Module 1.2-basics Of Technopreneurship

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  • Words: 1,604
  • Pages: 53
Basics of Technopreneurship MODULE 1.2

Roles of Technopreneurship in job creation and in the National economy


Importance of Technopreneurship • • • • • •

Employment creation Local resources Decentralization and diversification of business Promotion of technology Capital formation Promotion of an entrepreneurial culture

What is Technopreneurshi p?

Technopreneurship •Defined High tech ventures in ICT, •

electronics, internet, life sciences and biotech. Service firms where technology is critical to their mission, such as: eBay, FEDEX, SMART money transfer, e-learning Technopreneurship is entrepreneurship in the field of technology.

Entrepreneur & Entrepreneurship Defined Entrepreneurs - people who enter

into new and pioneering ventures. - is whole-brained, meaning he/she uses both the left brain (logical) and right brain (creative).

Entrepreneurship – Starting up a new business Source: Federico Gonzalez, President PESO Inc.

Course Model - SEED Self Mastery


Environment Mastery

of Business Plan Enterprise Mastery

Self- Mastery • Self-mastery passion comes from knowing yourself. •

Self-mastery brings passion. When you know yourself, you know what you want and do not want.

Source: Jay Bernardo III

What is a self-mastered person? A self-mastered person • does not need high IQ • does need high EQ and AQ • is naturally a/an: performer – competitive and efficient epicure – sensual and cheery boss – takes charge and loves a good fight is whole-brained has a personal vision and knows

Environment Mastery Environment mastery is about generating business ideas and seeking opportunities out from his or her environment through • serendipity walks • crises • trends • etc. Source: Jay Bernardo III

What is an environmentmastered person? An environment-mastered person – understands the industry he/she is in – sees the opportunities, not the problems – is on top of the situation instead of being under the situation – is the organization/industry innovator and strategist

Enterprise Mastery Enterprise Mastery is how to run a business This pertains to the knowledge of the different enterprise disciplines such as: Creating the Business Marketing Management Operations Management Financial Management Source: Jay Bernardo III

What is an enterprisemastered person? An enterprise-mastered person • understands and integrates the functions of management (marketing, human resource, operations, and finance) • understands and integrates the process of management (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) • leads and inspires rather than manage

Development of Business Plan Development of a business plan covers: writing the business plan presenting and defending the business plan adding refinements to the presented business plan

4 Types of Entrepreneurship 1. Incremental • Routine business, modest novelty Ex. (new coffee shop, new BPO)

2. Imitative • Imitation of venture, same business model and template • Ex. new regional branch, franchised operations

1. Rent-seeking Business that utilizes standards, regulations and laws to share in value of enterprise Ex. Coca Cola Export 4. Innovative Business based on innovation Ex. new memory chip

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Hard Working Self-Confident Builds for the Future Profit-Oriented Goal-Oriented Persistent Goal-Oriented Responds to feedback

Characteristics of Technopreneurship cont. 9. Demonstrates Initiative

10. Willing to Listen 11. Sets Own Standards 12. Copes with Uncertainty 13. Committed 14. Builds on Strengths 15. Reliable and Has Integrity 16. Risk-Taker

e h t s i t Wha rence e f f i n d a n e e w r t u e be n e r p e r t en a d n a d e i r sala ee? y o l emp

What makes an Entrepreneur a Technopreneur • A technology idea owner who ventures to make his idea a commercial reality • An entrepreneur who gets a technology idea, finds an opportunity to make it a commercial reality.

Differences between Technopreneurship and Entrepreneurship

Lets have a MATCHING GAME!!!



Some Technology Ventures LOCAL • SMART LINK – (Computer shop) Dealing with computer hardware and software, Repairs, Networking and Computer ad LCD Rentals. (OCW) • LANE SYSTEM – Software Integration Developer

NATIONAL •NETOPIA – Internet Café •YEHEY.COM – Internet Portal

INTERNATIONAL •YOUTUBE - a video sharing website

Some Basic Facts Businesses start from ideas, but ideas alone do not make a business Customers do not buy ideas, they buy products/services; Customers pay the price; value is what they get

Source: Federico C. Gonzalez, President PESO Inc.

Some Basic Facts cont. A marketable product may not result in a viable business

A studied approach to planning the business is needed. Entrepreneurship is calculated risktaking, not foolhardiness. Source: Federico C. Gonzalez, President PESO Inc.

Technopreneurshi p Ecosystem MODULE 2

Warm Up Activity Get 1 sheet of paper! • Think of an task that each of you (or group) would like to conduct or do (i.e. Cooking viand, repairing your PC, constructing a “bahay kubo”, etc) and write it in a paper • Then, list down what you need to accomplish the task. • Present your identified task and requirements (1-2 minutes per

Introduction • Many of the tasks, if not all, have pre-requisites (i.e. money, materials, personnel, etc) • Similarly, for technopreneurial venture to start, grow and succeed, it must also have the required resources, environment and support.

