philippians 4:8. All women are welcome! Informational Meetings Morning: Tuesday, July 7, 10 am-11 am (Child watch provided during morning session only) Evening: Tuesday, July 7, 6 pm-7 pm Location: NAS Chapel If you cannot attend one of the meetings, contact the Chaplain’s office or Leanne Miller: 580-583-0154 or [email protected].

Desert Roundup • NAS Fallon MWR Office Bldg. 308 • NAS Fallon, NV 89496

yet, during a trip back from Reno last week, I saw visual reminders of God’s promises, promises of a better tomorrow, of brighter days ahead, of times where we may reminisce and then laugh. The first I saw the storm clouds breaking up over the mountains. Through the clouds burst silvery shafts of brilliant light dancing over the hills. From the cold rain came the warm rays of the sun flashing forth onto the land. The sunrays reminded me that God is always able to break into the storms of our lives

with healing and comfort. Like the shafts of light, God will not be blocked, but bursts forth for the healing and assistance we crave. The second came a short while later as I came near Fallon. I saw a rainbow stretching from end towards the other. With rain so rare in Nevada, the sighting of a rainbow must be even more so. The conditions must be just right. But the rainbow is the ancient promise of God that He holds life high. It is the promise that there are better days ahead, that after the rain, comes the sunshine, the reflection of which is necessary for the rainbow to take place. In brilliant hues spanning the spectrum of colors,

whine or dine… When I first moved to Fernley a couple of years ago, there weren’t many restaurants to choose from. Recently, a few more have opened up to an enthusiastic and thankful community. Sushi Moto, the city’s first Japanese restaurant, was a welcomed change from the traditional fast food fare. With locations in both Reno and Fernley, Sushi Moto offers an eclectic variety of sushi dishes available in an all you can eat option. They offer both cooked and traditional varieties. For those of you that don’t particularly care for sushi, their menu also features a few items for those less adventurous including a variety of noodles and the traditional teriyaki beef and chicken dishes. I happen to be a big fan of their teriyaki chicken dinner. My husband enjoyed the sushi


of purples, greens, reds, greens, and blues, God assures that the tragedy of what came before will be surpassed by the joy to come. These are the promises of tomorrow. To be sure, it is far easier to write this, than feel it at times. Sorrow can come on us like waves of the shore, some more

powerful than others. But like the ebb and flow of the sea, the sorrows can be washed away and replaced by something new, something deeper, something true. With God’s help, with our community of friends, with the promises of tomorrow, we can move onto brighter days and still pastures.

buffet but commented that he wished it would offer a more taster-friendly option. As it stands now, you order one sushi dish at a time and are usually quite full a few dishes into the meal. My family enjoyed our dinner at Sushi Moto. If I were to give you a heads up about anything it would be the price. I didn’t expect for it to be as expensive as it was. The all you can eat dinner buffet is $19.95 per person (14.95 for lunch). They offer a children’s menu and the all you can eat option for children is $12.95. The rest of the menu is pretty comparable in price. For those that love sushi, this is definitely a place to try. For those looking to save some money, their lunch menu is just as diverse yet a lot less expensive. The Fernley location is open Monday through Saturday 11:30 am – 9:30 pm and Sunday from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm. You can reach them at (775) 575-6672. by Erica I. Peña-Vest

This CSP newsletter is an authorized publication for members of the military services. Contents of the CSP Roundup are not necessarily the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, NAS Fallon, or the publisher, of the products or services advertised. Published monthly by Sierra Nevada Media Group, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense, the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written agreement with NAS Fallon. Correspondence with the Publisher may be addressed to 5055 Metric Way, Carson City, NV 89706. News Submission: The editorial content is edited by the MWR Department, NAS Fallon. Submissions in the form of news and feature stories and photographs are encouraged; these must include the author’s name, rate, rank and unit for military, and position and department for civilian personnel. All submissions must include duty phone number for information verification. News and feature copy may be edited for adherence to appropriate news style and are subject to editing due to space limitations. Submit articles by e-mail to [email protected]. Deadline for all submissions is the 15th of every month. For information on paid advertisement or to view online, contact the Lahontan Valley News at 775-423-6041 or visit MWR Staff: Capt. Michael Glaser, Commanding Officer • John Stadler MWR Site Director • Dee Haberthur, Editor

mwr news


NAS FALLON HOUSING WELCOME CENTER WELCOMES AHRN.COM NAS FALLON, Fallon, NV (June 3, 2009) -Everybody knows it’s difficult to find good housing from across the nation or sometimes from across town. It’s an old story that has a new ending: The NAS Fallon Housing Welcome Center has implemented a new internet-based housing referral system to overcome that problem. It’s (the Automated Housing Referral Network). (the Automated Housing Referral Network) is a nationwide, joint

service, DoD-sponsored website that offers a 24/7/365 single source of available housing to incoming military and their families. AHRN. com directly connects service members with local property managers via the internet often facilitating a door-todoor move that saves time, expenses and headaches. This housing referral network is a quantum leap forward from the process that was previously available. With the internet, incoming military and families are able

to reach out from anywhere and get an updated list of available housing, from a much larger pool of diverse properties, that will be available upon their arrival. The idea behind is simple: free of charge, local property managers and military register their available properties on the site, often several months before the property will be available. These properties are then easily visible to incoming personnel when they search

the site for available housing. The NAS Fallon Housing Welcome Center is looking forward to expanding its program by encouraging local property managers to register in the system. The larger the database, the more useful it will be to people searching for places to live. To make registering properties a worry-free proposition, AHRN. com incorporates several layers of privacy protection. In return for registering their

properties, AHRN. com provides property owners with a consistent resource of quality tenants. It’s a win-win for everyone who uses the site. It is available to all service members that are supported by the NAS Fallon common geographic area.

For more detailed information about the local AHRN. com website, contact Christine Bauer, Housing Management Assistant at (775)4262809 or visit the website at to list your property or search for one today.

