Mobile Ip: Under The Guidance Of Mr. N. Srinivasu

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  • Words: 856
  • Pages: 17
National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

MOBILE IP Under the guidance of Mr. N. Srinivasu (Lecturer Of Electronics & Communication)

Jiten Mishra

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)

By EC200117327


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Features of IPv6 128 bit address. Address Auto configuration

• •

An IPv6 node configurs it address automatically by using the router advertisements and it’s interface id.

Extension Headers –

Routing header •

For route optimization

Destination Options header •

For mobile node originated datagrams

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Mobile IPv6 Terminology Mobile Node The node which moves between the networks.

Home Agent The node in the Home network which knows the information(like current location...etc) about the mobile node’s, which belongs to that network.

Correspondent Node Any node which contacts the Mobile node.

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Mobile IPv6 Terminology (Continued) Home Address Address of the Mobile Node in the Home Network

Care-of Address Addess of the Mobile Node in the Foreign network

Home Link The link on which a mobile node's home subnet prefix is defined. Standard IP routing mechanisms will deliver packets destined for a mobile node's home address to its home link. Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Foreign Link Any link other than the mobile node's home link.

Binding The association of the home address of amobile node with a care-of address for that mobile node.

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Mobile IPv6 Operation • Mobile IPv6 operation can be divided in to 3 parts  Discovering the care-of address  Registering the care-of address  Tunneling to the care-of address

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Mobile IPv6 Operation (cont...) •

Discovering the care-of address A Mobile Node(MN) performs address autoconfiguration to get its care-of address

Resistsering the care-of address 1. The MN registers its care-of address with its home agent by sending a Binding Update request to it’s Home Agent (HA) 2. HA sedns a Binding Acknowledgement to the corresponding mobile node.

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


Mobile IPv6 basic operation Correspondent Node <-> Home Agent

Mobile Node n tio op ng uti Ro

National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Route optimization

PI ut n n le

Bidirectional tunnelling

Mobile Node

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Mobile IPv6 address updates • Mobile Node needs to update the Home Agent on it’s current location – Binding Update message – The Home Agent keeps this binding for future use Home Agent

Mobile Node

Binding Update Ack Mobile Node

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Triangle Routing

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Route Optimization • MN may bind BU in pkts to CN, allowing CN to directly send pkts to MN – CN receive a pkt with BU in it, then update its Binding Cache – Just like any IPv6 node, every time it attempt to sent pkts, it check its Binding Cache: • If there is an entry with CoA of the destination, use the CoA • Otherwise, use the origin address

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Route Optimization

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Movement Detection – While away from home, an MN selects one router and one subnet prefix advertised by that router to use as the subnet prefix in its primary care-of address – To wait for the periodically sent Router Advertisements

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Dynamic Home Agent Address Discovery It is possible that when the mobile node needs to send a Binding Update to its home agent to register its new primary care-of address, the mobile node may not know the address of any router on its home link that can serve as a home agent for it. ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Request message ICMP Home Agent Address Discovery Reply message

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP • Larger Preference value indicate higher availability of the home agent

(1)Binding Update to Home-Agents anycast address (2)Binding Acknowledgement including the Home Agents List; Mobile Node rejects the registration request Home Agent 1

Home Agent 2


Link B




Router 路由器


Link C


Home Link Link A




Home Agents List Home Agent 3 Home Agent 3 Home Agent 1 Home Agent 2

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)

Preference Value 9 2 Correspondent Node -3 電腦


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP

Conclusions • Mobile IPv6 is – An efficient protocol for handling mobility with IPv6 – To minimize the control traffic needed to effect mobility

Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


National Institute Of Science & Technology

Mobile IP


Jiten Mishra (EC200117327)


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