Multipurpose Distillator

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Multipurpose Distillator

“ Always Focus Your Attention At The Center of The Solar System Where The Sun , The Supreme Power of The Universe , Resides ”.


Multipurpose Distillation it is an instrument which is made up for Distillation water. Which is made of using metallic body we are using the fiber glass thus, it can be used as a roof. Because of fiber glass body we get lighteniry effect. Looking to words scarcity of electricity it saves electricity & also save cost of manufacturing a roof. And make possible of use sea water for producing a distilled water.

Condensed water in the form of Droplet

Water Vapor

Fiber Glass Distilled water Collector



Multipurpose Distillator

AIM It is a phenomena of solar energy by which getting a distilled water & save the electricity with the help of fiber glass.

WORKING PRINCIPLE Dropwise Condensation In dropwise condensation, vapour condenses on the surface in the form of drops, and consequently a large part of cooling surface is always bare to vapour for undergoing consideration. ( Fig.) The rate of heat transfer is many times larger than what is achieved in firm condensation. Dropwise condensation occurs on a nonwettable cooling surface where the liquid condensate drops do not spread. Bare surface

Liquid condensate drops

Let us explain briefly what is wettable or a nonwettable surface. The surface of liquid always tends towards a minimum. A freely suspended drop of liquid always takes the shape of sphere which is of the geometrical shape having the minimum surface area for the same volume. This is due to the effect of surface tension. Surface tension always exists whenever there is a discontinuity in 2

Multipurpose Distillator

the material medium. Mercury in contact with air has a certain surface tension. With water, mercury has another surface tension. Let us consider the equilibrium of a liquid drop on a solid surface ( Fig. ) σ being the surface tension as shown. σ



θ σ


Liquid Drop






Fig. : Equilibrium of a liquid drop on a solid surface

If σ 1 cos θ + σ 3 = σ 2, the liquid iron drop remains in equilibrium and does not spread. The surface is nonwettable ( e.g. mercury in glass )

cos θ

σ 2-σ 1


= - cos θ

= σ

cos θ =

If ( σ


cos θ + σ


σ 2-σ σ 3


= where θ is the angle of contact.


) > σ 2, the liquid drop spreads and the surface is wettable

( e.g. water in glass ). When θ is obtuse, he surface is nonwettable, and if θ is acute, the surface is wettable. Dropwise condensation is much desirable because of its higher heat transfer rates. However, it hardly occurs on a cooling surface. When the surface is coated with some promoter like mercaptan, oleic acid and so on, drop 3

Multipurpose Distillator

condensation can occur for some time. But the effectiveness of the promoter gradually decays due to fouling, oxidation or its slow removal by the flow of the condensate. Condensers are usually designed on the basis that film condensation would prevail.

Greenhouse Effect Glass transmits over 90 % of radiation in the visible range and is almost opaque to infrared wavelengths ( λ > 3 µ m ). Thus, glass allows the solar radiation to enter, but does not allow infrared radiation from the interior surfaces to exit. This causes a rise in the interior temperature, with heat thus being trapped. This heating effect due to the nongray characteristic of glass or clear plastics is known as the greenhouse effect. (Fig.)

Solar Radiation Greenhouse

Fig. : Greenhouse which traps energy by allowing the solar radiation to come in, but not allowing the infrared radiation to go out. The greenhouse effect is also experienced on a larger scale on earth. The surface of the earth, which warms up during the day as a result of the absorption of solar energy, cools down at night by radiating its energy into deep space as infrared radiation. The gases CO2 and H2O vapour in the atmosphere 4

Multipurpose Distillator

transmit the bulk of the solar radiation during the day, but absorb infrared radiation emitted by the surfaces to the earth at night. Thus, the energy trapped on earth by the atmosphere causes global warming, and drastic changes in whether conditions.

