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The pear is a tree of genus Pyrus (pronounced /ˈpaɪrəs/) and also the name of the tree's edible pomaceous


fruit.[2] The pear is classified within Maloideae, a subfamily within Rosaceae. The apple (Malus ×domestica), which it resembles in floral structure, is also a member of this subfamily.




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The English word pear is probably from Common West Germanic *pera, probably a loanword of Vulgar Latin pira, the plural of pirum, akin to Greek api(r)os, which is likely of Semitic origin. The place name Perry can indicate the historical presence of pear trees. The term "pyriform" is sometimes used to describe something which is "pear-shaped". Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Botany 2.1 Major recognized taxa 3 Cultivation 3.1 Harvest 3.2 Diseases and pests 3.3 Production 4 Uses

European Pear branch with fruit

5 Health benefits

Scientific classification

6 See also 8 External links


Callery Pears in flower

Türkçe Türkçe

The cultivation of the pear in cool temperate climates extends to the remotest antiquity, and there is evidence of its use as a food since prehistoric times. Many traces of it have been found in the Swiss lakedwellings. The word "pear" or its equivalent occurs in all the Celtic languages, while in Slavonic and other dialects different appellations, but still referring to the same thing, are found—a diversity and multiplicity of nomenclature which led Alphonse de Candolle to infer a very ancient cultivation of the tree from the shores of the Caspian to those of the Atlantic.









Subfamily: Maloideae or Spiraeoideae [1] Tribe:



Pyrus L.

Species About 30 species; see text

The pear was cultivated also by the Romans, who did not eat them raw [citation needed]

: Pliny's Natural History recommended stewing them with honey and noted three dozen varieties. The Roman cookbook attributed to Apicius, De re coquinaria, has a recipe for a spiced stewed-pear patina, or soufflé (IV.2.35).

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Pears grow in the sublime orchard of Alcinous, in Odyssey vii: "Therein grow trees, tall and luxuriant, pears and pomegranates and apple-trees with their bright fruit, and sweet figs, and luxuriant olives. Of these the fruit perishes not nor fails in winter or in summer, but lasts throughout the year."

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Kingdom: Plantae

7 References

Bartlett pears (European type) ready to pick

The ancient Kingdom of Dardania was named after the pear, meaning "Pearland." A certain race of pears, with white down on the under surface of their leaves, is supposed to have originated from P. nivalis, and their fruit is chiefly used in France in the manufacture of perry (see also cider). Other small-fruited pears, distinguished by their early ripening and apple-like fruit, may be referred to P. cordata, a species found wild in western France, and in Devonshire and Cornwall. Pears have been cultivated in China for approximately 3000 years. The genus is thought to have originated in present-day western China in the foothills of the Tian Shan, a mountain range of Central Asia, and to have spread to the north and south along mountain chains, evolving into a diverse group of over 20 widely recognized primary species. The enormous number of varieties of the cultivated European pear (Pyrus communis subsp. communis), are without doubt derived from one or two wild subspecies (P. communis subsp. pyraster and P. communis subsp. caucasica), widely distributed throughout Europe, and sometimes forming part of the natural vegetation of the forests. In Pear, "La France" (Japan)

England, where an ancient pear tree gave its name to[citation needed] Pirio (Perry Barr, a district of Birmingham) in Domesday, the pear is sometimes considered wild; there is always the doubt that it may not really be so, but the produce of some seed of a cultivated tree deposited by birds or otherwise, which has germinated as a wild-form spine-bearing tree. Court accounts of Henry III of England record pears shipped from Rochelle and presented to the King by the Sheriffs of London.[3] The French names of pears grown in English medieval gardens suggests that their reputation, at the least, was French; a favored variety in the accounts was named for Saint Rule or Regul', bishop of Senlis.[4]

Pear blossoms

Another image of Pear blossoms

Vèneto Walon 粵語

Asian species with medium to large edible fruit include P. pyrifolia, P. ussuriensis, P. ×bretschneideri, P. ×sinkiangensis, and P. pashia. Other small-fruited species are frequently used as rootstocks for the cultivated species.

