Morgan's Contemporary Moral Problems And Copyright Registration

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CONTEMPORARY MORAL PROBLEMS & Copyright Registration (Existing and proposed)

BY: Morgan Jay T. Dee

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Philippines License

Chapter 1: Egoism and Moral Sceptism – James Rachels Quote: “Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness.” Amazon link: What I expect to learn: To know more about egoism and moral sceptism. Review: Morality is the obligation we consider the welfare of other people when we decide what actions to perform or what rules to obey. Every person has his/her own morality that’s why sometimes it is hard to teach people what to do because they have their own understanding or belief towards a certain thing. When we will do something we should be happy doing it and not think that we are being obliged to do it because when we think of it that way then the output of the things we are doing will not be so good. In short we should be unselfish to make people happy and at the same time we are doing something that we are proud of doing. There are two types of egoism, the psychological egoism and the ethical egoism. The psychological egoism is the view that all men are selfish in everything that they do, that is, the only motive from which anyone ever acts is self-interest. The ethical egoism is by contrast a normative view about how men ought to act. The definition of psychological egoism for me is true because these days every person is really very selfish. I think that one of the reason why people are now selfish is because of the economy crisis happening. For example no people would like to lend money to others because they know that they might not pay or it is difficult to collect money from them. Ethical egoism is somehow related to psychological egoism because it is in the act of man if they would like to be selfish or not. What I learned: The things I have learned are the meaning of morality and how it is based in our situation right now, the psychology egoism and the ethical egoism. Integrative questions? 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is egoism in the first place? What are the two types of egoism? What is the egoism view that all men are selfish in everything that they do? What is the egoism that is by contrast in a normative view about how men ought to act? What is the obligation we consider the welfare of other people when we decide what actions to perform?

1.) Explain the legend of Gyges. What questions about morality are raised by the story? Gyges was a shepherd who found a magic ring in a fissure opened by an earthquake. Whoever wears the ring can make them invisible and would enable them to go anywhere. Gyges used the magic ring in bad things. The morality that is raised by the story is commonly believed, would have such iron strength of mind as to stand fast in doing right or keep his hands off other men’s goods. 2.) Distinguish between psychological and ethical egoism. Psychological egoism is the view that all men are selfish in everything that they do, that is, that the only motive from which anyone ever acts is self interest. Ethical egoism is, by contrast, a normative view about how men ought to act. 3.) Rachels discusses two arguments for psychological egoism. What are these arguments, and how does he reply to them? First, the argument rests on premise that people never voluntarily do anything except what they want to do. But this is patiently false; there are at least two classes of actions that are exceptions to this generalization. 4.) What three commonplace confusions does Rachels detect in the thesis of psychological egoism? The three commonplace confusions Rachels detect in psychological egoism is unselfish behavior, self-interest, 5.) State the argument for saying that ethical egoism is inconsistent. Why doesn’t Rachels accept this argument? Ethical egoism is inconsistent because it is by contrast a normative view about how men ought to act. It is the view that, regardless of how men do in fact behave, they have no obligation to do anything except what is in their own interest. Rachels doesn’t accept this argument because it is very different than what we normally think. The majority of mankind is grossly deceived about what is, or ought to be, the case where morals are concerned. 6.) According to Rachels, why shouldn’t we hurt others, and why should we help others? How can the egoist reply? We shouldn’t hurt others because he cares about what happens to that other person. The egoist is saying that he has no affection for friends or family, that he never feels pity or compassion, that he is the sort of person who can look on scenes of human misery with misery with complete indifference, so long as he is not the one suffering.

Discussion questions: 1.) Has Rachels answered the question raised by Glaucon, namely, “Why be moral” If so, what exactly is his answer? - Yes for me he has answered the question of Glaucon. So that we would know the principle of right and wrong. 2.) Are genuine egoists rare, as Rachels claims? Is it a fact that most people care about others, even people they don’t know? - I think that knowadays it is not what Rachels claims to be because many people now are selfish that’s why they don’t care for other people. 3.) Suppose we define ethical altruism as the view that one should always act for the benefit of others and never in one’s own self interest. Is such a view immoral or not? - For me it is not immoral because when you act for the benefit of others then they will be happy and proud of you.

