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ln association with

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of Society

Maritime Industries

ThinkinA the unthinkable

.:,,,;;,,,-: ;;.. ;:,,? 3 Seatruckto doublelrishSeacapacity 4 ABSapprovesnew LNGconcepts


Caterpillar Marinewinsfirst cruiseshiporder




gears MAAGand Renkto supplvsophisticated


Westfaliamakesfuel standardcommitment

wreffiwqffiw *#rewxwffi1g#ffi 18

Conference TheMotor Ship'sNor-Shipping

WEffi€#WV 19

Ihe MotorShrpcelebrates85 yearsof publishing


Wallenius Wilhelmsen's visionfor 2025


A novelcombinedwinchand bollard


SparLvra,the first Diamond 53, entersservice




Epoxiesare key,shark'sskins offer alternatives


Impactof ship'semissionson the climate

tu###wF 36

Growthin sizeof LNGtankers 1 I

1,' ,

Thinkingthe unthinkable T I I I

his month85 yearsagothe veryfirst issueof TheMotor Ship elsewherein this edition.As a was published. a fact celebrated champion o f t h e d i e s e el n g i n et h e j o u r n ahl a s b e e np a r to f t h e

the timescaleof 20 yearsbeforesuchconceptswill b e n e e d e dw i l l e n s u r et h a t t h e m a j o r i t yw i l l h a v e b e e np e r f e c t e db y t h e t i m e t h e v e s s e lw o u l de n t e r

n h i c h ,a s w e h a v e s u c c e s ss t o r yo f t h i s f o r m o f p r o p u l s i ow

servlce. Of coursea degreeof cautionis neededhere as we haveall too oftenseen a rangeof teethingprobwhenapplied lemswith relativelyproventechnology p o d s , G r i mw h e e l s t, w o t o t h e m a r i n ei n d u s t r y s t r o k em e d i u ms p e e de n g i n e ss p r i n gt o m i n d ,a n d

a r g u e di n r e c e n tm o n t h s ,l o o k ss e t t o c o n t i n u ea s t h e m a i nm e a n so f propelling future. shipsfor the foreseeable to lookfurther Yetthere are some in the industrywho are beginning and r v a i l a b l oe r t o o v a l u a b l e a h e a d- t o w h e no i l i s e i t h e rn o l o n g e a to be usedas a fuelsource.Whatwill happenthen? expensive s i l h e l m s e nh,a sd r a w nu p O n es u c hg r o u po f t h i n k e r sa, t W a l l e n i uW proposals ro-rovesselforthe year2025, as reportedin for an advanced somedetailin this issue.Theirthinkingcentresprimarilyon alternative p r o p u l s i o cno n c e p t sr a n g i n g f r o m s a i l st o s o l a rp a n e l s f, u e l c e l l sa n d w a v ep o w e r .E a c hi s s e e n a s a m e a n so f g e n e r a t i n ga n d / o r s t o r i n g propulsion energywithoutrecourseto oil,the dieselengineor anyother sucn system. readilyadmits,muchof the think' As navalarchitectPerBrinchmann do not as yet existin a in that manyof the technologies ing is provisional he believesthat Nevertheless, practical form and are merelytheoretical.

insulationadhesionproblems most recentlyChantiersde I'Atlantique's on its latestLNGtanker. S o t h e W a l l e n i uW s i l h e l m s ecno n c e pvt e s s e lm a ys e e mt o b e s o m e thinkingbut behind futuristicdreamor an exercisein highlyspeculative t h e f a n c i f u il d e a si s a v e r ys e r i o u sa n d i m p o r t a n itn t e n t - t o m a k e today'splannersand designerstake a longhardlookatthe nearfuture t o d e t e r m i n eh o ws o m eo f t h e e m e r g i n gp r o b l e m sc a n b e s o l v e da n d wherefundamentaland practicalresearchshouldbe directed.Afterall' when can we copewiththe unpredicted onlybythinkingthe unthinkable it haDoens.

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Publishedmonthly by BUSINESS HIGHBURY A D I V I S I OO NFH I G H B U RHYO U S E PLC COIV]IVUNICATIONS H i g h b u rB y usiness l\4ediaHouse,AzaleaDrive, Swanley,Kent,BR88HU.UK +447322660070 Tel: +44132261631"I/6763!5 Fax: www.motorshipcom Business O 2005Highbury rssN00272001 ofHighbury is a subsidiary Highbury Business PLC, House Communications Number Registered Registered in England. Office:ThePublishing 4189911Registered lslington, Station Road, House, 1-3Highbury London N11SE

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The Motot Ship April2005

Seatruckts d*ubfietrrishSem*#pffi*ity I I

rish Seafreightferry oDerator SeatruckFerrieshas ordered


I two new ro+o freight ferries I from Soain'sAstillerosde Huelva.Whenthey enterservice in 2OO7theywill be ableto move 130,000 freighttrailersper


annumon Seatruck's - Heyshamroute, Warrenpoint morethandoublingpresent Artist impression of the new ro-ro freight ferries ordered by Seatruck ferries from Spanish shipbuilder Astilleros de Huelva

capacity. Seatruck'sgeneralmanager AlistairEaglessays, "Thisis fantastic newsfor all of our freight

whichwill movemoretrailers

customers.We havebeenrunning

faster and more reliablyon this

at full capacityfor sometime now and cannotsatisfydemandfor our efficient,no-frillsfreightservice.Withthe supportof our parent group,ClipperGroupLtd,we can makethis maiorinvestment

key route."

each persailingand around 58,000 units annually.The new ferrieswill be purposebuiltto be

speedof 22 knots,reducingthe currentcrossingtime from nine hoursto just 6.5 hours.Thiswill

Thetwo newvesselswill replacethe currentferries Riverdanceand Moondance, whichcurrentlyprovidea twicedailyservicecarrying55 units

the maximumsizefor Heysham and Warrenpoint,andatt42 metreslongwill eachcarry in excessof 120 standardtrailers. Thevesselswill havea service

permita muchlatereveningsailingtime, with an earlierstart for morningdeliveries,and providea greaterreservein case of bad weather.

Aker sigffist*l f*r third Freed*m-class Artist impression of the Freedomclass cruiseship, three of which have now been ordered bv RCCLfrom Aker Finnvards Caribbean Cruises(RCCL) class, Freedomof the Seas,will Poyal I \and AkerYardshavesigneda be deliveredin April2006 andthe Lolfor the orderof a thirdshio in secondship will be readyfor delivthe Freedomclass,the world's ery in spring2007. largestcruiseship.Thecontract Thisthird vesselis scheduled value is at the same levelas the

to be deliveredearly2008. These

secondvesselin this class

newshios are some 15%cent

orderedlast autumnandthe Lol wasvaliduntilthe endof March. The agreementis subjectto

largerin spaceand passenger

capacitythan the earlierVoyager class vessels. including RCCL The new 158,000 gt Freedom certainconditions, class vesselswill be 339 metres and AkerYardsboardapproval. longand 38.6 metreswide and AkerFinnyards, whichis a part will stand 18 deckshigh.The of AkerYards,has two of these shipswillcarry3,600 guests, recordbreakingcruiseships underconstructionat its yard in

Turku. Thefirstcruiseshioin this

some 500 morethan its predecessorsin the Voyager-series, and 1,400 crewmembers.

$aewssbuildsNigeri*nFPS* & Marine l\aewoo Shipbuilding t t lJ Engineeilng(osME)has won a $978 millionorderto buildthe world'slargestFPSO. Theorder was placedby Star DeepWater Petroleum,a ChevronTexacosubsidiaryin Nigeria,and Nigerian NationalPetroleumCorporation (NNPC). TheFPSOis destinedfor

free zonearoundits Snakelsland yard, while planningsignifacant investmentto enablethe facility to carryout full integrationof FPSOtopsidesin Nigeria. It is expectedthat 300,000 man-hours,or 40% of the total man-hoursthat will be spent in constructingthe vessel,will be

allocatedto Nigeriancompanies, representinga majorshift in executionof majorNigerianoil and NigerDock,has obtainedapproval gas contracts,especiallyin the for the establishmentof an export deeooffshore. dollarAgbamifield the multi-billion projectin Nigeria. development Nigeria'spremiershipyard,



e m b a w a n ES h i p v a r di n

in partnership \-f Singapore, Lifting Huisman Special with (Huisman), has Equipment million contract secureda $15O Petroleum fronrSapuraCrest to designand Berhad,Malaysia, DP2 constructa self-propelled pipelay vessel. heavyliftderrick Thecontractrequiresthe construccompleteengineering, tion,outfittingand commissioningof a 8,000 tonnenew-built DP2 hull intoa self propelled, pipelay vesselwith heavylift and for 330 persons, accommodation equippedwith a Huisman3,00O tonne heaw lift craneand S-Lay Pipelaysystem. Thevessel is expectedto be deliveredin fourthquarter2006 the newand,uponcompletion, building,Sapura3000, will be deployedin offshoreMalaysia.

E-f'iffi{:il}fl}il:i=#'f* $t#tu*# &ffiffi ffiffiffitrffiwffiffi

HHIwins boxshipbonanza has I I yundaiHeavyIndustries tI lwonordersforcontainer shipsworth$1.1 billionfrom shipownersin Kuwaitand lran. Co in UnitedArabShipping

societyABShas /n lassification I \r, recentlyApprovedIn PrinciPle (AlP)two newconceptsfor the LNG industry.An AIPhas beenissued

The ConocoPhillips Prism/Pyramid tank design reduces sloshing loads

for its newProto ConocoPhillips prietaryPrism/Pyramid tank conceptfor largeLNGcarriers.The design'skeyfeatureis the tank's

or lessthanthoseexperienced designed on a traditionally 138,000m'ship. ABShas alsoissuedan AIP

Kuwaitorderedeight6,80OTEU vesselsto be deliveredby 2008 whilelslamic November

uniqueshapewhichreducesfree surfaceareathus reducingthe highimpactsloshingloadsand resonanceperiodin

Lines of lranShipping Republic ships, orderedtwo 6,SOOTEU alsofor deliveryby 2008. The

the tank. for modeltests on the contracted ConocoPhillips tank designwiththe Marine Prism/Pyramid ResearchInstitute(Marintek),in Norway. Technology

vesselswillmeasure 6,800TEU 306m in length,40m in width, and 24.5m in depthandwillbe fitted with a 46,890kWdiesel enginefor a servicespeedof 25.5 knots. Thisdeal comesafter reports that the three largestKorean shipbuildershad won long-term contractsfromthe MiddleEast for a combined$l0billionto build 44 LNGcarriers.


andsloshing Thecriticalshipmotionresponses imoactconditionswerecalculatedwith NorthAtlantic conditions. environment Specificsof the tank testingand motionresponses involveda four-tankdesignfor an LNGvesselin

for a novelconceptfrom ABB LummusGlobal(ABB)for a liquegas and liquefiedpetroleumgas, floating fied natural productionstorageand offloadingunit (NicheLNG The conceptis the offshoreapplicationand FPSO). process,a proprF of the NicheLNGSM marinisation liquefaction LNG based etarydualturbo-expander byABBLummusGlobal. schemedeveloped Theequipmentlayoutis similarto a typicalFPSO, FPSO howeverthe conceptfor this new purpose-built

vesseldesigns the rangeof 235,000m3.Historically for this sizehavehad five or six tanks. lrregularwave weresimulatedwiththreedifferentfilling conditions The levelsfor the tanksandvariousshipheadings. test resultsof the comparisonand pressuretests

facilitiesonboardwhichincor allowsfor processing removalof porateboth the gas feed pre-treatment CO2,mercur!,etc, dehydrationofthe gas and LPG extraction)and LNGliquefaction.LNGand LPGhave differentcompositionsthus requiringstorageat differenttemperatures.LNGmust be storedat extremelylowtemperaturest162oC)while LPGcan

showedthe designwas acceptableandthe loadson tankwereequalto Prism/Pyramid the ConocoPhillips

be storedat a muchhigheror warmertemperature (-40oc).

The Motor Ship April2OO5

WARTSILAos a registeredtrademark



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RCL'sVoyagerof the Seaswas the world'sfirstcruiseship to haveits own ice-skating includingthe ice-rink,the rink.For propulsionand all its on-boardpowerrequirements, ship engines.Wdirlsilti diesel-electric Voyagerof the Seasrelieson its six WARTSILA@ powersolutionsare availablefor almosteverycommercialapplication. Wiirtsiltiis The Ship PowerSupplierfor builders,ownersand operatorsof vesselsand Our own globalservicenetworktakescompletecareof customers' offshoreinstallations. ship machineryat everylifecyclestage. Wiirtsiliiis a leadingproviderof powerplants,operationand lifetimecareservicesin powergeneration. For moreinformation decentralized


CaterpillarMarine wins cruiseshiporderfor MaK advancedon-boardhealthspa. T h e M 4 3 C e n g i n es a t i s f i e st h e I M Og u i d e l i n e sa n dt h e e n g i n e ' sN O x e m i s s i o ni s w e l l b e l o wr e g u l a t o r y r e q u i r e m e n t s .T h e e n g i n e s a r e e q u i p p e dw i t h F l e x i b l eC a m s h a f t part of Caterpillar'sinnovaTechnology, techt\\e emiss\s$s reducttsn ACERT@ n o l o g y I. n t h i s a p p l i c a t i o nF, l e x i b l e will reducesoot CamshaftTechnology particleemissionsto belowthe visible limit,therebysatisfyingthe industry's highestenvironmental standards. I n a d d i t i o n ,t h e e n g i n e s a r e equippedwith safetyfeaturessuch as a slowturningdevice,a systemwhich e n a b l e se n g i n e e r st o c h e c kf o r t h e presenceof wateror fuel in the cylinder beforestart, a splash-oiltemperature monitoringalarm systemdesignedto p r e v e n tb e a r i n gs e i z u r e s a , n oil mist disdetectorand locatorwith individual play,andthe DICARE enginemonitoring program, whichallowsusersto monitor IDA Cruises has chosen C a t e r p i l l a rM a r i n e P o w e r Systemsto equipthe first two of its nextgenerationof club cruiseshipswith MaK M 43 C engines. The contract representsa signific a n t m i l e s t o n ef o r C a t e r p i l l aMr a r i n e . The M 43 C series has beensuccessf u l i n t h e r o - r oa n d r o p a xa n d f r e i g h t segments,but this is the first time the M 4 3 C w i l l p o w e ra c r u i s es h i p a n d demonstratesthe successofthe uprated MaK M 43 C engine(see TheMotol Ship, November2004). The two vess e l s a r e o n o r d e ra t t h e M e y e rW e r f t shipyardin Papenburg,Germany,and are scheduledfor deliveryin 2007 and 2009. T h e t w o 6 8 , 5 0 0 g r o s st o n c r u i s e s h i p s w i l l h a v ea n o v e r a l l e n g t ho f 2 4 9 m a n d a b e a mo f 3 2 . 2 m , a n d w i l l b e t h e t h i r d g e n e r a t i o no f s h i p s b u i l t


a n d o p e r a t e da c c o r d i n gt o t h e A I D A " c l u b "c o n c e p t .E a c hw i l l h a v ea p a s s e n g e r c a p a c i t yo f 2 , 0 3 0 , ( u p t o 2 , 5 0 0 ) a c c o m m o d a t e di n 1 , 0 1 5

a l l t h e e n g i n ec o m p o n e n t sT. h e c o m pletesystemoperateson-lineso that t h e c u r r e n td a t a c a n b e c a l l e du p a t anytime.


