Motivate Yourself. 100 Tips

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“Take the 100 Day Challenge and I’ll turn you into an unstoppable powerhouse!” - Gary Ryan Blair

Create Your Own BIG BANG! A Special Report from Gary Ryan Blair Date: Situation: Objective:

September 23, 2009 265 down and 100 days to go in 2009. Develop a massive action and implementation plan to ensure that you finish the year strong!

We are all staring down the barrel of the same reality--the clock is ticking and no matter how you look at it, there’s but one quarter left in this calendar year. You must consider the remaining 100 days of this year as a now or never opportunity to finish the year strong, exceed expectations, and for some, use it as a final chance at redemption. Let’s cut right to the chase, by looking at the results of your actions year to date, that REALITY tells you if you have been successful or not in achieving the goals you set earlier this year. As it relates to your goals, your demonstrated actions have allowed you to be in one of three positions. You have either: “Gary Ryan Blair has created an exciting, hands-on approach for defining what you desire in life and for charting a course toward that end. This goal-setting and life planning program is a vital tool to help you turn your dreams into reality!”

Ken Blanchard, best selling author of “The One Minute Manager”

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1. Exceeded your expectations of what you thought you could achieve. 2. Met expectations of what you set out to accomplish. 3. Fallen below your desired expectations of what you wanted to accomplish. Regardless of the position you are currently in, you CAN have the best quarter of your life. But you must do a few things in the manner presented in the next few pages.

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As someone who participates in or leads more than fifty strategy sessions per year with leading companies like IBM, Starbucks, Disney and many others, I’m well aware that we all began this year with great hope and determination. I’m also well aware that many goals and plans fall far from being realized.

The Solution So what specifically can you do in order to capture the brass ring? What can you do to ensure dramatic and ongoing performance gains? Work harder? Longer? Set realistic goals?

“Gary Ryan Blair’s has developed a powerful, practical program that shows you how to set goals and plot strategies for each area of your life. It’s a serious program, for serious people, who want serious results!”

Brian Tracy, best selling author of “Maximum Achievement”

You don’t stand a chance of succeeding with that strategy, yet that is exactly what the majority of people will do. Most people operate within a mindset that success comes one step at a time. While unspoken, the court of public opinion says that we must move systematically from our present level of achievement to the next. Then, the thinking goes, from that stage we can begin working toward graduating to still the next higher level in the sequence—gradual progress. This is a false and unfortunate misconception, and it’s clearly reflected in the way people function. They go about, day to day, striving to make incremental gains in their performance. They repeat the same unnecessary routine which is the pathway of conventional growth. The good news is that life does not always have to operate in that manner. In many areas of your life, you must reframe your beliefs and think in terms of radical breakthroughs. I’m here to tell you that you can make a series of radical breakthroughs from your present level of achievement to one that is several levels higher -- directly. What I’m going to share with you in the next few pages has the power to change your life and blow your mind as you are about to learn how to create your own Big BANG!

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Creating your own Big BANG implies an explosive jump, a controlled explosion in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step. The Big BANG is a strategy for stunning advances in the achievement of your goals and is a proven process which you can implement to finish the year strong. “The Personal Strategic Plan by Gary Ryan Blair offers a straight forward, sometimes in your face approach to getting serious about your life and intended accomplishments. If you want to make the most of your life, you simply must invest a few dollars in yourself and learn from The GoalsGuy!”

David M. Corbin, Author Illuminate: Harnessing the Positive Power of Negative Thinking

You might want to compare it to multiplication instead of addition -- it means a geometric, and if performed consistently a perpetual progression in your effectiveness.

Are You Ready For A Breakthrough? Right now, this instant, you are capable of exponential growth. You have the ability to multiply your performance, dramatically exceed your best expectations, and achieve goals on a scale that in the past seemed impossible. You can do all of this once you begin to implement the Big BANG strategy. You begin the progress by stopping: you must stop settling for things as they are, and surrender the belief that change is only marginal and incremental. Life is prepared to give you a breakthrough—a spontaneous creation experience any time you become willing to allow it. Few people or organizations ever come close to reaching their full potential. Most do not even come close, and barely scratch the surface of what they can possibly accomplish. Maybe, just maybe, the time has come for you to study the face in the mirror and decide once and for all that you are ready to rock the world. If not you, who? If not now, when? Let me be perfectly clear on this point, creating your own Big BANG is not about getting to the next level, what we’re talking about here is a powerful strategy for getting to the next orbit! I’m talking about increasing sales by 500%, about dominating your market niche, worldwide distribution and consumption of your product

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or service, financial freedom on a mind blowing scale, exceptional physical health and vitality, about finding a cure for the incurable. So, hold on tight as you are about to learn how to make dramatic performance gains that will allow you to achieve every goal you desire and finish this year with a bang – your BIG BANG.