Religion, Morality and Conscience – John Arthur Quote: “Morality is Social” Amazon link: What I expect to learn: What are religion, morality and conscience in ethics. How can it help me in my daily life? Review: Many people have their own religion that’s why human beings have different belief on things. It is difficult to teach a person about a certain thing especially when the person has been trained to do it or doing the same thing all the time. For example when your parents told you to pray every night of course you will be doing that all the time already even if other people are not praying at night. It has been your training ground to pray at night. Morality is the obligation we consider the welfare of other people when we decide what actions to perform or what rules to obey. For example in the hospital we should not blow horns or turn our cellular phones to silent mode because there are many people who will be disturbed especially the patience that’s why we should follow the rules and at the same time we should are considering the welfare of other people. Conscience is conformity to one’s own sense of right conduct. This means that when we do something wrong it is in our feelings if we will regret the things we have done or not. For example when a rubber stole money from the bank it will be his conscience whether he is happy when he did that. If only people right now have these three things in life then it will be a peaceful world to live in because there are people who can help you especially when you feel that you can’t move on. What I learned: The things I have learned is that when you combine each of the three things in your life then many good result will come. Integrative questions: 1.) Differentiate religion, morality and conscience based on ethics? 2.) What is the obligation we consider the welfare of other people when they decide on what actions to perform? 3.) It is the conformity to one’s own sense of right conduct. 4.) It is a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. 5.) What will happen if you remove one of the three?

Review Questions: 1.) Morality is to tend to evaluate the behavior of others and to feel guilt at certain actions when we perform them. While Religion involves beliefs in supernatural power, typically expressed using the notions of rules, rights and obligations. 2.) Religion isn’t necessary for moral motivation because in religion there have their own morals.

3.) For me religion isn’t necessary as a source of moral knowledge because some people are using their moral knowledge without basing it in religion they just know what is right from what is wrong. 4.) The divine command theory is the Ten Commandments in the bible. Arthur rejects this theory because he knows that every person will have a sin no matter how he/she is good. 5.) Morality and religion are connected by the means of knowing what is right from what is wrong. Having good moral characters, virtue, and conscience. 6.) Morality is social means that religion is not necessary in providing moral motivation or guidance, and that the religious person should not subscribe to the divine command theory’s claim that God is necessary for there to be morality. In short morality and religion does not depend on each other. Discussion Questions: 1.) Arthur didn’t refute the divine command theory yet because it is very hard to find a proof that Arthur’s theory is right from what we have already learned. 2.) We can have an obligation to non humans by the language and imagination we rehearse the responses of others just as we dramatically enact other consequences. 3.) Moral education can not only be taught but must be. Early moral training, moral thinking depends on our ability to imagine others’ reactions and to imaginatively put ourselves into others shoes.

Master- and Slave-Morality – Friedrich Nietzsche Quote: “What is injurious to me is injurious to itself” Amazon link: What I expect to learn: To know more about Master and slave morality. Review: In the name itself we can already know about the topic that is going to be discussed because we have heard about master and slave morality. We should not think that we are always the master because once our wealth are gone then we will have a hard time dealing with life again. God treated every person equally that’s why we should follow him and not do the things we want. When we treat people as a slave we are already breaking the law because every person how poor the person is we can’t still treat them as slave. All of us have our own purpose in life that’s why we should try to fulfill those purpose/dreams. Before there are many slaves in several parts of the world but know things have change that’s why there are no more slaves. The law is also not allowing slavery because it is already a violation of human rights. For me I think that there is still slavery happening in our country right now. For example in companies there are also people who have favoritism that’s why sometimes the people who are in the high position will always command the people who have no position. All of us want to be a master but it is not that easy to do it. That’s why I appreciate those slaves before because even if they work hard they know their limitations not like now even if you are just an employee they have the guts to scold their boss. What I learned: I have fully understood about Master and Slave-morality. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What does Master and slave-morality mean? Can this morality help our country? Why does the law not allow slavery anymore? What are the consequences once you are caught slavering people? Why do people want to think that they are the master?