But, what are these things?

Learning Objectives At the end of this session/lecture, the students should be able to – • Enumerate the different actors/ players for the technology ventures to prosper, and • define the roles of the different actors/players in techno ventures

Successful technopreneurship =





Technopreneurship Ecosystem Human

Laws &

Resourc es


Techno Ventures

Environ ment


l Resource s

Technopreneurship Ecosystem Human Resources Component • Research - Thinker, Idea generator, Innovator • Developer - Implementor, technical people • Scanner and marketing people • Financers

Technopreneurship Ecosystem Environment Component • Science parks, Incubation centers • Academic Institutions, R & D Centers • Internet access, Communication • Communication and Other Support Services • Geographic accessibility

Technopreneurship Ecosystem

Laws and Policies • Intellectual Property Rights Office • Technology Licensing Office – facilitates commercialization of inventions • Legal Services

Technopreneurship Ecosystem Financial Component • VC and Investors • Business Sector • Funding Agencies • Financial Services (i. e. Accounting)

Financial Resources


VC, Investors, Business Sector, Funding Agencies

Science Parks, Incubation Centers, Infrastructure, Comm and other Support Services

Technology Venture Human Resources Academe, R & D Centers, technical personnel

Laws and Policies Technology Licensing Office, IPR Office

Academe and Research Institutions 1. Ateneo de Davao University 2. Brokenshire College 3. Cor Jesu College 4. Davao Doctors College 5. Holy Child School of Davao 6. Jose Maria College 7. St. Mary’s College 8. Interface Computer College 9. University of Immaculate Concepcion 10.University of Mindanao 11.University of the Philippines Mindanao 12.University of Southeastern Philippines

Environment Department of Science and Technology Commission on Higher Education PESO Davao City Chambers of Commerce and Industry Science and Technology Park, Bago Oshiro, Tugbok, Davao City Brokenshire Learning Center

Academe (Colleges & Universities)


Funding Agencies Industries, Businesses, LGUs, Private Sectors

Incubation Centers & Science Parks

Framework of Engagement or Collaboration

Why Technopreneurship? (Media File)

Philippine Economy •Population 84 M •Population of working age? –Approx 50% of popn = 16 years old and below •Employment •GNP from large companies > 100 employees •GNP from small companies, < 100 •Number of large companies 5%? •95% are small companies?

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

Economy, Exports ?? Philippine 84M s Thailand 60M






Singapore 4M











Electronics, traditional goods Tourism, food/cars, electronics

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI


Start the Ball Rolling •Innovation –Person gets an idea, active search, by chance, present employment or experience •Triggering Event –Career prospects –Deliberate choice •Implementation •Growth Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

Common Components •Three crucial components for business: – Excellent market opportunity – Superb entrepreneur (and management team) – Resources needed to start the company and make it grow Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

1. Excellent market opportunity Customer Need – “Can you give me the names of prospective customers?” – If you cannot give any names, you only have an idea, not a market. – Would-be entrepreneurs who are unable to name customers are not ready to start a business. They have only found an idea and have

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

1. Excellent market opportunity Timing –Will the idea or window of opportunity look brief, it could just be a fad? –If the window is brief, the entrepreneur will rush to open the business, usually with inadequate planning. –Can lead to costly mistakes.

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

2. The Technopreneur and the Management Team •Even with the right opportunity, the business will be successful if led by a person with strong entrepreneurial and management skills. – Entrepreneurs should have experience in the same industry or a similar one. Cannot go on OJT at the same time. – Ideal entrepreneur is one who has been a successful entrepreneur in the same industry – Have management experience, preferably with responsibility for budgets, profit and loss, sales. Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

3. Resources •Entrepreneural frugality means: –Low overhead –High productivity –Minimal ownership of capital assets

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

Source s of seed capital

Personal savings Bank loans Family Employees/partners Friends Venture Capital Mortgaged property Gov’t guaranteed loan


78.5% 14.4 12.9 12.4 9 6.3 4.0 1.1 3.3

Source: M.Barcelon, UPATBI

The 9 Fs • Founders – first class entrepreneur • Focused – focus on niche markets, specialize • Fast – decision making, implementation • Flexible – open mind, respond to change • Forever innovating • Flat - organizations • Frugal – low overhead, productivity high • Friendly – to their customers, suppliers, workers • Fun – to be associated with Source:an M.Barcelon, UPATBI

Thank you!

(c) 2006 UP Ayala TBI

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