Msft6008 Reading2

  • November 2019
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a.24 Tzbv^',<'tr -ht

Ingeborg E. Hou9,


.r . lylng

'h'A\IVIFT /-\ | r-Tr.|


fl-liri.rtffi ll'ilil'llll?illiili'i'15i,:"

itlTr:::li:l':i:l.Tt: Locle oI _Etnlcs Principte rwo:confidentiatity J 13;li3i';ili*#j{iiffi rofession.l erhical be- whether,wher, witb whom, and rowhar hnviorbeginswirh rhe exlent tbeir communicfltioDs with ir recognition drat even therapht can be shared. \irher clients s eem ; n g 1 y i D s i g D i ti c a D t unaninrouslyagleero a releaseof infor' actions in rhe therapy context rn.tion, drefapisrs may not refuse rhis havedre potentialto lrelp or harm The etbicaI rnandateto!ain conclients.Thempisrsafe drerefore rsked ro be intentional in their fidenriality is so wiclely acceptedthat it behavior and to reflecr on the possible is wrirten into tbe ethics codes of all unintended consequences of their maior mental bealth disciplnres-psy' p l a D nedac r ions T . he Go l d e nR u l e i s a chiarry, psycbology,social work, rnar good maxim ro keeph mnrd, namelyto d .g e a n d f am;l ytherapy,mental heal tb lreat clients as drerapisrsvould like to counselinc, and psychiarric nu.sing. Confidenrial;ty, however, is also pro be treated $emselves. Confidenriality mighr be considered tected by law. Most states drat license orcenify rnarrirge and family drerapisrs rhe foundarionro esr.blishinga safeard rherapeuricrelatioDslripin which clients have clearly aniculated confideltialican openly confide their personalcon tylpfivare communication legislation. cerns wirhour fear of public exposure. Vhilethese lawsvary frornstateto stare, ITith notable exceptions, rhe right to they generallyspellout {1) under whiclr confidentialiry belongsto clients,and it circunstancesand to whar extenr theris clients' prerogative to determine apistsmay breach con{idenrialitywith-

48 r^ .,- r" " .^ * "^"-'-.

do well ro follow guideliDesfor orher licensedrnentallrealtl providersin their

The AAMFT Code ofErhics empha' sizesil] its prermble rh.t "both l.w and ethics govern drc practice of narrirge rnd family therapy.Vhen maktug decisioDs regarding professioDalbehavio! manirge and family rherapisrs must considerthe AAMFI Co.leof Ethicsand applicablelaws and regularions."Since ethical and legalconsiderationsoverlap in issuesof confidentialhn ir is crlrcial drat therapistseducatedremselves abour specificlaws and regulationsthat affect As in all aspectsof clinical practice, it behoovescLiniciansto be proacrive radler rhan reactivein establhhingpolicies regarding confidentiality and informing clientsofthese. The AAMFT Code of Ethics assistsby giving the followins guidelines.


Prihci ple ll. l3. hfi

sysrem!, schools, erhics boards, for e xa mp le- r her 3pis t sb a v e to a s c e n a i n fro m.ll p. r t iesar r heo u rs e w r h a ! i n fo r mahor needsro be reporred,wirb what frequencnand wbat information, if any, is consideredconfidential. Ir rhe precedingvigDerre,cven if rbe therapisr had obtained a relcasefrom the clienrto speakwidr rhercverend,the settins oftlls coDvefsat;onin a pubtic p ra cc wuh no gunr a n re e0 1 p rj v s c y would still prohibir . response. Conversrtions rcsarding ctjentsin unsecured seni11gs and p ro fession.t ,.gossip,, among colleagues ourside of profes sional crse conferencesor supervision consarurecaretessrDd scrious breaches o l co n fidenr iilr t y I. t ; s c q u n ttyi D rp o fti n t th .t r her x pis redu s c :rre th e ;ra d n i n _ isrL.rivcsraffrDd biltiDgse|vices in so.jn, g e n t c onf idenr ialit y n rc a s u re s a n rl so u n d p r oofof f ic ess o d r.t o rh e rsmn y n o t o vc r her r c alls m cl i e n rs ,l e t a to n e