Absorptivity, Reflectivity And Transmissivity Matter can emit, absorb, reflect and transmit radiant energy. If Q is the total radiant energy incident upon the surface of a body, some part of it ( Q A) will be absorbed, some part ( QR) reflected and some part ( QTr ) transmitted through the body ( Fig. ). By energy balance, QA + QR + QTr + = Q QA + QR + QTr or,

= 1 Q



α + ρ + τ

= 1

Where α is the fraction of incident radiation which is absorbed, called absorptiviti, ρ is the fraction which is reflected, called reflectivity, and τ is the fraction which is transmitted through the body, called transmissivity or transmittance.

A body is said to be opaque if τ = 0 and α + ρ = 1. Most solids do not transmit any radiation and are opaque. If ρ is reduced, α increases. The reflectivity depends on the character of the surface. Therefore, the absorptivity of an opaque body can be increased or decreased by appropriate surface treatment. When the surface is highly polished, the angle of incidence θ



equal to the angle of reflection θ r , and the reflection is said to be specular. When 5

Multipurpose Distillator

the surface is rough, the incident radiation is distributed in all directions, and the reflection is said to be diffuse. ( Fig. ) Most gases have high value of τ and low values of α and ρ . Air at atmospheric pressure and temperature is transparent to thermal radiation for which τ = 1 and α = ρ

= 0. Gases like CO2 and H2O vapour are highly

absorptive at certain ranges of wavelengths.

Incident radiation Q

Reflected radiation QR



Absorbed radiation

Transmitted radiation

Fig : Radiant incident on a surface


Multipurpose Distillator

Normal Incident rays

Reflected rays


Normal Incident rays Reflected rays (b)

Normal Incident rays


Reflected rays



Fig. : Types of reflection a surface; (a) actual or irregular (b) diffuse and (c) specular or mirror 7

Multipurpose Distillator

Power Density The insolation is the power incident on a unit area of surface. Near equatorial regions the radiant power density is about 1.4 kW/m 2 on a horizontal surface at noon. This quantity varies with time of day and with latitude in two time cycles : the day ( 8.64 x 104 sec. ) and the year ( 3.15 x 107 sec. ). At the higher latitudes, the lower thermal input results in a colder climate. At any time, solar power is attenuated by the atmosphere and its components – molecular gases, clouds, and dust. The fraction absorbed or reflected by the atmosphere depends on meteorological, geological ( e.g., volcanoes ), and geometric aspects.


geometric factors result in variations in the solar power over time and location as shown in Fig. An important aspect of solar power is that a large surface area is required to collect amounts of it which compare to that currently provided by fossil fuels. Consider each person’s continuous need for 1-10 kW the range of which depends on economic status from Third World inhabitant to industrial man. The atmosphere absorbs on average 30 % of the solar power ( this fraction depends strongly on the local climate ), which is available only about 35 % of the time ( the rest of the time is twilight and night ), and can be collected for present or later use with an efficiency of say 10 %. These considerations alone dictate that, on a per capita basis, the surface area requirement of the order of 30-300 m2 ( 300-3000 ft2). This area requirement is significantly larger than that required for food production alone. Setting aside the question of cost for this area, it is doubtful that is would even be available where it is needed: in or near cities and towns. If one takes the view that solar energy is to be used for supplying all of the needs of US inhabitants ( 200-300 million ), then the land area required is about one entire large western state. The environmental impact is certainly severe. Even if such power-gathering systems were distributed throughout the land, it would be


Multipurpose Distillator

difficult to have a place where it would not have at least a visual impact. The ocean surface has been suggested for such a purpose. If such numbers are applied to western Europe or some regions of Asia, where the population density is large, the difficulty of replacing present fossil fuel exploitation with solar power becomes apparent.

Solar power–kW–hours per day

Equator = 00

10 400 800

0 Julsurface of Sep Fig :Jan Variation ofMar solar energyMay incident on the the Earth as Nov a

function of time of year for three latitudes.


Multipurpose Distillator


In small communities, the natural supply of fresh water is inadequate in comparison to the availability of brackish or saline water . Solar distillation can prove to an effective way of supplying drinking water to such communities. The principle of solar distillation is simple and can be explained with reference to Fig. A. In which there is a fully packed Isosceles Triangular shape fiber glass body. In this instrument the water is heated up to 100 - 200C by sun light and causes it to evaporate. The resulting vapor rises, condenses as distilled water on the underside of the cover and flow into condensate collection channel on the sides. An out put of about 2 to 3 liters / m2 when the apparatus is well designed in sunny days. This instrument is totally made from fiber glass and it can be kept on a highest point of factory of building as a roof. If this instrument is used as like a roof then it will save electrical energy as the light comes from the fiber glass, in only sunny time.

