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Unit 6 test 5 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)

Listening 1  Listen to two guests, Fearne Burgess and Nick Brooks, talking on a radio programme. Choose the correct summary. (2 marks) A The guests are giving their opinions on different forms of entertainment. B The guests are talking about why entertainment is so important in our lives. 2  Listen again. Complete the sentences. (8 marks) 1 Fearne __________________ opinion of The Hobbit. 2 Fearne thinks that The Lord of the Rings films manage to _____________________________. 3 Nick thought The Hobbit was too ___________. 4 Nick was very impressed by a film called __________. 5 Nick gives a __________ of the book Echo Boy. 6 Nick thinks that Calvin Harris’s latest album has got ___________________________________. 7 Fearne’s ________ didn’t like the Calvin Harris album. 8 Fearne believes that Stromae is going to ____________________________ in the future.

Vocabulary unforgettable extreme annual exhausting professional

Practical English 6 Complete the dialogue with the words. There are four words you do not need. (10 marks) about concern couldn’t didn’t for opinion to view with Brodie Harry Brodie Harry


3 Match words 1–5 to definitions A–E. (5 marks) 1 2 3 4 5

1 Both film companies have d_________ all responsibility for the accident on set. 2 Alex b___________ to everyone that he had won the competition. He likes to be the centre of attention. 3 Please stay for dinner! I i_________. 4 You should go to Diggerland. I really r___________ it. 5 I’d just like to p___________ that the capital of Australia is actually Canberra.

__ __ __ __ __

A very tiring B showing a high level of skill C exceptional or severe D very memorable E occurring once a year

4 The bold words are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (5 marks) 1 Paul performed a(n) microphone on the stage. ____________ 2 I joined a(n) monologue drama group – it’s for people who like to act in their free time. ____________ 3 I adjusted the volume of the venue so people could hear me. ____________ 4 We found a new spotlight for the theatre; it’s a nice building in the city centre. ____________ 5 The amateur was on the actor at the front of the stage as the play started. ____________


What did you think (1) __________ the school play, Broadway Blues? In my (2) __________ it was very good. According (3) __________ The Village Voice it was outstanding. Well, from an acting point of (4) __________, Anna played her role very well. I think she could be a professional actor. I (5) __________ agree more.

Grammar 7 Choose the correct option. (10 marks) 1 ____ a while, we left the party. a As b In c After 2 I prefer to eat ____ home than in restaurants. a in b at c on 3 The singer is ____ French origin. a of b from c to 4 There is a small church ____ the top of the mountain. a at b under c from 5 I usually go to school ____ foot. a on b with c to


Unit 6 test 8 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. Write complete sentences. (10 marks) 1 ‘I see this TV show yesterday,’ he told us. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 Helen admitted that she have overslept that morning. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 ‘Oh, and did you enjoy your trip to Paris last weekend?’ Jon ask us. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4 Holly said that she was moving to Salamanca the previous month. She leaves on 1 March, so she doesn’t have much time. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 5 ‘I’ll call you tomorrow,’ Catherine was saying. _______________________________________ ______________________________________ 9 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. (10 marks) 1 ‘Do you want to order any more food?’ the waitress asked us. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2 ‘Don’t talk during the exam,’ the teacher told the students. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 3 ‘I’ll help you to clean the house,’ Molly said. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4 ‘My neighbours always play their music too loud,’ Carolyn complained. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 5 ‘I can’t go to your party on Saturday,’ Tyler told me. _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Cumulative Review 10 Complete the text. (10 marks) My friend Alicia asked me if I could recommend some fun things to do in San Francisco. I told her that I had (1) l_______ there for five years, so I knew a lot about the city. I (2) r_________ spending my first week just exploring it – I have some great memories of my time there. Alicia mentioned that she would be with her two cousins. She admitted that they didn’t have that much money. I told her that there are (3) l_____ ____ free things to do in San Francisco. I suggested that they visit the Golden Gate Bridge. I also told her to explore the Haight-Ashbury area of San Francisco on foot. It’s a famous neighbourhood and it has lots of cheap vintage shops for them to (4) b_______ in without feeling that they have to buy anything. I recommended that they go on a cable car ride as well; it isn’t expensive and it’s a great way to see the city. I mentioned that they would also love the North Beach area. It’s full of cool shops, cafés and restaurants that aren’t too expensive. She’s travelling to San Francisco next week. She’s thanked me and told me that my suggestions (5) w_______ be useful to her.


