Mumbai Attacks-the Real Story--who Was Behind Mumbai Attack----eye Opening Facts About Mumbai Attacks

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  • Words: 24,461
  • Pages: 90
Mumbai – Dance

of the Devil

A Stunning Expose Of

Hindu Zionists, M umbai Attacks & Indian Dossier against Pakistan. The Sinister Alliance of Mossad Covert Black Ops and RAW’s False Flags Operations By: BrassTacks

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Table of Contents Part 1 - The Rise of Hindu Zionists

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Part 2 - The Mumbai Drama – untold story

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Part 3 - Debunk Indian dossier

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Part 1 - The Rise of Hindu Zionists "If we do go to war, psychological operations are going to be absolutely a critical, critical part of any campaign that we must get involved in": General H. Norman Schwarzkopf "The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.": Joseph Goebbels - Goebbels was Hitler's Minister of Propaganda

Saffron Sarkaar Raj India headed towards Hindu Fascism

Mosque in Parbhani, Maharashtra, where a bomb explosion left many injured, in december 2003. Naresh Kondwar and Himanshu Phanse of Bajrang Dal, who were killed

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while making bombs in Nanded in April 2006, were allegedly responsible for bombing the mosque. Backdrop: 'Samjhauta, Hindi for friendship, Express' is only one of many CBM's that have been undertaken by the two countries to improve relations, was initiated to increase people to people to contact between the two arch rivals. On February 17,2007, the train that travels from Delhi to Lahore was hit by a bomb, killing as many as 68 people. Most of the casualties consisted of Pakistani nationals. Many conspiracy theories were hatched in an attempt to explain what had really gone by. Indian authorities and the media were quick to assert that the evidence overwhelmingly pointed towards Pakistan and ISI. With the immediate release of sketches of the suspects, it seemed that Indians had it all figured out. For Pakistan it was nothing more than a feeling of déjà vu; India is known to have a history of blaming Pakistan and ISI for the smallest of occurrences in India, hardly ever backing it up with any credible evidence. And so when in 2006 Malegaon, a town in the Nashik district of the Indian state of Maharashtra, located at some 290 km to the northeast of state capital Mumbai, was rattled by a series of bombings, the blame was put on groups having links with Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Maharashtra Police blamed the Student Islamic Movement of India, further linking them to Lashkar-e-Taiba and in turn the ISI. The unlikely twist surfaced recently in India with the arrests of 10 people, including a serving Lieutenant Colonel Prashad Srikant Purohit, a Hindu monk and nun for their alleged involvement in bomb explosions that killed six people in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon this year. So far, ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have been arrested for their involvement in the Sep 29 bombing. Besides Purohit, of the accused also include Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, Shivnarayan Singh Kalsangram, Shyam Bhawarlal Sahu, Major Ramesh Shivji Upadhyay (retd), Sameer Kulkarni, Rakesh Dattaram Dhavde and Ajay Rahirkar. The suspicion is now directed at the extremist Hindu movement Sangh Parivar, a network linked to a former Major, and now in custody, Ramesh Upadhyay who represents the terrorist organization, Abhinav Bharat. The chilling part of the entire episode is the involvement of accused Lt Col Purohit in bomb attack on the Samjhauta Express to which he confessed. During investigation Col Purohit has also confessed to training Hindu terrorists for attacking Muslims, besides training them for attacking Samjhauta Express for which he had also supplied them RDX. He further confessed that it was intended to cause armed conflict between Pakistan and India so that anti-Muslim passions could be nurtured in India, leading to violence. The Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) claimed that Purohit supplied RDX to one “Bhagwan” for Samjhauta Express blast. Public prosecutor Ajay Misar said Abhinav Bharat’s treasurer Ajay Rahirkar had handed Rs2.5 lakh to Lt Col P S Purohit.

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Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff who was arrested from Kanpur has revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast. According to reports Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels. It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, collaborated with two other accused who are presently on the run - Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange. The suspects have also been questioned for May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi's Jama Masjid. In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion. Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads. Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance. On Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs. After the arrest of Panday police is expecting to get some breaking clues in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra as well. The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.

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Infiltration of Hindu Fascists in Army?

Interrogation of Major (retd.) Ramesh Upadhyay unearthed that the Bhonsla Military School in Nashik was used as a training ground by the conspirators. The school has denied its involvement in the blast but it is under the scanner for allowing Bajrang Dal activists to hold training sessions in the use of arms and martial arts. The school’s links to the RSS is an open secret as it was founded by B.S. Moonje, who was Savarkar’s close friend and who assisted in creating the RSS. The arrest of the serving army officers and former officers’ link to the recent terror activities points towards a worrisome notion; of the deep infiltration of fundamentalist ideas into Indian army. The critics believe that the constant indoctrination of Hindutva ideology over decades by the VHP, the RSS, the Bajrang Dal and the BJP has resulted in

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this kind of violence, which has found its way into crucial state institutions like police force, army and the education departments. Ram Punyani, secretary of the All India Secular Forum and a human rights activist, said that the deep and widespread ideological indoctrination began years ago but was propagated systematically during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime. It placed its members in the bureaucracy, particularly in the education department, and in the cultural arena. “RSS people who once headed a department may have retired, but they have ensured that the damage continues, as they would have hired a number of like-minded people. So you can imagine how deep the penetration is. It will take generations to root this out,” said Punyani. It is a well known fact that once George Fernandes had asked the army chief, the Air Marshal, and the Admiral to report the Kargil war to MPs. When the three obliged to the given orders and the place where meeting was planned , it was the party office of BJ. This is how the Saffron Brigade interferes in the affairs of the armed forces, blatantly. The involvement of serving lieutenant colonel of the Indian army in blasts and in the supplying of 60 kg of RDX for terrorist activities, further casts a shadow over the credibility of the army. In the past BJP has been offering tickets to the former army officers, (many of them are former generals) for contesting elections for Lok Sabha on behalf of the party and to an extent it has been successful in wooing them. One such retiree is the chief minister of Uttarakhand B C Khanduria retired Major General. Another retired officer Sabyasachi Bagchi who is member of BJP proudly praises the RSS for having developed the character of young people. SS Raikar of Bhonsla military school, a retired army officer, is believed to have allowed the school premises to be used as a den for making terror schemes and devising conspiracies, besides facilitating arms training and providing accommodation. The former governor of Jammu and Kashmir Lt General (Rtd) S K Sinha is alleged to have allowed Dyanand Padey to stay in the official residence. Daynand Pandey was hosted by him in Raj Bhawan and the two had held a meeting in a famous temple in Kashmir.

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RDX and Army connection: (Chilling clues)

Lt Col P S Purohit who provide RDX Samjhota Train blasts and also being interrogated for other bomb blasts in India. On September two, 2006, Indian police in Ahmednagar seized about 195 kg of cocktail of explosives that included RDX from a local scrap dealer Shankar Shelke which was procured by him from Army Ordnance decommissioned as scrap. A mobile phone from which he had made over 150 calls was also recovered and during investigation it was found that he had got a cellular connection on a fake name, adding to his already dubious profile. However, before police could arrest him, Shelke allegedly committed suicide and his employee could not provide any details about him. The case was closed as a suicide, with no further investigation. The investigations into how the RDX reached some right wing groups allegedly responsible for Malegaon explosions, led to this forgotten case of suicide of Shankar Shelk. Some leads are now emerging that the deadly RDX could have been pilfered during such decommissioning of scrap from the Army. In the past the law enforcing agencies of India have failed to find out the origin of such explosive used in different blasts, especially in Maharashtra where Bajrang Dal had been imparting explosive and arms training to its activists.

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Who is financing 'Hinduvta Terror?' According to ATS, the money needed to finance these plots is generally collected by a self-styled religious leader hailing from Gujarat. According to reports the probe into links of Hindu outfits, accused of terrorism, with Army men brought a few business houses under the examination of Maharashtra's ATS and Central Security agencies, investigating the finances of the group supposedly responsible for Malegaon blast. Sources attached with the probe said that a religious leader from Southern Gujarat was one of those who collected funds from the business houses. According to some other reports foreign funds were used in Malegaon attack. Reportedly huge amounts of money collected in the US go into the accounts of VHP and other conglomerates of RSS. Sonal Shah and her father Ramesh have been in the core group of VHPA [America] and have been instrumental in sending fund under the name of Eklavya Vidyalaya for backward tribals. Although the human rights organizations of India complaint that these funds were not used for the backward tribals. It is also believed that finds collected from abroad by saffron brigade were used in the recent-anti Christian riots in Kanthamal of Orissa and other parts of India and in 2002 against the Muslims of Gujarat. The backward community of Charras was roped in by the RSS to wreak vengeance on the Muslims by slaughtering them. This confession is caught on camera. There is no audit of this fund collected by saffron from US and western countries. BJP lacks moral fiber -- indulges in double talk. The BJP connection: With the surfacing of the connection between Army personnel, BJP and the terror activities, the party too has come under heavy scrutiny. Sensing the gravity of the matter and possible questioning in connection with the Malegaon bombings, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Yogi Adityanath refused to assist in the investigations. "I dare the police to arrest me and I will offer no help in their probe," he added, amid reports that he was likely to be questioned in connection with Malegaon. The BJP and its allied Hindu extremist groups are also questioning the investigation and blamed that it was an attempt to malign these groups. They further announced to defend Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who has confessed her role in the bombing, and to provide her legal help. BJP Initially denied any association with Pragya Singh but later supported her. Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh also accused that those parties that once sought lethal POTA (Prevention of Terrorism Act) charges framed against suspects from minority communities were now asking the government to go

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easy on the Hindu right-wing extremists.The probe after arrest of Sadhvi and Col Purohit led to Adityanath, the successor of Mahant Avaidyanath of the Gorakhpur Temple Trust, who is believed to be responsible for the BJP's foothold in eastern Uttar Pradesh and is also known for his Hindu awakening rallies. He justified the attack on churches in Orissa following the killing of a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader. "The Hindu reaction (after the killing of the priest) is justified and it is high time that the Hindus should pick up weapons just like our gods and goddesses adorn weapons," had said. Adityanath has been active in reconverting other religious groups, particularly the lowcaste converts to Christianity, back into the Hindu fold. In 2005, a large group of 1,800 people were converted in the town of Etah.

Pragya Singh (Sadhvi) who confesses her role in bombing BJP's sudden romance with Pakistan With emergence of Hindu terrorism, BJP which usually does not nurture good opinions about Pakistan much less support India's friendly relations with her, on November 19 said that Indian police probe into an army officer’s alleged role in the Samjhauta Express blasts among other terror attacks could harm talks with Pakistan BJP spokesman Ravi Shanker Prasad was quoted by Indian media as saying, “The juvenile investigations would encourage jihadi elements in Pakistan and would have an effect on the talks between the two countries which are due in the last week of this month.”

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“There is a risk of Pakistan seeking a review of the entire terrorist attacks in which India had alleged a Pakistani hand”, he said adding “The morale of the Indian Army should be protected at all costs.” And further, “The ATS theory would give Pakistan an opportunity to prove that India is involved in sponsoring anti-Pakistan campaign on terror,” Reaction of Hindu religious leaders: Hindu religious leaders are now uniting and some of them met in Panipat on Sunday November 16th to form a Dharam Sangrakshan Samiti to defend the blast accused, from the allegations leveled by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad. In Panipat, the Sangh Parivar demonstrated its united resolve to fight for those accused of terrorism. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) now plans to hold a massive rally of religious leaders on November 26 to demonstrate their support for those accused of a connection in the blast. Reaction of the Hinduvta leaders (Excerpts) There was a National debate in India as India was reminded of the spreading of Hindu terror in India, in the face of these investigations. This is the summary of the same. “When Hindu leaders are accused of killing innocent people and indulging in terror acts isn't it time to do aatmachintan (introspection) just as they want the Muslin leaders to do when Muslim youths are accused of being involved in terror acts. Govindacharya (RSS) claimed that the government has been ignoring the Hindus and such terror acts only reflect the frustration in the society. "Hindu Samaj has definitely done the aatmachintan and this kind of emotional outburst are the result of such aatmachintan. There are two reasons: First when Hindu samaj (society) feels that there is no government that takes care of their interests and feelings then such outburst are a natural consequence though undesirable. Similarly when the legitimate established organizations espousing the cause of Hindu society apply double standards to their own convictions and they are not honest about their concern of large section of Hindu society, then definitely the Hindus do the aatmachintan and the result is mushrooming of such outfits." BJP President Rajnath Singh said that Hindu saints were being maligned and VHP's Praveen Togadia says a Hindu can never be a terrorist. Contrary to this, a completely opposite stance to this is taken by the BJP when Muslim politicians are the subject of discussion, particularly in this context.

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“Gandhiji also said ‘politics without religious values is of no use to me'. He meant the Dharma. Dharma needs to be in politics otherwise it will become immoral” Singh argued. Dipankar Gupta argued that BJP can never ever rid itself of its Hindutva agenda. "When you come down to the wire, the defining characteristic of the BJP is Hindutva. It can occasionally take on other issues as well like economic regeneration but everybody is talking about that. So what's different about the BJP? The difference is Hindutva. So when push comes to shove, their Hindutva colours come out." Conclusion: Chaos and fear continues to haunt India as the poor continue to pay with their flesh and blood, for a senseless war that has been imposed on them by the followers of a violent ideology .More arrests are expected in the coming weeks as the frightening dimensions of a radical Hindu terror plot starts to unravel, with investigators indicating that it had the makings of a larger conspiracy and planning of reprisal killings of Muslims for serial bombings in a number of Indian cities. Indian analysts are now worried about Hindu terrorism. Some of it has been on display for a long time against the Muslim community. Some of it is recent; targeting Christian missionaries and Christian converts. Because of the rise of Hindu fundamentalism in the 1980s, which saw a revival of old Hindu supremacist thinkers like Savarkar, who was behind the killing of Gandhi, India is now open to terrorism that is lashing out at the state. People are accustomed to voting the BJP to power as an alternative to the Congress and that in turn empowers the grand Hindu fundamentalist alliance called the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) that contains such extremist outfits as Bajrang Dal. A common sense conclusion would be that these acts of terrorism are aimed at creating a communal divide in India, to fulfill the ultimate dream of the Hindu Raj over India. A country where mosques are bombed, army men like Colonel Purohit join hands with radical groups like Swami Dayanand Pandey to unleash terror at the expense of innocent lives of their own countrymen is a country that has failed to her own people, let alone by taken as a model of democracy to be followed by the rest of the world. It is high time India should take lead from the situation in her neighboring country where fundamentalists are on the rampage and blowing innocents into piece. Before it is too late to root out Hindu Talibanization from Indian society, which is growing fast as Machiavelli said “By being on the spot one sees trouble at its birth and one can quickly remedy it; not being there one hears about it after it has grown and there is no longer any remedy.”