If this

instrument kept on a room of 12 X 12 Sq. feet, it will save electricity near about Rs. 400 / year. As there is no need of artificial light source in sunny days.


Multipurpose Distillator

It can also give cooling effect into factory because some of the heat is absorbed by water and fiber glass sheet rest of the heat is reflected thus it gives cooling effect to the area coming under the aforesaid instrument. You know that the precision machinery viz. CNC machine & computer system are kept in totally packed controlled room as there is a need of Air-conditioned system to make temperature at about 250C & humidity 50 %. Thus if we use this instrument as a roof then it will automatically save electricity in the form of light source. And some electricity use for Air conditioning .


Multipurpose Distillator

Time 9.00 am to 12.00 am

Time 12.00 am to 3.00 pm

Time 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm


Multipurpose Distillator

Distilled Water Calculation Approximately it require, one electric tube of 40 watt for 12 X 12 sq. ft. room. And the consumption of electric current for 9 am to 6 am as below.

40 w X 9 hrs = 360 Watts – hr / day for 30 days of month 360 X 30 = 10800 watts – hr / month for 1 year of 10 months 10800 X 10 = 1,08,000 watts – hr / yrs.

For 1000 watts hr there is an charge Rs. 4 /- in an average, which differs in use. ∴ 108000 / 1000 = 108 units The electric current save in rupees are 108 X 4 = Rs. 412 / -

for one room only.

Water Distilled from Distillator Per Month. If you take a room of 12 X 12 Sq. ft.

Then it will be in meter is 3.65 X 3.65


13.2 m 2


Multipurpose Distillator

Behind every 1 m2 area 3 liter distilled water / day of 9 hrs between it will produced. ∴ 13.2 X 3 = ≈

39.96 liter / day 40 liter / day.

For one months

40 X 30


1,200 liters.


Multipurpose Distillator


Fiberglass Production The production of glass fibers starts with dry mixing of silica sand and limestone, boric acid and a number of other products such as clay, coal and fluorspar.

These materials are melted in a high-refractory furnace,


temperature of the melt being dependent on the glass composition, but s generally about 12600 ( 23000 ). The molten glass then flows directly to the fiber-drawing furnace in a direct melt flow process or into a marble making machine. These marbles can be sorted and can eventually be remelted and drawn into fibers. Continuous glass fibers are produced when molten glass from the fiber-drawing furnace is gravity fed through numerous tiny openings in a platinum alloy tank called a bushings. The droplets of molten glass that extrude from each of the bushing’s openings are gathered together, mechanically attenuated to the correct dimensions, passed through a water spray and over a revolving belt that applies a protective and lubricating coating known as a size or binder. The fibers are then gathered together in a suitably shaped shoe to form a bundle called a strand which is wound onto a core at approximately 190 / km / h ( 120 mile / h ). This package of fibers is then dried or conditioned prior to further processing and eventually sold as a continuous filament yarn.


Multipurpose Distillator

Staple fibers are produced by passing a jet of air across the openings at the base of the bushing, which pulls individual fibers of approximately 20 – 40 cm ( 8-15 in ) long from the molten glass that is extruding from each opening. These filaments are collected on a collected on a rotating vacuum drum, sprayed with size and gathered into a strand. This package of filaments is again conditioned or dried prior to processing into a specific product for further use. Each individual fiber is drawn from the bushing opening and must be controlled so that responducible filaments, strand dimensions and properties are obtained. This control is achieved by the regulation of the melt viscosity, temperature and drawing speed. It is possible, therefore, to obtain a large number of filament diameters by varying the number of openings in the bushing and the drawing conditions. As demand has dictated over the years, the fiberglass industry has established a number of standard filament diameters.


