Mth302 Business State Math Short Questions Vuabid

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MTH302 (Business Mathematics & Statistics) Q: # 01:a) Find the simple interest on 6 months loan of Rs. 55,000 has an annual interest rate of 7.21%?


b) Sara appeared in exam. Total marks of each subject are 100.She obtained 60 marks in Urdu, 80 marks in English, 90 marks in Maths, 50 marks in Islamiyat, 55 marks in Pakistan Studies, 70 marks in Physics and 80 marks in Chemistry. Make the result card of Sara, 1) Using Sum function 2) Using arithmetic Operator “+” (5)

Q: # 02:a) The basic salary of a person working in Bata Company is 7,000.the house rent allowance is 45% of basic salary also convinces allowance is 2.5% of basic pay. The person is a permanent employee so will be given provident fund at the time of retirement. Hence a deduction of 1/11th part of salary is made every month. The employee also enjoys the facility of medical insurance which is 5% of basic salary and social charges 5.8% of basic salary. Find the actual remuneration of the person per month. Using Excel round your answer at each step up to 2 decimal places? (5) b) At what rate of compound interest will Rs. 60180 amount to Rs. 100000 in 4 years? (5)

Q: # 03:a) Four persons Aslam, Naeem, Saeed and Akram got the salary Rs. 5000,8000,13000 and 7085 respectively. Using auto sum formulation, find the sum and average salary of each guy? (5) b) The price of a lamp goes from Rs. 500 to Rs. 800 what is the percent increase in the price of the lamp?


Q: # 01:a) Find the simple interest on 6 months loan of Rs. 55,000 has an annual interest rate of 7.21%?


b) Sara appeared in exam. Total marks of each subject are 100.She obtained 60 marks in Urdu, 80 marks in English, 90 marks in Maths, 50 marks in

Islamiyat, 55 marks in Pakistan Studies, 70 marks in Physics and 80 marks in Chemistry. Make the result card of Sara, 1) Using Sum function 2) Using arithmetic Operator “+” (5)

Q: # 02:a) The basic salary of a person working in Bata Company is 7,000.the house rent allowance is 45% of basic salary also convinces allowance is 2.5% of basic pay. The person is a permanent employee so will be given provident fund at the time of retirement. Hence a deduction of 1/11th part of salary is made every month. The employee also enjoys the facility of medical insurance which is 5% of basic salary and social charges 5.8% of basic salary. Find the actual remuneration of the person per month. Using Excel round your answer at each step up to 2 decimal places? (5) b) At what rate of compound interest will Rs. 60180 amount to Rs. 100000 in 4 years? (5)

Q: # 03:a) Four persons Aslam, Naeem, Saeed and Akram got the salary Rs. 5000,8000,13000 and 7085 respectively. Using auto sum formulation, find the sum and average salary of each guy? (5)

b) The price of a lamp goes from Rs. 500 to Rs. 800 what is the percent increase in the price of the lamp?


Q: # 01:a) Find the amount of an annuity of RS.500 payable at the end of each year for 10 years, if the interest rate is 6% compounded annually. ?


b) A loan of RS.94 is to be paid back in monthly installments, in one year. The first installment is paid after one month from the date of the loan. If the interest is charged at the rate of 24% per annum, what will be the amount of monthly installment? (Use PMT function of EXCEL). (5)

Q: # 02:a) Ratio of peanuts, almonds and dates is 8:4.5:3.If Ali has 32kg of peanuts, how many kilograms of dry fruits in total Ali have (use EXCEL formula)? (5)

b) Calculate the annual rate and monthly rate on the loan of amount Rs55000 taken for 3 years, if the monthly payments are Rs1800. Use RATE function of excel. (5)

Q: # 03: 2  a) If A=  3  1 

 1 0 , B   1 8 7 & I    Compute if possible AB and AI, if not  0 1

then give reason.  2  b) Find additive and multiplicative inverse of A=  3  1 Also proves AA-1=I, Where I is identity matrix.

(5) 1 0 4

2 3   5  (5)

a) Naveed is selling a brand with price labeled RS. 9850. Also the mark down on the price is 13.5%.What is the net price of the brand stated above and also evaluates the trade discount amount. ? (5) b) A person sells the stock of furniture with mark -up rate 29.5%.Find the selling price of the stock that cost the retailer RS.55000? (5) Q: # 02:a) What is a cost of color T.V set which is sold for RS.9800 if the percentage markup is 40% on cost? (5) b) After a mark -up of 30% on sales, a watch sells for RS.225. What is its cost price?


