Moroccan Crises

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 15
########################## # morocco crises # ########################## ###events - group chronologically by event########################## # king promotes a friendly understanding - october 1901. - eng 56420 triggered by fra 520080 # edward visits france - april 1903 - eng 56422 # an atmosphere of understanding - fra 20540 # le refroidissement - eng 56424 #sleep eng 56432, 56434 # seek an entente cordiale - april 8 1904 - eng 56426 - triggers fra 20542 no trigger by ger 521054 # seek an entente cordiale (refroid) - april 8 1904 - eng 56428 - triggers fra 20542 - no trigger by ger 521054 # seek an entente cordiale after german navy law - 56430 - triggers fra 20542 - triggered by ger 521054 # entente cordiale - fra 20542 (egypt needs contention removed) #sleep 56436 # moroccan customs arrangement - may 23 1904 - fra 20544 - triggers mor 33500

# a customs arrangement with france - mor 33500 (50 percent chance of each) # signed - fra 20546 # overthrow the sharif? - fra 20548 # morocco in chaos - mor 33502 - triggers ger 21950 # franco-spanish spheres of influence in morocco - oct 30, 1904 - fra 20550 # an arrangement from france - spa 52080 - triggers ger 21950 # more control over the sharif - fra 20552 # unsigned, morocco in chaos - mor 33504 - triggers ger 21952 # sign - mor 33506 # kaiser in tangiers (early) - july, 1904 - ger 21950 # kaiser in tangiers - march 31, 1905 - ger 21952 # the mansion house speech (early) - october 1, 1904 - eng 56432 # the mansion house speech - may 1, 1905 - eng 56434 # le refroidissement: support german claims - october 1, 1904 - eng 56436

# demand spanish abandonment of spheres of influence (early) - december 1, 1904 - ger 21954 # demand spanish abandonment of spheres of influence -june 1, 1905 - ger 21956 # germany demands we abandon morocco - spa 52082 # a sore point (early) - january 5, 1904 - ger 21958 # a sore point - june 6, 1905 - ger 21960 # resignation of the foreign minister - fra 20554


# a call for conference at algeciras (early) - april 10, 1905 - ger 21962 # a call for conference at algeciras - july 1, 1905 - ger 21963 # le refroidissement: a call for conference at tangier - july 1, 1905 - ger # germany mobilizes - december 2, 1905 - ger 21966 # france responds - fra 20556

# german ultimatum - ger 21968 (in case france decides to mobilize) # the lights go out - fra 20558 # us mediation in morocco? -december 10, 1906 - usa 58555 # # # # # # # # # #

algeciras conference begins algeciras conference begins algeciras conference begins algeciras conference begins algeciras conference begins tangier conference begins tangier conference begins tangier conference begins tangier conference begins tangier conference begins -

- january 16, 1906 - january 16, 1906 - january 16, 1906 - january 16, 1906 - january 16, 1906 january 16, 1906 january 16, 1906 january 16, 1906 january 16, 1906 january 16, 1906 -

- ger 21969 - fra 20560 - eng 56438 - mor 33508 - spa 52084 ger 21970 fra 20562 eng 56440 mor 33510 spa 52086

# gunboat diplomacy - february 19, 1906 - eng 56442 # le refroidissement: gunboat diplomacy - february 19, 1906 - eng 56444 # algeciras conference concludes - april 6, 1906 # algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 # algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 # algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 # the caging of the sharif - april 7, 1906 - mor # tangier conference concludes - april 6, 1906 503076 in case of war # tangier conference concludes - april 7, 1906 # ceuta - april 7, 1906 - eng 56446 # the caging of the sharif - april 7, 1906 - mor # true independence! - april 7, 1906 - mor 33516

- ger 21972 - fra 20564 - eng 56445 - spa 52088 33512 ger 21974 - trigger u11 fra 20566 33514