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Part 2 - The Mumbai Drama – untold story

Who did it? “It is essential that we strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans,” David Ben Gurion, first prime minister of Zionist entity.

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Despite the fact that Indian media and the government is blaming Pakistani militants for the attacks, certain interesting facts have come to light already which clearly indicates that Hindu groups of radicals from BJP, RSS and Shev sena, in collaboration with Indian Military Intelligence officials were involved in orchestrating the massacre. Let’s list the known facts so far: Most of the sources are from Indian media themselves.

1. Within 15 minutes of the attacks, three top Police officers from the anti-Terror squad were shot by the attackers. Those three officers were the ones who were investigating the case against Indian Military Intelligence for their involvement in domestic terrorism as mentioned in part 1 of this report.

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IN THE LINE OF DUTY Karkare has been leading the investigation into the Malegaon blast. His death is bound to affect the probe, which is ongoing.

2. The Terrorists who killed the Police officers were speaking Marathi, a local Hindu language. Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? 29 November 2008 Mumbai: It is somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times'. The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, 'You are here an employee?' The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, 'I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.' The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, 'You are speaking true or false?' The employee answered, 'No, by God I am speaking true.' On this the terrorist let him go.

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3. The terrorists consumed alcohol and bought bottles of beer before embarking on “martyrdom” operations. No Muslim on earth would do this just before his death. This is a BBC report!!! Reports also suggests they were fair skinned, even blonde haired!!! “Locals say the orgy of killings in Mumbai began here. Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing. Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting. "They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," says Mr Amir. As the two girls fell near the cafe, he saw the two men quickening their steps towards the Taj Mahal hotel further up the road. A few minutes later, gunfire was heard from the hotel, and much later, Mr Amir heard that gunmen had taken guests hostage”

4. The Terrorists were wearing yellow bands in their hands which are a revered Hindu sign for good luck and blessings.

Muslim Terrorist?? Notice the yellow wrist band, a Hindu sign. He is too calm casual for an outsider attacker on a rampage. They had consumed alcohol and beer before embarking on killing spree !

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For comparison see pictures below.

Note the similar yellow wrist band of Hindu radicals at another location and time. This is the man, a terrorist of Bajrang Dal who with that weapon in his hand had split/pierced the womb of the Muslim woman in Gujrat in 2002 and slaughtered her unborn baby as well with her with this same weapon. The picture with the weapon having blood on it was published by press then.

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5. The widow of the slain Police officer refuses to accept compensation from BJP, accusing them of being involved in murder of her husband. The officer was receiving death threats for the past many weeks ever since he had started the investigations.

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Karkare's wife declines 'Modi's compensation' offer Nov 29, 2008 Mumbai The family of slain Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare has declined

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's offer of monetary help, sources said on Saturday. Modi on Friday visited the residences of Karkare and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar, who were killed while fighting militants on Wednesday night. Modi also announced that his government would give Rs 1 crore to Maharashtra for the families of policemen killed in the attacks. Karkare's widow and other family members have declined Modi's offer, the sources said. 14 Maharashtra police personnel, including two IPS officers, sacrificed their lives while fighting terrorists.

6. Top Indian Journalists are suggesting a clear nexus between Israeli Mossad and Indian Military Intelligence and RSS gangs. The terror was waged in Mumbai to get rid of the Police officer conducting this investigation. Now we would give a timeline and opinions of various top journalists and global media as the situation continued to unfold during and after the crisis. As part of the disinformation war, the proof and signs that this was a false flag black operation by Mossad and RAW is being deliberately ignored. On the night of attack, renowned Indian writer Amaresh Misra wrote following words.

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Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle They killed Hemant Karkare, chief of the police anti-terrorist squad in Mumbai, to send a message that you cannot investigate the Mossad-RSS angle by Amaresh Misra MUMBAI, INDIA 4:00AM -- Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed. These were the same people who were investigating the Malegaon Blasts - in which Praggya Singh, an army officer and several other noted personalities of the BJP-RSS-Bajrang Dal-VHP were arrested. Karkare was the man to arrest them. Karkare was receiving threats from several quarters. LK Advani, the BJP chief and several other prominent leaders of the socalled Hindu terrorism squad were gunning for his head. And the first casualty in the terrorist attack was Karkare! He is dead - gone - the firing by terrorists began from Nariman House - which is the only building in Mumbai inhabited by Jews. Some Hindu Gujaratis of the Nariman area spoke live on several TV channels - they openly said that the firing by terrorists began from Nariman house. And that for two years suspicious activities were going on in this house. But no one took notice. Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus. Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and Israel are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should immediately snap all relations with Israel. We owe this much to Karkare and the brave ATS men who had shown the courage to arrest Praggya Singh, Raj Kumar Purohit, the army officer and several others. A photograph published in Urdu Times, Mumbai, clearly shows that Mossad and exMossad men came to India and met Sadhus and other pro-Hindutva elements recently. A conspiracy was clearly hatched. This is a moment of reckoning especially for Hindus of India. The killers of Gandhi have struck again. If we are true Sanatanis and true Hindus and true nationalists and true patriots we have to see this act as a clear attack by anti-national deshdrohi forces. Praggya Singh,

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Advani and the entire brand is anti-national. They ought to be shot. Any Hindu siding with them is hereafter warned of serious consequences. This is a question of nationalism. If no one else, the Indian army will not take this lying down. Communal, anti-national forces have attacked the very foundation of the Indian constitution and the nation. We will fight a civil war if need be against the pro-Hindutva, communal forces and their Israeli backers. --Dr. Amaresh Misra is an historian/journalist. His most recent book "War of Civilizations: India AD 1857" was released in March 2008 by the Vice President of India Shri Mohd. Hamid Ansari. Enver Masud, "5,000 Killed, 50,000 Homeless in India 'Pogrom'," The Wisdom Fund, March 16, 2002 "Godhra bogie was burnt from inside: Report," Times of India, July 3, 2002 Rama Lakshmi, "Hindus Detail Involvement In Deadly '02 Riots in India On Video, Assailants Tell of State Collusion," Washington Post, October 26, 2008 Rama Lakshmi, "In India, Controversy Over Hindus' Arrests: Terrorism Case Sets Off Politicking, Protests," Washington Post, November 24, 2008 "Mumbai rocked by deadly attacks," BBC News, November 27, 2008 Paul Joseph Watson, "Mumbai Attacks Blamed On Al-Qaeda As Pretext For U.S. Military Response,", November 27, 2008

Timeline: There is a very definite timeline of events which lead to Mumbai drama. Indian Zionists were under severe pressure as their cadre was being arrested by ATS Chief Kurkure and the fascists had to retaliate in quick time before more of their top leaders were arrested. Just watch the timeline of events. It makes some fascinating analysis.

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November 12, 2008, (Wednesday): New Delhi/Mumbai

Self styled spiritual guru Dayanand Pandey alias Swami Amritanand Dev was arrested by Maharashtra AntiTerrorism Squad (ATS) in Kanpur in connection with the September 29 Malegaon bomb blast.

November 13th, 2008 (Thursday): New Delhi: Gujarat

Police have arrested a woman for the first time in a case related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. Gita Rathod has been arrested for her role in the infamous Naroda Patia riots of 2002. She was arrested by a Special Investigation Team (SIT).

November 14th: Media reported arrest of Lt Col Purohit and his confession regarding provision of IED for bombing Samjhota Express train and Malagon blasts. November 15th: Indian media was littered with news of more arrests of Hindu terrorists in connection with bomb blasts in India. Media reported “Hindu extremists

involved in Malegaon blasts may also be behind Ajmer and Samjhauta Express blasts, sources have told NDTV.

They say Aseemanand, Dayanand and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur met at Shabari Kumbh at Dangs. The group then began to meet regularly to plan attacks.

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Police also suspect the group could be behind the Ajmer dargah blast in February 2007. The man who planted Ajmer bomb was killed by the group. They may also be behind Samjhauta Express blast, sources say. Leaders of mainstream Hindutva groups were aware of their activities, they add. The development comes even as Lt Colonel Prasad Purohit, the first serving Indian Army officer to be held in a terrorrelated case, has reportedly confessed to his role in the Malegaon blast during his narco-analysis test in Bangalore.”

November 24th : Pune: An anonymous caller, who used a public call office, to contact the Pune police, threatened to blow up the residence of Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare "within a couple of days", a top official confirmed today (November 26th)

November 27th/28th: Karkare was killed during Mumbai shootout by unknown gunmen at Cama Hospital. Sources close to Indian intelligence and investigators claim that Karkare was killed by a 9mm bullet weapons which are used by Indian police.

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An Israeli and Jewish house was also part of the drama. Let’s see what is the history of these Jewish centres in criminal and terrorist activity around the world. ! So, we know that Chabad houses were Mossad HQ’s. !!!

Chabad Houses have history of criminal activity By: Wayne Madsen on: 29.11.2008 [17:22 ] (48 reads) November










WMR previously reported that the violent and bloody attack on Mumbai represents a pay-back from exiled Indian Muslim Mumbai gangland warlord Dawood Ibrahim who fears that the CIA was conspiring with the Pakistani government to extradite him from Pakistan to India. Such an event would effectively cede control of Mumbai's lucrative organized crime territory to Hindu extremist criminal syndicates allied with the Hindu terrorist Shiv Sena group. The targeting of the Lubavitcher Chabad House in Mumbai, where a New York rabbi and his wife were killed by one team of gangsters that arrived by sea from Pakistan, was likely more score settling by Ibrahim who suspected that Israeli Mafiosi were conspiring with Hindu extremist gangs to supplant Ibrahim's criminal influence in Mumbai. There is a history of Chabad Houses not only being used as safehouses and logistics centers for Israeli intelligence but as storefronts for criminal activity. In March 1989, U.S. law enfocement rounded up a criminal network in Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Colombia, and Israel that involved a Chabad House that was involved in money laundering and currency violations.

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What language the terrorists spoke ??

Mumbai attack: Terrorists spoke Marathi? 29 November 2008

Mumbai: It is somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times'. “The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently” The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, 'You are here an employee?' The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, 'I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.' The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, 'You are speaking true or false?' The employee answered, 'No, by God I am speaking true.' On this the terrorist let him go. A distinguished Pakistan analyst Ahmad Qureshi has done following analysis of developments in India. Before we do our concluding review, this makes interesting reading.

Signs of an Attempted Coup in New Delhi With a traumatized nation and a paralyzed government, a core group of secular ideologues and Hindu nationalists are executing a ‘soft coup’ in New Delhi to bring to power hawks who want to pursue America’s agenda of grooming India as a regional policeman, sort out Pakistan and confront China. India will self-destroy in the process. India’s military and intelligence has been penetrated. The man who uncovered the plot, Hemant Karkare, the antiterrorism chief of Mumbai police, was the first target of the mysterious terrorists. Patriotic Indians need to wake up and save their country.

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By AHMED QURAISHI Saturday, 29 November 2008. WWW.AHMEDQURAISHI.COM ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Preliminary signs emerging from India’s power center, New Delhi, paint a picture of an unstable situation. Security is already compromised. But a bigger story is taking place in New Delhi, not Mumbai. There are disturbing signs that India, a nuclear-armed nation of a billion people, is witnessing a ‘soft coup’ attempt involving secular rightwing ideologues and Hindu nationalists. Exploiting the fears of a traumatized nation and a government caught sleeping at the wheel, a core group of rightwing ideologues within India’s military, intelligence and political elite are trying to overthrow Manmohan Singh’s government. The plan apparently is to help the rise of rightwing elements in power and firmly push India in a confrontation with Pakistan and some other countries in the region. The objective of this core group is to see India emerge as a superpower closely allied with the United States. They are excited about American plans for India as a regional policeman and have no problem in confronting China and Pakistan to achieve this status. They think time is slipping and they don’t want a hesitant political leadership in their way. Already the instability in the wake of Mumbai attacks is being exploited to start a war with Pakistan. The fact that this will also help U.S. military that is facing a tough time in Afghanistan appears to be more than just a coincidence. In the very first hours of the Mumbai attack, the unknown terrorists were able to achieve a singular feat: the targeted murder of Hemant Karkare, the chief antiterrorism officer in the Indian police. The man was responsible for exposing the secret links between the Indian military and Hindu terror groups. His investigation resulted in uncovering the involvement of three Indian military intelligence officers in terrorist acts that were blamed on Muslim groups. At the time of his murder, Karkare was pursuing leads that were supposed to uncover the depth of the nexus between the Indian military and the sudden rise of well armed and well financed Hindu terrorism groups with their wide network of militant training camps across India. An aggressive advertisement campaign has already begun across India urging a scared population to rise against the government. On Friday, front-page advertisements appeared in several newspapers in Delhi showing blood splattered against a black background and the slogan “Brutal Terror Strikes At Will” in bold capital letters. The ads signed off with a simple message: “Fight Terror. Vote B.J.P.” The Indian, the Pakistani and the international media has not woken up yet to this ‘soft coup’ taking place in New Delhi. Some observers and journalists are beginning to

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catch its first signs. This is how a New York Times reporter, Somini Sengupta, has characterized it today: “Mr. Singh’s government had lately hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party with evidence that its supporters, belonging to a range of radical Hindu organizations, had … been implicated in terrorist attacks. Indeed, in a bizarre twist, the head of the police antiterrorism unit, Hemant Karkare, killed in the Mumbai strikes, had been in the midst of a high-profile investigation of a suspected Hindu terrorist cell. Mr. Karkare’s inquiry had netted nine suspects in connection with a bombing in September of a Muslim-majority area in Malegaon, a small town not far from Mumbai. “ Evidence is emerging that Karkare knew he was facing the prospect of a violent death because of the investigation he was pursuing. What Karkare probably didn’t know is that his elimination would come in such a perfectly executed operation. Only hours before Karkare’s violent death, his close friend, retired Colonel Rahul Gowardhan, received an envelope. Karkare called him to say he was sending him a confidential letter. This is how Times of India has reported the story: “Just some hours before that, Karkare had sent a letter to him in an envelop which had some “personal” content. “Hemant had called me up on Wednesday,” said Gowardhan, a top official with MSEDCL. “As I was in a meeting, we decided to postpone the talk. He hung up saying he would be sending me an envelope. When I wanted to know the content, he told me to just read the letter that’s inside it. I returned home and read it. I cannot share the content of the letter with anyone,” said Gowardhan” The highly sophisticated nature of the attack in Mumbai, lasting for almost 60 hours, diminishes the chances of a foreign invasion and increases the possibility that influential elements in Indian intelligence and Hindu militant organizations might have helped orchestrate this incident, pretty much like they did in the Sept. 29 Malegaon attack, in which they tried to simulate a Muslim terrorist group. In that attack, in which three Indian military intelligence officers have been arrested, the objective was to provoke a Muslim backlash that could justify a massive state crackdown against minorities.