Prop*siomdemands AIDACruisesand MeyerWerft had very s p e c i f i cd e m a n d sf o r t h e p r o p u l s i o n s y s t e m s ,i n c l u d i n gl i m i t so n e n g i n e n o i s e ,i m p r o v e dr e l i a b i l i t ya n d s t r i c t guidelines on emissionsreduction. Eachshipwill be equippedwithfour MaK 9 M 43 C engineswith a total output of 36 MW,providingthe necessary powerto operatetwo single-propeller e l e c t r i cp r o p u l s i o nm o t o r s ,t w o b o w thrusters and two stern thrusters. In addition,the installationproduceselect r i c i t yf o r a l l o t h e r h i g h - c o n s u m p t i o n unitson board,includingair conditioning, hotel/restaurantoperationand an

The Motor Ship April2OO5

Boomingdemandfor MAN nx**r"a$ines mediunn spe*d rnffiri AN B&Wreportsthe highest intakeof ordersfor its four-stroke medium-speed enginesin the company's 101 yearshistory. ln 2OO4it receivedordersfor 136 unitstotalling939 MW a 38% increase over2OO3.With regardto the smaller f o u r - s t r o k es e r i e s m a n u f a c t u r e di n Denmark,228 engineswere ordered with a total output of 292 MW. Meanwhile,the orderbooksofthe Far E a s t l i c e n s e e sa r e f u l l t o t h e e n d o f 2006. As a result,MANB&WDieselis m a i n t a i n i n ga w o r l dm a r k e ts h a r eo f four-strokeenginesof medium-speed 40 %. approximately A c c o r d i n gt o D r S t e f a nS p i n d l e r , Executive B o a r dM e m b e ro f t h e M A N ofthe B&WDieselGrouo.introduction newsmaller1,6/24,2I/3L and27/38 four-strokeenginesas well as continuous developmentof provenproducts, such as the 32/40,48/60 and 5a/64 types,is payingoff.

5gr/84 appeal P r o fD r W o l f r a mL a u s c h ,S e n i o rV i c e Presidentof MANB&WDiesel'sMarine " A b o v ea l l t h e D i v i s i o np o i n t so u t ,

A cutaway drawing of an MAN B&W 58/64 medium speed engine, of which 46 examples were ordered last year

affect on the provenrobustnessof this is engineseries.Thisnewdevelopment p a r t i c u l a r ldy i s t i n g u i s h ebdy r e d u c e d p o l l u t i o nv a l u e sa n d l o w e rc o n s u m p -

o r d e r sf o r 5 2 e n g i n e so f t h e 3 2 / 4 0 t y p e , t o t a l l i n g1 8 1 . 7 M W .S i n c et h e introduction o f t h i s e n g i n e ,a t o t a l o f 3,450 MW) 892 engines(aggregating

t i o n , a n d o f f e r s a n o u t p u tw h i c h i s higherthan earlierversions aroundL40/o

havebeen orderedfrom the company and its licenseesworldwide. IVIAN B&Whas profitedparticularly

while at the same time havinga lower n u m b e ro f v e s s e l w e i g h t .T h e u n i t s h a v eb e e no r d e r e d f r o m t h e i n c r e a s i n g particularlyfor cruise and ro-rovessels oreredin Chinawhereit nowmaintains a 5 5 % s h a r eo f t h e C h i n e s em e d i u m as well as for chemicaltankers. L a s t y e a r , M A N B & W r e c e i v e d speedfour-strokeenginemarket.

e n g i n e so f t h e 5 8 / 6 4 s e r i e sa r e i n s t r o n gd e m a n da s t h e y a r e t h e i d e a l m a i n m a c h i n e r yf o r c o n t a i n e r - f e e d e r vessels".Ordersfor 46 enginesof the 581264series were placedwith MAN B & Wl a s t y e a r , 3 2 o f t h e m f o r 1 , 1 0 0 T E Uc o n t a i n evr e s s e l s .I n t o t a l ,s o m e 1 0 0 v e s s e l so f t h i s t y p e h a v eb e e n b u i l t o r a r e o n o r d e r ,9 5 % o f t h e m equippedwith the 7L58/64 engine. The new versionof the successful 4A/608 medium-speedseries, introducedtwo years ago, has met tremend o u s m a r k e t a c c e p t a n c ew i t h m a n y ordersreceived.Basedon the 48160 type,of which300 enginesweresold, the newversionincorporatesthe latest dieseltechnologywithoutanyadverse


Making ballastwatersafe h e I M O h a s i d e n t i f i e dt h e introduction of invasive marinespeciesinto newenvir o n m e n t sv i a s h i p s ' b a l l a s t water as one of the four greatest t h r e a t st o t h e w o r l d ' so c e a n s .T h e

be the technology oxidation Couldadvanced answerto the ballastwaterproblem?

otherthreethreats are land-based sourcesof marinepollution,the overexploitationof livingmarine resources and the physicalalteration/destruction of marine habitat. Despitegeneral agreementas to t h e i m p o r t a n c eo f t h e b a l l a s t w a t e r p r o b l e m ,a r r i v i h ga t a s o l u t i o n h a s provento be a difficultchallenge.Any ballastwater treatmentsystemmust be not onlyeconomicaland effective, but also safe and practicablefor both

Dinoflagellates before (left) ancl

shio and crew.

after treatment (right). After treat-


ment shows that the cell membrane is disrupted and the organism's chlorophyll has disappeared. This

Amongthe many attempts at devising an effective and reliableballast water treatment system is one recentlydeveloped by Alfa Lavalwhich,it claims,will

meet the urgent needfor ballastwater treatment well before IMO regulations means that it take effect in 2009. lt consists of two cannot reprocluce distinct stages.The first is a pre-treat- and is no longer m e n t s t a g e ,w h i l et h e s e c o n di s t h e consideredviable. patentedBenradAOT(advancedoxidation technology)which is the heart of t h e s y s t e m .B e n r a dA O Ti s a u n i q u e technologydevelopedby BenradAB, a Swedishcompanywith whomAlfa Laval has a cooperationagreement. B e n r a dA O Td i f f e r s s u b s t a n t i a l l y technolfrom traditionalUV(ultraviolet) ogy,eventhoughUVlight is one of its comDonents,In traditionalUVtechnolog y , m i c r o - o r g a n i s masr e e x p o s e dt o strong UV rays, which in most cases leadsto the destructionofthe DNA. AOTuses a lower amount of a special UVlightwavelenglhin combination with catalysts to generatehydroxylradic a l s , w h i c h e f f e c t i v e l yd e s t r o yt h e microorganismby breakingdownthe cell membrane. D e s D i t et h e a d v a n c e ds c i e n c e behindAOT,the system is claimedto


b e r o b u s t a n d w e l l p r e p a r e df o r t h e challengingoperationaldemandsof the marineenvironment.No interference w i t h b a l l a s t o p e r a t i o np r o c e d u r ei s caused, and the system is well

lasting,has shownthat the systemis effective,reliableand well preparedfor it consumes marineuse. Furthermore, onlya low amountof energr,whichalleviatesa majorconcernamongpotential

equippedto handlereal-lifemarineconditionsand a varyingflow


Sea ttials

Systemoperation D u r i n g b a l l a s t i n g ,w a t e r p a s s e s througha pre-filterto removeany larger particlesand then continu e s t o t h e A O Tu n i t w h i c h p r o d u c e s f r e e r a d i c a l st h a t e f f e c t i v e l yb r e a k d o w n a n y o r g a n i s m sw h i c h h a v e passedthe filter.Sedimentbuildupin the ballastingtanksis avoidedthanks to the pre-filterstage, and any backflushingwater is returnedto the ocean directlyat the ballastingsite. water passes Duringde-ballasting, the AOTunit in orderto kill any organisms that might have regeneratedin

A completesystem,alreadyundergoing f u l l - s c a l et r i a l s a b o a r da W a l l e n i u s Marinetransoceaniccar carrier,will be availablein 2006. commercially A m o n gt h e p r o j e c t sW a l l e n i u s M a r i n eh a s b e e n i n v o l v e di n w a s t h e EU-fundedMARTOBProject,administrated by NewcastleUniversity,whose goal was to evaluatedifferentballast "We conwater treatment solutions. ductedtests aboardour vesselsas a part of the projectand evaluatedheat

exchangerand chemicalsolutionsfor b a l l a s tw a t e r t r e a t m e n t , " s a y s P e r Croner,presidentfor WalleniusMarine. "Giventhe resultsI haveseenfrom the the tanks duringvoyage.Thefilter,on project,I believethe AOTsoluthe other hand, is bypassedtherebY MARTOB avoidingdischargingany backflushing tion is the most potentone. A reliable water and leavingno unwantedresidu- solutionwith goodoperatingeconomy side effects." and no environmental als on boardthe ship. that In particular,Croneremphasizes Onshoreefficiencystudies of this systemhaveshownitto be higherthan 99o/otornatural plankton after a storage period.Theseresults,bacKedup by full-scalestudies at sea'andcomb i n e d w i t h t h e p r i n c i p l e l ' gtfr e a t i n g waterduringboth ballastingand debaF

AOTis oreferableto chemical-based " C h e m i c asl o l u t i o n sa r e solutions. "as somethingtobe avoided,"he says, is anythingelse which might produce environmentalside effects.Youcannot add a problemto solvea problem."I

The Motor Ship APtil2005


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PaulVan Dyck: DeputyEditor

Article based on research proiects carried out by AnclersGermundsson of Gothia Marine AB and Martin Holmgren, a naval architect student at Chalmers (V-shaped hull); Dr.

Failureto developa totallyreliableand effective

ballastwatertreatmentsystemhas prompteda shipconcept closerlookat the ballast-free

Michael Parsons at the Universityof M ichigan, USA (through-flowsystem p r e s e n t e d a t t h e S N A M Ea n n u a l meeting 29 September2004) and Clemens van der Nat and Eelco van Rietbergen, naval architects (Monomaran). t i s e s t i m a t e dt h a t s o m e w h e r ei n t h e r e g i o no f b e t w e e n3 a n d 4 b i l liontonnesof ballastwateris transf e r r e dg l o b a l l ye a c hy e a r .I M O ' s to preventthe currentrecommendation I I I I

s p r e a d i n go f N A S( n o n - i n d i g e n o u s basedon an idea inventedby Professor at ChalmersUniversity aquaticspecies)is to performballast AndersUlvarson waterexchangein the openoceandur- i n G o t h e n b u r gT. h e c o n c e p ti n v o l v e s ing the voyagebut thls createsstability m a k i n gt h e l o w e rp a r to f t h e h u l lm o r e p r o b l e m sa s w e l l a s i n c r e a s i n p gollution at sea. lvlanysolutionsfor ballast watertreatmenthavebeentriedincludi n g f i l t r a t i o n ,h e a t , u l t r a - v i o l elti g h t , electro-ionisaozone,de-oxygenation, tion andchemicalbiocidesbut,to date, n o n e h a s p r o v e dt o b e c o m p l e t e l y e f f e c t i v ew i t h a r e l i a b l e ,f u l l - s c a l e onboardinstallation. Becauseofthis failure,andthe fact t h a t t r e a t m e n ts y s t e m sa r e o n l yr i s k reductionsolutions,researchis being

slenderto makethe draughtsufficiently deepwith its own lightweight. T w o h u l l sw e r es e l e c t e da n d m o d -

T h e f e a s i b i l i t ys t u d yt o d e s i g na V e L C Ct a n k e rh u l l s h a p e db a l l a s t - f r eV w a s i n i t i a t e di n l a t e 2 O 0 3b y S t e n a Rederiand ConcordiaMaritimeand is


Malacca-max (left) and the Optimal (right) hull designs

c a r g oc a p a c i t ya n d o t h e re c o n o m i cp a r a meters. The first hull d e s i g nc a l l e d ' O p t i m a l ' was aimedat those routes with no depthrestrictionssuch as the PersianGulf- West.This has a m o u l d e dd e p t h o f 3 5 m e t r e s ,a f u l l

via the MalaccaStrait,andwhichhas a b e a m o f 7 9 m e t r e s ,a d e p t h o f 3 0 metresand a draughtof 21 metresfor a payloadof about280,0OOtonnes. T e s t ss h o w e dt h a t , w h e r e a st h e O p t i m atl a n k e rw o u l db e a b l et o r u n

withoutballastwaterin moderateseavesselwould states,the Malacca-max not sincethe widebeamwouldnot give i t a d e e p e n o u g hd r a u g h t .F o r r o u g h the suggestedbalweatherconditions, last waterrequirementfor both designs is 15,000 and 35,000 tonnesrespect i v e l y c o m p a r e dt o a n a v e r a g eo f 80,000 tonnesfor a VLCCto achieve a midshipdraughtof at least 8 . 4 m e t r e sa s s t a t e d b y

elledusingsoftwareto evaluate stability,resistance,

c a r r i e do u t o n a n u m b e ro f n e ws h i p d e s i g nc o n c e p t st h a t w i l l ,p o t e n t i a l l y , l o a d d r a u g h to f 2 7 m e t r e s a n d a 5 6 l a r g e l ye l i m i n a t et h e t r a n s - o c e a n i c metre beamwhichwouldgivea cargo t r a n s o o r to f b a l l a s tw a t e r .T h e s es o - capacityof at least 300,000 tonnes. The other design,called the calledballast-freeships arethe subject 'Malacca-max', is gearedtowardsthe of a numberof designprojects,three of routes betweenPersianGulf- FarEast whichare discussedin this article.