Unit 6 test Reading 11 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with spaces 1–4 in the text. There are two sentences which you do not need. (4 marks) A She recommended that I looked at the beautiful wall art and sculptures when I finally got inside. B Only Spanish people go there. C That’s what it’s known for. D People dress up at this club; in fact, creative expression is the focus. E There was a long queue outside the club and it took me three hours to get in. F When I was told that it would be a completely different clubbing experience, I was intrigued! The best clubs in Europe Are you planning on going clubbing on your next holiday? Our dedicated team of clubbers have come up with a list of the coolest clubs in Europe. They’ve done the research, and here’s what they’ve come up with. Lola Jones: Fluxus Ministerija is a huge space used for music and dance. It’s located in Lithuania. (1) ____ When I arrived I was amazed by the size of the building – it was enormous. While I was standing in the queue to get in, I started talking to a German girl who had been going to this club for years. (2) ____ What she said was true – the art was stunning. The building was full of about 10,000 people, all dancing. The atmosphere was electric! There was also a massive staircase which led up to a tower where you could listen to people reading poetry. It was a unique clubbing experience which was both cultural as well as fun.

from around the world, and there is a mix of newcomers and established professionals. There are also live bands that come to play at the venue. There is a room on the first floor that is just like a living room. There are also computer games for people to play. It’s a nice place to come and chill out as well as dance. Sophie Hall: Elrow in Barcelona is busy night and day. It’s the place to come if you want to party from dusk till dawn. It’s just outside the city, near the airport. What makes this club interesting is that it was founded by a Spanish family, and there’s a great sense of community there. A lot of the locals go there in the winter months. (4) ____ Many of the clothes and costumes reminded me of the costumes that you see at a Cirque de Soleil performance. It’s part of the experience to admire all the clothes and costumes. The music is also great and there are stages for dancers and clubbers to dance on. It gets very busy in the summer months with all the tourists, but it is totally worth it. 12 Read the text again. Then complete the sentences. (6 marks) 1 Lola Jones was told that Fluxus Ministerija contained ___________________________. 2 The main attraction of Badaboum is _________. 3 There is an area on the first floor of Badaboum where people can _______________________ ______________________________________. 4 Elrow reminded Sophie Hall of a circus because ______________________________________.

Zane Cooper: Badaboum in Paris is very cool. There are different rooms in the club which play different kinds of music, from techno to electro. There’s a dancefloor that isn’t too small or too big. The emphasis in Badaboum is all on the music. (3) ____ A friend who goes there often tells me that he has discovered some great DJs there. When I went and the DJ started his set, I was not disappointed. The music was fantastic – a really cool mix. Some of the DJs are local but others come



Unit 6 test Writing 13 Write a report based on these results from a questionnaire for Spanish teenagers about films. Use the prompts to help you and invent the details. Include adverb phrases to express the percentages and appropriate reporting verbs. Write about 150 words. (10 marks) Questionnaire results

Paragraph 1: Introduce the aim of the report and say where you got the information from. Paragraph 2: Provide the results of the first question. Talk about the statistics in detail. Paragraph 3: Provide the results of the second question. Talk about the statistics in detail. Paragraph 4: Provide a conclusion and suggest what the results of the questionnaire might mean.

Topic: film festivals 1

Have you ever been to a film festival?

30% have been to one in Spain 25% have been to film festivals abroad 20% will go to one next summer 25% have never been to one Topic: Spanish films 2

Do you think the quality of Spanish films is bad, OK, good or very good?

5% think it’s bad 8% think it’s OK 12% think it’s good 75% think it’s very good

____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Listening _____ / 10 Grammar _____ / 30 Writing _____ / 10

Vocabulary _____ / 20 Cumulative Review _____ / 10


Practical English _____ / 10 Reading _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100


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