Most Holy Place Experience

  • December 2019
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Christ Invites Us to Join Him in the Most Important Work of the Ages in… THE MOST HOLY PLACE EXPERIENCE The whole Christian world agrees that we live on the edge of eternity. People everywhere are saying that our lives will never be the same again, since the great slaughter when the towers fell (Isa. 30: 25). Many felt it was “judgment day.” It was and still continues to be, however calm some days may seem in contrast. We know these are not the only “towers” that will soon fall! This is a time of special events, some that we do not see with our physical eyesight. These should now capture our attention, for it is judgment time! (Bold words in the first three sentences below, define to judge, from Strong’s) Here is what our Savior is doing: The Lord says He will make decisions about His people, and bring about equity and right. To judge 8199 (Ps 96:13) He will plead with mankind in many ways, and He will perform his works to defend them. To judge 1777 (Ps. 96:10) He will divide and separate the sheep and the goats, He will make war with sin and wickedness. To judge 2919 (Rev. 19:11, Rev. 14: 8 [the meaning of judgment here is “sundering or separation from sin”]) Do you catch the import of these meanings? Judgment is a good word and a good work in which we are invited to participate. How do we do that? Christ’s Intercessory Work In These Final Days on Earth: Because of what He has accomplished for us at the cross, His grace now enables us with heavenly power: 1. As we realize now that time is nearly done, any fallow ground (hardness of heart) left must be broken up, and in His followers, will be! (Hosea 10:12) 2. in full repentance--no more putting off making our lives right with God; (Ezekiel 33:11) 3. no more hiding sins, but we are now inspired and convicted to confess and forsake them (1 John 1:9) 4. in New Covenant forgiveness—our new life in Christ is begun. (Hebrews 10:16) 5. knowing that the cleansing of the sanctuary must include our personal cleansing from sin, (Ps 51:2) 6. a deep cleansing in our innermost being—in our blood (our lives!)—a blood transfusion! Joel 3:21 Knowing what Christ has Been Doing, We Awaken to More Present Truth; 1. We recognize that by the sprinkling1 of His own shed blood before the mercy seat--He reaches our hearts, (Heb. 12:24) 2. we learn to desire and plead for His mind of purity and peace in every trial of our lives (Philippians 2:5) 3. which produces an unbreakable bond1--the binding of our hearts to His (Prov. 7:3) 4. in Early Rain showers--His grace given to produce a turning away from sin; 2 (James 5:7) 5. for we now understand that He will water us with His Holy Spirit every moment, 3 (Isa 27:3) 6. as we meet trials with submission to His will, thus keeping our appointments with Him, (Ps 103:18) 4 7. In this way we become “bound and twisted together”5 with Christ --the true waiting experience.5 (Isa 25:9) 8. receiving Christ’s sanctification, (I Cor. 1:30), never our own, 9. shining with His character--the glory of God, given to us then radiated all back to Him, (Rev. 14:7) 10. then we are fed by the heavenly shepherd even when earthly shepherds fail, (Eze 34: 10-15) Twenty-First Century Truth for Today—A Deepening Experience 1. We settle into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, (John 17:17) 2. and every day receive a deeper impression of the seal of God by our decisions. (2Tim.2:19; Rev. 7:2,3) 3. As God’s people, we announce His second coming by living this glory to our Savior (Rev. 18: 1,2) 4. living true righteousness by His faithfulness--(Isa. 25:1) 5. which is the reality of the “Third Angels’ message in verity”6 (Rev. 14:7) 6. knowing that God is drawing His covering over us— (Early Writings, 43) 7. which is a deepening repentance and turning from sin, (Isa. 50:3) 8. and realizing that this covering is our protection in the Time of Trouble (Ps. 37:39)