c r. h L h ccoD rexrof coupl c.l l mi l y oc $orf 1rc.lfuent, Lltcrher'npisr ).\,Dot re v c .l i n y n i !;dri t.s conti denccsr,) o l h c $ ;1 1 rhc cl i enrun;rw i l trortdl c pr;or \!i tt.n p e rn;ssi onol rh.L i ndi !i dtral . Vignare A naftiage atld fanily ther, .tPist enticd d sessiofl taith a caupte. Durine tbe fo owjns tueek one of tbe paltnet's t/duel schedulenecessitateda .hange ifl appaibtnents. As the theftpkt laohed thrcugh the dppointment book, tLe pannel sNepped@ fton b ehin.! ta I oo k fol ot, en in ss in t h e sched. xle that night tuo& for then. Conmenrs: This uncomfort.ble sirnation occurs not irfrcquently when d re mp i s tss chedtl ethei r ol vn rppoi D tments ar dre eod o[sessions.The thera, p i s ti s w e u .dvi sedro cl oserhc rppoi nt m e n t b o o k a nd expl ai nto rhc partner that dre infonnrtion conrnined in ttre w c c k l y tl n n nef i nci udcsctj ents'nrmes a n d n e e d sro rcnrni nconfi denti al . Vigncttct A 151ear old chitd ,ohosc ts w.te dirar.ins tuas lafefte.l to farc 2 .2 Al r . ix , r .in( t t ln, ;i y rh .frt,i s rr.t(, in MFr for exhibnins bcttdui.r.trob" .l i ls r. lif nr ( oi[ i(t..r,, .\,.rt]rh \l Iems ftlatcl b the divotcc. 'rn fhe .hitd \'fi l rro r nr |l! iA lid, , r ' t..ri rc r..r,, ta thcnry by o11tt dre t. After 'ulssent $ ,l N r o Dr ( lir . r l . f t ) ,i D i !l ,rt t)r ti r,. dx iflitia I scssiot togctbernithtrcrcfcl. Vrfb i l , , ( hor i7r r io, ,\ ,i tl r{ ,r h n rtti , rins parent, the .|1ild rcfuscd porentat .i e ,'r ..,. , , t , 1i. , r Ddr f . n .! j i rrrrri .,,,i , ntrolrenlent n thempy. Ol,qthc conse rtrl csrfr nr ; l) i1( . 1h! h$,. \i /l ,fn t)ro \i ,l of the fo ooine indidknt sessial]'s, the iDi te ,trrt lc .i. dr ilv , r . |, ()trt) ri ,rrrrn r, thikl confidul to thc tbeftpist d nedt rl 'c l h .rrt , is r d. f s n, n r li !trfi ,i rt,rn i . daity use ofniiiu,t"a attt! atcohot, as rro ,'o u rs nl.dr . eL' r . r r r u !r ,rr,r.rr N i rh 0e as dt gefus l,isk-taki sbehtuhrs ,n rl i v.; I en. |' r hor i?ir t i ,rr tfo n r...l r like &iuins luhih ilttoxkat?d. O,c ddy i n ,l i vi rl r r al c onr 1r r , I rr , , r\..n r. r N ri ! the othct llarcnt rnllcd tbe thenfhl


angily an.l stated that both paftflts did flat .oflseftt to tberafy. This faleflt accusedth e theftpist af biasiagthe tbitd tawdd the otbet paleflt, atld .len1aflded to be se,t .opies of tbe therupy tecolds. The chit.r t)ehehently reiected 4t1! contact uith this p1feht and dsked the therapist to ,rcmise not to rcueat thenpeutic coflfideflcesto eithetparctt. Comments: Almosr always, when therapjsrs provrdc sefvjces to minorc rvhoseparentsare married, the consent of one prrent is sLrfficientfor providing medi ci l of nrenrl l lheal tl rtre.tmenr .r f the pirenrs .re separ.ntedor divorced and j oi nt cD srod, ei rtrerpxr enr rnayconseotto a.e.nneD rexcep rtin hose casesw hercrhedi vorccd(creesnccir ie! w nrcn tarcnr hi s rhe l ]ow er r^,, Lr r r in psychoiogicalorpsychiar;c cire for rhe chi l dLen.S omesrarel cw s requ ir ct his l evel of speci fi ci tyw hen gran t ir g n divorce, :lnd rhcrapisrsneed ro inlornr nremsetvcsregnding dreir respccrive j uri sdi cti on. Ir c.scsof sol ccrstodyont y the p.renr w ho h.s sol e cusrod ym ny consentro lherapy. ID order ro i cr pfo.cri vetyw h cDsee, rng mi nos w kh of w i rhotrrI pnr enr t trreri rprsrs musr i nqui re1r i l rl ake : r bonr thc p.renrs' mnri t.l srrrrN rnd, jn r he of di vorce, w herher rhe p . r r enl rcqLrestin8services h:rs dre ri,.!br to nudrorize such n.earnrent.Onc w,ry io rccompl i shrhi sw i thmi ni maldi sr upt ior i s ro i D cl udedrosequesti onsi n drepoli cres aDd procedurcs/nrfofmed conseni