# war over an african desert? - april 8, 1906 - u11 3376 # war over an african desert? - april 8, 1906 - ita 27030 # treachery! - april 8, 1906 - ger 21976 # a quick solution - april 9, 1906 - fra 20568 # war! - april 10, 1906 - ger 21978 # # # # 20576

casablanca casablanca casablanca casablanca

uprising uprising calmed calmed -

- july 30, 1907 - fra 20570 - july 30, 1907 - ger 21980 fra 20572 ger 21982

# an entente? - december 10, 1907 - eng 56448 (alternate) - triggers fra # an atmosphere of understanding - fra 20574 # a wonderous success - eng 56450 # panther in agadir - july 1, 1911 - ger 21984 # suffren in agadir - july 1, 1911 - fra 20576 # germany demands claims! - july 9, 1911 - ger 21986 # france demands protections! - july 9, 1911 - fra 20578 # treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - fra 20580 # treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - ger 21988

# response to the treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - fra 20582 # response to the treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - ger 21990 # france establishes moroccan protectorate - march 30, 1912 - fra 20584 # a moroccan protectorate in germany - march 30, 1912 - ger 21992 # a panther on the rock! - march 30, 1912 - fra 20586 # support the french? - april 2, 1912 - eng 56452 # the third moroccan crisis - april 5, 1912 - ger 21994 # the third moroccan crisis (british non-support of france) - april 5, 1912 - ger 21996 # germany establishes moroccan protectorate - april 7, 1912 - ger 21998 # one insult too many - april 9, 1912 - fra 20588 ###events - grouped by country ######################################## # british empire # king promotes a friendly understanding - october 1901. - eng 56420 triggered by fra 520080 # edward visits france - april 1903 - eng 56422 # a wonderous success - eng 56424 # le refroidissement - eng 56426 #sleep eng 56432, 56434 # seek an entente cordiale - april 8 1904 - eng 56428 - triggers fra 20542 no trigger by ger 521054 # seek an entente cordiale after german navy law - eng 56430 - triggers fra 20542 - triggered by ger 521054 # the mansion house speech (early) - october 1, 1904 - eng 56432 # the mansion house speech - may 1, 1905 - eng 56434 # le refroidissement: support german claims - october 1, 1904 - eng 56436 # algeciras conference begins - january 16, 1906 - eng 56438 # tangier conference begins - january 16, 1906 - eng 56440 # gunboat diplomacy - february 19, 1906 - eng 56442 # le refroidissement: gunboat diplomacy - february 19, 1906 - eng 56444 # algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 - eng 56445 # ceuta - april 7, 1906 - eng 56446 # an entente? - december 10, 1907 - eng 56448 (alternate) - triggers fra 20576 # a wonderous success - eng 56450 # support the french? - april 2, 1912 - eng 56452 # france


# an atmosphere of understanding - fra 20540 # entente cordiale - fra 20542 (egypt needs contention removed) #sleep 56436 # moroccan customs arrangement - may 23 1904 - fra 20544 - triggers mor # # # # # # # # #

signed - fra 20546 overthrow the sharif? - fra 20548 franco-spanish spheres of influence in morocco - oct 30, 1904 - fra 20550 more control over the sharif - fra 20552 resignation of the foreign minister - fra 20554 france responds - fra 20556 the lights go out - fra 20558 algeciras conference begins - january 16, 1906 - fra 20560 tangier conference begins - january 16, 1906 - fra 20562

# # # # # # # # # # # # #

algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 - fra 20564 tangier conference concludes - april 7, 1906 - fra 20566 a quick solution - april 9, 1906 - fra 20568 casablanca uprising - july 30, 1907 - fra 20570 casablanca calmed - fra 20572 an atmosphere of understanding - fra 20574 suffren in agadir - july 1, 1911 - fra 20576 france demands protections! - july 9, 1911 - fra 20578 treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - fra 20580 response to the treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - fra 20582 france establishes moroccan protectorate - march 30, 1912 - fra 20584 a panther on the rock! - march 30, 1912 - fra 20586 one insult too many - april 9, 1912 - fra 20588