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Observers are already seeing how the hawks within the Indian establishment and Hindu militant organizations have seized the initiative from a paralyzed government. The Indian army and intelligence are already penetrated. Now the real culprits are channeling the fears of a traumatized people toward Pakistan. India is on the same path today that the Bush administration hawks took the American nation on after 9/11. But this time, patriotic Indians have the benefit of hindsight. They should stop the secular warmongers and Hindu militants from hijacking their country. The future of the entire region depends on it.

Mumbai gunmen 'of British descent' Friday, 28 November 2008

Two gunmen arrested after the Mumbai massacre were of British descent, the country's chief minister said today. UK authorities played down reports that the terrorists included Britons as violence in the city continued for a third day. But Indian Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh claims two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities, according to Associated Press reports.

(Eight men arrested by the Indians authorities and amongst them were British men also! Why this information has been suppressed? )

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Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back Jerome Taylor talks to the photographer whose picture went around the world Saturday, 29 November 2008

SEBASTIAN D'SOUZA A gunman walks at the Chatrapathi Sivaji Terminal railway station in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2008. Teams of gunmen stormed luxury hotels, a popular restaurant, hospitals and a crowded train station in coordinated attacks across India's financial capital, killing people, taking Westerners hostage and leaving parts of the city under siege Thursday, police said. A group of suspected Muslim militants claimed responsibility. AP It is the photograph that has dominated the world's front pages, casting an astonishing light on the fresh-faced killers who brought terror to the heart of India's most vibrant city. Now it can be revealed how the astonishing picture came to be taken by a newspaper photographer who hid inside a train carriage as gunfire erupted all around him. Sebastian D'Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city's Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. "I ran into the first carriage of one of the trains on the platform to try and

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get a shot but couldn't get a good angle, so I moved to the second carriage and waited for the gunmen to walk by," he said. "They were shooting from waist height and fired at anything that moved. I briefly had time to take a couple of frames using a telephoto lens. I think they saw me taking photographs but theydidn't seem to care." The gunmen were terrifyingly professional, making sure at least one of them was able to fire their rifle while the other reloaded. By the time he managed to capture the killer on camera, Mr D'Souza had already seen two gunmen calmly stroll across the station concourse shooting both civilians and policemen, many of whom, he said, were armed but did not fire back. "I first saw the gunmen outside the station," Mr D'Souza said. "With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles. "Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop," he recalled. "The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down." But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. "There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything," he said. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but they just didn't shoot back." As the gunmen fired at policemen taking cover across the street, Mr D'Souza realised a train was pulling into the station unaware of the horror within. "I couldn't believe it. We rushed to the platform and told everyone to head towards the back of the station. Those who were older and couldn't run, we told them to stay put." The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D'Souza added: "I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera."

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Ten words a Pakistani would never say: com/watch? v=QhO6rynb1C8 One of the most interesting things about the Mumbai terrorist attack was that the terrorists called a TV station and talked to journalists and rambled on and on about their perceived grievances with the rest of the world. And it was very much rambling on their part because half the stuff made no sense whatsoever. In the aftermath of the attacks, with the Indian Government trying to put all the blame on Pakistan, it is interesting to listen to these audio recordings because even a cursory listening leaves one in no doubt that the person on the phone is NOT of Pakistani origin. Since the Indian Government at no point has denied that these calls were a hoax or were not from the terrorists we can assume for now that they were indeed originating from Nariman House and Mr. Imran (how unoriginal a name, bet one of the other names that the Indian Government releases for the terrorists will be Javed, those two names have been staples of Indian nightmares for a few decades now!). Among a lot of Hindi words that 'Mr. Imran' used, the following 10 are least likely to be used by a Pakistani, Punjabi or otherwise: 1. Julm, as an exasperated Javed Akhtar pointed out to someone on Indian Idol, don't butcher the language, it is zulm not julm and no Pakistani would EVER say julm. 2. Jiadati, ditto, its ziadati 3. Jindagi, zindagi, you moron! 4. Naita, naita! Who would call a politician naita in Pakistan? Siyasatdan, dude! 5. Itehas, err, history is tareekh for a Pakistani, not itehas no matter how many Bollywood films you've digested! 6. Shanti, aman, not Shanti! Shanti for Pakistani's means 'ugly Indian woman'! 7. Parsaran, a word we used to make fun of while listening to Hindi commentators on TV..."match ka seedha parsaran"! Definitely not in any Urdu dictionary. 8. Atank Waadi, what? If he'd called himself a 'khalnayak' too, it would have made my day! 9. Anayai, that's un-ay-i. Don't know what a Pakistani would say, ziadati I

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guess! Not in any Pakistani's vocabulary anyway. 10. Paatshala, no I'm not making that up. He actually called a school that! I haven't even mentioned the 'shuction' (section) and 'meray ko' and 'tumharay ko bol rahay hain na' and 'mudhbhir' and a host of other very Indian vocabulary that this guy was using. To listen go to You Tube: Video: com/watch? v=QhO6rynb1C8

Let’s see what the Wiki says about the red bands the terrorists were wearing!! Would LeT terrorists wear these bands at the time of their death ?? Kalava From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kalava (Sanskrit: कलावा) is the sacred Hindu thread. It is worn while performing Hindu rituals like Yajna or Puja. It is tied by a priest on the wrists of all the people attending the prayer ceremony. Kalava is tied on right hand of males and unmarried females, and on left hand of married females. Sometimes it has small yellow parts in between the mostly red string. It sometimes has knots which are tied up while reciting Sanskrit mantras to invoke God and is worn to ward off evil from the person who wears this red thread.

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Mumbai Terrorists Were Aided By Indian Authorities Paul Joseph Watson Prison Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Numerous disturbing details now strongly indicate that the terrorists who indiscriminately slaughtered nearly 200 people in Mumbai were aided by some elements of the Indian security apparatus responsible for protecting the city.

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Mumbai Terror Attack: Further Evidence Of The Anglo-USA-Mossad-RSS Nexus By Amaresh Misra,, 03 December, 2008

Now who has the last laugh? That is the question; I only have pity for those who cannot see reality and who were so glib to buy into what the media and political troubleshooters were saying about the Mumbai terrorist attacks. Consider this: As a BBC report notes, at least some of the Mumbai attackers were not Indian and certainly not Muslim.Pappu Mishra, a cafe proprietor at the gothic Victorian Chattrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station, described "two sprightly young men dressed in black" with AK47s who were "foreign looking, fair skinned."Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe. "They did not look Indian, they looked foreign. One of them, I thought, had blonde hair. The other had a punkish hairstyle. They were neatly dressed," Amir told the BBC. According to Andrew G. Marshall, the ISI "has long been referred to as Pakistan's 'secret government' or 'shadow state.' It's long-standing ties and reliance upon American and British intelligence have not let up, therefore actions taken by the ISI should be viewed in the context of being a Central Asian outpost of AngloAmerican covert intelligence operations."The presence of "foreign looking, fair skinned" commandos who calmly gunned down dozens of people after drinking a few beers indicates that the Mumbai attacks were likely the work of the AngloAmerican covert intelligence operatives, not indigenous Indian Muslims or for that matter Arab al-Qaeda terrorists. The attacks prepare the ground for the break-up of Pakistan and the furtherance of destabilizing terrorism in the Middle East and Asia. The Mumbai attacks had little to do with India or the relationship between Muslim Pakistanis and Hindu Indians."Pakistan's position as a strategic focal point cannot be underestimated. It borders India, Afghanistan, China and Iran," concludes Marshall. "Destabilizing and ultimately breaking Pakistan up into several countries or regions will naturally spread chaos and destabilization into neighboring countries. This is also true of

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Iraq on the other side of Iran, as the Anglo-American have undertaken, primarily through Iraq, a strategy of balkanizing the entire Middle East in a new imperial project." (See Marshall's Divide and Conquer: The Anglo-American Imperial Project.) Now I ask specifically: WHO HAS EGG ON THE FACE? MY DETRACTORS OR ME? Andrew Marshall is a respected author; he is clearly saying here that terrorists looked like Anglo-American covert operatives and that the entire Mumbai operation was an attempt by Anglo-American forces to destabilize India and push it further into the Israel-US orbit. Marshall also says that Americans are keen to dismember Pakistan--it is clear that in this project, America needs India as a firm ally--it cannot afford Indo-Pak friendship at least on a long-term basis. The Mumbai attack thus was multi-layered--and one of the reasons could be to warn India that the Anglo-American elite has the power to penetrate India, with the help of its own people. Clearly, the attackers would not have come from the sea route without some kind of a connivance of Gujarat and Maharashtra Governments with the terrorists, and the connivance of RSS type Hindutva elements as I will prove later in the piece. This afore-mentioned report appeared on the BBC, a news agency which prowest, Muslim-haters and all NRIs love to see. NOW I ASK THESE PEOPLE: why are you adopting double standards? Now a BBC report is incovenient because it militates against your idea of what happened in Mumbai? Even the Indian Government is aware of this reality. That is why it is not issuing statements in a hurry and that is why the kind of Islamo-phobia seen earlier after Bomb Blasts is not being seen now. A second report is more shocking--some news channels captured it but then it went off air: One Police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish Center (Nariman House) said the attackers were white. "I went into the building late last night" he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back". The Nariman House affair brings the Mossad angle to the fore. Two of the `hostages' killed in the Narimam House were identified as Rabbi Gabreil Holtzberg and his wife Rivka. They ran the center as spokespersons of the Chabad Lubavitch movement. Now the Chabad movement is one of the many sects within Israel and Judaism. But of late it has come under the Zionist influence. Now what is Zionism? A brief digression would suffice: Zionism is the political ideology of racist Jews, just like Hindutva is the political ideology of a section of `race conscious' Hindus. Just as a majority of Sanatani Hindus have

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opposed Hindutva, a majority of Jews oppose Zionism and its fascist-anti-religious tone. In opposition to the teachings of Judaism, the orthodox Jew religion, Zionists want to dominate the world; they see the `Jewish race' as the most important, almost divine, race in the world. Zionists are opposed to democracy and even the concept of nationhood. Zionists believe in creating murder and mayhem as a matter of policy. In America, Zionists have entered into an alliance with the American elites--the White-Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) forces--which rule America. The reasons for this alliance lie in the way the Zionist agenda matches with that of the American corporate and WASP elite and is beyond the scope of this article. People who do not understand Zionism will never be able to understand what happened in Mumbai. Back to members of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement killed at Nariman House--people have asked how come the Rabbi and his wife were killed if Mossad is involved in the Mumbai terror attack? The answer to this is being forwarded by Jewish anti-Zionist websites. They also detail the sectarian history of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement: The attack on Mumbai spotlights the ultra-orthodox (haredi) Chabad-Lubavitch community and its international outreach network. When Chabad outreach (keruv) started in the 1950s, it seemed rather intellectually dishonest because the organization used nostalgia for a never-existent Jewish past as a hook to enmesh secular or secularized Jews in ultra-orthodox (haredi) practice as hozrim bitshuvah (returnees, sometimes improperly called baalei tshuvah), but on the whole the activity was mostly harmless in contrast with current Chabad activities, which long ago crossed the border into dangerous territory. As the Lubavitcher organization has become larger and wealthier -- partially because mobilization for keruv has brought large contributions, members have shown a propensity for corruption. Yet, the Lubavitchers have worked closely with Jewish racists like Lawrence Summers and Alan Dershowitz in the ongoing attempt to control discourse on American campuses. The wealthy Russian Lubavitcher hozer bitshuvah Lev Leviev openly supports Zionist terrorism and settlement building in the Palestinan occupied territories. Possibly because of Leviev Chabad-Lubavitch has openly become involved in Putin's struggles with Russian Jewish oligarchs. Still, there is an even more sinister aspect to the Lubavitcher organization. Because Lubavitcher outreach offices are located in some of the most important political, corporate and university centers throughout the world, the Lubavitchers have put together a network that is incomparable for corporate and international espionage as well as for the secret exchange of information.

