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50 Good Reasons to Try Musharraf Gen. [R] Musharraf ran away the very morning when a writ petition was filed against him in the Supreme Court of Pakistan. His departure from Pakistan was camouflaged by the terrorist attack on Police Academy. And then there had been a chain of events of terrorism! Amidst the smoke of these terrorist attacks only a few people have sense of questioning the sudden escape of Musharraf! After all Musharraf is no ordinary criminal. His crimes no doubt deserve to be included in Guineas� World Record book! If we let such a die hard criminal to get off the hook then perhaps we have no reason to exist as free and independent nation. Here are good and solid reasons why Musharraf must be tried: 1. High Treason: Musharraf committed high treason on numerous accounts when he took the law and constitution on many occasions. He forced the parliament to created his desired laws in place of Constitution of Pakistan.

2. Violation of Military Codes and Oaths: Pakistan armed forces clearly prohibit violations of constitution, rules and regulation. Mushrraf is guilty of these on massive scale. He was about to undergo court martial but was escaped due to 1965 war

3. Conspiracy against Elected Prime Minister: With clear connivance with CIA Musharraf toppled the elected Prime Minister who at time commanded 2/3rd majority in National Assembly. This was thus a cue data against Pakistan�s all peoples If Musharraf had any problem with Prime Minister�s decision to send him home, he could have gone to the court rather than taking constitution and law in his hands

4. Toppling of the Elected Parliaments at all levels: If he had problem with the Prime Minister what was the fault of members of national Assembly and Provincial Assemblies? What right he had to violate the people�s election and the money and energy which went into these elections?

5. Overthrow of the President of Pakistan: What was the fault of the elected president of Pakistan i.e. Rafique Tarar?

Under what law he was authorized to remove an elected President of Pakistan 6. Killing of Advocate Iqbal Ra�d: Musharraf�s spree of murders began with killing of Mr. Iqbal Raad. He was the ex- Advocate General of Sind High Court and a defense layers team of Mr. Nawaz Sharif. Only days before the final arguments were to be presented in the trial, Sharif's lawyer, Iqbal Raad, and two of his colleagues were assassinated in their office. On Nov. 4 1998 then Advocate General, M. Iqbal Raad, told the Sindh High Court that Sheikh Mohammad Aamirullah, accused in the murder of Hakeem Mohammad Saeed, has not so far given his confessional statement which is required to be given before a magistrate under Section 164 CrPC. He added that the accused has only confessed to having had a part in the murder before the police and notables. Britain had rejected a request from Pakistan government for the arrest and extradition of former additional director general of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Rehman Malik , who was living in self-imposed exile in London.

7. Extension of his own term beyond Service period:

All his juniors colleagues got retired but he through abuse of army�s discipline kept extending his position and service illegally. All such privileges and salary were an obvious theft on national exchequer.

8. Assistance in Murdering numerous people in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Killed many innocent people in Pakistan and Afghanistan through active overt and covert support to the invaders and their war of terrorism based on self fabricated and manufactured �evidences� . He is directly accountable for each and every murder.

9. Fake & Frudulent Referrendum. He held a referendum to become "Elected" President. Referrendums are held on single issue and not for election of President or Prime Ministers who had to make uncountable decisions. He spent over 580 million rupees from public treasury on this fraud drama in which he could not even get 4% people votes and yet made Election Commission to declare him winner