What is the percentage mark-up on sales if the cost price of the watch would have been RS.153?

Calculate IRR after 5 years and 2 years. With a guess of10%:

Marks 5

Q# 2: Calculate using AMORLINC function, First period depreciation: Marks 5

Initial cost of a business


Net income for the third year


Net income for the fourth year


Net income for the first year


Net income for the second year


Net income for the fifth year


Cost = 25000 Date purchased = 05/18/2005. End of the first period =12/20/2005 Salvage value =1800 Period = 1 Depreciation rate =12% Q#3: Calculate XIRR the internal Rate of return: January 1, 2007


March 12, 2007


October 3, 2007


February 1, 2008


May 10, 2008


Marks 5

Q # 4: Use EXCEL function NPV to find the net present value of an investment, when annual discount rate is 15%, initial cost of investment one year from today is 225000.Return from first year is Rs. 35000; Return from second year is 45000; Return from third year is 55000. Marks 5

a) Meet ten of your friends and measure the weight (In pounds) of each. Write the data on Excel sheet also identify the eye color of each friend and write it on the sheet in such a way that one column contains different color names while the column in front of it will be containing the number of persons having that particular eye color.

 Now analyze what are the two types of the two data sets i.e. whether they are Quantitative, Qualitative, Geographical, or Chronological. Also give arguments to support your classification.  If the second data set (Eye Color) is to be represented by a sector graph; then how many sectors of the circle will be formed? (5)

b) Given the data 19,15,17,21,24,13,14,27,29,30,35,50,45,43,51,39,48,57,First arrange data in Ascending Order (Preferably using Excel) and then with a class interval of 10,find out Frequency, Relative Frequency and its Percentage(Manually). (5) Q: # 02:a) Find Arithmetic mean for the following grouped data. Class 10--19 20--29 30--39 40--49 50--59 60--69 70--79

f 5 8 13 24 22 19 9

(5) b) Find mean, median and mode for the following ungrouped data. 12, 6, 5, 8, 4,12,6,3,5,6 (5)

Q: # 03:In a company’s production department, 14 employees worked following hours in one week 45 , 39 , 46 , 43 , 40 , 39 , 42 , 43 , 47 , 38 , 46 , 41 , 44 , 45,

Question#1 (a) Find the Correlation Coefficient for the following data set. X Y

10 60

25 72

20 100

10 90

35 38 Marks

5 (b) Find The Regression Equation “Y= a +bX “ for the data set given above. Where “a” is Y-intercept and “b” is the slope of the line. Use any method to calculate “a” and “b”.

Marks 5 Question#2 (a)Plot a Scatter Diagram for the following data set. X Y

5 25

4 100

3 75

7 60

9 70 Marks

5 (b)Why is standard Deviation (S.D) important in data handling? Also find the variance and S.D of the following data set from the mean value of the same data: 15, 21, 29, 33, 38, 41, 45, 46 Marks 5 Q: # 01:(a)If a Regression Line given by “Y=130.64+1.6X”, defining the relationship between the ages and weights of persons where Y represents weights and X represents ages then how can we interpret this result. (5 Marks)

(b) Following data shows number of computers sold by LG Company in different years; calculate “3-year moving” average for the data (5 Marks) Years 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Sale of Computers 72 98 79 106 79 122 101 143 94 141 128 160 125 143 135 187

Q: # 02:(a) In a Mathematics class with 30 students, the teacher wants 2 students for the presentation of the solutions to problems 3 and 5 on the board. In how many ways can the teacher assign the problems? (Using Excel formula) (5 Marks)

(b) A pair of dice is rolled .What is the probability of getting a total of ‘7’ or ‘10’ (solve manually). (5 Marks) Q: # 03:(a)Find the binomial expansion of (a +b) ^6. For coefficient of each term use COMBIN function. (5 Marks) (b) The actual sale of a company for 7 weeks is 6300, 5800, 5300, 5700, 6100, 5400&6500 respectively. The forecast for week 2 is 6200.what will be the forecast for the 7th week (where the value of the smoothing constant is 0.3) (5 Marks)

a) What is the probability of getting 2 heads when a fair coin is tossed two times? Marks 5 b) A person throws a pair of fair dice. What is the probability that he will get a total of 7 for the 2nd time on the 8th throw? Marks 5 Q: # 02:-

