
  • April 2020
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  • Words: 685
  • Pages: 2

WORKSHEET Modal verbs))))

modal can


may Might

must Ought to Should

example They can control their own budgets. We can’t fix it? Can I smoke here? Can help me? Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you say it again more slowly? We could try to fix it ourselves. May I have another cup of coffee? China may become a major economic power We’d better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now. They might give us a 10% discount. We must say good-bye now. You mustn’t go out. We ought to employ a professional writer. We should sort out this problem at once. I think you should check your account.

Uses Ability/possibility Inability/impossibility Asking for permission request Asking for permission Request Suggestion Asking for permission Future possibility Present possibility Future possibility. Necessity\obligation Prohibition Saying what’s right or correct. Saying what’s right or correct Recommending action.

Practice: Ex. 1. fill in the gaps. More than variant is possible. 1 George has travelled a lot. He _________ speak many languages. 2 I can hear you quite well. You _______________not shout. 3 I´m not sure where I go for my holidays but I ______________ go to Italy. 4 She _______________ride her bike at night without lights. It's forbidden. 5 She________________ not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure. 6 I ______________ understand him. 7 It's later than I thought. I _________________ go now. 8 You ___________ a better trainer if you want to become good. 9 Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she _____________help you. 10 You _________________ not hoover the carpets, Carol has already done it. 11 You _______________be tired because you have worked very hard. 12 He ____________________come to my party because he is ill. 13 He ______________ go to the dentist when he has toothache. 14 It's not very important. You ________ not do it now. You __________ do it tomorrow. 15 ___________ you speak many languages?


16 I don't know what I'm doing this weekend but I ____________ go to London. 17 Smoking is very unhealthy. You ___________ stop it. 18 You have got plenty of time. You ________ not hurry.

Ex. 2. fill in. more than one variant is possible. 1 He _________ go skating because he broke his leg. 2 Many children in Britain _____________ wear school uniforms. 3 I'm not sure but Jane ___________________ come to see me this afternoon. 4 Didn´t you see the sign? You ______________drive more than 30 miles. 5 He speaks a lot of languages but he ___________________ speak Chinese. 6 It _______________ snow. It looks like it. 7 You _________ drive on the right in Britain. 8 He is a good boxer. You___________ be careful. 9 This test will be very difficult. So you ____________ learn a lot. 10 You _______________ eat more vegetables because they are healthy. 11 It`s going to rain. You ____________shut the window. 12 You _______________light a fire in the forest.

Ex. 3. translate sentences into English 1. Мій стоматолог говорить, що я повинна припинити їсти солодощі. ___________________________________________________________ 2. Чи не міг би ти зробити тихіше музику? У мене дуже болить голова. ___________________________________________________________ 3. Тобі не можна палити. Це шкодить дитині. ___________________________________________________________ 4. Мені потрібно сходити за покупками сьогодні. В мене не лишилось ані мила, ні геля для душу. (neither …nor) ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Хоча йому лише 5. Він може плавати без допомоги. ______________________________________________________________________ 6. Я мушу сходити до перукаря. Я жахливо виглядаю. ____________________________________________________________________

Ex. 4. Use modal verbs where possible. If a modal verb can't be used with a certain tense, use its substitute. 1) You (must)______________ get up early tomorrow. 2) You (not / need) __________ call a baby sitter. 3) We (may) ______________ watch the film tonight. 4) He (not / can) _________________ see me yesterday. 5) She (must) ______________ stay at school yesterday afternoon. 6) (may / you) _______________ go to the disco yesterday? 7) He (not / must)________________ sleep now. 8) You (not / need)_________________ answer. 9) He (ought to) _______________ give evidence at the court yesterday. 10) Since he bought the new car he (not / can)______________ sleep.

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