10. 1st Sacking of the Judges: In total violation of constitution of Pakistan he sacked the most upright Judges of Supreme Court of Pakistan. Several honorable Judges refused to take oath on his dictatorship 11. Contempt of Court of Justice Saeeduz zaman Siddiqui: He illegally and without any authority had deployed army vehicles on the doors of Justice Saeeduz zaman Siddiqui and prevented him physically to come to Supreme Court and perform his duties. 12. Interfered in Functioning of the Courts and delivery of the Justice: He stopped functioning of the Judges and the courts after sacking those judges who did not approve his illegitimate powers and authorities 13. Appointment of Corrupt Politicians & Terrorists as Ministers: He ppointed known corrupt people like Aftab Ahmed Shair Pao. Fiasal Saleh Hayat as well as many terrorists like Ishrat Ul Ibad on key positions of Pakistan. This was partially done to keep continuously blackmailing them for support of his illegal actions. 14. Legitimizing the fake elections & condoning the Murders by Terrorists: MQM terrorists in a bye election in Liaquatabad killed the election agents of the opponent parties and stole the ballot boxes. Later they declared their candidate who hardly got any vote winner. Justice Irshad Hassan declared the election null and void for obvious reason. Musharraf sent Chief Election Commissioner Mr. Irshad Hasan on overseas leave and appointed Abdul Hameed Dogar as interim Election Commissioner who accepted the election results manufactured by MQM 15. Creating ill feelings among people againt Armed Forces: He created ill feelings against armed forces in public due to his personal decisions and actions against people of Pakistan on behalf of enemies of Pakistan. 16. Weakened the Ideological Foundations and Frontiers of Pakistan: He on instruction of forces of evil who are against ideology of Pakistan removed many verses of Quran-e-Majeed from test books. He thus worked against the ideological frontiers and foundations of Pakistan. 17. Removed Names of Founders of Sceinces: He removed the names Great Muslim Scientists who laid the foundations of all modern sciences from text books. These included Founder of Medicine (Ibn-e-Seena, Ar-Razi), Founder of Surgery (Abul Qassim Zaharawi, Founder of Physics and Optics (Ibn-Haitham), Founder of Chemistry and Laboratory Sciences (Jabir Bin Hayan) and many Great Muslim Scientists

who gave birth to renaissance in Europe and put the Europe on road to industrial revolution. He thus actively deprived Muslim youth from their glorious past and motivation to wok hard and progress 18. Arrested Abdul Qadeer Khan: He arrested the great Pakistani Scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan and caused grave humiliation of this sincere Scientist who saved Pakistan and even armed forces of Pakistan from enemies. 19. Gave Away Government�s 300 acres of lands in Malir, Karachi to Aga Khan: He gave away 300 acres of lands to Mr. Aga Khan free. This was public property. We demand immediate return of this land to the public. 20. Gave Away 400 billion worth Habib Bank for almost free to Aga Khan: He gave away over a 400 billion worth Habib Bank for just 20 billion Aga Khan. Aga Khan even did not pay that amount from his pocket but from the profit of the Bank thus getting the Bank absolutely free. 21. Gave Away Educational Board to Aga Khan to destroy Ethical Foundations: He decided to hand over the Educational Boards of Pakistan to Aga Khan Board through 17th amendment to destroy the ethical and moral fabric of the generations. 22. Gave Away Gwadar lands to Mr. Hashwani. He gave away lot of lands in Gawadar to Hashwani who kept special suits in Marriott hotel for luxury of Chiefs of armed forces. When husband made his video in good faith, he and later his wife was assassinated. 23. Helped Iraqi Invasion by USA: He sent spies as drivers and labors, some of which were arrested by Iraqis and got executed. He was also trying to quietly send retired army personnel to Iraq without telling the nation. 24. Arrested several armed forces personnel for their deep commitment to Islam: He arrested several Armed Forces persons whose only fault was their deep love for Islam. 25. Committed Reverse Discrimination against Muslims by granted two votes to non-Muslim minorities: He tried to seriously affect and erode Muslim identity of this nation and country that was created as an Islamic State, by abolishing separate electorate system and granting two votes to minority voters as opposed to single vote for Muslim voters. Some so called secular parties benefitted from this deal and were happy on this unjust and undemocratic move. 26. Allowed State Bank Governor to hand over all Pakistani assets to USA and buy paper bonds: He allowed State Bank Governor

