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  • Words: 4,691
  • Pages: 48


n n n




West Ham


Gare du Nord

West Brom

£160 £140 £150 SOLD P1

Oldham Sunderla 7-Eleven Athletic nd AFC

Active Player: 2 Dice total is 11 Player 1 landed on St Charles Place Player 1 bought St Charles Place




Comm Chest

n n n

Go To Jail

Manchest er United

Stoke City

Roll Dice

n n n

Water Works

£280 Arsenal


Aston Villa




Leeds United

£220 £240 £200 £260 £260 Liverpool Tranmere Burnley Fc Everton Fc Liverpool Street Rovers FC Station

Fa Head Quarter s


Sunderland AFC


£220 Scunthorp e United Chance

Fenchurch Street Station

Cannot Buy Houses Houses: 0

Free Parking

Hartlepo ol United


Sunderland AFC

Manches ter City

Player 1




Hull City



? Chance

Hereford United £100

King's Cross Station £200

Manches ter City

Sunderla nd AFC




Newcastle United

Income Tax

Forest Green £80

CC Comm Chest

Torquay United £60




Fa Head Quarter s £350 Chance

? £200


Comm Chest

CC £300


Player 2

Go To Jail Go

21hr 58m




á ?

xlMonopoly Board Official Rules Instructions Create New Board FAQ

An Excel game by charlie jan


OBJECT...The object of the game is to become the wealthiest player through buying, renting and selling property. EQUIPMENT...The equipment consists of a board, 2 dice, tokens 32 houses and 12 hotels. There are Chance and Community Chest cards, a Title Deed card for each property and play money. PREPARATION...Place the board on a table and put the Chance and Community Chest cards face-down on their allotted spaces on th board. Each player chooses one token to represent him on his travels around the board. Each player is given £1500 divided as follows: 2 each of £500's, £100's and £50's; 6-£20's; 5 each of £10's, £5's and £1's. All remaining money and other equipment go to the Bank.