Let’s Do It! For just a moment, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of Jeff Bezos, founder of “When Gary Ryan Blair talks, people should stop, listen and learn. He has done an exceptional job of making the complex subject of Personal Strategic Planning and goal setting easy to understand and apply!”

Tom Eagar, President - Professional Global Marketing

You have the idea to create a new kind of business, something the world had never seen before. You are starting from scratch, have absolutely no market presence, and are competing in a world of retail and publishing giants. To say that the deck is stacked against you is an understatement. Yet, within a few lightning quick years, you sit on top of the mountain. You have created one of the most recognized brand names on the Internet, become one of the richest men in the world, and have been crowned “the king of e-commerce.” Your face is on the cover of Time, and you are a regular at White House and power elite dinners.

This, my friend, is a Big BANG. Jeff Bezos and offer an ideal example of how visionary people and companies often use an over-the-top mission as a powerful mechanism to stimulate robust progress. Big BANG is an acronym for Big Bold, Ambitious, Noble Goal. Applying the Big BANG formula to your life or career can allow you to create monumental, quantum-leap performance and profitability gains that are truly astounding.

The Big Bang Theory Sir Fred Hoyle was one of Britain’s best-known mathematicians and astronomers in the last half of the 20th century. In his 1950 BBC radio program, The Nature of the Universe, he coined the term “The Big Bang.”

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Today, the Big Bang theory has become widely accepted, among astronomers and in society. According to the Big Bang theory, there was a moment, known as t = 0, at which the size of the universe was zero and the temperature was infinite. According to the theory, the universe then started expanding at near light speed resulting in spontaneous creation.

What is a Big BANG?

“This Personal Strategic Plan is not only thought-provoking but highly effective. Gary helps you to find your personal mission, articulate your goals and develop action plans for their accomplishment. I highly recommend this program to everyone.”

Bryan R. Davis, Director - All Pro Dad

The Big BANG combines boldness, ambition, and nobility to create a visionary goal that empowers extraordinary performance on a magnificent scale. Here are the characteristics of the Big BANG formula and how it works: Bold—a Big BANG is saturated with boldness. It requires a fearless, daring, and courageous spirit, nerves of steel, and a massive dose of self-confidence. It’s roll-the-dice-and-bet-the-house boldness. It can mean taking extraordinary risks, and, when you decide upon a course of action, boldness demands that you execute it aggressively, and I mean very aggressively. Those who act boldly recognize both a fundamental right as well as a pragmatic reality. One of the boldest David versus Goliath business moves of the past decade was Jeff Bezos’ stunning creation of Bezos offers a textbook example of David not only beating Goliath, but becoming Goliath in the process. After all, Bezos could scarcely have been bolder when he challenged a well-established industry, leveraged a largely untested new medium and created an entirely new type of store. But, as we all know, that boldness created tremendous retail shockwaves and has revolutionized the way we buy. Even so, boldness alone isn’t enough to create a Big BANG. Creating your own personal Big BANG also requires that your goal be…

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Ambitious—a Big BANG requires a strong, intense, passionate, and singular ambition to achieve a particular goal. That means setting goals that are as grand in scale as they are bold in formulation. It was ambition that created the Seven Wonders of the World, and it is this formidable force, which provides the psychological fortitude that screams “faster, higher, braver, further.” Google Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have fueled their company’s explosive growth with a very ambitious mission: Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. “Put your future into the very capable hands of Gary Ryan Blair and his outstanding goal setting and life planning program. You’ll be happier, healthier, and wealthier! Gary is an absolute dynamo and his information will revolutionize your life.”

Today, Google has made extraordinary progress toward Page’s and Brin’s ambitious agenda. Throughout the world, people use Google and Google Apps to manage their business and their life. They dominate their market and few have doubt that their mission will be achieved. All phenomenal performances owe a great deal of gratitude to raw ambition that demonstrates to the world that anything is possible if you want it badly enough. Finally, creating your own Big BANG involves adopting goals that are…

Mike Litman, Host - The Mike Litman Show

Noble—a Big BANG is championed by a noble cause that inspires and challenges people to perform at an uncommon level. After all, when you strive to better the lives of others—your family, your colleagues, your customers—you have a purpose worth pursuing, even when you might otherwise quit. Shining with exceptional and noteworthy qualities, a noble goal is grand and impressive in both appearance and thought. Noble goals unleash the human spirit, and our world has been greatly blessed by men and women pursuing bold, ambitious, and noble goals, goals that created a Big BANG! Consider the expansive legacy of Jimmy Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity. The organization was founded with the outsized goal to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness worldwide.