# germany # kaiser in tangiers (early) - july, 1904 - ger 21950 # kaiser in tangiers - march 31, 1905 - ger 21952 # demand spanish abandonment of spheres of influence (early) - december 1, 1904 - ger 21954 # demand spanish abandonment of spheres of influence -june 1, 1905 - ger 21956 # a sore point (early) - january 5, 1904 - ger 21958 # a sore point - june 6, 1905 - ger 21960 # a call for conference at algeciras (early) - april 10, 1905 - ger 21962 # a call for conference at algeciras - july 1, 1905 - ger 21963 # le refroidissement: a call for conference at tangier - july 1, 1905 - ger 21964 # germany mobilizes - december 2, 1905 - ger 21966 # german ultimatum - ger 21968 (in case france decides to mobilize) # algeciras conference begins - january 16, 1906 - ger 21969 # tangier conference begins - january 16, 1906 - ger 21970 # algeciras conference concludes - april 6, 1906 - ger 21972 # tangier conference concludes - april 6, 1906 - ger 21974 - trigger u11 503076 in case of war # treachery! - april 8, 1906 - ger 21976 # war! - april 10, 1906 - ger 21978 # casablanca uprising - july 30, 1907 - ger 21980 # casablanca calmed - ger 21982 # panther in agadir - july 1, 1911 - ger 21984 # germany demands claims! - july 9, 1911 - ger 21986 # treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - ger 21988 # response to the treaty of fez - november 4, 1911 - ger 21990 # a moroccan protectorate in germany - march 30, 1912 - ger 21992 # the third moroccan crisis - april 5, 1912 - ger 21994 # the third moroccan crisis (british non-support of france) - april 5, 1912 - ger 21996 # germany establishes moroccan protectorate - april 7, 1912 - ger 21998 # morocco # # # # # # #

a customs arrangement with france - mor 33500 (50 percent chance of each) morocco in chaos - mor 33502 - triggers ger 21950 unsigned, morocco in chaos - mor 33504 - triggers ger 21952 sign the treaty - mor 33506 algeciras conference begins - january 16, 1906 - mor 33508 tangier conference begins - january 16, 1906 - mor 33510 the caging of the sharif - april 7, 1906 - mor 33512

# the caging of the sharif - april 7, 1906 - mor 33514 # true independence! - april 7, 1906 - mor 33516 # spain # # # # #

an arrangement from france - spa 52080 - triggers ger 21950 germany demands we abandon morocco - spa 52082 algeciras conference begins - january 16, 1906 - spa 52084 tangier conference begins - january 16, 1906 - spa 52086 algeciras conference concludes - april 7, 1906 - spa 52088

# other nations # us mediation in morocco? -december 10, 1906 - usa 58555 # war over an african desert? - april 8, 1906 - u11 3376 # war over an african desert? - april 8, 1906 - ita 27030 #a friendly understanding event = { id = 56420 random = no country = eng # oct 7 1901 - cannot be triggered if war was declared over fashoda. trigger = { headofstate = 56201 not = { war = { country = eng country = fra } puppet = { country = fra country = eng } } } name = "evt_556420_name" desc = "evt_556420_desc" picture = "edward-vii" style = 0 date = { day = 6 month = october year = 1901 } action_a = { name = "allow the king to visit france" ai_chance = 98 command = { type = sleepevent which = 56424 } }


action_b = { name = "deter the king" ai_chance = 2 command = { type = sleepevent which = 56422 } #fra }

#edward visits france event = { id = 56422

random = no country = eng # april 7 1093 trigger = { headofstate = 56201 not = { war = { country = eng country = fra } puppet = { country = fra country = eng } } } name = "evt_556422_name" desc = "evt_556422_desc" picture = "edward-vii" style = 0 date = { day = 6 month = april year = 1903 }


action_a = { name = "splendid!" command = { type = relation which = fra value = 25 } command = { type = trigger which = 20540 }# fra }

#an atmosphere of understanding event = { id = 20540 random = no country = fra # april 7 1903 name = "an atmosphere of understanding" desc = "one of the most important events of the loubet presidency was the visit by king edward vii of britain to france. after an initially cool reception, the king's platitudes and successful press relationship turned the hearts of many french people. this trip helped create the atmosphere for the anglo-french entente cordiale." picture = "edward-vii" style = 0 action_a = { name = "d'accord" command = { type = relation which = eng value = 25 } } } #le refroidissement event = { id = 56424

random = no country = eng # october 3 1903 trigger = { not = { alliance = { country = eng country = fra } access = { country = eng country = fra } non_aggression = { country = eng country = fra } guarantee = { country = eng country = fra } puppet = { country = fra country = eng } puppet = { country = eng country = fra } } } name = "le refroidissement" desc = "the contention over fashoda and overtly aggressive manueverings on both sides of the channel have led to an overall cooling - or 'refroidissement' between britain and france. parliament has called for increased preparedness against french aggression." picture = "france-map" style = 0 date = { day = 2 month = october year = 1903 } action_a = { name = "we must check french aggression" ai_chance = 98 command = { type = peacetime_ic_mod value = 5 command = { type = relation which = fra value command = { type = sleepevent which = 56432 } command = { type = sleepevent which = 56434 command = { type = sleepevent which = 56426 historical #entente cordiale after german navy law }

