Motivation At Telenor Pakistan

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 912
  • Pages: 3
MANAGING EMPLOYEES: MOTIVATION AT TELENOR PAK VISION We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. The key to achieving this vision is a mindset where every one of us works together: • Making it easy to buy and use our services. • Delivering on our promises. • Being respectful of differences. • Inspiring people to find new ways.

Motivation at Telenor is based on a factor High Performance Culture Telenor describe the working context of employees by • Guidelines (procedures) • Targets (deliverables) to be completed within standard Quality& time. So every employee is fully aware of the vision and values which are contributing towards the core goal of Telenor. In this way considering their guidelines and targets, they are required to execute with High performance. That high performance gives rise to high performance culture. Now Telenor has to maintain this high performance culture which is maintained through motivation. In the terminology of the Telenor, the motivation is based of 4 factors, and by taking these factors into consideration, they are providing the employees with choices, opportunities, and options which works as Motivation for them. MOTIVATING DRIVERS Empowerment For employees to act appropriately there is employee motivation which is a natural growth from and employee empowerment. The employees hired in Telenor are empowered enough that they can make decisions of the given project or responsibility. If an employee is regularly able to contribute thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to problems at hand or regular work activities, that is a feeling of accomplishment which goes a long way. It makes an employee feel as though he or she is important and, hence, their motivation is elevated.

Empowerments lead the employees to become responsible for their actions, because when they are delegated with the empowerment, they are accountable for their dealings. If the decision taken is correct, then no higher level employee can influence the decision taken. So employees work with their devotion because they are satisfied. Example. Compensation Telenor Pakistan offers the employees with good salary packages and incentives in return of the performance the employees are providing. The employees are awarded with high quality income in relation with the high quality performance. The compensation and benefits are the motivating tools for some of the employees at telenor that enhance the efficiency and working ability of the employee. Instance, if the employee is having the urge to get better salary he have to work better from the others, cause it’s the rat race. So being productive for the company, benefits the employee themselves. Environment Factor – Physical setup Employees in the Telenor are provided with good setup for the working. This can be a motivating driver, the hired personnel feel honored when they are provided with the better work place. There are no cabins in the big halls. The employees are seated on the tables, quite open to every other employee in the hall. The set up is extremely open in order to increase interaction between employees and reduce the factor of group formation. The employees at Telenor work in such environment, the competition increases and being motivated each employee tries to input his fullest effort to gain the ground. Culture In an organization, the culture always plays a vital role for the person to show high performance. The culture at the Telenor is TOP DOWN, the top employees establishes the tone for the organization. The top level employees take good care while performing any task or action, because it will have to be followed by the subordinates. Things are properly informed; there is no means for getting misinformation. When the employees the highly ranked employee setting an example, then they follow it without contradictions. The employees are provided with recreational activities, by sending to hilly areas to be getting fresh and also perform certain work tasks which are to be completed in normal routine. They get motivated and work well by having recreational activities.

The employees are provided with complete resources that if they move from one place, they move as an office, they are provided with laptops, in telenor building the facility of Internet is available, and otherwise, they connect to their telenor service through mobile phones. So when the recruitment manager has to move to different areas of Pakistan, he travels as if he is having his office along. (with laptop, connection, and required documents). So when employee realizes the importance of the resources he is being provided with, he/she get motivated to work for organization which is considering the needs of employees. Growth In less then 3 years, Telenor has grown at faster rate and having 15 million users all over Pakistan. This is the caused due to human resources in Telenor. The growth of employees is a key factor for the employees and organization as well. When the employees are contributing enough and exerting maximum effort then their growth is must, they devise the growth in 2 terms •

Including Additional Responsibilities: a way before promotion, when employee makes himself such prominent by his competencies, he is being given some additional responsibilities to observe the behavior over new duties. Then the employee is being promoted after certain period of time, it can be 3 months.

Promotions: the employees are upgraded when their performance meets the standards or beyond, this is a motivating driver. The employee is awarded for the level of productivity contributing towards the organizational vision and values.

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