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Former President Carter embraced the organization, helping citizens in 87 different countries build more than 150,000 homes and provide more than 750,000 people with safe, solid, affordable shelter. Along the way, the organization and Carter have changed the way millions of people think about the problem of substandard housing— and its solution.

Goals vs. Big BANG All people and companies have goals. However there is a huge difference between merely having a goal and becoming committed to a huge, magnificent challenge that burns the bridges to any possible comfort zone.

“Gary Ryan Blair has created the absolute best training on goal setting and personal planning that I have ever heard”

Burke Hedges best selling author of “Who Stole the American Dream”

A true Big BANG is clear, compelling and serves as a unifying focal point of fully engaged effort—often creating immense team spirit. A Big BANG engages and energizes people by grasping a larger-thanlife ideal worthy of achievement. It forces all eyes to look up into the heavens and then energizes those individuals to extraordinary action.

Are You Ready for a Big BANG? We are unaware of the day, moment or event that will change our lives, and probably that’s just as well. However, when it arrives, you can count on a change in your life forever. Are you ready to get your ticket punched in a big way? Are you seriously ready to make a sudden, courageous, and monumental change, change on a grand scale that will change your life and those around you forever? If you answered “Yes,” then you’re ready to create your Big BANG. A Big BANG calls out for a monumental goal that is transparently clear, amazingly simple, and tenaciously spirited. This type of goal wants a challenge and needs a challenge. This type of goal requires an internal sense of urgency about results that even high-performers struggle to comprehend. The level of discipline and intensity of focus required to achieve this type of goal requires that you say “adios” to your comfort zone.

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A profound and unwavering commitment to achievement is mandatory; once you set a Big BANG you’ll be working without a net. The process begins with your ability to answer one question: What single, super-sized goal, strategic alliance, or objective must you achieve in order to create a Big BANG?

“To succeed, we must unlock the gates to increased personal and corporate productivity. Gary Ryan Blair’s goal setting and personal strategic planning program provides a system which focuses energy toward the achievement of worthwhile goals!”

Robert Allen, best selling author of “Nothing Down”

Answer the question. Then take decisive action—laying the groundwork to make that ambition a specific, time-bound, and measurable goal— and, finally, implement! Once the decision is made with absolute clarity and a commitment is enforced with the tenacity of a bulldog, you are positioned for a Big BANG. It’s time to fasten your seat belt as you will be moving faster than a speeding bullet, and you will have far more momentum than a locomotive. What we are talking about here is not the defensive, keep-up-with-theJoneses-type speed. We’re talking about proactive speed, the kind that leaders use as preemptive, competitive, and offensive weapons. We’re talking about creating a climate and a culture of speed—speed of decision-making, speed of execution, speed of performance feedback. When speed is combined with intense focus, your performance leads naturally to what the Big Bang theorists call spontaneous creation. This effect catapults you into a higher level of increased energy, excitement, and options. Let’s be perfectly clear about what’s at stake here. For those who really can create a Big BANG, the rewards can be extraordinary: • • • • • • •

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Financial prosperity Market domination Ownership of de facto industry standards. Lasting position on the leading-edge by incorporating technological advances. Rapid responses to market opportunities. Opportunity to claim premium prices. Attractive and strategic distribution channels.


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• • •

Higher staff morale and commitment. Off-balance competitors, put on the defensive by constant innovation. FREEDOM

That’s not a bad harvest to reap, is it? The opportunities are there, waiting for you.

“What do Olympic Gold Medalists, Academy Award Winners, and Noble Laureates all have in common? Answer: They all have a passionate obsession with excellence, and they have intense goal focus. Take part in the 100 Day Challenge... it show you how to become one of the great ones!”

Dr Lyle Koca Koca Chiropractic Clinic

The key is to recognize the competitive power of speed and to turn the pursuit of speed into a central organizing principle in your company and career.

The Big BANG Effect Test Directions: The following set of questions will help you determine if a present or future goal is capable of being called a Big BANG. Read each question; then answer each item by drawing a circle around the “Y” (“Yes”) or “N” (“No”). Y N 1)

Does committing to the goal take you outside of your comfort zone?

