Muharram Activity Booklet-2

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 4

Zuhair ibn Qain and Saed ibn Abdullah e Khauf Karbala represents what Salaat Muslims should be the eternal struggle for divided into two groups. group will remain every Muslim should be. One fighting the enemy while That struggle is complete the second group will commence it's salaat submission to Allah and with the imam. to sacrifice everything one has in his name. Shields for arrows One of the most important ways that a Muslim submits to Allah is through reciting the daily prayers. Whether you are Shia or Sunni, living in America or Iran. The duty of prayers has been given upon every Muslim man and woman who is able to do so, and to do it on time and do it daily. The finest example of this type of discipline and sacrifice was given to us during the tragedy of Karbala. The time of Zuhr prayers was descending onto Imam Hussain and his remaining companions. By this time, most of them had been martyred. Regardless of what was taking place, our heroic imam was still determined to say his prayers on time and in jamat. He told his companions that he would lead “Namaaz-eKhauf”, which means that some would join in the prayers and half way they would read salaam and terminate their prayers, and then others would come in. This would give everyone a chance to say prayers in jama'at. Behind the Imam. Yazid’s cowardly army knew the Imam was gathering his companions for prayers and so they had planned to launch an attack with arrows towards the imam while he would be praying. The companions knew the only way to protect the imam would be to shield him from the arrows, and so after much

Muharam 1430

insistence, Imam Hussain agreed. The two brave soldiers were Zuhair Ibne Qain and Saeed Ibne Abdullah. They recited their prayers first and then stood up in front of the imam as he began Jama’at prayers. One by one the two men shielded the imam from the arrows. Every arrow pierced and ripped thru their flesh yet the men did not cry or yell or even thought about changing their mind. By the time Imam Hussain finished his prayers, Zuhair had been hit by 38 arrows and Saeed was hit by 53. The men finally fell to their deaths as Imam Hussain finished his prayers. Think about the two deeds that just took place. Look at the importance that is places on salaat. First, look at Imam Hussain’s commitment to Allah by reciting his prayers on time, regardless of the extreme situation, the second deed being the brave effort of Zuhair and Saeed to protect their imam and their companions all for the sake of praying to Allah. So the next time you feel too sleepy in the morning to get up and pray or you feel too lazy to recite prayers on time, think about Zuhair and Saeed. • Saeed and Zuhair Their sacrifice wasn’t just for • Salaatul Khauf Imam Hussain • Crossword but for every Muslim who • Cartoon ever came into this world.

In This Issue

Draw a picture

Write a summary

DOWN 1 Zuhair and Saeed acted as a ________ for the Imam during prayers 2 The time at which this incident happened 4 ____________ to Allah 7 At the end of the namaaz they ________. ACROSS 3 Namaaz e ________ during battle 5 _____ represents what the eternal struggle 6 ________ was hit by 38 arrows 8 ________ was hit by 53 arrows

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