a) If a coin is tossed 4 times and the probability of success in each trial is the probability of getting a head (p=0.5). Then find the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than 0.75. (Use “CRITBINOM” function) Marks 5

b) The probability that a man aged 50 years will die within a year is 0.01125.What is the probability that of 12 such persons at least 11 will reach their fifty-first birthday? Marks 5 Q: # 03:(a) The average life time of electric light bulbs produced by a company is normally distributed with mean 65.5& standard deviation 2.5.Find cumulative distribution function if value of ‘X’ is 68 and cumulative distribution is 0.8 Marks 5 (b) Find the inverse of normal cumulative distribution function if Arithmetic mean is 52, standard deviation is 1.79 and probability corresponding to normal distribution is 0.45. Marks 5 Q1: Find the average temperature of Lahore of six months July to December such that In July temperature is 74 F°, in August 68 F°, in September 56 F°, in October it is 67 F° , in November it is 52 F° and in December it is 70 F°. Marks: 5 Q2: Find the simple interest on the amount of Rs 11000 at the rate of 15% for the period of 5 years. Calculate using Excel.

45  5  (67  53) 5 Marks: 5 Q3: Add 5, 10, 34, 56, 46, 78, 45, and 77 using Excel function. Write the formulation in Excel to Write

57 Marks: 5 Q4: If the basic salary of an employee is Rs 18000, and allowances are of Rs 7000. What the percentage of basic salary are the allowances? Marks: 5 Q5: During the process of making a cotton bundle. We are shrinking 78 kg of cotton to the 23 kg by using hydraulic Stress. Find out the percentage change in the Weight of Cotton. Q1: (a) (i)Write the following in Excel. 3  52  4  6  5 72  6

Marks = 2

(ii) What is order of the resultant matrix AB when two matrices are multiplied and the order of the Matrix A is m × n & order of Matrix B is n × p. Also state the condition under which two matrices can be multiplied. Marks = 3 (b) Multiply the following Matrices. Also find determinant of A.

Marks = 5

 2 3 A=  3   6

3 5 6 2

4 7 8 7

6 5  9  9

 4  2 B=   3   6

5 6 4 9

6 7  8  9

Q2 (a) Four persons Ali, Rashid, Fahim, and Farhan are contributing amounts 10000, 20000, 40000, 50000 respectively and starting a business. At the end of one year, they earned a profit of Rs.130000. Find share of each person in the profit. Marks = 5 (b) Find the effective annual interest rate if the nominal interest rate is 4.50% for 3 compounding period per year. Marks = 5 Q3 : Find the future value of an investment of Rs 600 at the beginning of the year if the rate of interest is 7% for 10 number of periods and amount of payment per period is Rs 250. Marks = 5 Q#1: A photo machine operator purchased 20 packets of papers. The market price of a packet is Rs.144. He gets a discount of 17.5% and an

additional 5% for cash. How much did he pay for the whole quantity? (5)

Q#2: Three partners invested Rs.18000, Rest. 16500 and Rs.12500 respectively. When profit was distributed, the third one gets Re.4625. Find the total profit.


Q#3: Airport Security Force purchased 10,000 pairs of socks for the staff members. The cost of manufacturer was Rs. 4 per pair of socks and he supplied the socks on 24% profit. What was the total selling price?


Q#4: The price of a laptop is RS.62, 000.The series discounts are 15%, 18% & 5%. Find the net price.


Q#5: After a mark -up of 30% on sales, a book sells for RS.200. i. ii.

What is its cost price? What is the percentage mark-up on sales if the cost price of the book would have been RS.153?


Q#2: Suppose that 19 poor men and 1 rich man are in a room. Every one of them removes all money from their pockets and puts it down on a table. Note it that each poor man puts Rs.5 on the table; the rich man puts Rs. 10, 0000 (one lack) on the table. Find out the average of all that amount (or money). {But you have to use correct average to calculate the answer by justifying that mean is the correct average or median) \ Question # 3

The following table shows the number of items of certain product imported into the United Kingdom is given below in thousands of units for the Years 1955-64. Years 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 Consumption 170 210 188 98 83 131 205 182 90 92 of Cotton (Thousands of bales). Calculate i) 5-years moving total ii) 5-years moving average. All calculations should be in Excel.