Multipurpose Distillator

Glass Composition Glass is generally defined as an amorphous material, being neither solid or liquid. Chemically glass is made up of elements such as silicon, boron and phosphorus that are converted into glass when combined with oxygen, sulfur, tellurium and selenium. The molecular arrangement is conducive to formation of an intricate three-dimensional network of oxygen tetrahedral with a silicon atom in the middle, bonded to each oxygen atom. Silicon by itself requires extremely high temperatures for liquefaction. Therefore, other elements are added to the mix to reduce temperatures and to produce a viscosity in the molten glass that will allow easy drawing. A number of glass compositions are available depending on the properties desired from the resulting fibers.


Multipurpose Distillator


Grade of glass A ( high alkali )




( electrical ) 54.3

( high strength ) 64.2

Silicon oxide


( chemical ) 64.6

Aluminum oxide





Ferrous oxide





Calcium oxide





Magnesium oxide





Sodium oxide





Potassium oxide





Boron oxide





Barium oxide










Types of Fiberglass


Multipurpose Distillator

1) A-glass : A high alkali or soda glass is made into fibers for use in application where good chemical resistance is needed. 2) E-glass : A low alkali glass, based on aluminum borosilicate. This glass possesses excellent electrical insulation properties and is the premium fiber used in the majority of textile fiberglass production. 3) C-glass : A material based on soda borosilicate that produces a fiber that offers excellent chemical resistance. 4) S-2 glass : This glass is made up of magnesium, aluminum silicate and offers higher physical strength. Fibers produced from this glass have an approximate forty percent tensile strength improvement over those of Eglass composition. 5) D-glass : This fiber made from a low dielectric composition has dielectric loss properties ( dielectric constant of 3.8 at 1 mc s-1 ) superior to that of Eglass ( 6.0 at 1 mc s-1 ). 6) R-glass : A special glass composition that produces fiber that is alkali resistant and is used in reinforcing concrete. 7) Low K

: An experimental fiber produced to improve dielectric loss

properties in electrical applications ( similar in performance to D-glass ).


Multipurpose Distillator

8) Hollow fiber : Special glass whose fibers are tube-like or hollow; the material has specific applications in reinforced aircraft parts where weight could be significant. 9) Te glass : A Japanese manufactured S-glass, for higher strength structural application.



Glass fiber for acid resistance.



Glass fiber for improved acid resistance.



Glass fiber for electronics applications.



Glass fiber for electrical insulation.



Glass fiber for high strength.


Multipurpose Distillator

Fiberglass Properties 1) High tensile strength : Fiberglass has an exception ally high tensile strength compared with other textile fibers. Its strength to weight ratio exceeds steel wire in some applications. 2) Heat and fire resistance : Because fiberglass is inorganic it does not burn or support combustion. 3) Chemical resistance : fiberglass has excellent resistance to most chemicals and is impervious to fungal, bacterial or insect attack. 4) Moisture resistance : Because fiberglass does not absorb water, it neither swells, stretches nor disintegrates.

Fiberglass does not

readily rot and continues to maintain its mechanical strength in humid environments. 5) Thermal properties : Due to its low coefficient of thermal linear expansion and high coefficient of thermal conductivity, fiberglass exhibits excellent performance in thermal environments. 6) Electrical properties : Fiberglass being nonconductive is an ideal choice for electrical insulation, where designers can make use of the high dielectric strength and low dielectric loss properties.


Multipurpose Distillator

Application of Fiber Glass Depends on strength & stiffness 1) Aircrafts surfaces –wing, flaps elevators. 2) Helicopter blades & Aircraft doors. 3) Racing car bodies.

Based on thermal properties. 1) Heat shields for missiles & rockets. 2) Aircrafts breaks. 3) Aerospace antennas. 4) Space telescope platforms.

Based on chemical properties 1) Storage tank. 2) Nuclear industries.

Depending on rigidity & good dumping 1) Musical instrument, audio speaker.


Multipurpose Distillator

Glass and glass ceramic composites are classic examples for use to 1)

Replace super alloys in gas turbines and jet engines, and in other high – temperature or high – wear situations such as compressors.


