Moac Virtual Lab Faq Instructor

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 765
  • Pages: 3
What is the MOAC Virtual Lab? ➢ The MOAC Virtual Lab is an online computer environment within which students perform lab exercises using actual Microsoft software.

How does it work? ➢ Students access the Virtual Lab with a unique access code that is bundled with their MOAC Virtual Lab textbook package. ➢ Students are presented with scenarios, lab objectives, and exercise information that prepare them for their lab work. ➢ Students launch the lab, presenting them with a desktop in which to perform their work and a lab interface that contains the directions for each exercise to be performed. ➢ Students perform the labs exactly as if they were working in a physical network lab environment. They can choose to work through the exercises with a minimal amount of instruction, or to display brief or detailed exercise steps that walk them through the task at hand. ➢ Students’ progress and skills can be assessed in several ways: ○ Contextual lab questions determine whether students have performed the tasks correctly ○ End-of-lab review questions require students to explain the outcomes of their hands-on work ○ Lab screens can be captured with a unique identifier for each student

Who developed MOAC Virtual Labs? ➢ The MOAC Virtual Labs are a product of Wiley’s official partnership with Microsoft. ➢ The content comes straight from the MOAC Lab Manuals.

Does Virtual Lab require any proprietary software? ➢ No. It is an online system designed to be used from any computer with an Internet connection. ➢ The computer requirements are a Pentium II processor, 256 MB RAM, a 56 Kbps per student Internet connection (well below broadband), and Internet Explorer version 6 or later. ➢ No hardware is needed by the professor.

What are the benefits of Virtual Labs? ➢ Students gain real-world experience ○ They work in real software – not a simulation ○ They can practice at school, at home – anywhere there is an Internet-connected computer ○ They perform tasks that occur in everyday IT work ○ They work in the same environment as performance-based certification exams – an exclusive benefit of the MOAC program ➢ Instructors don’t set up Virtual Labs ○ No lab setup or maintenance MOAC Virtual Labs FAQ

○ Virtual Labs run real software on hosted servers ○ Labs can be done in class or as homework ➢ Institutions can grow their networking program ○ Schools save money spent on lab hardware and software ○ Labs can now be done online ○ Distance-learning courses are enabled

What support is available for instructors and students? ➢ Microsoft provides technical support for the MOAC Virtual Labs for users who call or e-mail about the MOAC Virtual Labs. ➢ Wiley Technical Support provides support for content issues and for proper escalation within Microsoft. ➢ Instructors and students can find supporting materials on their Book Companion Sites available via

How do the MOAC Virtual Labs compare with the IT Academy labs? ➢ MOAC Virtual Labs are not a part of the IT Academy eLearning Labs package. ➢ MOAC Virtual Labs are different courses than the Microsoft e-learning courses available through the IT Academy. MOAC Virtual Labs come directly from the printed lab manuals packaged with the textbooks, and are designed for quarter/semester-length classes that map directly to certification exams. Microsoft e-learning courses focus on a narrower set of topics, with shorter durations. ➢ MOAC Virtual Labs are delivered through the same technology and interface as the Microsoft IT Academy e-learning courses.

How much does it cost? ➢ MOAC Virtual Labs are an additional $31.00 net on top of the standard $91.50 textbook/lab manual package, for a total net price of $122.50. ➢ Similar packages from Course Technology are net priced $153 (LabSim) and $168 (Web-Based Labs).

Who Should Consider MOAC Virtual Labs? ➢ Any school offering Windows Server 2008 , Windows Vista, SQL Server 2005, or Exchange Server 2007 ➢ Schools migrating from Server 2003 and Windows XP ➢ Schools targeting remote students with t online courses and programs

Does Virtual Lab have a grade book? ➢ No. Students can submit their lab answers in simple Word documents to instructors for grading. ➢ Students can submit screen captures of labs which include a unique identifier as proof of completion for labs and exercises. ➢ Students’ progress is recorded in the My Transcript page, which students can email to their instructors. MOAC Virtual Labs FAQ

➢ Extended assessment and grading is being planned for the next revision to the MOAC Virtual Labs.

Who should I contact with questions? ➢ [email protected] or call 1-888-764-7001

MOAC Virtual Labs FAQ

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