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Because Chabad Houses could potentially act as safe houses, where there would be no record of a person's stay. Most people do not take the Lubavitchers seriously, but I have visited Chabad houses and encountered senior Israeli government or military officials (and probably intelligence agents). One can easily imagine that Neocon intelligentsia trying to develop a relationship with Hindutva (?????????) intelligentsia or politicians might have used the Chabad Nariman House as a meeting place. Here a Jew is saying that he has visited Chabad houses and that he has seen covert operations going on and the involvement of senior Government and military officials of Israel. This Jew writer is also talking openly about a Neo-ConChabad-Hindutva tie-up! The Jew writer mentions the Mossad involvement in Chabad Houses: Because the Lubavitchers provide an unconditional welcome to all Jews in the hope of bringing them closer to the Lubavitcher way of life, the Lubavitchers have been open to potential subversion by Israeli intelligence organizations. Mossad and Shin Bet found it quite easy to penetrate the haredi community during the Yossele Affair. Jewish politics has often involved infiltration and subversion of one political group by another. The David Project Israel Advocacy organization has used its educational programs as a means to infiltrate more mainstream Jewish communal organizations with radical Islamophobes and Jabotinskian Zionists. To Zionizeharedi groups that practice outreach, the Israeli government need only give encouragement to Zionistically indoctrinated Hebrew-speaking young people to participate in outreach programs, and in a few years the targeted haredi community is thoroughly enmeshed in Zionist thinking while Israeli intelligence organizations have a new crop of saya`nim in place ready to serve in Zionist covert operations. What is a sayanim? Go to the link and it states that "Sayanim (Hebrew: "helpers") is a term used to describe Jews living outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to the Mossad.[1] This assistance includes facilitating medical care, money, logistics, and even overt intelligence gathering, yet sayanim are only paid for their expenses. No official number is known, but estimates put the number of sayanim in the thousands. The existence of this large body of volunteers is one reason why the Mossad operates with fewer case officers than fellow intelligence agencies"

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Now back to the link from which I was quoting the Jewish writer originally. He says that the Lubavitcher shluchim (outreach emissaries) Gavriel Noach and Rivka Holtzberg fit the `sayanim' profile to a "T" -- especially Rivkah. So the two people killed in Nariman House fit the Sayanim, that is Jews outside Israel who volunteer to provide assistance to Mossad, profile! NOW WHAT OTHER PROOF DO YOU WANT? The Jewish writer of the afore-mentioned link himself asks the question: WOULD MOSSAD HAVE KILLED THE RABBI AND HIS WIFE IN NARIMAN HOUSE? AND HE PROVIDES THE ANSWER: Zionists have always used dead Jews to build sympathy for Zionist goals and as cover for Zionist crimes against humanity. Ben-Gurion explicitly stated that he would sacrifice German Jewish children for the sake of Zionism while the Zionist leadership probably learned the benefit of sacrificing Zionist operatives from the 1946 Kielce Pogrom. In this incident (Jewish) Soviet and Zionist agents probably worked together to make sure that surviving Polish Jews chose emigration to Palestine over a return to Poland. Because the Kielce Zionist recruiters were killed during the pogrom, the events leading up to the pogrom was rendered forever unobtainable. Some reports of the Mumbai attack indicate that the Holtzbergs rented space to the attack planners over the past few months and thereby helped make the operation far more effective. An opportunity to interrogate the Holtzbergs would have helped investigators immensely. AGAIN WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? Another piece of massive evidence: In a telephone interview with CBC News from outside the Center (Nariman House), freelance journalists Arun Asthana said that there are reports that some of the militants had stayed at a guest house there (Nariman House) for upto 15 days before the attack. "They had a huge mass of ammunition, arms and food there", Asthana said.

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Now other reports have also confirmed that a huge mass of food was ordered by the residents of the Nariman House. This food was enough for 30-40 people for several days. Why was this amount of food ordered? Also why was Nariman House not assaulted till the very last? A Gujarati Hindu resident of Mumbai came onto TV on CNN-IBN to say at around 3.30 AM or so, that for two months suspicious activities wree going in Nariman House. A lot of foreigners were seen coming in and going out. This matter was reported to the Police. But no one took action. The CNN-IBN did not repeat the news; then it was only when the common people of Mumbai threatened to storm the Nariman House the NSG commandos were moved in--why this delay in assaulting Nariman House when only two terrorists were holed in there? This is sheer official complicity and nothing else--AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE WHOLE NARIMAN HOUSE AFFAIR IS A MUST. Then it was reported that " somehow surprising to learn that the terrorists in Cama hospital in Mumbai were fluently speaking Marathi. The terrorists who are said to have fired in Cama hospital talked to an employee clad in civil dress in Marathi, reports a Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times'. The newspaper said the terrorists who targeted ATS chief Hemant Karkare, police commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar were speaking Marathi fluently. The newspaper claims the terrorists having fired at two watchmen in uniform asked the other beside them on gunpoint in Marathi, 'You are here an employee?' The employee caught the legs of the terrorist and said, 'I am not working here. My wife has suffered from heart attack and I have come here to admit her.' The terrorist asked him again in Marathi, 'You are speaking true or false?' The employee answered, 'No, by God I am speaking true.' On this the terrorist let him go. NOW WHAT DO WE MAKE OF THAT? Another report says that traditional Jews of Mumbai who have migrated to Israel speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad! The death of Hemant Karkare remains a mystery. All official versions are contradictory: some say he was killed near CST, some that he died near Cama hospital, some near Metro cinema, and some that he was killed while in a Police jeep. Also, where did the bullet hit him? Some say on the neck and some near the heart. Karkare was shown on TV wearing a bullet proof vest--he could not have been shot in neck in that case, unless there was a sniper waiting for him.

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Also if he was shot near heart, then when did he take out his vest? No one has even bothered to answer this question. Also, another facet is coming to light: that Karkare was killed near Cama--but Kaamte and Salaskar in the Metro shootout! Intelligent people--what do you have to say now? It is becoming obvious that... 1. Several terrorists might have been white 2. Were they International mercenaries? If yes, then from which country? Who collected them? It is well known that Mossad and CIA have several mercenary organizations, including so-called Jihadi ones on their list. They create Jihad and manipulate Muslims disaffected by the Islamophobia in the world. Some of them might have been used in the Mumbai attack. But why were they carrying American, British, Mauritian and Malaysian passports? 3. Who were the Marathi speaking Karkare killers? The lane next to the Cama Hospital is a deserted one--it goes straight to the backyard of the Mumbai CID Headquarters. Anonymous sources in the Police have revealed that Karkare was taken there, by a joint team of anti-Karkare, pro-Hindutva Mumbai Police officers, and Chota Rajan men. Now Karkare was opposed to Chota Rajan. Salaskar was anti-Pradeep Sharma, another Mumbai senior Police officer now in jail, for working as Rajan's shooter. So the Marathi speaking terrorists could either have been Jews with some connection to Mumbai--or hired killers of the Hindutva brigade or men of Chota Rajan. 4. It seems that several things went on simultaneously--the Mahrashtra Chief Minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh was in Kerala when the Mumbai attack began at 9.30 PM on 26th November. Then by 11PM Deshmukh had informed the Home Minister Shivraj Patil--the latter has started proceedings to send the NSG Commandos. So Deshmukh knew about what was happening by 11PM--then why was there no Mumbai Police on various locations between 9.30 and 1am, the time when Karkare arrived? The Mumbai ATS is a separate organization. it does not lead the Mumbai Police. So the 40,000 strong Mumbai Police was absent from the scene of action between 11pm to 1am and then Karkare arrived and he was killed along with his men! Isn't there something fishy here? Obviously the Mumbai Police was kept deliberately away between 11pm and 1am, the time period when terrorists were killing people merrily. Then Karkare must have been told--and he went there expecting Mumbai police personals to be there--but there were none or only a few! And he was killed!

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The Attack on Mumbai "The Incident in Mumbai is a mercenary attack... Very well planned." Maloy Krishna DHAR, former director of Intelligence Bureau to Tehelka *. by Amaresh Misra, December 9 2008 E_mail: [email protected] Doubts and People Some people have raised doubts about the 'theory' I am circulating supposedly on the net. They have every right to question and doubt anyone and anything. After all doubt is the mother of all kinds of right thinking. I have recevied dead threats, hate mails–but more, I have received praises for courage and conviction. I am not surprised and I do not mind people ridiculing me or anyone else–but I do mind when that ridicule actually goes a long way in hiding the hypocrisy and criminal face/intent of several prominent politicians and corporate figures. Yes–corporate figures as well; what people do not understand is that in complex situations such as the Mumbai terror attack, new lines of thought will emerge as more facts emerge. But that should not stop anyone from offering critiques of the official or media version. My initial theory that basically the Sangh Parivar elements instigated the terror attacks is stronger now. In fact more than the Sangh Parivar, it was Modi–yes he is the new, modern face of Indian fascism. He is the one to have a cozy relationship with Ratan Tata, one of the most ruthless and anti-Indian business man, whose family earned its money while smuggling opium to China during the 19th century, and sided with the British in 1857, when 10 million Indians, Hindus and Muslims, lost their lives fighting the British. In fact, Narendra Modi (Gujarat Chief Minister) has left the RSS behind in many ways–he is Mossad's number one man. Recently, a top RSS functionary told me that "Amaresh we have lost control over out cadres. We never wanted to let things get out of hand in Orissa and Karnataka. In Orissa, we had even planned a joint declaration with Christian leaders. But there was a revolt from below. The VHP and Bajrang Dal refused to fall in line. Then they got the subtle support of that man Modi. We were helpless". Basically, the RSS lost control over the Frankestein they created. In Modi's form this Frankestein struck a deal with Mossad–now remember Mossad has links in the faction torn ISI–remember also that several `Jihadi' groups, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle-East are still remote comtrolled by either the Mossad or the CIA. In a recent

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case, a Muslim `Jihadi' organization in Yemen was found to be a Mossad set-up. That is why it is possible the several young men who attacked Mumbai used Pakistan as a base. But their nationality is varied. Some might be Muslims from the UK as well; at least there is one with a Mauritius passport. Now it is coming to the fore that someone from Saudi Arabia (called Maulana Bedi for now) probably collected and sent these 'Jihadis'. That mastermind must have been paid by an Indian / Modi interest. These masterminds have no ideology. They are creations of America who now work for money, and even against American interests. This is again a complex but stark reality. Also Nanda, the owner of Oberoi, is a close friend of Modi. He has millions invested in Gujarat. How come terrorists were holed up in Taj and Oberoi for days before the operation? How come arms and ammunition were stored for days in the two 5 star Hotels? Can the common man do this? Is all this possible without some sort of a connivance (known or unknown) of Hotel authorities? And is it too incredible to suppose that Hotel owners will not, knowingly or unknowingly, encourage the destruction of their own property? Taj maybe great for us–but what is its emotional or financial value for Tata? Modi's acceptance of the Nano plant in Gujarat on extremely favorable terms might be more important for Tata. I leave this aspect to you all. Coming to the Nariman House, I am really surprised at the perception that why would a Mossad backed operation kill Jews? Why not? In any case Mossad backs aggressive Zionism, which is very much a modern religo-fascist ideology like Hindutva. Zionism is not part of Judaism, just as Hindutva is not part of Sanatan Dharma, the real religion of Hindus. In the Praggya Singh affair, Sanatan Dharmis opposed Hindutva especially when they were maligning Hemant Karkare. So Mossad and Zionists are known to have killed ordinary Jews–after all Hindutva ideology killed Mahatama Gandhi–can anyone deny that? Also Modi without a qualm masterminded the killing of several of his own people in the Godhara train incident, in order the create the atmosphere for large scale anti-Muslim and anti-India riots. Remember evil thrives in the world because the `good' lacks imagination. Evil triumphs because it is capable of out-thinking `good'. Those who call themselves supporters of Modi and Advani, they are also supporters of the killers of Gandhi. Hindutva ideology and politics since its inception has been opposed to the idea of a secular Indian nation-state since 1947. They staged an uprising against Indian state in 1947; proof exists that Golwalkar the RSS chief was hand in glove with the British army in carrying out anti-Muslim attacks. This was brought to the notice of Rajeshwar Dayal, the then Home Secretary of the United Provinves (present day UP) who took the case to Govind Ballabh Pant, the the then UP Chief Minister. Karkare's death

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Now the Karkare incident–two versions are already coming out. It is unclear how he was killed–and foul play is suspected. Karkare's mother came onto TV and wanted to know how her son was killed. Salaskar's cousin raised the same issue. So the relatives of the brave martyrs are asking for justice. They feel that there is more than meets the eye– and that somehow Karkare's death, and that of Kaamte and Salaskar, was related to the Malegaon blast investigation conducted by Karkare. Why has Karkare's son refused the 1 crore announced by Modi? The latter came to Oberoi when the firing was still on; he made a very petty statement disliked by everyone. Modi was probably feeling that he had pulled off an ace by triggering this crisis just before elections in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi, areas in which the BJP was clearly losing before the terror attacks. Think–the boat to Mumbai could not have come without the co-operation of the Gujarat Government! The fact is that Hindutva forces who were castigating Karkare and the entire Mumbai ATS team as villains and `enemies of Hindus' are now suddenly hailing them as heroes? What double standards man–people have send me mails, saying that they support Advani and Modi. All these people are supporting the killing of Karkare, just as they supported the killing of Gandhi. Karkare and Kaamte were true Hindus and the most secular elements within the strife-torn, and highly communal Mumbai Police. They were men of integrity–how come Karkare died while wearing a bullet proof vest? Or like Sharma in the Batala House encounter, was he not wearing that vest? Was he shot in the heart or the neck? Probably we will never know. But we should know–we have a right to know. Karkare was hated by Hindutva elements. And they masterminded his killing–they are responsible. Karkare is a great hero, a martyr in the cause of secularism. Narendra Modi, L. K. Advani and all the anti-Sanatani Hindus posing as Hindus on the net have a distorted mind. In their blind or soft antiMuslim hatred, they are unable to see how, to suppress the Malegaon Blast investigation, in which Karkare was about to take the name of Praveen Togadia and even Chota Rajan, Karkare was eliminated. Communal forces backed by foreign agencies are hell bent on destroying India– America wants to dismember Pakistan, gherao China etc. and for that it needs India firmly in the US-Israel orbit. That is why Americans, British and Israelis were targeted. Nariman House was a hub where according to eyewitness reports, several suspicious Israelis were seen coming and out; it is possible that these people were involved in the terror attacks and that they killed their own people. The Mumbai terror attacks were a gigantic exercise, a fight between those forces within the Indian establishment who want to take India towards the dangerous and suicidal US-Israel nexus and those who want India to stay Independent and have good relations with Pakistan, China and Iran. Everyone in this battle would not everything or all the countours. But the pattern is becoming clear slowly and steadily. Indian nationalism has to be redefined–India's slow drift towards a pro-US and a pro-Israel policy and towards

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Hindutva gives the ground for people like Maulana Bedi and Mossad to attack India. India has to go back to the anti-Imperialist, Hindu-Muslim unity, anti-Hindutva 1857 nationalism. Why were the 1857 150th anniversary celebrations downplayed in India? Why was my book on 1857 downplayed? Because the pro-US and pro-Israel lobby did not want 1857, the nodal point of true Indian nationalism to resurrect. Think… just think…we owe this to Karkare and all brave NSG men and army men… Thanks to Bush, global terrorism has become an industry, money making machine. It has other phenomenon like outsourcing war and terror to mercenaries attached to it. Mossad excels in forming armies of private mercenaries and destablizing states the world over. Just go to the net.