BANKER...Select as Banker a player who will also make a good Auctioneer. If the Banker plays in the game, he must keep his persona funds separate from those the Bank. When play, the Banker mayand elect to actprior onlytoaspurchase Banker and THE BANK...Besides theof Bank's money, the more Bank than holdsfive thepersons Title Deed cards and houses hotels andAuctioneer. use by the players. The Bank pays salaries and bonuses. It sells and auctions properties and hands out their proper Title Deed cards; it sells houses The Bank collects all taxes, fines, loans and interest, and the price of all properties which it sells and auctions. and hotels to the players and loans money when required on mortgages. The Bank never "goes broke". If the Bank runs out of money it may issue as much more as may be needed by merely writing on any ordinary paper.Starting with the Banker, each player in turn throws the dice. The player with the highest total starts the play. He places THE PLAY... his token "GO", thea2player dice and his token in the the properties, arrow the number of spaces Accordingontothe thecorner space marked which his tokenthrows reaches, maymoves be entitled to buy realdirection estate orof other -or be obliged to indicate pay ren by the dice.draw After he has completed his play, thecard, turn "Go to play passesetc. to the left. The tokens remain on the spaces occupied and proceed pay taxes, a Chance or Community Chest to Jail", If a player throws he moves his token as more usualtokens the sum of the dicesame and is subject to same any privileges or penalties pertaining to from that point on doubles the player's next turn. Two or may resttwo on the space at the time. the space on which lands. Retaining the dice, throwsover again and moves his by token as before. a player doubles three "GO"...Each time he a player's token lands on orhepasses "GO", whether throw of the If dice or bythrows drawing a card, thetimes Banki succession, he moves his token immediately to the space marked "In Jail" (see JAIL). pays him £200 salary. However, £200 is paid only once each time around the board. If a player, passing "GO" on the throw of the dice, lands 2 spaces beyond on "Community Chest", or 7 spaces beyond on "Chance", and draws the card "Advance to GO", he collects "GO" th BUYING PROPERTY...Whenever a playeritlands on an unowned property he may buy that property from the£200 Bankforatpassing its printed price first time and another £200 for reaching it the second time by instructions on the card. He thewish TitletoDeed card showing and places it face-up in the fronthighest of him.bidder. The buyer pays to the Bank the amount If hereceives does not buy the property it ownership is sold at auction by the Banker to the bid in cash and receives the Title Deed card for that property. Any player, including one who of buying it atl PAYING RENT...When a player lands on property owned by another player the owner the collects rent declined from himthe in option accordance with the the printed price, may bid.card Bidding may to start at any price. printed on the Title Deed applying it. If the property is mortgaged, no rent can be collected. When a property is mortgaged its Title Deed card is placed face-down in front of the It isowner. an advantage to hold all the Title Deeds in a color-group (i.e.: Park Lane and Mayfair, - or Bow St, Marlborough St and Vine St) because owner may then charge double rentorfor unimproved properties in that This rule to unmortgaged It is eventhe more of an advantage to have houses hotels on properties because rentscolor-group. are much higher thanapplies for unimproved properties. properties even if another property in that color-group is mortgaged. The owner may not collect his rent if he fails to ask for it before the second player following throws the dice. "CHANCE" and "COMMUNITY CHEST"...When a player lands on either of these spaces he takes the top card from the deck indicated, follows theFree" instructions and returns the and cardthen face-down The "Get Out of Jail card is held until used returnedtotothe thebottom bottomofofthe thedeck. deck. If the player who draws it does not wish t use it he may sell it, at any time, to another player at a price agreeable to both. "INCOME TAX"...When a player lands on "Income Tax" he has two options: he may estimate his tax at £200 and pay the Ban or may pay of which his total worth thetake Bank. Hishetotal all his cash on hand, printed prices of mortgaged and Theheplayer must10% decide option he to will before addsworth up hisistotal worth. unmortgaged properties and cost price of all buildings he owns. JAIL...A player lands in Jail when. . . (1.) his token lands on the space marked "Go to Jail"; (2.) he draws a card marked "Go to Jail"; (3.) heathrows in succession. When playerdoubles is sent tothree Jail times he cannot collect £200 salary in that move since, regardless of where his token is on the board, he must move it directly into Jail. A player's turn ends when he isofsent to lands Jail. on that space, he is "Just Visiting", incurs no penalty, and moves If a player is not "sent to Jail" but in the ordinary course play ahead in the usual manner on his next turn. A player gets out of Jail by... (1.) throwing doubles on any of his next three turns. If he succeeds in doing this he immediately moves forward the number spaces shownby byhis histhird doubles Even hasHe thrown doesand notimmediately take anothermoves turn; (2.) using If the player does notofthrow doubles turnthrow. he must paythough the £50hefine. then doubles gets out he of Jail forward the "Get Outofofspaces Jail Free" card ifhis hethrow. has it; (3.) purchasing the "Get Out of Jail Free" card from another player and playing it; (4.) paying the number shown by Even is inhe Jail, a player may or sell property, buy or sell houses and hotels and collect rents. a fine though of £50 he before rolls the dice onbuy either of his next two turns FREE PARKING...A player landing on this space does not receive any money, property or reward of any kind. This is just a "free" resting place. HOUSES...When a player owns all the properties in a color group he may buy houses from the Bank and erect them on those propertie If he buys one house, he may put it on any one of those properties. The next house he buys must be erected on one of the unimproved properties of must this orpay anytheother complete he may own. The price he Bank for eachcolor-group house is shown on his Title Deed card for the property on which he erects the house. The owner can still collect double rent from an opponent who lands on the unimproved properties of his complete color-group. Following the above rules, a player may buy and erect at any time as many houses as his judgment and financial standing will allow. Bu he build evenly (i.e.: he erect moredown thanevenly one house anyhouses one property color-group untilPROPERTY). he has built one house on As must a player builds evenly, he cannot must also break if heon sells back tooftheany Bank (SEE SELLING every property of that group. He may then begin on the second row of houses, and so on, up to a limit of four houses to a property. For HOTELS...When playerthree has four houses on property each property of aonly complete color-group, he may buy of a hotel from the Bank and erect it o example, he cannota build houses on one if he has one house on another property that group.). any property SHORTAGE...When of that color-group. Hethe returns houses to from property to the the hotel as shown BUILDING Bankthe hasfour no houses sell,that players wishing toBank build and mustpays waitthe forprice somefor player to turn back oron to the Title Deed card. Only one hotelbuilding. may be If erected on any one property. sell his houses to the Bank before there are a limited number of houses and hotels available, and two or more players SELLING PROPERTY... Unimproved properties, Railways and utilities (but not buildings) may be sold to any player as awish t buy more than the Bank has, the houses or hotels must be sold at auction to highest can bidder. private transaction forbe any amount owner get. nothe property be sold to another player if buildings are Houses and hotels may sold back tothat the the Bank at anycan time forHowever, one-half the price paid for them. standing on any properties of that color-group. Any buildings so located must be sold back to the Bank before the owner can se All on one color-group must be sold one by one, evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were erected. anyhouses property of that color-group. All hotels on one color-group may be sold at once. Or they may be sold one house at a time (one hotel equals five houses), evenly, in reverse of the manner in which they were erected. MORTGAGES...Unimproved properties can be mortgaged through the Bank at any time. Before an improved property can be mortgaged all the buildings on all the color-group must back to Bank at halfproperties price. The value is No rent can be collected on mortgagedproperties propertiesoforits utilities, but rent canbe besold collected onthe unmortgaged inmortgage the same group. printed on each Title Deed card. In order to lift the mortgage, the owner must pay the Bank the amount of the mortgage plus 10% interest. When all the properties of a color-group are no longer mortgaged the owner may begin buy fullsecure price. it by lifting the mortgage from the Bank. The player who mortgages property retains possession of itto and noback otherhouses playeratmay However, the owner may sell this mortgaged property to another player at any agreed price. The new owner may lift the mortgage at once, if he wishes, by paying off the mortgage plus 10% interest to the Bank. If he does not lift the mortgage at once he must pay the Bank 10% interest when he buys the property and if he lifts the mortgage later he must pay an additional 10% interest as well as the amount of the mortgage to the Bank.