Cross-section diagramsof the


The ballast-free tanker can be distinguishedby the extreme V-shapeof the lower part of the hull

M A R P O LF.o r t h i sr e a s o n b o t h h u l l sa r e

fittedwithballasttanksano t h e w e a t h e rc o n d i t i o n sw i l l b e t h e d e c i d i n gf a c t o r a s t o howmuchballastwateris needed. the Althoughnot entirelyeliminating n e e df o r b a l l a s tw a t e r ,t h e V - s h a p e d hull designsoffer the benefitof a much s l i m m e rh u l lw h e ni n b a l l a s ta n dt h u s benefitfrom a decreasein resistance f or of 33% for Malacca-maxand 25o/o fuel econOptimal,leadingto improved o m y .S h i p f l o wc a l c u l a t i o n s h o w e d t h a t , i n t h e f u l l yl o a d e dc o n d i t i o nt,h e O o t i m ahl u l lh a dt h e s a m er e s i s t a n c e a s t h e s t a n d a r dV L C Cw h i l e t h e M a l a c c a - m ahxa d a n i n c r e a s e dr e s i s -

The Motot Ship April2005

powerplant locatedin the forwardend ofthe vessel. The Monomaranwas develooedinto an actualconceptdesignby a consortium consistingof the DelftUniversity, ASDand the Messrs.van der Nat and tancethat amountsto around3%. TheV-shapedhull designshavethe potentialto offer a partialsolutionto the problemof decreasingthe ballast water problem although Anders

,n v a n R i e t b e r g e nF. o r t h i sp u r p o s e a existingdesignof a 4,000DWTmulti' purposeship with a servicespeed of 1 4 k n o t sw a s c h o s e na n d ,d u r i n gt h e

Germundssontold lhe Motor Shiplhat "with further developments of the bilge h e i g h t sa n d f l a t b o t t o mw i d t h s ,I a m quitecertainthat a roughsea, ballastfree hull can be develooed."

bous bow were optimised using

Through-flowsystem T h e t h r o u g h - f l o ws y s t e m i n v o l v e s replacingthe traditionalballasttanks w i t h l o n g t i t u d i n asl t r u c t u r a lb a l l a s t trunks that surroundthe cargoholds b e l o w t h e b a l l a s t d r a u g h t .T h e s e t r u n k s a r e c o n n e c t e dt o a n i n t a k e plenumnearthe bow and a discharge olenumnearthe sternand areflooded in the ballastconditionto decreasethe ship's buoyancy. The pressuredifferen-

d e v e l o p m e n t h, e h u l ls h a p ea n d b u l MARIN's'Raoid' software. The feasibilitystudy showedthat, evenwithin a very constrainedset of d e s i g np a r a m e t e r st,h e M o n o m a r a n c o n c e p tc a n b e a p p l i e dt o a c h i e v ea b a l l a s t - f r e ea l t e r n a t i v e .A s e c o n d

Threelongitudinal funks perside b a l l a s tt r u n k v o l u m et u r n o v e ro f a t leastonceeverytwo hourswhichwould meet the environmentalintent of the ballast-freeship designconcept.The maindrawbackwas the addedfuel cost d u e t o t h e i n c r e a s e dr e s i s t a n c ea n d the degradationof the propulsioneffi-

r e s e a r c ho h a s ew i l l c o m m e n c el a t e r Typical forward plenum arrangement for the through-flow system

t h i s y e a rt o d e v e l o pt h e i d e a f u r t h e r and will incorooratean extensivemodel test programme to evaluatehullshape -andhydrodynamic performance.

Conclusions W h e na s k e df o r a n o o i n i o no n t h e s e

tial betweenthe bow and the stern is utilisedto drivea slow flow throughthe

ciency.Dr.Parsonsclaimsthat refinem e n t s o f t h e d e t a i l e dh y d r o d y n a m i c designcan removemost ofthe power penalty.

various concepts,Capt. Graham Greensmith, SeniorSpecialistin Lloyds Register'sExternalAffairs Department told lhe Motor Ship"l am not awareof

ballasttrunksto ensurethat the trunks alwayscontain'localseawater'.At the


anydesignthat completelydoes away with the needfor ballast,whichis not t o s a y t h a t t h e r e a r e n o d e s i g n sl i k e

e n d o f t h e b a l l a s tv o y a g et,h e t r u n k s are isolatedand pumpeddry usingconventionalballastpumps. W h i l ei t a p p e a r st h a t t h i s c o n c e p t is, possibly,one of the most interesting efforts to solvethe ballastwater oroblem to date, it does assumethat large v o l u m e so f w a t e ra n d t h e i re n t r a i n e d o r g a n i s m sa r e n o t t r a n s f e r r e df r o m one port to another.However, the ballast trunkswould,by structuralnecess i t y ,s t i l l c o n t a i nt r a n s v e r s ef r a m e s , a n d t h e r e f o r el i k e l yt o e n t r a i na n d t r a n s p o r ta t l e a s t s o m e w a t e r ,s e d i mentsandorganisms.Becauseofthis, particularattentionhas been paidto the designof the trunkingto minimize this problemby makingthe areasjust abovethe bottom shell platingas open as oossible. C F Ds t u d i e s c o n f i r m e dt h a t a d e q u a t e p r e s s u r ew o u l db e a v a i l a b l e b e t w e e nt h e f o r w a r d p l e n u mr e g i o n and the aft plenumregionto ensurea

T h e m e r i to f t h e M o n o m a r a n i d e ai s t h a t i t g e n e r a t e sa r e l a t i v e l yl a r g e draughtat lightdisplacementthrougha r e c e s sa t t h e b o t t o ms h e l l p l a t i n go f t h e v e s s e l .A l t h o u g ht h i s h u l l s h a p e has the disadvantagesof a largerwetted area and a largerbeamcompared t o a c o n v e n t i o n ahl u l l , t h e n e g a t i v e effects are minimisedthroughthe a p p l i c a t i o no f a i r l u b r i c a t i o n w h i c hc a n b e m a i n t a i n e d t h r o u g ht h e p r e s e n c eo f t h e t w o l o w e rh u l l s . The design also c o m b i n e st h e air lubrication with the engine e x h a u s t g a s s e sw h i c h h a s

Monomaranhull the advantage that the CO2emissions showing the are minimisedby absorptionin the sea- innovative bilge water.Forpropulsion,a poddedpropuF keel design sor is proposedwith a diesel-electric

t h a t n o wo r w i l l n o t b e i n t h e f u t u r e . Manyof the so-calledballast-free ship designsuse a 'continuousflow' of ball a s t t h r o u g ht h e s h i p w h i l s t on routeso that the w a t e ri n t h e t a n k s i s v i r t u a l l yt h e s a m ea s the waterthe ship is in r a t h e rt h a n t h e b a l l a s ti t loadedat the last port. The name 'ballastfree' for t h e s e i d e a s i s t h e r e f o r ea l i t t l e m i s l e a d i n ga, s t h e s h i p s s t i l l h a v e ballasttanks whicheventuallyhaveto be dischargedinto someone'swaters alongwith any organismsthat may be in the ballast." All three ballast-free systemshave t h e i r m e r i t sb u t w h e t h e ra n yw i l l s e e the lightof day remainsto be seen and w i l l d e p e n d t, o a l a r g ee x t e n t ,o n t h e successof the ballast watertreatment svstems.I


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Driveline and GhassisTechnology

Mainreductiongearsfor 'Lockheed Martin'sLCS h e L C S i s c o n c e i v e da s a "small,fast, affordableship", c a p a b l eo f o p e r a t i n ga t l o w s o e e d sf o r l i t t o r a lm i s s i o n o p e r a t i o n s ,t r a n s i t a t e c o n o m i c a l speeds,and high-speedsprints,which may be necessaryto avoid/prosecute a small boat or submarinethreat,conduct interceptoperationsoverthe horiz o n , o r f o r i n s e r t i o no r e x t r a c t i o n mtsstons, L o c k h e e dM a r t i n r e c e i v e da c o n tract for the first ship, LCS1, in December2004. LCSl will be builtat t h e M a r i n e t t e M a r i n e s h i p y a r di n W i s c o n s i na n d i s s c h e d u l e df o r c o m m i s s i o n i n ign 2 O O 7 . l tw i l la l s ob u i l d LCS 3, to commissionin 2008. GeneralDynamicswill receiveordersin 2006 and 2OO7for the buildof LCS2 a n d L C S4 , w h i c h a r e s c h e d u l e df o r c o m m i s s i o n i nign 2 0 0 8 a n d 2 0 0 9 . I n addition,orderswill be placedfor nine Flight1 (secondgeneration)LCSships during2008 and 20O9, for ship commissioningduringthe period2010 to 291-2.OverIhe long term, the overall numberof ships currentlyprojectedfor the U.S.NaWtotals57 forthe class. L o c k h e e dM a r t i n ' s L C Si s b e i n g designedby Gibbsand Coxas a highspeednavalcombatant.Theship has a steel hull with aluminiumsuperstructure and will be poweredby two RollsRoyceMT3O36MW gas turbinesand

MAAGhas designed and is supplying the main gearsfor the LCS(LittoralCombatShip) reduction that Lockheed Martinis developing for the US Navy two lsotta Fraschinidiesel enginesdrivingfour large,acoustically-optimised waterjets.The ship's maxiRolls-Royce m u m s p e e d i s 4 5 k n o t s .T h e o v e r a l l

M A A Gh a s b e e n s u p p l y i n gm a i n r e d u c t i o ng e a r i n g t o n a v a l f o r c e s aroundthe worldfor manyyears. "We are extremelypleasedto be bringing

l e n g t hi s 1 1 5 . 5 m w i t h a m a x i m u m

our CODAGtechnologyto this unique

beamof 13.1m and a draughtof 3.7m.

a n d s p e c i a la p p l i c a t i o nf o r t h e U S

Gomplexgeadng M A A G ' sm a i n r e d u c t i o ng e a r w i l l b e custom designedto powerthe ship's four waterjets from either the diesel e n g i n e s ,g a s t u r b i n e s ,o r b o t h , , i n CODAGmode.Transferbetweenmodes will be automatically controlledvia the MAAGsuppliedintegratedcontrol syst e m i n c o m b i n a t i o nw i t h t h e s h i p ' s main propulsioncontroland monitoring s y s t e m .T h e m a i n r e d u c t i o ng e a r i n g s u p p l i e db y M A A Gw i l l p r o v i d eq u i e t , r e l i a b l eo p e r a t i o ni n t h i s d e m a n d i n g a p p l i c a t i o na s i t h a s f o r o t h e r w o r l d navtes. G e n e r a lE l e c t r i c ' sM a r i n eE n g i n e Gear business,located in Lynn, Massachusetts,acting as a subcontractorto MAAG,will manufacturecritical rotatingcomponentsfor the main reductiongear,and will be responsible for final assemblyand testing..

Navy," MAAG Gear AG President ThomasDeegsaid. "We are also excite d a b o u tw o r k i n gw i t h G Ew h i c h h a s gear technologyrecognizedas among the best in the world." MAAGGearAGis the leadingsuppliei for combinedcustomisedgear syst e m s f o r m a r i n ea p p l i c a t i o n sT. h e companywasfoundedin 1913 by Dr. h . c . M a x M a a g ,a n d t o d a y i s a s u b s i d i a r y o f F L S ,t h e l a r g e s tD a n i s h industrialGroup.The productsrange from marinegear systems,mill gears f o r t h e c e m e n ti n d u s t r y ,h i g h s p e e d turbo gearsfor the oil and gas industry to the epicyclicgearsfor windturbines. Recentother irnportantnavalcont r a c t s i n c l u d et h e g e a r sf o r t h e n e w corvettesfor the GermanNavy(ClassK 130) as well as for the F 310 program frigatesforthe NorwegianNavyand for the Iatest AEGISclass Destroyersof the SouthKoreanNavy(KDXlll).I


Tailor-mad I


RenkAG,part of the MANgroup,isi for coi of gearingandtransmissions navalvessels.Twomostimpressivd offeredby thei rangeof applications aftersuccessfd beencommissioned Left. The first Renk gearbox for the new US

John Barnes Editor

he new gear systems are impressive examPles of Renk'scapacityand versatility in the designand manufacturer of marinegearunits,as exemplified

togetherwith the gear set, was scheduledto be examinedlast monthunder Coast Guard full loadconditionsbythe Philadelphia- Maritime SecuritY b a s e d U S c l a s s i f i c a t i o na u t h o r i t y Cutters. NAVESEA. T h e R e n kg e a r s y s t e mc o m P r i s e s two three-stagereductiongear units of type BUS86,/75 providinga most flexF ble operationat cruisingspeed and a maximumspeedof uP to 60 knots on

by the company'ssuccessin equipping almost450 propulsionsystemsaboard destroyers,corvettesand frigatesof

douboth water-jets.The high-precision gearing,whichavoidsaxial ble-helical c o n s t r a i n i n gf o r c e s , g u a r a n t e e s

30 differentnavies.

extremelylow noise and vibrationsval-

Constructionof the first of class, at Northrop Grumman's Pascagoula facility (artist's impression below), was started last

September,keel laying is schedT h e C O G A G - a r r a n g e m e nwth, i c h uled for this g a s 2 ' L O O o t t u r b i n e s t w o gearing c o m b i n e s so The lowestspecificweight with delivmonth resPectively' kW 4,200 kW and b e e n Power f a r a c h i e v e dw o r l d w i d eh a s the during ery semF two carbon-fibre into is integrated c l a i m e db y R e n kf o r a h i g h - c a p a c i t y quarter second & a P r a t t f r o m c o m e w i l l P o w e r h u l l s . g e a r withCOGAGm a r i n ep r o p u l s i o n of 2OO7 arrangement(two gas turbines com- WhitneyST18M and ST40M gas turj e t w a t e r a d r i v i n g h u l l e a c h i n g e a r b i n e u n i t ) .T h i s b i n e da s i n p u tt o o n e throughthe Renkgears. ultra-compactpropulsionsystemnas Theturbinesare arrangedvertically been designedto be used aboardthe to the gear set. n e w S E S c a t a m a r a n so f t h e R o y a l and flange-connected smallergas turthe of speed The input NorwegianNaW. a new recordfor rPm is 20,0000 bine A f t e r s u c c e s s f u lc o m P l e t i o no f a gear is reducedvia and unit a marine s e r i e so f t e s t r u n s , t h e f i r s t o f s i x planetary intermediate m a r i n eg e a r s e t s h a s b e e n c o m m i s - an integrated ues.

The lightestunit Yet

s i o n e df o r t h e U S c u s t o m e rP r a t t & WhitneyPowerSystems,of Hartford' Connecticut.An entire propulsionmodule, consistingof the two gas turbines


from one travel modeto the other thus guaranteeing maximumefficiencyover a wide rangeof shiPsPeeds. The six newSEScatamaransPatrol boats,of the Skloldclass,will be built at the Norwegianshipin carbon-fibre yardof UmoeMandal.

