Mixed Use-commercial Center

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,580
  • Pages: 7

Commercial center is the center in which economic, social, cultural and administrative services of the town are concentrated. It is a complex of retail store and related facilities planned as a unified group that offers goods and services for profit and the performance of various financial and office function. Buffer is a tree planted zone intended to function as noise barrier/separator of land uses.

Common area is the total area within the commercial center that is not designed for rental to tenants and which is available for common use by all tenants. Example: parking, sidewalks, public toilets, etc.

Gross saleable Area is the total area designed for tenants’ occupancy and exclusive use; It is all that area on which tenants pay rent; It is the area producing income.

Parking Space is an area of definite length and width, said area shall be exclusive of drives, aisles or entrances giving access thereto, and shall be fully accessible for the storage or parking of permitted vehicles.

STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES A. Performance Standards 1. Conformity to Land Use Plan/Zoning Ordinance 1.1 All commercial centers shall conform with the approved Land Use Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance of the locality having jurisdiction over the site. 1.2 In areas/regions where Land Use Plans and Zoning Ordinances are not available, there shall be an evaluation of the project location and site as to land suitability and feasibility for commercial center development. 1.3 Commercial centers shall be planned to provide a judicious balance of Land use and good layout to complement and integrate with the larger community. 2. National Building Code 2.1 All structures within the commercial center shall conform to the provisions of the National Building Code. 3. Design Standards 3.1 Site Criteria 3.1.1 Location. Primarily the purpose of commercial center is to offer goods and services to the population. Hence, the location of a commercial center, ideally should be within at least one major traffic area. Situated near or along a major highway means easy access both consumers and distributors of goods. It is also imperative that commercial centers be located near well populated residential area or a potential area for development. Nay proposed commercial center should also be supportive of existing commercial area/s. Planning for expansion should be considered if the commercial is located in a steadily growing area. The carrying capacity of surrounding public roads must be sufficient to absorb additional traffic loads. The site must be large enough for additional building, parking and traffic areas. 1.1.2

Land configuration/terrain. The particular site wherein a commercial center would be located must preferably be in one piece, free of intervening roadways that would force development in separated portions. A site bounded by arterial streets is preferable. The physical characteristics of the land must also



permit advantageous planning and reasonable economical construction. The land must be fairly compact and level. Accessibility. The site must be served by a major road readily accessible by public mass transport system. A secondary access road which could service the site is considered an advantage over a site with only one access. Utilities and Facilities. The availability of utilities must be always considered in choosing a site for a commercial center. It should be within easy reach of required water supply, power and sewage disposal facilities.

3.2 Site Planning 3.2.1 Layout. Layout of the center should effect an efficient circulation within and among the various components of the center; Integration to over-all development in the locality and provision for environmental quality and/or character. 3.2.2 Land Allocation. Land shall be judiciously allocated for the required use and amenities for efficient functioning of the commercial center. 3.2.3 Allowable Uses. The following uses shall be allowed within the commercial center: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Department store Drugstore Supermarket/grocery Restaurant/eatery Hotel/lodging house Sports facilities Theater, museum, art gallery Wholesale or retail stores (specialized such as jewelry shop, florist, wine and liquor, books and magazines, etc.) Amusement center/ Entertainment facilities Banking and financing institutions Postal and Other Communication Services Business offices/Condominium (residential;-commercial) Personal services Appliance center Automotive center Furniture and fixture stores Filling stations Parking/garage Bus terminal Park/playground Memorial chapels Market/food terminal Protective services Public toilet Administrative offices Libraries Utilities (water tanks, power sub-stations, etc) Vocational and special schools Hardware Plant nursery Accessory uses to any of the above allowable uses Other that may be allowed by the commission

The aforementioned allowable uses are geared towards providing variegated activities/facilities which could adequately support a city/town of its needs/requirements

ad at the time provide self-sustenance and diversity through intensity and multiplicity functions/activities in the commercial center. 3.2.4 Common areas. The following common areas shall provided for within the commercial center: • Streets. Adequate and safe means of vehicular and pedestrian circulation, sewerage/drainage and planting strips. • Walks. Paved walks for convenient and safe access to store areas from streets and parking areas and from store area/offices to parks and playgrounds. • Parks and playground. Recreational areas located at strategic places and easily accessible to all either through streets or pedestrian walkways. • Parking. Off-street parking facilities which are of two types: the surface lots and the multi-floor structures (ramp garages and mechanical parking devices) On-street parking is discouraged especially along main circulation routes. Parking must be distributed for convenience to stores having the largest number of customers during peak hours; farthest space should not be more than 100 meters from the store. Provision for parking space for buses and service trucks shall also be taken into consideration. • •

Terminal. Area for bus/jeep terminal shall be provided at strategic locations of the commercial center. Utilities/Services. Area for utilities/equipment such as power substation, water tanks and pumps, public toilet, etc. shall be provided and designated in the plan.

