Modern Arabic Information Retrieval System (MAIRS)boumedyen shannaq nizwa university Ooan Much of the research and development in information retrieval is aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval. The MAIRS understand for Modern Arabic Information Retrieval System is proposed to improve search for Arabic documents for different areas. The most important advantage of CAMIRS is that; Allow the user to recognize new patterns and make new connections from the retrieved results. They allow the user to interact with contents, rather than just accepting whatever query results returned by search engines, give us all of the relevant information available on our topic , give us only information that is relevant to out research and the information ordered in some meaningful way , so that we see the most relevant results first. Various procedures were implemented to analyze associations among terms, concepts, and documents through their cooccurrence relationships. Visual interfaces are created to let the user explore these relationships and make practical use of them in retrieval