Replace metals in gas and diesel engines as well as in shafts, seals and business for motors and engines of all types.


Develop a new breed of components for chemical processing systems. 4)

Resides consumer products from lawnmowers to cook wares.


Multipurpose Distillator


The need for Alternatives Based on the preceding survey, it will now be possible to make some observations and draw some conclusions for the world as a whole.

Fossil Fuels :1.

The production of oil appears to have touched a maximum

around 1980 and is now slowly declining. On the other hand, the production of natural gas is still increasing. Present indications are that most of the reserves of oil and natural gas are likely to be consumed in another 50 years. 2.

As oil and natural gas become scarcer, a greater emphasis will

fall on coal. It is likely that the production of coal will touch a maximum some where between the years 2030 and 2060 and that 80 percent of the amount available could be consumed by 2250 AD. 3.

It should also be noted that in addition to supplying energy,

fossil fuels are used extensively as feedstock material for the manufacture of organic chemicals. As reserves deplete, the need for using fossil fuels exclusively for such purposes may become greater.


Multipurpose Distillator

Water Power :There is considerable scope for increasing the capacity of water power all over the world. Water power is indirectly obtained from solar energy and has the advantage of being a renewable source of energy.

Nuclear Power :The position regarding uranium is serious if we continue to use it as at present in burner rectors. It is thus fairly evident that a need exists for developing alternative energy sources. The immediate need would be to alleviate the problems caused by the depletion of oil and natural gas, while the long term need would be to develop means to replace presently used nuclear fusion technology and then coal. These conclusions are applicable for India also. The primary sources of alternative energy which hold potential for the future can be broadly classified under four categories. These are 1. The solar option. 2. The nuclear option. 3. Tar sands and oil shale. 4. Miscellaneous sources.


Multipurpose Distillator

Work is in progress in many parts of the world on all these alternatives. In the remaining part of this chapter, we shall briefly describe the various energy alternatives. It is hoped that these descriptions will help the reader to acquire a broad perspective of the energy problem, before we focus our attention from the next chapter on wards on the solar energy option and more specifically direct thermal methods for utilizing solar energy.

The Solar Option :Solar energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of energy. The power from the sun intercepted by the earth is approximately 1.8 X 10” MV, which is many thousand of times larger than the present consumption rate on the earth of all commercial energy could supply all the present and future energy needs of the most promising of the unconventional energy sources. In addition to its size, solar energy has two other factors in its favor. Firstly, unlike fossil facts and nuclear power, it is an environmentally clean source of energy. Secondly, it is free and available in adequate quantities in almost all parts of the world where people live. However, there are many problems associated with its use. The main problem is that it is a dilute source of energy. Even in the hottest regions on


Multipurpose Distillator

earth, the solar radiation flux available rarely exceeds 1 kwh / m2 and the total radiation over a day is at best about 7 kwh / m2 . These are low values from the point of view of technological utilization . consequently, large collecting areas are required in many applications and those result in excessive costs. A second problem associated with the use of solar energy is that its availability varies widely with time. The variation in availability occurs daily because of the day-night cycle and also seasonally because of the earth’s orbit around the sun. in addition, variations occur at a specific location because of local weather conditions. Consequently, the energy collected when the sun is shining must be shored for use during periods when it is not available. The need for storage also adds significantly to the cost of any system. Thus, the real challenge in utilizing solar energy as an energy alterative is of an economic nature methods of collection and storage so that the large initial investments required at present in most applications per reduced. A broad classification of the various methods of solar energy utilization is given in table. It can be seen that the energy from the sun can be used directly and indirectly. The direct means include the use of water power. The winds, biomass, wave energy and the temperature difference in the ocean.


Multipurpose Distillator

Classification of Methods of Solar Energy Utilization

Direct Methods


Indirect Methods


Water Power


Biomass Wave Energy

Oscan Temperature Difference

Radiation of sun rays :Based on measurement made up to 1910 a standard value of 1353 W/m2 was adopted in 1971 However based on subsequent measurements, a revised values of 1367 W/m2 has been recommended. The diameter of sun 1.39 X 106 km & The diameter of earth 1.27 X 104 km The mean distance between earth & sun is 1.49 X 108 km


Multipurpose Distillator

Annual Production of Energy In India :Energy Production from Commercial Energy sources in India – year 1985.

