Multiple Exposures: showing movement in drawing Your Name:
Other group members:
Objective: We will learn how to show the accurate movement of a figure through drawing. Problem Statement: We will demonstrate our understanding by completing a drawing of at least four poses showing a figure through an action sequence.
___/25: Objective: -You completed a drawing in charcoal or crayon of at least 4 poses -Your drawing shows the stages of an action sequence using gesture drawing ___/25: Design: -You considered the positioning of the figures and how they fill the page -You considered how the poses interact, are layered, or obscured by each other -You considered the size of the different figures in order to show the progression of movement -You use value and line to consider the negative space ___/25: Studio Skills: -You completed gesture drawings that capture the action of the figure -You use the steps for gesture drawing to complete your composition -You worked well in your group, taking turns posing ___/25: Presentation: -Your drawing is free from unnecessary smudges, tears, or folds -You completed all parts and your work represents thought and care ___/100: Total