Msbte Qp Winter 2008 - Cjv(1524)

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Core Java 1524 TYCM

1524 0809-1 3 Hours / 100 Marks 1. Attempt any Five of the following: a) Elaborate any four features of Java. b) Describe the main() method of Java in detail. c) What will be the output of following program when executed? class Holder { public int held; public void bump(Holder theHolder) { theHolder.held++; } } class QueFirst { public static void main(String args[ ]) { Holder h = new Holder(); h.held = 100; h.bump(h); System.out.println(h.held); } } d) Elaborate member variable, automatic variable and class variable with their syntax. e) Describe conditional operator ? : with an example. f) What do you mean by abstract class and static data member? State their significance. g) Consider the following code: class Quesix { public static void main(String args[ ]) { int i; int j; outer: for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { for(j=0;j<=3;j++) { if(i==j) continue outer; } System.out.println(“i=”+i+ “j=”+j); } } } /* end of main program */


MSBTE Winter 2008 Yearly Pattern


Core Java 1524 TYCM What will be the output of above program? 2. Attempt any Two of the following: a) Describe method overloading and method overriding with an example. b) Elaborate garbage collection and finalize method with an example. c) Describe various primitive data types in detail with their size in bytes.


3. Attempt any Two of the following: a) Define wrapper class and describe each method defined by float and double wrapper class. b) Elaborate isInfinite( ) and isNaN() method with suitable example. c) Why Java can not support multiple inheritance? Elaborate the use of super keyword and interfaces.


4. Attempt any Two of the following: 16 a) Describe mechanism and importance of inheritance with suitable example. b) What do you mean by exception handling? What are exception types? c) What are threads? How will you create thread using Runnable interface? Explain with example. 5. Attempt any Two of the following: 16 a) What do you mean by thread priorities? Elaborate with an example. Describe wait(), notify() and notifyAll() methods for inter-thread communication. b) Write a program to draw line, rectangle, and rounded rectangle with name in applet. c) Describe delegation event model in detail. 6. Attempt any Two of the following: a) Design a form using AWT which consists of submit and cancel button. b) Describe stream classes with their use in detail. c) Elaborate RandomAccessFile class and its methods with an example.



MSBTE Winter 2008 Yearly Pattern


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