US CoastGuardcutters Meanwhile,with productionprogressing on scheduleand after successful testing, the first CODAGgear unit system (CombinedDieseland Gas)intended for th new US Coast Guardcutters, w a s c o m m i s s i o n e dt o N o r t h r o P GrummanShip Systemsat aboutthe sametime as the Norwegianunits' Unlikethe gear system described e a r l i e r ,t h i s u n i t i s a r a t h e rh e a v y ' weightsystem(110 tonnes)but is said to be the most modernCODAG-installation combiningRenkgear unit typesAS 2/250 andAS 198F.

g e a r u n i t o f m i n i m u md i m e n s i o n st o 8,000 rpm in the paralleloffset gear SSS-clutches train.Self-synchronising a l l o wa f u l l y - a u t o m a t i c h a n g e - o v e r

The Motor ShiPAPril2005

geafing for overseas )ompletesuccessfu I tests a leadingmanufacturer nmercialshipsand , eXorTtFles of the wide company, haverecently rl test runs The US CoastGuardhas adopteda p r o p u l s i o nc o n c e p tf o r i t s n e w l a r g e size MaritimeSecurityCutters(formerly NationalSecurityCutters)that is based o n R e n k ' se x c e l l e n e t x o e r i e n c ew i t h the veryfirst CODAGpropulsionsystem installedworldwide,in the newfrigateF ! 2 4 o f t h e G e r m a nN a v y ' sS a c h s e n T h e C O D A Gs y s t e mi s c o n f i g u r e d w i t h o n e c e n t r a lg a s t u r b i n ea n d t w o dieselengineslocatedin betweenthe c p p r o p e l l e r sa n d t h e i n s t a l l e dt o t a l powerof 37,000 kWgivesthe cutters v e r y e f f i c i e n to p e r a t i o n ss i n c et h e p r o p u l s i o nu n i t c a n b e a d a p t e dv e r y preciselyto eachoperationalmode. In addition,the systemexcelswithi n t h e p a r t i a ll o a dr a n g e ,i e w h i l eo n e d i e s e l e n g i n e i s a c t i n go n b o t h p r o pellers,whichis expectedto represent aroundTOo/o of the operatingtime. As a consequence,the maintenanceintervals for the dieselenginesbecomesign i f i c a n t l ye x t e n d e d ,t h u s s a v i n g m a i n t e n a n c ec o s t s a n d i n c r e a s i n g availability. All gear stagesof this system featuredouble-helical teeth whichare b e i n gp r o d u c e du s i n gt h e h i g h - p r e c i sion grindingtechnologydevelopedby R e n k .T h i st e c h n i q u eh a s b e c o m ea commonmanufacturingpracticeat the companyfor such sophisticatedheavydutygears.I


The Hinged Ship - another FUELSAVING We can modifia



5,650 teu container ship up to 459m long, 6lm wide with a centre hinge, as the drawing below shows' tL)

o O


^J L./


olrraxa\ancHrlec\rrre, t\rerrrtxlrrrrr.ccr,s\reattorce qta"shr.rg\etr-gtkr-\3csrts atl /4La1rd 3/4 Lfron(\ onel Trorrr{\rrc\p\es '27+f'tttip'"bodies, with a hinge between, will have a bending moment smaller than a ship of length L. The new end. Two ship's shear force is'never greater than tie ship with length.L, because ihe bending moment at the hinge is zero. The huge container ships-can be solved by turning the hinge a few degrees. hoiging bending -omenion and 1.5-| beam to have a centre hinge t3P: $epth "l4ltgt: We can now design the new ship with 7.5 Llength "container ship ftorr' 24.2m to 28.8m so i[ could be 1'65 Llong-and _1:65q TEU tf a 5,650 depth the *oai4ittg r.rr, thi.k wide.This reduces tYrewette'd surface,/container to 6O.5Vo.A stabilizer can be used to reduce rolling to less than 1' and using the recess air cushion method, as per my first patent, reduces skin resistance by 45Va. The next patent will be for a surface drive system, saving up to 50% of the cost of the m9i1 engine. This new ship carries up to 1g,9'34TEU, and needs 99,200 hp to u.hi.u" a 25 [ndt service speed, but with 1.645 times better fuel efficiency than tlie Maersk Line s 352,6m ships - regarded as the best container ship ever built.

Contacr: Bill Huang, S/f7 No I Alley 3 Lane l42Tailin Road Section 2 Taisan Hsiang Taipei Hsien Tiiwan Tel/fax:886 2 2296 3245 Email: [email protected] Only a aery krnited nunxberof kcencesare aaailable,so contactus now


9395 + VAT



FAXz+44 (O)t322676376


Westfaliasigns up to fuel commitment standard Mineraloil Systemshas nowbittenthe bulletand, Westfalia Separator joinedthe initiative to developan international rathergrudgingly, standardon fuelseparation Patrik Wheater Contributor

h e G e r m a n - b a s e cd o m p a n y w i l l n o w p a r t i c i p a t ei n t h e EuropeanCommittee for Standardisation (CEN) Workshopwhichwas set up to develop a m e t h o df o r t e s t i n gt h e s e p a r a t i o n performanceof centrifugalseparators f o r m a r i n er e s i d u a fl u e l o i l . T h et u r n a r o u n df o l l o w si n c r e a s i n gc u s t o m e r demand. Westfalia's Christian Bruns, Developmena t n d D e s i g n- S y s t e m Technology, says, "Thereasonfor our participationis that more and moreof

StandardsInstitute(SlS)and separator manufacturerAlfa Lavalrevealedplans t o j o i n t l y d e v e l o pa s y s t e mt o a l l o w equipmentbuyersto analysethe sepa-

f i n a l i s e dC E Ns t a n d a r d ,b u t i t p o i n t s o u t t h a t a s c e r t i f i e df l o w r a t e i s t h e resultof an optimisedsimulation(oil,

ration oerformanceof differentfuel oil separators(see lhe Motor Ship, June 2OO4). Formanyyears nowthere has been a d e m a n df r o m e n g i n eb u i l d e r s s, h i p

value cannotdirectlybe compareclto the optimumcapacitiesof mineraloil separatorsrecommendedby the manu"CFRdoes not necessarily facturers. showthe optimumcapacityfor a realis" tic heavyfuel oil, saidthe company. The CEN Workshop has now receivedcertificates (CFR)from five classificationsocieties(DNV,LR,CCS, ABSand GL)and expectsthe Russian M a r i t i m eR e g i s t e ro f S h i p p i n ga n d ClassNKto followsuit soon.TheJapan

ownersand classificationsocietiesfor r e l i a b l ep e r f o r m a n c ec r i t e r i af o r t h e separator'sabilityto removeabrasive oarticlesfrom marineresidualfuel oils. Presentlythereis no recognisedreproduciblemethodfor measuringexactly the relationshipbetweencapacityand separationperformance.

our customers,in consequenceof an and increasingnumberof publications e n f o r c e dm a r k e tc a m p a i g n sa, s k f o r certifiedflow rates (CFR)as part of a this type approvalcertificate.Following marketpressurewe planthe determi-

Separatorunits are usuallyratedon the manufacturer'sown maximumrecommendedcapacity(MRC)tables and

nationof CFRfor our machinesaccording to the standardisedtest procedure

unableto determinewith one hundred p e rc e n tc o n v i c t i o n thatthe optimum

wantto have on whichwe consequently a creativeinfluence." However,Westfaliastill considers certifiedflow ratesto representnothi n g m o r et h a n " a r e f e r e n c ev a l u ef o r

amountof harmfulcatalyticfines has actuallybeen removedfrom the heavy f u e l o i l p r i o r t o i n j e c t i o ni n t o t h e engine.The maximumISO8217 stan-

machineswhichhavebeentested in an o o t i m i z e ds i m u l a t i o n- a n a d d i t i o n a l tool - no more,no lessl"

An internationalstandard The initiativeto create an international s t a n d a r df o r f u e l s e p a r a t i o np e r f o r m a n c ew a s a n n o u n c e di n M a r c hl a s t y e a rw h e n c o l l a b o r a t o r sD e t N o r s k e Veritas(DNV),MANB&W,BP Marine, C a r n i v aC l o r p o r a t i o nt,h e S w e d i s h

these coulddifferfrom one companyto another. T h i s m e a n st h a t t h e e n d - u s e ri s

p a r t i c l e s v, i s c o s i t i e sa) n d t h a t t h i s

M a r i n eE q u i p m e nAt s s o c i a t i o na n d C h e v r o n T e x a choa v e a l s o r e c e n t l y joined Westfaliaas new participants, a n d a C E NW o r k s h o pA g r e e m e n it s exoectedto be finalisedthis summer with plansto quicklyadvanceit into a full ISOstandard. P r o j e c t m a n a g e r ,t h e S w e d i s h StandardsInstitute'sGustafEdstrom, "As the workshopparticicomments, pants representmarketleadingseparat o r m a n u f a c t u r e r s d, i e s e l e n g i n e m a n u f a c t u r e r sc, l a s s i f i c a t i o ns o c i -

d a r da l l o w a b l e ' c af ti n e s 'i n b u n k e r e d e t i e s ,o i l c o m p a n i e sa n d s h i p P i n g fuel is 80ppm, althoughengine lines, a CWA (CEN WorkshoP Agreement)endorsedby these parties b u i l d e r s s t i p u l a t e a m a x i m u mo f will havea substantialsignificance." 15ppm;thus the necessityfor the fuel "Theonboardeffect is that the ship separationprocess. will havea more operatorandengineer realisticview of what performanceto

An ISOstandardsoon?

Westfaliaagreesthat the comparability expectfrom their equipment.This will betweendifferent separatorsshould facilitatemaintenanceplanning,thus i n d e e d b e c h a n g e df o r t h e b e t t e r reducingcosts and preventingbreakdownsfor inferiorfuel cleaning,"adds throughthe CFRand intendsto certify i t s s e p a r a t o r s a c c o r d i n gt o t h e




The[Vl otorShip's Conference I I l



n c o n j u n c t i ow n i t ht h e o r g a n i s e r s ' V o i c e sP r o g r a m m er,h e LeaOing M o t o rS h i pi s o r g a n i s i n ag o n e - d a y

SESSION 1 - SHIPANDSYSTEMDESIGN An advancedcar carrier concept - 2O years into

t e c h n i c acl o n f e r e n c a et theevent.

the future

T o b e h e l do n t h e o p e n i n gd a y ,J u n e 7th, it willexaminea numberof themes u n d e rt h e b r o a dt i t l e o f D e s i g nF o r Performance. Theconferenceis to be held in the R a i n b o wH o t e lA r e n a ,a d j a c e ntto t h e c e n t r ew h e r et h e N o r m a i ne x h i b i t i o n t i l l t a k ep l a c ee, n a b l i n g S h i p p i negv e n w


A proposeddesignfor a ro-rocar carrierfor the y e a r2 0 2 5 , c o v e r i n gi t s d e s i g na n d o p e r a t i o n a l theoryand the practice,and whatare the advancharacteristicT s .h i sc o n c e p ts h l p h a s s o m e t a g e st h a t c a n b e g a i n e dw i t h t h i s a d v a n c e d the fact that it willderive approacn. novelfeaturesincluding fromwind,waveand solarpower. its propulsion

Marine coatings for improvedperformance p r e r e g i s t e r e d ProfessorColinD Anderson, d e l e g a t e sw , h ow i l l b e International Paint Ltd f o r t h e e x h i b i t i o nt ,o e a s i l yv i s i tt h i s Howmarinecoatingsare beingdevelopedto offer majorshowcaseof the industryduring f o r b o t h t h e o w n e ra n d i m p r o v e dp e r f o r m a n c e s u b s e q u e ndta y s .I n a d d i t i o na, l l d e l e gatesto TheMotorShip's conference vessel,and the environment. Newmaterialsand methodswillbe examined. will receiveautomaticadmissionto the N o r - S h i p p i nogn e - d a yc o n f e r e n c teh e following day. We havealreadylinedup an impress n ds p e a k e r s s i v el i s t o f c o m p a n i e a

e .


Cryogenicsand the dieselengine- technology for the future AndyPriscott, CryogenicTreatmentServices Adoptingultra low temperaturetechnologyto vario u s a s p e c t so f m a r i n ed i e s e le n g i n e e r i n-gt h e

The TLKSRrudderdesign:gains in propulsion efficiency BeckerMarine Systems T h e T w i s t e dL e a d i n gE d g ew i t h K i n g S u p p o r tR u d d e ri s a n o v e ld e s i g nn o w beingfitted to manyof the largestcon-

An analysisof machineryfailures Norbert G. Erles, Head of Department Damage6 Repairs, GermanischerLloyd S e l e c t e de x a m p l e so f s i g n i f i c a ndt i e s e le n g i n e or operadamagecausedby faulty manufacturing tional reasonswith a focus on the classification pointof view.Descriptions of the relevanttemporaryor permanentrepairsandcountermeasures carriedout successfullyfollowingrepairspecificaby Germanischer Lloyd. tionselaborated/approved DEBATE SESSION 3 _ LNGPROPUTSION currently A debatefeaturingthe four alternatives . he a v a i l a b lfeo r t h e p r o p u l s i oonf L N Gt a n k e r sT argumentsfor eachoptionwill be put forwardby

tainerships,andwhichdeliversimprove- i n d i v i d u aplr o t a g o n i s tasn dt h e n c h a l l e n g eidn a l i s c u s s i o no f t h e p r o s a n d c o n so f t h e m e n t s i n p r o p u l s i o ne f f i c i e n c yw h i l e g e n e r a d varioussolutions, significantly savingweight. SESSION 2. MACHINERY Sophisticated propellersfol the world's c o v e r i na g n u m b e ro f d i s c i p l i n easn d r a n g i n gf r o m c o n t e m p o r a rdye s i g n s and solutionsto some longterm views on whatthe futuremaybring D e t a i l so f t h e p r o g r a m m ea s c o n firmedso far,are givenopposite,while potentialdelegatesshouldeithercomp l e t et h e f o r m e l s e w h e r ien t h i s i s s u e

largest cruise ferry

Presentation1. Steam-the provenperformerTba Presentation2. Dual-fueldieselelectric- Barend ThUssen, WdrtsildFinlandOy Presentation3. Thedirectdrivedieselsolution-

Rolls Royce The designof the propellersfor the cruiseferry ColorFantasywhich fulfilthe Det NorskeVeritas MANB&W t l a s s1 " . T h i sp r o p e l l e r Presentation4, Thegas turbineoptionc l a s s i f i c a t i o"nC o m f o r C MPT Harsema-Mensonides, systemis basedon KamewaUlsteinXF5CPpro- Alexander Dellers.


o r c o n t a c tK a r e nT o l l e yo n e - m a i l : : +;4 4 ( 0 ) k . t o l l e y @ h i g h b u r y b i z .tceol m !322 617246.


