Models For Computation: Part 0

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  • Pages: 14


of Computation:

Automata and Formal Languages Sam Myo Kim Kee Young Yoo Kyungpook National University

Preface This book is designed as an introductory course on automata and formal languages for the second or third year of an undergraduate computer science or computer engineering curriculum. Departments often shy away from courses in this area because of the misunderstanding that such theoretical disciplines end up being mere theory with no tangible applications. The advancement of Internet and multimedia computing has made computer science more vocational and application oriented. Interestingly, however, such advancement also brings these theoretical topics closer to the practical realm because they provide efficient conceptual tools and foster the ability to use them for applications. When we say “Tom has a good eye for people,” it means that Tom has the ability to identify important characteristics of a person that might influence his or her relationship with others. Tom can abstract away superficial details such as the person’s clothes, make-up, weight etc., while attending carefully to kindness, patience, leadership, or other attributes, that are important (and would remain unchanged) for the personal relationship. Tom’s talent is in the capability to abstract and thereby focus on important personal characteristics of the persons he meets. Our scientific and engineering perspective on computers and computation can be nurtured by studying the concepts and principles of computing. Today, computer science is so diversified that the use of computers involves a large number of specific details that are constantly evolving. However, under this “bush” of details, there are fundamental concepts and principles that do not change. To study these principles and concepts, we construct abstract models that embody the important features of computing and computer systems. Such models are powerful conceptual tools that practitioners use in computer engineering. Automata are the models for computers, and formal languages are the models for programming languages. In this book we will learn how to build, manipulate, and use them. We will also learn the relationships among different models. We will start our discussion with the definition of formal languages and their grammars and other models for language representation. Then our topic will switch to automata, i.e., the machine models for language recognition. Finally, we will discuss the relationship between the languages and the automata. This last part of the subject presents the beautifully hierarchical classification of various models, the Chomsky Hierarchy (named after Noam Chomsky, who first designed the formal languages).



Models of Language Generation and Recognition



The knowledge that we will learn in this course has so permeated other areas of computer science (and even other disciplines) that virtually all of it has practical application. The following page shows just a few application examples that you can easily find in other CS text books on your bookshelf. In the near future, you will be dealing with string searching and pattern matching on the Internet, and you will be reminded of the finite state automata and regular expressions that you will learn in this course. To design a new programming language that can be used in a small embedded system, you would review the topics for the formal languages. Most importantly, you would be using the ability, which you might have nurtured while studying the subject, to reason and express precisely in dealing with the problems in your profession. Theory is the product of abstraction, the process of conceptualization of important features that are common to a wide range of special topics. Automata are the abstract models for computers that embody the essential features for computing. Thus it is not surprising to see that automata theory is applicable to solving many problems that we encounter while dealing with real computers. So it is with the formal languages as well. We will learn that programming languages, such as C++, HTML, XML, etc., are formal languages. While the most of the material of this book is consistent with the usual content of an introductory course for automata and formal languages, the novelty of the book is in its unique way of presentation. In a course for automata and formal languages, it has been traditional to study the material bottom-up. Usually it starts with the lowest level models, finite automata and regular languages, and moves up to the higher level. The contents of this book are organized the other way around. It begins with a quick introduction to the higher level models; the Turing machines in the topic for automata, and their languages in the topic for formal languages. Then it moves down to the models in the lower level; context-sensitive languages (linear bounded automata), contextfree languages (pushdown automata) and regular languages (finite automata) for the language models (respective, for the machine models). In this layout, the lower level models are presented as restricted ones in the upper level. This approach helps the reader see more clearly the whole picture of the computational models and their relationships.