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fornr rhit rherepis!t re!ie\r rvirh clienrs P0 o r ro l heir s igning. The ther.p;sr bel.redly ascerrained t ha rd ri sc hild' s pn. enth.d s j o i n tc u s to d y and rh:u rhe referriDs p!renr could inde.d :rL,rhorizemental herhh treat nreDr.Sincerhereferrnrsparenrhadbee11 seenin thrrapy with thechild foLrhe first sessionand therefor.ewas part of ..rhe

rhroughNbpoena,hopinsfor a judicial the minor but also others. Therapists decisiontlrar overridestherapisr-clienr should seriously consider seekingpeer

Thefapisrs' ethical imperarive to advancefirsr and foremostclients'wel fare comesagainuder scmrinywhen considernrgthe child'sseriousactnrg our beh.vior. Dailysubstance abDse in a nraybe lookedar rs suicidal 'ninor treaonentcon!exr," .ny releaseof;nforbehavior, especi.llyin rhe light of.isk, m a ri o n ,i nc ludingt o r he o rh e r p a fe n t, tnk ingbehaviors tharendargernot on1y

would hxl'e rcquired the referrinBpar, enfs signiture. Whether rhe childt signrrL're w.s les.lly ncededdepcDdedon tbe srl]tcor frovincet hws. The ase lvhen minors mny excrcise p ri vi l e g e v nr ies f r om ju ri s d i c ti o n to ju rh d i ction.T he. 8e of c ( ' rs e n rro [e .rment ard relersingone'sown infonnrt 'on i stypic nlly s et . r agc1 6 ro 1 8 .So me iu risdic!ions,however,sct the Ageas low is 1 2 -1 4. nd ot her sr le s i l e n to n th e issu e .Inc . s c of s ilenc e,rh e a g cs h o u l d sa fcl yb ei s s Lr nr ed ! o bc t 8 . U rh i c i l c o n sicler.rionsrnd legalrrics,lrowevc! do not :rl wr y s ov c r l. p c oni tl c i e l y .Vh i l e thc lrw tt]ay ror require rhc child,s signature is .r nrinor,tbc edricalnDpemrivc to protecr clienrJ welfrre {nd inrerests exre n d s!o . r ll t r Dr ilym em b c rs i, n c tu d in g a l 5 -y earold. A s s um i n gd rec h i l .ti s |r l e n ta l l y c om per en! , ch i l d ' s c o n s e n r r hir t o a re l e as eof f ec or dswo u l d e th i c a tl y The AAMFT Erlrics Conminee bas D ol se ta n y ex plic i! agea rw h i cmi h an o f! srg'ranrrers Decessaryro rele:rseconfi dertia I infonnarion.Aninfo|J11al inquify by the ruthor, howeveL;indicaresdrat marriage aDd fanily rherapisrs conrnonly rcques!thesisrarur.esof children, ofter as you|g rs 9 or 10 years of nge, who are able ro wrire rnd able ro comprehendwhar drey arc sisDUrs. ln rhe above vignefte the non-consennngp:r.enrmighr insistrhafthe oDly inte re sti s ininf or m r t ionab o u h e c h i l d , not the orher parenr. In rhe absenceof a signedwa;vef from rhe referring pareDt, however,and evenif the child corsents to a releaseof informarion, rhe dre .a p i st c annot " s pl; r t hefi l e " i n o rd e l ro exrracr lniornarion corcerning only rhe child. The Don-consenringparenr m'g h t p u 6ue r he goal by l e g a l m e a n s

and legal consultation to review rheir treatmenr plan and clinical inrerventioDs. If the childk behavior conrinues orescatatesin spireofrhelapeutic inrerveDtions .nd tbe rherapisr deems the behavi or to be acdvdy sui ci da l and homicid.l, rhen the cxception of P.inciple 2.2 of the Code, ..nrandrred by la\" may be met, tlroush rhe trw