Ishrat Hussain bought USA paper bonds of all Pakistani reserves. As these bonds are going down the drain people of Pakistan are again suffering from economic hardships. 27. Allowed Hubco and other private Electricity providers to continue their blood sucking of common people: Initially he criticized Benazir�s buying of electricity from private companies who made trillions from Pakistani people. But later allowed these companies to continue their blood sucking of common people which has destoryed Pakistan economy and created crisis of electricity in Pakistan. 28. Broken the promise to the nation: He made promise to of take off his army uniform in front of public on TV. He later openly violated his commitment with no shame and regret. 29. Made Shaukat Aziz t �Elected Prime Minister�. Shaukat Aziz being a Lahori Qadyani and being Non Muslim could not have been legally Prime Minister of Islamic republic of Pakistan. He through his most obedient Election Commission got him �Elected� through massive rigging. 30. Abused Pakistan army and air force for the purpose of carrying out global terrorism He gave airbases and abused armed forces personnel and other resources for the services of Global terrorists in their war against Islam and Muslims. This was the reason that Aerial Sharon used to pray for his long life every night. 31. Acquired a plot in Chak Shahzad in Islamabad. Who paid for this plot and in what form? In return Dr. Sania Nashtar�s husband was appointed as the Chief of so called Khush Hali Bank and Dr. Waseem Shahzad had been appointed as Minister of State for Health 32. Flied kites in Lahore and did not go to Azad Kashmir: He did not go to address the Azad Kashmir Assembly on 5th February 2005 as scheduled and instead flied kites in Lahore. He gave this much importance to Azad Kashmir. Obviously India was more than happy to have such �president� of Pakistan. 33. Promoted utter vulgarity in the name of Enlightened Moderation: On suggestion of Mr. Mushahid Hussain Syed, he named drinking and womanizing etc as Enlightened Moderation. He is directly responsible for all ills resulting from such acts on individual, family and social levels. 34. He kept political leaders in Jails for years: He had kept patriotic Pakistanis like Javed Hashmi and many others in jail for years and maltreated them when they participated in political protests. 35. Musharraf tried to give away Steel Mill: Musharraf tried to sell Pakistan Steel Mill at throw away price to an Indian company. Even the price of simple land was much more than the price at which the Steel Mill was about to be sold had Supreme Court not intervened. When the Chief of the Mill protested he was

removed; when Justice Iftikhar took notice of this, he was put in his bad book. This clearly reflects Musharraf�s total lack of loyalty to this country and its people. 36. May 12 Karachi carnage: He used MQM terrorists to kill innocent citizens on May 12 when Chief Justice of Pakistan was to address a meeting at Sind High Court. He was trying to teach the lesson to the nation, to the lawyers that what he can do if they tried to get justice. This was his Enlightened Moderation. 37. Attacked on Lal Masjid and killed many innocent girls by using phosphorous bombs: He killed many innocent girls in Lal Masjid who could have been easily saved. He used phosphorous bombs. Doctors at PIMS performed autopsies on some of the victims and discovered phosphorous injuries. The forces possess gases which can make persons unconscious and could have easily arrested them but he chose to kill innocent girls who were hiding in the cupboards. 38. Fake Presidential Elections: He held fake Presidential elections as Government Servant in Military Uniform from a dying assembly which had no power to elect President or Prime Minister for next five years. 39. Wasting people�s money on fake elections: He wasted enormous amount of money from public treasury on fake elections. He used Election Commission as his tool. Not only the money must be recovered from his personal property but also the election Commission must be punished for its compliance with the dictator�s orders 40. Attack on Supreme Court Institution: He physically stopped the Supreme Court from functioning by imposing a second martial law in the name of Emergency. He did so because he feared an unpleasant verdict against him. 41. Arrest of Judges: He arrested the honorable judges and their families and subjected them to all sorts of terror and torture. 42. Issuing of NRO: He created National Reconciliation Ordinance providing protection to hard core criminals who looted billions of dollars of this country and acquired offshore and overseas properties as is quite clear from the verdicts of Swiss Courts. This he did in order to save his chair on the expense of common people 43. Missing people: He abducted many innocent and patriotic Pakistanis from their houses and they are still missing. These people were tortured and their family members are still under tremendous pressure, anxiety and terror. 44. Murder of Hasan Raza: He murdered Hasan Raza who was close to the chief Justice of Pakistan as he was witness to many details of Musharraf�s mishandling of Chief Justice of Pakistan