Žemaitė ška 中文




Pears are native to coastal and mildly temperate regions of the Old World, from western Europe and north Africa east right across Asia. They are medium sized trees, reaching 10–17 m tall, often with a tall, narrow Clapps Favorite (a European type), perfect for picking crown; a few species are shrubby. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, 2–12 cm long, glossy green  on some species, densely silvery-hairy in some others; leaf shape varies from broad oval to narrow lanceolate. Most pears are deciduous, but one or two species in southeast Asia are evergreen. Most are cold-hardy, withstanding temperatures between −25 °C and −40 °C in winter, except for the evergreen species, which only tolerate temperatures down to about −15 °C. The flowers are white, rarely tinted yellow or pink, 2–4 cm diameter, and have five petals.[5] Like that of the related apple, the pear fruit is a pome, in most wild species 1–4 cm  diameter, but in some cultivated forms up to 18 cm long and 8 cm broad; the shape varies in most species from oblate or globose, to the classic  pyriform 'pear-shape' of the European Pear with an elongated basal portion and a bulbous end. The fruit is composed of the receptacle or upper end of the flower-stalk (the so-called calyx tube) greatly dilated. Enclosed within its cellular flesh is the true fruit: five cartilaginous carpels, known colloquially as the "core". From the upper rim of the receptacle are given off the five sepals[vague], the five petals, and the very numerous stamens. The pear is very similar to the apple in cultivation, propagation and pollination. Pears and apples cannot always be distinguished by the form of the fruit; some pears look very much like some apples. One major difference is that pears have "grit" - clusters of lignified cells[vague]. Pear trees and apple trees do have several visible differences. The pear and the apple are also related to the quince. There are about 30 primary species, major subspecies, and naturally occurring interspecific hybrids of pears.

Major recognized taxa


Pyrus amygdaliformis—Almond-leafed Pear Pyrus armeniacifolia Pyrus ebhardius Pyrus boissieriana Pyrus × bretschneideri—Chinese white pear; also classified as a subspecies of Pyrus pyrifolia Pyrus calleryana—Callery Pear Pyrus communis subsp. communis—European Pear (cultivars include Beurre d'Anjou, Bartlett and Beurre Bosc) Pyrus communis subsp. caucasica (syn. P. caucasica) Pyrus communis subsp. pyraster—Wild European Pear (syn. P. pyraster) Pyrus cordata—Plymouth Pear

Vicar of Winkfield pear, a heritage variety, no longer commonly found, British Columbia, Canada

Pyrus cossonii—Algerian Pear Pyrus Ejiskipolipia-Paul Pyrus dimorphophylla Pyrus elaeagnifolia—Oleaster-leafed Pear Pyrus fauriei Pyrus gharbiana Pyrus glabra Pyrus hondoensis Pyrus koehnei—Evergreen pear of southern China and Taiwan Pyrus korshinskyi Pyrus mamorensis Pyrus nivalis—Snow Pear Pyrus pashia—Afghan Pear Pyrus ×phaeocarpa Pyrus pseudopashia Pyrus pyrifolia—Nashi Pear, Sha Li Pyrus regelii Pyrus salicifolia—Willow-leafed Pear Pyrus × serrulata Pyrus × sinkiangensis—thought to be an interspecific hybrid between P. ×bretschneideri, Pyrus ussuriensis and Pyrus communis Pyrus syriaca Pyrus ussuriensis—Siberian Pear Pyrus xerophila



The pear may be readily raised by sowing the pips (seeds) of ordinary cultivated or of wilding kinds, these forming what are known as free or pear stocks, on which the choicer varieties are grafted for increase. For new varieties the flowers can be cross-bred to preserve or combine desirable traits. The fruit of the pear is produced on spurs, which appear on shoots more than one year old.[citation needed] Three species account for the vast majority of edible fruit production, the European Pear Pyrus communis subsp. communis cultivated mainly in Europe and North America, the Chinese white pear (bai li) Pyrus ×bretschneideri, and the Nashi Pear Pyrus pyrifolia (also known as Asian Pear or Apple Pear), both grown mainly in eastern Asia. There are thousands of cultivars of these three species. A species grown in western China, P. sinkiangensis, and P. pashia, grown in southern China and south Asia, are also produced to a lesser degree. Other species are used as rootstocks for European and Asian pears and as ornamental trees. The Siberian Pear, Pyrus ussuriensis (which produces unpalatable fruit) has been crossed with Pyrus communis to breed hardier pear cultivars. The Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford') in particular has become widespread in North America and is used only as an ornamental tree. The Willow-leafed Pear (Pyrus salicifolia) is grown

in particular has become widespread in North America and is used only as an ornamental tree. The Willow-leafed Pear (Pyrus salicifolia) is grown for its attractive slender, densely silvery-hairy leaves.



Summer and autumn pears are gathered before they are fully ripe, while they are still green, but snap off when lifted. If left to ripen and turn yellow on the tree, the sugars will turn to starch crystals and the pear will have a gritty texture inside. In the case of the 'Passe Crassane', long the favored winter pear in France, the crop should be gathered at three different times, the first a fortnight or more before it is ripe, the second a week or ten days after that, and the third when fully ripe. The first gathering will come into eating latest, and thus the season of the fruit may be considerably prolonged.