Production /

Energy Equivalent



( in 1015 J )



157 mt




42 mt



Natural Gas

4.688 X 10 9 m 3



Water Power

58001 Gwh



Nuclear Power

4505 Gwh





Energy Source



Multipurpose Distillator

AN ECONOMICAL 1. The cost of shed / roof is totally removal. For 12 x 10 s.q. ft. room the cost of slap is near about Rs. 10,000/- & for steel roof near about Rs. 2,000/- & above. The cost multipurpose distillation roof is near about Rs. 18 – 20 thousand. 2. But :- it gives 40 litre /day & for one month it gives 1200 litre distilled water in general the cost of distilled water is in bet Rs. 8 – 10 / litre. So we save Rs. 96,00/-. Thus we replaced the manufacturing cost of multipurpose Distillation in next 2-3 month only. The electricity utilized in artificial light source nearly Rs. 432 /- per year. Which is totally saved by the this instrument.


Multipurpose Distillator

1) For making jewelry from gold. 2) For medicine use ( manufacturing ). 3) For chemical laboratory. 4) Battery charging & etc.


Multipurpose Distillator

MULTIPURPOSE DISTILLATOR Advantages 1) Life Long Use :As the fiber glass can not corrode or deformed in other shape because it sustain at about 2000 C & no reaction with water or any other aquarium particles. Also has good strength and it will withstand at 2000 C. 2) Low Maintenance :Only for cleaning the water impurities deposited in the term of scale are to remove there will be some expense then after that there is no maintenance expenditure. 3) Save Electricity :As we required light source in fully packed room currently we are using electric tubes or bulbs. Thus we can use this instrument in day time then we can save electricity. And you should know that the rate of electricity per 1000 watt / hr is increases day by day. 4) Use







Investment :We know that the age of sun is more than the earth so the solar energy source is life long source. And this instrument is not an costly as compared to other electricity developer instrument.


Multipurpose Distillator

5) Distilled Water / Pure Water :The clouds are from sea water vapor and thus the rain water is pure water. Hence we can use the Saline water or Hard water in this instrument for Distilled water / pure water production. As you know that the water for drinking on earth is only few percentage as compared to whole water on earth. 6) Cooling Effect :The sun rays are firstly transferred from fiber glass & then to water so the part percentage of solar heat is absorbed by the water and fiber glass respectively. Thus, we feel cooling effect.

Disadvantages 1) For Indian climate preferable use for 8 to 9 months only ( Oct to May ). 2) High cost of manufacturing as 3

Multipurpose Distillator


Cost of fiber glass @ Rs. 50 / Sq ft.


High labour charges.

iii) Precise or leaked proof production. 3) Un even source of solar energy it will effect on. i)

Production rate distilled water.


Uneven light effect.

4) Dilute form of solar energy.



Multipurpose Distillator

1. Manhole :- You will use this instrument in wide range then there is a need of one man hole for cleaning purpose. After prolonged use of maltidistilatar. The improves and the scales are form in the inner side a instrument which should be clean per weak. 2. Blow off cock :- There is a need of blow off cock for taking out the muddy particles and impurities. The blow off cock should be apply at evening, after sun set.



Multipurpose Distillator

As in future the oil & natural gas will be consumed totally in coming 50 years. It is likely that the production of coal stock will likely to touch maximum some where between the year 2030 and 2060. Thus, the future need is to developed the sources of energy for getting electricity or the replacing instrument. Hence, this instrument Multipurpose Distillator will be the future need. Although not for yet but for the future trend it will be an essential. As it is always said :“ Need is the mother of invention ”.



Multipurpose Distillator

1. Solar Energy. By - S. P. Sukhatme. 2. Hand Book of Composition . By - Peter. 3. Physics By - Bhandarkar 4. Heat Transfer By - P. K. Nag. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing 5. Energy Conversion By - Reiner Decher Oxford University Press.


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