The Motor Ship April2005

Record85 yearsof marine dieseldevelopment With this issu* Tt's*M*t*r Sfs{tr* **,|**uat"**AT*SSth eilniversary.The v*ry '*y first issu*, *dit*d t** i*g*nd*{y &# *lt*Ekt*y,#pp*sredin Apr!lLgZ* and wa* r*r*llr*f*iv*d *v*n if *v*r tl=* n*xt t*w vearsit f*eed an ushill

h e n t h e v e r yf i r s t i s s u e appeared,a motto was announcedfor the jour" T oe s t a b l i s ht h e nalsupremacyof the motor ship". R e m e m b e r t, h i s w a s a m e r e e i g h t years after what is generallyaccepted as the first deep sea motorshiP, DanishEastAsiaticCompany's(EAC) Selandia,puttingto sea. Today,looking back,it is clearthat this has beena job weli done if one takes note of the oresent dominanceof the diesel. Whatis staggeringis that in onlyour s e c o n d i s s u e w e d e s c r i b e dE A C ' s Afrika,lhenthe world's largestmotor ship at 13,000 dwt, whichhad goneon t r i a l s j u s t a s t h e f i r s t i s s u ew a s p u b lished.This freighterwas poweredby


a t H y u n d aSi h i p b u i l d i n g construction f o r G r e e k o w n e r C o s t a m a r e .T h e vesselsare to be charteredlongterm ContainerLines)in to Coscon(COSCO is plannedfor delivand the first China,

ery in February2006. HyundaiHeavy two Burmeisterand Wainsix-cylinder, l n d u s t r i e sh a s a l s o r e c e i v e do r d e r s four-strokeengines,each producing directfrom COSCOfor four 12K98ME engines.These are destinedfor four 2,250 ihp (1,655 kW)at 115 rpm and achieveda speed of 73.25 knots dur- 10,000 TEUcontainervesselsalso to ingthe trials. Now,85 years later, a new record f o r t h e m a r i n ed i e s e l h a s b e e n s e t . With an output of 101,645 bhp (74,760 kW)MANB&WDieselrecently b a r r i e ro f b r o k et h e s i n g l e - e n g i n e 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 b h p .T h e 1 2 K 9 8 M Ce n g i n e , w i t h a r e c o r do u t p u t o f 8 , 4 7 0 b h p ( 6 , 2 3 0 k W )p e r c y l i n d e r i,s b y f a r t h e m o s t p o w e r f u lM A NB & W - d e s i g n e d enginein production. Fiveof these 12K98MCengineswill be built by MANB&WDiesellicensee, H y u n d a iH e a v yI n d u s t r i e si n K o r e a . T h e ya r e t o b e i n s t a l l e di n f i v e u l t r a largecontainershipswhichare under




servethe Cosconfleet. Comparingthese two enginesseparated by 85 years, the progressmade i s a s t o u n d i n gE . a c hc y l i n d e ro f t h e currentengineproducesalmosttwice t h e i n s t a l l e dp o w e ro f t h e e n t i r e machineryof the earliership!Similarly the sizeofthe ships has increased e n o r m o u s l yw i t h m a n yo f t h e c u r r e n t containerships substanhigh-powered tially exceeding100,000 dwt whilethe largestmotorships,albeitnot so highly powered,beingcloseto 450,000 dwt. A l l t h e c h a n g e sa n d i n n o v a t i o n s t h a t s p a n t h e s e d e v e l o p m e n t sh a v e beenfaithfullyreportedin the pagesof

.t w{lt.l.F


Above, one of the Afrika's engines and opposite, the cover of the first ,ssue

TheMotor Ship,a task which the jour nal continuesto do today as exemplified by the reportsin this issue of the latesthandymaxbulk carrierdesignto enter service,and the futurethinking c o n c e p t sw h e no i l o n s h i pp r o p u l s i o n becomesscarceor too expensive. Wherewe will be 85 yearshencein terms of marinepropulsiontechnology i s o p e n t o s p e c u l a t i o nA . s statedin this issue,thinkingis alreadylookingto a t i m e b e y o n dt h e u s e o f o i l , w i t h renewableenergybeingchampioned. O t h e r s a r e l o o k i n gt o a r e v i v a lo f n u c l e a rp o w e rf o r m e r c h a n ts h i p s , revivingthe hopes of the 195Os and 196Os that were dashed by environmentalconeerns. Whatis certainis that shippingwill remainthe key transport mediumfor world trade and TheMotor Shrpintends to be there to continuereportinghow this is beingachieved.c




E/S Orceller a concept groupWallenius hasa vislon Wilhelmsen Shipowning friendlyocean of the future- an environmentally transportunit for 2025 that does not releaseany

or the oceans intothe atmosphere emlssions



he E/S Orcelleuses renewable energysourcesand fuel cells to generate the energy r e q u i r e dt o p o w e rt h e v e s s e l .

can transoort6.5O0vehicles.Henceit w i l l b e c a p a b l eo f t r a n s p o r t i n gu p t o 1 0 , 0 0 0 c a r s o n e i g h tc a r g od e c k s ,

I t s h i g h l ya d v a n c e dd e s i g np r o v i d e s o p t i m u mc a r g oc a p a c i t yt o t r a n s p o r t cars and othergoodsaroundthe world moreefficiently. S u s t a i n a b l es h i p p i n gd e p e n d so n

a c c o m m o d a t ec a r g o o f d i f f e r e n t heightsandweights. C o m p a r e dt o t o d a y ' sv e s s e l s ,t h e u s e o f a p e n t a m a r a nh u l l a n d r e n e w able energywill helpoptimisethe vess e l ' s c a r g o c a p a c i t ya n d g i v e i t a

and on the the use of newtechnologies u t i l i s a t i o no f e n e r g yf r o m r e n e w a b l e s o u r c e s . W a l l e n i u sW i l h e l m s e n believesthat the futureof the shipping i n d u s t r yl i e s i n u s i n g t h e e n e r g y a t s e as o u r c e sa l r e a d ya v a i l a b l e solar,windand waveenergy. Evenso, the companyis well aware that the technologiesrequiredto enable this conceptvesseltobecomea reality in the next 20 yeats needto be developeo, H o w e v e ri,t h a s o b s e r v e dv a r i o u s e m e r g i n gt e c h n o l o g i e tsh a t e n a b l e smallershipsto use energyfrom renewa b l es o u r c e sa n d i s k e e p i n ga c l o s e w a t c ho n e m e r g i n gt r e n d st h a t m a y b e c o m ea p p l i c a b l et o l a r g e rv e s s e l s sometimein the future.Renewable energysourceshavethe p o t e n t i a tl o p r o v i d ea n a b u n d a n st u p p l yo f e n e r g yw i t h m i n i -

t h r e e o f w h i c hw i l l b e a d j u s t a b l et o

m a x i m u m d e a d w e i g h to f 1 3 , 0 0 0 t o n n e s . T h i si s s a i dt o b e a r o u n d 3,000 tonnesmorethanthe equivalent conventional vesselthanksto the use o f a l u m i n i u ma n dt h e r m o p l a s t icco m positesin its constructionandthe eliminationof ballastwater. C o n c e p t u aw l ork on the design b e g a ni n 2 0 0 4 a n d i s o n g o i n ga n d Wallenius Wilhelmsen envisagesa servicedate of 2025 for the desiEn.

No ballastwater Accordingto lMO,ballastwateris one of the four majorthreatsto the world's oceans.fhe E/S Orcellewill remove t h i s t h r e a tb y e l i m i n a t i ntgh e n e e df o r ballastwaterthanksto its pentamaran of a trahulldesignandthe elimination d i t i o n a ls t e r n p r o p e l l e ra n d r u d d e r requiring immersion.

m a l e n v i r o n m e n - No emissions fhe E/S Orcellewillsail with zeroemist a l i m p a c ta n d a t relativelylowcost. is to be poweredby renewable e n e r g ys o u r c e si n c l u d i n gs o l a r ,w i n d and waveenergy,to be used in combinationwith a fuel cell systempowered The E/S Orcellewill have an optimum for Someofthe hydrogen c a r g oc a p a c i t yo f 8 5 , 0 0 0 m ' o f c a r g o by hydrogen. generated on board d e c k a r e a .w h i c hi s u o t o 5 0 % m o r e the fuel cellswill be by the solar,wind and waveenergy.The t h a n t o d a y ' sm o d e r nc a r c a r r i e r st h a t

A moreversatilevessel


The Motor Ship April2OO5

for two decadeshence ven fuel cell system on boardto generate electricity.The productionand storage (at high pressure or low temperature)of the hydrogenitself are c u r r e n t l yo b s t a c l e st h a t n e e dt o b e o v e r c o m et o d e v e l o Dv i a b l ef u e l c e l l for ships. technology believesthat WalleniusWilhelmsen will be ableto transfuturetechnologies form solar,wind and waveenergyinto hydrogenfor immediateuse or storage on board.By developingtechnologies that will enablethe productionof hydrog e n a t s e a , t h e r ew i l l b e a s i g n i f i c a n t

ltti, olil

only by-productsof the productionof electricityfrom fuel cellswill be water

Bearing little resemblance

and heat.

carrier, the design can in fact accommodatearound 1-0,000cars


. t

reductionin the handlingand storageof t h i s e n e r g ys o u r c eo n b o a r d .l n a d d i tion, newtechnologiesmaywell solve the hydrogenstorageproblem,enabling solidmaterialsto replacethe fluid.

to a conventionalcar

Solarenergywill be acquiredby photov o l t a i cp a n e l sl o c a t e di n t h e v e s s e l ' s sails.Whennot in use for wind orooul-

system Electricpropulsion

sion,the sails maybe tilted,laiddown or in otherwaysdirectedfor maximum Thisenergywill solarenergycollection. for then be transformedinto electricity

fr"t I


immediateuse, or for storage.

Windenergy W i n de n e r g yw i l l m a i n l yb e u t i l i s e df o r propulsiondirectlythroughthree sails constructedof lightweightcomposite material.Capableof foldingupwardand outward,the rigidsails can rotateabout the mastheadto find the best position to extractwind energythroughthe creationof dragor lift , or a combinationof the two.

The wave energygeneratedby the vertical movementof the fins may be

Sailsand solar panels, here seen

deployed, are a transformedinto mechanicalenergyfor i m m e d i a t eu s e i n t h e m e c h a n i c a l key element propulsion of the fins. In addition,energy from the movementof the fins could b e h a r n e s s e dt o g e n e r a t eh y d r a u l i c

The E/S Orcellewill havetwo variable speed360' electricpropulsionpodso n e a t e a c h e n d o f t h e m a i n h u l l- t o c o m D l e m e nt h t e v e s s e l ' ss a i l a n d f i n propulsionsystems. Electricand hydraulicpowersupply w i l l b e r e q u i r e dt o e r e c t .u n f u r la n d rotatethe sails and to operatethe two aft rudders.Thesewill providesteering c a p a b i l i t i ew s h e nt h e e l e c t r i cp r o p u l sionsystemis not in use,for example, whenthe vesselis undersail.I

energythat mightbe used eitherimmediatelyor stored.Otherpromisingsyst e m s f o r m e c h a n i c ael n e r g ys t o r a g e , such as flywheels,are also underdevelopment.

Wave energy


Waveenergymay be transformedinto 50% of the energyused v a r i o u st y p e so f e n e r g yb y c o m b i n i n g Approximately propulsion ot the E/S Orcellewillbe the relativemovementsof the waves, for generated by fuel cellswhichcombine the fins andthe vessel.The E/S Orcelle is designedto havea total of 12 fins in two commonchemicalelements,hydrogen and oxygen,to generateelectricity. all, enablingthe vesselto harnessand transformwaveenergyinto hydrogen, This is then used by the electricmotors in the pod andfin propulsionsystems. electricito y r m e c h a n i c ael n e r g yT. h e Thefuel cellswill alsogenerateelectricfins are also propulsionunitsthat are drivenby waveenergyor the electricity o r m e c h a n i c ael n e r g ya v a i l a b l eo n ooaro.

i t y f o r o t h e r e n e r g yc o n s u m e r so n board. Thevesselwill havea hydrogen-dri-


A newwinchbollardfromTTStakes the strainout of moorinS

Paul Van Dvck DeputvEditor

c a p s t a no r w a r p i n gd r u m ,t h e r o p e m u s t b e m o v e df r o m t h e c a o s t a no r warpingdrum to the bollard,sincethe

singleitem of equipment,the TTSWB systemalso takes up less spacethan c o n v e n t i o n am l o o r i n g w i n c h eas n d a capstan,althougha completemooring w i n c h i s a l s o a s i n g l ei t e m o f e q u i p ment but takes up morespacethan the

c a p s t a na n d w a r p i n gd r u m s a r e n o t designedto retainthe mooringrope.To maintaintensionon the mooringrope, a thinnerrope,which is attachedto a deck fitting, is used to hold the mooring rope while it is movedonto the boll a r d . W i t h t h e T T SW B s y s t e m , t h e

TTSWB. The TTSWB can replacethe differe n t s t e e l b o l l a r d sa n d i s a v a i l a b l ei n hydro-electric and electricversions.For the electricalversion,there is a frequencyconverterwith controlunit, and

h e M a r i n eC r a n eD i v i s i o no f Norway'sTTSMarine,whichis

for the hydraulicversion,the system is preparedfor connectionto the vessel's

located in Bergen,has deveF oped a newwinchbollard(TTS

e x i s t i n gr i n g l i n e s y s t e mo r T T Sc a n supplythe HydraulicPowerUnit(HPU).

WB)mooringsystem,whichwill make mooringoperationseasier and safer than the more conventionalsystems c u r r e n t l ya v a i l a b l e .A c o n v e n t i o n a l mooringsystem utilises either a mooring winchor a fixed bollardand warping d r u m o r c a p s t a n ,a l l o f w h i c h c a n b e replacedbythe TTSWinchBollard.This b o l l a r di s e a s i e rt o o p e r a t e ,i s m o r e f l e x i b l e ,a n d a l s o s a f e rt h a n m o s t o f the existing-systems. TheTTSWB can hold mooringrope as a normal bollard,but can also tighte n . a n dr e l e a s et h e m o o r i n gl i n e i n a controlledand safe way.Normallytwo peopleare neededto handlethe moori n g o p e r a t i o n ,w h e n f i x i n g a r o p e arounda bollard,but with the new TTS WB,this is reducedto a one man operation,with enhancedsafety.This is due t o t h e T T SW B s y s t e m r e d u c i n gt h e


speedwhenthe mooringlines become t i g h t , a n d o p e r a t o r sd o n o t s t a n d i n direct line of the mooringline.As it is a

Basic features The strengthof the system lies in its lllustration showing simplicityand is basedon a one-man crew member o p e r a t i o nc o m p a r e dw i t h t w o m e n controlling mooring o f t e n r e q u i r e do n c o n v e n t i o n asl y s t e m s . l t e l i m i n a t e st h e n e e d t o u s e operations using portable foot pedal stoppers.Whenusinga conventional

completemooringoperationis carried out on a singlesystem. O p t i m a la n d s a f e c o n t r o ld u r i n g m o o r i n gi s a c h i e v e db y a l l o w i n gt h e mooringoperatorto moveand operate the portablefoot pedalfrom a position offeringthe best view and communicat i o n . T T SW B h a s a s t e p - l e s ss p e e d controlwith high light line speed,and automaticreductionof line speedwhen the load increases.The mooringoperat o r d o e s n o t s t a n d i n d i r e c t l i n ew i t h the mooringrope(this is an important s a f e t y m e a s u r ei f t h e m o o r i n gr o p e shouldfail). TTSWB is equippedwith an integratedemergencystop and an easycontrollablefail safe brakewhile t h e d r u m s a r e e q u i p p e dw i t h v u l c a n i s e d r u b b e rt o p r e v e n tt h e m o o r i n g ropesliding. The comoactWB has self lubricated bearingsand water resistant design w h i c hl e a d st o l o w m a i n t e n a n c ea n d low noise operation.Thereis also an i n t e g r a t e de m e r g e n c ys t o p . T m a k e installationas easy as possible,TTS providesa base socketfor weldingto the vessel's main deck structureand the WB is deliveredwith a full two-componentepoxy/acrylicpaintsystem.I

The Motor Ship April 2005

Debutfor Diamond d o u b l e - h u l lbeudl k e r A European approachto design,basedon operators'practicalrequireAsian production, ments and tradingneeds,coupledwith cost-effective breedof double-hullhandymax has resultedin a competitively-priced DavidTinsley,China

h e c l a s s , t h e D i a m o n d5 3 , r e c e n t l ym a d e i t s s e r v i c e d e b u t ,w i t h t h e h a n d o v e rb y Chengxi Shipyardof the 53,000dwt Spar Lyra,the first of 21 such vessels firmly contractedto date from yardsin Chinaand Vietnam(see TheMotor Ship,March2005). Therobust,versatilenewclassis the resultof a joint designendeavourbythe

The parties involvedin the develop-

GraigGroupand Danish Cardiff-based t e c h n i c a lc o n s u l t a n c yC a r l B r o . A s

m e n t p r o g r a m m ew e r e d u b b e dt h e 'Diamondgroup',and the resultcould

e n d o r s e db y t h e l e v e l o f s a l e s a n d optionsachievedso far, the projectinitiators set out to ensurethat a full doucouldbe builtat no ble hullconfiguration cost penaltyovera standardsingleside-

be fairly describedas a testamentto the industry'scapacityfor productive

skindesignof comparable capacity.

eightofthe 12 Diamondsentrustedto the Chengxiyard at Jiangyin,has fixed

Despitethe absenceof any mandat o r y r e q u i r e m e n ft o r n e w b u l k e r st o i n c o r p o r a t ed o u b l eh u l l s ,w h i c hh a d s e e m e dl i k e l yw h e nd e s i g nw o r k h a d b e e n i m p l e m e n t e dt,h e D i a m o n d5 3 continuesto attractintereston account ofthe long-termoperationaland safety benefitsof the double-skin.