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Antulay seeks probe into Karkare's killing 18 Dec 2008, 1000 hrs IST, TNN ares_killing/articleshow/3852273.cms NEW DELHI: Minority affairs minister A R Antulay on Wednesday set off a major political row by demanding a probe into the shooting of Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare in the 26/11 terror strikes which he linked to investigations into the alleged involvement of Hindu radicals in the Malegaon blast case. Stating that the circumstances of Karkare's shooting "may be inquired into", Antulay seemed to have borrowed a leaf from Pakistani TV hosts who have claimed that the Mumbai attacks were the handiwork of "Hindu-Zionists". Antulay told the media outside Parliament's gate number 12 that "there must have been some reason why Karkare went to Cama hospital instead of Taj and Oberoi hotels." Antulay said "someone" could have told Karkare and other officers with him to go to Cama hospital, suggesting that the ATS chief fell victim to a set-up as he was probing cases which involved Hindu radicals in the Malegaon case. The comments were immediately televised and triggered an uproar in Lok Sabha where BJP and Shiv Sena MPs vehemently criticised the minister who insisted that directions issued to the officer must be probed. A R Antulay reacts while interacting with media outside Parliament House in New Delhi. (PTI Photo) More Pictures

A red-faced Congress swiftly dissociated itself from the minister with party spokesperson Abhisekh Singhvi saying, "We don't accept the inference and the innuendo that underline the statement (of Antulay)...we don't agree with bringing this case (Karkare's killing) under a cloud."

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But Antulay was unfazed, virtually daring the Congress to sack him and offering to "explain" the geography of south Mumbai to his party. He got support from the RJD with party leader Devendra Yadav also expressing suspicion of involvement of Hindu radicals in Karkare's killing. As his boss Lalu Prasad looked on approvingly, he said, "Two days before Karkare was killed, who had given a call for Maharashtra bandh?" Reacting to the controversy, BJP condemned Antulay's statement and said the minister was as good as playing ISI's attorney and demanded his sacking. BJP leader Arun Jaitley said Pakistan could now quote Antulay to contest the account of the lone surviving Mumbai terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab. "Having made such a preposterous statement, Antulay cannot be allowed to remain in government even for a day," he said. Antulay has been fulminating since Tuesday evening when the Cabinet cleared the bills for a National Investigation Agency and amendments to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. He expressed apprehension that tougher anti-terror laws could well be misused, hinting that minorities were in the line of fire. On Wednesday afternoon, Antulay added to this script, telling TV cameras that apart from terrorism, the laws should also emcompass communal riots. "Those who riot are also terrorists," he claimed, seeking to provide what he felt was a sense of "equivalence" to the government's actions. But soon after, perhaps dissatisfied by his efforts, Antulay reappeared to claim he suspected foul play in the shooting of Karkare. The "Karakare conspiracy" has been articulated by some Urdu newspapers and clerics like the Shahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid. This is despite the exhaustive account of Ajmal Kasab, who along with slain terrorist Ismail, shot Karkare, additional commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar. Also, a Mumbai police constable Jadhav, who actually survived the shooting by lying at the back of the qualis commandeered by Kasab and Ismail has given his account of the shooting as well. Antulay's blatant attempt to politicise the death of the Mumbai ATS chief at a time when the government was moving harder anti-terror laws may well have sounded the deathknell to the post 26/11 bipartisanship in fighting terrorism. It also places Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in an arkward position. If Antulay continues as a minister without a full retraction, it would mean allowing the minister to undermine the government on the Mumbai attacks. Antulay's controversial comments provided fodder for an enraged Opposition. While Shiv Sena's Anant Geete drew Lok Sabha's attention to Antulay's words, triggering a spat with treasury benches, the minister sought to present a defence by saying he had

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only questioned who had sent the top cops in the direction of Cama hospital when bigger attacks were happening at Taj and Oberoi. He was cut short by Geete that his statement was more categorical and was on TV. Devendra Yadav demanded that home minister P Chidambaram constitute a "probe on the relation between terror and Sangh Parivar."

Was the Mumbai attack a contractualterrorist operation? 19 Dec, 2008 Amaresh Misra Did Mumbai terrorists work through Bona-fide Indian Police Informers? A new revelation, which actually repeats a pattern seen before, casts its own shadow over the Mumbai terror attack. A report, appearing on several Indian and International news agencies claims that, persons who probably brought SIM cards used by Mumbai terrorists could have been Police informers and people working for different Indian State Police or intelligence forces: "One of the two Indian men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen in the Mumbai attacks was a counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said Saturday, demanding his release. The arrests, announced in the eastern city of Calcutta, were the first since the bloody siege ended. But what was touted as a rare success for India's beleaguered law enforcement agencies, quickly turned sour as police in two Indian regions squared off against one another. Senior police officers in Indian Kashmir, which has been at the heart of tensions between India and Pakistan, demanded the release of the officer, Mukhtar Ahmed, saying he was one of their own and had been involved in infiltrating Kashmiri militant groups.

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Indian authorities believe the banned Pakistani-based militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has links to Kashmir, trained the gunmen and plotted the attacks that left 171 people dead after a three-day rampage through Mumbai that began Nov. 26. The implications of Ahmed's involvement - that Indian agents may have been in touch with the militants and perhaps supplied the SIM cards used in the attacks added to the growing list of questions over India's ill-trained security forces, which are widely blamed for not thwarting the attacks. Earlier Saturday, Calcutta police announced the arrests of Ahmed and Tauseef Rahman, who allegedly bought SIM cards by using fake documents, including identification cards of dead people. The cards allow users switch their cellular service to phones other than their own. Rahman, of West Bengal state, later sold them to Ahmed, said Rajeev Kumar a senior Calcutta police officer. Both men were arrested Friday and charged with fraud and criminal conspiracy, Kumar said, adding that police were still investigating how the 10 gunmen obtained the SIM cards. But the announcement had police in Sirinagar, the main city in Indian-controlled Kashmir, fuming. We have told Calcutta police that Ahmed is "our man and it's now up to them how to facilitate his release," said one senior officer speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the information. Other police officials in Kashmir supported his account. The officer said Ahmed was a Special Police Officer, part of a semi-official counterinsurgency network whose members are usually drawn from former militants. The force is run on a special funding from the federal Ministry of Home Affairs. "Sometimes we use our men engaged in counterinsurgency ops to provide SIM cards to the (militant) outfits so that we track their plans down," said the officer. Police said Ahmed was recruited to the force after his brother was killed five years ago, allegedly by Lashkar-e-Taiba militants for being a police informer. About a dozen Islamic militant groups have been fighting in Kashmir since 1989, seeking independence from mainly Hindu India or a union with

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Muslim-majority Pakistan. India and Pakistan have fought two of their three wars over the Himalayan region, which is divided between them and claimed by both in its entirety. The Calcutta police denied the claims from Sirinagar. "This is not true," said Kumar. The bungling and miscommunications among India's many security services comes as police said they were re-examining another suspected Lashkar militant who was arrested nine months before the attacks carrying hand-drawn sketches of Mumbai hotels, the train terminal and other targeted sites". It is a standard and understandable practice of Indian security forces to use captured militants or ex-militants with grievances for counter-insurgency operations. What is strange is that SIM cards purchased by these agents working for Government agencies were used by Mumbai terrorists. We can see here a direct clash between the Kashmir and the Calcutta Police. This could have been dismissed as a one off instance were it not for the fact that even earlier there have been reports of Police informers and even Pakistanis working as double agents for RAW being framed in terror attacks in India. One such affair is the strange case of the Red Fort terror attack, resembling the Parliamentary attack, in December 2007. A man named Muhammad Arif alias Ashfaq was caught and sentenced to be hanged for being the mastermind. The Court let all other `terrorists' go. Tehelka has this to say in a report: "Arif candidly acknowledged that he was a Pakistani in his statement under Section 313 of the CrPC. But he also explained in detail the circumstances under which he came to India. Arif claimed that he was an operative for RAW, India's external intelligence agency. His statement reads: "I used to work for the 'X' branch of RAW since 1997. On the last day of June 2000, I went to Kathmandu to give some documents to Sanjeev Gupta. I reached there from Pakistan by a PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) flight on my passport number 634417… Sanjeev Gupta accompanied me to Raxaul and from there I came to India by train. He gave me the address of one Nain Singh and his telephone number (6834454), saying he would accommodate me. Nain Singh gave me a room in his own house. He advised me not to tell my real name and address to anyone, and to say that I was a resident of Jammu."

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The evidence gathered by TEHELKA indicates that Arif wasn't lying. He did stay with Nain Singh, who was working for RAW and who admitted before the court that he was employed with the Cabinet Secretariat, the usual euphemism for RAW. Arif stayed for one nd- a-half months in Nain Singh's house in south-east Delhi's Okhla village. While Nain Singh acknowledged Arif's stay in his house, he explained it away by saying that the house belonged to his mother. "Azam Mailk was a tenant in the house. He brought Arif to my mother. I was not in Delhi at the time. Arif informed me that he was a resident of Jammu. I told my mother that the house should not be rented to a Kashmiri. Thereafter he vacated the house within one-and-a-half months." When the court asked Nain Singh about what he did, Singh replied: "I cannot disclose my present official address. I cannot produce my identity card in the open court (the identity card was shown to the judge and returned). I am working for the Cabinet Secretariat. I cannot disclose whether I am working for RAW." But this aspect and Nain Singh's credentials were not probed: "Nain Singh was not cross-questioned. The police did not deem it fit to investigate what a Pakistani national charged with a terror attack was doing staying in the house of a RAW operative. Instead, the Special Cell made Singh a government witness. The Delhi High Court took strong exception to this. Says the High Court judgement, "Nain Singh, who appears to have been working for some intelligence wing of the government, definitely cannot be made a prosecution witness. It cannot be expected that he wouldn't have known that the person to whom he let out his house was a foreigner who had gained illegal entry to India." Why are Arif's links with Nain Singh not being enquired into? Are those working for intelligence agencies above the law? The High Court raised objections but went ahead and endorsed Arif's death sentence. Arif may well be guilty but can he be hanged when so many questions remain unanswered? There are more loopholes. Phone records indicate that Arif and Nain Singh did not sever their relations after the Pakistani moved out of the RAWofficers' home. Not just this, Arif was in touch with two officials in the Special Cell ― Inspector RS Bhasin and Ved Prakash ― because they had been introduced to him by Nain Singh. The Delhi High Court in its judgment, however, says: "It appears to us that the accused must have taken some advantage of his acquaintance with the police and intelligence officials, and under the shelter of that acquaintance must have been carrying out nefarious activities."

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The court recognises the fact that Arif was getting some leverage from the Special Cell but stops short of critically examining the phone records according to which Arif and the Special Cell officers were in regular touch with each other. Another question rises over how a man acquainted with members of the Special Cell could have plotted and carried out the attack without their having any idea of it? At any rate, the fact that Arif was in touch with the officers even before the attack casts serious doubts on the objectivity of the investigation". In the light of such evidence, it is pertinent to look at what Arif has to say. He denies any role in the Red Fort terror attack. Instead, he alleges that the Special Cell operatives, whom he was in touch with, have falsely implicated him in the case. In his statement, Arif mentions an amount of Rs 7 lakh sent to Nain Singh through Sanjeev Gupta for Arif's use. "But Nain Singh did not admit to receiving the money… I spoke to Sanjeev Gupta and opened an account with HDFC Bank. My chequebook remained with Nain Singh. Whenever I needed money, I used to take it from Nain Singh. My asking for money used to annoy Nain Singh, and he ultimately got me falsely involved in this case." A bank account was indeed opened in Arif's name at HDFC with the help of fake documents. Arif had a fake ration card and a fake driving licence. His bank account number, 0891000024344, had Rs 5,53,000 at the time of his arrest. According to the police, the money had come through hawala transactions. A person who had access to his account would have gained if Arif was not in the picture. Arif told the court he had become adamant in demanding his money from Nain Singh. He alleged that on December 25, 2000, Nain Singh called him to his residence, where he met Bhasin and Prakash. The two took Arif to the Lodhi Colony police station and, along with a Sikh officer, interrogated him. "They asked about my entire background," Arif told the court. Thereafter, he was dropped off at Singh's house from where he went to his home in Ghazipur in East Delhi. He was arrested there later that night. The key evidence, that links Arif to the site of the crime are the call records of his two mobile phone numbers (9811278510 and 9811242154), which the police claim were used from a single handset (IMEI number 445199440940240). However, TEHELKA's investigation shows that the records were tampered with (see box). The tampering was done in such a manner as to show that both numbers were used from one phone in Arif's possession.