Y N 2)

Does the goal create a good degree of stress and make you question your own sanity?

Y N 3)

Does the goal raise an uncomfortable level of fear of failure?

Y N 4)

Does the goal generate a high degree of excitement and passion?

Y N 5)

Is the goal costly in terms of time and effort and demanding of great sacrifice?

Y N 6)

Will the goal take you far beyond past accomplishments to a place you have never been before both mentally and physically?

Y N 7)

Will the goal require an unprecedented amount of power and momentum to achieve?

Y N 8)

Will the goal’s implementation and attainment require a fundamental transformation in your beliefs and habits?

Y N 9)

Will the accomplishment of this goal change your life and those around you in a meaningful way?

Y N 10) Is the goal something that you are absolutely convinced that it is noble and must be accomplished?

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How Did You Do? If you answered most of these questions with a “Yes,” it’s definitely a Big BANG. If you were unable to score a “Yes” with some of the questions, I suggest you step back, evaluate, and think bolder about the goals you want to pursue. EVERYONE should enjoy the experience of creating at least one Big BANG in their life. A Big BANG, unlike most realistic goals, must stretch you and your associates to the extreme limits of faith. That’s the biggest difference between a realistic goal and a Big BANG goal. “In creating the 100 Day Challenge, Gary Ryan Blair has given us a much needed blueprint for living a life of excellence.”

Bobbi DePorter President, Quantum Learning Network

In the pursuit of most smaller and realistic goals, we still think we have control over its attainment. With a Big BANG, there’s absolutely no real control. It’s all trust; it’s all faith; it’s all perseverance; it’s working without a net yet absolutely believing that success is inevitable. A Big BANG requires profound trust in your own abilities and those of your team. Clearly, the creation of a Big BANG is not for the faint of heart. It requires you to shine a spotlight on your soul and inspect yourself for will, courage, and spirit. However, if you want to enjoy the type of growth mentioned in this Special Report, then you have no choice but to get into the game and play to win. Playing not to lose or only for small, gradual, incremental growth is an outdated and flawed strategy, yet it explains why so few people in any generation really make things happen on a grand scale.

Why don’t you choose to be that next person? Each of us is poised on the brink of transformational change and explosive growth, whether we know it or not.

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As such, we already have everything we need to multiply our performance, exceed our best expectations, and achieve our goals on a scale that once seemed impossible. All we have to do is get the ball rolling. So what are you waiting for? Adopt your own set of bold, ambitious, and noble goals and unleash the power of your personal Big BANG in your work life, in your home life and, just maybe, in the lives of countless other people as well. “Everyone once in a while a message comes along that delivers a transformational message appropriate for the Boardroom, Classroom, Locker Room and Living Room. The 100 Day Challenge is that kind of message. It is a treasure that can and should be enjoyed by all.”

Andy Andrews, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Traveler’s Gift & The Noticer

The Big BANG you create will become your defining moment of monumental growth! A Big BANG requires the boldness of Jeff Bezos and, the ambition of Larry Page and Sergey Brin and their team at Google, and the nobility of Jimmy Carter and Habitat for Humanity volunteers. Use these examples to frame your own expectations for your future. Then ask, “Can I create a Big BANG that will propel my life to unprecedented levels?” I know you can. The real question is… Will you create a Big BANG and follow it through to completion?

The 100 Day Challenge Take the 100 Day Challenge and I’ll show you step-by-step how to finish the year with a Big BANG! Creating your own Big BANG is a move you’re already prepared to make, you just have not done it yet. You have the potential, the resources are readily available, and the 100 Day Challenge is the perfect opportunity to make monumental performance gains. What’s missing is your decision to go for it. Say the word—yes, and give me the next 100 days and I’ll turn you into an unstoppable powerhouse! Beginning September 23rd, I’m going to be releasing The 100 Day Start Fast Finish Strong Challenge at

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It’s going to be a wild ride, and I’ll be IN YOUR FACE every step of the way for 100 straight days until I help you achieve every goal you want to achieve! Say the word—yes, and I’ll teach you about commitment and absolute accountability. I’ll prove to you that you can deliver results that are in a word—astounding. There’s no more goofing around... no more stalling, delaying, or “starting on Monday”. The train is leaving on September 23rd with or without you. Last year over 19,000 people from all over the world said “Yes, I’m Ready for a Challenge?” and on September 23rd you’ll have the opportunity to participate in the biggest program launch on the planet. “Gary Ryan Blair is a man on a mission to inspire, promote and celebrate excellence. You simply must participate in the 100 Day Challenge!”