“Thank you for providing this service! It made finding a home so easy and I love the one I decided to rent. It was one less thing to worry about in our move. We rolled into town and were home.” -- Military Member, User


On 15 May 2009, Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Detachment (SFWPD) Fallon Command Senior Chief, ADCS(AW) Kendall R. Stegall retired from active duty service after 26 years of faithful and committed service. Senior Chief Stegall, a native of Goodrich, Texas, graduated from Goodrich High School in June 1983. He enlisted in the Navy under the delayed entry program as an Airman Recruit in Houston, Texas in April 1983 entering recruit training at RTC San Diego, California in August 1983. Upon

graduation in October 1983 he attended P-3 Power Plants Class “A” School at NAS Moffett Field, California. Over Senior Chief Stegall’s illustrious 26 year career, he was attached to numerous commands including VP-26, VP-8, and Naval Research Laboratory Flight Detachment (NRL) Pawtuxet River, where in 2000 he was promoted to Chief Petty Officer. In September 2007, he reported to SFWPD and assumed the duties as the Avionics Division Officer and Quality Assurance Officer. In February 2008 SCPO Stegall assumed the duties as Command Senior Chief. During his

tenure at SFWPD, Senior Chief Stegall made a lasting impact on the command. He was instrumental in the rehabbing of SFWPD Hangar Two spaces and will be fondly remembered for his outstanding leadership, mentorship of young Sailors, and “get-it-done” spirit. We wish Senior Chief Stegall a happy and restful retirement. His personal awards include Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (Four Awards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Three Awards), and Good Conduct Medal (Six Awards).


mwr activities Activities Activities



KARAOKE TUESDAYS PLANET X KAROAKE NIGHT This is fund you won’t want to miss! Join us at Planet X for Karaoke. Serenade the audience with tunes from the Beatles to Sinatra to Alanis Morrisette, and to the ever-popular karaoke staple, “I Will Survive,” by Gloria DID YOU KNOW? Gaynor. Sing your favorite songs for the crowd from • IfDID you enjoy ayou great game of pool, Planet YOU KNOW? 2000-2400 while enjoy great food & beverage X bar has four pool tables and you can play specials. for Free. In the game room there are a great • If you enjoy a great game of pool, Planet

PLANET X BAR: Location Bldg 323. Phone Number 426-4000 CAG Location Hours of Operation: PLANET X BAR: Bldg 323. Mon. Tues, Wed Thurs & Sun 6pm-12am Phone 426-4000 Phone Number Number 426-4000 FriOperation: & Sat 6pm-1am CAG Hours of

• Ifvariety you enjoy a great game pool, Planet of pool arcade games at aofyou cost but the X bar bar has has four tables and canallplay play X four tables you can pool tablespool are free fromand open to close. FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS ASK THE DJ for Free. Free. In In the the game game room room there there are are aa great great for CAG Hours of Operation: and Santurdays while the CAG is on board, variety arcade cost all the •Fridays Planet Xgames Bar hasat Board? varietyOnof of arcade games atanaa Advisory cost but but all the Mon. Thurs & 6pm-12am Mon. Tues, Tues, Wed Wed Thurs & Sun Sun 6pm-12am SFARP Hours of Operation: pool tables are free from open to close. If youto are anDJs E1-E6 would like to join listen PSP spin and your favorite tunes at Planet X pool tables are free from open to close. Fri & Sat 6pm-1am Bar - Monday – Friday 6:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

Fri & Sat 6pm-1am

(Close According To Patronage) SFARP of & Sunday – CLOSED SFARP Hours HoursSaturday of Operation: Operation: CAG 6:00 Hours: Planet X Bar Closed Bar - MondayNON – Friday – 12:00 Bar - Monday – Friday 6:00byp.m. p.m. – 12:00 a.m. a.m. (Can be opened request.) (Close According To Patronage)

(Close According To –Patronage) Saturday & Sunday CLOSED Saturday & Sunday – CLOSED NON CAG Hours: Planet X Bar Closed NON CAG Hours: Planet X Bar Closed (Can be opened by request.) (Can be opened by request.)

please call ext 4000.

and enjoy great has specials. Fron 8pm toBoard? Midnight request • Planet X Bar an Advisory • Planet X Bar has an Advisory Board? • You can book Planet X for re-enlistment your favorites and they will play them! If you are an E1-E6 and would like to join If youparties, are ext ansquadron E1-E6 would join parties or forlike anyto special please call 4000. and pleaseoccasion. call ext 4000. *IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY! – Come in and see if your • You can book Planet Xpulled for re-enlistment birth date is randomly and win great prizes! • You can book Planet forfor re-enlistment parties, squadron partiesXor any special Ask the bartender! parties, occasion.squadron parties or for any special occasion.

MAY MAY 2008 • 52008 MAY 2008

SAGE && SAND CPOCPO CLUB: SAGE SAND CLUB Location Bldg 382. Phone Number 426-2483

LocationCAG Bldg 382. Phone Number 426-2483 Hours of Operation: Monday – Wednesday p.m.-of11:00 p.m. CAG4:00 Hours Operation: Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m.11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. (Can be opened by request) Saturday Sunday - CLOSED Non CAG Hours of& Operation: (Can4:00 be opened by request) Monday – Wednesday p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday 3:00 p.m.-12:00 Non CAG CAG Hours of of a.m. Operation: Non Hours Operation: (Close According To Patronage) Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Monday – Wednesday 4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Thursday Thursday & & Friday Friday 3:00 3:00 p.m.-12:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. a.m. (Close According According To Patronage) Patronage) (Close To DID YOU KNOW?

•You can book your upcoming retirement, party, wedding our any occasion special celebration at the Sage & Sand CPO Club


•Sage & Sand Club may be opened retirement, on weekends by request •You canCPO book your upcoming party, wedding our any just call ext 2841.retirement, party, wedding our any •You can book your upcoming

occasion special celebration at the Sage & Sand CPO Club

occasion celebration at Ifthe & the Sand CPO Club HE’S BACK! - Come and hear the great music of Chrisspecial Cook brought to you by TJ’s DJs. you Sage missed him last time, you don’t want to be opened on weekends by request miss him this time. Fri 03 April at •Sage 8pm. One & showSand only atCPO the SageClub and Sandmay CPO Club. Enjoy free munchies and great beverage specials. •Sage & Sand CPO Clubjust may beext opened call 2841.on weekends by request just call ext 2841.