Marks 5

the basic salary of an employee is 23000 Rs per month, Allowances are 10,000 Rs. i) What is the cost on the account of casual, earned and sick leaves per year? Also find total cost of leaves as percent of Gross salary? Marks 5 ii)

What is the taxable income of employee? Also find add back to the income of the company, if any? Marks 5

b) Find the Average of the following numbers, using suitable Excel formula. 239,345,301,298,246,198,276,382 and 179. Marks 3 iii) Question # 02 (Marks 5) The Dawood Hercules industrials index dropped from 1324.56 to 1234.45 in 1 day. What was the rate of decrease in the index? If a man takes loan 250000 Rs for four years and 5 months at an interest rate of 8%. Calculate the amount which he has to pay after for that period if the interest applied is (a) Simple interest Marks 4 (b) Compound interest. Marks 6

The data given below shows the Qty/order of different items. Using SUMIF function for the order of Sink in the data given below: A B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Item Sink Sink Desk Desk Oven Sink Floor Sink Paint Sink

Qty/order 176 203 190 298 300 122 301 202 113 122

a) Find the product of two matrices using suitable Excel function.

a) An item is marked down 15%; the sale price is Rs127.46. What was the original price? Marks 4 b) You owe Rs. 150000.Your terms were 5/12 (5% discount by 12th day). Within 12 days you sent in a payment of Rs. 50,000. Rs. 50,000 was a part payment. How much is your new balance? Marks 6  1 3 2   A = 3 2 0  4 5 6  

 2 5 4    B=  6 3 5   1 4 2   

Marks 5

b) Find the Inverse of A and B using MINVERSE. Marks 5 c) Find the determinant of A and B using suitable excel function. Marks 5 Question # 02 ( Marks 5) In a recent survey, 7 out of 10 people responded “Yes”. If 280 people responded “Yes”, then a) How many people were surveyed?

b) How many responded No?

a) Use FV function of Excel to find future value when you have to pay a specific amount in number of payments is 42 at a rate of 2500 Rs per payment and annual interest rate is 15% and payment is due at the beginning of period. b) If you borrow Rs 25000 from bank at the interest rate of 7% for the period of 4 years. How much will this loan cost you every month. Use PMT function of Excel c) a) The following data gives the imports and exports of Pakistan for the years 199091 to 1994-95. Prepare a side by side bar chart using EXCEL Years Imports (Millions of Rs.) Exports (Millions of Rs.) 1990-91 370 200 1991-92 350 337 1992-93 840 855 1993-94 1438 1016 1994-95 2092 1029

Calculate Mean Deviation and Variance from the given data. (Marks 5) Marks


1-3 3-5 5-7 7-9

40 30 20 10

a) How many ways are there of arranging 6 flags of different colors,

where 1

color chose at a time. (5) b) A bag contains 9 balls, 5 of which are yellow and 4 are black. In how many ways 3 yellow balls and 2 black balls can be drawn? (5)

Q: # 02:A fair coin is tossed 7 times. What is the probability that the head may appear 5 times? (5)

Q: # 03:Probability of success in a medical treatment is 85%. What is the probability of 35 successes out of 42 treatments? Use BINOMDIST function for calculation. (5)

Q: # 04:-

The Probability of wet days in current month = 35%. What is the probability of 2 or more wet days next week? (5)

Q: # 1: a) The time taken to complete jobs of a particular type is known to be Normal distributed with mean 6.4 hours and standard deviation 1.2 hours. What is the probability that a randomly selected job less then 7 hours takes. (5) b) A Normal distribution (N) has mean 140 and standard

Deviation 8. Find probability if N less then 156. Pr ( N < 156 ). (5) Q: # 2: What is the normal cumulative function for a z-value =0.38? Use suitable EXCEL function for calculation.


Q: # 3: Find








distribution when arithmetic mean is 45, standard deviation is 1.25 and the probability corresponding to the normal distribution is 0.65. (5) A Normal distribution has mean 56 and Standard deviation 12. if an item is picked at random from the distribution, what is the probability that its value will be; a) Less then 30; b) Greater then 80. Q: # 2

What is the normal cumulative function for a z-value =2.73? Use suitable EXCEL function for calculation. Q: 3 The weight of a metal components produce by a machine are distributed normally with mean 14 lbs and standard Deviation 0.12lbs. What is the probability that a component

sampled randomly from production will have a weight greater then 14.3 lbs. a) Find the simple interest on 2 years and 3 months loan of Rs.100,000 which has an annual interest rate of 12%?