BANKRUPTCY...A player is bankrupt when he owes more than he can pay either to another player or to the Bank. If his debt is to another must over to thatofplayer allplayer, that hemore has ofthan value from theofgame. thiseven settlement, if he Should aplayer, playerhe owe theturn Bank, instead another he and can retire pay (because taxes In or making penalties) by selling hisowns houses or hotels, he must return these to the Bank in exchange for money to the extent of one-half the amount paid for them and thisallca buildings and mortgaging property, he must turn over his assets toBank the Bank. In this case, the Bank immediately sells by auction MISCELLANEOUS...Money only be loaned to he aall player by the and then bycreditor mortgaging property. No player may borrow is given to the creditor. If buildings. he hascan mortgaged property also immediately turns this property overonly to his but the newleft owner must at once pay property so taken, except A bankrupt player must retire from the game. The last player in the game wins. from or lend the Bank the money amounttoofanother interestplayer. on the loan, which is 10% of the value of the property. After the new owner does this, he may, at his option, pay the principal or hold the property until some later turn at which time he may lift the mortgage. If he holds property in this way until a later turn, he must pay the interest again when he lifts the mortgage.

xlMonopoly Instructions for the Excel version of the game Board Official Rules Instructions Create New Board FAQ

General Play

1) Click New Game to begin a new game; otherwise state of play from the previous game will rem immediately resumed

2) Click Roll Dice to roll the dice for player 1 (you). The dice will be rolled and the counter (the blu will move automatically.

3) Depending on the property landed upon, you may be asked if you want to buy the Property, o player 2, take a card, pay a fine or go to Jail. If you have the cash available, Fines and Rent will automatically from your cash total in the bottom LH corner.

4) When ready, click the Roll Dice button again to roll the dice for player 2. Player 2's counter (lim automatically. Upon landing on his destination, Player 2 will also make purchasing decisions or p Player 2 will also consider house buying and mortgaging decisions.

5) Upon completion of Player 2's turn, control will return to you. You can again make any house, decisions. When ready, click the play button to roll the dice for your move.

Mortgaging Property

When Player 1 is active, you have the opportunity to mortgage any undeveloped property you ow toolbar to display the mortgaging form

Select you property you wish to Mortgage from the drop-down box. The Mortgage value of that p Click OK to complete the mortgage.

If you have any properties that have been mortgaged, you can choose to Unmortgage them. Clic and select the property from the dropdown box. The cost of mortgaging is calculated at 110% of the property.

Buying Houses

Once you own a complete colour group, you can begin to develop properties in the group. Click B to display the Buy/Sell House form

Select the property you want to build on from the dropdown list. The cost of building the house is build a house if the number of houses on that property is greater than the minimum number of ho that group. You cannot buy a house if the cost exceeds your cash level; you will need to raise fu selling first. Click Buy to complete the house purchase. (If only it were that simple in real life!)

Occasionally, after a house purchase, some properties that were unimprovable when the form w improveable. Click done and then Buy House again to re-load the form.


When Player 1 and Player 2 both own property, you can offer to swap a property you own for on also either ask for or offer cash to even up the value of the deal. Click Offer Deal to show the De

Select the Player 2 property you want (St Charles Place in the example) from the top dropdown, offering to swap for it in the bottom dropdown.