MEAN GENES & EDDIE PEPPERS: Location Bldg 426-2449

$1PEPPER Off MEAN GENES & EDDIE Genes MEAN GENES &Bldg EDDIE PEPPER Location 426-2449 any Mean CAG Hours of Operation: Location Bldg 426-2449 CAG Hours of Operation: Monday – Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. SFARP Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri – 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED


andwinds S Restaurant & Sports Bar

DID YOU KNOW? DID YOU •Mean GenesExpress hasKNOW? a $2 kid’s meal MWR Pony


i n aannddw d s S indBars Restaurant &w Sports S

Silver State Club Events • July

Opens at 11:00 Daily

•Mean GenesPeppers has a $2has kid’s meal special •Mean Gene’s/Eddie weekly Outfitters •Mean Gene’s/Eddie Peppers has weekly special


1 July • Lunch Buffet Friday & Saturday


SPORTS BARRestaurant & Sports Bar MONDAY - SATURDAY PoolBAR Tables, Video Games, Dart Board, 4 July • Club Closed SPORTS 11:00am - 8:30pm Opens at 11:00 Daily Progressive Slots Open to All Hands • $7.95 per person • 1100-1300

Baked Chicken, Fried Catfish, Pork Chops

1120 TAYLOR • 423-8554 Friday & Saturday RESTAURANT HOURS: 15 JulyPLACE • Mongolian BBQ Lunch MONDAY - SATURDAY Pool Tables, VideoOpen Games, Dart to All Hands • 60₡Board, per ounce • 1100-1300 11:00am - 8:30pm Progressive Slots MONDAY - SATURDAY 15 July • Mongolian BBQ Dinner Pool Tables, Video Games, Dart Board, SUNDAY SPORTS BAR 5 Large Screen TVs Open to All Hands • 60₡ per ounce • 1700-200011:00am - 8:30pm Progressive Slots BREAKFAST

Silver State Club Events May 2008 Sunday Ticket 5NFL Large Screen TVs

Kids Eat Free off the Kids Buffet • 12 & Under 9:30am - NOONBAR SUNDAY SPORTS 7, 2008 May 21, 2008 BREAKFAST 22 July BBQ Chicken & Ribs TAYLORMay PLACE • 423-8554 CINCO DE MAYO ITALIAN LUNCH Open to AllBUFFET Hands • $7.95 per person •BUFFET 1100-13009:30am - NOON MEXICAN Open to all hands Open to all hands TAYLOR1100-1300 PLACE 423-8554 $7.95••per person Breakfast 1100-1300 $7.95 per person 23 July Awards

1120 NFL


Sunday Ticket

Silver State Club Events May 2008 Silver State Club 29 July - Turkey and Ham with all theEvents Trimmings May 2008 11,•2008 30,Ceremony 2008 Open to AllMay Hands $5.95 per person • 0700-0800,May Awards 0800 ALL HANDS MOTHER’S CLOSED TO Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Waffles, Hash Browns, Danish,CLUB Fresh Fruit, CoffeeDUE & Juice DAY BRUNCH GRAD NIGHT $17.95 per person $7.95 Children 6-12 Children and Under Free per person Open to5All Hands • $7.95 1100-1300 May 7, 2008 May•21, 2008 1000-1300

CINCO DE MAYO MEXICAN BUFFET Open7,to2008 all hands May

ITALIAN LUNCH BUFFET Open21, to all hands May 2008

0000241523 0000241523

SPORTS BAR Music 5 Large 8 JulyScreen • ChineseTVs Lunch BuffetSUNDAY BREAKFAST Friday & Saturday RESTAURANT HOURS: OpenSunday to All Hands •Ticket $7.95 per person • 1100-1300 9:30am - NOON Music NFL


Happy 4th of July • July 3, 4, 5 & 6

Opens at 11:00 Daily

or C-Street Cafe

MondayCAG – Sunday a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Hours11:00 of Operation: Non CAG Hours of Operation: Monday – Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 11:00Value p.m.Meal Monday – Friday 11:00Hours a.m. – 2:00 p.m. SFARP of Operation: Offer expires 7/31/09 Saturday &–Sunday CLOSED Mon Fri –Hours 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. SFARP of Operation: Saturday Sunday Mon – Fri –& 11:00 a.m.-–CLOSED 10:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday - CLOSED Non CAG Hours of Operation: •Mean Genes has aHours $211:00 kid’s meal Monday Friday – 2:00 p.m. Non –CAG ofa.m. Operation: Saturday & Sunday CLOSED •Mean Gene’s/Eddie Peppers has weekly Monday – Friday 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 specials p.m. Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

MWR Pony Express MWROutfitters Pony Express Outfitters

Located in Building 393 (next to the Auto Hobby Shop) has all of your camping needs covered. You can rent coolers, tents, campers, and all the essentials to go camping and enjoy the sites in beautiful Northern Nevada. We also have fishing gear, log splitters, boats and of the ski, snowboard equipment that you could possibly need. Stop by today and see what is available for you and your family to rent or give us a call at 775-426-2598.

Located in Building 393 (next to the Auto Hobby Shop) has all of your camping needs covered. You can rent coolers, tents, campers, and all the essentials to go camping (next to the Auto Shop) and enjoy Located the sites in in Building beautiful393 Northern Nevada. WeHobby also have fishing gear, haslog all splitters, of your camping needs covered. boats and of the ski, You can rent coolers, tents, campers, the possibly essentialsneed. to go camping snowboard equipment that and you all could and enjoy sites in beautiful Northern Nevada. Stop the by today and see what is available forWe youalso andhave yourfishing familygear, logorsplitters, of the ski, to rent give us boats a call and at 775-426-2598. snowboard equipment that you could possibly need. Stop by today and see what is available for you and your family to rent or give us a call at 775-426-2598.



san antonio: something for everyone When I was a little girl, I use to sleep with my most treasured possessions under my bed. As an only child, sharing wasn’t a consideration so I figured that keeping them close assured that they belonged to me and only me. As a travel writer, I’ve always loved sharing details about all the wonderful destinations I get to visit throughout the United States, but this story is different. Although I can’t wait to tell you about this treasure of a destination, the little girl in me still wishes I could hide it under my bed so that it would be mine and just mine. My dear readers, my favorite of all the destinations I’ve ever visited is San Antonio, Texas. A family city at its very core, San Antonio is a large city with a small town personality. People are friendly and the city is easy to navigate. Yet, it has all the benefits of a big city - you would be hardpressed to find better food anywhere else and they have every kind of entertainment you can imagine under one city roof. If you are traveling with your family and are looking for an amusement park adventure, Six Flags Fiesta Texas and Sea World both call San Antonio home. If you are looking to discover a piece of American history, discover personalities like Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett

and Jim Bowie at the Alamo. If you want to enjoy a romantic weekend with a loved one, you can’t miss the San Antonio Riverwalk. Consisting of a series of walkways along the San Antonio River located one story below street level, this beautiful grotto is lined with shops, restaurants, pubs and beautiful gardens, and is the #1 tourist attraction in the State of Texas. During my recent trip to San Antonio, I stayed at the Hotel Contessa, which is a beautiful, all-suite hotel located along the Riverwalk. Their rooms are spacious and elegant, with fantastic vistas of the city. From my room I could see all of downtown laid out in front of me, and could watch the colorful Riverwalk tour boats pass under my window. Best of all for you and me, they offer great military discounts, including a per diem package that includes lodging and meals at the government per diem rate. With a great restaurant, Las Ramblas, located on site that caters to couples and children alike, and their perfect location on the river, they are a great hotel for families or a romantic weekend getaway. While in San Antonio, you must visit Market Square. Why travel to Mexico (which isn’t smart to do these days) when you can have a

two-nation vacation right in downtown San Antonio? Market Square, also known as “El Mercado”, is a Mexican marketplace filled with authentic Mexican crafts, food, music, gifts, clothing and much, much more. Taking up three square blocks, it is the largest Mexican marketplace outside of Mexico and I recommend you save time to see it all. The highlight of Market Square is the food. My favorite destination would not be complete without my favorite restaurant. In this case, my two favorite restaurants are located in San Antonio – La Margarita and Mi Tierra Café. Both located in Market Square, these two restaurants both stand out for their incredible food, reasonable prices, amazing service and unforgettable atmosphere. Mi Tierra Café is a San Antonio staple. Open 24 hours a day, they serve the best breakfast in town, and with a seating capacity of over 500, you will never have to wait long. Despite the size, Mi Tierra has the feel of a small Mexican cafe on the other side of the border. The walls are covered with 70 years of history in this third generation family owned business that give the café a flavor that can’t be mimicked anywhere else. Just down the square, La

Margarita is the place to go when you feel like kicking up your boots and having a good time, where every night feels like a fiesta. A rich atmosphere, indoor and outdoor dining and live music make La Margarita a fantastic place to celebrate any occasion, but the food really sets it apart from the competition. The menu contains all the usual Mexican staples, but you can’t miss their charcoal grill and their seafood. My personal favorite is a mix of both, the grilled gulf shrimp that can be ordered either by themselves or as part of a botana. I have traveled extensively into Mexico and can tell you

that you won’t find more authentic Mexican food than at these two restaurants. Add in the colorful atmosphere and the sound of the mariachis playing in the background and for a moment you can forget you are still in the United States. If you visit San Antonio and do not eat at one of these two restaurants, your visit will be incomplete. Mark Twain once said that San Antonio was one of America’s most unique cities and he was right. What makes San Antonio stand out above all others is that it offers a one of a kind travel experience that you can’t find anywhere else. It’s not that most of the things in town

couldn’t be found elsewhere. It’s that if they are, they don’t have the same feel. The city has a spirit, a vibrancy that stays with you long after you’re gone. The colors of market square, the lights of the Riverwalk at night and the smell of the food will haunt you like a familiar friend beckoning you to return. That is what makes San Antonio my favorite place. Meet you there! For more information on San Antonio or military discounts around the U.S., log on to www. for more details. by Erica I. Peña-Vest

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the hangover Rated:

R for pervasive language, sexual content including nudity, and some drug material.

Angelenos Doug Billings and Tracy Garner are about to get married. Two days before the wedding, the four men in the wedding party - Doug, Doug’s two best buddies Phil Wenneck and Stu Price, and Tracy’s brother Alan Garner - hop into Tracy’s father’s beloved Mercedes convertible for a 24-hour stag party to Las Vegas. Phil, a married high school teacher, has the same maturity level as his students when he’s with his pals. Stu, a dentist, is worried about everything, especially what his controlling girlfriend Melissa thinks. Because she disapproves of traditional male bonding rituals, Phil has to lie to her about the stag, he telling her that they are going on a wine tasting tour in the Napa Valley. Regardless, he intends on eventually marrying her, against the advice and wishes of his friends. And Alan seems to be unaware of what are considered the social graces of the western world. The morning after their arrival in Las Vegas, they awaken in their hotel suite each with the worst hangover. None remembers what happened in the past twelve or so hours. The suite is in shambles. And certain things are in the suite that shouldn’t be, and certain things that should be in the suite are missing. Probably the most important in the latter category is Doug. As Phil, Stu and Alan try to find Doug using only what little pieces of information they have at hand, they go on a journey of discovery of how certain things got into the suite and what happened to the missing items. However they are on a race for time as if they can’t find Doug in the next few hours, they are going to have to explain to Tracy why they are not yet back in Los Angeles. And even worse, they may not find Doug at all before the wedding.

drag me to hell Cast: Rated: Genre: Runtime: Synopsis:

Loma Raver, Dileep Rao, Alison Lohman, Justin Long, David Paymer PG-13 for sequences of horror violence, terror, disturbing images and language Drama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Suspense/Horror and Thriller 99 min Christine Brown is an ambitious L.A. loan officer with a charming boyfriend, professor Clay Dalton. Life is good until the mysterious Mrs. Ganush arrives at the bank to beg for an extension on her home loan. Should Christine follow her instincts and give the old woman a break? Or should she deny the extension to impress her boss, Mr. Jacks, and get a leg-up on a promotion? Christine fatefully chooses the latter, shaming Mrs. Ganush and dispossessing her of her home. In retaliation, the old woman places the power ful curse of the Lamia on Christine, transforming her life into a living hell. Haunted by an evil spirit and misunderstood by a skeptical boyfriend, she seeks the aid of seer Rham Jas to save her soul from eternal damnation. To help the shattered Christine return her life to normal, the psychic sets her on a frantic course to reverse the spell. As evil forces close in, Christine must face the unthinkable: How far will she go to break free of the curse?

up Cast: Rated: Genre: Runtime: Synopsis:

Edward Asner, Jordon Nagai, Christopher Plummer, John Ratzenberger PG for some peril and action Action/Adventure, Comedy, Family and Animation 96 min At age 78, life seems to have passed Carl Fredricksen by, until a twist of fate (and a persistent 8-year old named Russell) gives him a new lease on life.

Desert Moon Theater Recording 426-2552 or Call 426-2580 for more information.