b) Find the average temperature of Lahore of six months July to December such that In July temperature is 74 F°, in August 68 F°, in September 64 F°, in October it is 67 F° , in November it is 52 F° and in December it is 42 F°. (5)

Q# 2: a) The basic salary of a person working in Klass Company is 20,000. The house rent allowance is 45% of basic salary also conveyance allowance is 2.5% of basic salary and utility allowances are also 2.5% of Basic salary. Provident fund is 1/11th part of salary per month of gross salary. The employee also enjoys the facility of social charges 29% of Gross salary. Find the Gross remuneration of the person per month. Using Excel round your answer at each step up to 1 decimal place? (Gross salary consists of Basic salary, House rent, Conveyance allowance and utility allowances.) (Gross remuneration consists of Gross salary, provident fund, and social charges.) (5)

b) At what rate of annual compound interest will Rs. 80,000 amount to Rs. 120,000 in 3 years? (5)

Q# 3: a) Use SUMIF function to find the total sum of salaries of Ali from the given list using excel. Ali Yasir Ali Akram Ali Ali Rahim

5000 7000 6500 5200 6000 8000 7500


b) The price of the fan was 2200Rs and now it is 2000Rs at what percent the price of the fan decreased? (5)

a) A student plans for his admission in a university after four years, and the admission dues are Rs. 400000. He wants to have this amount in future. Today he adopts the plan of annual periodic constant payments at the rate of 8% per annum. Find his annual periodic payment if the payment will be made at the end of each year. (5)

b) Omer got loan of Rs 500000 and started paying it back in the shape of monthly installments at the rate of 6% per annum. Find the cumulative principal he paid during the second year of payments if he had to pay the amount in 3 years. Since he has received the amount so the present value is Rs 500000. (Use CUMPRINC function). (5)

Q: # 02:a) The sale of three types of towels of a towel making company, in three years is given by the following table. Company’s Sale in Quantity of years Towel-1 sold

Quantity of Towel-2 sold

Quantity of Towel-3 sold

1991 1992 1993

500 300 800

600 250 400

400 350 450

Price of Towel-1= Rs 35 Price of Towel-2= Rs 40 Price of Towel-3= Rs 45 Find the total sale of the company in each year. Hint: Use Matrix Multiplication. (b) Two matrices A and B are given by


 5 4 3  4 8 2      A =  9 6 3  , B =  6 1 3   7 4 6   7 2 6      Find Inverse of A and determinant of B using Excel formulae.


Q: # 03:a) Four persons Ali, Riaz, Rahim, and Rehan are contributing amounts 20000,30000,50000,60000 respectively and starting a business. At the end of one year they earned a profit of Rs.120000. Find share of each person in the profit. (5) b) Find the unknown value of the variable in the following expression 5(10x+1) : 10=13(17+2x) : 26


a) Umar is selling a brand with price labeled RS. 10850. Also the mark down on the price is 13.5%.What is the net price of the brand stated above. (5) b) Mr. Imran sells the stock of furniture with mark -up rate 29.5%.Find the selling price of the stock that cost the retailer RS.45000? (5) Q: # 02 a) What is a cost of color T.V set which is sold for RS.9800 if the percentage markup is 40% on cost? (5) b) After a mark -up of 30% on sales, a watch sells for RS.200. (5) i. What is its cost price? ii. What is the percentage mark-up on sales if the cost price of the watch would have been RS.153? Q: # 03 (a) The price of a computer is RS.42, 000.The series discounts are 15%, 8%& 5%. (b) i. Find the net price. If another shopkeeper gives a discount of 28% on same computer. ii. Find out which shopkeeper is selling the computer at a lower price? (5) (b) The net price of a computer table after trade discount 35.5%is 2500.Find the list price of the computer table. (5) Calculate IRR after 4 years and 2 years. With a guess of13%:

Marks 5

Q# 2: Calculate using AMORLINC function, First period depreciation: Marks 5

Initial cost of a business


Net income for the third year


Net income for the fourth year


Net income for the first year


Net income for the second year


Net income for the fifth 40000 year Cost = 28000 Date purchased = 05/18/2006. End of the first period =12/8/2006 Salvage value =2100 Period = 1 Depreciation rate =17%

Q#3: Calculate XIRR the internal Rate of return: January 1, 2007


March 12, 2007


October 3, 2007


February 1, 2008


May 10, 2008


Marks 5

Q # 4: Use EXCEL function NPV to find the net present value of an investment, when annual discount rate is 15%, initial cost of investment one year from today is 225000.Return from first year is Rs. 35000; Return from second year is 45000; Return from third year is 55000. Marks 5

