Mullavilly News - Christmas 2009

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T he Ma ga z i ne for Mulla villy Parish

Christmas 2009

Have you ever wondered what Mullavilly Parish Church might have been like 200 years ago? The church building and graveyard were in place, and had been for some time. However, because the property belonged to the Count de Salis and not to the Church of Ireland, it was not actually consecrated as a church building. On 16th June 1809, the Count transferred the ownership of the land to the Church of Ireland. (The document for this still exists in the our headquarters in Dublin). It was now possible for Mullavilly to have its own official place of worship and in September 1810, it was consecrated. It became a place set aside for worship. Thus, we are able to celebrate our bicentenary throughout the coming year. Full details will be published with the next newsletter at the start of January but for now, please note the initial events over the New Year. First of all, we will be worshipping in Kilmore Parish Church on December 27th. The ten townlands of Mullavilly Parish were originally part of the Parish of Kilmore. Before 1810, weddings and possibly baptisms and many burials would have been in Kilmore and the rector of Kilmore was in charge. With the consecration of our own building in 1810, the local people would not have had to travel quite so far. Our service on 27th recognises this piece of history and brings us back to our “mother” church. On New Year’s Eve, we will light a beacon to symbolise the light of Christ shining through the darkness. For over 200 years, this site has been a place where people have found the comfort and strength of that light in their lives, either at special moments such as funerals or weddings or in regular weekly worship and prayer. On New Year’s Day, we will do what many of our ancestors did and walk from Kilmore back to Mullavilly. Its not that far and should take about 2 hours. I hope that plenty of parishioners will be able to join the Revd Malcolm Kinston and myself on this journey, no matter what the weather. With these three key events, we will be symbolising the importance of the presence of a church in Mullavilly. The building has meant so much to so many over those 200 years and we pray that it will continue to do so. Of course, the whole story started much longer ago. At Christmas time, we remember with many symbols, the birth of Jesus. With holly, candles, gifts, parties etc, we recall that God became one of us. We have been loved so much that God Almighty chose to send his Son to be a Saviour to us, to shine a light into our darkness. It is for that reason that the Church exists. It is our purpose to worship God and the church building symbolises our desire to do that. Sadly, there are many examples of church buildings that become merely ruins. Populations have shifted or apathy has set in. Many people no longer see the purpose of a Church or even the need for a Saviour. Pews are empty and people have other places to be, other things to do. The symbols of Christmastide—generosity, celebration etc—have become an end in themselves rather than a pointer to something greater. We need to look beyond the symbols and catch a glimpse of those things that are of real and deep importance. Our church building is special not because it is old, not because it is well-maintained, not because it is beautiful. It is special because it symbolises the presence of the light of Christ in our community. It is a reminder to us of our bicentenary motto:

“Yesterday, today, for ever— ever—Jesus is the same”

IT’S ALL HAPPENING HER WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18th COUNTRY CONCERT 8pm Tickets (£10) from the usual outlets


CINDERELLA 7:30pm CHILDREN FREE/ADULTS £8 (concession £5) Tickets from Yvonne 028 38841014 (after 6pm) or Monday and Wednesday at Parish centre 7-8pm


SUNDAY 20th 11am NATIVITY SERVICE 7pm CAROL SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY 24th 11:15pm Holy Communion 25th 8:30am Holy Communion 10:00am Family Communion


Yesterday, today, for ever _ Jesus is the same! SUNDAY DECEMBER 27th BACK TO OUR ROOTS Combined Worship at 11am in Kilmore Parish Church [THIS SERVICE REPLACES ALL SERVICES IN MULLAVILLY TODAY] NEW YEAR’S EVE 11:30pm Service of Thanksgiving followed at midnight by

LIGHTING THE BEACON To begin our Bicentenary Year 2010 NEW YEAR’S DAY SPONSORED WALK From Kilmore Parish Church to Mullavilly (app. 6.5 miles) Depart Kilmore at 10am Soup and Sandwiches in Mullavilly for all participants and supporters. As we’ll be walking on the road, this is a 14+ event only. Sponsorship forms, if desired, are available in the Church porch. You do not need sponsorship to take part. 2011 Calendar In 2010 we will be publishing a 2011 calendar which will be illustrated with photographs of Mullavilly and the 2010 events. We are therefore asking all photographers – of any experience – to send in original pictures. The subjects can be anything that has any connection to Mullavilly and the surrounding area: people, landscapes, animals – and, of course, the church and the 2010 celebrations. The twelve best photographs will be printed in the calendar and every picture submitted will be included in a photographic record of the year. We hope that at least three pictures on the calendar will come from budding photographers under the age of 16. The closing date for submissions is 1 October 2010, but pictures can be sent at any time to [email protected] or left in the vestry in an envelope marked “Mullavilly 2010 Photos”.

The Magazine for Mullavilly Parish DATE





Nov 15th

Evelyn Shortt


Heather Harper

11am Holy Communion

Nov 22th

Geraldine Thompson


Leslie Irwin

7pm Holy Communion

Nov 29th

Caroline Whitten


Carolyn Mayes

Dec 6th

Leona Whitten


Helen McClenaghan

11am Holy Communion

Dec 13th

Heather White


Jean McClelland

Last day for gifts

Dec 20th

Muriel Bebe

Dec 27th

Baptism Anniversaries November: Nathan Rafferty (4th); December: Dale Garner (4th); Callum Crawford (4th)


ALL SERVICES COMBINED 11am IN KILMORE PARISH CHURCH MOTHERS UNION November Tuesday 17th Visitors Night with Linda Nielands. Linda is a well-known story-teller and everyone is welcome to a very entertaining evening. December Tuesday 15th

Making Christmas decorations.

CHIT CHAT November 12th Bible Study November 19th “Get Real in Worship”. An evening in Greenisland with Bishop Ken Clarke and others. We celebrated one baptism in October on 25th. This was Alex Robert Paul, son of Mark and Dawn Topley and baby brother of Holly and Ethan. Our sympathy is extended to the families and friends of those whose funerals have taken place recently. On October 21st, the funeral was held for Elsie Palmer, late of Dawson’s Grove. Elsie had been a friendly face on her daily visits on the family grave. The service was held at Poot’s Funeral Parlour and the burial in Mullavilly. On 22nd, the funeral service of Billy Jenkinson was held at Roselawn Crematorium, where his wife, Grace and sons Kenny and Brian and their families were supported by many of their friends. On 23rd, the funeral was held in Mullavilly of Myrtle Nelson. Myrtle had died in Newry Hospice after a brief illness. The burial was in Tullylish graveyard. She will be missed by her husband Jim and by her many friends. On November 6th, there were two weddings in Mullavilly. These were Alan Overend and Emma Parks at 12 noon, and Ian Howard and Eimer Murray at 2pm. The wedding of Erin McKee and Niall Nixon is planned for December 21st.

Contacting the clergy Home

028 3884 0221

Mobile & 07989 743545 Office &

028 3884 1918


028 3834 3267




89 Mullavilly Road Tandragee BT62 2LX

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