If the property you are bidding for is more valuable than the property you are offering, then you a if you offer cash in addition. Enter the cash amount that you are offering to pay into the BOTTOM offering to swap a property of higher value, then you can ask for cash from player 2 to even up th Note that if a value is entered in one of the cash boxes, it must be cleared before you can enter a

Create New Board

It's now possible to create new boards based around any place names or otherwise that you like on the menu and get to this sheet:





Follow these steps to create a new board. 1) Enter a name and Currency for the board 2) Enter the full name of each property. 3) Click the 'Copy Names across' button. This will copy the full names to the display names cells

4) Adjust the display names so that the name fits the Property header box. Activate the cell and t tester, allowing you to check that the name is short enough 5) Click the 'Add sheet' button to create the new board. If you have not filled all the fields, and er to do so. 6) Return to the Board via the hyperlink and play the game

Note. This feature has not been exhaustively test and it is likely that supplying names with specia cause an error. Note for bored hackers: You've tried SQL injection - now try formula injection! En names will give some strange results.


The card packs are shuffled randomly at the beginning of the game. Get out of jail free cards, if t in the pack. However, once used, they return to their original pack position and not to the bottom than I felt the difference was worth

Income tax, as stated in the rules, can be either £200 or 10% of total assets. To simplify this, the will automatically be deducted. Furthermore, total assets are calculated as the sale or mortgage houses and property, not face in the rules. When purchasing property, thevalue playerasisstated allowed to pay more for the property than their current c more for the property, then the Debt decision screen appears, and the player sells assets (not in being purchased) to pay their debt. The computer opponent also has the ability to do this. The computer opponent has no more information than the player. It does not anticipate the dice community chest card values.

Note for the US edition:

The version I coded originally used London place names and Sterling (£) signs throughout the ga of tribute to the game's origins, I thought that I could make the whole game convertible to the Atl Superficially, I achieved this by a little research into the US property names. Since the face value identical to the UK version, I assumed all other prices were equal and applied no scaling factor inaccurate for certain aspects.

An Excel game by charlie jans

rom the previous game will remain intact and can be rolled and the counter (the blue highlighted property)

ou want to buy the Property, or have to pay Rent to available, Fines and Rent will be deducted

player 2. Player 2's counter (lime green) will also move ake purchasing decisions or pay rent etc. At this time, .

ou can again make any house, mortgaging or deal r move.

undeveloped property you own. Click Mortgage in the

. The Mortgage value of that property is displayed.

ose to Unmortgage them. Click on the unmortgage tab, aging is calculated at 110% of the mortgage value of

properties in the group. Click Buy House in the toolbar

e cost of building the house is displayed. You cannot han the minimum number of houses on any property on level; you will need to raise funds from mortgaging or

ple in real life!)

nimprovable when the form was loaded become orm.

wap a property you own for one Player 2 owns. You can lick Offer Deal to show the Deal form:

mple) from the top dropdown, and the property you are

ty you are offering, then you are more likely to succeed fering to pay into the BOTTOM box. Similarly, if you are ash from player 2 to even up then deal. cleared before you can enter a value into the other.

mes or otherwise that you like. Click 'Create new board'



mes to the display names cells.

der box. Activate the cell and the text will appear in the not filled all the fields, and error message will ask you

at supplying names with special characters like " or ( will - now try formula injection! Entering Excel formulae as

e. Get out of jail free cards, if turned up, do not remain position and not to the bottom. This saved more coding

tal assets. To simplify this, the lower of these two sums lated as the sale or mortgage value of all money, e property than their current cash total. If the does pay the player sells assets (not including the property as the ability to do this. t does not anticipate the dice total or chance or

ing (£) signs throughout the game. However, as a kind ole game convertible to the Atlantic city names. y names. Since the face values of property were and applied no scaling factor - possible this is

Value of assets over time


Mortgageable Value

12 10 8 Column C Column D

6 4 2 0 1




3 Turn





Property Ownership Player 1

Still Available


xlMonopoly xlMonopoly FAQ Board Official Rules Instructions Create New Board FAQ

Q: How long did the game take to build?

A: The first version took about 4 weeks of coding. I didn't have a job at the time, so I was able to After that, I then got a job and the second version was put on significant hold. In all, I'd guess I've hours designing, testing and playing the game Q: I've spotted a mistake / The game's given me an error message. What can I do?

A: Let me know about it. If you can email a description of the problem, and the error message if t can fix it of rthe next version. If you're a VBA programmer and want to fix it yourself, drop me a li password. My email address is [email protected] Q: Why do the colors of the property banner cells sometimes disappear?