Q # 5: If FC=2500Rs, VC= Rs 115, S= Rs 200, Capacity = 250 units. Calculate the break even point (BEP) in units and break even point (BEP) as percentage of capacity. Marks 5

The following figures are index numbers of average weekly earnings in a country. Find 3-Year Moving Average for the data. Year

1 955 Earning 100

1 956 108

1 957 113

1 958 117

1 959 122

1 960 130

1 961 138

1 962 143

1 963 149

1964 163

(a) Explain OR rule and AND rule.


(b) How many 3 digit number can be made from 7 distinct digits. Use EXCEL function


Q: 02 (a) There are 7 green balls and 5 red balls. In how many ways, can we select 4 green balls and 3 red balls? (5) (b) A surgery is successful for 60% patients. What is the probability of its success in at most 9 cases, out of 12 randomly selected patients? (5) Q: 03 Suppose we flip a coin 13 times. Use the BINOMDIST function to calculate the probability of getting exactly 7 heads. (5)

Question 1.

Marks: 2

If Cost = Rs. 7060 and Markup Rate on Cost = 46.7% then Selling price equal to 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rs. 11253.05 Rs. 32970.2 Rs. 10357.02 Rs. 9046.7

Question 2.


If Cost Price = Rs. 6190 and Selling Price = Rs. 8530 then the Markup Rate is equal to 1. 2. 3. 4.

30.3% 27.4 % 35.2 % 37.8 %

Question 3.

Marks 2

If Sale Price = Rs. 1279 and Markdown Rate on Original Price = 7.9 % then the Original Price is equal to 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rs. 1177.79 Rs. 1388.71 Rs. 1380.04 Rs. 1280.8

Question 4:


After taking 10 tests, my mean score is 10 In the next test my score is 18. What is my new mean score?

Question 5:

Marks: 5

A company increases the price of its products at the following rate Rs. 150 in the product range up to Rs. 4000. Rs. 200 in the product range from Rs. 6000 Rs. 250 in the product range from Rs. 8000 Rs. 300 in the product range from Rs. 10000 Rs. 350 in the product range from Rs. 12000 Rs. 400 in the product range from Rs. 14000. No increase in the price if the price of product is 16000 or above. What benefit company will receive on sale of one item of each product if there are 30 products with the following price

3700 5800 8100 11500 13200

3900 6200 8800 11600 13800

4200 6400 10300 11800 13900

5000 7200 10700 12200 14200

5500 7900 11200 13000 15000

5700 8000 11400 13100 15000

( Hint: Use class interval ) Question 6

Marks: 6

Suppose there are nine homes valued at Rs. 150,0000, Rs. 140,0000, Rs.160,0000, Rs.130,0000, Rs.180,0000, Rs.170,0000, Rs.190,0000, Rs.120,0000, and Rs160,0000 in a new area. There is one small empty lot in the area and someone builds small home with a valuation of Rs. 20,0000. Find either the distribution is negatively skewed or positively skewed by first finding the first quartile, third quartile and median.

Q # 2: MARKS 04 A die is thrown. Fine the probability that the dots on the top are even numbers or odd numbers. Marks 4

Q # 3: MARKS 06 Find the probability that in a family of 4 children will be (a) al least 1 boy (b) At least 1 boy and 1 girl. Assume that the probability of a male birth is ½.

Q# 1: a) The sum of 720 Rs is to be divided among Ali, Fawad and Zain according to the ratio 3:4:5. How much each one does receive?


b) In the final exam Sameer got 60 marks in Urdu, 80 marks in English, 90 marks in Maths, 50 marks in Islamiyat, 55 marks in Pakistan Studies, 70 marks in Physics and 80 marks in Chemistry. Make the result card of Sameer, 1) Using Sum function 2) Using arithmetic Operator “+” 3) Find the average marks obtained by him (using Excel formula) 4) find the average of marks greater then 50(average of not contiguous numbers) (5)

Q1(a) Calculate the cumulative interest paid during 3rd year, using the Excel function. The annual interest rate is 7% for the principal amount of Rs335000 for 12 years. (b) Find the inverse and the determinant of the following matrix: 1  2   3   4