Application examples block

Running 0,1/ 0


1,2 / 1 0/1 Y

X 0

timer run out

2 Ready




(a) Digital system: state diagram of a relay

(b) Operating systems : process state transition

c c not (c or u)






[cu] not (c or p) p any not(c)


(c) Web browsing: pattern matching for “cup”

if expr E1

then if

stmt expr



else stmt




(d) Compiler: constructing a parse tree


To help the reader fully grasp important concepts, at the end of each chapter they are brought up again under the title of “rumination” with more examples and illustrations. The manuscript carries six appendices containing some challenging material that is too heavy to present in the main chapters. The book is written in the PowerPoint form, with its wealth of figures, often animated, that would help the reader understand the topics more easily. To deliver the subject with this manuscript as a text, the instructor need not develop class presentation material. For the convenience of class presentation, whenever a figure or a formula is needed to refer, a copy of it is presented in the current slide instead. Texts for a theory course under the title of automata and formal languages usually include the topics on the computational complexity and unsolvable problems. I have not included these topics because they are too advanced to study in a course intended for the students in the second or third year of their undergraduate computer science curriculum. I usually teach Chapters 1 through 14 in one-semester course for students in their second year. Other options are possible; for example, (a) Chapters 1 through 10, and 14, or (b) Chapters 1 through 12 and 14. For an upper or graduate level course, the full text could be covered in depth.

Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following people: Professor Oscar Ibarra who had taught Sam, the first author, and nurtured his knowledge in the field, Professor Robert McNaughton who helped him to grow it to its maturity. We thank Professor Mukkai Krishnamoorthy who reviewed the early version of the material and suggested interesting exercise problems. We also extend thanks to all former students (of CS Departments of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and CE Department of Kyungpook National University) who gave valuable criticism while taking the course with an early draft. The book is still far from perfect. Any remaining inadequacies are the responsibility of the authors. Please send any feedback to [email protected] S. M. Kim K. Y. Yoo Kyungpook National University Daegu, Korea December, 2009


Contents Chapter 1 Preliminaries 1 1.1 Notation 2 Symbols, Strings, Composite symbols Sets and set operations 1.2 Propositions and logical connectives 6 1.3 Proof techniques 10 Proof by contrapositive, Proof by cases, Proof by contradiction Proof by example, Proof by generalization Proof by induction, Proof by pigeonhole principle Proof by counting, Diagonalization technique Rumination 22 Exercises 26 Chapter 2 Formal Languages and Grammars 30 2.1 Languages 31 2.2 Deriving a Language with rewriting rules: Examples 33 2.3 Definitions: Formal languages and grammars 48 Type 0 (phrase structured) grammars Type 1 (context-sensitive) grammars Type 2 (context-free) grammars Type 3 (regular) grammars 2.4 Grammars and their languages: Examples 53 Rumination 55 Exercises 58


Contents Chapter 3 Other Models for Language Representation 61 3.1 L-systems 62 Definitions and examples Application 3.2 Syntax flow graph 67 Definition and examples 3.3 Regular Expressions 70 Definition and examples Algebraic properties of regular expressions Rumination 74 Exercises 75 Chapter 4 Automata 78 4.1 Deterministic Turing machines (DTM) 80 Design example State transition graph, State transition table, State transition function Formal definition 4.2 DLBA (Deterministic Linear Bounded Automata) 98 Definition and Design example 4.3 DPDA (Deterministic Pushdown Automata) 100 Definition Design example 4.4 DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) 111 Definition Design example Rumination 114 Exercises 120


Contents Chapter 5 Nondeterministic Automata 124 5.1 NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automata) 126 Definition and examples 5.2 NPDA (Nondeterministic Pushdown Automata) 132 Definition and examples 5.3 NTM (Nondeterministic Turing Machines) and NLBA (Nondeterministic Linear Bounded Automata) 139 5.4 Nondeterministic Computing 140 Nondeterministic computing Example 5.5 NFA and -transitions 145 -transitions in an FA Eliminating -transitions Rumination 154 Exercises 156 Chapter 6 Variations of Automata 160 6.1 Transducers: automata with output 161 Mealy automata, Moore automata 6.2 Variations of TM and LBA 162 Multi-track TM, Multi-tape TM, 2D-tape TM 6.3 Variations of PDA 168 2-way PDA, Multi-stack PDA PDA accepting with empty stack 6.4 Variations of FA 176 2-way FA, 2D-tape FA, Multi-head FA, FA array: cellular automata, Hidden Markov models (HMM) 6.5 Church’s hypothesis 181 Exercises 182