3.2.5 Access Points. The commercial Center shall be served by a public mass transport system by providing loading/unloading areas for service lanes. Service approaches shall be constructed at main entry and exit points to provide safe diversion from and immersion to amin traffic flow. 3.3 Site Alteration/preservation 3.3.1 Clearing and grading. Clearing shall be undertaken to eliminate site obstruction but with care as to cause no damage to adjacent properties and to the existing utilities in the site. 3.3.2 Cut and fill. Depression in the site which might from a collection area for rainwater or be a hazard to circulation or detrimental to pedestrian shall be filled up to an appropriate grade, or designed as an integral part of the park and open space system. Existing ground level should be retained wherever possible. 3.3.3 Preservation of site assets. Suitable trees, shrubs and desirable ground cover shall be preserved. Where a good quality top soil exists in a buildable area, it shall be removed and preserved for finishing grades of yards, playground and parks. 3.3.4 Landscaping. Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used for ground cover shall be of a variety appropriate for its intended use and location. They shall be so planted as to provide screening of undesirable views and mitigation of noise. Spacing of trees depends on their verieties and growing habits should therefore be carefully studied.

3.4 Utilities and Facilities 3.4.1 Water Supply • Specific rules a. Whenever possible, water supply for commercial center shall be connected to an approved public or community water supply system provided such connection would not be prejudicial to the needs of the locality. b. When connection to public or community water supply system is not possible nor practical, a centralized water supply system shall be provided with the following conditions: • The water source shall be, as shown by initial tests conducted, sufficient to meet the commercial water requirements including other services requirements. The water, as shown by initial tests conducted, shall be safe and potable and that no hazard exists in the immediate vicinity that might reduce or pollute the supply/ source as certified by appropriate authority. • An approval from the National Water Resources Council shall be required to operate a well. c. Water Supply line maybe located under sidewalk easement, or under street. Minimum design requirements will locate it at least 3.5 meters from nearest sewer or gas main and above highest sewer or gas main. • Water Requirements a. Average daily demand. Commercial center shall provide water equal to the average use computed to 227 liters per capita (employee) per day. b. Fire protection demand. A fire reserve required by local/district fire department of INP shall be maintained. 3.4.2 Sewerage Disposal System • Specific Rules a. Where available, connection shall be made to an existing approved public sewerage system. b. Where a public sewerage system is not available, a sewer system which meets the standards prescribed by the Commission shall be provided. •

Septic Tanks. The location of a septic tank shall be at the lower point of the site as possible. Its function is to retain the raw sewage out of contact with air until anaerobic bacteria can break down the solids into gases and an effluent liquid.

3.4.3 Drainage system • •

Surface and sub-surface drainage system shall be provided for the proper disposal of storm and sub-surface water. Rain water shall be channeled to street gutters and unto a storm sewer. Storm sewer shall be located at a distance from curb line to centerline of street always at the opposite side of the street from the water line.

3.4.4 Electrical Power supply Communications •

Street Lights. The commercial center shall be provided with street lighting with light poles distances measured at a maximum of 60

meters in between. The height of the street lights for roadway lighting shall be 9.0 meters. • Lamps on walkways. Lamp on Walkways shall be provided with 36.0 meters distance between lamp posts. The height of the lamp on walkways shall be 3.6 meters. • Wiring may be underground or overhead. Underground construction saves on maintenance costs, caused by storm damage and tree trimming expenditures are eliminated. • Where wires have to be overhead, pole lines may either be along streets or on easements rear lot lines. It may be desirable to keep pole lines out of the street since they are usually unsightly and interfere with street trees. • Power Supply requirements. Average daily consumption per establishment is 18 kwh. Line voltage is 230 volt. • The telephone and other wire communication systems including telegraph, fire and traffic signal controls and security alarm are vital to commercial centers such that their installation should be integrated with other utilities for economy and aesthetics. 3.4.5 Refuse Environmental Sanitation •

The commercial center shall have a sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal system. Its operation shall be governed by Sanitation Code and local ordinances.