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There are several inconsistencies in the police version. The time of Arif's arrest is not the same in the FIR and the arrest memo; the pistol number recovered from Arif recorded in the seizure memo is different from the one mentioned in the expert examination report ― the High Court called it "an inadvertent error by the writer". There were no public witnesses when the evidence was collected, either at Red Fort or at Arif's house. While Head Constable Satbir Singh claims that an AK-47 was found near Vijay Ghat, his colleagues claim it was an AK-56. There is confusion over the route the terrorists are said to have taken to enter Red Fort. While Captain SP Patwardhan says they would have entered from the Saleem Garh Gate/Yamuna Bridge, the cops say they came from the Lahori Gate. The two gates are at opposite ends of the Red Fort complex. The rope the terrorists allegedly used to let themselves down from the walls of the Fort was found lying in a coil on the Fort's terrace. Nobody saw the terrorists' faces. The only description available is of two men dressed in black. The chowkidar on duty at the Lahori Gate was never questioned. A call was made from the number 9811278510 to BBC journalists in New Delhi and Srinagar just after the Red Fort attack. The caller said the attack had been carried out by the LeT. Mool Chand Sharma, an inspector in the Special Cell, said in his statement: "I reached Red Fort along with my staff at about 10:45pm. The commissioner of police and senior army officers were already there. There I came to know that terrorists belonging to the LeT had shot dead three army personnel and escaped." How did Sharma know the attackers were from the LET even before the investigation had started? To send a man to the gallows on the basis of such flimsy evidence is nothing if not a mockery of justice. Is Arif an easy scapegoat, or is he just a pawn in some greater conspiracy? Hanging him will not provide the answers". So what do we make of all this? Has anyone mentioned the Red Fort case? There have been so many instances when several Police agents etc have been double crossed and killed. The pattern seems to be that either these forces are being used by Indian State actors who are aware of their existence or that our security forces have been infiltrated or both. The second shock comes from the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP); there an India Today report discloses that the Rampur Police has disclosed that much before the Mumbai attack, they had caught a terrorist in Rampur

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who had confessed about impending attacks not just in Mumbai but Taj and other destinations: "Mumbai Police had clear intelligence inputs on an imminent terrorist attack, according to the Special Task Force (STF) of Uttar Pradesh police. Contradicting Maharashtra Home Minister R.R. Patil's claim, the STF said Lashkar-e-Tayyeba terrorist Fahim Ahmed Ansari, presently lodged in Rampur jail, had revealed the plan to it and to Mumbai Police which had interrogated him in February-end. Fahim was nabbed by the STF on February 10 this year, along with two others, for his involvement in the Rampur CRPF camp attack on January 1, 2008 in which seven soldiers and a civilian were killed. UP police had proclaimed him mastermind for the planned Mumbai attack right after it recovered a map of Mumbai with important establishments earmarked and railway tickets from Lucknow to Mumbai from him. On Thursday, additional director general of police (STF) Brij Lal reiterated the claim: "Fahim was mastermind for the Mumbai attack. He was assigned to make arrangements for terrorists in Mumbai and had visited it several times in this regard. He had revealed all this to us and to Mumbai Police." Two terrorists had been nabbed along with Fahim on February 10 Muhammad Anwar and Arshad Ali. The U.P. STF had arrested three others of the group from Charbagh Railway Station in Lucknow on the same night (February 10) and identified them as Sabauddin Ahmed, Abu Zar and Abu Sama. Sabauddin was also involved in attack on Bangalore's Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) on December 28, 2005 in which a professor had died. The U.P. STF had said that they were fidayeens, trained to attack military camps, police establishments and important civilian centres and were on their way to Mumbai. Brij Lal said when the information was conveyed to Mumbai Police, it took Fahim on remand in the last week of February before he was sent back to Rampur jail in March. "He had revealed during interrogation in Mumbai that he and Anwar had visited all important centres in Mumbai, including the Bombay Stock Exchange and the Taj Mahal Hotel," he said. U.P. police also believe the Fahim link gets credence from the fact that the attacks in Mumbai bear a striking resemblance to the attack in Rampur as terrorists ran amok in the city and took people hostage. "Since the Mumbai and Rampur attacks have the same pattern, we believe the terrorists had shelved their Mumbai plan for some time only to execute it to deadly effect now with minor changes in the blueprint,"

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said a top U.P. police officer. Sources in Uttar Pradesh home department say now Fahim and Anwar would be brought to Lucknow from Rampur jail in a day or two for fresh interrogation". Rakesh Maria of the Mumbai has confirmed that "Fahim might be the mastermind behind the Mumbai attack". So, if this is Rakesh Maria's attiude, then what about all the stories that Kasab the terrorist caught by the Police is telling? For the record, Kasab did not mention even once the name of Faheem. This might be because Kasab did not know about the existence of Faheem―if that is the case, then the Mumbai attack seems much more and more a contractual-mercenary operation, during which the direct executors, people like Kasab, do not know either the `mastermind' or the mastermind behind the mastermind, who would have given the supari or the contract for the operation. So, the question which no one is asking, that was this a contract operation? And who might have given out the contract? This again brings the question of who would benefit from Karkare's death and the timing of the Mumbai attack; it is important to emphasize that all contractual terrorist operations are, and I am quoting a CIA manual here (the CIA and the Mossad excel in contract terrorism as can be seen from several books, especially on CIA-Mossad operations in Beirut and Lebanon) "in essence a question of gamble. We do it to achieve multiple objectives. But it is almost impossible that all those objectives will be met; even if one or two are met, the operation is a success". The Mumbai attack has the appearance of a `multiple objective' strike, in which some objectives like Karkare's death were met and some, like BJP's winning elections in Delhi and Rajasthan were not.

Listen to the “terrorists”. Is this language of a Pakistani from Punjab? The so called terrorist Imran is clearly speaking fluent Hindi and NOT Urdu or Punjabi. His accent is also Indian.

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Just weeks before the Mumbai attacks on November 26th, a series of explosive reports began to appear in Indian media about the involvement of Hindu Zionists in acts of terrorism against Muslims. The news were sensational, stunning and earth shattering for the Hindu Zionists. Just look at their dates and time line. It was this pressure which forces the Mosssad / RAW nexus to launch Mumbai to divert attention from investigations by ATS chief Kurkure, who was killed in Mumbai. Note the dates of these news reports!

Radical Hindu terror plot in unsolved bombings? +from+J&K:+ATS&artid=4RHqW7gZkxI=&SectionID=b7ziAYMenjw=&MainSectionID=b7ziA YMenjw=&SEO=Hindu,+terror,+Purohith,+RDX&SectionName=pWehHe7IsSU= NEW DELHI: More arrests are expected in the coming weeks as the frightening dimensions of a radical Hindu terror plot start to unravel, with investigators indicating that it had the makings of a larger conspiracy and planning of reprisal killings of Muslims for serial bombings in a number of Indian cities. Ten people, including a self-proclaimed Hindu seer and a serving lieutenant colonel, have so far been arrested for the Sep 29 bombing in a Muslim-dominated neighbourhood in the small Maharashtra town of Malegaon that killed five people. Investigators are now examining if a Hindu terror conspiracy was involved in several other blasts - like the one of the Samjhauta Express train in 2007 - that have till date remained unsolved. The Anti-Terrorism Squad's (ATS) arrest of Mahant Amritanand Dev alias Dayanand Pandey, the self-styled pontiff from Kanpur, which investigators say is a "prize catch", has already revealed that it was under his instructions that Lt. Colonel Shrikant Purohit procured RDX from an army depot that was used in the Malegaon blast.

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"Pandey was present in all the pre-blast meetings in Bhopal, Jabalpur and Faridabad, monitored operations meticulously and was also responsible for arranging the finances that came in through illegal channels," an ATS source told IANS. Investigators are now questioning the suspects on the May 2007 blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad, the attack on the Samjhauta Express train between India and Pakistan in February 2007 and the April 2006 twin blasts at New Delhi's Jama Masjid. "Not much headway has been made into the investigations in these attacks. We need to examine if a similar radical Hindu fringe could have been behind these bombings and that is under the scanner now," said a senior intelligence official, who could not be named because of the sensitivity of his position. “We could see more arrests in the coming days but that will depend on whether we can get sufficient evidence.” It is believed that Pandey, a dropout from the National Defence Academy, was in touch with two other accused who are on the run - Ramji Kalsangara, who allegedly planted the motorcycle owned by the Hindu ascetic Pragya Singh Thakur in Malegaon, and Sameer Dange. In the Mecca Masjid blasts as many as 14 people were killed and over 50 injured. The case was investigated by the city police special wing and was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation which could not come to any conclusion. There were some remote indications of Bangladesh-based terror outfit Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami's involvement. Investigations into the Samjhauta Express explosion, in which at least 68 people were killed, and the Jama Masjid blast also failed to make headway and police could not across on any tangible leads. Police have already established a strong link between Pandey and some of the suspects in the Kanpur blast case through surveillance - on Aug 24, two members of the right-wing Bajrang Dal were killed there while assembling bombs. “With his (Pandey) arrest we will now get to the bottom of this case and see if there are linkages as well in the 2006 Nanded blasts in Maharashtra,” said a senior police official. Unearthing this terror network has indicated a major course correction for police, who had blamed Islamic terrorists for a wave of bombings that have killed more than 145 people targeting cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Jaipur this year. The arrests have reinforced growing suspicions over the last few years of a potential threat from Hindu extremists.

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All Bomb Blasts by Hindu Terrorists Lt-Col Purohit gave RDX for Samjhauta blast: ATS to court Times of India Report:

NASHIK: Serving Army officer Lt-Col P S Purohit procured 60 kg of RDX from Jammu and Kashmir in the year 2006, a part of which is suspected to have been used in Samjautha Express train explosion and Malegaon blasts, Maharashtra police told a court here on Saturday. ( Watch ) Seeking extension of police custody of Purohit, special prosecutor for Maharashtra ATS Ajay Misar told the court that a witness in Malegaon blast told ATS that Purohit had claimed he had 60 kgs of RDX in his possession which he had got from Jammu and Kashmir. Purohit gave a portion of the RDX to one Bhagwan who is suspected to have used in Samjhauta Express blast, Misar said. Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Threat to blow up ATS chief's house Pune: An anonymous caller, who used a public call office, to contact the Pune police, threatened to blow up the residence of Mumbai Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Chief Hemant Karkare "within a couple of days", a top official confirmed today. The caller who spoke a few lines in Marathi on November 24 evening cut the line after giving the threat, Rajendra Sonavane, Joint Commissioner of Police (JCP), told PTI. The call was later traced to a public booth in Sahkar Nagar area of the city, he added. Asked whether it was being seen as a 'hoax', Sonavane said police were taking all such threats seriously in the present scenario and the Mumbai ATS had been informed duly about the threat call. However, the police control room, when contacted last night, had denied receiving any such threat to Karkare.

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Explosive revelations of Lt Col Purohit Vicky Nanjappa in Bengaluru |

November 14, 2008

The arrest of Hindu activists in connection with the Malegaon blast has put several investigating agencies on rewind mode. If the revelations by Lieutenant Colonel Srikant Purohit are to be believed then several bomb blasts in the country need to be reinvestigated. MI stint helped organise blast, says Lt Col in narco test Purohit, who was subject to a narco analysis test in Bengaluru [Images], made startling revelations in which he claimed that self-proclaimed religious leader, Swami Amritanand Saraswati also known as Dayanand Pandey had masterminded both the Nanded as well as the Ajmer blasts. Purohit was arrested by the Mumbai Anti Terrorist Squad for his alleged role in the Malegaon blast. Sadhvi's father: 'Pragya's innocent' Purohit claimed during the test that Pandey had taken his help to set up a terror wing. He further revealed that Pandey had introduced him to another accused Sadvi Pragya Singh. While introducing him to the Sadhvi, Pandey had asked Purohit that he should provide logistic support to carry out terror attacks in various places. Purohit said during the test that Pandey had set up a terror wing with 800 men and he asked Purohit to help in the training process. He said the men were being trained to execute terror strikes in different parts of the country. Purohit said during the test that the idea was to give a fitting reply to organisations such as the Students Islamic Movement of India and also create a sense of fear among Islamic outfits responsible for spreading terror. 'You can't plan Malegaon blast in one day' He further said that Pandey ran an ashram in Ahmedabad [Images] and provided shelter to several anti-social elements. These persons were used to carry out terror strikes in the country. He also gave information on the source of the explosives and also the funding for the terror strikes (source not mentioned as it would hamper investigation).

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During the narco-analysis test, the investigators got a lot of vital information from Purohit and it was based on these results that the ATS managed to nab Pandey from Kanpur. +++++++++++++++++++

Hindu extremists behind Samjhauta, Ajmer blasts? Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hindu extremists involved in Malegaon blasts may also be behind Ajmer and Samjhauta Express blasts, sources have told NDTV. They say Aseemanand, Dayanand and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur met at Shabari Kumbh at Dangs. The group then began to meet regularly to plan attacks. Police also suspect the group could be behind the Ajmer dargah blast in February 2007. The man who planted Ajmer bomb was killed by the group. They may also be behind Samjhauta Express blast, sources say. Leaders of mainstream Hindutva groups were aware of their activities, they add. The development comes even as Lt Colonel Prasad Purohit, the first serving Indian Army officer to be held in a terror-related case, has reportedly confessed to his role in the Malegaon blast during his narco-analysis test in Bangalore.

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Shocking first: Woman held in a 2002 Gujarat riot case Sat, Nov 15, 2008

RIOT CASE: Gita has charged with supplying kerosene used for burning down houses.

New Delhi: Gujarat Police have arrested a woman for the first time in a case related to the 2002 Gujarat riots. Gita Rathod has been arrested for her role in the infamous Naroda Patia riots of 2002. She was arrested by a Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Thursday and her police custody will end on Sunday. Metropolitan Magistrate KB Magnani had sent Gita to police custody till November 16. The SIT, which was specially constituted by the Supreme Court to re-investigate into some riot cases of 2002, will seek her further remand to ascertain where she procured the kerosene from. Gita has been charged with supplying kerosene used for burning down houses in the Ahmedabad suburb in which 89 people were killed.