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I ii, inlr niI. ,, l tl | tr s must be checked.In ordcf to protectn eLseto knou my business."A feu days wouldbejusti Laterthe spar$e in questiofl cdlled the cbildt life, e therapist fiedin inforning rhercfcrringparentof faqily theftlPkt dnd.stdted, "1 thaugbt the child\ behaviorrvithoutthe childt yo" ousht to hnot! tuhat my theftpist consent.It is,ofcourse, a natterofclil! tuantedta taLkto yor about: I havebeen icalskillhow thissituationh bandled bauins an dffdi afd atn kot sure about and cantinuing ny narridge. I don't tuant so!har clients'wclfareis nrnximized may you to nefltion anything about this i11 thechild'sdigniryard cooperation tho'tgh." ow sessiofts, be prorecred. Marriageand f.nily thcripistsmay Comments: since the Ethics Code policies requires dre written permission of all proacrivelysct conceming abuse. Theycou1d, membersiD treannentpt.ior to relcising minors'substance for example,inform fanrilies,includins information, fiechildt refusalprevents minors,at the outsettlut rlie dlerspisr the drerapistfrom comlnunicatingwith will not keepfrom parentsprolonged rhe spouse'sindividual ther.pisr. This sutrsrance abuseby their childrensince situatior reflectstbe possibledispadty tlre therapistinterpretssuch .buse as betweenethical rnd legil stipui.tions, suicidal andwillneedto takemeisues as mentionedabove.\Vhile most thernpfotect to fie client. Suchr policyrisks, pistswould grant | 14-yearold the srnre ofcourse,thatrnirrorsarenot fortbrigbt ethical right to confidentialiry and pLoin admirringrbeirsubstance abuse.It te c ti o no f drei . i rterestsas adul ts,dre does,bowever,increaseiDfonnedcon- h w m.y or may not na| date rbi s si gclients' n:rnrre,dependingor statestautes. sentro trcaflnentand respecrs

family, and the therapy processif rhe client continred keeping intetrtioDs a secret. If, lroweve! became parental 'ttuck" due to $e unaddressed conflicts, the thefapisr mighr need ro defer further services.Tlis snuation requires thcrapists' clinical skill and exquisiteattentionto d€tailto avoidaccidentxl brcaches of indiv ual confidences,xnd in ordcr to pfotect bodl dre fi ily ind the individunlt rights and well-being.

2.3l vl .ni .gc dnd Irni l v thcripislsu! cl i crt rncl /orcl i l i crl nratrri rl s in Lt ach;r9.,$!i ti rg, connrhi D l t,f.scd r cir ,r n. l onl y i f i wr it lor t)tr1)l i c,rres.rti ri otrs vri v.fh.s hccnol )rr;rcdi n i {:c or ( lm c. w i th S uhp rci t)l e2.1. ol w h.n al, |r o. pdat. ne| s hrl c hcenl .l Gr l o t r on! l .l i enr nl cnr;r!rnd.oni nl .nri .l i r y. Visne'Je'A natriose and fanib therdpististuorkiflgtuith calcer Pttientsa".I The infornratior fte spouseiD ques- rheir fdtnilies, Family mcnbers are rion sh:rredconfidenriallywith dre drer- encouragctlto draLuand/or exPrcss thenviarcttet A lattiasea d fnniuthet y iDrplicarions for the selvespoetica in dn effoi to helpthe l theftPy. :rpist had clinical apist tuasseeinga fa'nily fot pbotrc trcirnncnt of the fimily. Tbe cot11t1nt1icdtc dt|d extcnalizc thcir exfeeralist iuerl a conliDtred Oneday,theth rece ca frcm onesparce\ tu,liuitludlthcn- therapist,howcver,wns unNblc to usethe riel1.a.The thcratist has beenaskul to pist uho tuantcd to coordihatcthtt i | fo rma ti o n unl essrhe spousckeepi ng lnd a uorksbap on thk ttork fot nnsspa se'streatment.Wbeh the famiLy dle secfergavewf itten conserrtto release itig stdff at a maiot ho+ital ifl thc .ity and decides to ill str c the therafist,nentione.lthis re4 en to the d ra t i n fo rmrti on.Tbe therapi stw orl d "cath, b c a b l c i o spcrk i ndi vi dual l y w i th apt/oa.h 1lith clients'attt|otk. To proo Iy neh b et I a t s ri l l f fan ily,a 1a-year kl fan; sccretive spouse to clarify wh.t the tzct colfdentidlity, the therafist rc/noues ly rcfused to sis1ld releaseof intaflna- drc night be to tlre client, tbe a na tes rratoiuss and poens rhat anlone consequences tion form,stathg "I dofl'tt0d11t fton .lients 1L'o ld identify and usesfictional fi'Jr namesuhen discussinsthe clinicnl xsefulnxs of the approach. one client's rclatil)e, hotueuet, is in the a dience a 11 tuhile not irlentilying the tuork's qetrtor,