A co-operative design Thegeared,wide-hatched bulkertype was preparedafter extensivediscuss i o n sw i t h o w n e r sa n d c h a r t e r e r so n o p e r a t i o n a rl e q u i r e m e n t sa n d a f t e r consultationwith Det NorskeVeritason structuralahd regulatoryissues.


co-ooeration. Thefact that Bergen-domiciled Spar S h i p p i n g t, h e c o n t r a c t u aol w n e ro f

all eight vessels on three-year

Profile and main deck plan for the

t i m e c h a r t e r st o p r o m i n e n tn a m e si n t h e b u l kt r a d e si s a n e a r l y ,p r o m i s i n g

Diamond 53

indicatorof chartererreceptivityto the


newtype. A total grain-equivalent cargovolu m e o f 6 5 , 7 0 0 m 3i s p r o v i d e di n f i v e holds, plumbedby high-stooledTsuji

The first two Diamond53s, emphasising the bluff bows of the design

deck cranes of 36-tonne capacity.A core advantageofthe doublehull from c a r g ow o r k i n ga n d h o l d c l e a n i n ga n d maintenancestandDointsis that the strengthmembersfor the side structure lie withinthe doubleskin, leavinga completelyflush surfaceto the cargo holds. B y c o m p a r i s o n ,a c o n v e n t i o n a l handymaxbulkerwith a single-skinside shell has the side frames exoosedin the holds,tendingto prolongfull dischargeof granularand mineralcargoes and increasingthe cleaningtask. T h e D i a m o n d5 3 h a s a v e r y b r o a d c a r g oc a r r y i n ga m b i t ,e n c o m p a s s i n g the gamutof bulkcommoditiesincludi n gc o a l ,g r a i n ,o r e ,c e m e n t ,a l u m i n a ,

The Motor Ship April 2005

b a u x i t ea n d m i n e r a ls a n d ,a s w e l l a s steel productsand packagedtimber. H e a v ys t e e l c o i l s a r e a c o m m o n

The "minimalist" bridge (left) contrasts with the

c a r g of o r h a n d y m a xb u l k e r s ,a n d t h e Diamondtype givesan edgeto opera-

accommodation (right) which is provided for a crew of 25

tors with regardto both intakeand handlingflexibility in this vitalsectorof the steel trade. Dueto increasedtanktop s t r e n g t h ,a f u l I d e a d w e i g hct a r g oo f steelcoilscan be loaded,andtwo tiers o f 2 5 t o n n e ,s h o r t - l e n g t(h1 . 2 m )c o i l s

a s u p e r i o rd e s i g nf o r t h e s t e e l c o i l s trade.

and valvesare locatedin a fore-and-aft t u n n e ld u c t i n w a yo f t h e t o p h o p p e r s p a c e si m m e d i a t e lbye l o wt h e m a i n

Double-hull strength T h e h e a v yt a n k t o p s t r u c t u r ea l s o a ff o r d sg r e a t e rl o n g - t e r mp r o t e c t i o n againstthe rigoursof grabworkingof cargoes.The inherentstrengthof the d o u b l e - h udl le s i g np e r m i t sm o r ef l e x i b l e a n d p r a c t i c allo a dl i m i t a t i o nc r i t e -

d e c k ,r a t h e rt h a n b e i n go n t h e u p p e r bulkerdesign. deck,as in traditional I n c o r p o r a t i nm g a x i m u mb e a mf o r P a n a m aC a n a lt r a n s i t s ,t h e D i a m o n d 5 3 p r o v i d e sa s t r i k i n ge x a m p l eo f t h e advancein handymaxsize,equivalent in deadweightto that of the Panamax

r i a , s u c ht h a t a l t e r n a t el o a d i n go f

categoryof three decadesago.

c a n b e s t o w e do n t i m b e rd u n n a g e acrossall holds. T h i sg i v e se x t r ao p p o r t u n i t i e isn c o m p a r i s o nt o s t a n d a r d ,s i n g l e - s k i n handymaxtypes,whichare subjectto strictercriteriagoverningcoil loading,

d e n s e rc a r g o e sc a n b e a c c o m p l i s h e d at scantlingdraughtwithan evendistrib u t i o no f c a r g ot h r o u g h o utth e t h r e e holdsconcerned. In contrast,alternateholdloadingis generallyonlypossiblein a single-skin

normallyrestrictingheaw coilstowage t o a s i n g l et i e r ,a s a f a c t o ro f t a n k t o p

handymaxwith an unevencargospread yntaili n t h e a l t e r n a t eh o l d s ,t y p i c a l l e i n g u p t o 2 , 5 0 0 t o n n e sh a v i n gt o b e shiftedfrom holds1 and 5 to hold3. Withthe aim of betterensuringlong-

C o p e n h a g e nU. p u n t i li t s c l o s u r ei n 1996, the Danishyardhad maintained presence shipbuilding a west European

term integrity,an increasedmild steel c o n t e n tw a s s t i p u l a t e da, l b e i ti n a n

a n d c o n s t r u c t i o nd, e m o n s t r a t i n g in the face of resilienceand innovation

s t r e n g t h .D e s p i t et h e a d d i t i o n asl h i p gn s t e e l w e i g het n t a i l e di n p r o v i d i n a enhancedcarryingcapabilityfor heavy c o i l s ,a n d t h e p e n a l i s a t i o on f d e a d w e i g h t ,t h e D i a m o n dg r o u pp a r t n e r s generation considerthe newhandymax

Danishheritage A m o n gt h e t e a mt h a t h a s b r o u g h t h e D i a m o n d5 3 t o r e a l i s a t i o nC, a r lB r o ' s p r o j e c tm a n a g e ra n d n a v a la r c h i t e c t , MichaelSchmidt,was formerlywiththe B u r m e i s t e r& W a i n S h i p y a r di n

i n P a n a m a xb u l k e ra n dt a n k e rd e s i g n

the mostintenseorientalcompetition. Theyardachievedoutstandingsucd e c ka n d w i n gt a n k s t r u c t u r e s ( H T 3 6 ) c e s sw i t hs a l e so f i t s s i n g l es i d es k i n a n d d o u b l e b o t t o m a n d l o w e r P a n a m a xb u l k e r f a m i l y ,f r o m t h e Thearrangements resultin 52,000dwtMkl typeof the early1970s hull(HT32). a higherlightweightrelativeto single- t o t h e 7 5 , 0 0 0 d w t M k V so f t h e m i d skin handymax tonnageof correspond- 1990s. H o w e v e rt h , e d o u b l e - h uPl l a n a m a x ingcapacity. o p t i m i s e dd i s t r i b u t i o nw, i t h s e l e c t i v e u s e o f h i g ht e n s i l es t e e l i n t h e u p p e r

T h e d o u b l e h u l l c o n f i g u r a t i o n d e s i g nd e v e l o p e db y B & Wm o r et h a n 15 yearsago was aheadof its time in i m p l i e sn o t o n l ya d d e ds t r e n g t hb u t ForMichael improvedsafetythroughthe provision termsof marketreadiness. of a secondarybarrieragainstacciden- Schmidt,the Diamond53 has provided and to take circumspect t a l w a t e r i n g r e s s . S a f e r c l o s e - u p an opportunity m a r k e t - a t t u n et dh i n k i n gi n b u l k e r i n s p e c t i o no f t h e f u l l h u l l s t r u c t u r ei s d e s i g na s t a g ef o r w a r d ,d r a w i n go n alsofostered,evenwhenthe ship is in s e r v i c e .E l e c t r i cc a b l e s ,f i r e m a i n , h y d r a u l iac n d c o m p r e s s e ad i r p i p i n g

and someof the ideasemaexperience natingfrom the B&Wdays.


A very full fore end is a particular ,characteristicof the Diamond 53 design

Bulheadfloodingstrength Accordingly, requirementslaid downfor single-skinbulkerswere usedto establish floodingstrengthfor the transverse bulkheads.Edictsrelatingto flooding strengthofthe hull girderin single-skin vesselswere also adopted,although f l o o d i n go f t h e s i d e t a n k s a s w e l l a s the cargoholdswas considered, while a 7 O o / o - w alvoea d i n gw a s e m p l o y e d , c o m p a r e dw i t h 8 0 % f o r s i n g l e - s k i n types. The latest versionof the IACS JointRulesfor BulkCarriersproposes only cargo hold floodingas the basis

Diamond53 were associatedwith optim i s i n ga n e x t r e m e l yf u l l h u l l f o r m t o s e c u r el o wf u e l c o n s u m p t i o na, n d i n definingand achieving the "right"com-

f o r h u l l g i r d e rs t r e n g t hc a l c u l a t i o n s regardingdouble-skinbulkers,together w i t h a w a v e l o a d i n go f 8 O o / o a ,n d t h e Diamond53 fulfillsthose criteria. A n o t h e rn o t a b l e a s o e c t o f t h e designis the protectedpositioningof

promisebetweenrequiredoperational features,new and anticipatedregula-

t h e h e a v yf u e l o i l t a n k s b e h i n do u t e r cofferdamsin the engineroom,effec-

tions, and vessellightweight.

tivelyextending the doubleskin bounda r y a f t b e y o n dt h e c a r g o s e c t i o n . A total of some 2,000m" bunkercapacity is providedin four compartments,and

P r i n c i p a lt e c h n i c a l c h a l l e n g e s p o s e d i n t h e d e v e l o p m e n to f t h e

Full forward form The hull form was devisedwith assist a n c e f r o m G o t h e n b u r gc o n s u l t a n c y

t h e a r r a n g e m e n t sr e d u c et h e r i s k o f fuel spillagein the eventofgrounding

SSPASweden,and is relativelyfine aft a n d v e r y f u l l f o r w a r d .W h i l et h e f o r e s h i p f o r m i s s u b s t a n t i a l l dy i f f e r e n t from that of the B&Wseries in its later version,the aft ship form displayssimil a r i t i e s ,a n d t a n k t e s t i n g a t S S P A ' s facilitiesverifiedgoodwake field prop-

forth a decisionnot to mandatedouble hulls."Obviously, this was a criticalsitl chmidt, u a t i o nf o r u s , " s a i d M i c h a eS referringto the impacton all the par-

ties involvedin the developmentproerties of the Diamondtype,benefiting ject. "Butthe Diamondgroupagreedto propellerefficiencyand manoeuvrabili- continuewith the double-hullconfiguraty. A stern bulb promoteswaterflow to tion, simplybecausewe believethat it from an operat h e p r o p e l l e ra n d a l a r g e r u d d e r is the best configuration e n h a n c e s m a n o e u v r a b i l i t ya t f u l l tional point of view and, furthermore, draught,whiledeadwoodhas beenfitt e d a b o v ea n d b e l o wt h e s k e g i n t h e interestsof directionalstability. Whenwork was set in train on the D i a m o n d5 3 d e s i g n , t h e p a r t i e s i n v o l v e dw e r e a w a r et h a t I M O h a d requirementsfor double-hullbulkerson its agenda,and December2002 saw a tentativeagreementto look to mandatory double-hull construction. However,eventstook a twist, and the lVlOmeetingof May2004 brought


t h a t a g o o dd o u b l e - h u d l l e s i g ni s t h e right solutionto the bulk carrierproblems experienced today." The strengthofthe hull girderand t r a n s v e r s eb u l k h e a d sw a s c h e c k e d againstaccidentalflooding."Because t h e r e w e r e n o f l o o d i n gr e q u i r e m e n t s f o r d o u b l e - h u lbl u l k c a r r i e r s ,w e h a d w i t h i nt h e D i a m o n dg r o u p( i n c l u d i n g S p a r a n d T h e n a m a r i st )o d e c i d eo n o u r o w n f l o o d i n gc r i t e r i a", o b s e r v e d Schmidt.