Contents Chapter 7 Hierarchy of the Models: Characterization 185 7.1 Chomsky Hierarchy 187 7.2 Proof of Characterization 191 Constructing an FA from a regular grammar G that recognizes L(G). Constructing a regular grammar from an FA M that produces L(M). Constructing an FA from a regular expression R that recognizes L(R). Constructing a regular expression from an FA M that expresses L(M). Rumination 215 Exercises 216

Chapter 8 Manipulating FA 218 8.1 Converting an NFA to DFA 221 8.2 State Minimization 224 Rumination 231 Exercises 236 Chapter 9 Properties of Formal Languages 239 9.1 Properties of regular languages 240 Union, Concatenation, Kleene star, Reverse, Complement, Intersection, Set subtraction 9.2 Properties of context-free languages 245 Union, Concatenation, Kleene star, Reverse, Complement Rumination 248 Exercises 251



Chapter 10 Manipulating Context-free Grammars 253 10.1 Reducing -production rules 254 Algorithm and example 10.2 Eliminating unit production rules 262 Algorithm and example 10.3 Eliminating useless symbols 266 Algorithm and example 10.4 Normal forms of CFG’s 277 Chomsky normal form (CNF) Greibach normal form (GNF) Exercises 285

Chapter 11 Ambiguity of Context-free Grammars 288 11.1 Parse tree 290 11.2 Parse Tree and Ambiguity 293 11.3 Eliminating Ambiguity of an ambiguous CFG 295 Using parenthesis, Fixing the order of rule applications Eliminating redundant rules Setting up precedence and associativity Rumination 305 Exercises 306


Contents Chapter 12 Hierarchy of the Models: Proper Containment 309 12.1 Relationship of the language classes: proper containment 312 12.2 The pumping lemma 316 The pumping lemma and proof 12.3 Applications of the pumping lemma 323 Examples 12.4 The pumping lemma for context-free languages 328 12.5 Application of the pumping lemma for context-free languages 331 12.6 Ogden’s lemma 336 The lemma and an application 12.7 A proof of the pumping lemma for context-free languages 339 Rumination 346 Exercises 350 Chapter 13 Parsing 352 13.1 Derivation 354 Leftmost derivation, Rightmost-derivation Derivations and parse trees 13.2 LL(k) parsing strategy 357 13.3 Designing an LL(k) parser 367 Examples Definition of LL(k) grammars 13.4 LR(k) parsing strategy 379 13.5 Designing LR(k) parsers 387 Examples Definition of LR(k) grammars 13.6 Lex and YACC 404 Rumination 409 Exercises 412


Contents Chapter 14 Web Programming and Bioinformatics 414 14.1 Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) 415 14.2 Document Type Definition (DTD) and XML 418 14.3 Genetic code and grammar 425 Chapter 15 Hierarchy of the Models: Final Proof 436 15.1 Languages that TM’s cannot recognize 437 Enumeration Enumerating TM’s 15.2 Universal TM 448 15.3 Enumerable Languages 450 15.4 Recursive Languages 459 15.5 Proof of characterizations 471 Type 0 grammar and TM CSG and LBA CFG and PDA Rumination 506 Exercises 507 Appendix A. Pascal Syntax Flow Graph 508 B. Converting 2-way FA to 1-way FA 515 C. Computing Regular Expression for the Language Recognized by an FA 532 D. Properties of Deterministic Context-free Languages 542 E. A CFL Satisfying the Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages 564 F. CYK Algorithm for the Membership Test for context-free languages 569 References


Index 577


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