Review questions: 1.) A good and healthy society is by obeying the law, people are not greedy, people have their conscience towards other people, no corruption and religious people. 2.) Injury, violence, and exploitation may result in a certain rough sense in good conduct among individuals when the necessary conditions are given (namely, the actual similarity of the individuals in amount of force and degree of worth, and their co-relation within one organization. 3.) Master-morality and slave morality are all in higher and mixed civilizations, there are also attempts at the reconciliation of the two moralities; but one finds still oftener the confusion and mutual misunderstanding of them, indeed, sometimes their close juxtaposition even in the same man, within one soul. 4.) The will to power is precisely the Will to life. Granting that as a theory this is a novelty- as a reality it is the fundamental fact of all history: let us be so far honest towards ourselves!

Discussion questions: 1.) For me I think that this justification charges are not justified because even if they get this kind of charges some people will have no proof to this charges because it is his ideas that’s why he can justify of what he is saying. 2.) Creator of values is a person who confers honour on things, he honours whatever he recognizes in himself: such morality is self glorification.

Trying out one’s new sword – Mary Midgley Quote: “there’s something very good here, but I can’t quite make out what it is yet” Amazon link: What I expect to learn: To know the culture of samurai in Japan. Review: Every country has their own culture and it is difficult to tell them to change because they have grew with it and it is not that easy to forget or remove the traits you’ve been doing since you are a kid. Finally Japanese have removed their culture in trying out one’s new sword because for many people it is crazy and it is immoral to do that. I think that there are still countries that allow people to kill people because of their culture. For me I am happy that our culture is very different from other countries because if we are like Japanese culture in trying out one’s new sword then no tourist will like to come to our country. As I read it you as a reader will also be very afraid because of the things they are doing to their own people. As a Chinese it is nice that they are training their kids to work at an early age so that when they grow up they already know how to run a business and manage their own money/salary. I know that there are many different nice cultures in different countries. As long as they are still doing or following their culture/tradition then that would be very nice. That’s why we should not think that even if we are used to that culture we will follow our own culture in different countries. It is very dangerous when we don’t follow the culture of other countries because we might be sentenced to jail or we may be deported. What I have learned: To follow the culture of different countries. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What does trying out one’s new sword do? If you are to have the same culture as Japan would you consider this as legal or illegal? Why should we follow the culture of other countries? Do you consider trying out one’s new sword as a strange stuff to do? How can we change the concept of people towards the law?

Review questions: 1.) Moral isolationism is the attitude of other cultures. 2.) Tsujigiri literally “crossroads-cut” A samurai sword had to be tried out because, if it was to a single blow, from the shoulder to the opposite flank. Otherwise, the warrior bungled his stroke. Does the isolating barrier work both ways? Are people in other cultures equally unable to criticize us? 3.) The wrong things in moral isolationism are that we criticize cultures that we don’t understand. 4.) Midgley criticizes other cultures because they are essentially a doctrine of immoralism because it forbids any moral reasoning. Discussion questions: 1.) For me I think that somehow he has a fair assessment about Nietzsche because that is what he thinks about that person and it is hard to correct people especially in their belief or understanding. 2.) For me I agree that the idea of separate and unmixed cultures is unreal because every country has different people with different cultures.

Utilitarianism – John Stuart Mill Quote: Amazon link: What I expect to learn: Utilitarianism To know more about utilitarianism Review: An example of Utilitarianism for me is the Bible because it teaches us the good things we should do in life. Even if many people have different religion I think that in somehow the bible can make them believe that everything that is good is in the Bible. A good life would make anyone very happy because everything is there and it is very peaceful at the same time. I think a good life has already happened before for example there are only few people living in the country before that’s why it is still peaceful even if you left your things on the road next day when you come to see it it’s still there but when you just forget your things in just one look your belonging is already gone. I think one of the reasons why many people have change because of the economy they can’t live when they don’t cheat. Many people are now acting on their selfish reason. The greatest happiness principle, the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all other things are desirable is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as possible in enjoyments, both in point of quantity and quality; every human beings happiness is of course money or material things but if we could change our mindset and not think of it that way then we will have a good life because no material things is tempting us or bothering us to buy it. What I learned: I understood the meaning and the concept of utilitarianism. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is utilitarianism? How can it help in our life? What is the greatest happiness principle of utilitarianism? Why are people acting on their selfish reason? What does a good life mean?

