Modern America, And Its Problems

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  • Words: 1,878
  • Pages: 3
We live in a country in which we are being taught that means justify the ends. The ending will be the same, it just so happens to be that have a false perception of free will, and believe that we can alter the course of history by choosing differently. We have gotten to a point wherein we have a government that is becoming increasingly bureaucratic, and authoritarian. At first, our reasoning was war, but once that war was over, we switched to communism. But once the threat of communism collapsed, we were forced into a position in which the enemy were terrorists within the country. These terrorists were the militia movement. But it was impossible to place a ban on firearms until a deranged, child molesting cult appeared, and was producing assault weapons to attack the American Way of Life. This was Waco. And the news developed a situation in which you were either a good, average American who believed these people who used their First and Second Amendments were mentally deranged, or you were an evil supporter of the militias; an enemy to the peace-loving American Peoples. Thus, there was little protest against the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. And to further silence the outcry from those who sympathized with this “cult”, a Waco Sympathizer detonated a truck bomb outside a building, which contained both government, and civilian employees, as well as containing a daycare. Photos of a fireman carrying the charred corpse of a toddler that was thrown from the building were plastered on the front pages of newspapers across our Glorious Nation, showing the complete ruthless killing of innocent American Citizens by their own people. The government then proceeded to, with the obedient consent of outraged citizens, arrest individuals who it deemed a threat to American Society. Once that plan began to fail, since people began to understand that movements cannot go on for long in a nation without outside help, an international group of evil terrorists rose up, and at first bombed government structures and employees, but then, an attack upon this nation occurred that United our great nation. It was an attack on the Peoples, and the State. On September Eleventh, Two Thousand and One, our protests against further security measures were eliminated as an outrageous crime against America happened. Nearly Three Thousand Americans died. Aside from the three planes that reached their targets, there was the courageous story of the Americans who are now martyrs in public opinion; the men and women that rose up against the terrorists on United Flight 93, and died, saving perhaps a few thousand more deaths. What followed were the PATRIOT Act, the invasion of Afghanistan, and, of course, Iraq. Nearly every American citizen adopted a siege mentality. The Perpetual war against the enemies of America, and FREEDOM, was once again continued against an enemy that could only be truly recognized by the government itself, but was against ALL Americans. By giving the government the power to say who is a terrorist, or an enemy to freedom, we indeed gave the government unlimited power to eliminate those who they view as radicals, and dangers to the American way of life. Plus, with a siege mentality, the government is no longer the target of blame for failures, because now we wage a war upon intoxicants, and upon those who are not in support of Freedom. And what exactly is freedom? Freedom of Choice? No. Freedom of individuality? Of course not. Freedom, and what is, according to the government and media, “The American Way of Life”, is nothing more that Freedom from Choice. Freedom from responsibility. Freedom from diversity. It is so much harder to make decisions if there is a democratic process to slow things down. So lets get rid of democracy. It is so much harder to have power if the People, and the States have power, so let us eliminate the Powers of the People, and of the States. Who is an enemy to the American People? To the government, anyone against them is against the Peoples of America. Under Bush, our reason for proceeding down the road to Authoritarianism was similar to the path of Hitler: There were Terrorists who must be stopped. Under Obama, our reason for proceeding down the road to Totalitarianism is similar to the path of Mussolini: Out with the Old, and in with the progressive New. Now, we must give up freedom to win the fight to have freedom. And of course, this may not make sense in private, but when in a group of individuals, it is quite simple to swallow this as fact, as legitimate reasoning. As Logic, and as pure Truth. The government also has a tendency to utilize names for policies, and actions that have questionable purposes, that if one does not support, will be seen as crazy. If you did not

