Msta Conference Presentation Slides

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 592
  • Pages: 16
Michigan Mathematics and Science Teacher Leadership Collaborative

•  Welcome and Introductions •  Background on the MMSTLC •  Stories of Teacher Leaders

•  Discussion, focusing on teacher leaders

and partnerships

•  A Statewide Math/Science Partnership G

•  Wanted to develop capacity of instruction

leadership in mathematics and science •  Based upon a number of model program

• Teacher Specialist (implementation of leadership development “apprenticeship” • Building Science Leaders (content focus and leader development skills) • LeTUS and IQWST curriculum programs (content f science specific curriculum and professional develo

•  Leadership doesn’t just address building

instructional leaders

•  All of these stakeholders need to address

different issues to make the program wor

• Teacher Leaders • Mathematics and Science Center staff • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Faculty from higher education institu • Building / District Administration

•  Teacher Specialist Leaders provide

professional development in local schools

•  All local sites are engaged in focused wo

identified needs, and utilize STEM faculty support content issues

•  Teams create and modify action plans to

progress toward goals

•  Build and sustain partnerships between h

education, MS Centers, and local school

hers need rtunities to learn o teach science integrated body owledge and ce - to teach for ific proficiency.” "

nal Academy of es, 2006

•  Focus is on specific issues in

science instruction that are known to be challenges in the middle grades: • Student Investigation • Models in Science • Data Collection and Analysis • Assessment of understanding

•  Inquiry-based learning concep

•  Kathy Surd and Brandi Mendham • Mason-Lake Oceana Mathematics and Science Center

•  Sherryl Martin • Mason County Central Middle School Science T

herryl Martin / Gayla Carskadon onja Siewert / Paul Drelles randi Mendham / Kathy Surd hristy Christmas

ajor Focus Area = Hands-On Science Kits

Kit Committee and Assessment Committee Resource Development Professional Development for Teachers

eam Goals

•  More Inquiry-Based Science Implemented

•  More Project-Based Learning

•  More Confident in Teaching Science

•  Enjoying Being a Teacher Leader and Sharing


More Confident in Leading PLC Groups

• More techniques to lead groups • Better understanding of different leadership styles • Better understanding of how personalities impact group dyn

Current Leadership Roles

• Science Curriculum Mapping K-12 • Director of Migrant Education for Mason County Central • Liaison for High School Completion Courses • Director of State and Federal Programs for Mason County C • Super Science Saturday Coordinator

olving our STEM Faculty ollaborative Site Visits

Mentorship on Teaching Science OGIL Summer Institute eveloping Other Teacher Leaders

MS-HS Teacher Leader PLC Project

MSTA Required

as Vegas Solution Tree Collaborative Conferenc

•  Kim Cook • Port Huron Schools and St. Clair team •  Alycia Meriweather • Detroit Public Schools

ow was your team “designed”? What aspects of your district/region/team impacted t esign of your team and how you implemented the ogram?

•  What is the impact so far on your own teachin

•  What is the impact on your colleagues?

•  What leadership roles and activities are

and your team involved in?

•  How did this support your leadership s

and knowledge? •  How is this affecting your team and the sc you are serving?

ear focus for all to address key needs for all par partners have something to learn and value inp m each other achers have the opportunity to work with math ence centers, university staff, and administrato dress key content, pedagogy, and policy issue ough focused activity ograms can provide fiscal support to ensure tha achers can participate as needed and get time

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