Review questions: 1.) The principle of utility (or the greatest happiness principle) and the hedonistic principle that happiness is pleasure. Lying and stealing are conventionally viewed as wrong because it produces the reverse of happiness. 2.) Epicureans have been by many means faultless in drawing out their scheme of consequences from the utilitarian principle. 3.) Higher and lower pleasures can be distinguished by one of the two who are competently acquainted with both, placed so far above the other that they prefer it, even though knowing it to be attended with a greater amount of discontent, and would not resign it for any quantity of the other pleasure which their nature is capable of.

4.) It is indisputable that the being whose capacities of enjoyment are low, has the greatest chance of having them fully satisfied; and a highly endowed being will always feel that any happiness which he can look for, as the world is constituted, is imperfect. 5.) Mills principle of utility is if one does not give him no pleasure, and the other no pain, he would not love or desire virtue, or would desire it only for the other benefits which it might produce to himself or to persons whom he cared for. Discussion questions: 1.) I think that happiness is more than pleasure because with pleasure you can have happiness and with happiness there is no need to have pleasure. Happiness is more than the absence of pain because with the absence of pain it would be peaceful. 2.) I think it depends on what kind of pleasure because there are pleasures that are really high to people and there are also pleasures that are low. 3.) I think that this is true because before people are very happy and they don’t have any problems in life but now things has change. 4.) I think that Mills principle of utility is not defective because it depends on people what they understand about the principle of utility.

The Debate over Utilitarianism – James Rachels Quote – “Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that” Amazon link: Learning expectation: To know what is the idea of people about utilitarianism The things we should consider in utilitarianism. Review: Classical utilitarianism has three propositions the first actions are to be judged right or wrong solely in virtue of their consequences. The second is assessing consequences the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is caused. Third is in calculating happiness or unhappiness that will be caused, no one’s happiness is to be counted as more important than anyone else’s. In my understanding the first actions example is by helping those people who are in need when we help them then our conscience tells us that we just made a right decision but when we don’t help them our conscience will bother us. The second actions example is when we give food or money to those people who are in need it already depends whether they are satisfied in the things we gave to them or not. The third actions example is by looking at their faces if they got satisfied or not. I know we can’t really measure happiness easily but I think that when we help people then that is already a part of happiness in our part at the same time in the part of the person who we helped. I can see that even in small things we can make people happy that’s why we should not think that small things are useless. For example in a painting each small detail of the painting can make people be satisfied. Happiness is one of the best trait or culture of many Filipinos. Even if they have many problems they still laugh or are happy. What I learned: Classical utilitarianism The three propositions of utilitarianism. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is classical utilitarianism? What are the three propositions of utilitarianism? Do these three propositions apply to people? Why is utilitarianism a measurement of happiness? Does this three propositions still being applied?

Review questions: 1.) The three propositions of classical utilitarianism first is actions are not to be judged right or wrong solely in virtue of their consequences. Second in assessing consequences, the only thing that matters is the amount of happiness or unhappiness that is caused. Third in calculating the happiness or unhappiness that will be caused, no one’s happiness is to be counted as more important than anyone else’s. 2.) Hedonism misunderstands the nature of happiness. English philosopher tried to compile short lists of things to be regarded as good in themselves

3.) The objection about justice is if someone were in this position, then on utilitarian grounds he should bear false witness against the innocent person. Rights that may not be trampled on merely because one anticipates good results. Promise has an exclusive concern with the consequences, Utilitarianism has us confine our attention to what will happen as a result of our actions. 4.) Rule – utilitarianism has no difficulty coping with the three antiutilitarian argument. An actutilitarian faced with the situation described by McCloskey, would be tempted to bear false witness against the innocent man because the consequences of that particular act would be good. 5.) The third line of defense- arguments point out that the classical theory is at odds with ordinary notions of justice, individual rights, and so on; to this their response is essentially “so what”? Discussion questions: 1.) I think this is not acceptable because it is hard to reject common moral beliefs with utilitarianism because it can affect many things. 2.) All must be considered with moral even non human animals, lakes and streams. 3.) Yes I agree that merit should be given moral consideration.