SFWPD Work center spotlight Article and Photo by SFWPD Public Affairs Officer YN3 Jeffrey M. Williams

The Aviation Maintenance Administrationmen (AZ) perform a variety of clerical, administrative, and managerial duties necessary to keep aircraft maintenance activities running

efficiently. The rating requires close communication with all other aviation maintenance ratings. The duties performed by AZs include: • scheduling aircraft inspections • keeping charts that

show trends in aircraft system reliability • organizing and operating libraries of technical publications, reports and related maintenance data • issuing aircraft inspection and work orders • performing clerical and administrative duties such as filing and typing • preparing reports and correspondence • performing computer data base and system analysis


• maintaining engine logbooks and associated aircraft records “We may be the most overlooked rating in the aviation field. We’re called AZ’s because we do everything from

A to Z. The general perception is that we sit in a cushy office and only do paperwork. We do a lot of paperwork, yes, but we also deal with network issues as well as hardware and software. If the command doesn’t have an IT, an AZ is assigned to the task. We’re responsible for logs and records, scheduling maintenance actions on jets, validating spec, the list goes on. Much of our work has a direct impact on Command funding and manning. It’s a tough job and comes with a lot of pressure. We are the last line in the validation of paperwork before it goes to COMNAVAIRFORCE. This rating requires a high intelligence and a diligent work-ethic. It’s not something just anyone can do.” Said AZ2(AW) Matthew Mustico.

sfwpd self help hangar two rehab SFWPD Public Affairs Officer YN3 Jeffrey M. Williams

In first quarter 2008, shortly after ADCS(AW) Kendall R. Stegall assumed the duties of Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Detachment (SFWPD) Fallon Command Senior Chief (CSC), the Detachment made immense efforts to rehab deteriorating workspaces. Senior Chief Stegall and AO1(AW) Kelvin Sablan

spearheaded a number of Self-Help projects in efforts to improve Hangar Two spaces. These projects include the replacement of ceiling tiles, refurbished heads, all work spaces repainted, carpets shampooed, doors and cabinets stained, and much more. These projects saved SFWPD and the Navy an estimated $20K in materials and labor. Senior Chief Stegall has

sfwpd reenlistment SFWPD Assistant Public Affairs Officer AM1(AW) Joseph Robbins

On 29 May 2009 AM1(AW) Joseph C. Robbins reenlisted for another six years in the U.S. Navy. Being that Petty Officer Robbins is an avid fisherman, it was decided his reenlistment ceremony would be held at Lahontan Reservoir in fishing attire. The Reenlisting Officer was Strike Fighter Wing Pacific Detachment Officer in Charge, Commander Charles G. Murphy. Commander Murphy being a fisherman himself thought this was a great idea and a unique opportunity to reenlist such a fine Sailor. So with fishing rods in their left hands and their right hands proudly held high they recited the Reenlistment Oath. This reenlistment will take Petty Officer Robbins out to his twenty year mark. He enlisted in the Navy on 16 August 1995 through the Louisville, KY. MEPS station and has been stationed at VFA-32, VFA-106, VFA-105 before joining the Desert Outlaws in July of 2007.

SFWPD OIC CDR MURPHY AND AM1 ROBBINS since retired from active duty naval service but Petty Officer Sablan and the new CSC AECS(AW) Bret Hubbard continue to spearhead efforts to improve the working environment for current and future SFWPD Sailors. For more information in SelfHelp projects for your command, contact ENS Russell Glass, Public Works at X-2938.





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need to know


the dangers of fireworks and large firecrackers with more than 2 grains of powder. Likewise, all mail order kits to construct fireworks are strictly prohibited. Although these regulations and standards have helped make consumer fireworks safer, all fireworks are potentially hazardous. For example, sparklers, which are legal in the majority of states, burn at temperatures of approximately 2,000 degree F. Their colorful sparks belie the potential danger, and yet sparklers are predominately used by young children. Of the estimated 700 fireworks injuries to children under 5 years of age, 400 (57%) were caused by sparklers. In 2003, firework devices caused approximately 9,300 injuries, an increase from injuries in 2002. There were six deaths from consumer fireworks reported

that year. Nearly half of all fireworksrelated injuries (45%) were suffered by children under the age of 15. Males were disproportionately injured by fireworks (72%). The large majority of fireworks injuries occurred with consumer products. FIREWORKS SAFETY TIPS: • COMNAVREGSWINST 11320.1 states “Command controlled displays are the only authorized activities where the ignition of fireworks is permitted. The possession, use and/or ignition of fireworks by all other personnel are prohibited”. • The best way to enjoy fireworks is to visit public fireworks displays put on by professionals who know how to safely handle fireworks.


Should you be at a 4th of July party where the hostess has legal fireworks, please be mindful of the following:


4 • MAY 2008

Cont’d From Cover

NADAP Staff Educates....

• Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass.

NADAP Senior Enlisted Advisor. “If you compare our alcohol related incidents from 1996 to 2007 there is about a 32% decrease, and about a 62% decrease in drug abuse because of the NADAP program and policies.” NADAP holds these summits on a monthly basis on different bases and provides the Commanding Officers, Executive Officers, Command Master Chiefs, senior

• Always have a bucket of water and/or a fire extinguisher nearby. Know how to operate the fire extinguisher properly.

enlisted personnel, junior officers and also junior enlisted personnel about the Navy’s policy in regards to substance abuse prevention. “The Sailors enjoy the information because they can use it as a tool so when they go out to the bar or go on liberty they have all the information they need to make a sound decision,” said Roxas. From fiscal years 2005 thru 2007 the Navy discharged 11,000 Sailors because of drugs or alcohol. The cost to separate one Sailor and train their replacement can be as much as $150,000 so over one billion dollars was used the last three years for this process alone, said Roxas.

Important NAS Fallon Numbers

It would be hard to imagine July 4th festivities in the United States without public displays of fireworks, and a number of other holidays, such as new Years, often call for big shows as well. But celebrations can become tragic when someone is injured by consumer fireworks. Despite federal and state regulations on the type of fireworks available for sale to the general public, even those fireworks that are sold legally carry an elevated risk of personal injury. Fire works are considered hazardous materials with the potential to cause serious injury. All fireworks are regulated by the Federal Hazardous Substance Act, which prohibits sale of the more dangerous types to the public to avoid injury and property damage. Among these banned products are large, reloadable mortar shells, cherry bombs

• Stand several feet away from lit fireworks. If a devise does not go off, do not stand over it to investigate it. Put it out with water and dispose of it. • Always read the directions and warning labels on fireworks. If a devise is not marked with the contents, direction and a warning label, do not light it. • Supervise children around fireworks at all times.