Excellent hold access is provided by the wide hatch openings and covers, aided by the four Tsuji36-tonne cranes

or collision. Spar Lyra is poweredby a six-cylind e r M A N B & W S 5 O M C - Ct w o - s t r o k e d i e s e l ,d e l i v e r i n g9 , 4 8 Ok W a t 1 2 7 rpm, to ensurea servicespeed of 1-4 k n o t s i n l a d e nc o n d i t i o n T . h ee n g i n e w a s s u p p l i e dt o C h e n g x bi y C h i n e s e The licenseeHudongHeavyMachinery. three gensetsare basedon Daihatsu orimemoversand Nishishibaalternators, and are rated at 680 kW at 720 rom. G r a i gh a d e a r l i e rp l a n n e dt o a u g m e n t i t s D i a m o n do f f e r i n gw i t h a 75,O00dwtPanamaxversion,although it now seems likelythat the follow-onto the handymaxtype will be a 32,000dwt handysizebulker.Constructionmay be placedin Vietnam,wherefive Diamond 53s are alreadyon the booksofthe Ha L o n ga n d N a m T r i e uy a r d s , w i t h t h e pros.pectof a numberof options being exercisedbeforetoo long.I

The Motor Ship April2005

Mark LangdonTechnicalEditor

Justa few yearsdgo,cable

layerswerein greatdemand, but nowmanyunitsare being convertedas the markethas collapsed

Cableboombusted he cablelayingboom appears t o b e w e l l a n d t r u l y o v e r ,a s there is now a rush to convert c a b l e - l a y e rbs a c k i n t o o t h e r types of offshorevessel. Goneare the daysin 2000 whencompanies couldn't wait for a newbuildingto be delivered and speededup the processfor acquir-

NormandClipper alongside at Ulstein Verft where it is being converted into a combined con-

ket. HenceSolstadhas now chosento convertthe vessel. T h e o w n e r h a s e n t e r e di n t o a n agreementwith the Australiancompany C l o u g hf o r h i r i n go f t h e c o n v e r t e d NormandClipper.The conversionis

struction and pipeJaying vessel

w e l l u n d e rw a y ,a n d i s s c h e d u l e df o r

into the conversionmarketand is cur-

a g a i nc h o s e nu s a s i t s p a r t n e rf o r a projectthat is very demanding,both t e c h n i c a l l ya n d w i t h r e s p e c tt o t h e deliverydate," saysToreUlstein,presi-

rently convertinglne Normand CIipper,

dent of UlsteinVerftAS.

versioncontractis worth aroundNOK 1 5 0 M , " a c c o r d i n gt o H a r a l dM a l l e r , UlsteinVerft'ssales manager. The conversioncontractfits in with c o n t r a c t sf o r f i v e n e w b u i l d s ,w h i c h m e a n st h e y a r d c a n u t i l i s e i t s f u l l "The capacity. c o n v e r s i o np r o j e c t

w h i c hw a s d e l i v e r e db y t h e y a r d i n

The conversionis into a combined c o n s t r u c t i o na n d p i p e - l a y i n vge s s e l with a largefreightcapacity.This will increaseSolstad'scapacitywithinvari-

s t r e n g t h e n st h e y a r d ' s c o m p e t i t i v e ness,and onceagainwe can showthe m a r k e tt h a t w e c a n t a c k l e m a n yp r o jects at the sametime," says Mlller.

ous types of craneassignments,diving

Anotheryardwith a similarconversion projectis Astander,whichis con-

ing ships by convertingeverythingfrom offshore vessels to ro-ros. UlsteinVerft,morewidelyknownfor buildingoffshorevessels,has moved

2001. Althoughthe vessel has been e m p l o y e db y t h e s a m e o w n e rf r o m handover until whenthe contractran

c o m p l e t i o nb y t h e e n d o f M a y 2 0 0 5 . "We are pleasedthat Solstadhas yet

NormandCutter,whichwas converted at UlsteinVerft in 2004. "Thisconversion will be aboutas extensiveas the conversionof her sistervessel,and will d e m a n da l m o s tt h e s a m e a m o u n to f workinghoursas whenconstructinga largeplatformsupplyvessel.Thecon-

out in October2004, it has been laid

NormandCutter, which was

u p a t U l s t e i nV e r f t s i n c e e a r l yl a s t


assignmentsand all types of construc-

springdue to the poorcablelayingmar

Ulstein in 2OO4

t i o n w o r k .T h e v e s s e li s t h e s i s t e ro f

vertingthe cable layerProviderI into a trenchingand offshoresupplyvessel. ProviderI, whichis ownedby a member of SwissGroupAllseas,will haveall its c a b l el a y i n ge q u i p m e n rt e m o v e da n d the size of its accommodation increased.Thevesselwill also be fitted with a new helideck,craneand all the hydraulica s n d t r e n c h i n ge q u i p m e n t . R e - d e l i v e r iys e x p e c t e df o r M a y t h i s year. Allseasis no strangerto Astander, which has carriedout both repairand c o n v e r s i o nw o r k f o r t h e c o m p a n y , resultingin a good relationship betweenthe two and the awardingof this contract.I


Epoxyr the magic ing No otherresinsfulfillthe roleof the idealbinder coatingsystemsas wellas for high-performance the epoxies he most importantsingleProtr erty of epoxyresin is its ability to transformreadilyfrom a liqu i d t o a h a r d ,r e s i l i e n st o l i d epoxyhas suchversaBecause coating. q u a l i t i e s , e p o x yr e s i n sa r e n o w tile fields, includingprousedin numerous

resinor a solidepoxyresin. F o r a l l t y p e s o f c o a t i n g ,s u r f a c e preparation is the most crucialconside r a t i o nb e c a u s ei t s e t s t h e l i m i t s o n the exposureandthe servicelifeto be

tectivecoatings,marinecoatings,floori n g s , a d h e s i v e s ,g l u e s , m o u l d i n g

The epoxy formulation

b i n d e r ,b u t s e l d o md e s c r i b e di n r e l a tion to the type definitionsfor epoxy products.Withoutthe curingprocess, however,the epoxycoatingwouldnot be able to perform as required. can be addedto improve Accelerators the curingpropertiesat low temperarure. A d d i n gp l a s t i c i z e r sf,l e x i b i l i s e r s , d e f o a m e r s ,r e a c t i v ed i l u e n t s ,U V absorberse , t c . , t o t h e e p o x yb i n d e r i m p r o v e sp h y s i c a lp r o p e r t i e st h a t


strengthand resisincludemechanical tanceto thermalshock.Additivesalso i n c r e a s ef l e x i b i l i t y ,l o w e rv i s c o s i t y , improvesag resistance,etc. P i g m e n t sa r e n o r m a l l ya d d e dt o g i v ec o l o u rt o t h e c o a t i n g .S o m ep i g -

T h e e p o x yb i n d e rp r o v i d e sa d h e s i o n , anti-corrosivp e r o p e r t i e sa n d r e s i s reincompounds,insulatingmaterials, plastics, t o c h e m i c a l sa n d h e a t ,a s w e l l t a n c e andtextiles. forced and physical mechanical in as excellent used resins Thetwo main epoxy properties. chalk do, however, Epoxies industriwith maritimeand conjunction light. to ultraviolet when exposed p r o t e c t i v e o n c o a t i n g sa r e b a s e d al The curingagentis also part ofthe e i t h e ra l o w - m o l e c u l al irq u i de p o x y

zinc,MIOand aluminF ments,including properties. um, also add anti-corrosive pigments Extendersare non-hiding

Gheckingthe corrosionof HMSWarrior uringthe recentdrydocking of HMS Warrior,(the UK's f i r s t i r o n - h u l l e da,r m o u r e d warship), the Warrior T r u s t r e q u e s t e dt h a t Preservation SelmanMarineDesignLtd carryout an u l t r a s o n i cs u r v e yo f t h e h u l l ,f r o m waterlineto keel. The survey was for historical recordsand to help identifyany areas o f c o n c e r no v e rt h e h u l l .T h e m a i n a r e a so f c o r r o s i o nw e r e o n t h e w i n d a n d w a t e r l i n ew i t h a p a r t i c u l a r ltyh i n

Warriorincludedi a Veryheaw and deep surface pitting, w h i c hw a s e a s i l yo v e r c o m eu s i n gt h e

T h eC y g n u s r a n g eo f m u l t i p l e e c h ot h i c k ness gauges

CygnusGauge. a A largenumberof rivetswhichhad to be avoidedat the plateseams a Armourplatingin excessof 100mm thick.TheDlatehad an unknowncondit i o n o n t h e b a c kf a c e p o s s i b l yd u e t o

first zero the gauge or removeany pro-

Approaching 1-5O years old, the restored Warrio( is based at

The gaugeused was a Cygnus ThicknessGaugein conjunc- Portsmouth Ultrasonic


being carried out at the same time.

thicknessmeas u r e m e n t sc a n b e m a d ew i t h o u t h a v i n gt o

l i n e ,h a d b e e ns u r v e y e de a r l i e ri n t h e yearand with the vesselafloat. T h e h u l l m a t e r i a lw a s o f c a s t o r w r o u g h ti r o n ,f a b r i c a t e ds o m e t i m e around1860 and at the time of survey had beenwaterjetblastedto a finish of SA 2 and primedwith greypaint

to eachother,confirmingthat all measurementsare verifiedpriorto display. P r o b l e m se n c o u n t e r e do n H M S

means that accuratemetal

sectionat the aft end. Previouslythe internah l u l l a b o v et h e a r m o u rl e d g e , a n d w h e r ep o s s i b l eb e l o wt h e w a t e r -

as all threebackwallechoesareequal

tion with a nonc o r r o sr v e c o u plant used as painting was

the castingtechniquesthat were used. T h e c a s t i n g a p p e a r e dt o b e v e r y porouswhichgavesomedifficultiesin gettingmeasurements. Thiswas overcomeby usinga largerdiameterprobe

and as a result readingswere obtained in a numberof locations.A largerdiameter probehas more chanceof picking t e c t i v ec o a t i n g s ,w h i c hc a n b e u p t o 6 m m t h i c k .M i n i m a sl u r f a c ep r e p a r a - up the returnedscatteredultrasound from the backwall and thereforeallows tion is required,savingboth time and m o n e y .E v e no n u n c o a t e d . m a t e r i a l s m e a s u r e m e n ttso b e e a s i l Yt a k e n o n readingswill onlybe displayedas long verycorrodedmetal.I

The Motor Ship April 2OO5

edientin coatings in powderform. Extendersare used in conjunctionwith pigmentsfor their filmformingpropertiesand to avoidsettlement duringstorage.Specialextenders a r e a d d e d t o t h e e p o x y b i n d e rt o improvepropertiessuch as abrasion

c a t i o n .T h e m o s t i m o o r t a n to f t h e s e i n c l u d el o wv i s c o s i t yc u r i n gc a n t a k e p l a c e a t t e m p e r a t u r e sd o w n t o -

s t r e n g t h ,v e r y g o o d c h e m i c a lr e s i s t a n c e a n d s u p e r i o rc o r r o s i o np r o t e c -

tion.I !O"C/74"F,excellentadhesionto many a Article reproduced with kind permiss u b s t r a t e s ,v e r y h i g h m e c h a n i c a l sion of Hempel

resistance. Solventsare used in the manufacture of epoxycoatingto dissolvethe f i l m - f o r mi n g c o n s t i t u e n t s .S o l v e n t s evaporateduringdryingand therefore do not becomea oart of the curedfilm.

Application A i r l e s ss p r a ye q u i p m e n ti s t h e m o s t c o m m o nt e c h n i q u eu s e d t o d a yf o r a p p l y i n ge p o x yc o a t i n g si n b o t h t h e m a r i t i m ea n d i n d u s t r i asl e c t o r s .l t i s fast, efficientand,aboveall, economic a l . T w o - c o m p o n e nat i r l e s s s p r a y e q u i p m e n its t h e l a t e s td e v e l o p m e n t w i t h i nc o a t i n ga p p l i c a t i o nT.h i se l i m i nates mixingthe base and curingagent manuallyand makespot lifeconsiderations insignificant. Epoxy-basedproductshave numerous advantages duringand afterappli-

The AMOT XTS-Wis a uniquebearingwearsensor systemfor 2-strokemarine is the only productavailable that can detectthe onsetof bearing wear belore expensive, potentially catastrophic, secondary damageoccurs.

AMOTWesternWay.BurySt Edmunds lP333SZ UK

Extensive test bedtrials and a liveshipownersea trial haveshownthe XTS-W to be a minorinvestment for major assetprotection. Formoreinformation, visit www.bearingweancom

omelb +-44 @t12e4 762222

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of Florida Engineersat the University (UF)havedeveloped an environmentally

coatingfor hullsof ocean-going friendly sourceof shipsbasedon an unlikely inspiration,

by shark'sskin Anti-fouling of Florida at the University Articleattributableto AnthonyBrennan,professorof matedalsscienceand engineering niversityof Floridamaterials e n g i n e e r sl e d b y A n t h o n y B r e n n a nh a v et a p p e d e l e ments of sharks' unique s c a l e st o d e v e l o pa n e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y friendlycoatingfor hullsof ocean-going s h i p st h a t p r e v e n t st h e g r o w t ho f a n marinealgaeand mayalso aggressive to prelimiimpedebarnaclesaccording narytests. lf more extensivetesting and developmentbear out the results,then the s h a r k - i n s p i r ecdo a t i n gc o u l dr e p l a c e c o n v e n t i o n aal n t i f o u l i n gc o a t i n g s . Althoughthese TBT-freecoatingsprevent marinegrowth,they also leachpoi"The s o n o u sc o p p e ri n t ot h e o c e a n . copperpaintsarewonderfulin termsof

Hisfirst oroductwas a combination Submarine p l a s t i c , / r u b b ecro a t i n gt h a t a m i c r o - fouled by algae (UIva), top left. scoperevealsis madeof billionsof tiny patterns.Each raiseddiamond-shaped ' s h a r k l e t ' d i a m o n d m e a s u r e s1 5 micronsandcontainssevenraisedribs t h a t , o n c l o s ee x a m i n a t i o nr ,e s e m b l e different lengthsof raised horizontal b a r s .L a b o r a t o r tye s t s s h o wt h a t t h e coatingpreventsa very commonand detrimentaltype of algae,calledUlva, f r o m b e c o m i n ge s t a b l i s h e db e c a u s e t h e a l g a e ' ss p o r e s ,w h i c hn o r m a l l Y stick to everything,havegreatdifficulty

Preventingbarnacles T h e r i b s o n t h e s u r f a c e ss w e l l a n d shrink,in effectflexingin and out from

attachingto the diamondshape. "That'sa majoradvance,sincethe a l g a ei s a b i g p r o b l e mf o r a l l t y p e so f

the hull surface,as the currentvaries. Thatmaybe usefulbecausethe moveof mentcouldoreventthe accumulation silt andotherdebrison the hulls,which is often a precursorto plantand barnacle growth. Boththe originaland newerversions

ins associatedwith our surface."

Germof an idea

a o q c)

B r e n n a nr e a l i z e dt h a t s h a r k sr e m a i n l a r g e l yf r e e o f p l a n t s a n d b a r n a c l e s


despitespendingtheirentirelivessubmerged.That contrastswith, for examp l e , s o m e o t h e r l a r g e - b o d i em d arine speciessuch as whales,whichattract m a r i n eg r o w t h .S h a r k sh a v ep l a c o i d

{ n od = G

o I G t


ships includingsubmarinesbecauseit accumulateson inlet ports usedto cool powerplants."lt can severelyinhibita

v e s s e l ' sa b i l i t yt o o p e r a t e , "B r e n n a n s a i d . T h e U S N a v yc a l l e dt h e f i n d i n g " e x c i t i n g , s" a y i n gB r e n n a na n d c o l scales,whichconsistof a rectangular "is b a s e e m b e d d e di n t h e s k i n w i t h t i n Y l e a g u e s ' r e s e a r c h b o t hu n i q u ei n their approachand excitingin terms of spinesor bristlesthat pokeup.