2 3 4 1

3 4 1 2

4 1 2  3

Q2 (a) Multiply the following matrices  34  29 

45 31


 15  56 

23 70 

(b) In a hospital, there are 600 bed, 200 nurses and 150 other staff. If the hospital extends by the new wing for 300 beds, then what additional staff needed? Q3(a) A bicycle is originally priced at Rs 5000. If it is marked 30% off, what will be the sale price? (b) Calculate the single discount rate that is equivalent to the series 7%, 10% and 15%. Question # 1 Find the Straight line Depreciation Allowances of each year from the following Data. Use the Existing formula in Excel. Marks 5 Initial Cost Salvage Value Years of Useful Life

25000 4500 11

Question # 2 Calculate IRR after 5 years, 4 years and 2 years. With a guess of10%: Marks 5

Initial cost of a business


Net income for the first year 34000 Net income for the second year


Net income for the third


year Net income for the fourth year


Net income for the fifth year


Question # 3 Calculate using AMORLINC function, First period depreciation: Cost = 25000 Date purchased = 05/18/2006. End of the first period =12/20/2006 Salvage value =1800 Period = 1 Depreciation rate =12% Marks 5 Question # 4 Ali sells the stock of furniture with mark -up rate 19.5%. Marks 5 Find the selling price of the stock that cost the retailer RS.54000? Question # 5 Find the solution of the following linear equations x - 5y = 6 3x + 7y = -4 Marks 5 Question # 6 It is given that FC=2000Rs, VC= Rs 105,S =230 and Capacity = 350 units. Find the BEP in units. Marks 5

a) b)

United Nations Organization has a plan to distribute $ 400000 among the third world countries. During this process, Pakistan, India, Bhutan & Nepal are receiving $ 130,000, 75000, 85,000, & 110,000 respectively. Draw a PIE chart expressing the share of each country in sectors. ………………………………………………………………..MARKS-5 Find out the Mean, Mode and Median using EXCEL Formulations when the Data is as : 36,37,39,36,57,58,67,62,61,61,63,61,65,69,72 ………………………………………………………………..MARKS-5

Q NO 2 a) Find Out the 1 and 3 st


quartile ,Data is as :

85, 67, 27, 29, 71, 83, 81, 36 ………………………………………………………………..MARKS-5


Using Correlation function from Excel find the association between the two set of values











16 25 36 48 59 71 81 125 ………………………………………………………………..MARKS-5

Q NO 3 a) Find the Variance and Standard Deviation of When Data is as :

23, 18, 29, 19, 21, 29, 32, 38, 41 ……………………………………………………………..MARKS-5


Under what condition data is perfectly symmetrical & explain the frequency of a certain class. ………………………………………………………………..MARKS-5

A dice is thrown what is the chance of getting 5,6 or a number divisible by 4?

Question No: 1 A pair of dice is rolled. Let A be the event of getting sum of 3 and B be the event of getting sum of 5. Explain whether these events are mutually exclusive or collectively exhaustive. What is the probability of getting A or B? (Marks 5) Question No: 2 A fair coin is tossed four times. What is the probability of getting a. Exactly 2 heads.

b. At least 2 heads. (Marks 5) Question No: 3 Suppose the average number of lions seen on a one-day safari is 5. What is the probability that tourists will see at most four lions on the next one-day safari? Use POISSON function. (Marks 5) Question No: 4 Find area under one tail for z-value of 1.75 i-e area under curve for the region shaded with blue. a) Using Standard Normal Distribution Table b) Using NORMSDIST excel function. (Marks 5) HINT: Standard normal curve is a normal curve with mean zero and standard deviation 1. Area between two values of Z (say, a and b) represents the probability that Z lies between a and b.

As with any continuous probability function, the area under entire standard normal curve must be equal to 1. So area under the right half and the left half, of the curve is 0.5

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Standard Normal Distribution Table gives the area under curve from 0 to Z


NORMSDIST excel function returns area under standard normal curve from negative infinity to Z

Question No: 5 Suppose scores on an IQ test are normally distributed. If the test has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 10, what is the probability that a person who takes the test will score exactly 90? (Marks 5) Question No: 6 Suppose we want to estimate the average weight of an adult male in a town. We draw a random sample of 1000 men and weigh them. We find that the average man in our sample, weighs 180 pounds, and the standard deviation of the sample is 30 pounds. What is the Standard Error of the Mean? Calculate 95% confidence interval. (Marks 5) HINT: Take standard deviation of sample as an approximation of standard deviation of the population.

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