A close coordination with the local refuse collection and disposal services is necessary. • Incinerators. Incinerators with pollution control devices to dispose contaminated rubbish may be included in the facilities of a commercial center. Table 1. Recommended distances expressed in travel time of commercial center to different functional zones From Commercial Center

To Residential Recreational Educational Center Health facilities Police Station Fire Station Garbage or Disposal area

Travel Time (public transport) 15 to 30 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 10 to 20 minutes 5 minutes 3 to 5 minutes 15 to 20 minutes travel of garbage truck (average of 5 kms.)

B. Design Requirements 1. Size of Commercial Center/Shopping Center a. Commercial Center Minimum size of commercial center shall be 12,890.0 sq.m. to serve a population of 30,000. The land shall be allocated as follows: a.1 Saleable Area a.2 Common areas a.2.1 Park a.2.2 Parking a.2.3 Streets a.2.4 facilities

70 % 30 % 3% 5% Variable Variable

The foregoing land allocation was arrived at by using minimum space standards for selected structures/establishments deemed to be essential in a commercial center. These are the following: 1. Theater (seat capacity 500) 2. Amusement Center 3. Gas Station 4. Commercial Condominium/Business Office 5. Lodging House 6. Memorial homes/Parlor 7. Department Store/supermarket 8. Public Library/Museum gallery 9. Retail Shops 10. Government Offices (branch or extension office) 11. Bus/jeep Terminal 12. Restaurant/eatery 13. market (area of one hectare to be added to 1.289 hectares when included in the commercial center) Existing commercial areas applied for development into commercial centers shall be allowed to reduce the minimum size requirement provided that the reduction is due to the presence of selected structures/establishments enumerated in this section. Provided further that said structures/establishments are within the limits of the proposed commercial center. Allowable reduction shall correspond only to lot area occupied by the existing structures/establishments. All other provisions of this standards and guidelines should be complied with. b. Shopping center Minimum area for a shopping center shall be 3,150 sq.m. Area od a unit/shop shall be 100 sq.m. or 10 m x 10 m. 2.Building Density Building density shall have a proportionate balance to the public open space and shall conform to the zoning ordinance of the locality. 3. Size of Blocks Block measurement shall have a minimum length of 150 meters and a minimum width of 32 meters. 4. Lot Size Lot size shall correspond to the building occupancy requirements of the National Building Code according to type of establishment. 5. Setbacks Setback requirement of building from property/lot lines shall conform to the National Building Code. 6. Parking Area requirement for common parking shall be five percent (5%) of Gross Area; average size of parking space is 12.0 square meter or 2.4 meters x 5 meters (exclusive of driveways). Passenger bus/jeep terminals for 1.289 hectares commercial center shall be 560 sq.m. for at least six vehicles. Requirement for more than 1.289 hectares shall be as prescribed by the commission.

7. Streets a. Specification of Streets Type

Carriage -way (min.) 12.0

Major Road Secondary 9.0 road Service 6.0 Road

5 Grade (max.) 15%

Number of Lanes 4

Width of Sidewalk Planting Pavement Strips 3.0



Total Roghtof-way 17.0

13 %






12 %






b. Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles. Number of streets intersecting at one point should be minimized. c. Dead end streets should not be longer than 100 meters and must be provided at the closed end with a turn-around having an inside roadway diameter of at least 12.0 meters. d. Corner lot should be cut off with a 4 meter chord for streets with right-of-way widths of 12.0 meters and width of 6 meters chord for streets with right-ofway widths of more than 12.0 meters. e. Bus turns-out along major roads shall be provided with a minimum of 3.0 meters width and 70.0 meters length. 8. Pedestrian Walkways/pathways Pathways shall have minimum width of 2.0 meters with maximum tolerable slope of 25% and paved to connect road network and facilities within the center. 9. Parks Parks and other recreational spaces shall be 3% of the total land area properly landscaped and free from any risk or hazard. 10. Buffer A planting screen/buffer of 3.0 meters wide (minimum) may be provided along the periphery of the area to demarcate the extent of growth of the center. The screen/buffer shall be treated as an integral part of the open space element ans as such shall accessible to and utilized by the consumers.

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