support the Patriot Act, you are thus against the idea of patriotism. It is similar to how Mao called the failed plan for industrializing China “The Great-Leap Forward,” in which all who oppose were obviously against the idea of progress, and change. The government chooses these names to illicit criticism against those who oppose the policies and actions. If the media states that someone is against these policies, they will receive harassment in all walks of life from the citizens that do support these actions, and generally any person who relies on the mainstream media as their only source for information. That is because, if most people agree with it, then it is obviously truth in the eyes of America. In addition to that, the government does indeed listen to the people. If the people do not like it, then the government, according to the media, does something about it. People did not like the war in Iraq, since United States soldiers were dying from bombs and guns. Now, it is called the Conflict in the Middle east, and now, more soldiers have been dying from faulty electrical wiring, and non-combat related injuries. This is because there is the continued illusion of the people's being in control of their lands. In reality, you continue this illusion by teaching that we are not individuals, but instead, we are a peoples. The People, instead of controlling the State, and Leaders, are now depicted as synonymous with the State and Leader. Now, the People=The State=The Leader. An attack upon the leader is an attack upon the other two groups. Criticism of the Leader is criticism of the people. And we cannot have criticism, can we? Now, no one wishes to criticize the government. This is because we have a government that utilizes a tactic first used by Julius Cesar to take the Roman people's focus off of politics. “Bread and Circuses.” Now, we have entertainment, fast food, commercials, a growing market of magazines and programs less focused upon politics, and things of relative importance, but now we focus on Popular culture, the Arts, and every once in a while, the horrible atrocities terrorists committed in some desolate corner of the Earth. It is more important to text message your vote for American Idol than it is to vote in local elections. Instead of focusing on issues of any legitimate importance, elections are now really only held between two candidates, one of which is insanely popular, whilst the other has many traits the American people's deem unfavorable. But, like most elections in third world totalitarian countries, the election is always about 51% in support of the one popular candidate, and somewhere around 49% support for the candidate with the least favorable traits. It was a close vote, which, of course, must mean that there is some form of free elections going on within that country, right? The media will tell the people what they want to hear, so that everyone who doesn't agree becomes a bigot, a racist, a schizophrenic, a terrorist, a religious extremist, a criminal, and generally the degenerates of society, so that the rest of the country can have reason to discriminate against those who are not the majority. But anyone can become this minority, but once you have been labeled such, you have absolutely no credibility in the eyes of the rest of the Glorious Nation. I am, according to the media, an evil little conspirator, who should be put on every watch list possible, due to dissent. I am mentally deranged, and delusional. Indeed, since I do share the views of my brothers in this nation, I may be delusional. But a delusional individual accepting that they are delusional means that since they suffer from delusions, but agree with society in itself, then the delusional man is either lying, or society in itself is delusional. When confronted with this, Society will always choose the former over the latter. So who is it that is telling the truth? If we are told it is the truth, and learn it as being the truth, then it is truth. End of story. And even then, one can utilize all possible arguments against them to help them. That is why the King James bible justifies the right of rulers over the people as being divine, meaning that the leaders of countries are divine in some way, shape, or form. God is not the god, but is instead part of the state. And since the State is the Leader, then the leader is greater, if not equal to God itself. And since the People are the State, which is the Leader, then the People are godlike. That is our justification for our actions. All others in this world are the forces of evil, the followers of the great Satan; the scourge of American Society, and scum of the universe. And god must be one being. All standardized. All one body that is the Organic State. And if a problem

arises, then the body goes in, and fixes the problem, whether it be an internal problem (which cannot happen), or an external problem. But, in the end, we are led to believe that we shall succeed. That is what history has shown us, and that is what the media is saying, is it not? All of our problems are nothing but cancer: The result of some evil substance, or radical cell that is disintegrating the body piece by piece. But it is not a malevolent cancer. It is a cancer that is destroying an unhealthy body. Is that not what is expected from cancer; to only occur in an area that has the injuries for cancer to develop? This cancer, as the government wishes you to view it, is the result of some outside evil. But can it not sometimes be the result of internal problems, imbalances, and, sometimes, even the work of some greater being in of itself? Of death, comes new life. Healthy, energetic, and most importantly, natural life. So is it natural for organisms to become meat machines? Or is it natural for Organisms to live as beings of flesh, and blood? Of emotion, and of feeling? And Most importantly, is it important for an Organism to be independent, and free to pursue that which makes life worth living, or become a Stimulus-Response, Input-Out Machine?

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