Most Holy Place Experience 9. We then obey His commandments through His faithfulness, from the heart, (Deut. 30:2) 10. which is really His obedience that He learned by carrying out His Father’s will (Heb. 5:8) 11. This is our only hope of attaining perfection--allowing Him to write that law on our hearts. (Heb. 10:16) 12. As we enter into this close relationship with the Godhead, (John 17) 13. we are blessed7 by God--consecrated and anointed to sanctified service for Him (Ex. 29:33) 14. and thankful to know that we are truly grafted in, steadfast for God and His will, (Rom. 11:23) 15, even partaking of His divine nature –His DNA—His Divine Nature Attributes, (II Peter 1:4) Closing Events: Soon to be Reality for God’s true People 1. We receive the crown of His love & compassion for all--His loving kindness and tender mercy (Ps 103:4), 2. and in return we are determined that no man take that crown from us (Rev. 3:11) 3. We are then enabled to sing a new song of victory here on earth, (Ps 144:9) 4. filled with holy boldness, (Acts 4:31) covered with His priestly robes. (Isaiah 61:109) 5. willing now to minister with Christ as a priest, bringing souls to Him as He ministers for all (Rev. 1:7) 6. that enables us to weep between the porch and the altar, (Joel 2:17) (between the church and the world) 7. and with Paul, “travail in birth” until “Christ be formed” in those we bring to the Father, (Gal. 4:19) 8. and find Him faithful “Who hath called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9) 9. As we study His Word, “line upon line,” He pours out “the refreshing” (Isa. 28:12, Joel 2:23; Acts 3:19) 10. of the Latter Rain, enabling us to give the Loud Cry of sanctification and the Sabbath (Rev. 18:1) 11. the mystery of iniquity is unveiled as God’s people perfectly reflect the love of Jesus (II Thess. 2:7) 12. which is God finishing His work in us, so that we reflect His spirit and power of the 4th Angel (Rev. 18:1) Final Events: Probation Closed and Beyond 1. Jesus says, “It is done,” and throws down the censer, Revelation 21:6 2. and comes in radiant glory for those who have been bound close to Him5 for a long time Revelation 1:7

Even so come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20 1. “Sprinkle” in Exodus 29: 16 denotes “an unbreakable bond” according to the Hebrew Lexicon. 2. Definition of “grace”--Favorable influence of God; divine influence…in renewing the heart and restraining from sin…application of Christ’s righteousness to the sinner; state of reconciliation to God.” 1848 Webster Dictionary. 3.“Moment by moment I’m kept in His love, moment by moment I’ve life from above. Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine, moment by moment, Oh Lord, I am thine.” From the song, Moment by Moment, Words by D.W.Whittle. 4. The word “commandment” in this verse means “law, statute, appointment,” --our appointment time, or our opportunity with Christ is at the moment of temptation, by our decision to surrender, allowing Him to write a portion of His law on our hearts. 5. Meaning of the word “wait” in Isa. 25:9--leaning on Him in every trial, resulting in a strong binding to Him. 6. “Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel's message, and I have answered, "It is the third angel's message in verity."-- Review and Herald, 4/1, 1890. {E. White in Evangelism 190.3} 7. Blessed –“Makarios--one indwelt by God because of Christ and as a result is fully satisfied, possessing the characteristics of deity.” (From a Greek Lexicon) (It means much more than “happy! Deep happiness is the realization of our possession of Christ and all that it means.) 8. “Instead of relying upon the word of another, taste for yourself. Experience is knowledge derived from experiment. Experimental religion is what is needed now. "Taste and see that the Lord is good." (Ps 34:8) (E. White/Amazing Grace 252) 9. meaning of the word “decketh” from the original Hebrew.

The Most Holy Place experience is no idle waiting time. It is the catalyst for the song, He Comes Today. As we enter into this experience with Jesus we will not “miss the treading of His feet!” 1. Do you long to see our Jesus come in glory? or hear the sound of trumpets pierce the sky? Do you wonder just how long, ‘til you hear the angels’ song, Do you wait for only later, bye and bye? 2. Did you hear sweet Jesus speak to you at daybreak, with wondrous words to heal your inmost soul, Did you feel His presence near, did you let Him take your fear, Did you know He only wants to make you whole? Chorus: He comes today—don’t miss the treading of His feet. He comes today—Hear His voice like music sweet—in His promise to abide, in His presence where we hide from storms of life—our joy in Him complete. (Words to my composition on CD Some Rain Must Fall) ~ Ellen Dana Caring Communications is dedicated to promoting an abiding trust in Jesus to people in all walks of life through printed word and sweet music with a message. [email protected]

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