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nsawc dedicates ault auditorium Story and Photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Christopher Shimana, Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center Public Affairs.

The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) officially dedicated the Ault auditorium during a ceremony held in the Fleet Training building on board Naval Air Station Fallon, June 12 to honor the man responsible for the U.S. Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor (SFTI) program, commonly known as TOPGUN. The dedication was attended by more than 100 guests including members of the Ault family and two of TOPGUN’s founding instructors. The 1,677 square-foot Ault auditorium bears the name of Capt. Frank “Whip” Ault” in honor of his significant contributions in improving military air-toair combat performance during the early years of the Vietnam War. In 1967, the Chief of Naval Operations selected Ault to conduct an air weapons study. Ault’s experience as an aircraft carrier commanding officer on board USS Coral Sea (CVA-43), naval aviator and

weapons specialist led the “Ault report” in 1968. The Ault report was a sweeping review of fighter system performance covering logistics, training and operations and is credited with raising the air combat kill ratio from 2.1 to more than 12.1. As a result, the Navy established a graduate level school designed to train fleet fighter pilots in combat tactics and commissioned TOP GUN as a command in 1972. “The Ault report took the whole training continuum, the hardware, the training piece and what we needed to do to get better and be successful in combat” said Rear Adm. Emerson “that report is alive and well and is required reading for TOPGUN instructors, his memory will never go away because of that.” “The Ault auditorium will be used for tactical instruction at TOPGUN, Carrier Airborne Early Warning Weapons and the Seahawk Weapons and Tactics Instructor Weapons schools at NSWAC. Each school teaches the instructors that teach the fleet tactics.” said TOPGUN Commander Cmdr. Dan

“Undra” Cheever. “The legacy of Capt. Ault is captured by naming a tactical training auditorium after him.” In addition to supporting tactical instruction, the Ault auditorium serves as venue supporting communication. “It will introduce civilians and military alike to TOPGUN and what goes on at NSAWC.” said Cheever. “Every year we conduct a re-blue which is a conference of tactical aviators where the truth of the weapons systems and tactics is discussed. There is no more fitting place to have Capt. Ault’s name than a place where tactical excellence and the truth prevail. “ Cmdr. Jon “Litnin” Ault (retired) was accompanied to the dedication by his brothers Jan, Jerry and his granddaughter Caroline. “My dad was involved in many pioneering and groundbreaking aspects of the United States Navy” said Jon “He was a bomb commander of the Navy’s1st nuclear delivery squadron after World War II, he wrote the Navy’s 1st space program in 1957, which one of the results you see daily is it gave us

Cmdr.(Ret) Jon “Litnin” Ault (Left) discusses the Ault report with Commander, Naval Strike and Air Warfare Canter (NSAWC) Rear Adm. Mark Emerson before the official dedication of the Ault auditorium in the Fleet Training building on board Naval Air station Fallon June 12.

GPS, but he was never prouder of anything he did in the Navy than the establishment of TOPGUN and the results that it achieved.” Following the dedication, a graduation ceremony for TOPGUN class 03-09 was held marking the 216th class graduation since TOPGUN’s inception. In his remarks to the graduates, Rear Adm. Emerson said “you need to maintain the high level of standards that TOPGUN set 40yrs

ago when this institution was stood up, that is your charter.” “To this day we study his lessons learned to make sure that we are continuing to ask the hard questions and identify areas that need attention “said Cheever. “Ault’s contributions in airto-air combat will always be relevant.” NSAWC is the consolidation of Naval Strike Warfare Center (Strike “U”), TOPGUN and Carrier Airborne Early

Warning Weapons School (TOPDOME) into a single command. The Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center is the center of excellence for naval training and tactics development and provides service to aircrews, squadrons and air wings throughout the United States Navy through flight training, academic instructional classes and direct operational and intelligence support.


FALLON, Nev. (May 29, 2009) – Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center (NSAWC) Deputy Commander Capt. Mike “Elrod Cross (Center-Left) and Command Master Chief Neal Johnson (Center-Right) pose for a group photo with NSAWC’s newest 2nd and 3rd Class Petty Officers. Left to Right, Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class Sean Geary, Intelligence Specialist 3rd Class Michael Armour, Aviation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Donovan Crawford, Capt. Mike Cross, CMDCM Neal Johnson, Yeoman 2nd Class Kathryn Long, Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class Lindsay Tice, Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class Jonathan Graeff and Information Systems Technician 3rd Class Erica Gonzales. Not photographed are Intelligence Specialist 2nd Class Alexis McLaurin and Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Daniel Torres. NSAWC is the center of excellence for Naval training and tactics development. Photo by Jeff Aas/RELEASED



upcoming ffsc classes/workshops Come and learn new skills, new ways of dealing and much, much more! Identity Theft: Worried about someone stealing your identity? Has someone already stole it? Find out who is most likely to become you and use and abuse your credit, and how to stop this from happening to you and your family. This class meets on 1 July, 14-1500 in the FFSC Training room. Career Development: Learn how to market your experience in a new and exciting way. Career development expands your experiences into a whole new package. This class meets on 2 July, 13-1400 @ Training room. Saving & Investing: Where are you on your finances or budget planning? Just starting, trying to maintain the budget, working on a budget, building a savings fund and/or planning for retirement? No matter what stage you’re on come and learn some tricks & resources to help move you along, and build a stronger financial future. This class meets on 7 Jul, 12-1300 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center Budgeting Brown-bagger: Learn how to plan/budget, so that the pay period runs out before the pay check! This class will meet on 08 Jul, from 1115-1230 in the FFSC Training room. Spouse 101: Clarify dreams and achieve goals as a Navy spouse. Learn techniques on how to reduce stress and create flow, maximize thinking, and learn how to thrive on change and challenge. This 2-hour class may help you become aware of resources available to the Navy spouse. This class meets on 9 Jul, 10-1200 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center.