A: No idea at all. The code never changes those cells, and there's no conditional formatting on a a mystery why they sometimes lose their color. Q: What will be in the next version?

A: If it happens, the ability to play other people over a LAN, multiple opponents, difficulty levels, a of. Realistically, this may be a while coming, if ever. Q: Why did you decide to do this?

A: I was sitting in a backpackers hostel in Seattle, wondering what to do. I remembered how I lov when I was younger, thinking that I'd like a game right now. This led me on to thinking that the ga excel, and I began to think how it might be done. The first version was sketched out in my notepa stayed roughly the same. Q: How does the game work?

A: Roughly, there's a flow of events leading from the click of the roll dice button that is roughly su flowchart below. Decisions such as Player 2 buying houses have their own separate and fairly de majority of the difficult calculation (such as working out rent) is done by worksheet formula. VBA and user input.

Roll Dice


Auto HB Dec

Roll dice

In Jail

Check Card

Show Form

Is double?

Chang e Money

Play card



3 in a row?

3rd time?

Go to Jail

Pay fine


Auto HB Dec

Roll dice

In Jail

Check Card

Show Form

Is double?

Chang e Money

Play card



Move Counter

3rd time?

Pay fine

Go to Jail

3 in a row?


Op owns?


Calc Rent

Calc tax



Get P1 Price

Get P2 Price


Mort Prop

Sell Hous e

Chang e Money

Buy Property House/ Prop

Opp Buys

Q: Who are you? A: I'm an economics consultant currently living in Oxford, UK.

Show Form

In debt?

An Excel game by charlie jans

b at the time, so I was able to spend a lot of time on it. ficant hold. In all, I'd guess I've spend north of 200

sage. What can I do?

em, and the error message if there is one, then maybe I t to fix it yourself, drop me a line and I'll send you the


no conditional formatting on any of them, so it's a bit of

e opponents, difficulty levels, and anything else I think

to do. I remembered how I loved playing monopoly d me on to thinking that the game could be done in was sketched out in my notepad. The board design has

ll dice button that is roughly summarised in the heir own separate and fairly detailed processes. The e by worksheet formula. VBA takes care of the flow

3rd time?

Pay fine

3rd time?

Pay fine

Op owns?



Calc Rent

Calc tax

Display Card



Chang e Money

Show Form

In debt?



Allocate Card


xlMonopoly Create Your Own Board Board Official Rules Instructions Create New Board FAQ


Insert New Value

Board name Currency Symbol

Football teams £

Board Spaces

Full Name eg North Carolina Avenue

GO Torquay United Community Chest Forest Green Income Tax King's Cross Station Hereford United Chance Hull City Newcastle United Just Visiting Sunderland AFC Electric Company Oldham Athletic West Brom Marylebone Station West Ham Community Chest Stoke City Aston Villa Free Parking Scunthorpe United Chance Tranmere Rovers Burnley Fc Liverpool Street Station Everton Fc Liverpool FC Water Works Arsenal

Go Torquay United Community Chest Forest Green Income Tax King's Cross Station Hereford United Chance Hull City Newcastle United Vistors center Sunderland AFC 7-Eleven Oldham Athletic West Brom Gare du Nord West Ham Community Chest Stoke City Aston Villa Free Parking Scunthorpe United Chance Tranmere Rovers Burnley Fc Liverpool Street Station Everton Fc Liverpool FC Water Works Arsenal

Go To Jail Leeds United Man Utd Community Chest Chelsea Fc Fenchurch Street Station Chance Hartlepool United Fa Head Quarters Man City

Remaining fields:

Go To Jail Leeds United Manchester United Community Chest Chelsea Fenchurch Street Station Chance Hartlepool United Fa Head Quarters Manchester City

0 2

An Excel game by charlie jans Add Board

Abreviated name for display

(2 left)

Tester (check name fits neatly in box)

eg N Carl'na Avenue

Go Torquay United Community Chest Forest Green Income Tax King's Cross Station Hereford United Chance Hull City Newcastle United Vistors center Sunderland AFC 7-Eleven Oldham Athletic West Brom Gare du Nord West Ham Community Chest Stoke City Aston Villa Free Parking Scunthorpe United Chance Tranmere Rovers Burnley Fc Liverpool Street Station Everton Fc Liverpool FC Water Works Arsenal


Copy Names Across

Go To Jail Leeds United Manchester United Community Chest Chelsea Fenchurch Street Station Chance Hartlepool United Fa Head Quarters Manchester City

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