The categorical imperative – Immanuel Kant Quote – “Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law” Amazon link: Learning expectation: To know more about the meaning of categorical imperative. Review: Good will for me is being kind and compassion. With these two personalities we can have many friends because I know that there are already few people who have this personality. If we can be kind and have compassion then we should do so because it is a nice practice and you will also be respected. Some qualities are even helpful to this good will itself and can make its task very much easier. The good will and its results is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes- because of its fitness for attaining some proposed end: it is good through its willing alone- that is good in itself. The good will and duty includes that of a good will, exposed however, to certain subjective limitations and obstacles. The motive of duty for me is that when somebody ask you to do something they want you to give them your 100% so that they will be satisfied on the things they ask you to do and maybe they will also give you tip. Another motive of duty is being responsible. The categorical imperative contains only the necessity that our maxim should conform to this law, while the law, as we have seen, contains no condition to limit it, there remains nothing over to which the maxim has to conform except the universality of a law as such; and it is this conformity alone that the imperative properly asserts to be necessary. In my understanding this means that we should follow the law no matter what. What I learned: The meaning of categorical imperative. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the meaning of categorical imperative? What does good will mean to people? What are some qualities that are helpful to this good will? What does maxim mean? Is it necessary to think that categorical imperative is always necessity that our maxim should conform this law.

Review questions: 1.) Good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes because of its fitness for attaining some proposed end: it is good through its willing alone- that is good in itself. 2.) Hypothetical imperative in general is that we don’t know beforehand what it will contain until its condition is given while categorical imperative we know at once what it contains. 3.) The formulation of categorical imperative is what serves the will as its principle, and must so serve it if duty is not to be everywhere an empty delusion and a chimerical concept. 4.) The ordinary reason of mankind also agrees with this completely in its practical judgements and always has the afore said principle before its eyes.

Discussion questions: 1.) I think that the two versions of categorical imperative are just different expressions of one basic rule because it serves the will as its principle and it is completely practical judgements and always has the afore. 2.) I think that I don’t agree on this because sometimes even if you have a motive to do a duty there is sometimes a possibility of not having a moral worth. Example: for example packing up your clothes because you’re going to a camping there is no moral worth in that duty. 3.) I think that it is a good criticism because that is what people understands about the first formulation and it is very hard to explain to people especially when they already believe that particular thing.

Happiness and Virtue – Aristotle Quote: “For men are good in but one way, but bad in many” Amazon link: Learning expectation: To fully understand the meaning of happiness and virtue from Aristotle. Review: Happiness according to Aristotle is not pleasure, honor or wealth but an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. For me I don’t agree with the definition of Aristotle about happiness because happiness is composed of pleasure, honor or wealth without this things people will not be happy or can’t live. There are also two types of virtue the intellectual and the moral virtue. The moral virtue comes from training and habit, and generally is a state of character that is a mean between the vices of excess and deficiency. The intellectual virtue in the main owes both its birth and its growth to teaching (for which reason it requires experience and time). Many philosophers have their own understanding of a certain thing. That’s why it very hard to correct them because they still have a point in their defense. All people have their own understanding of happiness that’s why it is difficult when we have a particular answer towards something because we have different ideas. For example some people are happy when they are using drugs, some people are happy when they have a lot of money, and many more. In virtue we also have our own understanding. In my understanding about moral virtue it is what we see in our daily life or the things we like to do. Intellectual virtue is when you were still a baby you have already this virtue. All of us has our own intellectual virtue. This intellectual virtue helps us decide in the things we do every day. Lessons learned: The meaning of Happiness from Aristotle. The meaning of virtue from Aristotle. The two types of virtue, the intellectual and the moral. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is happiness and pleasure according to Aristotle? Why do some people disagree with Aristotle? What are the two types of virtue? What is more important between those two virtues? In your own understanding what does happiness and virtue mean?