Teens & Money: Money is one of the most important concepts we need to learn to be successful in life. This class will give teens & pre-teens a jump start on basic money management and on a path for financial freedom later in life. This class will meet on 10 Jul from 13-1400, and on 15 Jul from 1730-1830 at the *Neighborhood Center.

better control your anger at work, with family members, friends, and people you encounter in you everyday life. Participants will learn how anger responses begin, what keeps them alive, and how to reduce or prevent occurrence. This class meets each Thursday from 10 to 1130 in the FFSC Conference room, Bldg. 309.

These classes will meet on Tuesdays the 14th, 21st and 28th of Jul at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center from 10-1200.

New Mamas: All expectant mamas, mamas with newborns, and mamas with infants & toddlers are invited to join our group. This is a time for you to get to know others who may be experiencing similar feelings and frustrations that are common with the demands of becoming a new parent. You will set the agenda. You will decide if you want guest speakers. You will decide if you want to start a stroller/ walking group. This is a information, education, and support group Please come and join us for all or part of a session. *This class on Mondays, the 13th, 20th & the 27 of Jul at the *Neighborhood Center from 10-1200.

Wonderful Wednesdays: Our summer sessions have been expanded to include the younger school-age child, ages 3-10. These sessions include: story-time, arts & crafts, free playtime and snacks. These classes will meet on the 8th, 15th, 23rd and the 29th of Jul, 10-1200 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center.

Consumer Awareness: Learn to become a smart consumer and to not be taken in the future! Learn how to check a business and/or report businesses that aren’t ethical. The class meets on 22 Jul, 13-1400 in the FFSC Conference room and on 23 Jul, 18-1900 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center.

Toddler Tuesdays: How will your child grow and change during ages 1 to 3 yrs? Join other toddlers and their parents as we watch the dramatic physical, intellectual and social growth. Activities include: story-time, parent/child crafts, free play and snacks.

SAVI Data Collection Coordinator (DCC): This training is for SAVI data collection coordinators. This training will be held on 15 Jul, 09-1100 in the FFSC Training room.

Ten Steps to a Federal Job: Do you want to be part of the change in government, the economy, jobs, and improved service to the American Public? Learn the process of being hired and make the decision about whether or not to pursue a government job. This class meets on 16 Jul, 10-1200 in the FFSC Meeting room.

Anger Management: Angry behavior is often a disturbing and sometimes harmful factor in people’s lives. In this four week class you will learn skills to

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IA/GSA Pre-deployment Briefs: The Fleet and Family Support Center will be offering IA/ GSA pre-deployment briefs every Wednesday from 14001500 until further notice. IA/GSA personnel can still schedule alternate times by calling x3333. SAVI CMD Liaison Training: If you are your command POC for the SAVI program you need to attend this training. This class will be held on 29 Jul, from 08-1600 in the FFSC Training room. Post 9/11 GI Bill Brown-bagger: Come learn about the new GI Bill! This class meets on 22 Jul, 1115-1245, in the FFSC Training room. Resumes and Cover Letters: A great resume and cover letter is simply one that creates an impression of you. It directs your reader’s attention by showcasing your professionalism. It points out your best traits. It can also personalize your application package.

This class meets on 23 Jul, 09-1000 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center. Budgeting: New to the Navy? Don’t know where the money went at the end of the month? Need some help saving money and getting rid of troublesome debt? Learn how to create and stick to a financial budget. This workshop meets on 28 Jul, 1130-1230, in the FFSC Training room. Operation Prepare /3 day pack: What are you prepared for? When an emergency strikes, knowing what to do can save time, property and lives. Learn how to prepare and cope with natural disasters. This class will concentrate on the 3-day pack preparation. This class meets on 30 Jul, 09-1000 at the FFSC *Neighborhood Center. Call: 426-3333 Email: [email protected] Located: Bldg. 309 * The FFSC Neighborhood Center address is 1019 Arizona Ct. in base housing.

need to know


active duty access to mtf Confusion often surrounds the eligibility for medical care of our Active Duty Service Members (ADSM) in their various states of activation. This document attempts to provide some clarify on this issue as well as how claims are funded for the ADSM. Payment for the claims for our ADSM’s come from the Supplemental Health Care Funds. They do not come from the MTF operational funds as they did with the old CHAMPUS benefit. COMPONENT CATEGORIES Reserve Component (RC) members range from: 1)

Reserve Component on training orders (less than 30 days HCDP 000Not eligible in DEERS)


Direct Care (HCDP 001 in DEERS and CHCS) during both early eligibility and throughout their deployment


RC not on Orders but have a Line of Duty (LOD) injury/illness


Active Duty or RC on Active Duty who are enrolled in another region, to another MTF or enrolled to TRICARE Prime Remote.

All of these service members fall under Title 32 Code of Federal Regulations which provides specific priority level access into any MTF in the world. Any active duty service member or Reserve component member on active duty or presenting with valid LOD paperwork to our MTF in need of medical support are to be allowed full AD priority access to that MTF regardless of enrollment status. EARLY ELIGIBILITY If our Reserve members are called to a contingency

operation for more than 30 days, their Service can opt to give them the Early Eligibility (EE) Benefit. This is active duty coverage up to 90 days prior to their actual mobilization date. Per HA Policy 07-002 and OSD RA Memo on EID (Early Identification for Deployment now commonly referred to as Early Eligibility), these members may or may not have actual hard copy delayed effective date orders. There is no need for the member to present any orders to the MTF because their status in DEERS reflects them as Direct Care for the Active Duty Service member (HCDP 001). These members should not enroll at any MTF during the EE segment. Additionally, per policy, those members who go from EE to a unit without medical assets during mobilization will also remain on Direct Care (un-enrolled) during the entire early eligibility and active duty segment. On a side note, the family members may enroll in Prime or Prime Remote during the EE segment. LINE OF DUTY Only Reserve component members are eligible for Line of Duty care. The RC who presents with a valid LOD is authorized healthcare relating to that LOD (HCDP will show 000- Not Eligible for care). Each service has specific LOD paperwork and most do not have specific expiration dates. (Note, if a reserve member retires- the LOD is no longer valid. In CHCS, these members are coded as “Q’s”- Grey area retirees and in DEERS under the Additional Reporting Data as Reserve Retired not yet eligible for retiree pay –Grey area retiree). RC ON SHORT TERM ORDERS Reserve Component members who are on any

type of orders (i.e. annual training) for less than 30 days will not show eligible in DEERS (HCDP 000) however, they also have access to the direct care system. These members should present to the MTF a copy of their current orders in order to gain access to the facilities.

of the member’s enrollment status, or lack of enrollment, then you can reference the TRICARE Operations Manual, Chapter 8, Section 5 which explains this requirement. Also, notify the TRICARE Regional Office so that we can follow up and support the MTF.