Les Brown, New York Times best-selling Author of Live Your Dreams

Here at The GoalsGuy, we’re going to push, and poke, and prod you onward and upward every single day for the rest of this year... and we won’t stop pushing until you get everything you want out of life this year... and beyond.

When you register for The 100-Day Finish Strong Challenge... I’ll PUSH you forward with your own Massive Action Plan that will serve as your success blueprint for creating your Big BANG... I’ll POKE you along with powerful coaching teleseminars and I’ll surprise you with other performance improvement experts... I’ll PROD you into action with daily “Strategy and Accountability” messages... specific action-oriented tips to help you stay motivated and on-course to achieving your goals. And if that’s not enough, you’ll also get 100 coaching videos, 100 powerful mp3 messages for your iphone, and a series of world-class web seminars. After listening to these programs you’ll learn how to instantly implement the same techniques used by the worlds top goal setters. Sure, it’s easy to talk big with lofty “resolutions” at the start of the year. But with your permission, I’m going to be ON YOUR CASE to make sure

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you don’t start goofing off next week ... or even throwing in the towel in the final days of the year. No way. Not this time. Not ever. I’m going to stay “ON YOUR CASE” all 100 days helping you to finish the year strong and if you follow my strategies, I’ll show you exactly how to create your own Big BANG. I REFUSE to let you fail, and I’m COMMITTED to making you succeed! The clock is ticking...are your ready to get your ticket punched? Are you through settling for what could have been? Are you going to say yes and astound yourself with what you are about to achieve? “Blair brilliantly focuses on excellence as a sustainable competitive weapon. Like the air we breathe, we too often take this critical intangible for granted. As Blair makes perfectly clear, we do so at our ultimate competitive peril”

Steven P. Sitkowski

You have to decide with certainty exactly what it is you want... where you want to go, how high you want to climb, what obstacles you want to leap over, which walls you want to finally break through... and, I’ll be there to help you do it... every step of the way. So, what are you waiting for? Get started by signing up for this life changing program on September 23rd. Subject: “The 100 Day Start Fast Finish Strong Challenge” Start Date: Wednesday, September 23rd Registration Begins: 11am Eastern Start Location: Everything Counts! Gary Ryan Blair PS. If you own a company or manage a large group of people and want your entire team to participate in the 100 Day Challenge, call us for special program ideas at 1.877.462.5748 or email: [email protected] PSS. Feel free to share this report with friends and associates.

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How We Can Help Gary Ryan Blair

For over 12 years, we’ve been helping firms like IBM, Apple Computer, Disney, Starbucks, American Express,, NASA, and others, intensify focus, improve performance, and maintain a competitive edge. Since the day we first opened the door, our mission has been to inspire, promote, and celebrate excellence. Our motto says it all; our goal is simply to help you achieve yours. To that end, our assistance includes: • Coaching, one-on-one, and small group coaching initiatives designed to increase your sense of direction, performance, and profits. • Training Programs, high-impact training programs designed to enhance productivity and performance. • Keynotes and Retreats, customized presentations that energize, motivate, and inspire peak performance.

Gary Ryan Blair is a visionary and gifted conceptual thinker. As one of the top strategic thinkers in the world he is dedicated to helping his clients win by creating focused, goal-directed lives. His library of world-class books, tapes, and programs are enjoyed by more than 80,000 companies and over 4 million people worldwide. In fact more than 60% of the Fortune 500 use material from The GoalsGuy to intensify focus, improve performance, and maintain a competitive edge. For Workshops and Retreats: [email protected] or 877.462.5748

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• On Demand Web Seminars, a suite of world-class offerings, available 24/7 provides an affordable and convenient education alternative. • Books and Self-Study Resources, a library of powerful handbooks, DVD’s and self-paced materials that educate and inspire. • Licensing Opportunities, a turn key cash cow allowing you to customize, promote and profit from our programs and trademarks. The GoalsGuy handbooks, training programs and coaching services offer you an energizing, effective way to transform your business and your life. The experience of more than four million people worldwide has proven that what you learn in our programs really can change your life. If success is your destination, than let The GoalsGuy guide your journey. Everything Counts! Gary Ryan Blair

To book Gary, contact:[email protected] or call 877.462.5748 / Fax 813.435.2022 I

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