Modern China

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 889
  • Pages: 18
Imperial Dynasties and Modern China Abis, Naomi Bahala, Aubrey Baloloy, Hera Llanto, Kim Magculang, Menandro 2Pol

Imp erial Dy nas tie s SUI DYNASTY (AD 589-618) • It augmented the walls along northern matches • It develop a series of canals to connect with the Yangtze valley T’ANG DYNASTY (AD 619-907) • Li s hih- min - creator and greatest figure of T’ang ; the second emperor • Capital is at Chang ’an • China became the largest and most populous city in the world. • Ming Huang - emperor that gave the dynasty its splendor and power. • Yang Kue i-fe i - the reason for Ming and the dynasty’s end.

Imp erial Dy nas tie s *Features of China under the T’ang Dynasty 2) the empire attained an even greater area than it had under the Han. 3) with its vast expansion, it led native Chinese have contacts with other people and culture 4) revival of Confucianism 5) appearance of some of the greatest Chinese poetry. 6) some of China’s greatest paintings was produced. 7) development of printing. SUNG DYNASTY (AD 960-1279) • Founded by the emperor Tai Zu • formed a distinct epoch in China’s history and culture • The aliens Khitan and Juchen forced Sung to moved from north to south and later called as the Southern Sung. • time for the reinterpretation of Confucianism.

Imp erial Dy nas tie s YUAN DYNASTY (AD 1279-1368) • Mongol conquest constituted an interruption in the development of China’s culture. • Under the Mongols, China became a part of the largest land empire. • Khub ilai and his successors are regarded as Chinese emperor and formed a dynasty. MING DYNASTY (AD 1368-1644) • Ming - founder of the dynasty • They build the Nan king “the southern capital” • The grand canal connecting the north with the Yangtze valley was improved. • Coast of china suffered from repeated raids by the Japanese.

Imp erial Dy nas tie s MANCHU DYNASTY • Tunguisic people • They took Mukden from Ming and made it their capital. • Manchus extanded their domains through rebellions. • K’ ang His and Ch’ ie n lu ng are two great emperors of Manchu.

Nation ali st Repu blic • Reform paved way for a more radical political transformation • Revolutionary and nationalistic uprisings gained support SUN YAT-SEN - elected provisional president of the Chinese Republic - father of Chinese Republic YUAN SHIKAI -succeeded Sun Yat-Sen -only statesman powerful enough to combat foreign aggression MAY FOURTH MOVEMENT (1917-1921) - Revolution in Chinese thought and culture - Results: int ensi fi ed nati ona lism & str uggle ag ai nst imp eri alism Enhance d kn owledg e of Weste rn liberal ide as Spr eading atta ck on the ol d Confu cian hi era rchi cal soc ial or der Lit erary renaissa nce tha t cre at ed a new wri tin g styl e

Nation ali st Repu blic • Russian Communists – supported the Nationalist party KUO MINTAN G (KMT) • April 1927 – bloody end between the alliance of convenience between Communists and Nationalists • CHIANG KAI-SHEK - military advisor of Sun and the architect of massacre in Shanghai - Led the Northern Expedition to get rid of warlords in China

Comin g of th e Wes t • Early Contacts with the West -trade and religion • Modern universities • Education Abroad

• Women’s Right

• China in WWI

Co mm unist Chin a Communist Party of China (CPC) / Chinese Communist Party (CCP) founding and ruling political party of the People's Republic of China supreme political authority in China is guaranteed by China's constitution Mao Zedong fled to Taiwan declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949 People's Republic of China (PRC) "Mainland China" is often used to denote the areas under PRC rule Communist Party of China (CPC) has led the PRC under a single-party system

Communist China Central Committee of the Communist Party of China formerly as Central Executive Committee highest authority within the Communist Party of China elected by the Party National Congresses Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference a political advisory body in the People's Republic of China consists of both Party members and non-Party members, who discuss Chinese communism's principles National Congress of the Communist Party of China the highest body within the Communist Party of China a party congress that is held about once every five years

Commu nist Chin a The Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China a committee whose membership varies between 5 and 9 people, usually men, and includes the top leadership of the Communist Party of China as the de facto highest decision-making body in China Politburo of the Communist Party of China a group of 19 to 25 people who oversee the Communist Party of China Secretariat of the Communist Party of China Central Committee is the permanent bureaucracy of the Communist Party of China forms a parallel structure to state organizations in the People's Republic of China

Referen ces • A Short history of the Far East (Kennette Latourette) • A History of China ( J.A.G. Roberts) • Confucianism and Chinese civilization (F. Wright) • Grolier Family Encyclopedia • Wikipedia • A History of the World (Marvin Perry)

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