Mtu 2018 Entry Form

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 814
  • Pages: 4

By the present document my name is


From .......................................................................................................................................... When participating in the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 in Lebanon, declare that I have full knowledge of the right and obligations of such contest and that I fully agree to abide by them. §1 I certify that, at the day of the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 Competition, I shall be 16 years old and less than 25 years. I certify that I am not and have never been married and that I have no child. §2 I understand that, during my whole stay in the host country, the organizer will take care of my accommodation in the hotel (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and hairdressing (for the finals). I will be chaperoned during the festival and arrive on the day the competition starts. §3 I accept the schedule of events established by the organizer of Miss Tourism Universe 2018 Contest and I will fully follow it from the day of my arrival in the host country until my departure from the host country. I will always be on time and dressed according to the requirements of the schedule of events. I accept to go back home after the conclusion of the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 contest, at the date settled by the organizers. §4 I agree, neither to leave the group of organizers and delegates, not to accept any invitation from a person not belonging to the group (for dancing, going out, etc.) Organizers expect the best behavior from you. I would like to be courteous and respect the laws and culture in Lebanon. I may not leave the hotel without security escorts and permission. §5 The voting system will explain to me and, in advance, knowing the impartiality of the judges, I accept the result. I agree not to protest against the result or to make any comment about it.

§6 I will include in the wardrobe that I shall bring to the host country the following items and dresses: National Costume Traditional ,two evening gowns, one cocktail dress, casual wear, one pair of black shoes high heels. §7 I authorise the free use of all my photographs, television and video filming for all advertising information in relation with the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 Contest before and after. §8 If I am elected Miss Tourism Universe 2018, during the year of my reign, I will abide by the rules and conditions set out in this contract. §9 Miss Tourism Universe 2018 will not sign any agreement, contract, picture, declaration without the prior written agreement Miss Tourism Universe Organisation. § 10 Miss Tourism Universe 2018 will not compete in any other international beauty contest for one year from the day she won the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 Contest. § 11 Should Miss Tourism Universe 2018 not respect the 8, 9 & 10 of the present, the Organisation would have the full right to discharge her and to nominate her first runner up, who would then take over the Miss Tourism Universe 2018 title with all the corresponding rights and obligations. I certify that I have full knowledge of the advantages and obligations mentioned in the present entry form. I agree to accept and respect them. I declare that this document has been explained and, if necessary, translated to me, and I fully agree with its contents. Date ..................................... on......................................... The Beauty Representative

Signature of Licensee Miss Tourism Universe 2018


Elie Nahas




Miss Tourism Universe 2018 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Country: Name & Surname: Address: City: Date of Birth: / / Place of Birth: City of origin: Home Phone Number: ( ) Mobile / Cellular: ( ) E-mail: Facebook Page: Whatsapp Number: In case of an emergency, please contact:

2. PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Do you work? ( ) Yes If yes, where?

3. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Do you study? ( ) Yes If yes, which level? Which languages do you speak?


) No


) No

4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Father’s name: Occupation and age: Mother’s name: Occupation and age: Do you have brothers and sisters? ( ) Yes ( ) No Where do you live: ( ) with my parents ( ) own apartment What is your hobby? Which kind of music do you like? Your favorite Drink: Your favorite Food:

5. MEDICAL BACKGROUND Do you have dietary restrictions? ( ) Which one? Do you have any medicine restrictions? If yes, which one? Are you allergic to any medicine? ( ) If yes, which one? Which is your blood type? Do you have health insurance? Do you smoke? ( ) Yes ( )

Yes ( Yes

( ) Yes

) No (


) No

) No


I hereby declare for all legal purposes that all the information contained herein are true, and am destined to my registration. Date ………………………………………

Candidate Signature


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