reng izes the family in rhe thcrapist's two newp!blications to helpmaffiageandfamilythenpy TheAA[,,lFTha5 innoduced nalruti'e.'the rcktiue is appalLedto haue professo.s,students,and practitionetr andprac_ maintainthe hlghestethicalstandards the fafllily s emotio al cxpelien.e discontemporary ethicalissues suchas,Ethl6tnM. or.l Fdnly ft.rcpl explorcs integrating ethic5intobusine$,and andnegLect, m!ltiplerelationships,violenceabuse Comments: Tlre safest woy to Dse mo:allry.utet\ cui.le ro the AAMFrCo.l. ol Ethi.s de.ipheu the revisedAAlvlFTCodeof client naterials in a public forum is to excelEthk5andoffeBexplanations andvisnettesforeveryprinclpleofthe Code.These rece;veexplicit wrirten permissionfrom to eachothei lentresources canstandaloneortheycanbeuredascompanlons clienrs, srating ihe extent of the inforcomplexshuaion!,ther andfamilytherapy involves Because the practice ofmarriag€ mation to be released,aswell as rhe pur s ofthena.tlons.Along with aplstsneedto beawareofthe ethicalandlegal6mification posesand time limitation ofthe permis program,these rhk manag€ment new the AAMFTcode ofEthicsanda comprehensive sion.Tbetherapistin thisexampleopred soundners. to o ls c anhelppr ov l d e a s tro n g b a s i s fo re n s u ri n qethi .a insteadto protect clients' confidentialiat wwwaamft.orglresources/Productcat_ Youcanpurchasethese ty by renoving identifying informarion alog.htm.You canalsocall(202)452 0109to placea phoneordetor sendande mailto from all artwork. In order to ;llusrrare membereryice@aamft .org. the app.oach, however, dre drenpist pLovidedclinical detail withour e.ough

5 2 r^" '*r'* ^ * " " . - ' * .



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co n ce .l m enrI.r is of t end i ffi c u l tro a d e ceed.h seenred highlylikelythar rhe q u a re h dis guis ec lienrs 'i d e n ti ryw i rh clicnrrook tbefile.Shouldtbethcrapist o u t l o sins c linic r l der x i l fe l e v .D r ro call theclienrand:rskabourir, rhereby re rch i ng, N. iiing, co n s rl ri n s , o r ponrdngout tbe lossof rhe file, includ re se .rch. A t es t oflldeqn rre d i s s n i s e mry ins theconfidenrial ;nfofnation h con b e ro e s t ablis hwher he ra p e fs o nw h o t.ined, and risknrgrheclienr,soutrage? knorvs d,e clienr well rvo,,ld nor be !t te MighrdlecliertiDiriare a comphinrro to i
thcrapisr .enr.iDcd silenrrnd dreclicnr

therapists reed to corsuh their statc laws. A tine frane common in sevenl srares i ssevelyearspastrermi narion: r nd three years fasr thc dearh of clienr or thcnp;sts. Howevef, sincethe AAMIiI Code brs no time limirs to iivcstigaring ethi cscompl .i nrs and s;ncefi l e s m . y clocumentnnporrant dernils,drerapisrs rre w el l rdvi sedto srvccl i entfi l esm clef i nnel y.Gi venthesefrcts, of r he mi ssnrsf i l ccoul dpossi bl ycometx ck r o b.unt the sr yen| l htei In con sul tati on rvi rb agencyri l nri ni str r r or s. the drempi srdeci dedto seekl egrlcoun sel and w i s nl vi scd ro docome nrt hc i nci dcD t.ndfefr.ri Dfron i .ki nsar y f Lr r rherdcri ontl r rhrr ri D re.