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Malegaon blast: UP religious leader an NDA dropout Thu, Nov 13, 2008

IN THE NET: ATS has already arrested a sadhvi and a serving Army officer in the Malegaon blast case. New Delhi/Mumbai Self styled spiritual guru Dayanand Pandey alias Swami Amritanand Dev, who was arrested on Wednesday by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) in Kanpur in connection with the September 29 Malegaon bomb blast, has been taken to Mumbai for further investigation. The ATS has got three-day transit remand for Pandey to take him to Mumbai. Pandey, the head of a math in Jammu, is a National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune dropout. Pandey was for NDA in 1989 and was in training for five-six months and then ran away. He was training at the Air Force Wing. Police also raided a temple in Faridabad on Thursday for evidence against Pandey in the blast case.

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Police sources say that Pandey made frequent visits to the Chakradhar Mata temple situated in Anagpur village in Faridabad. ATS arrests UP religious leader in Malegaon blast Post terror taint, Army to scan personnel minutely Sadhvi not put through serial narco tests: ATS According to people in the village, Pandey was a self-styled Shankarachraya and his last religious camp in the temple was held three months ago. ATS has also been claiming that those arrested in connection with the Malegaon blast could be connected to the Parbhani, Jalna and Nanded blasts. Police also indicate there might be more arrests in the Malegaon blast case. So far, police say they have traced financial transactions worth Rs 20 lakh used in the Malegaon blast. Reports also claim that Pandey actively backed the Amarnath land agitation in Jammu earlier in the year. The ATS has already arrested sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur in Surat and then Sham Lal Sahu and Shivnarayan Singh were arrested from Bhopal and Indore respectively On October 28 a member of Abhinav Bharat, Sameer Kulkarni, was arrested followed by the arrest of retired Major Ramesh Upadhyay - the first Army link in the blast case. Pune was next on the radar from where two people - Ajay Rahirkar and Rakesh Dhawade - were taken into custody while Jagdish Mhatre was arrested from Mumbai's Dombivili. But the biggest shock came on November 5 when for the first time ever a serving Army officer Lieutenant Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit posted in Panchmarhi, Madhya Pradesh was arrested.

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Wy wife and family of slain police officer refused to accept compensation from BJP, the killers of her husband?

Karkare's wife declines 'Modi's compensation' offer

Nov 29, 2008 Mumbai The family of slain Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare has declined Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi's offer of monetary help, sources said on Saturday. Modi on Friday visited the residences of Karkare and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar, who were killed while fighting militants on Wednesday night. Modi also announced that his government would give Rs 1 crore to Maharashtra for the families of policemen killed in the attacks. Karkare's widow and other family members have declined Modi's offer, the sources said. 14 Maharashtra police personnel, including two IPS officers, sacrificed their lives while fighting terrorists.

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Interpol: Where’s the evidence? December 23, 2008 | In what is clearly a blow to India’s case against Pakistan, Interpol today has confirmed that India has so far not provided any real evidence to back up their allegations that the Mumbai attackers came from Pakistan. Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble, who is in Islamabad, said its only knowledge of what happened had come from the media. Pkistan says it also has had no firm information from Delhi, and that India has not provided ample evidence for arrest of any accused of the Mumbai attacks. India claims Pakistani militants carried out the attacks, which left more than 170 people dead. Only one of the 10 gunmen, Mohammed Ajmal Amir Qasab, survived and he is in Indian custody. On Monday India handed a letter to Pakistan it says was written by Mr Qasab, confirming he is Pakistani and asking for Islamabad’s help. Earlier, the FBI had also rejected Indian claims that Pakistan’s Intelligence Agencies were involved in the Mumbai Attacks. With India fast losing ground on its campaign to get Pakistan listed as a Terrorist state, there is a serious possibility of its Air Force attempting to carry out ’surgical strikes’ in a desperate bid to ease the pressure on its government from right wing Hindu Nationalist groups calling for an all out waron Pakistan. Pakistan’s Armed Forces continue to remains on a high alert to face any aggression from India.

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“The RSS and Mossad are responsible. They killed Hemant Karkare (Mumbai ATS Chief) to send a message that you cannot investigate the Mossad-RSS angle,” – Gautam Adhikari


“My statement is read over to me (in English), explained in Hindi and it is correctly recorded” Ajmal Kasab Question: Does this so called Ajmal Kasab, a 4th grader drop out from rural Punjab understands English and Hindi????? Why his statement was not written and read in Urdu ? is he a Pakistani or Indian ?

Conclusion of part 2 : It is clear now that Mumbai was a false flag operation by Indian and Israeli covert operation organizations. They made many mistakes in trying to create another 9/11 for India. Failed miserably in perception and media management and many critical areas were exposed by media and analysts during and after the crisis. Now, Indians had only one choice and that is to try to justify their claims and maintain pressure on Pakistan. They come up with dossiers as proof but as usual did a pathetic job at it. Let’s rip it apart as well. Now we move to part 3.

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Part 3 - Debunk Indian dossier By Farzana Shah Before going into cross examination of 69 pages Indian dossier, it is worth to take into account some more burning and interesting questions. To start with here role of Indian and US agencies and International media is very critical. 1-Indian Intelligence Failure or American/Israeli Intelligence Brilliance Most fascinating aspect of this whole incident is role of Indian and US intelligence agencies. Below is script of US officials about advanced warning to Indian about a possible terrorist attack on Indian through sea. If this is true, then the question is how did Americans knew about this, why they did not share this information with Pakistan to try to stop this and why did Indians ignored this warning?

"The United States warned the Indian government about a potential maritime attack against Mumbai at least a month before last week's massacre in the country's financial capital," the CNN quoted a US counter-terrorism official as saying. "Indian security forces have confirmed to CNN that not only did US officials warn them of a water-borne attack in Mumbai -- they were told twice. The area entered a higher state of alert for a week, including tightened security measures at hotels, but those efforts were eventually reduced, Indian officials said But irony doesn’t end here. Indian intelligence officials themselves claimed that they had advanced information about a possible sea bond attack on Mumbai. Again, a logical question is why they didn’t react and ask Pakistan for cooperation before attack to thwart this threat a forehand? Only Indian officials can give a satisfactory answer to this but sadly no one is free for this task as whole Indian establishment is busy in maligning Pakistani intelligence agencies, in particular ISI, for these attacks which had no idea at all about this incident unlike their Indian counterparts.

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Indians also claimed:

On November 18, Indian intelligence also intercepted a satellite phone call to a number in Pakistan known to be used by a leader of the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba, believed to be responsible for the weekend attack, Indian intelligence officials were quoted as saying by The Indian intercept also revealed a possible sea-borne attack, it said, citing officials. Having said all this, there is another angle to this particular attack and that is role of CIA, US Intelligence and administration. Pakistan is front line ally of US in so called war of terror. How come US intelligence officials never shared a single word of their information about a possible attack on Mumbai with any of Pakistani agencies? This single question can resolve the whole case. Why US officials were so secretive about sharing this information with Pakistani officials whereas they shared same with Indians months ago? Why Pakistani intelligence agencies were kept in dark about all this? How suddenly most important ally in WOT become so non trustworthy for US officials? From a Pakistani perspective answer is very clear and logical; US or CIA wanted all this to happen in Mumbai. What is more amazing is how quickly FBI certified these Indian claims and “undeniable evidences”. Not only FBI but other senior officials in Washington also convinced by these Indian evidences claimed that “a Pakistani military organization” is involved in facilitating Mumbai attacks”. Just like Indians, US government seems more than confident that ISI was behind this. Top Indian leadership is busy in accusing Pakistan wrongly. A recent comment of newly appointed Interior Minister shows true face of world’s “largest democracy”. India's Home Minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, who is scheduled to travel to the US with the information, said that the sophistication of the attacks suggested elements of the State apparatus in Pakistan were involved. "Somebody who is familiar with intelligence and who is familiar with commando operations has directed this operation," he told reporters in Delhi. "And that cannot entirely be a non-state actor. In fact, I presume they are state actors or state-assisted actors unless the contrary is proved."

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One is amused by the last part of statement about proving contrary to Indian proofs. Fact is that there is absolutely nothing conclusive in these so called unanswerable evidences. Now after this preamble, we come to the “evidence” and loopholes in Indian dossier. It is a stunning piece of rubbish which would neither stand the test of law nor court even in a kangaroo court. Here we take few of them and rip them apart as they appear in 69-page document.

The “Dossier” The dossier can be seen at: The entire document is a hilarious piece of fairy tale though we have taken only a selected few bits. Readers would be welcome to visit the above site and do their own bit of target practice on Indian attempts. The whole document is so childish that a man with basic common sense can rip it apart and find the glaring comedy it actually is.

1- Why only this so called Kassab? What about others? Now look at the names. Two are with aliases of Abu Umar (3, 5) and both are from Faisalabad ☺ . They almost have identical names also ☺ There are two Abdul rehmans as well. It seems that Indian intelligence ran short of Pakistani names ☺

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These are the alleged names of 9 dead terrorists killed during Mumbai attack. Interestingly no one in whole Indian establishment is worried about above mentioned 9 terrorists and their residences in Pakistan or their real identities. No one is even talking about these men in Indian or international media as well. Why only Kassab’s residence in Pakistan and his relation with Okara are focused in media? Reason is very clear, Ajmal Kassab, or whoever is being presented as him, was not there on 26th November 2008 in Mumbai but he was arrested a long before just to make a case (It will be established in later part of this report). More importantly no DNA report of above mentioned terrorists were ever published. All thrust of Indian govt. is on Pakistan to accept Ajmal Kassab as Pakistani national and hand over the LeT leadership along with others despite the fact that most of the lot are not currently in Pakistan. Interestingly, Indians want only 3 or 4 JuD members. Rests are Sikhs and members of Dawood Ibrahim group whom Indians have not even accused for Mumbai!! So basically by exploiting JuD and Mumbai attacks, India is trying to contain Sikh insurgency as well plus trying to settle old scores with Dawood Ibrahim group of gangsters.

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The fate of dead bodies of these alleged gunmen are still unclear and unknown. Again no forensic evidence was collected and if it was ever collected no sign of it in this dossier.

2- Why they wanted to alarmed authorities before completing mission…?

What is the distance of post of disembarkation from the road where they took taxis ? How did they manage to drag their heavy bags of weapons from sea to main road? How the Indians know they took taxis and were not facilitated by local RAW assets? Did they actually come from sea? What is the proof that they did? According to dossier, Ajmal and Ismail were together but then how come they sat in two different taxis? Also, Ajmal and Ismail killed two taxi drivers with their IEDs!. Now it is interesting that why would they use their IED just to kill taxi drivers?. This could have alarmed the police and authorities nearby. If they had disembarked from the taxis, then why blow them off later? Why two taxis at the same time? They could have used pistol to do the job more easily. According to Indians the mission of these men was to attack mainland hotels, then why risk killing two taxi drivers using high explosive IED”? Nothing makes sense here.

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3- CST Station: What went wrong with police? This piece is most interesting. Before we take it apart, let’s go through this…

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A horrible incident of terrorism was in progress at headquarters of central railways station. Terrorists were being challenged by “small numbers” of policemen (small numbers? Surely they were more than 2 which was exact number of terrorists), still two terrorists are not letting any policeman to come close or to shot them at spot. Basic rule of using a weapon is that you can kill a man from a distance ☺ but cops don’t do that. To add insult to injury, no one from “small number” of policemen was able to call for reinforcements. The terrorists kill or wound hundreds and then simply walk away on foot!! How much ammo is used to kill 58 people and injure 104? It takes hundreds of rounds of ammunition to do such a massacre. They left station and killed another team of 7 policemen in a cross fire. Like Bollywood movies only the cops were falling pray but not a single scratch was made by two police parties to terrorists. What went wrong with Indian police there? In history, no such incident is reported where TWO, yes two terrorists are busy killing civilians and stopping armed policemen at same time. Note the number of causalities at station, surely they changed their magazines and reloaded but still none of them sustained a single shot from police till this time. How Constable Arun Jahav (mentioned in paragraph 22) was able to survive? As both terrorists pulled bodies from police van. Pakistani terrorists full of hate and revenge let an Indian police official live to become a witness later?. According to paragraph 23, both were loaded very heavily with arms and ammunition even after horrible killing at station and they still had plenty of weapons but question is how on earth they were able to kill everyone in their way and kept running while carrying all this ammunition???

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4- Taj Hotel: 7 Star Hotel without Security and Scanners!!!

More rubbish! Whole Indian dossier is full of this bollywood style storyline which beg reader, “Please believe me”…. No where in the world would be a seven star hotel without adequate security? It is still a mystery to everyone how four terrorists full of arms were able to reach hotel lobby and upper floors without being checked? It seems that security at entrances was relaxed deliberately just before the arrival of terrorists as no other explanation can satisfy the questions regarding hotel’s security. All this was happening when Indian officials had intelligence about a possible attack on Mumbai from sea. Why security was relaxed at stations, hotels and bars?

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Now once again, it is the same story…..Terrorists get into the Trident hotel while holding guns in hands and having loads of arms on shoulders and start spraying bullets and then move away at a distance into Oberoi to repeat the same massacre and no one checks them. Absolutely no security at any site cannot be a coincident. In part 2, we have proved that Police had them in range all the time but never shot at them. In fact, it seems that there were orders not to shoot them. Above mentioned CCTV footage (in paragraph 27) could have become very handy to uncover this mystery but Indian officials never released any CCTV footage captured by cameras installed in hotel. More strangely no picture of any of the above mentioned four terrorists was ever released from that footage. Taj and Oberoi are big hotels consisting hundreds of rooms, walkways, lobbies and halls. This is another mystery how terrorists were also able to traverse around different places and floors in hotel and also never photographed. There are also reports of Jewish Rabbi and guests being raped before being killed. Even those guests were raped who were not kept hostage. This cannot be done by couple of terrorists in the middle of battle for survival especially if they were driven by ideological and religious beliefs. Indian report does not mention this fact at all.