B r e n n a nd e c i d e dt o t r y m i m i c k i n g t h e i r e f f i c a c y "i n d e t e r r i n gt h e U l v a soores. that surfacewith an artificialcoatingto "Thebig hurdlesthat remainareto s e e i f i t w o u l da l s o h a v ea n t i f o u l i n g developtextures,patternsor chemistry Drooerties.


marinefoulers,suchas barnacles,"he said.TheUFteam,whichalso includes r e s e a r c hs c i e n t i s t R o n B a n e Ya n d numerousgraduatestudents,hopesto achievethat goal with its latestversion o f t h e c o a t i n g .I n r e s e a r c hr e c e n t l y patented,Brennanand his colleagues pattern havemadethe diamond-shaped underthe influor changeable, dynamic, electriccurrent. enceof a low-power

k e e p i n gt h e s h i p s u r f a c ec l e a n ,b u t t h e ya r e p o i s o n o u sa n dt h e y a c c u m u late at substantialratesin harbours," m a r i n el i f e ,s a i dA n t h o n y threatening Brennan."By contrast,there are no tox-


on the surfacethat will also inhibitthe settlementof a widevarietyof the main

Ship fouled by algae (Ulva)

of the coatingsare beingtested in labs , alifornia i n F l o r i d aE, n g l a n dH, a w a i iC and Australia,with full-scaleoceantestingthat beganin March.Thediversityof l o c a t i o n si s i m p o r t a n tb e c a u s ee a c n has differentspeciesof foulingplants a n d b a r n a c l e s .B r e n n a n r e c e n t l Y receivedpreliminaryresultsfrom anothe r l a b o r a t o r ys h o w i n gt h a t b a r n a c l e cypridsare also inhibitedfrom settlementbyihe newcoating. The prospectfor this coatinglooks p r o m i s i n ga n d t h e U Fh a s r e c e i v e d numerousenquiriesfrom polymercoats h i l ea t l e a s to n e i n g m a n u f a c t u r e rw cruisecompanyhas also expresseda keeninterest.I

The Motor Ship April2005


andtheirclimaticeffects,andthe of marineemissions An analysis through withfutureemissionregulations compliance industry's improvements technological he principalexhaustgas emissionsfrom shipsincludeCO2, N O xS , O x ,C O ,h y d r o c a r b o n s , and oarticulate matter. F u r t h e r m o r ed,u r i n gt a n k e rl o a d i n g leadsto additionalemisevaDoration s i o n s o f h y d r o c b r b o n sT. h e e x h a u s t gases are emitted into the atmosphere



























Fig 7. Global distribution for NOx emissions for different ship types. Global f





of the world fleet


chemicallytransformedor removed. Emissionsfrom internationalshipping a{fectthe chemica\ composition of

t r


1 6 $ a o sO..1MMiiarqh$lqlM

I t w a s c o n c l u d e df r o m a 2 0 0 3 the atmosphereand the climatein severalways:by emissionsof greenhouse model study that the largestsurface n u et o s h i pe m i s g a s e s s h i p p i n gc o n t r i b u t e st o t h e o z o n ep e r t u r b a t i o d g r e e n h o u s ee f f e c t a n d t h u s t o t h e sions is found in Julyin regionsof the m a n - m a d et e m p e r a t u r ei n c r e a s e . Atlanticand the PacificOceansin the wherepollution NorthernHemisphere, E m i s s i o n so f o z o n ep r e c u r s o r sl,i k e

tion, and whichchangesthe radiative budgetas ozoneis radiativelyactive.



from the ship stacks and dilutedwith ambientair.Duringthe dilutionprocess insidethe ship plumesthey are partly

nitrogenoxides(NO*)from ships,carb o n m o n o x i d e( C O ) ,a n d u n b u r n e d (HC)contributeto the forhydrocarbons m a t i o no f g r o u n d - l e v eol z o n e ,w h i c h maydamagehumanhealthand vegeta-


is low and ozoneoroductionefficient. Recentsatellitemeasurementsof NO2from the GlobalOzoneMonitoring E x p e r i m e n(tG O M Eo) v e rt h e I n d i a n












AMVERdata. C H a r t o g r a p h Yi n) s t r u m e n to n b o a r d the ENVISAT satelliteoverthe Redsea a n d t h e I n d i a nO c e a nc l e a r l ys h o w e n h a n c e dN 0 2 o c c u r r e n c ea l o n gt h e major internationalshippingroutesfor the regionsstudied. Shipemissionof aerosolsandtheir precursors, in particularcarbonaceous a n d s u l p h u rc o n t a i n i n gp a r t i c l e s ,

directlychangethe radiativebalanceof O c e a n a n d f r o m t h e S C I A M A C H Y t h e e a r t h s y s t e m ,b u t t h e y a r e a l s o ( S C a n n i n g l m a g i n g A b s o r p t i o n indirectlyradiativelyactiveby changing s p e c t r o M e t e r f o r A t m o s p h e r i c the conditionsfor cloudformation,by


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tor MainEngine,Auxiliary& $tandbyApplications for mostEngineTypesandModels Available

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Fax:+44(0}148e 8$51ee 88s288; ret:+44{0}14se "Fuel

Talisrnan,Duncan Road, Park Gate, lU*# * Southampton,Hants, SO31 7GA England |


have been estimated to be 27.38 rg (NOi, based on the reported distributions from

subject | ,.k ll E-Mail:[email protected] ffl lnternet:



The Motor Ship April2005

missions on climate Dr VeronikaEyringand Horst W Kiihler JuniorResearchGroupSeaKLlM

alteringcloud propertiesand lifetimes, a n d t h u s a f f e c t i n gt h e g l o b a lw a t e r

cargoships, and the militaryfleet. This estimate uses informationof Lloyd's MaritimeInformationServicesbased on 89,063 ocean-going ships(43,967

c y c l e .U n d e rc e r t a i n m e t e o r o l o g i c a l c o n d i t i o n sa e r o s o le m i s s i o n sf r o m ships modifyexistingmarinestratocum u l u sc l o u d sb y a n i n c r e a s eo f c l o u d condensation nucleiand a decreasein d r o p l e ts i z e . T h e s es o - c a l l e ds h i p tracks can be see.nin satellite images and are definedas line-shapedbright featuresin a near-infrared imagerythat are spatiallycoincidentwith the effluent plumeof a ship. To accuratelyassess the impact of s h i p p i n ge m i s s i o n so n t h e a t m o s phere,detailedknowledgeof the emis-

Fig: 2. Transportrelated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOy),sulfur dioxide (SO) and particulate matter (PM7O)and the fuel consumption estimated for the year 2OOO

sion patternsand fluxesis required.

Emissions inventories


r,ooo Q z

conditions.An updatedinventoryfor g l o b a lf u e l b u r n e db y i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y


m e n t o n b o a r db o t h c a r g oa n d n o n -

bulk carriers,196 combinedcarriers, and 23,595 generalcargovessels.The non-cargofleet included971 fish factoties, 22,1.41-fishing vessels, 12,2O9 tugs, and 9,775 otherships (egferries, passenger ships, cruise ships, researchvessels,dredgers,cablelayers, etc). The total worldwidefleet fuel

m a t e i s a p p r o x i m a t e l y t w i caes h i g h , indicatinghighuncertainties in bunker fuel statistics. The resultingglobal NOxemission inventoryfor tankers, containervessels, bulk carriersand the total fleet for the year2001 is shownin Fig1.

Futureregulations A l t h o u g hs h i p p i n gc o n t r i b u t e so n l y about 16%to the total fuel consumotion of all traffic-relatedsources,ships significantlycontributeto emissionsof p o l l u t a n t sf r o m a l l t r a n s p o r tm o d e s (Fig2), particularlybecausethere have

'Roadtraffic ffiAviator ffisnipping

Severalemissioninventoriesfor shippinghavebeen establishedfor current

registeredships above1OOgrosstons, based on internationalshippingstatistics for the year 2OOt, representsan activity-based estimate includingmain propulsionand auxiliaryengineequip-

cargoships and 45,096 non-cargo s h i p s ) o f 1 0 0 g r o s s a n d a b o v e .T h e t o t a l c a r g o f l e e t i n c l u d e d1 1 , 1 5 6 tankers,2,759 containerships,6,261

( c i v i l i a na n d a l l m i l i t a r y consumption ships) in 2001 accordingto this work t u r n e do u t t o b e 2 8 0 m i l l i o nt o n n e s . Comparedto all publishedinventories based on energystatistics,this esti-


Duringthe last 50 years, the oceangoingfleet and ships'

2 1 0 ! .

E c.) .o










been no strict international emission r e g u l a t i o n si n t h e past as for road traffic and aviation.



total fuel consumpt i o n h a v ei n c r e a s e d significantly.Further increasesin fuel cons u m p t i o na n d e m i s - )


sions haveto be expecteduntil 2050 d u e t o a l i k e l yi n c r e a s ei n e c o n o m i c growthand seabornetrade. Ship emissions havebeen recognizedas a grow-

n o l o g i c a li m p r o v e m e n t sw i l l i m p a c t ship operatorsand currenttechnolory. At leastfor a mid-termperiod,emission reductionof existingengineswill

f o r c i n ga n d u n r e g u l a t e dC O 2e m i s srons. D e t a i l e da t m o s p h e r i cs t u d i e so n the impactof ship emissionswill help

i n g p r o b l e mf o r b o t h s c i e n t i s t sa n d environmentalpolicymakers.Currently

be based on effectiveemissionreducMost pollutantsare tion technologies. formedduringthe combustionprocess.

policymakersto developappropriate reductionstrategies.Clearinformation is neededon the climateimpactof dif-

It is possibleto reduceNO"by aiming at lowercombustiontemperatures,but this will causehigherfuel consumption ( i e h i g h e rC O 2e m i s s i o n s )a s w e l l a s

f e r e n ts h i p e m i s s i o n s t, o a l l o wt h e industryto incorporate,with greater consideraconfidence,environmental a n d developd e s i g n tions intotheir

they are one of the least regulated s o u r c e so f a n t h r o p o g e n iecm i s s i o n s with a higlhreductionpotentialthrough technologicalimprovements,alternative fuels and shio modifications. In order to protectthe atmosphere,

highersoot is necessary


the MaritimeEnvironmentalProtection Committeeof the lMO, responsiblefor internationalregulationsof pollution limfrom ships,has giveninternational

to compensatethe consumPtionand s o o t - i m p a i r i n ge f f e c t s o f t h e N O * improvementby additionaldesignmeasures,suchas higherfiringpressures.

its for NO,emissionsby ship engines i n 1 9 9 6 i n A n n e xV l o f t h e M a r i n e P o l l u t i o nC o n v e n t i o nA. n n e xV l w i l l

C o n s e q u e n t l yw, h e n e v e re m i s s i o n reductionstrategiesare discussed,it

come into force next month. National o r r e g i o n a lr e g u l a t i o n sc a l l f o r e v e n more stringentNOxlimits than those givenby lMO.As a result,compliance with emissionregulationsthroughtech-

all oollutants.

F u r t h e r m o r et ,h e i m p a c to f s h i P e m i s s i o n sh a s t o b e s e e n i n c o n t e x t withthe overallatmosphericimpactof other modesof transportation,anthrop o g e n i ca n d n a t u r a le m i s s i o n s .T h e transport capacityof the different sectors - aviation,shippingand roadtraffic - has to be considered.



The'In-Situ'specialist for crankpin grrinding. E-mail:[email protected] Telephone:+31 - 575 - 513 434 Telefax:+31 - 575 - 515 750 PO Box 28,7200 AA Zutphen The Netherlands

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Ongoingresearch The majorimpactsof shippingon the atmosohereare the overallradiative



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THEBRIDGEoT SECTION RECRUITMENT Contact:Ed Robinsonon Tel:+44 (0)1322611260 or email:e.robinson

Growthin sizeof LNG'tankers in Bilbao,William Conference At lastrnonth'sGastech at ABS, Ener$yDevelopment VicePresident J Sember, discussedthe impactthat the growthin the siz* *f currentvesseisis having meansthe ship's entirestructureand containment system needsvery carefulevaluationto determineits adequacyto withstandthe additionaldynamicloadsthat will be encountered. A key aspectof transportingLNGis designing usingthe Conchcontainment 27 ,4OOm'capacity tank and containmentsysships, the membrane-type system.Thefirst membranecontainment the PolarAlaska and Arctic Tokyo,were delivered tems to withstandthe dynamicloadsimposedby d s i g n i f i c a nj tu m p i n the sloshingof the cargowithinthe tanks when in 1969 andrepresentea sizeto 71,500m'. In 1975 the Ben Franklinand the vessel is in a seaway.The hi$h pressures EIPasoPautKayser(120,000m'and125,000m3 weredelivered,settinga size stanrespectively) dardthat was maintainedfor the next20 years with onlymarginalgrowthto around133,000m'.

due to liquidsurge insidethe cargotanks may damagecargotank systemsand internaltank structuresunlessadequatelyaddressedat the

B e t w e e n1 9 9 5 a n d 2 0 0 4 t h e s i z e o f t h e largestLNGcarrierhas graduallyincreasedfrom 1 5 3 , 0 0 0 m 3 t, h e c a p a c i t yo f t h e C h a n t i e r sD e

Loadingrestrictionson membranetanks have been in placefor the past 20 years.However,the


significantincreasein tank sizedemandsfurther vesselfor Gazde Francescheduled evaluationand analysisto determineappropriate l'Atlantique f o r d e l i v e r yt h i s y e a r ,t o 2 1 - 6 , 2 O O mw3i t h t h e s t r u c t u r a cl r i t e r i af o r a l l l o a d i n gc o n d i t i o n s . of criticalareas,such Additionalreinforcement orderof the Q-flexvesselsfor Qatargasll. Today,shipyardsin Korea,Japanand Europe as the insulationsystem,highstress areasof are vyingfor contractsthat are consideredfor a the tank structureand the pump tower,which new generationof very largeLNGcarrierswith servesas the cargohandlingconnectionto the cargocapacitiesup to 250,000m3whilegas pro- hull.must be considered. The high percentageof new ordersof memducersare drivingthe demandfor increasedship s i z e t o t a k e a d v a n t a g eo f t h e e c o n o m i e so f b r a n es y s t e m sa n d p r o p o s e dn e w m e m b r a n e the sizeof the standardLNG designsare evidencethat operatorshavea clear scale.By increasing carrierfrom about145,000m'to 200,000m3and p r e f e r e n c ef o r t h e o p e r a t i o n a lc o s t s a v i n g s even larger,it is estimatedthat there couldbe a offeredby the membranecontainmentsystem. reductionin transportationcosts of as much as Whencoupledwiththeir interestin buildingin the operationalflexibilityof handlingpartialcargoes, t5o/o. Fornavalarchitectsdevelopingthese designs it meansthat a great deal of researchhas been and marineengineersreviewingthe desi$nfor requiredto determineappropriateacceptance the significantincreasein ship size criteriafor these configurations.I classification


The Motor Ship April 2005


The conferencewill highlighthow technicaldevelopmentsin ship designand maiine propulsiontechnologyare helpingto achievegreaterperformancewhile enhancingenvironnrental friendliness. lmprovedeconomicefficiencyand loweremission levelsare key issuesfor ownersand operatorsin today's competitive marketplaceand will take centre stage in boih tfie presentationsand the discussionsat the conference.Attendees will also benefitfrom the networkingopportunitiesprovided.

As well as specificpresentations. the conferencewill insludea debate between the four protagonists in the LNQpropuls,ion controversy.The arguments in favour for eaeh approachwill be presented,leading 0n t0 an gpendiscussionofthe variousconcepts-

The conferencewill appealto the technicaldepartmentsof and ship ownersand operators,as weil as shipbuilders, manufacturersof propulsionsystemsand marineequipment

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