Mr-2125 Msds

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  • June 2020
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 1、Product and Company Data Product Name: MR-2125 Name of Manufacturer and TAI COUNTY SILICONES CO., LTD. 247 No. 91, Museum Rd., Bali Township, Taipei County Supplier、Address: 249, Taiwan Emergency Contact Phone/Fax Phone: Tel: (02)2610-4457 Fax: (02)-2610-1363 Web Site:  E-MAIL: [email protected]

 2、Hazards Identification Information Most Important Hazards: No hazardous。


Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure: No significant adverse effects from a single exposure expected from normal use。 Overall Hazard: Not classified to be a dangerous material。

 3、Composition / Information on Ingredients Technical name: Dimethylsilicone Emulsion Chemical name: Silicone Emulsion CAS NO.: Dimethylsilicone 70131-67-8;Polyethylene glycol ether 31694-55-0 Dangerous components:[2009/9/23 上午 10:07:39]




 4、First Aid Measures First Aid Measures: Eyes: Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes。 Skin: No first aid should be needed。 Inhalation: No first aid should be needed。 Oral: Get medical attention。 Comments: Treat according to personal condition and specifics of exposure。 Signs and Symptoms:

No significant adverse effects from a single exposure expected from normal of overexposure use。

Personal protection for first aid or rescue personnel who have to enter the workplace in which a major spill has occurred Respiratory protection: No first aid should be needed。  

Eye protection: Stability: Hand protection: Treat according to personal condition and specifics of exposure。 Most importment hardous reactions: None。 Protection for emergency personnels: None。 Note to physicians: Treat symptomatically。For further information,the medical practitioner should contact Tai County Silicones Co., Ltd。

 5. Fire Fighting Measures Extinguishing Media: On large fires use dry chemical,foam or water spray。On small fires use carbon dioxide (CO2),dry chemical or water spray。Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers。 Specific Hazards: None。 Special Fire Fighting Procedures and Self–contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting large Equipment: fires involving chemicals。Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan。Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool。[2009/9/23 上午 10:07:39]




 6、Accidental Release Measures Personal Precautions: Avoid skin and eye contact。Do not take internally。 Environmental Precautions:

Prevent from spreading or entering into drains,ditches or rivers by using sand,earth or other appropriate barriers。

Methods for Cleaning up: Determine whether to evacuate or isolate the area according to your local emergency plan。Observe all personal protective equipment recommendations described in this MSDS。If diked material can be pumped,store recovered material in appropriate container. Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable adsorbent。Clean area as appropriate since some silicone materials,even in small quantities,may present a slip hazard。Final cleaning may require use of steam,solvents or detergents。Dispose of saturated adsorbent or cleaning materials appropriately,since spontaneous heating may occur。Laws and regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materials and items employed in the cleanup of releases。You will need to determine which laws and regulations are applicable。

 7、Handling And Storage Handling Precautions: Use with adequate ventilation。Avoid skin and eye contact。Do not take internally。Exercise good industrial hygiene practice。Wash after handing, especially before eating, drinking or smoking。  

 8、Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Engineering Controls:



Local Ventilation: None should be need。 General Ventilation: Recommended。


Personal Protective Equipment for Routine Handing: Respiratory protection: No respiratory protection should be need。 Suitable Respirator: None should be needed。 Eye protection: Use proper protection – safety glasses as a minimum。 Hand protection: No special protection needed。 Skin protection: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate。 Personal Protective Equipment for Spills Respiratory protection: No respiratory protection should be needed。 Eye protection: Use proper protection – safety glasses as a minimum。 Skin protection: Washing at mealtime and end of shift is adequate。 Hygiene Measures: Exercise good industrial hygiene practice. Wash after handling, especially before eating, drinking or smoking。 Precautionary Measure: Avoid skin and eye contact。Do not take internally. Use reasonable care。 Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling。Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions。[2009/9/23 上午 10:07:39]



 9、Physical And Chemical Properties Physical Form:



Odor: Some odor

Boiling point /range: >100℃/212℉

Decomposition Temperature: Not determined

Flash Point: Not applicable (aqueous liquid)

Autoignition temperature: Not determined

Explosive properties: False

Vapor Pressure @ 25 ℃: Not determined



PH: 4~6

Water Solubility: Dispersible

Specific Gravity: 0.98 ~ 1.02

Semitransparent to slightly milky

Vapor Density (air=1): Not determined  


The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications。Tai County before writing specifications。

 10、Stability And Reactivity Stability: Stable。 Materials to Avoid: Oxidizing material can cause a reaction。 Conditions to Avoid: None。 Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds。Silicon dioxide。

 11、Toxicological Information Acute Toxicity Chemical name: Nil。 Eyes: Direct contact may cause mild irritation。 Skin: No significant irritation expected from a single short-term exposure。


Ingestion: Low ingestion hazard in normal use。 Ingestion: Low ingestion hazard in normal use。 Chronic Toxicity: Skin: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause irritation。 Ingestion: Repeated ingestion or swallowing large amounts may injure internally。 Inhalation: No known applicable information。 Sensitizing Effects: None known。 Other Health Hazard Information: No known applicable information。 Note: The above listed potential effects of overexposure are based on actual data,the results of studies performed upon similar compositions,component data,and/or expert of the products。

 12、Ecological Information Environmental Fate and Siloxanes are removed from water by sedimentation or binding to sewage sludge. In Distribution: soil,siloxanes are degraded。 Environmental Effects: No adverse effects on aquatic organisms。 Bioaccumulation: No bioaccumulation potential。 Fate and Effects in Waste Water Removed > 90% by binding onto sewage sludge。No adverse effects on bacteria。The Treatment Plants: siloxanes in this product do not contribute to the BOD。 Additional Environmental Information:

Additional environmental information on the silicone component is available on request。[2009/9/23 上午 10:07:39]




 13、Disposal Considerations Product Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations。 Packaging Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations。

 14、Transport Information International Transport Regulations Land–Rail/road(RID/ADR):

NOT restricted。

Sea(IMO/IMDG): NOT restricted。 Air (ICAO–IATA): NOT restricted。 OTHER REGULATIONS France:Rail/road NOT restricted。 NOTE: The above regulatory prescriptions are those valid on the date of publication of this sheet。 Given the possible evolution of transport regulations for hazardous materials,It would be advisable to check their validity with your sales office。 15、Regulatory Information  



Rules on Workers Health and Safety Facilities.


Rules on Hazard Communication of Dangerous Materials and Toxic Materials。


Rules for Transport by Road。


Standards for the Storage,Cleanup,Handling and Disposal of Industrial Waste。

 16、Other Information Reference Documents: GHS Hazard Classification Expert System Tabulation Unit: Name:TAI COUNTY SILICONES CO., LTD. ADDRESS:No. 91, Museum Rd., Bali Township, Taipei County 249, Taiwan 886-2-2610-4457 Tabulation People:  Johnny Tabulation Date: 2009/08/13 This information is offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification。 No warranty,expressed or implied,is hereby made。The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable。However,each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate。   FACTORY REGISTRATION NO: 99-695614-00



TEL: 886-2-2610-4457

E-MAIL: [email protected]

FAX: 886-2-2610-1363

Address: NO.91 , Museum Rd., Bail Township, Taipei County 249, Taiwan[2009/9/23 上午 10:07:39]


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