Review Questions 1.) What is happiness, according to Aristotle? How is it related to virtue? How is it related to pleasure? Happiness according to Aristotle is not pleasure, honor or wealth but an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue. There are two kinds of virtue moral and intellectual. 2.) How does Aristotle explain Moral virtue? Give some examples. Moral virtue comes from training and habit, and generally is a state of character that is a mean between the vices of excess and deficiency. Example: Aristotle portrays the virtue of courage as a mean between the extremes and rashness and cowardice. 3.) Is it possible for everyone in our society to be happy, as Aristotle explains it? For me I think that it is impossible for people to be happy in our society because even if you have a moral and intellectual virtue without wealth you still can’t get what you want that’s why you would do something bad just to get the things you want. Discussion Questions 1.) Aristotle characterizes a life of a pleasure as suitable for beasts. But what, if anything, is wrong with a life of pleasure? -

When you get use to a life of pleasure then it will be very difficult to adjust when it is gone.

2.) Aristotle claims that the philosopher will be happier than anyone else. Why is this? Do you agree or not? For me I agree on this because Philosophers are smart, they know what to do and they have their own belief on a particular thing that would make them happy. People are happy especially when they like the things they are doing.

The nature and value of rights – Joel Feinberg Quote: “Stand up like men” Amazon link: Learning expectation: To learn about the nature and value of rights. The meaning of nature and value of rights. Review: In my understanding this means that the value of each individual is very valuable that even the richest person in the world could not buy it. As human we have our right that’s why we should fight for it especially when we know that we are true about a certain thing. Some people are afraid of those people who have a high position because they know that they will lose. For me it is not right to be scared or be afraid because when we know we are right we have the guts and confidence of saying the truth and nothing but the truth. The only reason we should be scared is that when we know that we are telling a lie because no matter how we are good in telling lies someday we will be caught and it is the same thing. For example when a jeepney driver got hit by a nice car. When the owner of the car knows that he is stronger than the jeepney driver then he will tell the police that it is not his fault. Sometimes the owner of the car can give a large amount of money to the police so that the police will not have a lot of questions. In that situation we can see that the jeepney driver is very pitied because he is scared of the rich person. Here in our country many people have a hard time fighting for their rights because they know that they have no money to pay for an atty. that’s why they just let the situation/happening past. Lessons learned: I fully understood the nature and value of rights. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What is the nature and value of rights? Why is our rights valuable? What are the different types of right? Give example of rights of people? What is the significance of this right to us?

Review questions: 1.) Nowheresville is different from our world by the rights of people. In our world people have their rights while in Nowheresville people have no right that’s why they can’t make moral claims when they are treated unjustly. 2.) The logical correlativity that all duties entail other people’s rights and all rights entail other people’s duties. Feinberg’s position on this doctrine is in a sense of yes and a sense of no. 3.) If people have rights in their society then it can work.

Taking rights seriously – Ronald Dworkin Quote: Amazon link: Learning expectation: What are the rights that we should take seriously? What are the different rights? Review: We should really take our rights seriously because that is part of being a human being. The different rights are political rights of its citizens, moral rights, rights of free speech, equality, and due process and many more. Political rights is the right of each individual to vote for people who they like to rule their government and once this right is violated many people will protest because it is not all the time that they like their ruler. Moral rights are the right of each individual to know the principles of right and wrong or conforming the standards of behavior. When this right is violated people will think of it as freedom because there will no longer be the principle of right and wrong but many people will suffer because every people wants the same thing and once that particular thing is limited then people will start killing each other. Rights of free speech, equality and due process are the rights of each individual to express their feeling towards something. Equality is the rights of each individual to be treated fairly or equally. Before the right of speech has been violated because of strong people in the government or the racist issue. But now the right of speech has lessened. When the equality right has been violated many people will also protest because this is not a military base country. Taking this rights seriously to let people know that we are strong enough so that no one will make fun of us. Lessons learned: The different rights of each individual. The different rights that we should take seriously. Integrative question: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

What are the different rights of people? Why do we need to take the different rights seriously? What will happen if we have no rights? What is the right you see can make our world or country change? What will happen if our right has been violated?