RECRUITERS AND MEDICAL BOARDS Some Service Recruiters may be enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote or to a civilian provider outside of the MTF and require that their annual physical exams be signed off by a military provider and will require access to a MTF. Additionally, those Service members who are undergoing a Medical Board but who may be enrolled in Prime Remote (TPR) must have their medical board evaluations processed through a MTF and require access regardless of enrollment status. The specialty care for the Med Board members can be “deferred to network” but the PCM, who refers, reviews, and signs off the care, must be a MTF provider.

MILITARY MEDICAL SUPPORT OFFICE The Military Medical Support Office (MMSO) is limited in its capability to support only TPR, LOD and Direct Care Service members who are outside the MTF’s Prime Service Area (PSA). MMSO’s very specific roles and responsibilities do not allow them to override, approve or disapprove a MTF’s “defer to network”. The MCSC, again, by contract, will process the

REFERALS “DEFER TO NETWORK” A Service member who is seen at the MTF under an LOD, Direct Care or Prime enrolled to another MTF, Region or TPR, has the same “defer to network” authorization as those ADSM enrolled to your MTF. The Managed Care Support Contractor (MCSC) will honor the Unique Identifier Number (UIN) that the referring MTF CHCS Referral ad hoc system produces when a “defer to network” request is generated. The DMIS portion of this UIN is the DMIS of the referring MTF. If any TRICARE Service Center or the MCSC call center tells a MTF that they can not honor the “defer to network” request because

MTF’s referral request as referenced in the TRICARE Operation Manual. If the member has sought care at the MTF, the MTF assumes the responsibility of care for that service member. INFORMATION SHARING Generally, the MTF leadership is aware of the requirement to provide access to, or “defer to network” access for our Service members in all the categories we discussed.

This information needs to be consistently reinforced to the front line personnel making appointments or answering the phones. All too often the Direct Care member presents to the MTF for an appointment and is told “you need to go to the TSC to enroll before we can see you”. That is misinformation and causes a great deal of confusion for the member. Your support in wide dissemination and education is appreciated.

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need to know It was that time of year again when Oasis Fitness Center had our fitness contest. This year we did “Slim Into Summer” which started March 1, 2009 and ended May 31, 2009. We had 17 participants that joined and the competition was really good. We had our very own CO, Captain Glasser involved as well as the Dependents of our Sailors. The goal for the participants was to complete some type of cardio work out in one of our MWR workout facilities. The Sports World Gym, Oasis Fitness Center or Desert Springs Indoor Pool. You earned 5 points each 40 minute continuously cardio workout. You also earned 5 points each for losing weight as well as inches. The top 3 participants with the most points were deemed the winners. All participants received a T-shirt and the winners received the following: 1st place

Henrique Ho with 525 Points Apple IPod 16 GB Nano Video with iTunes gift card

2nd place

Cristiane Ho with 495 points Apple IPod 8 GB Nano

3rd place

Greg Keeney with 410 points Apple IPod Shuffle with accessories

When Cristiane Ho was asked, what she got of doing the contest? She replied, “I enjoyed losing weight, it gave me more energy through out the day” Her favorite was the Life Fitness Elliptical. Greg Keeney added, “It provides another opportunity to remain engaged in physical fitness and set an example for junior personal.” Greg has also recently completed our Triathlon Club that is an on going competition here on the base. Henrique Ho says, “It was challenging at times because of my work schedule, but it was fun and I really like staying in shape.” As a staff member, I enjoyed watching the participants getting involved and how they DESERT realized the importance of being physically fit. Congratulations to all who did participate and we look forward to seeing you all again for our fall contest. For the other participants, please stop in at Oasis Fitness Center and pick up your Tshirt.

MWR News

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stillwater national wildlife refuge demolition project

Members of NAS Fallon’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) work with the Northern Nevada Consolidated Bomb Squad (Reno Police Dept., Sparks Police Dept., Tahoe-Douglas Fire Dept.) on a demolition project for the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) asked for assistance in clearing waterways between basins in the refuge, which had become silted in and choked with tules. The use of dynamite allows the FWS to clear the channels without the damage that heavy equipment would cause. Photo by Bill Henry.




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Important NAS Fallon Numbers

FITNESS WINNERS Liberty Center...........2836 Information,Tickets & Tours...........2275 or 2865 Sports World Gymnasium..............2949 Oasis Fitness Center.........2251 or 2252 Go Kart Track............2437 Theater Recording.................2552 Theater Office...........2580 Pony Express Outdoor Recreation. .2598 Auto Hobby Shop. . . . .2575 Top Fun Youth and Teen Center........3777

A dynamite charge goes off in the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge, throwing mud hundreds of feet in the air. Channel clearing was conducted on 21 May and 9 June to restore water flow between wetland areas. Photo by Bill Henry.

Indoor Pool..............2791 Silver State Club.......2625 Sage & Sand Club. . . .2482 Planet X Club............2445 Sage Brush Bowl......2451 Hot Stuff Pizza..........2454 MWR LPO Office. . . . . .2869 MWR Office..............2550 Fleet and Family Services Center........3333 Child Development Program............423-5808 Child Development Homes..............423-0220 Housing Office..........2809

Chapel......................2813 Recycling..................2274 Commissary.............3428 Navy Exchange.........2818 Medical.............428-0100 Dental.......................2811 Drug and Alcohol Prevention................3738 Navy Marine Corps Relief Society...........2739 Not-New Shop..........3440 Fire and Security Emergencies...............911

A member of the Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge staff stands next to the cleared channel following the explosion. Photo by Bill Henry.

mwr news



Donations are still being taken for the Commander Luther “Meat” Hook Memorial Fund that has been set up for the benefit of his surviving daughters’ education. Cdr. Hook was killed on 22 May along with three of his seven daughters in a civilian plane crash near the Fallon Municipal Airport. The fund is accepting donations at Colonial Bank with account number 8052536458. The bank staff made a contribution Tuesday. Pictured from left are Georgia Harvey, VP of the Fallon Branch of Colonial Bank, Ken McConwell, the Senior Relationship Manager, Wende Hook, and Capt. Michael Glaser, Commanding Officer of NAS Fallon. Photo by Zip Upham.