} = -10 } #mansion house - early } #mansion house } #entente cordiale

action_b = { name = "seek understanding with france" ai_chance = 2 command = { type = dissent value = 2 }# command = { type = trigger which = 20543 }# fra } } #seek an entente cordiale event = { id = 56426 random = no country = eng # april 8 1904 trigger = { not = {

war = { country = eng country = fra } }


name = "entente cordiale" desc = "the entente cordiale was an agreement signed by lord lansdowne and french ambassador paul cambon on april 8th, 1904. the agreement resolved many colonial disputes between britain and france - including egypt, morocco, madagascar, newfoundland, siam, west and central africa. the agreement also acknowledged the right of free passage through the suez canal." picture = "france-map" style = 0 date = { day = 7 month = april year = 1904 } action_a = { name = "approach france to sign an entente cordiale" ai_chance = 90 command = { type = trigger which = 20542 }# fra command = { type = dissent value = -2 }# comments! command = { type = sleepevent which = 56430 } #entente cordiale after german navy power command = { type = removecore which = 1005 }# benin-sahel command = { type = removecore which = 1006 } }


action_b = { name = "remain isolated" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = dissent value = 2 }# comments! }

#entente cordiale event = { id = 20542 random = no country = fra # april 8 1904 or 1908 name = "entente cordiale" desc = "the entente cordiale was an agreement signed by french ambassador paul cambon and lord lansdowne. the agreement resolved many colonial disputes between france and britain - including egypt, morocco, madagascar, newfoundland, siam, west and central africa. the agreement also acknowledged the right of free passage through the suez canal." picture = "entente-cordiale" style = 0 action_a = { name = "sign the accord" ai_chance = 98 command = { type = relation which = eng value = 75 } command = { type = dissent value = -10 }#


command = { type = removecore which = 900 }# suez canal command = { type = removecore which = 901 }

action_b = { name = "refuse to sign the accord" ai_chance = 2 command = { type = dissent value = 8 } # } } #entente cordiale after le refroidissement event = { id = 20543 random = no country = fra # october 3 1903 name = "entente cordiale" desc = "the foreign minister of britain has made an appeal for understanding between france and the great britain against european aggression, and to resolve colonial disputes. while it might prove beneficial in the long-term, the decision to begin negotiations would be widely unpopular." picture = "entente-cordiale" style = 0 action_a = { name = "reject britain's approaches outright" ai_chance = 80 command = { type = sleepevent which = 56426 } #entente cordiale command = { type = sleepevent which = 56430 } #entente cordiale after german navy power command = { type = relation which = eng value = -10 } } action_b = { name = "begin negotiations" ai_chance = 20 command = { type = dissent value = 5 }# } } #seek an entente cordiale after german naval power event = { id = 56430 random = no country = eng # around 1908 trigger = { technology = { country = ger value = 3260 }# germany has researched dreadnought battleship = { country = ger value = 10 } # germany has 10 battleships

not = { alliance = { country = eng country = fra } access = { country = eng country = fra } non_aggression = { country = eng country = fra } guarantee = { country = eng country = fra } puppet = { country = fra country = eng } puppet = { country = eng country = fra } war = { country = eng country = fra } } } name = "evt_556430_name" desc = "evt_556430_desc" picture = "tirpitz" style = 0 action_a = { name = "finalize an agreement with france" ai_chance = 90 command = { type = trigger which = 20542 }# fra command = { type = dissent value = -2 }# comments! command = { type = sleepevent which = 56426 } #entente cordiale historical command = { type = removecore which = 1005 } # benin-sahel command = { type = removecore which = 1006 } } action_b = { name = "do not finalize an agreement with france" ai_chance = 10 command = { type = dissent value = 2 }# comments! } } #the perdicaris incident event = { id = 58555 random = no country = usa # may 18 1904 trigger = { exists = mor not = { war = { country = usa country = mor } } } name = "the perdicaris incident" desc = "on may 18, 1904, greek-american ion perdicaris was kidnapped from his home in tangiers by the bandit band of sherif el raisuni. raisuni demanded as ransom that he be placed as caid of tangiers as well as a levy of 350,000 pesetas. although raisuni was eventually removed, the event effectively demonstrated that morocco had become virtualy ungovernable."

