Module 3 - Managing Access Control

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,650
  • Pages: 13
Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.1

The learner will recognise tailgating episode.

Key Question

What is “tailgating?”

Key Text

Preventing more than one person gaining access using only one key card to move through an access point at one time is one of the access exceptions you may encounter. Two methods can be used, that of physically monitoring the access point, and in unmanned areas the use of optic devices to detect whether more than one person went through. The access control system records the event and the access violation will be reported on the person’s card that was used.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.2

The learner will recognise a “pass back” episode

Key Question

What is “pass back?”

Key Text

Pass back is an exception that arises when more than one person tries to gain access using only one key card by handing it to someone else after having passed through a turnstile. Cameras will immediately record the exception and the violation attempt will be reported on the person’s card that was used.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.3

The learner will recognise a “zone exception”.

Key Question

What is a “zone exception”?

Key Text

An exception arises when someone enters a zone in which they are not authorised to be. The active readers will pick up this exception and the event will be recorded by video cameras. If any unauthorised person has moved into a sensitive area containing either Key Personnel or valuables, their presence there needs to be immediately noted and steps taken to ascertain the reason for the intrusion. Though it may be accidental there can be no delay in normalising the situation. It may happen that visitors to the campus may stray due to unfamiliarity with the campus area. Providing they do not stray near any high security areas and find their way within a reasonable time, it probably doesn’t require immediate attention. Be aware of people that appear to be loitering in one area as they may be waiting for someone whom they intend assaulting. Experience will guide reaction to such occurrences. No exception should ever be totally ignored.



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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.4

The learner will be able to discern when someone has not arrived at their destination within a reasonable time.

Key Question

How long should we allow for a visitor to reach their destination before considering it to be a serious exception?

Key Text

This exception occurs when a visitor has indicated that they are meeting with someone in a certain building. Typically they would be given an access card to get to the building, but will then need parent access control to go further with their host. If they do not arrive where they ought to be, it is a cause for immediate concern regarding the safety of the building and its occupants and needs to be monitored. A location lookup can be done on the system to locate the visitor, and their movements can then be monitored. If their behaviour looks suspicious, personal intervention would be advised.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.5

The learner will be able to enforce the need for everyone to display a key card at all times.

Key Question

How serious should we consider it when someone fails to carry or display their access card?

Key Text

Security is everybody’s priority and in everyone’s best interests. If anyone is not carrying a key card, one has to assume that they should not be on the premises and act accordingly. Anyone found to be within any access secured zone without appropriate identification and authority is in serious breach of security and the matter should be treated according to the “Security Policy” document for the company, regardless of the person’s station or rank.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 1. Identifying Exceptions Outcome 1.6

The learner will be able to observe quickly when cameras display unusual behaviours.

Key Question

What happens when cameras detect an infringement of access control protocol?

Key Text

Cameras will usually come into operation when there is an infringement of AC policy. A window will pop up on the appropriate security official’s screen and they will then need to observe what is taking place and decide on an appropriate action.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 2. Security Policy. Outcome 2.1

The learner will understand the need for security policy.

Key Question

What is a security policy?

Key Text

A security policy is a set of rules that regulate how the security system is to be implemented and maintained. Make sure you are totally familiar with the new security policy of company as this will give you the confidence and conviction of what you need to do to ensure the security of everyone there. The policy is sanctioned by the highest-ranking executives of the company and effectively gives you the authority to do your job the best possible way. The security policy is paramount to the success of its overall operation in maintaining the safety of all on the company campus.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 2. Security Policy. Outcome 2.2

The learner will understand the need to exercise their authority to see that policy is consistently implemented.

Key Question

Why must policy be consistently applied?

Key Text

It remains the responsibility of everyone in the company to impose the authority of the policy without showing favouritism or prejudice to anyone coming onto the company campus. All persons, including executives, managers, employees, security staff or even the authors of the policy, are subject to it and need to adhere to it completely at all times to ensure that security is not jeopardised in any way.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 2. Security Policy. Outcome 2.3

The learner will understand the need to be familiar with the system.

Key Question

How can I best apply security policy?

Key Text

Everyone involved should know the security policy and how the access control system relates to it. A thorough familiarity with the operation of the AC is essential so that it may operate at its full potential constantly. The system will only be as good as those who operate it.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 2. Security Policy. Outcome 2.4

The learner will understand their authority to enforce policy appropriately.

Key Question

What level of authority do I have to enforce policy?

Key Text

All company employees have the authority to enforce all aspects of the security policy regardless of the rank of the person with whom they may be dealing. All staff should be well versed in the understanding and application of the security policy.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 3. Getting everyone’s co-operation. Outcome 3.1

The learner will understand the need for everyone to support the system

Key Question

Why is it necessary for everyone to actively support the security policy and systems?

Key Text

“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. It is in everyone’s best interests for every aspect of the system to work. It is there for their protection, so it is vital for each and every person to actively enforce security policy. If you the operator are convinced of the benefits of the system you will have very little trouble convincing those with whom you have to deal that the system is for their benefit too. Be Positive! Nothing breaks down confidence more than a lack of commitment from those who control it. Both the confidence of your fellow workers and those with whom you deal can either be enhanced or diminished by your knowledge and ability to operate the system. It is essential that one knows and operates the system expertly.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 3. Getting everyone’s co-operation. Outcome 3.2

The learner will understand the need educate others about the need for security.

Key Question

How can we educate others to understand the need for security?

Key Text

Given events in recent times it should not be too difficult to get people to buy in to the benefits of Access control. Help everyone to understand that the access control system is for their own security. E.g. If a threat is identified, security needs to know where everybody is especially the key personnel, as this will assist you to afford them the best possible protection.




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Module 3

ACCESS CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 4. Dealing with people in difficult situations. Outcome 4.1

The learner will learn how to deal politely in difficult situations.

Key Question

How can difficult situations be handled?

Key Text

There is nothing to be gained by exerting our authority while alienating people we want to buy into the system. Always conduct oneself in a polite manner when dealing with a difficult situation with a view to resolving it. If you are unable to do so refer it to a superior. Resolve any problem as soon as possible. You won’t always have all the answers so don’t be afraid to get assistance from someone who can help the situation. Make sure that you understand the Security Policy well, so that you will have the confidence to be objective, helpful and appear well informed. The certainty of knowledge gives great confidence and carries an air of authority that can easily be backed by substance.




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