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5-Communication to Pakistan

It is impossible to verify this part of dossier as the so called guy Ajmal Kassab was not two among those who captured the Chabad House, where a Jew rabbi was residing along with family. Both the terrorists were killed and Ajmal Kassab was not there who could verify all this… So it is unclear how Indian established that during all this time terrorists were receiving instructions from Pakistan. But as it is said earlier this whole dossier is a peace of some fantasy which can only be true in bollywood. The police statements in part two of this report clearly suggest that those holed up in the Chabad house were foreigners or blondes and not Pakistanis. It said quoting a Police officer One Police officer who encountered the gunmen as they entered the Jewish Center (Nariman House) said the attackers were white. "I went into the building late last night" he said. "I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back".

6-Pakistan Made Weapons & Materials (Pistol and Hand grenade) Dossier also contains pictures of a pistol and grenade stating that these came from Pakistan. Funny part is Pakistan’s weapons making factories does not make pistols and handguns. Tribal areas make some handguns but their reliability is so low that they are never used in actual combat or high risk situation. If this was a State sponsored operation, there cannot be a handgun made in official Pakistani factories. Again a rubbish allegation. The handgun shown in the dossier is a cheap tribal area copy and is never used in actual combat by any group.

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There is an additional problem for the Indians as well which clearly show their naivety. The Indian dossier reports following weapons with the terrorists: “Each man carried a weapons pack: a Kalashnikov, a 9-millimeter pistol, ammunition, hand grenades and a bomb containing a military-grade explosive, steel ball bearings and a timer with instructions inscribed in Urdu”. They claim recovering 9mm pistols. In reality what they have shown in the dossier is a .30 caliber Russian styled TT pistol which is NOT 9mm. The contradiction is hilariously glaring. The pistol shown is apparently made in the arms bazaar of Darra ademkhel tribal regions and can be bought for less than 4000 rupees by anyone without any documents and most probably would not fire as well due to sheer poor quality☺. Hardcore intelligence organizations or militants groups from Pakistan would not even touch such a weapon. Pakistani made grenades are not something which are limited to Pakistani armed forces. A lot of Pakistan army’s service weapons and ammunition has been lost in tribal area wars and it is in the hands of terrorists of TTP which are backed by Indians. So if something is made in Pakistan or having Pakistani marking is not a proof that this was actually given to terrorists by the manufacturers or Pakistani armed forces. In fact, the grenades did not have any Pakistani markings at all!! Also, if the operation is conducted by ISI, why on earth would they give Pakistani weapons and grenades to the militants especially when American, Russian and Chinese equipment is littered in tribal areas and Afghanistan? The only problem is, if alleged terrorists were so well trained then how they let signs like satellite phone behind them. These evidences could have been destroyed easily. They could have sunk the boat before making their way to Mumbai as they killed the boat man allegedly. If alleged terrorists were in hurry at least their alleged handlers must have told them to destroy the evidence. By looking at this dossier it seems that all terrorists were busy in leaving behind a trail of evidences which should leads to LeT and Pakistan and hence Pakistan Army and finally ISI which is prime target of all this drama.

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7- Email: But What about Live coverage…?

We requested an IT expert to respond to the above “evidence” and this is what we got. Another Indian bluff busted though they did try to implicate Pakistani service provider from Muzaffarabad. Our IT friend wrote “I will try to explain in simple English here: arugument 1. When you email from an Email server like gmail or yahoo the email header created can ONLY be tracked back to GMAIL or YAHOO email server and NOT to the SOURCE IP where the user logged from. So their claim that they "resolved" to a proxy server in Russia is COMPLETELY BOGUS. another way to get to the source addresses (Russian server) would be ONLY IF GMAIL keeps track of IP addresses from which people logged in. for the sake of argument lets say that "gmail" keeps track of million of user's source IP addresses every second and wastefully creates Terra bytes of Data, which is almost impossible to do, in which case Indian government would have asked Gmail to provide the source IP of "deccanmujahideen" and MINE that huge data and find out the source IP.. Highly improbable... If the first argument does not hold then there is no question of creating the [email protected]" account from Russian server etc.

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argument 2. Zarar shah using another email id "[email protected]" being tracked back to a Pakistani has the same above argument; simply change Gmail with Yahoo. An email can ONLY be traced back to the Email server (in this case Gmail or Yahoo). To tracking beyond that email server point, email server people (in this case Gmail andYahoo) would have to keep track of MILLIONS of user's IP addresses logging in EVERY SECOND which is highly unlikely. However Indians are cunning enough to involve a Pakistan DSL IP address from SCO muzafarabad: Hostname:


SCO Dialup and ADSL, ADSL2+ Network (SNET)

Organization: SCO Dialup and ADSL, ADSL2+ Network (SNET) Proxy:

None detected




Blacklist Check

Geo-Location Information Country:


State/Region: 06 City:






One more thing.. if you use PROXY server in Russia or ANYWHERE the Source IP addresses would never be revealed (there are thousands of proxy server we can use to send our emails). Amjad (my administrator) tried a proxy server and tried to trace back the ip addresses and got a GERMANY ip address. In short: a) You cannot trace back beyond email server LET ALONE a PROXY server

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b) how did they come up with ZARAR SHAH name? Do you really think he is DUMB enough to use his real name using Proxy server?” Even if some magic, they have found the proxy server, why would this Zarar shahe give his real name to create such a e-mail?? This is ridiculous. That explains it all ☺

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8- Annexure II : List of items

Here is most talked annexure II of Indian document. By looking at it one can very easily guess the person carrying all these is going to a picnic with friends

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or perhaps from a Pakistani fishing boat captured by the Indians. It is routine that both Pakistan and India arrest each others fishing boats and planting these “evidence” is a childs play. But according to Indians these items were recovered from boat used by the terrorists which found in sea miles away from crime site. This list fit perfectly if person having these items is heading to a hill station for fun but if the objective as a commando action on hostile soil, then this list does not fit the profile of the operation. Interestingly, they did not find anything Indian on the boat despite the fact that it was an Indian boat supposedly hijacked by the terrorists ☺ It is just to pack as many “evidence” as possible against Pakistan. Items recovered are “unmistakably” containing Pakistani markings and that is funniest part of this entire list. Before going on let’s take a look at items in pictures;

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All the items shown as “irrefutable” evidence by Indians are items which are available in open market and can be brought from anywhere. If things like matchbox and shaving cream can be used as evidence then a lot of evidence is available in NWFP against India as well. Instead of providing any finger prints of killed or arrested terrorist on these items what Indians are trying to prove is so flimsy that it would be thrown out on first hearing even in a kangaroo court. This “solid” proof is indeed hilarious ☺

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Most interesting item here is Shaving cream, Touchme. How an organization like LeT allow their members to clean shave their faces. Jihadi organizations always encourage following Sunnah and growing beard. So there is no reason to have a shaving cream, but still Indians thought this could come in handy! Important thing to note is there is not a single item which cannot be brought to India by legitimate travelers to India from Pakistan. Hundreds of Pakistanis are arrested by Indians on visa violations allegations or their goods stopped at customs on flimsiest of grounds. It is most convenient of all exercises to find and plant this material as “evidence”.

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What is more amazing is how quickly FBI certified these Indian claims and “undeniable evidences”. Not only FBI but other senior officials in Washington are also pretending to be convinced by these Indian evidences that “a Pakistani military organization” is involved in facilitating Mumbai attacks”.

9- Inconsistency in evidence On page #7 the two groups of terrorists were as under

But ironically on page 53, some caller calls the group inside Taj and wants to talk to Umar. As per above shown page, according to Indians, Umar is not in Taj but their dossier shows him there. Here is a snap of page 53. Is this so called guy Umar in Taj or not but contradictions in Indian dossier are glaring.

10-On Air space violation

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This is slide taken from Page 32. Again a weak position taken by Pakistani govt. put Pakistan into trouble. Pakistan’s armed forces especially PAF did gave a strong message to Indians. Same strong message was reiterated when US General Mullan was asking Pakistani military leadership to allow India some surgical strike. It was proven that a fully loaded Mirage 2000 was locked by PAF F-16s and picture of F-16’s HUD (Head Up display) was shared with US general with a message that next time such an error by IAF will not be tolerated and plane will be brought down. It was only after this violation that Pakistan took aggressive approach and announced that it will pull forces from FATA/NWFP and will put them on to the Eastern borders and the entire PAF went on red alert along with sister forces.

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11- Why GEO only… Why not Express News or AAJ TV

This is how India just picked some non conclusive media reports from couple of channels. Later this was revealed that the whole report of GEO was shot some 3 KM away from Faridkot village. Indian govt. adds this to show that even Pakistani media itself proved the identity of Kassab. But other prominent channels not only condemned these reports of GEO but rather GEO itself gave a twist to above mentioned report by putting a question mark in the end of its own statement when news was repeated and it continuous as it is till this date. Express and AAJ are two prominent channels of the country but Indians never included their analysis specially on 8th Dec. 2008 AAJ Tv’s program “Live with Talat ” exposed all Indian media allegations and put them to trash bin while countering Indian claims.

News1 channel also put some interesting analysis throughout this episode of Mumbai.

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So, this kind of media reports cannot be part of any evidence or dossier which is put forward to prove something. There are countless Indian reports and articles available to put all blame of Mumbai incidents on the RAW and Mossad just to cover links of organizations like RRS and Indian army. India is only country where serving officials are being investigated in context of terrorism and their links with terrorist organization.

12- What India MUST do?

This is yet to be proved that where this conspiracy was hatched originally, but there are certain conspiracies which initiated from India, for certain. Failure to curb these conspiracies has resulted into Mumbai incident. India yet to punish those involved in incidents like Babri Masjid Conspiracy, Gujrat massacre in 2002, Christian massacre in 2006/08, Slaughtering Sikhs

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in Kashmir to put blame on Pakistan, Samjhoota Express blasts, Malegon bomb blasts etc. etc. the list of Indian conspiracies keeps on going. If India had investigated any of these unsolved mysteries, Mumbai may have not happened at the first place. It is time for Indians to end these geopolitical stunts and start nipping all these terrorist elements on its soil. It is time India must think carefully about the linkages of terrorist organization like RRS and Indian army. This can result into a bigger problem for India than Mumbai.

Demands for handing over the elements that are not on Pakistani soil are baseless. Many people like Dawood Ibrahim, were in India since ages but Indian never got any problem with them but as soon as they left India they become conspirators. No fugitive from Indian law is there on Pakistani land. No one in the list of Indian fugitives has been proved to be in Pakistan, so how this demand can be fulfilled. Plus, Pakistan and India do not have an extradition treaty. Also,

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why would India want Sikhs and members of Dawood Ibrahim group after Mumbai attacks?? they have nothing to do with Mumbai, according to Indians themselves !! As far as terrorism infrastructure is concerned, India has biggest terrorist infrastructure in South East Asia and recently it has propagated this to Pakistan’s western borders as well. Numbers of Indian consulates along with Pakistan’s border inside Afghanistan, where only Indian interest is to strengthen antiPakistan northern alliance government and to launch multiple low intensity insurgencies in Baluchistan and NWFP. As far as the last point is concerned, it is more than half a century now that world’s “largest democracy” is ignoring international demands for a plebiscite in Indian controlled Kashmir. Only after fulfilling their decades old promise to international community, India can come clean to demand something from others. Untill than it should put up or shut up.

Conclusion … Who gained, who lost It will be appropriate to take a look at this incident in context of national interests of both countries. Pakistan is biggest loser in this case. So question is why would Pakistan will do this kind of act specially when Pakistan: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Is facing biggest financial crunch in history Is fighting a very difficult war on terror along 1800 KM long western border Itself is biggest victim of terrorism Are having severe numerical disadvantages in conventional warfare. Had its own foreign minister on Indian soil for peace talks Is facing difficulties in registering its countless efforts in WOT and often asked to do more by international community (due to ignorance to situation on ground) 7. Have very few international friends in international community.

India is biggest gainer in all this due to the fact that these attacks help India in 1. Distracting world community from unprecedented surge in political and social struggle for freedom in Kashmir.

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2. Gain as much as international sympathies as possible and afterwards turn it into an opportunity to crush and curb the Kashmiri leaders and their struggle. 3. Grow its political and military influence out side its borders to become a regional super power. 4. To gain yet another excuse to increase military budget and start a new arm race in region which will put more financial pressure on Pakistan to regain deterrent level. 5. Isolate Pakistan in international community and paint it as a failed terrorist state in UNO. 6. To distract world and domestic attention from terrorism of Hindu Zionists and turn it against Pakistan. 7. Eliminate Indians Police officers who were getting close to breaking down entire Hindu terror networks. India has gained multiple objectives fully through this incident though not fully on all counts. From above comparison it is safe to assume that Pakistan can not have any benefit from supporting this kind of attack anywhere in world and in particular in India. But story doesn’t end here. There is a more sinister angle which is not discussed often on international media (due to obvious reasons). The Mumbai drama was a major high profile covert operation against Pakistan by RAW and Mossad combined and it is a beginning of a dangerous and sinister new relationship between Zionists or Jewish and Hindu origins. Conclusions: Indians wanted to make a 9/11. What they got was eggs on their face. A massively ruthless operation but badly managed and bungled up disaster. Their sinister game now stands exposed. Some of the wiser Indian nationalists and international media had exposed their game as it was being played earlier even before the Indians came up with this comic they called proof dossier. We have given the entire perspective of the Hindu fascist ideology, their Mumbai drama and their objectives to encircle Pakistan. It does not matter whether Kasab is a Pakistani or not. Even if he is, it proves nothing against Pakistan. But still, even that is not established yet despite the media hullabaloo. What matters is that it was a Mossad / Raw operation and now we know it.

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