A theory of justice – John Rawls Quote: Amazon link: Learning expectation: To know what is the theory of justice. Review: We all know that Justice is the involvement of people in the determination of rights and the assignment of rewards and punishments. Without justice many people will kill each other anytime because they know that no one will sue them afterwards. We are to imagine that those who engage in social cooperation choose together, in one joint act, the principles which are to assign basic rights and duties and to determine the division of social benefits. In justice everyone is treated equally especially when you did something bad. Even the richest or well known person is treated by justice equally. For example an artist killed his fellow artist the artist could not escape the things he/she have done because of the law and at the same time justice. One feature of justice as fairness is to think of the parties in the initial situation as rational and mutually disinterested. In working out the conception of justice as fairness one main task clearly is to determine which principles of justice would be chosen in the original position. The basic liberties of citizens are political liberty, together with freedom of speech and assemble; liberty of conscience and freedom of thought; freedom of the person along with the right to hold property; and freedom from arbitrary arrest and seizure as defined by the concept of the rule of law. This freedom is very important to people because without this, people will have a hard time to live the life. For example when we are ruled by a military it is very difficult to move because they are strict and at the same time they train their people to stand on their own feet. Lessons learned: The theory of justice. The importance of justice in our society. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

Why is justice important to our society? What will happen if there is no justice in our country? What are the different kinds of freedom? What freedom you think is the best? How can we fight our freedom or how can we fight for justice?

The need for more than justice – Annette Baier Quote: “The concept of identity expands to include the experience of affiliative relationship” Amazon link: Learning expectation: To know more on the need for more than justice. Review: The justice in our country is not that good because it is very long to have justice not like other countries it is very quick. For example: When a student got killed by a rich person of course there is a hearing in court then the rich person can even pay the judge or atty. to win the case but the parents of the student has no money that’s why they just ask for justice but with no money it is very hard to get their justice. The “cold jealous virtue of justice” is found to be too cold, and it is “warmer” more communitarian virtues and social ideas that are being called in to supplement it. Justice is a social value of very great importance, and injustice an evil. It is true that justice is a very great importance because it can help those people who have been a victim of something. Injustice is evil because it doesn’t help those people who are victimized but it is favorable by those bad people. In our situation right now we really need more than justice because there are those people who don’t care about the things they do that sometimes they don’t have a fear in God that’s why they kill. It is very difficult when the people in our country are not trained with good moral characters. Many people are very selfish nowadays because of their greed. Even if we have the nicest attorney or lawyers in town it is still useless because they are also greedy they want a high pay so that they will also try to win the case for you. Lessons learned: The need for more than justice. Integrative questions: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)

Why do we need more than justice? Why is justice very important? Why is injustice evil? How can justice help our life? What does the “cold jealous virtue of justice” mean?

Existing use case diagram

Use case: existing copyright registration system Title: Fill-up application form Summary: The Applicant will get the application form online then print it. Actors: Applicant Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant prints the copyright application form. Main success scenario: The applicant will fill-up the copyright application form manually. Alternative sequence: The applicant didn’t have the said requirements to fill-up the application form. Error sequence: When wrong information are filled in the application form. Post condition: The applicant successfully filled up the application form.

Title: Notarize application form Summary: The Applicant will let the application form be notarized. Actors: Applicant, Attorney Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has filled up the form completely. Main success scenario: 1.) The applicant will go to the nearest Notary. 2.) The applicant will pay the attorney a certain amount to be notarized. 3.) The attorney will give back the application form to the applicant.

Alternative sequence: 1.) The applicant can’t find any notary store. 2.) The applicant has lack amount of money to pay the notarization fee.

Error sequence: The attorney has lost the application form of the applicant. Post condition: The applicant successfully let the application form be notarized.

Title: Pay copyrighting fee. Summary: The Applicant will pay the said amount in the copyrighting fee. Actors: Applicant, Cashier Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has the amount of money to pay the copyrighting fee. Main success scenario: The applicant will pay the application fee to the cashier. The applicant gets the receipt of the application fee. Alternative sequence: The applicant lack the amount of money to pay the necessary fees needed. Error sequence: The applicant didn’t pay the right amount of money to the cashier. Post condition: The applicant successfully paid for the application fee.