Diseases and pests


Main article: List of pear diseases Main article: List of Lepidoptera that feed on pear trees


[edit] Top ten pear producers — 11 June 2008 Country

Production (tonnes)

 People's Republic of China






 United States







 South Korea








 South Africa









Pear and quince output in 2005

No symbol = official figure, P = official figure, F = FAO estimate, * = Unofficial/Semi-official/mirror data, C = Calculated figure A = Aggregate (may include official, semi-official, or estimates); Source: Food And Agricultural Organization of United Nations: Economic And Social Department: The Statistical Devision



Pears are consumed fresh, canned, as juice, and dried. The juice can also be used in jellies and jams, usually in combination with other fruits or berries. Fermented pear juice is called perry or pear cider.

Pear, raw Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 60 kcal   240 kJ

Pears will ripen faster if placed next to bananas in a fruit bowl. They stay fresh longer if kept in a fridge.[citation needed]


Pear wood is one of the preferred materials in the manufacture of high-quality woodwind instruments and furniture. It is also used for wood carving, and as a firewood to produce aromatic smoke for smoking meat or tobacco.

- Dietary fiber  3.1 g  

Health benefits

15.46 g

- Sugars  9.80 g





0.38 g

Thiamine (Vit. B1)  0.012 mg  


Riboflavin (Vit. B2)  0.025 mg   2% Niacin (Vit. B3)  0.157 mg  

Pears are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, E1, copper and potassium[citation needed]. Pears are less allergenic than many other fruits, and pear juice is therefore sometimes used as the first juice introduced to infants[6], but juice for infants is not recommended by some pediatricians[7]. Pears are low in salicylates and benzoates and are therefore recommended in exclusion diets for allergy sufferers[8]. Along with lamb and rice, pears may form part of the strictest exclusion diet for allergy sufferers[9] although allergies to these foods are possible[10][11][12]. Pears can be useful in treating inflammation of mucous membranes, colitis, chronic gallbladder disorders, arthritis, and gout. Pears can also be beneficial in lowering high blood pressure, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and increasing urine acidity. They are good for the lungs and the stomach.[citation needed] Most of the fiber is insoluble, making pears a good laxative. The gritty fiber content may cut down on the number of cancerous colon polyps. Most of the vitamin C, as well as the dietary fiber, are


Pantothenic acid (B5)  0.048 mg 1% Vitamin B6  0.028 mg


Folate (Vit. B9)  7 μg 


Vitamin C  4.2 mg


Calcium  9 mg


Iron  0.17 mg


Magnesium  7 mg


Phosphorus  11 mg


Potassium  119 mg  


Zinc  0.10 mg


Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults. Source: USDA Nutrient database

contained within the skin of the fruit.[13]

See also


List of culinary fruits

References 1.

^ a b Potter, D.; Eriksson, T.; Evans, R.C.; Oh, S.H.; Smedmark, J.E.E.; Morgan, D.R.; Kerr, M.; Robertson, K.R.; Arsenault, M.P.; Dickinson, T.A.; Campbell, C.S. (2007). Phylogeny and classification of Rosaceae. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 266(1–2): 5–43.


^ Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607


2. 3.

^ Sunset Western Garden Book, 1995:606–607 ^ Evelyn Cecil, A History of Gardening in England 2006:35ff

4. 5.

^ Cecil 2006. ^ ""Pear Fruit Facts Page Information", CE.CN


^ "The wonder of pears

7. 8.

^ P. Q. Samour, K. K. Helm, C. E. Lang (eds) 2003. Handbook of Pediatric Nutrition, second edition, Aspen Publishers, Inc, Gaithersburg, MD. ^ A. R. Gibson, R. L. Clancy, 1978. An Australian exclusion diet, The Medical Journal of Australia 1:290:292

". Retrieved 2008-06-01.

". FreeDiets.

9. 10. 11.

^ A. Morris 2008 A Guide to Suspected Food Allergy, Surrey Allergy Clinic, U. K. ^, rice allergy ^, lamb allergy

12. 13.

^, pear allergy ^ Phyllis A. Balch, CNC/Prescription for dietary wellness.-2nd ed.

This article incorporates text from the Encyclopædia Britannica, Eleventh Edition, a publication now in the public domain.

External links


USA Pears —descriptions of pear cultivars from a U.S. advocacy group. University of Georgia Pear Page —History of cultivation and commerce. Wild Pear, Pyrus pyraster

Look up pear in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Diagnostic photos, Morton Arboretum specimens

European pear varieties , description of Australian commercial pears Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Pears

Wikibooks Cookbook has a recipe/module on Pear

Categories: Pears | Flora of Asia | Flora of Europe | Pyrus

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