2 .4 M.rf ddqc and f an i l y rh e rrrp i s rs or'. subseqnent thernpisrhter requcstsl o re , sr lc er . r ( 1,. r nd di s fo s r o t c l ;c n r edaccessto drefile,possiblyin ar cmer rec .(lsir rvdystlut D.inliin cooii.le| sencylSincedifferenrjurisdictiolshave li.lity rn(l r.c i,r ic.or.l $,;rh .pphrihl. differirsstipulations howlongnedicrI, l.1 w s.n dpr olc s s ionils rx n d rfd s . includingmenrilheahhrccords,hrvfio V ignettet A h larr ids dnd fan i ly t h er- bc rcr.lred by bcrldr serviccproviclers, alit uee.lsto qtickly en.t t scssiokfat .t, r1seflt rcstroa t brcak. The dient prcl'arcs to lelle, bxt is sloru i gathet ,tB trcts.r"tL hcl onsi,1ss.l'l).1thtt.ip ist, Fomily Sol0tion, lhrrlrqre off€.t tba casertld, prcpoft tron ih p hysi.oI dtsr'ass,canfhns th? die,t's materlo,J and wod$hops you ,tl'l'oi"hnent tl)c folk,uikg tittk at tbc nc.d to confrd.niry toke thc dtlrccdntlon tinc, dtd asksrhe client to I LT l,i I l.T notlondl lice'3tngexam,tn.ludlng U ! tht uay o t ifl thc therdpist's [n toftwore ,lmulotlon, of the new dbscn.c. Whe thc th.nlist rctMns Itaik the rcstrca th! offie ;s cntb,. 7he.liutts filc, Loka\iu, uhich hal hacn phtul ar thc dcsk,n hot\rue t.)




ConNctrtsr The nr.ndure to keeping cl i e u t rec or c lss r f e ind i n 0 c c e s s i b lne) u n .u l h or iz c d per s onsr r a l l ti me s i s r ri rte n ri onr lly but c ar cl c s s l yv i o l a te d in th e a bov es ir uar ion.N o n u fi e r rh c phys;cnl disconrfofr, rhc !her:rpisr sh o u l dhav ewr it c d unr i l $ e c l i c n ! l e fr ( rn d l o c k edt bc of f ; c edo o r d u ri o s rh c su b se q r er ribs enc e) orrd k e Drh e c l i e n r f il c rl o n g, as s uniogt har th e l e w e .e D o o th cr fi l e sly ins . r ound. Si n ri l n fp o re n , ri n l b re ac hesc luer o c r r e l e $ n e s so c c u r wheDtherapisrsleaveFilesoD theif desk and keep dre;r office doors open ro a c o mmo nh, llwiy whilc r h e ya reo o ts c r t in 8 . cu p of c of f ee,r c t f i c v i n Srh e m .i l , or aftendirg ro orh€r merren, or NbeD I he ra p i s tleav s ef ilesand/o f.u d i o /v i d e o tapes in ttleir car, or when drey rerunr c l i e n rp h oncc allsor lis r e nro c l i e n rrrrp e s in th e i f hom eswir h or he r f.n ri l r n re n r


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2 .5 '! ubs c qr r t ntio r | c tl ,e ,.p i 5 tn n n i n s l ro [ r he. nr ] , t l{ r \ i l ]. rh f p r..ri c c , o , n fo r r lr edeJ r h. l dr r th .r.p i s r, r .Ir ,i .i $ r nd h ilr lhd i p i s t rrra rg e s i o rh csf t r m lr e. t n. ! lef , o , (l ;i f o s .l .n c l i e rl tt,!r( li in wr y s t Lr Ln i i n tr conlidcn L i i l i r ! . n( l s . l|1l! r l l rh { , \\,l l .fc o l Vign ltet A hdrridge afld fdlnily ther,

apist is teminati"g enploymentat a nental hedLthagencyto tuorksoleLyin packs Priunteptu.ti.e. Thethel.apist "p : persanatbetonsinss dnl offne filesihd bircs a houins .onpaky. One of the cartyi c a bax of .bent files, 'na"erc, stunbLes and&opsthebox,andthecon tefltsspi ott d1t.!bLauidoLulthenteet. Soneaf thepape$arc neuetretrieued.

