Mission To Chiapas, Mexico – Sept 19-26 9/19 Meet the team at Tuxtla airport and the doctors at the San Cristobal bus terminal. That evening we will make final preparations and will brief the entire team. Please pray for all of the team as they travel on this day. Pray for all the preparations to go well. 9/20 We will leave around 10:00 a.m. for Nuevo Sabanilla. This is the rainy season and the Lord knows that the jungle needs its rain this time of year; however, please join me in asking Him to relent from sending us much of it the rest of this week. Rain makes everything much more difficult to work in, from the people that have to travel in it to those receiving the medical care to every aspect of what we will be doing including traveling on the muddy roads. Pray for safe travel and for us to get there at a decent time to set up camp and prepare for the next day. 9/21-23 We will be treating all that come with medical and Spiritual attention. We are anticipating 300 to 400 medical patients and many of their family members to be there. Please pray fervently for all to receive the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Since we do not have any nurses on this trip, pray that the Lord helps us to assist the docs in helping to treat the physical needs of the people. Pray for all the team members Derek, Eddie, Eunice, Gaby, Graci, Beth, Dr Segundo and his assistant and also for me for health, strength and endurence. We have a very small team and will be working very hard for long hours every day. 9/24 We will break camp and hope to be able to go to Tonina, an ancient Mayan city and then back to San Cristobal. Please pray for good weather and safety in travel. 9/25 We will be in San Cristobal debriefing and repacking for our trip back home. 9/26 We will leave for the airport in the morning and hope to be back home in the evening.