45. Attempts to murder Chief Justice: He ordered firing on Chief Justice of Pakistan at three places in Punjab as admitted by MNA Waqas of PML (Q) publicly on TV. Punjab Government did not obey the orders but apparently Sind Government did. Later an other attempt of murder was made in F-8 Markaz on Chief Justice. In this attempt 20 PPP workers were martyred and Israr Shah lost his legs. There was no suicide bomber�s head as doctors of PIMS examined all the bodies. 46. Fake Public Rally in Islamabad: He arranged a fake rally by forcefully bringing people and by paying them bribes from national treasury in Islamabad. He declared Karachi Carnage as �Show of his strength�! 47. MacDonald in F 9 Park: According to some sources his son Bilal owns MacDonald restaurant in F 9 Park. Why a recreational park has been used for money making venture? This is a theft on Public right. MacDonald is promoting swine growth in this area which is also posing public hazards. 48. Kept Elected Prime Minister in Jail: He kept Nawaz shairf in Attock jail for no crime. He was unhappy over Prime Minsiter�s decision to sake him, he should have contacted the Court instead of illegally mobilizing armed forces for his selfish interest. 49. Curb on Media and Press: He put ban on media when it showed and criticized his actions. Media was tortured and terrorized in numerous ways. 50. Kept Asif Ali Zardari in PIMS for 2 years depriving patients from their treatment: He kept Asif Ali Zardair in PIMS hospital for 2 years with 12 rooms allotted to his arrest. This deprived many patients who would have obtained their treatment at this hospital. These are some of the solid reasons for fair trial of Pervez Musharraf. We must not let this die hard criminal to let off the hook. We must punish him so that these things are nor repeated in future. In the end I will like to reproduce this letter from a reader of one of the esteemed newspapers of Pakistan. Who broke the constitution? President Musharaf in his book �In the line of fire� has provided the answer to people who say Mian Nawaz Sharif could have just retired Gen Musharaf without taking any drastic measures. Chapter 13, page 110 says �I had already conveyed an indirect warning to the Prime Minister through several intermediaries that I am no Jehangir Karamat. My predecessor had retired quietly and I did not want the Prime Minister to think he could violate the constitution so easily again�. What is being said here is that the removal of the COAS had been and would again be a violation of the constitution. That is nonsense. The Prime Minister is well within his constitutional

right removing any government servant from a tenured post. What could a Prime Minster do in face of this unvarnished ultimatum to his constitutional powers? Actually it was General Musharaf who was acting unconstitutionally by openly campaigning for an in-house change in the parliament. -KHURSHID ANWER, Lahore Cantt., via email, September 30. Let me here quote from Quran (Chapter titled the Fig) � By the token of Fig and Olive (1) By the token of Mount Sinai (2), And this the most peaceful city (3) Indeed We created man in the best form Then We reduced him to the lowest of the low Save those who believe and do righteous deeds; For such there is an unending reward. What then (O man) could henceforth cause you to give lie to this moral law Is not the God is the most judge of Judges? And from the Chapter titled �The Most Merciful� �The guilty will be known by their marks, and will be taken by the forelocks and the feet. Which is it, of powers of your Lord, which you will deny? This is hell, which the guilty deny, They go circling round between it and fierce, boiling water Which is it, of powers of your Lord, which you will deny?� (41-45: 55, Quran)

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