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Connents: \/het1 therapists leave asency employmeDr,;t js imponanr ro remember tbat the original fites of aseDcyclienrsbeloDg!o rheageDcy. \(;rh thc agreemen t of administrarors, therapistsmay copy files for their own Any srorage,transfer,or disposalof client records, whether original files, copres!orplvnre nores,Decessirates pxr, ticolrr artert;on by rbe|1rpisrs to be surc no brellchofconfidentiality occurs.The therapist w.s negligentin rbis .luty by failing to securelyserl the boxes con taining clienr files. In r local move, ir tnay be best pr.ctice to nrovethescseDsitive pe.sonalln if feasibie. P ri l rci pl e2.5 al soreqni resrher r pisr s to pronctively comm!lricire to office manrgersof to dre execuroLs of r heir estatehow cl i cntfi l esshoul dbe handled i n theevento{ rheideafi L . A s m ent ioned abovc(P ri nci pl e 2.4),drer.pi sr sneedt o inform thcrnselvesof drc tirnefrrme set by drei fj Lrri sdj cti or rcgardi rrg thel€ngr lr oftinre recordsneedto be rcr.incd under thesccircunrstanccs. 2.6 l\4tri,rtrc xtrd Irnily rherirpirts. $,h.n .on\!l ri I' t rvi rh col l e r r gr r es rr fcl fl i l krtrrccs.(l d not sfi .fe r onlir lcn ri i l i nl l i (rr rh.r coul l re r r sonr hly l c l ro tl ' c i (l cD ti l i crrbn ol , ' cli, 1r ', kserr.h p. , sul)e|v;scc,or drhf r '1i.ip:rtrl l )erkf w i l h \!hoN thcy hxv. i cdnli(l enLi i l r.hti oi sbi p unl oss!b. v h, r vf ol )t.i ncdthel )ri orw r;ri coconsentollhc .l i e!r, rcsc.fchprrdci p.' rr. er t cn iscc, c,rothcr pc.son wirh whonr drcy hlvc r eotrt c.ri rl rcl i ti otrshi p.Lrlor nr Nr ion nry bc sh.rrcdonly to tbe e\lcnl ncccsi .fy i o..hi cve l he puryoscsol r hc. on, vigrcttet A ma/tiase and family thet apist and A AMFT Ap!rcued Supetu4or prouides constltdtiok for a yoltp of li.e"sed haniage afld fdniLy tberafists i" ptiuate practice.Therdpiststahet ms fresenths a btief syrcfsts of.ases and segments of au.liatape.l .lient i"ter, uietus.Ofl|y .Lieflts'fist tlamesare rcet! dwins .ase cakferencesanr).liests sisn a /eleasefarn Sruflti g petmissiosta be a diataped for the fnpase af supet"i sion. One ddy a therupistprcsentsa ses,


sr,l ol . a'tfl. taatutg fuitL sauere ll"dr.hl p obl."1s. \\ttje tltad,.!k,tdpe ts t1u1rc.l. , the sttparrkol. is .!is,nyed to t..os" !zctl)e ! o[11cishbon. TLe rtfrn'i{r'4sls that the rdpc bc stoppe.! n,d hlot,is ttu thernpist of the sit,tr hon, s,ggcstiry tl)ar the tbetapisr cox stultd eeetuLo' .all.aslrc fat sut,erutConm c nt s r W h e n c o n * l rrti o rs o r super v is i
wa5recentty pubtished

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Copublished by ACA and AMFC Series Ediror PsyDEdD ion Carlson,

Co, lon r 0 l' d r g e , F l m ! a C o l p k s E d u G t o n , l L C

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