picture = "gibraltar" style = 0 date = { day = 17 month = may year = 1904 } action_a = { name = "perdicaris alive or raisuli dead" command = { type = relation which = mor value = -75 } } } #morocco customs arrangement event = { id = 20544 random = no country = fra # may 23 1904 trigger = { exists = mor not = { ispuppet = mor war = { country = fra country = mor } } } name = "evt_520544_name" desc = "evt_520544_desc" picture = "morocco" style = 0 date = { day = 22 month = may year = 1904 }


action_a = { name = "ok" command = { type = trigger which = 33500 }# mor }

#a customs arrangement with france event = { id = 33500 random = no country = mor # may 23 1904 name = "a customs arrangement with france" desc = "evt_520544_desc" picture = "morocco" style = 0

action_a = { name = "we must pay our debts (become puppet)" ai_chance = 60 command = { type = leave_alliance } command = { type = dissent value = 20 }# command = { type = trigger which = 20546 }# fra }


action_b = { name = "reject french arrangement" ai_chance = 40 command = { type = dissent value = 70 }# command = { type = trigger which = 20548 }# fra }

#morocco customs arrangement signed event = { id = 20546 random = no country = fra # may 23 1904 name = "arrangement signed" desc = "the french are ecstatic at the new arrangement with the sultan of morocco. the colonial doctrine of 'peaceful penetration' appears to be a roaring success. morocco is now effectively a puppet." picture = "morocco" style = 0 action_a = { name = "ok" command = { type = make_puppet which = mor } } } #franco-spanish spheres of influence in morocco event = { id = 20550 random = no country = fra trigger = { exists = mor not = { war = { country = fra country = mor } war = { country = spa country = mor } war = { country = fra country = spa } } } # oct 30 1904

name = "franco-spanish treaty" desc = "after the perdicaris incident and the negotiations with the sharif of morocco, it became increasingly clear that morocco government was falling apart. france and spain decided that some alternative arrangement needed to proceed to protect their interests. the franco-spanish treaty provided for respective spheres of influence in morocco." picture = "morocco" style = 0 date = { day = 29 month = october year = 1904 } action_a = { name = "approach spain with treaty" ai_chance = 98 command = { type = trigger which = 52080 }# fra } action_b = { name = "don't approach spain with treaty" ai_chance = 2 } } #an arrangement with france event = { id = 52080 random = no country = spa # oct 30 1904 name = "franco-spanish treaty" desc = "after the perdicaris incident and the negotiations with the sharif of morocco, it became increasingly clear that morocco government was falling apart. france and spain decided that some alternative arrangement needed to proceed to protect their interests. the franco-spanish treaty provided for respective spheres of influence in morocco." picture = "morocco" action_a = { name = "sign it" ai_chance = 98 command = { type = relation which = fra value = 30 } command = { type = access which = mor } } action_b = { name = "don't sign it" ai_chance = 2 command = { type = relation which = fra value = -10 } command = { type = dissent value = 5 }# } }

#check to see if kaiser in power in germany event = { id = 21951 random = no country = ger picture = "kaiser" style = 0 # march 30 1905 trigger = { not = { headofstate = 21001 } } name = "foreign policy improvements" desc = "the german state since the removal of kaiser wilhelm ii has seen an improvement in foreign policy - if only because the foreign office spends less time repairing his political blunders." date = { day = 29 month = march year = 1905 }


action_a = { name = "ok" command = { type = belligerence which = ger value = -1 } command = { type = sleepevent which = 21952 } #kaiser in tangiers }

#the kaiser in tangiers - world event event = { id = 21952 #nominally a german event random = no style = 0 picture = "kaiser" # april 1 1905 trigger = { ai = no exists = mor } name = "the tangier crisis" desc = "on the morning of march 31, 1905, the german emperor visited the port of tangier in morocco. the kaiser made remarks in favor of moroccan independence, a challenge to french influence in morocco. this event precipitated a major crisis in europe." date = { day = 0 month = april year = 1905 } action_a = { name = "ok"


command = { } }

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