Title: Pay stamp Summary: The Applicant will pay stamp. Actors: Applicant, Stamp personnel Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has all the requirements in the application form and has paid for the fee. Main success scenario: 1.) The applicant will pay the stamp to the stamp personnel. 2.) The applicant gets the stamp from the stamp personnel. Alternative sequence: There are no more stamps left. Error sequence: 1.) The applicant has insufficient money to pay the stamp. 2.) The stamp had been lost by the applicant. Post condition: The applicant successfully paid the stamp.

Title: Submit application form. Summary: The applicant will submit the application form to the collecting officer. Actors: Applicant, Collecting officer Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has paid the necessary fees. Main success scenario: 1.) The applicant will submit the application form. 2.) The collecting officer will verify and issue a claim slip to the applicant. Alternative sequence: 1.) The applicant lost the official receipt. Error sequence: The applicant has incomplete requirements to submit the application form. Post condition: The applicant successfully submitted the application form to the collecting officer.

Existing activity diagram Fill up application form Applicant Start

Get application form online

Print application form

Fill-up application form


Notarize application form Applicant



Fill up application form

Go to notary public

Give application form

Notarize application form

Receive notarize application form

Pay amount of notarization fee


Pay copyrighting fee




Go to cashier

Give payment

Receive payment

Issue receipt

Gives receipt

Receive receipt


Pay Stamp Applicant

Stamp personnel


Go to 6th floor

Buy stamp

Receive payment

Give stamp

Receive stamp



Collecting officer


Give stamp and receipt

Receive stamp and receipt

Issue claim slip

Receive claim slip and receipt



Proposed use case diagram

Use case: proposed copyright registration system Title: Fill-up application form Summary: The Applicant will get the application form online then print it. Actors: Applicant Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant prints the copyright application form. Main success scenario: The applicant will fill-up the copyright application form manually. Alternative sequence: The applicant didn’t have the said requirements to fill-up the application form. Error sequence: When wrong information are filled in the application form. Post condition: The applicant successfully filled up the application form.

Title: Notarize application form Summary: The Applicant will let the application form be notarized. Actors: Applicant, Attorney Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has filled up the form completely. Main success scenario: 4.) The applicant will go to the nearest Notary. 5.) The applicant will pay the attorney a certain amount to be notarized. 6.) The attorney will give back the application form to the applicant.

Alternative sequence: 3.) The applicant can’t find any notary store. 4.) The applicant has lack amount of money to pay the notarization fee.

Error sequence: The attorney has lost the application form of the applicant. Post condition: The applicant successfully let the application form be notarized.

Title: Pay stamps and copyrighting fee. Summary: The Applicant will pay the said amount in the stamp and the copyrighting fee. Actors: Applicant, Cashier Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has the amount of money to pay the stamp and the copyrighting fee. Main success scenario: The applicant will pay the stamp and application fee to the cashier. The applicant gets the receipt of the application fee. Alternative sequence: The applicant lack the amount of money to pay the necessary fees needed. Error sequence: The applicant didn’t pay the right amount of money to the cashier. Post condition: The applicant successfully paid for the stamp and application fee.

Title: Submit application form. Summary: The applicant will submit the application form to the collecting officer. Actors: Applicant, Collecting officer Creation date: Feb. 28, 2009 Version: 1.0 Person in charge: Morgan Jay T. Dee Flow of events: Pre-condition: The applicant has paid the necessary fees. Main success scenario: 3.) The applicant will submit the application form. 4.) The collecting officer will verify and issue a claim slip to the applicant. Alternative sequence: 2.) The applicant lost the official receipt. Error sequence: The applicant has incomplete requirements to submit the application form. Post condition: The applicant successfully submitted the application form to the collecting officer.

Proposed Activity diagram

Fill up application form Applicant

Get application form

Fill up application form

Notarize application form Applicant


Pay for notarization fee

Receive payment

Check payment


[Correct] Notarize application form

Receive application form

Return application form

Payment of copyright fee and stamp Applicant


Pay stamps and copyrighting fee

Receive and check payment


[Correct] Process request and record transaction

Give Official receipt

Receive Official receipt

Submit application form Applicant

Collecting officer

Present copies of documents to be copyrighted

Present Official receipts

Validate official receipt [Valid]

Approve form

Return official receipt

Receive official receipt


Reject form

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